This is actually a superior version of the last of us but I've never seen it talked about

This is actually a superior version of the last of us but I've never seen it talked about

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Other urls found in this thread:

Amicia cute

I love her bros...

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Not when you play as the filthy french.

>tfw rat tornados

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>even less gameplay than tlou

Also a really nice soundtrack

I think the movie game argument is retarded and there's plenty of gameplay in both.

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Have Amicia

She's 15

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>muh gloomy shite
fuck me why does every western dev think that by making a dark and edgy game, their video game will suddenly be considered art and profound? It's just boring, tasteless and has nothing to say

i need amicia lewds, please hurry!

because it's not a snoy exclusive so people aren't pretending to like it


you just had to go there nigga


you went there alright.. damn

But. yeah i agree that first party games get a huge bonus for no reason other than exclusivity

Is this another cinematic experience or does it have actual gameplay?

and funny

every game has gameplay. The only difference is that tasteless manchildren only like their jumping and shooting and can't appreciate anything else

It's mostly a stealth game with some puzzles. There's combat but only viable later on in the game and if you scavanged enough for upgrades.

So, you take her in, love her until she's 18 and she'll be yours. Also not like there was an age restriction in the medieval ages.

Sure man, thats why everyone loves Knack

>but I've never seen it talked about
Not a very heavily marketed game. Should have been as I am watching a streamer play it right now and only now realize its just better last of us.

Wish I had played it before I realized that there was fucking rat magic in this game.

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It unironically is.

It seemed pretty cool when I played it, but then it was filled with fantasy shit


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that's because we didn't know it existed before you started shilling for it

that's probably because gameplay that bores you is bad gameplay

>Shitty fake French accents
>Stupid baby tier "toss the rock to distract" stealth
>No real combat
>No interesting story to speak of
>Shit tier writing in general [their mother pulls the classic "Go without me!" move but within the context, she basically commited suicide so her kids could get a 30 second headstart on somebody who has been on their tail for awhile already]

So, no... It's the shitty SJW Walking Simulator version of The Last of Us. It's like you don't even realize how good TLoU's gunplay was.

>Shitty fake French accents
>not playing in French

Attached: YOU.gif (480x320, 1.59M)

Oh well if there's a French language mode, that's actually worth mentioning in it's defense.

I didn't play the game, all I did was watch an hour on a stream.

This. Plague Tale is a great game, beautiful to look at and wonderfully written.

TLOU is way better in terms of gameplay though. This is probably even worse than Hellblade when it comes to story driven shit, the stealth is just pathetic and there are invisible walls and glitchy collisions that stop you in your tracks everywhere.

I keep playing it because it's surprisingly scary, I'm finding it much scarier than supposedly scary meme games like RE2 or RE7 honestly, and I don't even have the phobia of rats or anything.

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i'm curious to see you explain how plague tale is sjw but last of us somehow isn't. also, what gameplay is better exactly?

I don't know how to put it into words, but it feels like the video game equivalent of oscar bait. Something that tries too hard to check some boxes and forgets to actually tell a good story that isn't safe, predictable and trying to pull your heartstrings.

>i'm curious to see you explain how plague tale is sjw but last of us somehow isn't.
Plague Tale has a young girl MC who wears pants in the 1600s and as far as I can tell, kills off it's only adult male character in the first 30 minutes. Pretty sure Hugo is the only male who remains a major story element who isn't also a villain
> last of us somehow isn't.
TLoU [not TLoU2] features virtually no SJW agenda. There's one gay kiss in the DLC but it might shock you to learn that back then the Devs went out of their way to say that one girl-girl kiss didn't make Ellie a lesbian and that it was just kids being kids for the most part.


Xbox sucks

>what gameplay is better exactly?
Whoops, I forgot to address this part.

TLoU is a very competent 3rd person shooter with extremely weighty and slowly paced combat. TLoU's combat is so strong that it made the multiplayer mode into one of the best parts of the game. Talk to a real-ass TLoU fan and they'll tell you all about how good Factions Mode was. Plague Tale is a shitty "crouch behind the waist high wall" stealth game.

>two movie fans arguing which movie has better gameplay


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completely incorrect on the first point.

>soldiers making rape jokes when she's captured

legitimate yikes. otherwise, great game

really tried to like this game but run from rats and throw rocks down a linear path for 3 hours and i turned it off.

does it get any better like shit

>but then it was filled with fantasy shit
but that's what makes it better than TLoU

>Playing a bad game about disease instead of the superior Pathologic 2
No thanks fag.

TLOU is shit. I don't want any version of it.

Just finished it. Really good game - it really seems like a the proper evolution of story games. Good story and characters that go through linear levels with actual gameplay. I just wish there were some in game choices like saving Arthur and Rodric. Also it could use some difficultly settings for the gameplay. Going lethal against guards makes it too easy, while properly sneaking around is a fair challenge but I didn't know that until after I quickly killed the guards in an area, but it's fine if you limit yourself to non-lethal except for the obvious parts where you have to kill. Proper somber ending that sets up a sequel so I hope we get more games

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it reminds me of young adult books.

