This is Lara Croft the queen of gaming, say something nice about her and post rare Laras

This is Lara Croft the queen of gaming, say something nice about her and post rare Laras.

Attached: 1547162103707.png (1080x1876, 2.92M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Best Lara voice is Keeley

Attached: Keeley_2724-3.jpg (602x800, 203K)

OP here, absolutely based my friend, have a Lara

Attached: 1557683629324.jpg (2048x2045, 739K)

I love Lara!

Attached: 1557666677472.webm (864x486, 2.98M)

Created for horses

Please delete this, thank you.

Thanks. Have a Keeley.

Attached: Keeley-Hawes-keeley-hawes-869076_1568_1920.jpg (1568x1920, 256K)

We aren't talking about your mums ark of a vagina.

I love my beautiful and perfect wife Rise Lara.


Me too! This is a picture from our wedding day when I married her!

Attached: 1547507636619.png (1024x757, 1.26M)

If my wife, Lara Croft, would allow me then I would drink Keeleys pee.

If nu-Lara is so great, why didn't her own devs like her tits anyomore? What happend to her great tits from the original reboot?

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>The reboot director is a ryona fag

Figures. Then again, the games are so piss easy that I never saw 99% of those death scenes until they got posted here on Yea Forums.

She goes well with wolves!

Because you're finally becoming a man of culture my friend.

Looks the same to me.

>Ywn fuck Keeley from behind as she stares off into the void wondering what it's all about

I really want to _be_ Lara.

I, too, would be depressed if I was rich, famous, and desired by millions. Such a hard life.

Are you a girl

It sounds like you have it all already, apart from the money, fame and people liking you parts.

I can be if you want me to be :3c

she had a nice bush in that

Yeah ok the

>the queen of gaming
She was at one time, until all of those awful sequels.

they shrank them between 2013 and 2015 though

She still is, no one ranks higher than her.

Attached: 1557680577573.jpg (720x960, 43K)

Post pics

I want to put a baby in her while holding hands so badly.

Hit me up with them pics senpai

Attached: 1557840645799.jpg (1909x2159, 453K)

I want to nurse her through pregnancy with our child and look after her and my child both until the end of our days.

Attached: 1557839638495.png (452x382, 337K)

You're reading my mind to a T here. Lara means the world to me.

Attached: Lara.png (1722x869, 1.91M)

She truly is the best girl.

Attached: 1546457591498.jpg (2560x1080, 185K)

Wow, my wife is cute!

The angles are all fucked up, it's not a direct comparison

That ass though

Post pics of your wife! Here's mine!

Attached: Lara-Croft-Rise-of-the-Tomb-Raider-trailer.jpg (1280x720, 115K)

Lara is the most beautiful woman, real or fictional, and I would do anything for her.

Me too fellow Lara fan

Attached: Shadow.jpg (580x334, 27K)

God the reboot games are so fucking bad


Attached: m6gmz01dnwl11.jpg (2048x1152, 120K)

Suprisingly difficult to find a side profile of 2013 lara

Attached: a119e3a37a23c963a404b5e993e89c31--tomb-raider--laura-croft.jpg (236x314, 17K)

She's hot!

Attached: Smug.jpg (491x646, 16K)

Here is your wife too.

Attached: CaY7WYX.jpg (368x511, 20K)

She's perfect!

This woman is an impostor.

I love Lara too, but when are we getting the game installment that shows us why she loves horses so much ? I didn't understand it in the CGI movie - so out of nowhere

Attached: 7L8UCjX.png (423x710, 420K)

Thanks! Here she is about to kiss me!

Attached: 1546460650934.jpg (3840x2160, 782K)

Best Lara Croft!

Attached: images.jpg (220x280, 12K)

Attached: BOB.png (1280x720, 939K)

All Laras are best!

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Will he ever go back to lara lads? The Quiet series hasn't been nearly as good.

Attached: WhenYouNutButTheHorseKeepsGoin.jpg (644x610, 60K)

For all the shit people talk about this I've yet to see one person post this so called footage.

quiet clips are trash, who fucking wants to see that shit ? Literally boring as fuck. Lara was kino because of how much into it she was, and she was doing stuff. Quiet is just a model getting fucked, boring

>not posting superior Lara

Attached: caroline.jpg (356x523, 22K)

The samurai ghost smashing her is pretty good

"Lara with Horse"
Search for yourself

>literally first result in google on lara with horse



I don't think she was that famous or rich until recently

What's so bad about this?

