shut up retard
Great, time to cash in on those disability checks.
I hope phone gaming and usage is included
An.. illness?
>anti-gamer pills will be a thing soon
literally WHO
gacha cuckolds spending 10s of thousands for a picture "ooh pretty girl" needs to go at the top of the list
*chugs pill*
wtf I love women and minorities now?
bluepills already exist
send me one, I really need it
Nobody can deny now that gamers are the most oppressed group in the world... We have become the most endangered minority.
They are pretty clever. No intelligent human being would play that game without a monetary incentive.
can't wait for my gamerbucks to help me live with my crippling addiction with no chance of recovery save for killing myself
yes addiction is an illness
is Yea Forums addiction a mental illness
hmm but then gaming did not needed to be singled out
>same organisation says trannies aren't mentally ill
Sure man
Which came first, the autism or the Yea Forums lurking?
They classify addiction as something like ten hours of total game time a week. Ten hours, 1.4 hours a day.
Tell me what the fuck you can achieve in 1.4 hours of time playing a video game. That's barely scraping the surface of games with actual content.
what about social media disorder
stop being sarcastic for once in your life richard
>being a stoner is fine - if you are addicted to heroin the state even provides you with free needles and drugs
>being a fat disgusting piece of shit is also fine - you even get cheaper tickets and special seats plus welfare check
>cutting off your dick and kissing underage boys is also perfectly fine
>playing videogames isn't fine
Reminder that chopping your cock off because of fee fees is not considered a mental illness according to these hacks
underrated post
By this standard tv, social media and other hobbies would also be classed as addiction
>Gamers are now more oppressed than game devs and game journos
>Gamers are now more oppressed than trannies
gamefaqs rise up
The absolute state of this society:
>gamer hones his skills
>chad steals his beloved girl
>chad impregnates said girl
>they raise children
>their children are pumped full of vaccines and hormones and turned into trannies
At least we have our revenge in the end
lolno this is just because stupid ass parents can't discipline their kids in 2019 and need the government to help them.
Not one the WHO can help with.
Gamers are now unironically more oppressed than trannies, at least that meme has been fulfilled.
>Tomorrow style
Post discarded.
This meme screencap isn't COMPLETELY wrong, but it's an extreme simplification that greatly weakens the message.
It sure as hell scares away any social media tourists and progressive evangelizers wanting to stay a while.
i'm sorry i must have missed the memo regarding tomorrow style being bad?
Do you have any actual evidence of that or is 100% just your "media affects other people more than me" bias?
Redditors love it because "it's NIGHT MODE XDD" and you see it in every single one of their upboat farm screencaps.
this is aimed at fortnite kiddies whose parents exert no control whatsoever over their children.
"fortnite addiction" has another, less common name: "bad parenting"
>the skin you use for your website is reddit
OK buddy I think you need to go sit in the retard corner.
Maybe now normalfags, roasties and chads will stay away because they'll be afraid of getting addicted.
What does that mean?
Can I get money now?
we live in a society
you can seek medical help and get in detox to go back to a normal life
>UN = founded by Amiercan closely after WW2
>WHO = founded by Americans as a sub orga of the UN closely after WW2
Why are Americans always degenerate?
They are right though, not even baiting. There are people who games completely took over their lives and need help.
Gender dysmorphia got recategorized as a sexual disorder.
wtf I love WHO now
I'm collecting disability then.
i game
First it's video-games, then it'll be the others once social credit is in place. Better take up the unpaid overtime at Schlomo's, having too much free time is addictive and self-damaging to your health
yeah, i gamer
Why not call it "digital addiction"?
Everyone is addicted to the internet, social media or games.
because games are the source of every evil in this world
Loaded question. Nothing makes the social media lobotomite or proggy shill more fearful than the potential of having their worldview changed to something as comically cynical as the Yea Forums stereotype, especially the latter of the two, who force New Sincerity upon themselves at every given moment. Scaring them with that thought really works as a good scarecrow, they care more about image than anything.
Only the newfags really wallow in that gay-ass hypercynicism and irony-masked-frustration. If you've been here long enough you become aware of it and move out of the larger shithole boards like /r9k/, Yea Forums, Yea Forums, and /pol/ and find something that isn't constant deconstruction. Or you leave. Or you stay a stunted newfag, won't lie that those exist especially on the larger boards.
When you're here long enough, you undoubtedly learn to wallow through nonsense, if that's what you're trying to discredit.
This is unironically a good thing, now I can request money from the government due to mental illness
I mean anything can be an illness if you're obsessed with it but it's retarded they get rid of tranny disease because libtards lobby them
really like just their opinion desu
nightmode niggers need to burn
>digital entertainment is a now a disease while mental diseases like gender disorders and homosexuality are completely normal
Remember that WHO is composed of representatives of literally over a hundred countries. Every culture is going to have wildly different opinions on trans and homosexual rights and attitudes. you think fucking Saudi Arabia or rural africa is going to spring for "trans rights = human rights"?
Internet addiction is already a thing, at least in US. Cant get neetbux for addiction though.
It unironically is though, the same way a gambling addiction is.
You can get butthurt all you want, but you know they're right.
>Nothing makes the social media lobotomite or proggy shill more fearful than the potential of having their worldview changed
Holy fuck it's fedora kino
It's literally
>sheeple are afraid of waking up
Literally literally, not figuratively literally.
>wtf I love women and minorities now?
>world health
>so much pollution
>neurotic school shooter call anyone fedoras
Oh no, there's really nothing here of substance at all. You can believe in prideshit or be the most normalfaggot retard and still post here just fine.
People who care too much about maintaining identity see this place as a vat of acid is what I'm getting at. As they should.
>turning off parts of the brain makes you retarded
Wow, who'd've guessed?
Can I cash it in is the question?
go back
>trannies having 40% chance of commiting suicide is ok
>playing video games is a mental disorder
Its like we're living in a spoof movie. Society has become a parody of itself.
if you turn off the frontal cortex, which is associated with detecting and solving problems, irrationally
>People who care too much about maintaining identity see this place as a vat of acid
They surely don't change their opinion based on one edgy screencap that edgelords post.
Normie opinion of Yea Forums was always
>that site with gore and cp xD
The random edgy screencap would scare only the most impressionable retards. And no, the "social media zombie" isn't enough, it would have to be "/pol/ traditionalist" level of gullible.
"Scaring normies away" is a very overrated technique that somehow didn't die.
I guess edgy kids keep it up. The same edgy kids who should be filtered by it, but somehow aren't.
If anything, undesirables are attracted by those edgy posts and behaviors because they see it as badass.
How can I leverage this at work to get time off like people who get leave for stress and other bullshit.