>ywn be on the run with a cute older sister who loves and protects you while you comfort each other through troubled times

why live?

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it went from orphans trying to survive a bad situation and having to do horrible shit which was pretty refreshing, but follow through and became a capeshit origin story instead.

gotta admit, it's probably the most unique end boss fight i've played in years

It's actually not, you have shit taste you contrarian shit eater

How did you get 24h? I finished in 12h

maybe if you're one of those idiots who's been memed into thinking TLOU has bad / no combat

idle time and i went back to replay 2 chapters to pick up collectibles i missed. i think my actual play time was ~15 hours

*didn't follow through I mean.
Animica also has the same development problem as Lara Croft.

N-no u

the beyblade battle?

You don't play many games, do you?

I really enjoyed the constant handholding honestly

Was really hyped for the release but then the game went full fantasy and i dropped it. Muh cursed bloodline, Muh alchemy, you were the rats all along. Dub (french or english ) is also pretty bad.

It's adorable, I wish more games had that kind of relationship

she's 15, user


One of the best games I've played in a long time. Can't wait for some Luca SFM.

They never state her age so there's nothing wrong with wanting to bone her at all.

Who the fuck cares. I'd bone her, I'd bone Hugo and I'd bone Lucas. This game is pure fap material for all deviants.

>I'd bone her, I'd bone Hugo and I'd bone Lucas.

Good god user

>Pretty sure Hugo is the only male who remains a major story element who isn't also a villain

So you didn't play the game, or even attempt to watch someone play the game before spouting this bullshit? Just take your (you) and fuck off.

The plagues are for cute only

Except amica

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>wanting to bone Hugo
>but not Rodric

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I'm so glad I played this game without any spoilers because the closer it gets to the end the more retarded it gets, in a good way. I'm glad the devs decided to escalate things instead of trying to keep them too down to earth and end up with a disappointing finale. Fighting a pope-looking guy (who the actual pope hates) who attacks you with gigantic towers of rat tornadoes and then fighting him back with Hugo's own rat tornadoes was the kino moment of gaming 2019 for me.

I don't like men, only cute grills and shotas.

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The walking simulator/movie arguments makes no sense for this game, because while the gameplay is different and more stealth focused, it's still there and the further you get the harder it becomes, I legit died 30 times during the final chapter, no casual will willingly withstand that. Also there's no difficulty selection so git gud or git ratted.

Alright Yea Forums should I buy this or Pathologic 2?

Pants were worn by workers of all kind, especially peasants. Skirt is what women wore when they're not tilling the fields, although some could be desperate enough to do so. When you wear pants as a woman, that means you are often knee-deep in mud. You can actually read about this shit in ye olde medieval text, there had been old ass debates by priests and monks if this was kosher and should be allowed.

Why buy any of them when you can just pirate it?

This. The game isn't a walking simulator, anybody who says that never played the game.

If everybody was a cheap fuck like you we wouldn't have any more games to play.

My only problem is that doing horrible shit didn't seem to affect them enough. Would have been interesting to see them get more and more fucked up the more heinous things you have to do, but instead they just kind of nathan drake their way through it.

>Pants were worn by workers of all kind,
She's the daughter of an extremely wealthy family actually. Sorry champ. The entire first few minutes of the game is people who work for you being murdered. She has no reason to be wearing pants other than the fact that she was recently in the woods with her Dad [trying to hunt boars, an animal known to show resilience against fucking modern firearms with a sling and rocks like a retard.]

I watched a stream and dropped like hot garbage after the mother made a worthless self sacrifice. Completely undermined the story and removed the stakes/investment completely. Retard tier writing. If you want Mommy to nobly sacrifice herself, you gotta contrive a context where her sacrifice makes sense. In Plague Tale, the mother lets herself get impaled and all it does is delay their pursuer by less than a minute.

Oh. That's lame. Video games don't depict medieval dresses enough as it is. What a missed opportunity.

>I watched a stream and dropped like hot garbage after the mother made a worthless self sacrifice. Completely undermined the story and removed the stakes/investment completely. Retard tier writing. If you want Mommy to nobly sacrifice herself, you gotta contrive a context where her sacrifice makes sense. In Plague Tale, the mother lets herself get impaled and all it does is delay their pursuer by less than a minute.

And guess what retard? She didn't actually sacrifice herself, she was saved by a monk. You might as well do some research before opening your big mouth faggot.

Good thing they aren't then. Now back on topic: just pirate both.

Hi Sue. When’s your next video?

As expected from a stream watcher, Maybe actually play games before running your mouth for a whole thread. Also Amicia is a tomboy obviously into physical activity.

And the mother, huh? watch more of the stream next time before getting in a hissy fit like a little bitch.

>She didn't actually sacrifice herself, she was saved by a monk
Oh so they tried to pull my heartstrings but it was ALSO just a lie? That's even worse.

GARBAGE writing and when it's a game like this, that's not acceptable. Games like Plague Tale live and die by the story. That's Why TLoU gets credit and this doesn't. TLoU still gets people debating the morals of it's characters and whether or not it's protagonist is actually a villain.

