Do you like Monster Hunter World?
Do you like Monster Hunter World?
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How was Yea Forums so wrong about Monster meme?
Because thing they don't like is objectively incorrect
>how is it possible for any random user to always be right
Seeing Yea Forums get it wrong is so delicious
Can you imagine how much asshurt this whole board has had this entire gen?
Aren't you tired of constantly making the same thread, OP?
>How was Yea Forums so wrong
Are you seriously asking this question?
I mean the game's pretty shit, GU is pretty much better in every way except graphics but nobody's ever going to play it outside of Japan because it's a hardcore game on the Switch. Maybe the new expansion will fix some of the issues with World, otherwise it's just going to die again in a week.
Yea Forums is never right and has shit taste
I am saying today that Playstation 5 (released 2021) will flop so hard, Sony will be apologizing constantly for it, and retracting its features, removing censorship and removing stream-only always online bullshit only to sell some copies. Also it will cost $700 at launch, one of the reasons of the flop
Lets see how wrong i'l be about that.
>Sony is selling their buildings
>There credit score is junk-tier
>"There won't be a PS4"
I seriously can't wait to taste Yea Forums's tears next gen holy shit
Alot, even more when haters get BTFO with its success
I liked Monster Hunter World but I absolutely hate the retarded levels of console warring, Destiny refugees, and cancerous PC MMOfags that came with it.
Why did they make Nergigante so sexy? That red muscular belly making me feel things
>Can you imagine how much asshurt this whole board has had this entire gen?
About fucking time. PlayStation 3 users were being treated like we didn't belong on this board, even when Microsoft and Nintendo's predictable droughts started. Even when the PS3 library was overlapping the combined libraries of competitors.
Just put a soccer ball in your game if you want it to succeed.
It's ok. It has a lot of the usual monster hunter problems like retarded hitboxes and just plain unfair AI.
Nergigante embodies everything good about MH (part breaking, movement reading, actually learning to play fuckin video games), Lunastra embodies everything bad about it (hitboxes that extend far past the animation, attacks that are too fast to see much less react to, SHE WON'T STAY IN ONE FUCKING PLACE FOR FIVE SECONDS JESUS FUCK)
The PS3 and the PS4 have fucking atrocious libraries.
>I mean the game's pretty shit, GU is pretty much better in every way
It's fucking hilarious to see NintendoGA/v/ being so seething over MHW that many toddlers have gone as low as to ally themselves with Dauntless just to spite MHW. It's pathetic that they are willing to help shilling Dauntless on Yea Forums, hoping that Dauntless will overthrow MHW.
I knew it was going to sell 10 million before the year. In the era where souls games are doing great and everyone is releasing a grind shooter, a formula this unique and new for the normies was going to succeed with a 90% of probabilities.
I like seeing Anons doom posting only to be wrong as fuck.
Also, I do like MHW.
Lmao not my fucking fault you bought a mp3/movie player
Hitboxes are the cleanest they've ever been, and Lunastra is just hyper aggressive. Lingering hitboxes have little to do with what makes her a good fight
Shipped pretty much equals sold. So Sony saying "x amount sold" pretty much means they "shipped x amount".
How you want to present the numbers differs from company to company.
Dauntless is to MHW what MHW is to GU. HTH hun
People were wrong about it not selling but they were absolutely right about it being garbage.
>World was so garbage that fucking Gaijin Hunter himself, the world's biggest MonHun shill to the point where GU credits him, dropped World
It's clear to me that World is mostly played by casuals and bandwagoners.
You're right, they are much cleaner than before. But you still get some bullshit like Lunestra's fire breath coming out the side of her fucking neck.
She WOULD be a good fight if she was nerfed a bit and they chilled the fuck out with the particle effects. As she stands right now you basically have to outgear her, because you will never do enough elderseal to stop her supernova, which means you have to basically GUESS when she's charged up, since at no point does she stop glowing or giving off sparks, and bait it out with a flash pod. Or put on the flameproof mantle and pray but unless you're in full augmented armor it'll still likely kill you if you get caught in it.
