ITT: Vidya with impressive dynamic day/night system and unique week events...

ITT: Vidya with impressive dynamic day/night system and unique week events. Videogames with dynamic weather system are fine too.

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Days Gone can watch the snow turn the World white

I wish they add unique events tied with the weather system

user, i...


they do

Harvest Moon A Wonderful Life. There where weather events so rare you could miss them entirely.

Here's your reply

I don't remember another popular videogame for GBC who has day/night cycle with exclusive 'mons at day/night and weekly events.

>harvest moon
>stardew valley
>breath of the wild
>animal crossing
anything else?

You talk as if day night was impressive but Dragon Warrior III did it in the NES (And GBC) also Harvest Moon had a much more complex schedule system, even the GBC ones.

i always loved when it rained or snowed in wow. i remember night time being cool before they removed it

Attached: orcgiggle.gif (294x233, 3.95M)

I think you're just dismissing it because it's Pokemon.
>Harvest Moon
>Much more complex
Lol get fucked

Farming RPGs are great for day/night and week events
RF3 is the GOTYAY
I miss the old days too

Didn't both the Tony Hawk Underground games have a day/night thing or is it only the second one? Either way skating around at night to Mid Life Crisis and Rappers Delight is comfy as fuck

This is a really nice monitor brightness comparison, what about the day/night cycle?

It is considering the schedules were more than just a simple day or night switch.
There's nothing complex about that.

I like the weather system and storms in horizon zero dawn

Uncharted Waters 2

Both the Dark Cloud games had a day/night system. In the first game the music drops out and all you have are ambient noises and footstep sounds which is pretty cool

Was it that think that falls and produces smoke?

Dragon Quest 3 had a pretty good one, especially for an NES game.

Yeah it’s good shit

There are no seasons in DQ3.

DAAAAAAMN that sucks for Zelda fans boiii

how can a "goty" game get so BTFO'd by a random Yea Forums nigga

Wait, they removed the day/night cycle in WoW?

They fucked up the night but they went back. I think they removed heavy snow and heavy rain

Attached: CnJ80TH.jpg (3840x6480, 2.5M)

animal crossing

You mean a star fragment, I guess. And that's a column of light and not smoke in case you meant that.

Honestly go fuck yourself

Based retard

>turn brightness down
>call it night

I don't usually say this