>turn off the part of brain that processes threats
>you're less afraid of death so you have no reason to believe in magical sky daddy who watches you masturbate and judges
Wow, who would've guessed?
when can I collect my neetbux now
>No game truly entered the mainstream culture quite like Fortnite
Did a zoomer write this? Or some out of touch boomer who just had his first kid who's into Fortnite?
Literally what are WoW, FIFA, CoD, Minecraft, Halo and many other games.
Brainwashing works, too, and that's a good thing.
Fun fact: being religious strongly correlates with fear of death, except at the extreme "zealous fanatic" end.
hes right, though. dark themes are for fat retards like you.
>There's a catch, however: "After just a day or a couple days," Lai said, "these effects fade away"
It's a good thing that propaganda is 24/7 in all media, then. You do read tabloids and all automatically prescribed news updates on all your apps, right?
Why? Because they are faced with the harsh reality in which the white people are mostly curteous while nig nogs pick fights and act generally disrespectfull. But hey thats why you have the media machine pumping you full of these "proper" ideas 24/7.
Now chop chop, renew that netflix sub.
I'm still confused why people are so shocked that racism exists. I'm racist, but I usually don't act on it. If I see a group of black people, I feel a lot more unsafe than if I see a group of white people. I just identify less with them, mainly due to culture, which makes me uncomfortable. There's nothing I can do about that. I have plenty of non-white friends, but that didn't take away my inherent racism. It will probably never go away, that's just how we're wired.
Just not acting on said racism in certain scenarios is all you can aim for, like when hiring people. I'm not going to walk into a group of black people that I feel uncomfortable by to prove how non-racist I am. Fuck that shit.
>mutilating and chopping your dick is still not considered a illness
why should I trust these kikes again?
It’s not a mental illness because (((big pharma))) already gets their money.
That’s all this is, how can we get more money. To who trusts the “medical community”, I have some opiates to sell you.
seeing a group of black people also increases chances of death by large margin
It is though, it's just not accepted by 'society'. It is literally classified as a mental disorder.
>has can be used
>39 "polutically moderate students"
>The two were split into two groups
Embarassing, why do you even save that garbage?
>blind self
>death chance decreases
This is honestly fine by me since there are people legitimately addicted to vydia. But I hope social media addiction is also considered an illness.
feeling the strong desire to mutilate baby penis and acting on it is totally sane behavior. nevermind that the doctors charge tons of money for the operation and sale of the end product.
>news updates on all your apps
lole news is gay and so are you
It is true that casual racism is common all throughout the world and its laughable how many in the west will put their heads in the sand and pretend otherwise.
I think the issue is that people are conflating proper, "all niggers should be lynched" racism with casual racism. Ideally we should judge everyone as individuals, but we must acknowledge reality.
That's not why I feel uncomfortable though. I'm not doing some instant math about crime rates. It could hypothetically be an entire friendly group of black people who would never do any harm, and I'd still feel uncomfortable walking past them. Depending on how they dress, though. If they're all in suit and tie and talking softly it would be a different scenario.
>Turn around
>Walk past black people with my back to them at all times
Survived another close encounter
>I'm not doing some instant math about crime rates
your frontal cortex is doing exactly that, though, regardless
Indoctrinating kids in religious orphanages is totally sane behavior, nevermind that those kids will grow up and will buy candles/donate to chruch
I doubt it. It's just some inherent 'fear' or mistrust of groups you don't identify with.
>walk past black people
>inhale air through nose
>air smells black
>suddenly they aggro because you perceived them
>claim disabilities for a medical condition
>get paid to stay home and play even more vidya
Life is good
There's a theory that modern progressives are ideological descendants of old Puritan/Universalist religious movements. It fits well considering they seek to establish structures of moral absolutes-- good and evil-- despite the actual nuance of reality. Racism just being one issue.
>doubt it
common sense
the book? pretty sure it doesnt say any of that.
This applies to almost any group you care to think of though.
It seems that there is a set percentage of people in the population just wired to be fanatics, who will latch onto whatever they can and be fanatical about it. Whether that be religion, politics, media or anything really.
>it's just some inherent 'fear' or mistrust of groups you don't identify with
Pardon my ignorance, but how is that different?
I mean, progressives are also big on the Christian motifs. They've got their saints and martyrs (MLK, Harvey Milk etc.), they've got their original sin (privilege), their venial and mortal sins (saying the niggerword, being a white nationalist) their penance ("being an ally"), their clergy (academia), their evangelizers (the media), their Day of Reckoning (when all "oppressive structures" are "torn down"), their heaven (egalitarian utopia with no physical, mental, or political strife forever after), their Hell (being on the "wrong side of history," like the Nazis).
I wish I could hope that you're just joking, but it sounds like you're genuinely retarded enough to believe what you wrote.
Explain, retard.
>no u
You're really reaching with some of these.
Regardless, you will also see parallels between organised religion and many examples of fanaticism in other walks of life, this is particularly true for any extreme political ideology, including the hard right.
Based post user, don't listen to that brainwashed christcuck
>this is particularly true for any extreme political ideology, including the hard right.
technically they are mostly just ignorant of who the true nefarious characters are but are still thinking rationally, nonetheless
>person likes someone of same political leaning
>must be totally a saint and martyr!
>something that you have and that is good and others want it
>totally like sin!
>being a dick is discouraged
>totally like christianity!
>being friendly with someone who isn't your clone
>this is penance! totally like praying multiple times or paying money so that your sin goes away!
>scientists who analyze social trends
>totally the same as priests who lead rites and preach!
>media, that is objectively more right wing than left wing
>totally the opposite of right wing evangelists!
>general trend of removing inequalities
>totally the same as armageddon!
>making life somewhat better by removing known problems
>totally the same as mythical place of utter bliss!
>being known as a bad person
>totally the same as eternal punishment!
You could draw such moronic parallels in pretty much any large group of people.
One of you guys are actually going to do something crazy stupid in public while shouting about how gamers are actually opressed and ruin literally everything.
It's going to happen. There's ALWAYS someone who takes this all too seriously.
I mean gambling addiction is a thing, why CAN'T gaming addiction be a thing?
Keep in mind there are people who have literally died from gaming too much. Or get so dedicated to games (like MMOs) that they start shitting in socks.
If you're just a loser who uses video games to kill time, I don't think this applies to you.
That video is way too relevant to how the Internet is these days.
Someone needs to start the uprising.
Who are you quoting?
>tfw I'm so sick of all the politics on Yea Forums these days, I almost miss the brony shitstorm that image was originally about
someone needs to be the catalyst for us gamers to RISE UP!
Sexual disorder gets it lumped in with things like stds, errectile dysfunction, and even behavior like pedophilia.
>tfw I remember when "pancakes" meant undertale and not trannies
I miss being able to have a conversation consistently on Yea Forums.
You still can, but it's so few and far between now that it isn't actually worth digging around.