Attached: (480x269, 25K)

I prefer wolves to be honest

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Nothing, it's the sequel breaking the Quiet that no one likes

Big, juicy lips.

We need more Laras in this topic, stat!

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Attached: when the knot gets in.jpg (1192x672, 56K)

fpbp as always

So info about next game being in development was just a gossip or there are some proofs to that?

Attached: tomb_raider__evolution____20_years_anniversary__by_larreks_darehaq.jpg (5184x2916, 897K)

I want to lie down and have all those Laras tickle and rub me!

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nuLara is literally only good for lewd. Her games are absolute fucking trash that cater to the lowest common denominator a.k.a. zoomers and spics.

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Please, do not be angry.

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based. Horses are too unrealistic

This raider is a cutie pie.

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That's a great picture of my wife, Lara Croft.

She's gonna end up with a giant clit, giant nipples and other sickening body deformations, isn't she?

I keep telling them it's physically impossible to have sex with a horse but they keep memeing that it is possible.

My wife is the standard of beauty all other women should be held to. Nobody compares.

>tfw I still have that porn of Lara fucking that kid relentlessly

>objectively speaking for 3 games they have been hinting that Laura rape scene is going to be their ultimate trump card to spur you to care about her if they need another hit game

Attached: F8ADFBBF-EC10-48A3-A2F7-C03BCA81EA17.jpg (1282x752, 334K)

Yes, she does

>another hit game
Kind of hard to do that when only one was a hit...

you incels need to get laid.

Past 3 sold better than the previous 2 the first one being the one everyone expected a rape scene in, I expect it as their last ditch effort, it may block out after you hear her cloths being ripped off but it will happen and the rest of the game will be her coping with it

Just a reminder again that Keeley Hawes is the best voice for Lara

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I’m not that user, but I want you to be my girl!

But I have a gf (female) I'd fire her out of a catapult in a heartbeat for Lara though.

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>the real question is after they pull the rape card does she become a man hating feminist or a venerable waif

I'd fire all of my semen inside of Lara until she bears my children.

A rape scene wouldn't even make sense, lara has superhuman strength and agility and can effortlessly kill hundreds of trained soldiers how could she even be put in the position where someone could rape her

Does it trigger anyone else when americans call her Laura instead of Lara?


Lara is a stupid sounding name, but that is her name so yes, it is annoying when people call her Laura

It almost happened in the first nu raider, it can be done

Attached: best lara.jpg (1500x999, 96K)

Lara is a normal girl well trained if fucking Batman can be molested so can she

>british noblewoman steals historical treasures from impoverish 3rd world countries

did they retcon this in the reboot?

She would be raped by ancient Summerian god (think Marduk or Baal) to bring his divine children into the world and enslave humans under tyranny of gods like in primordial times. The plot of the game is to stop his plans. Lara's belly starts to glow with golden light and grows as the game progresses.

Attached: leteer2.jpg (523x515, 49K)

What the fuck is stupid about this name? It's beautiful.

Attached: lara_croft_relic_run_01_by_henning-d9fkooi.jpg (894x894, 197K)

My favourite part of Lara threads is being able to post pics of Keeley and technically be on topic

Attached: best lara again.jpg (499x600, 59K)

Doubt they would do that but they could say she was raped during her early years which changed her whole view regarding men or some shit, kotaku would eat that shit up

She's barely noble, they tried as much as they could to make her "grounded", also she's saving the world and helping people like a goody two shoes she is, especially in the last game where you make errands for everybody in that village.
She's a different character.

Attached: missing_something__by_jagodibuja-d8v0dtc.jpg (1024x1192, 175K)

I'm really disappointed there's no porn depicting her getting raped by that Russian guy at the beginning of the 2013 game who thought she looked like his sister.

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I discovered their art by complete accident, and I've got to say I don't know anyone else who could do a 180 in desirability from pic to pic.

Post more

The kid from Mass Effect?

Whoa whoa whoa, espera un momento gringo. As a spic, i can safely say that I nor any of my mexican buddies play lara games

T.b.h., I have no idea where that kid came from.
I think he is just a character the pr0m animator made. Thing may even be a stock character. I really dunno.

But Lara skin, sweaty and facial expressions on that one short clib are top notch. Jesus.