Doing the clumsy self sacrifice bit just to go "JUST KIDDING!" is just about twice as bad. I wish I didn't even know that. Glad I stopped when I did.

>She has no reason to be wearing pants other than the fact that she was recently in the woods
That literally makes perfect sense retard

A game of someone fumbling around in medieval dress would be retarded

Being this mad. This game's selling point is not actually the storyline, never was. It's the character interactions and the situations characters find themselves in. And A plague tale is flawless in that regard.

>Mother sacrificed herself, this is stupid
>Well, actually she didn't
>Oh wow, she didn't sacrifice herself, that is REALLY stupid

There's just no pleasing you faggots.

He's just a bitter faggot desperately shitting on every game he can to feel like he's smarter than he actually is. I'm just glad there's still some great solo games like this one.

user, she's wearing fucking Medieval Styled Lululemons. Don't start with defending it. It's moronic.

>This game's selling point is not actually the storyline
> It's the character interactions and the situations characters find themselves in
All of that is innately and profoundly reliant on the story and writing that goes into all that.

If she actually didn't, it's just hollow emotional manipulation.

I'd be pleased if her sacrifice was actually framed as something meaningful. Like if her getting gutted meant the kids got away on a boat across a river where they couldn't be followed? Or if she gave her life to lure the pursuers away and make them needlessly chase her? Would've been fine. And then when they dropped the twist that she survived? I'd be fine with it, because they're going back to a well done plot point and expanding and elaborating upon it. As it stands, when the Mother shows up again, all they're doing is reminding you of how dumb and forced the initial scene was.

I've met people who complain about cinematic games that have no gameplay, then go farm in a singleplayer JRPG for 80h and call it fun.

>he literally idled 9 hours
what the fuck is wrong wtih you

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>user, she's wearing fucking Medieval Styled Lululemons.

Except they aren't and are quite clearly just leather hunting pants.

The only failure of the game in this regard was putting the little flap over her ass so I can't see it.

>She has no reason to be wearing pants other than the fact that she was recently in the woods with her Dad

So you say she has no reason and then list the reason why she is wearing them? Okay.

Once again, the storyline is NOT the focus. Even the devs stated it. Why am I even debating with a bitter idiot who only say the first 10 mins on a live stream anyway.

console fags have the habit of leaving shit running in the background and going to sleep

So? That’s legal age in first world countries

a bit old but i guess that can be ignored

>Once again, the storyline is NOT the focus.
user, you CANNOT make a character focused game that's any good if you don't also have a well written scenario.

Simple as that. Literally no debate to be had.

The game is very long considering it's linear. I also finished it in around 15 hours.

>I'd be pleased if her sacrifice was actually framed as something meaningful. Like if her getting gutted meant the kids got away on a boat across a river where they couldn't be followed? Or if she gave her life to lure the pursuers away and make them needlessly chase her? Would've been fine.

You were just bitching about how stupid it was and how it was a trope. But now all of a sudden you would have been fine with it, so you can bitch instead about how stupid it is that she didn't actually die? Bitch you flop more than dying fish.

t. Elyse

The scenario is still well written for the most part, and you're just raging because of some minor scene that doesn't undermine the rest of the storyline. And the character interactions during the game ARE amazing, and all the characters are memorable. How would you know anyway, you didn't play the game and rage quitted 10 mins after the stream started. Piss off I'm done debating with someone who doesn't know what he's talking about. You're like an evangelical trying to lecture people about science.

Is it James shilling again? reminder this is what he actually looks like, i have no idea how anyone can take that freak seriously, his entire personality is fake.

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>You were just bitching about how stupid it was
Yes. It's EXTREMELY stupid.
>and how it was a trope.
No. I don't care if it's a trope. It's just badly executed.
>But now all of a sudden you would have been fine with it, so you can bitch instead about how stupid it is that she didn't actually die?
Again, it's perfectly okay so long as the sacrifice has meaning. It was just REALLY badly written. The writers are morons and the people praising this are just like the idiots who priased GoW's character stories. You're just a shallow retard who's getting drawn into yet another "family values" story where an older guardian figure protects a younger vulnerable character.

I've been accused of being about 4 people since making the thread, but I don't know e-celebs well. Especially not female ones.


>And the character interactions during the game ARE amazing
I'm willing to bet that they absolutely fucking aren't and that you're a shallow idiot who really buys into the "Protect the Child" vibe. If this wasn't Yea Forums, I'd accuse you o being a 30 year old boomer who's looking at starting a family soon if he hasn't already [the demographic responsible for elevating GoW 2018 to retarded meme status just because of fatherhood themes].

But again, this is Yea Forums so it's more likely that you're just dumb.

Tranny, whatever. All e-celebs are gay as fuck.

More importantly, Amicias braid.

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I didn't read, as I said, your arguments have no validity since you didn't play the game.

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Didn't read but did reply? You're doing it wrong buddy.

How does she keep it up throughout the whole game?

any nude mods yet