Sad thing is that I haven't been around for about a year, and I haven't really improved much, I think Yea Forums or maybe just years of internet might have changed me permanently.
What is everyone so upset about?
If you don't play video games to the point of dysfunction then none of this will apply to you.
If you do then you will now be able to get assistance for your problem. Literally nobody loses.
>tfw I keep spending too much time on here because I'm a NEET with too much time, even though I think this board is boring these days
Yea Forums has always been this shit, trust me
>Got here around the early 2010's
>Remember Yea Forums being an off-topic shitshow back then, but it was a fun off-topic shitshow
>tfw Yea Forums isn't even fun anymore
I would just like to clarify that Cleese is by no means a centrist, he has made his political views very clear over the years.
what Yea Forums really needs is a bunch of tripfags making a name for themselves
No, it hasn't.
Yes, there's always been a bunch of off-topic shit. But it used to be that it was Yea Forums's off-topic shit. And some of it was actually entertaining. Nowadays, we're just a dumping ground for social media bullshit and wojaks.
I still remember tripfags like Jupiter, Quentin and ToadyTheBro.
didnt think i would miss those days
Neither did I, but these days I feel like even the 2012 version of Yea Forums was better than what Yea Forums is now.
>but it feels like the amount of people shitting up threads has blown up.
I think the reason is that newfags come here with a "LE Yea Forums IS ONLY FOR LE EPIC TROLLZ XDDD" mentality, so they just post shit to get epic (You)s and screencaps.
Things have definitely gotten worse.
I'm not saying it was perfect, but it feels like the amount of people shitting up threads has blown up.
Especially now that shit posting can just be done in one or two words at this point.
nobody on this board even plays video games so i don't see what the fuss is about
>american organization
>defends trannies and hates gamers
Woha, thanks captain obvious.
"there is nothing here you cannot get anywhere else"
"Yea Forums will make you bitter and haughty"
Has this retard even been on leddit and gamefaqs and neogaf? THAT'S what makes you bitter and haughty, this is a paradise compared to those shitholes.
you've all forgotten how to filter shitty posts out which use to be the norm, instead everyone becomes hyper focused on the posts that are obviously shitty and then can't rationally understand why the culture is now "different"
Is it just me or is it getting crazier out here?
That is it pretty much.
Any new wave of people only gets the worst parts and thinks that should be the norm, and it just snowballs from there until pretty much anything good you could have gotten here gets smaller and smaller until it's pretty much gone.
It's been happening forever, probably should have said "lurk more" more often
Ausfag here, can this applied to me centrelink? Need wagies to feed me more money
Being a gaymer is worse that being a trannie?
Now imagine being both
What's Yea Forums's argument as to why gaming addiction to the point of complete isolation shouldn't be elevated as a 'disease'?
There wasn't a need back then, or it was only needed at a minimum
Now that the board is 90% pure garbage, it's almost impossible to ignore
> gaming disorder is an official illness
>Also more about esports and fornite
Its like a startling revelation about mental health issues with an article about the fun of boxing.
based retard
>to the point of complete isolation
Try 10 hours per week
Counterpoint: dilate tranny
State gives heroin because the alternative is addicts dying in mass, sperading stds all over the fucking place, and drug dealers on every street corner.
It'd be ignorable if it weren't for the fact doctors were pretty much giving out one way tickets to heroin-ville for hte past 30 years.
>media disorder
Oh I get it. You'd have to be a retarded fuck to like Fortnite, and it's representative is a stupid fuck who keeps changing his hair color.
this faux-cynical wisdom is fucking gay
Yea Forums is unironically one of the best websites on the modern internet
using Yea Forums will be better for you mental well being than absolutely derranged websites like twitter, reddit, other forums etc because when you talk to someone on Yea Forums you have no personal stakes in what is being said, it's not a long term opportunity to build your brand by owning someone, you don't have "followers" watching what you're saying making you dissociatively curtail your resonse around what your "internet brand" would say or anything like that; you just talk to people. this makes it one of the least sociopathic, mean-girlsesque websites on the internet nowadays
yes there's a lot of shit posted on here but if you've been here for like a week and havent learned to filter signal from noise then you're noticing that shit because you *want* to notice it
I've never had to filter shitty posts in my 10 years of Yea Forums. Until 2019.
Cause the gaming part is irrelevant. It should be "activity addiction" or something.
Someone spending 10 hours in isolation building a train set every day isn't exactly healthy either.
90% of all studies just pay college students $5 to participate and then they extrapolate that on the rest of the population like it's not retarded as fuck
>give yourself brain damage
>become atheist and pro-immigration
The jokes just write themselves sometimes.
that guy just described his own experience with Yea Forums and made fun of it at the same time, what a retard
In a good day, this is true. But Trump winning flustered so many weenies that they've taken to shitposting Yea Forums in some vain attempt at combating /pol/, while /pol/ itself is standing RIGHT OVER THERE, fucking untouched and unmoved.
Australia just re-elected another populist right wing. So did India, and the Brexit party is dominating the polls. Brazil elected a fascist, and so did Poland, and Marine LePen is once again taking off strong.
Instead of entering anuseless pissing contest on/v/ of all places, why not go to /pol/ and stop THEM.
This is like one of those things that leads to a novel about a dystopian world
About time. It should be pretty obvious that I'm not fit to be a productive member of society.
THIS holy fuck.
I have a kid and her mother is the epitome of shitty npc millennial who believes discipline is looking at her sternly and silently until she feels awkward and peer pressured into stopping what she's doing.
Protip: it doesn't fucking work and most of our fights revolve around me trying to physically remove my kid from smacking the shit out of her mom and her mom losing her shit because I'm being too aggressive or raising my voice.
fucking kill yourselves
Your kid or your wife's kid?
>believing the dumb lies you read from Yea Forums
Even if that were true, the only thing it implied would be that you wouldn't be eligible to have your insurance company or government pay for the operation.
little mean dont you think
are you the biological father
They're right.
Trolling needs to become an art form again.
Took me 4 sec. Good one, user.
nope if I could put a trip on to make you value that statement more I would
Well both of ours, and she's not my wife.
We dated for a little then she convinced me i could trust her with the pill.
Evidently either i could not, or i have super sperm.
I don't really like her but she is kinda nice and we're trying to work it out
>Yea Forums is unironically one of the best websites on the modern internet
No, it isn't. It's good for edgy shit and weird porn, but that's it.
>using Yea Forums will be better for you mental well being than absolutely derranged websites
No, it's not.
It does not verify your worldview, you can easily end up believing really stupid shit when no one calls you out and retards keep feeding you their stupid shit.
It also feeds you ultra-edgy blackpills, which are pretty much the worst thing for mental health possible.
>this makes it one of the least sociopathic, mean-girlsesque websites on the internet nowadays
Not any more than websites where everyone has a name but no one remembers each other.