>2 years since the MHW leak and MH threads are still full of consolewar and bait
Hopefully Iceborne will be good so we can talk about gameplay again instead of sales and BTFO.
>Seeing Yea Forums get it wrong is so delicious
I agree that it was funny, just like with the Grinch leak being proven fake but still regarding World the cancer it brought to MH is simply inexcusable. Just as the December Nintendo direct ended up being severely underwhelming and disappointing
Yes, I love it. I love older MH games more, but I'm glad World exists. I hope Iceborne will bring a ton of new monsters and more challenge. I doubt it, but I hope they bring back deviants. Tempered monsters are boring as fuck. There's no reason to fight them, since they drop the same materials as their regular counterpart. It's just for the decorations, so the monster doesn't matter.
I love it, but I can't settle on a main out of gunlance, hunting horn and HBG and I've completely stopped progressing because of my crippling indecision. Help me Yea Forums.
If you still value literally any opinion Yea Forums has even the slightest consensus on, you very simply haven't been here long enough.
Never ask for this boards opinion on anything. The only time Yea Forums can be right is when a 7 year old can be right.
Yes. I’m looking forward to Iceborne. Gone back to playing 4U in the meantime though. The only problem is going back to the 3ds feels even worse to play after being able to use a real controller.
Go for something completely different like SA, CB or GS.
VtMB is a great game. So is Deus Ex. There's barely any consensus here to start with and thinking Yea Forums is any form of a hivemind, you're literally a newfag.
>Iceborne gameplay
>cancel attack animations into a nothin' personnel grapple hook into a finisher
nah, MH is dead
Why don't you play MHGU user. I'm a worldbaby and got MHGU after playing World for 100 hours since I wanted more MonHun. I fucking love it a lot more than MHW and it's fucking enormous. You can also play with an actual controller if you get the Pro controller. It's expensive, but extremely comfortable.
World is still by far the worst/most boring MH I've played. I only put about 200-300 hours before dropping it completely.
To be clear the things I think need to be nerfed are simple shit like her across the arena lunge could be a tad slower so it doesn't look like a clip from Paranormal Activity, and maybe make obviously directed attacks like her fire breath and claw swipe actually hit where they appear to instead of just a giant rectangle surrounding the entire front half of her body. And chill out with the dot on her supernova.
>MH gameplay
>dodge roll through the sun exploding
m8 MH has always been mediocre to bad. but much like planetside 2, it offers a unique experience that mostly makes up for it
Nah man, you need more practice
Her nova can be avoided with constant superman dives away from her, windproof 5 stops you from flinching, or you can just flat out KO/stunlock her face easily with something like bow+impact mantle stacking with the topple damage threshold. Also Astera Jerky replenishes all red damage you incur so you shouldn't die at all unless you get caught with an unfortunate chain combo
Fire pluming from her neck is due to the trajectory of her flame, note how with a monster like Teostra, you can stand at his neck and wail on his head while he does the sweeping fire attack.
Basically, Lunastra was made as a fight to patch up how easily hunters dealt with Teostra - flash pod nerf, bad damage hitboxes on everything but face and wings, usual "safe" areas are littered with blue mine fields, etc. Almost like they wanted people to not say she's just a reskin
Consensus =/= hivemind dipass
And VtMB and Deus Ex being good are pretty much universal opinions here, so I'm not sure if your point is Yea Forums is or isn't a hivemind.
Possibly the greatest image ever on Yea Forums, not because of bait because le fuck nintencels etc. It's amazing because it shows that Yea Forums, even in the moment, when enough autists come together, make you believe in that moment "hm.. maybe they have a point" but in reality, all of Yea Forums have no fucking idea what they're talking about, and will always, be wrong.
what the fuck do you even fight with? I use melee and stand by its hips and I have no trouble with the fight why the fuck do you want it nerfed
Yea Forums is definitely a hi/v/emind.
Shut up faggot
Ghost Trick was great
God Hand was great
Etrian Odyssey was great
Shut up and die
>anime poster
>opinion is complete dogshit trash
What a surprise.