Attached: keeley hawes 80878.jpg (3676x4880, 3.29M)

I think we mean the same one, its tagged as the kid from Mass Effect. Used to be one of my favs too

she looks great naked

She used to look great in her 20s and 30s. Shes in her 40s now.

Is she topping the kid in a dark badroom while looking just outside the camera view (probably like "streamming" or recording herself fucking, looking at a monitor to check herself out)

>Shes in her 40s now.
and she is still hot

Even better

Post current age pic of her

Yep. The others in that series weren't as good.

I dont even care about the kid. But the textures and facial expressions there where so well made that I remember still.
Even the sweat they got it right. Now that is some dedication to the craft.

Lara was unironically somewhat repsonsible for me realising I'm a degenerate tranny. Little kid me watching that super graceful handstand up on to a platform and thinking "I want to be that..." rather than "I want to fuck that..."
May or may not have practiced the Lara walk in private, too.

Attached: 1532559110701.gif (440x337, 3.89M)

>He doesn't just automatically make allowances for burgers being brainlets, the same way you don't blame small children for being idiots.
How do you survive on the internet?

Attached: 5504.jpg (700x1050, 79K)

Hasn't that ugly old crone got some self-harming to do?

Attached: 1543370066638.png (640x478, 431K)

What age are you?

Hideous abomination

We aren't talking about your mum m8 lmfao


It'll be ok user


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>ctrl f "horse"
you did well Yea Forums

Eat horse shit

She's a slut for black cocks

Attached: 4L_OsHppZvb.webm (600x800, 590K)

>cuckposter can't even see that she's getting fucked by a white man in that webm

She looks uncomfortable here.

>nu Lara

Attached: nepu nepu yikes chan.png (512x512, 80K)

>Anime poster

Webm not related?

Will there be any more pics of Keeley Hawes posted in here or is that the end of it?

There is a better Lara Croft.

Attached: hulACIF-ypBsZ8_tOT-_wyVTq4ZY3peDBjR3lewgI9I.jpg (1024x576, 97K)


>You came home and see this in your bedroom

What you will do?

Attached: 1554659246045.png (1207x705, 626K)

goblin get ye gone

Impregnate while holding hands

Here is your Lara, bro.

Attached: 8fcb52f06428e3167a61db53452d8e37.jpg (634x864, 86K)

Yes, most anime posters are the gay

Shoo shoo there is nothing to raid here!



No thanks, BRO

Wish StudioFOW remade Lara in Trouble since their animation has gotten a lot better over time.

Attached: trlara.jpg (1169x1920, 320K)

>he doesn't know

I have to return some video tapes

Prove it

Google : 2 guys 1 horse.

Connect my linga with her yoni to achieve oneness.

Attached: 8.jpg (1920x1080, 169K)

they're still here. they just made her waist bigger to make her look more like a realistic human.

That isn't how you spell Chun Li or Samus, who came first and have had far bigger impact on the industry.

nuLara is for pissing, humiliating and rimming me while I passionately fuck true Lara

Attached: cf2409d9217b2d588f56b9c16b514f56.png (636x960, 1.24M)

Have you played Lara's weg yet?

Attached: goons raid her.jpg (1632x921, 207K)

enji is a pure girl not for lewd
but nulara deserves to be chained up naked in a truck stop bathroom

Attached: 1513697123867.webm (728x1206, 1.83M)

Time to masturbate, I guess.

Is it finished yet?


what is this and why is she so curious about snoop dogg

Tell me more games in which cute girls suffer horrible fats.

Attached: jess.webm (1280x720, 1.92M)

>cute girls suffer horrible fats.

you have no idea what youve just done

Attached: 57317172_1979000242210378_6218277642836115456_n.jpg (720x714, 39K)

Enji is a fucking goddess. Shame she's a lesbo and won't pass her superior hips and thighs genes down

Attached: 8hgahghtnsv11.jpg (1080x1350, 62K)


>cute girls suffer horrible fats

This actually happened to me.

Oh fuck.

n-no she's just waiting for the right man to sweep her off her feet and make an honest woman out of her and give her many babies h-haha

Attached: 1550876761195.jpg (1080x1350, 90K)

she has a boyfriend. And black step-siblings.

Who is her gf?

I'm dying.

>Noone likes

Attached: question.png (451x485, 224K)

Heh, so I see you've finally come for my Masamune Baka Gaijin Slayer Dragon Blade. *tips fedora* Let's see you take it. Nothin' personnel, kid.