Yea Forums is overrated by edgelords and overedged by normaltards.
It's just another website, just with less filters on retarded shit and community that includes more depressed edgelords.
Well. At least you can be happy that your kid will be a Chad. Though he will probably do whatever the fuck and bail on you at 18.
Drug addiction and obesity are classified as illnesses though
Can I get video game addiction treatment?
I only want it if it's something cool though, I'm not taking jewpills or having therapy.
It feels weird that Yea Forums has become a political warzone these days, because I remember the times when this board was just Yea Forums 2.0, back when stuff like "19.95 plus tip" threads were posted on here a lot.
Where were you when the society decided that gamers were more oppressed than trannies?
Have you snipped your balls off yet?
wow holy shit imagine being 12 and using Yea Forums for the first time again and thinking its actually fun
Okay, I love society now.
its a girl, and she's the cutest and sweetest kid ever but my point was more about how everyone needs the discipline.
I can see first hand what that user means.
wtf i love society now
do we still need to rise up?
Is property value in your head going down?
I mean, the whole neighborhood of Yourhead is known for its massive transgender population because they get to live there for free.
I wish /pol/ never came back
Where is my disability pension
>It also feeds you ultra-edgy blackpills, which are pretty much the worst thing for mental health possible.
no, living in a society where said blackpills are true is what is bad for your mental health
if you live in a society where your material and social prespects are (artificially) terrible and you're depressed, your depression is a symptom and not the root problem
What are you talking about, therapy is the coolest shit.
imagine having fun haha thatd be so gay
Yea Forums was literally never good
it might be worse now, but it was always country fried ass
We truly are oppressed
>It's good for edgy shit and weird porn, but that's it.
I can tell you haven't been here between the years 2010-2016.
This "Yea Forums is edgy" shit ran it's course the moment we introduced captcha and anti-spam shit. If you want peak Yea Forums, check group projects like Broquest or Yea Forums plus.
Actually. Just go to Yea Forums plus.
Notice the difference.
What a reddit comeback
Speaking of which you should probably go back
At least there was fun stuff on Yea Forums in the past, like that Ace of Spades game people here used to play.
god I hope
Sony California being bombed would make my day
I want love of liberty deficiency recognized as a disease
>Gambling isn't viewed as a from of illness by the WHO
>Yet gaming addiction, usually a form of gambling is.
>The only other from of addiction on the WHO site is substance abuse.
That's awfully strange, ain't it?
I have fun doing things in real life, or ACTUALLY PLAYING VIDEO GAMES
This place is just a load of 26 year old burnouts working at Taco Bell who smoke weed on the weekend, play shitty JRPGs, and try to distract themselves from their constant thoughts of suicide
What's the problem?
ow fuck, my feels
i loved ace of spades when i was like 14. fuck Jagex in every hole for running that game into the ground. i wish i could play it again.
I still remember Valley of the Deluge, or the sheer amount of OC posted where everybody discussed their game ideas, or what they liked or hated about the game. Codeword being THE GAME. And as much as people hated things, they equally loved other things.
I swear to god, only newfags or Yea Forumstards think that Yea Forums was always shit. Or at least, if it was shit, everybody was in on the joke. Now it's too sectarean and vitriolic.
The future is now fellow gamers
You are "literally" wrong.
This whole website was actually a strong 9/10 and the best low key website on the internet when i started coming here when i was like 16 around 2007.
Before there had to be like 30 containment boards for the flood of actual retards who wanted to get in on the fun of pretending to be retarded.
Deny it as much as you want but becoming popular is the single most threatening thing to any form of entertainment/enjoyment
Fuck this nigger cancer
Quests ruined /tg/
I've been here since at least 2008 because I have reaction images with "created at" set to that date.
Yea Forums as a whole hasn't been good for years
Early on, Yea Forums contained shit. Nowadays /pol/ aka Yea Forums 2.0 spills into everything and only the most autistic boards can keep any level of non-retardation.
It's an entertainment website with no practical value.
WHO already recognized internet/social media addiction as illnesses years ago. It's what led gaming addiction to be classified as an illness as well.
>when i was like 14
I was 19 when Ace of Spades was the FOTM game on Yea Forums. I'm getting old.
It's certainly more depressed, unhappy and hateful now.
Yea Forums used to be more fun, that's for sure. I never really thought Yea Forums was a fun place, it was always full of chronically butthurt PC gamers.
Excuse me, but it's gametarded. Watch your pronouns, faggot
>It feels weird that Yea Forums has become a political warzone these days
Since gaming is seen as "kiddy", it's easy for the overly political to use it as a platform to push agendas like what Bioware does these days, so it unfortunately brings politics into things, and the blowback has just kept snowballing more and more. They can't do this with movies because just look what happened to Star Wars. It went from one of the biggest franchises of all time to a genuine laughing stock with failed merchandise sales. It's entirely carried by it's name alone now.
>Early on, Yea Forums contained shit.
I remember how people on Yea Forums used to complain about Yea Forums being Yea Forums 2.0, before /pol/ became as big as it is now.
then why the fuck I don't play anything unless is coop?
gender dysphoria is considered a medical mental illness tho...
A sure-fire way to know that nu-Yea Forums is shit, is the complete lack of creativity and original content. Until the day you faggots actually bother working together, your entire legacy shall always be getting angry about the 2016 American Election.
I'll concede that we've gotten a lot dumber on average here since around mid 2015, that's self-evident.
The people here were always bitter depressed losers, though. It was never a fucking party.
Yea Forums at least used to be a fucking party, with all the raids and dipshittery.
>It also feeds you ultra-edgy blackpills, which are pretty much the worst thing for mental health possible
The funny thing is that I used to laugh off the idea of "being redpilled", I thought it was silly. Come 2012 and modern post-2012 liberals and the social justice crowd and my only solace IS these "blackpills" you mention, without them I'd have probably gone into depression.
Raised by a turbo-liberal family and told to hate anything that isn't liberal, only to watch them become whatever the fuck they are nowadays.
There was a golden time man.
I miss all of the original content people would post
I also miss when someone could just storytime a full gay shota mag without the thread getting deleted immediately and everyone would have a laugh
Honestly i wish you were right, that is way fucking better than dipshits like yourself.
At least those guys actually play video games and aren't literal children/normies
>I'll concede that we've gotten a lot dumber on average here since around mid 2015
there are actually people this new here right now, in this very thread
More neetbux for us! Nice! Get to work, trannies!
It's weird to think that even the early 2010's were much less insane than how things are these days. I remember how back then, the biggest things Yea Forums was annoyed about were bronies, dubstep and rage comics.
It's almost as though some group or organization is targetting a certain kind of people who are typically smarter and more resourceful than everybody else. Hmmmmm.
Yea Forums being Yea Forums 2.0 contained far more vidya than it contains now.