You will never be able to talk about monster hunter without seething bing bings again until they get a shitty switch port of it
you're on nintendoGAF buddy.
It's insane to me how people were unironically using the number of people posting in the thread, to see how much it would sell. I do believe Yea Forums overestimates just how little significance this place has.
Yea Forums honestly believed there would not be a PS4.
what the hell are you doing
>Nintendo got the better game.
>He thinks they're angry about it for some reason
?????? The only retards here are people who can't possibly accept the fact that MHW is boring as shit compared to a lot of other Monster Hunter titles.
For the record, I played it on my PS4, so shut the fuck up with this baiting shit.
>Garbage like Monster Hunter is Capcom's best-selling game
Video games are dead.
Teostra's sweeping fire attack has the opposite problem. It has no hitbox until like 15 feet out. You can stand directly in front of it through its entire diration and not get hit. Shit's stupid.
>Basically, Lunastra was made as a fight to patch up how easily hunters dealt with Teostra - flash pod nerf, bad damage hitboxes on everything but face and wings, usual "safe" areas are littered with blue mine fields, etc. Almost like they wanted people to not say she's just a reskin
Yeah and that's all a great idea. But she REALLY needs more polish for that level of difficulty. Things like the tail swipe hitting farther forward than it appears. If they want that spot to not be safe, they have to at least SHOW it. Or at least have her use the claw for the side you're on to hit you. Little things like that.
Will Yea Forums ever be right? Or is that strictly reserved for /pol/?
Yeah you got the better game bing bing :) now please ruining world threads! You win GU is the best game ever! :) now please stop
I hate how shitty the series' music has become.
>And VtMB and Deus Ex being good are pretty much universal opinions here
I see you haven't been around long. It's the two games Yea Forums agrees on the most, and still you'll have a lot of people saying they're shit and overrated every thread you mention them.
I'm saying there's never a consensus on Yea Forums, because the entire nature of Yea Forums doesn't allow a consensus. I used those two games as an example of that, because newfags thinks Yea Forums 'agrees' that they're great, when in reality they're shit on all the time.
I remember all the doom and gloom with MHW, with people calling it "cinematic" of all things because there were no weapon combos shown in the first trailer. As if the MH team wasn't notorious for weapon spotlight videos or anything...
/pol/ is unfortunately, always right. The only time Yea Forums has ever been right, and this was what set off all this doom posting, was, TORTANIC. that was a genuine sinking ship but to be fair, it didn't take a genius to see that coming.
Back to >>>/plebbit/
I can just smell the new on you.
>Calls me a bing bing
>When I've already said I own a PS4.
What the actual fuck is wrong with you, retard.
Which is why I used the qualifier "slightest" and no matter what doesn't take away from the fact that this place shouldn't be heeded.
>cancels are bad in an action game
yes bing bing you own a ps4 and not telling fibs online! we get it, world is casual bad bad game and GU is super duper hardcore bing bing wahoo hunter arts frontier shit best game ever okay! dude fr*king rocket dragons!!! now please stop ruining comfy monster hunter threads
>when in reality they're shit on all the time.
No they're not.
Yea Forums is an obvious hivemind
This place will tell you both that a game is shit and looks great. Just because you only look at the opinions you think are wrong and ignore the people who agree with you, doesn't make it a consensus.
>It's a hardcore game on the Switch
>literal fisher price toy for baby Asian hands gacha machine
Please. Cope harder.
Is MHW your only Monster Hunter game? Surely it is,.
>every game needs to be Devil May Combo Autism
Lurk moar newfag
>a game is shit and looks great
That's every Ubisoft game though.
post your copy of world with timestamp
>M-muh YouTubers...
He doesn't play much GU either, franchise fatigue, lifestyle, and "lack of content" are big factors for his break. But keep deluding yourself that he and many others won't jump back on Iceborne full force.
I can guarantee I've been here longer than you. I've been here for over a decade.