>Hi everyone, my name is Anna, but everyone knows me as Enji. I consider myself as a heterosexual woman.

>Hi everyone, my name is Anna, but everyone knows me as Enji. I consider myself as a heterosexual woman. I was born in Budapest, Hungary in September 30.

Attached: traod_render32.jpg (992x1800, 295K)

no, the new thing is hating rape as a plot device. characters who have the backstory of being raped have had their stories rewritten to not include it.

What's this from?

What game?

Peak Lara.

Attached: tumblr_pf2gp7NEzP1wx9mdfo1_1280.jpg (1280x1280, 196K)

too much edge desu

Danielle Beaulieu > Enji

Attached: oRuhIM7.jpg (961x1201, 66K)

Jurassic Park: The Game

I unironically want to put a baby in Danielle Baloo. It is absolutely ridiculous how perfect she is.

she's fucking an ugly 56% American dude

Does she have Lara cosplay pics though?

Amazing thighs > tits faker than the Holocaust

She was in a really bad situation.

Attached: aod.gif (500x320, 1.3M)

She is not in her prime!!!!

Attached: sottr_screenshot30.jpg (1920x1080, 614K)

this picture couldn't be any more airbrushed

What's the series called?

How do I get a cosplay gf?

Attached: QMs7E7E.jpg (1080x1080, 99K)

>suffer horrible fats

what the FUCK does that mean

Attached: paulie-walnuts-300x258.jpg (300x258, 22K)

No it was her prime.

Attached: 225020_screenshot.jpg (1920x1200, 230K)

Lara looks nice and all but her charachther feels apathetic like she don't really care about others unless it treasure related

get fit & go to a convention ?

And that's the best thing.

Attached: lara_shrugs_by_horus_goddess-dammynt.jpg (682x800, 52K)

its not official but the artist did others were lara fucks kids, just search for those tags

is shadow worth playing?

It's happening whenever you try talking to them.

Stop being a lazy slob

>tfw the grand majority of black cock and cuck posters are white
I just don't understand at this point. Is it a meme? A psyop to make people hate black guys? Or are you legitimately serious?

Attached: confused_black_man-2.png (147x193, 42K)

That artist has no fucking clue about mirrors.

You would be too if you had a dick in your butt.

horses and canines


thank you

Media brainwashing is a thing.

Tried. Wouldn't happen to remember the artist?


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Attached: bestlara.jpg (1920x1080, 400K)

>my hand

Attached: 56232154_2099074296794419_2140414496903004160_n.jpg (720x960, 67K)

I need to breed

Attached: 60485565_2158271694208012_4305404294162546688_n.jpg (719x960, 118K)

I would choose Enji over Lara

Attached: 55759828_2090563827645466_6212461647231975424_n.jpg (720x960, 75K)

God I can't agree with you more. Enji is literally as close to perfect as real women ever have and ever will get.

10/10 for me.

Attached: 54213645_2067038689997980_5545493908093403136_n.jpg (631x960, 128K)

You should kindly fuck off to /cgl/ then.

Attached: laracroft26_by_Nicobass.jpg (2500x3535, 2.29M)

It looks like it got purged off r34, fuck.

Too bad Enji's ass is the definition flat and fat; is very very sad.


Attached: 49212982_1966173780084472_5721254406616252416_n.jpg (960x960, 76K)

Too bad.

Yes, you in the back with your hand up, whats the question?

>I-i just wanted to say that I uh.. I lik-liked watching Quiet getting her pooper reshaped by brutus' massive horse cock.

Somewhat understandable, personally her lack of enthuthiasm kills it for me.
Not to mention the third character, far to much lesbian shenanigans and not enough horse cock taking for my tastes.

Yes, while she does have a stupendous rack and her worshiping brutus' cock was the stuff of wet dreams, he attitude and generally what she decides to do is sub par.

Attached: balancing_act_by_saccharinesweet-d39ve13.jpg (533x900, 393K)

i hate nu-lara... and i am glad that all of her games bombed hard.

Attached: 440.jpg (729x1032, 697K)

except they didn't. TR2013 sold extremely well

13 sold well but square considered it a bomb because it didn't move 20mil units day 1

>TR2013 sold extremely well
released on 10 Platforms and barely sold 8 million.
That's not good.

>Be attractive and fit
>Have money
>Have the skills necessary to help with her cosplay bs (photography, crafting, makeup)