Nowadays it's "Yea Forums - fucking trannies"
The reason they don't bother with /pol/ is because /pol/ found out their shitpost central. Yea Forums is a softer target.
because, faggot
it would have to be something like gaming, but for fucking 12+ hours EVERY DAY for me to consider it a fucking addiction.
streamers ALREADY are at 3-4 hours a session, even at fucking 2 times a week, that is DANGEROUSLY CLOSE to the 10 hour mark that means you have a problem according to WHO.
Not to sound like some Alex Jones conspiracy faggot, but we're really in an interesting place in history right now, and people who didn't give a fuck about politics 10 years ago are now radicalized
We could sit around for weeks and debate why this is; the U.S.'s post-Cold War decline, the Great Recession, the impact of the War on Terror and 9/11, the economic decisions of all 21st century presidents, automation and outsourcing, immigration, etc, etc
But the bottom line is that people in the U.S. (as well as in many other parts of the world) feel like liberal democracy has failed them, and they're pissed and want ANYTHING but what they have now.
Job security is dead. Home ownership is close to dead. Living standards are in decline. Wages are stagnant. Birth rates are starting to slow down.
There's a lot of political tension building up, and it's spilling over into things like video games and movies, since it's one of the main things people think about on a regular basis.
I feel like the amount of off-topic threads was actually higher back then, back when stuff like "BOOM BOOM CRASH", ">Americans clapping" and "Mom said it's my turn to play" were all over Yea Forums. That stuff was still less shit than how Yea Forums is now, though.
any catholic orphanage?
Mommy, what is your legacy?
I got angry that >orangemanbad won the election.
Most women do not understand what it means to discipline a child (or a pet for that matter). Children are practically animals at younger ages. They need to be taught that there are immediate consequences for poor behavior, as a young child is incapable of thinking "maybe this will hurt me in the future". Many women are incapable of raising the anger that is required to create those "immediate consequences" and are therefore incapable of disciplining their kids. This is also why single mothers end up raising snotty and criminalistic children more often than single fathers or parent duos, because they never had the father figure to put them in their place.
Basically just keep on keeping on. Obviously don't abuse your kid but it doesn't sound like you are.
>people here were bitter depressed losers
I see absolutely no problem with this.
Bitter depressed losers actually play video games and talk about them because they have nothing else going on.
At least you knew what to expect when you came here.
Now Yea Forums seriously might as well be renamed Worksafe Random, and make a containment board for people who actually have things to say regarding video games.
Yea Forums did used to be a party, because that was the designated fucking party board. Now all the people who hosted the parties have either moved on or had their wills broken, and everyone is simply trying to mimic them and become le number 1 funniest man on the internet by baiting for yous
moderation on this site has gone down the shitter
have you seen what it's done to fucking /mlp/?
Even totally inane shit like tulpa threads are banned now. On a fucking containment board.
that was only like 2-3 YEARS AGO FUCKER!
>Not to sound like some Alex Jones conspiracy faggot, but we're really in an interesting place in history right now, and people who didn't give a fuck about politics 10 years ago are now radicalized
I feel you. I used to be very apolitical until all of this happened, right now I'm trying to distance myself before I actually turn into something I don't want to be.
2012 was 7 years ago.
just think how bad it will be in 10 more years, i.e. current things will not look so bad by comparison
This is a pretty scary time.
I'm pretty worried about which direction it will take, but I also can't take how stuck we are for much longer.
Does this mean we're higher up on the oppression pyramid than trannies now?
>moving the goalposts
because a disease is defined as:
"a disorder of structure or function in a human, animal, or plant, especially one that produces specific symptoms or that affects a specific location and is not simply a direct result of physical injury."
isolating yourself does not automatically mean your social or physical functions are faulty
I mean, just look at the average Yea Forumstard.
In the 90's, the idea of kids being interested in politics was fucking ridiculous, because we were wealthier and safer, and people felt secure and taken care of
Now every 16 year old is either a socialist, a "classical liberal", or cryptofash
Hopefully I'll be off this wild ride by then.
original thought no one else has thought to post in this very thread
>Video games don't make you ill
>Start seeing transexuals, which is less than 1% of the population EVERYWHERE
Pretty sure vidya makes easily influenced kids scizophrenic
this post actually hurts
we were so fucking naive. we had no idea how bad things could get
More People are starting to realize that things aren't good nowadays
I just hope it leads to something, because it wouldn't surprise much if people just let something bad happen and just learn to live with it.
It's partly a consequence of the internet itself. Before the internet you could just live in your own bubble. Maybe once in a while a TV or radio or newspaper segment would pop up that you disagree with and get mad at with your friends who all live in the same town and think the same things you do. Nowadays you can be as plugged in to politics as your heart desires and talk for hours every day to someone who thinks the exact opposite of what you do. Our local cultures are becoming tattered because of it, which stresses people out because they don't know what to believe. Most people aren't smart enough to think entirely for themselves, so suddenly they are in the middle of the ideological ocean without a rudder or a sail. Any sense of community is entirely gone.
It was already shit when I was a kid and I'm 31 now. I can't imagine how much worse it must be for kids now.
its always funny when newfriends bitch about things they think are new to Yea Forums or Yea Forums when theyve actually been a thing for over a decade.
It's a very quick procedure bruh
>Be generally liberal
>Make games showing these values in effect
>bitter crazed incels say i'm trying to brainwash them
>Be generally conservative
>Make games showing these values in effect
>Fat ugly SJWs say i'm trying to brainwash them
There's no winning in the gaming industry. Fuck this bottom barrel sludge known as "gamers"
Job security is the key. That's all there is to it. No job security.
The future is living in pods.
I mean we have a name for someone building a train in isolation. That's typically referred to autism. "Activity addiction" is far too broad.
you could always just try to make games fun
Daddy, what is your legacy?
I elected orangeman and he made politics that forced my chef to fire me
I'd blame the internet in general.
It brings a lot of people who shouldn't have a platform, an open forum to speak, and impressionable people to influence.
The last ten or so years have caused a lot of damage
I don't think it matters, the show's ending this year anyway, and mods being more strict on them is their attempt to drive them off the site. I think it's working since that board has been through a steady decline in activity since 2014.
The answer is having a Nazi and a Tranny working together to defeat the Jews and rich white men.
No game can truly be free from politics because exterior faggots will force it into politics.
Pong? A capitalistic propaganda tool based on darwinism and competition.
Tetris? Commie propaganda about how only when every "cog" in the machine works as one can you survive.
When I was 13 I joked around with my friends about being Nazis.
Now I would not be surprised if there's a lot of 13 year olds actually claiming to be neo-Nazis.
yeah but if the game is fun, nobody gives a fuck
Shut up faggot ass Christian
you do that and you'll displace them back into the rest of the site
I seriously wonder how people would react to that. Probably total hatred from both sides anyway because fuck the greater good when that tribe helping you isn't exactly like you.
