What are the chances of getting a qt Scarlett-like gf to play bidya with me?

What are the chances of getting a qt Scarlett-like gf to play bidya with me?

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Find a body pic dude, she's wrecked

You can get girls to do anything with you if you're a nice person that has a good personality and you don't look like a literal pile of puke.
If your daily activity consists in scratching your ass, complaining about jews and trannies all day and the last shower you had was 5 years ago, girls probably won't want to be around you.

you are a fag

Who are these people?

Slut and liberal

me and my gf

cute girl and evil man

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Scarlett Johansson and the guy from Not Another Teen Movie

Long-time friends that got in the biz, started pissing people off because they live their lives.

Only if you are Chris Evans-like yourself.

I think they look cute in this pic, and this is coming from someone that finds Scarlett absolutely repulsive, i hate her in every movie she's ever acted in.
But i really don't see the issue here, what's with the hate?

Spider girl and Captain Crunch

russian spy and american genetic test subject or something

>i hate her in every movie she's ever acted in
even in lost in translation? are you crazy?

Pics or it didn't happen

None from me, I can actually relate to hanging out with friends I've had 15+ years of both sexes.

>have qt such as Scarlett for years
>never marry her
>get cucked by someone else
>despite looking CHAD as fuck

What was Evans malfunction?

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do you appreciate how lucky you are?

He wants to marry America.

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Doesn't he see her as a fembro?

I didn't know they were tight
That's nice

>even in lost in translation
It's her eyes.
She has such a punchable face, i hate it.

>cucks your superhero

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That's Jessica Alba in the first pic

>34 years
I honestly thought she was older

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>even in lost in translation?
Nice tumblrcore basic bitch movie.

Wth I cant understand that, but I think you feel about her how I feel about Jennifer Lawrence.

>What was Evans malfunction?
He's been fucking bitches his entire life and isn't interested in having a full relationship with Scarlett.
He just wants to be friends with her.
This is normal when you're not constantly desperate for pussy and are socially well adjusted and attractive.

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That's a cool tie

ok cool, go back to watching Bela Tarr or something idc

>she was frikkin 25/26 when she did Black Widow

Damn, thought she was in her 30s by then.

prove it

When you fight for freedom OP.

>laugh at slut jokes and get little to no hate from libs and sjws
>loved by muricans
>loved by nerds cause of Cap
>left as hell so he also gets left favor
>gets to be best friends with Scarlett
>his dog loves him

how does he do it

>Bela Tarr
Better than your estronaut art ho flicks.

subhuman wh*tes

He's more for the ducks, user.

Funny how Chris Evans still looks good and yet Scar Jo looks like a sorry sack of biological waste. Just the sight of her makes me want to vomit these days.

He's attractive.
And not the "i'm trying hard to look clean but i just look like a sociopath" "attractive" some right wing personalities try to pull off, he's simply genuinely attractive.
When you're genuinely attractive and don't come off as a stuck up asshole, the entire world loves you.

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he's a fruit


You actually think Scar Jo is qt?
Jesus white people are fucked.

what's cute to you then, nigger?

What did she do?

>What was Evans malfunction?
By going into an obsessed "ORANGE MAN BAD" mode for good boy points.

Lost in Translation is trash.
"Woah is me, I am so depressed, it sucks being rich, white, and with no job or responsibility to speak of, with all these non whites around (kissing my ass).
I cry ery time because I don't understand this ritual at some buddhist temple I CHOSE to visit.
I'm going to go cuck my man with another richer white person now, because I'm a selfish, vapid cunt.

AKA Sophia Copola's spoiled thot memoirs of her formative young adult days.

>What was Evans malfunction?
Video games. And dogs.

Why do you say EVEN in lost in translation like It was a good movie?

you can say that about every movie
>lol how about we throw a cat around? you think people will start thinking about life?

Abusing cats onscreen is always kino purely because of how badly it BTFOs the normie plebs.

>tfw no Evans bf

>lol its kino
damn now I understand, thanks

He likes black girls better

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I would never suggest Thot in Translation was "deep".
>you can say that about every movie.
Every movie is about some lazy and superficial masturbatory scribes from a spoiled rich white cunt's diary? At that point I say end Hollywood indefinitely.
I don't think much of propaganda films.