>the only action game with cancels he knows is DMC
>he's also bad at it
play more games
I don't care, whether or not Yea Forums can reach a majority opinion on a thing (it can and has) is irrelevant to my point.
I've been here since I was 17 and I'm 29 now. So no, I don't believe you and you're wrong.
It's okay. Sets down a modernized framework which is fine, but it'll take another game for it to produce something amazing. However I cannot forgive the fact that Monster Hunter threads ever since have been royally fucked six ways to one, to the point where /trash/ is possibly the only bastion of good MH threads.
Two steps forward two steps back. A lot of QoL changes were good but holy shit were some choices retarded.
>tail swipe
Sh'es got two different ones, and the only thing I got from it was that her tail is longer than Teostra, and she will gladly try to hit me with it even when standing right in front of her. So she knows it's long and quick. It does crack me up when I see her swat me with it, and manage to attempt two other quick hits before I can even get up from the invuln frames. Like damn bitch relax
The game gives you a lot of tools to deal with her, and even introduced the temporal mantle with her questline, so my assumption is that she was one big experiment. Definitely overtuned, but keep in mind everyone was bitching about how "easy" MHW was right up until T.Jho was released. And then Lunastra, and then AT's, Behemoth, A.leshen, etc came after just to help push difficulty on par with some of the hardest content ever released.
Lunastra just demands a little more focus is all. Notice how no one complains about Teostra ever, so I legitimately think what they did with her is fine
Post cute monsters NOWWWWWW!
I cannot forgive a lack of jaggis
Best early monsters
Yea Forums should stop thinking that every game that is yet to come out is gonna be a flop if you ask me
Honestly its because everyone expected capcom to fuck it up. Games much better than expected.
The core of MH is fucking amazing. its just always been hard to get into. The monsters look amazing and are cool to fight. Just getting all the mechanics down and getting to the point where it becomes fun is more effort than most would be willing to put into it.
The only thing its missing now is monster roster which will slowly add up. For each of the other games theyve been just porting shit since they all look the same minus slight changes between titles if even that. Takes a ton more work to create a mhw monster than to port an older monster. Everything else is minor and will likely improve with time. Weapon/armor models being samey for example.
Cope harder, you absolute faggot.
Monster Hunter was the entire reason I bought a PsP, the entire reason I bought a Wii, and the entire reason I bought a PS4.
>start game
>walking and talking bullshit
>great jagras doesn’t even fucking attack
>fight some turkey vulture trex during freeroam and it’s barely aggressive at all
>chase rock dodo for what feels like ever since it keeps running
>still dealing with the hunting horn downgrade
I hope it gets better. Probably going to farm the rock dodo for a poison hh.
Biggest issue I have is 9/10 best weapons and armors come from the same 3 monsters.
I blame element being so nerfed and tied to Raw.
>printing out a fake insert and putting it into your chad roommates fifa case
oh no no no no no
thanks for funding the series and adding a sale to mhw
Poison HH is pukei pukei. A monster limited by being a rathian clone
I was optimistic for World. Game has a solid foundation, and just needs to be refined way more.
The colorful thing the game wouldn’t let fight right away, yeah that was my mistake. Still it looks like it could be interesting.
>Getting mad someone called out your shit.
I started with World and played GU at the board's recommendation. GU is harder but not that much harder. The most difficult part of playing GU was getting used to the old way of selecting items which is pretty atrocious considering the Switch also has dual analog sticks. The early quests are harder but I honestly thought the deviants and AT monsters were on par with each other.
I'm playing P3 right now and this game is a joke compared to both World and GU.
>Tries to call me out
>Is now backpedaling twice as fucking hard.
Remember this the next time you try to call someone a BingBing, you fucking aspie.
MHW was a gigantic let-down. MHW being your first Monster Hunter ever doesn't make it a good game.
fucking delete this!
Sounds like projection. I think true mad is listening to some shit poster, getting a piece of paper, writing down the time, and date, taking the picture and then uploading it. You need to stop taking this all so serious user
People horribly overrate the PsP games. For my money, 3U is the absolute best Monster Hunter.