>Fuck this bottom barrel sludge known as "gamers"
Nigger have you not seen what happened with the latest Star Wars movie? This isn't even just a "game" thing.
i was walking around my neighborhood last year when the school bus pulled up down the street to let some high school kids off
two 14 year old boys walked past me and they were talking to each other about how much they hated feminism, no fucking joke
Fun is a buzzword you know
Why does it have to be Nazi, why not the far more effective and successful Imperialist girl(formally male)?
>Still No Youjo Senki videogame
Labelling people as Nazis is something that really needs to stop especially. Call people Nazis enough for disagreeing with you and they eventually might actually become what they keep getting accused of.
Wait hold on. Is that fucking brain-washing?
> Gaming disorder is defined in the 11th Revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) as a pattern of gaming behavior (“digital-gaming” or “video-gaming”) characterized by impaired control over gaming, increasing priority given to gaming over other activities to the extent that gaming takes precedence over other interests and daily activities, and continuation or escalation of gaming despite the occurrence of negative consequences.
>For gaming disorder to be diagnosed, the behaviour pattern must be of sufficient severity to result in significant impairment in personal, family, social, educational, occupational or other important areas of functioning and would normally have been evident for at least 12 months.
Unless you're a retard that plays vidya 24/7 and cannot think about anything else you're okay
kinda like alcohol
Maybe the world actually ended in December 2012.
It can certainly be used for it.
Very worrying.
merely fixing the parts in your brain that make you a racist transphobe
Ok, its time to clear up some serious misconceptions about trans people.
I'm trans (transitioned in 2012) and I've been an oldfag dating to 2007. Believe it or not, I know at least 10 other people in the exact same position as me, people I met through Yea Forums that helped me with my transition, and I did likewise. Matter of fact, I'd say lurking for a while here actually predisposes you to being trans, at least I think so. We didn't really discuss it too often though because, duh, its a video games board, so we just sort of casually went along with the bashing here and there, just to keep a lower profile on Yea Forums in general.
But ever since redditors brought over the discord tranny meme its been fucking hectic, now literally every thread devolved to this shit, just for the living fuck of it. I get they can be funny sometimes but- Why? Why do you hate us so fucking much that you'll start thread after tread just to bash trans people in video games? I get that we tend to hold left wing views but gamergate was years ago, why bare we still holding onto the /pol/tard Yea Forums ideal? Try talking to a trans person for the first time, really, and you'll see right off how we're literally just regular fucking people, we can hold a conversation, we're funny, and we love video games, that why we come here. I can't think of a single other minority that endures the nonstop barrage of hate that we do here and it sucks, it really does, but i keep coming back because I love you guys, I love the creative output of Yea Forums, and I want it to get better later on. Just something to consider.
That's not nazism retard that's just boys thinking females are annoying which they would be right.
At least make the pods comfy, like the capsule hotels. I don't want to look at Pablo masturbating or Shaniqua cutting her toenails across the room.
>Things have been slowly getting worse since then
You might be on to something
Think you can destroy gamers, battranny?
We are used to being attacked constantly, it's not a battle you can win.
They targeted gamers.
We're a group of people who will sit for hours, days, even weeks on end performing some of the hardest, most mentally demanding tasks. Over, and over, and over all for nothing more than a little digital token saying we did.
We'll spend most if not all of our free time min maxing the stats of a fictional character all to draw out a single extra point of damage per second.
Many of us have made careers out of doing just these things: slogging through the grind, all day, the same quests over and over, hundreds of times to the point where we know evety little detail such that some have attained such gamer nirvana that they can literally play these games blindfolded.
Do these people have any idea how many controllers have been smashed, systems over heated, disks and carts destroyed 8n frustration? All to latter be referred to as bragging rights?
These people honestly think this is a battle they can win? They take our media? We're already building a new one without them. They take our devs? Gamers aren't shy about throwing their money else where, or even making the games our selves. They think calling us racist, mysoginistic, rape apologists is going to change us? We've been called worse things by prepubescent 10 year olds with a shitty head set. They picked a fight against a group that's already grown desensitized to their strategies and methods. Who enjoy the battle of attrition they've threatened us with. Who take it as a challange when they tell us we no longer matter. Our obsession with proving we can after being told we can't is so deeply ingrained from years of dealing with big brothers laughing at how pathetic we used to be that proving you people wrong has become a very real need; a honed reflex.
Gamers are competative, hard core, by nature. We love a challange. The worst thing you did in all of this was to challange us. You're not special, you're not original, you're not the first; this is just another boss fight.
How about Punishment?
>Yea Forums is unironically one of the best websites on the modern internet
Yeah, I think I'm done with this world. I'm out. You guys want anything?
this is for those Koreans who play DOTA at an internet cafe for so long they forget to eat and starve to death. anyone reasonable would get that. The UN isn't coming to steal your copy of Lolicon Cum Simulator 2013
i have thought about that a lot
This. Literally the only people this "disease" applies to are people who live in shithole Asian countries where you have to pay to play certain games by the minute, and I guarantee absolutely NONE of those countries are going to "take preventative measures and treat those affected", because of how significant gaming's contribution is to their economies.
so what are the better ones
We play punishing games all the time.
Dark Souls
Rain World
Hollow Knight
Think you can take our cute and funny, just because your tranny SJW overlords think it's immoral?
Well, you can try. Just expect to have to try many, many times. Prepare to try.
You always have to wonder what kind of cuck prostitutes volunteer to take part in these things.
Pretty much. I stuck to my guns being cautious about things and found myself group into the right wing as the politics became more intense. So I became right-wing, went through my /pol/ phase, and it was only afterward I realized how much politics was fucking gay. Not that I subscribe to the nonsense on the other side, I fell to the right because of the left's weirdo social hierarchies and puritanism in the first place.
Now I just wanna chill and have fun, not participate in the most controversial spectator sport of this era.
That's objectively wrong because they already did. They limit hours you can play games. In china playing to much affects your social credit score.
You're supposed to work after all for the gov and not waste resources being useless.
Hell, not even all Asian countries, I live in Singapore and you don't have that shit here, it's usually China and Korea where they play until they die.
>Yea Forums being Yea Forums 2.0 contained far more vidya than it contains now.
It absolutely didn't.
Like clockwork. Gamers make fun of mentally ill trannies, so the trannies at WHO make gaming into a mental illness so that gamers are (((officially))) mentally ill.
>“Gaming disorder” is listed after “gambling disorder” in ICD-11 and uses that disorder’s language almost word-for-word, replacing “gambling” with “gaming.”
Try reading for once in your life.
Jesus, this is some of the most pretentious shit I've ever read. Look at this cocksucker & laugh!
