Why the fuck didn't the devs just add content? They raked in 92 million. What the fuck did they do with the money?This game is so dead that it doesn't even have a /vg/ thread anymore
Why the fuck didn't the devs just add content? They raked in 92 million. What the fuck did they do with the money...
Hopefully it means they just dropped the game and put all that money toward Titanfall 3.
Because the money died up, OP. They used paid streamers to promote the game and hold off get woke go broke for as long as they could reasonably extract money from morons. Now though the streamer tards have moved on and the wokeness and the brokeness have fully settled in.
>Expecting anything more than a pump and dump from respawn
They did titanfall dirty, why would they stop now?
only 92 million?
devs were probably extremely understaffed and ea was betting all the money on anthem so they didnt give a shit
game wasnt built to succeed anyway, it deserved far less than what attention it got to begin with
They literally explained it, just google it. They didn't want to put their team through horrible crunch and opted for a model of fewer but more substantial updates as to not overwork themselves to death. Add that to the sudden success of the thing and yeah.
>a single new gun and a few reskins
>substantial update
I wonder why the game is dying? At least no one got worked too hard though, shame they won't have jobs much longer though.
You don't need to put all your workers into some 2000 hour work day "crunch" just to update the game. It took them 37 days to finally update the god damn game with sound fixes and a hit registration fix. Hell smaller companies update games faster than these guys.
lol not to mention the questionable gameplay changes a few months ago making snipers op as hell
>it deserved far less than what attention it got to begin with
i wouldn't say that, but they definitely didn't intend for it to get so much attention
Game's still got fun core gameplay, queue times still instant.
Why do you zoomers need patch notes every 2 weeks and endless recolour skinner boxes to keep you occupied? You know you don't NEED to play every game 8 hours a day every day you know?
t. has no idea of a game becoming stale or boring
BR is a shit genre.
I'm glad ape legends is dead. Was funny watching quake pros shilling this game and getting signed by e-sports teams to play this shit only to get BTFO in the end.
This is the board that uses twitch views as a measure of quality, we're too old to be here anymore.
Eh, even with the randomized loot I still just go for the best guns which is still a R-301 and either a sniper or a second R-301. And most everyone else does the same or they grab double SMGs or SMG and sniper.
Then it comes down to the gunplay really which is actually pretty fun but gunfights are short, they need to be or else you draw too much attention. And because of the speed debuff shooting someone gives it is nigh impossible to survive an ambush. I like that, it makes it more tactical. But in practice it leads to a lot of hiding. At the 5 minute mark you're pretty much clear to do whatever since most people will be hiding. It gets boring fast.
but the ring closes in and eventually you get to the last 3 squads which, if you're smart, will always go the same way. Hide and wait for the other two squads to start fighting and third-party the fuck out of them both.
I guess powers come into play..but not really. Like maybe a Wraith can survive a little longer but usually people tunnel in on the gunfight. Which is good cause you die fast as shit in that game.
Anyway, it's all very stale and it is largely because of the gameplay loop they created which offers little in the way of rewards and those meager rewards go to the slyest group, not the most proficient. So, it's all just kinda bullshit and gay.
Respawn probably had a deal with EA so that a good chunk of funding could go towards titanfall or other new projects.
they money was rolling in actively and they did nothing with it though. What did they do with the money they gained from their successful marketing campaign?
It was never going to last though, everyone said it at lauch.
Thats a shitty excuse. You are telling me it takes 7 months to add solos and duos? A mode that every other br game these days have at a launch? Fuck off.