>y-you so mad bro
This is pathetic.
>Prove this thing!
>Here's proof.
What is wrong with you?
Stop projecting.
You only confirmed your terrible taste.
Her tail swipe is a lot different than Teo's. She uses it to fan flames and set the ground on fire, so it makes sense that it hits a bit behind her. She also puts her butt lower so it'll hit you if you try to hide in her ass, though there's a safe spot just barely outside of it. But it also hits really far FORWARD. But no i dont' have any HUGE problems with Luna. She just needs to chill the fuck out. And actually get a reasonable indicator of supernova charge. MECHANICALLY she's a great fight, just overtuned.
Vaal Hazak, on the other hand, is dumb as hell. His tail swipe doesn't even look like a tail swipe until it hits you and slowly pushes you out of the way. And then he tail swipes at you. And misses because he JUST pushed you out of his range like a moron. Also he just stands there for entire minutes at a time letting you wail on him hoping you choke to death on his farts. It's such a dumb fight.
At the moment i'm fighting everything in the witcher gear because I quit playing before deviljho got released and started again with the fest so NOT GREAT STUFF TO BE FAIR.
>try to provide discussion that X game is bad.
>LMAO, you only hate it because bing bing nintendo xdd
>Actually, no, I don't care about consolewar shit, and you're just retarded.
>Prove it :^^))
How am I projecting anything? You're the one asshurt someone called you out.
Stop projecting.
Stop pretending to be other people, you're typing the same.
Imagine being that completely wrong. I would honestly just stop posting at that point.
You're an absolute retard and proof that that the only one instigating consolewar shit are retards who have only ever played World and not a single other entry.
still it's not a difficult game at all. I played it after friends talked about the series for years and I had to retry 2 maybe 3 times through the entire game. every mh fag is such a blowhard.
>Destiny refugees
What? I can't imagine there is much overlap between the two.
It's nothing compared to From Software's famously difficult and most beloved series Armored Core.
You don't have to keep replying. Just stop and close the thread so you don't continue to embarrass yourself.
Not trying to provoke you or anything, but do you solo shit? Or do you only play Multiplayer/use your cats/helpers?
Blown the fuck out lmao. Worldlets are pathetic.
Why would you post proof of your mental illness as if it's an argument?
Game looks good, is it worth it for a comfy solo experience where I can just have a good one killing monsters, getting nice gear and dressing up my cat?
Nobody claimed MH was hard. It just doesn't hold your hand
now imagine if the game was actually good.
>Chad? Can I see your copy of World? I need to win an argument online!
MHW was right at the time when people were becoming massively disenfranchised with Destiny and were looking for another looter game. Streamers, communities, guilds, content creators etc. were all hopping on the MH bandwagon and there was most certainly an overlap. Obviously that's less the case now but it did shape the current community.
Not that guy but honestly that fucking cat gets me killed more than anything else.
>Alright i'm in the monster's safe zone let me just wind up this attack and
>monster leaps four miles away to attack my palico, hitting me
>Ok...quick mega potion and
>monster changes its mind and tackles me again
Cope harder.
Literally seething
It's easy to point out the times when it works against you, but Palicos are more helpful than people give them credit for. They take aggro and can give you little boosts as well.
I've just found that more and more people who claim MH is easy only ever play Multiplayer/Always use their palicos.
I just wish the game didn’t have all the live-service nonsense. The overpriced microtransactions, limited time event quests, and Kulve Taroth with her RNG weapons are so disappointing. I hope the next game is more like Generations Ultimate.
Almost all of the game is solo-friendly.
he's asking for them to nerf monsters
solo and with friends
palico makes it easy as fuck just use the vigorwasp one and you never need to heal
i solo'd most of the early game, but playing with people online (and getting online content) is the best part imo.
i don't do mmo shit either, mainly SP
Stop projecting.
One issue I have with world is how many weapons have redundant moves now.
Longsword literally never needs the spirit combo anymore and IG is one button.