Yeah, I'm in the same situation, I'm too left to hang out with the right even after going though a right-ish phase, but I see the modern left as literal Nazis now so I'm just just avoiding this shit entirely.
Oh boy can't wait to have this thread every hour every single day
gamers btfo
you people are fucking obsessed with futa cocks, seek help
Nothing new under the sun
>addicts dying in mass
This is a bad thing how? Based junkies cleaning up the streets.
It's shitty reddit pasta.
>Lolicon Cum Simulator 2013
does anyone has a copy?
need it for science
Fucking retard
It's obvious pasta
think you can challange a real gamer? you were wrong. dead wrong..
I may be a gamer, but I'm not sick. I'm the cure.
We'll all make it out somehow. We're user, not some moral/identity flag-bearer.
Fucking hell, my family wants to move to Canada, is it really this cult-like liberal wonderland that the internet makes it out to be?
yes it is, don't come here please.
Beat Rugal in KOF' 94 and/or Contra 3 on the hardest difficulty and we'll talk.
Imagine giving a shit about video games.
I'm just here for /an/ threads and dabbing on trannies.
Seriously, I wonder how you cunts would deal with the MK1 shit back in the day.
Depends on where you live. Honestly I think we're kind of assholes.
Trudeau came to my country last year and the first thing he did was meet the Muslims and start going "assalamualaikum" to them complete with all the mannerisms. The fucking locals don't even do that shit and this white guy from another continent is right at home with our Muslims.
this stupid meme screencap gets posted by twitter trannies all the time when they talk about Yea Forums
fuck off faggot
Take your ass to Yea Forums. They support your kind.
I'm glad this pic was made relevant again.
It's weird that dabbing has become such a common thing on Yea Forums now, because there's archived posts from 2016 where people on Yea Forums are confused about what dabbing even is.
everyone i dont like has a feminime penis: the drooling nu-Yea Forums fucktard's guide to vidya discussion
traps are based and redpilled. pus-filled wounds are the issue.
I've been here since 2013, but I only started actively browsing Yea Forums a little over a week ago via /trash/, mostly for cuteandfunny, crypto-lewd and waifu threads. Jesus christ.
ebin :D
they want to drug you
>nu-Yea Forums
Dude traps are hot if you don't mind a dick. But no one likes having to fuck a literal open wound or getting fucked by a micro faux penis.
Obesity is a disorder but 33% of America is obese so it's not like this will change anything.
>feminine penis
Go dilate.
The extermination of video games is coming. Just like religion, it will be seen as a stagnation to the evolution of humankind. Where religion causes conflict, video games spread sloth and degeneracy like a disease.
Ah, my bad. I couldn't find a listing for it on their website.
>Having to deal with a fag AND the bullshit girls carry
>Gaming is a mental illness
>Wanting to chop your dick off is not
>two 14 year old boys walked past me and they were talking to each other about how much they hated feminism
Most people hate feminism.
Unsure if this is a pasta
Honestly my dude it is because the masses here are now 14-22 and think of nothing other than their dicks.
You are something that confuses and frankly scares their peepee and trannies are generally not super nice to look at. Not to mention they generally want to be treated with all the perks of being a woman simply because they are REALLY into their erp.
There are definitely normal, cool trannies and gays but they are absolutely NOT the ones you see attention whoring on the internet, so much like all stereotypes the worst, most loud of you are what everyone assumes all of you are.
Actual adults probably don't care though as long as you don't fucking bring it up, because its usually irrelevant
Tits or GTFO was an old meme for a reason, and not some sort of perverted muhsogyny one.
>uses that disorder’s language almost word-for-word, replacing “gambling” with “gaming.”
what a bunch of hacks
It's closer to alcoholism. It's just escapism spiraling out of control.
I really hope this will completely decimate the vidya gaming industry.
I think they will be hit by this combined with the anti-lootbox bill. Even if it doesn't pass the issue is never going away
Okay, here is some indisputable, objective, big brain truth for you: Only a straight white male space could think treating everyone as straight white men by default is being fair.
You only treat them the same as long as they don't break the illusion of straight white maleness. Thus, only straight white men are allowed to be open about who they are.
There are no women on the internet, and no one knows you're a nigger. That assumes a white male default. And don't tell me straight white men are shat on for broadcasting your gender/sex/race/whatever, because mentioning your dick doesn't get the same response as mentioning your vagina, showing a white hand in a picture doesn't get the same response as showing a black hand, talking about tfwngf doesn't get the same response as tfwnbf.
The default is so ingrained that you don't even notice it. You look straight past these obvious markers of identity because they merely confirm the identity you've already implicitly assumed they had.
You can talk about dicks all day long but mention your boobs once and people will be tripping over themselves to say "no girls on the internet, now tits or GTFO" (a phrase that, if you think about it, itself reinforces heteronormative patriarchy).
There's actually nothing wrong with thinking like this, equal of opporunity, blind hiring and meritocracy should be priority for the benefit of society but liberals are somehow against this idea.
Ah they noticed the thread.
Abandon ship, they won't let you talk about anything else
I'm all support for AAA industry destruction. And return everything into niche
You should be thankful that we give you the benefit of the doubt that you're a straight white male, and not some kind of nigger tranny.
Because social media is great and it connects people from across the world regardless of distance and promotes compassion and understanding and peace and love for all eternity. It's certainly not a cynical exploitation of the frailty of human compulsion loops wrapped in Skinner boxes sucking whatever energy and personality it can feed on for big data adbux at the expense of its victims, at best feeding them unsourced misinformation and at worst utterly ruining their lives whether slowly and gradually or in a succession of shattering blows. Zuck/Chan 2028
Paying for digital distribution is a mental illness
>playing video games is a illness
>chopping off your cock and having a permanent open wound to your colon isn't
Really fires up the neurons in the ole frontal cortex lobe.
Sorry boss. I can't go to work today because I'm sick.
People who have lost all sense of purpose and in their mind donating yourself for science is preferable to straight up suicide. Who knows, you might get fancy superpowers or just become happy afterwards. If it just makes things worse then you can always revert back to your original plan and kys.
poorfags. Also often students in the same field. (student=poorfag + credits for his degree)
Here's an irrefutable galaxy brained comback for ya;
Everyone here in anonymous. Every anonymous person is assumed to literally be john doe.
By breaking that veil and revealing that you're actually Jane doe or Jane (formerly known as john) doe, you are DIRECTLY invalidating the culture of this website and ruining the entire point of being fully anonymous.
Nobody comes here because they want to deal with the bullshit of social stigmas and there is a base assumption that you won't bring social stigmas into it because there is NO WAY you could possibly ACTUALLY know ANYTHING about my life.