Just remember the next time you want to say "BING" you're going to get absolutely dumpstered, again.
I wouldn't need to heal as much if the monster would stay in one goddamn place for five seconds either.
I just run plunderblade for extra loot or mewolatov for faster clears.
Stop projecting.
Stop projecting.
My biggest complaint about that is gunlance's combos. What the actual fuck. After various attacks, Y+B is wyvern's fire, overhead smash, or wyvernstake thrust. And overhead smash is, at various points, Y+B, Y, or B. NOTHING is consistent about it. I can't at any point say "ok I want to overhead smash" and hit a button combination, and reasonably expect it to do what I wanted without reading the combo helper first.
I've liked it for 70 hours, played it solo for every single quest excepting when I needed to farm to upgrade my equipment.
And then just ended, using tempered monsters as a pitiful excuse for end game content.
Played 30 hours more and dropped it to never touch it again.
It's not a bad game but it's a real letdown MH wise, so much of a letdown that I'll skip Iceborne to have more content to play on MHW2
I agree. Monsters are skittish and even more prone to trying long-range attacks in world for some reason.
Stop projecting.
And to be clear about this, you CAN overhead smash from almost any point. But each point changes the button combination you need to do it.
based nu-monster hunter thread discussion
I want alchemy switchaxe to return
The Playstation 4 is good
Solely for playing fighting games since PS4 was deemed the standard
Some changes are so weird. Like CB being made even easier than 4u.
it's enjoyable, but not as good as other entries in the series
why are the movesets so fucking boring? you basically have to switch weapons or else you'll get bored out of your mind playing the game
They saw the flow chart memes and decided every weapon needs to have flowchart combos.
last 2 generations of monhun have been as mainline as frontier
not going to change that
I think we need a third attack button.
Part 3 of the FFXIV crossover will include strictly linear weapon combos that leave you completely fucked if the monster decides to move or do anything to interrupt you. Please look forward to it.
I want a Paolumu wife
Out of everything the Gen games introduced the #1 thing I'd like to see return are oils.
should I get this and grind solo on PC
is it fun to get good at like a fighting game
I'm not the one who started it. He is for thinking "BING" is an aversion for criticism on this game.
kek seriously it's like playing a fucking dynasty warriors game
Blinded by Nintendo fanaticism
Oils and double notes are two mechanics I doubt anyone would say shouldn’t return.
Kill yourself.
It's literally a gypceros if gypceros was exclusively a "spits poison" monster that can roar and have its tail cut.
What does this prove exactly? I don't care about your game collection.
As much as I hate this meme I have to respect the user who managed to brute-force it into use
Fun for first 15 hours, all weapons feel great, then the meta appears to be a huge waste of time. World is my first and probably last Monhun. Won't buy dlc.
Monster hunter peaked for me in 3rd gen
Shit kind of got too wonky 4th gen onward
I am waiting to see what a real 5th gen would look like, not the generations/world spinoffs, until then im just going to keep playing Freedom Unite since its the only one I haven't 100% cleared.
>had to mod the game just to fight Kulve whenever I wanted so I could learn the fight and not get chimped out by pubs when I didn't know shit.
No, I fucking hate this Semi-MMO bullshit and prefer older MH. RNG Decorations < RNG Charms too. That's incredible bullshit, and I don't think MHW has any armor with Torso Up to circumvent the "MUST HAVE" autism of said RNG decos in certain amounts.
Never played it, never cared for it. I did hear its a fun game, I might check it out someday.
don't talk about fun things in a grittyreal/darkgrim World thread user
because Yea Forums is nintendogaf
Is it worth getting MHW to play offline?
Really not a fan of MMOs
i'll cope your mom lmao
>anime poster
Of course they were wrong.
Yeah. Most of the content can be done offline. Some people have even managed to solo the mutliplayer event shit.
Because people cared about sales of MH games despite they are/were meaningless about whether the games actually good or not.
Plus World was literally marketed toward the casuls and newfags, it couldn't financially fail no matter what.
Seething nintendfag false flagging claiming Yea Forums is one person