It's almost like straight, white males are the only group of humans with humility and confidence so it doesn't fucking matter to them if you call them a nigger faggot, when they know in their heart of hearts that they are neither of those things
You're playing into my earlier point by wanting to be somehow special or well known as different in a place where EVERYONE is different.
You are the only faggot at the masquerade who refuses to wear a cool mask because you spent too much time doing your make-up this morning. Unfortunately, nobody likes that person.
What an original post
>Every anonymous person is assumed to literally be john doe.
And John Doe is a cis white hetero man. Welcome to the point.
their criteria are dumb as shit
it really wasn't. the idea presented in that post has been made quite a few times in this thread alone.
What cock sucking faggot
>if something distracts you from paying for chaim's new yacht, it's bad
pretty much
Your quick response seems like you only read the first line of my post then were immediately in a hormonal outrage
Would you be happy if it was Tyrone Doe?
There has to be some sort of standard blank slate.
Not to mention that in actual practice, everyone here is already "-fag" Doe, so you shouldn't be even complaining as you're more represented than you think.
Not to play doubles advocate but just because it's repetitive doesn't change the underlying point that can be made that things that used to be illnesses no longer are and things that weren't now are.
Definitions are entirely meaningless and the only people who place value in them are bad parents.
What else do you expect? If you want john doe to be chinese go on a chinese board. If you want him to be african go to an african board.
I was deep conspiracy nut until I taught my friend what I learned. Over time I learned better but he didn't cause he didn't have the base rule I have "Stay invisible." So he ended up on tv multiple times bashing race and liberals, was protesting in streets with that stupid v for vendetta mask as an anarchist republican, and constantly talks politics now. I created a monster so I stopped caring for politics or the whole shabang. Even others I just told little bits of stuff I found have radicalized and I just regret telling people since they are just making it worse.
I actually did read the whole thing but since all of it hinged on your initial misunderstanding there wasn't much else to add.
This is an anonymous board.
I can't wait to have my 15 year old wife(male) when the liberals finally lower the legal age to 13 and all their kids becomes disfunctional retards
>liberals finally lower the legal age to 13
You mean increase it to 21
There was no misunderstanding anywhere.
That's one of the problems with modern women/fags, they always assume that them simply being wrong and kind of a retarded asshole is some sort of "misunderstanding"
I know what you're trying to say, but you're wrong. I tried reasonably talking to you, but in full typical tranny nature you're now being dismissive and retarded.
It's the future old Yea Forums would have wanted.
>and all their kids becomes disfunctional retards
we're already past that point
What does race even matter when it comes to anonymity? Especially when it doesnt matter on whatever subject.
>There was no misunderstanding anywhere.
Says the person with the misunderstanding. If you don't understand it, how would you be able to identify the misunderstanding? I know what YOU are trying to say, but you are wrong, and then you started calling me a retarded tranny.
So now instead of every child having autism so their parent can get a check, the parents will just claim they have a video game addiction instead.
But sometimes it does matter.
By this same token, I have met many blacks and mexicans who HATE their race (I mean, they are more racist than I believed were real) and they try to act as white as they can. They are happier, a bit more financially stable, and usually get along better with white people than their counterparts. I think as a society thing, we need to convince people to try to stay invisible instead of express themselves in public.
It's conservatives that want to marry and breed teen girls
Feel you, got a friend into therapy this way, he wanted me to tell him what i know about computer security since i studied it, so i told him the various ways to hack and secure his system and what you could use his data for. Dude got paranoid. Even accused me on occasion of hacking him.
Not entirely. We know this site is visited by americans mostly. Statistics never vanish. If i know 90% are burgers i know most will be white guys. Not to mention this site was founded by weebs which is again mostly pale white neckbeards.
It only ever matters if its part of the subject else it's just attention whoring for no reason. You think too much about race where it isnt needed.
>cheaper tickets
I go to the movies with my obese cousin all the time. We get no discounts on tickets
>State gives heroin because the alternative is addicts dying in mass
and this is a bad thing because?
Explain how you believe that i am misunderstanding you. I just don't see how what I've said isn't the case.
I'm calling you retarded because you've started acting retarded. Welcome to the internet.
Honestly i feel I'm pretty reasonable compared to most people who would reply your post looking for trans sympathy.
tell your fatass cousin to lose weight
So the popular talking point about how true anonymity leaves people free to talk about whatever is a lie. In reality, people are only free to talk about straight white cis male topics.
Because all other problems are of their own making due to the need of individuality.
Want something else? Go to a site which has a different majority. It's just a click away. Every group has their own websites where they represent a majority.
What you doing here is akin to visiting a golf tournament and complaining why nobody wants to play baseball with you.
>Explain how you believe that i am misunderstanding you.
Because you didn't say anything that wasn't already acknowledged to be the case and you were clearly under the impression that it was some sort of insight. You insist there has to be a standard but that's the whole issue being discussed. The standard isn't actually a blank slate. It's loaded with assumptions, and people who fit those assumptions can get away with lifting the veil of anonymity all the time. It's only people who don't fit the standard mould who are blamed for breaking "anonymity" by revealing the same details about themselves, and are thus forced to conform to the standard. Only the ideal John Doe is completely free to express himself in this faux anonymity. The rest is expected to pretend to be him.
>straight white male topics
Nigga what the fuck are you talking about I come here to talk about VIDEOGAMES. Im not even white or straight and I've never had an issue talking about games I like. Seriously get your head out of your ass and stop being OBSESSED with pointless race politics.
Shut up nigger.
Wow it's almost like this site was made for people who don't think like you and have different hobbies.
Not sure why fags always feel entitled as if every website is their own. If you don't like it, fuck off and post somewhere you can get attention with an account, like resetera or facebook.
Going to a place and telling everyone their way of life is wrong and this is your verson of politically correct hang out spot will ALWAYS get you hated very quickly.
Welcome to life as well as the internet.
Ok, this is epic.
I do get intensely angry all the time and clench my teeth, mostly when thinking about things that make me really fucking mad like minorities, women, trannies, faggots, normalfaggots and microtransactions. That must be part of gamer disorder, but frankly I just learn to live with it and grab a nice cold Bangs root beer from the fridge.
> I'd say lurking for a while here actually predisposes you to being trans
No it doesn't, you are just metally ill.
>Wow it's almost like this site was made for people who don't think like you and have different hobbies.
So you think that your race determines how you think and what your hobbies are? Do you actually believe that liking video games and anime necessarily entails that you're a racist and a sexist?
Depends on how invisible we're talking. If you try to contain every bit of yourself in a straight-faced shell, it doesn't help either. It feels like there's a weird mix of being too quiet and too loud with shit overall. Suicide rates and drug overdoses are going up in the US for a bunch of reasons, and it's hardly being talked about or dealt with, but obnoxious faggots are beating people up in the streets over politics when they could easily change things by walking up to a voting booth, or even just quietly signing a petition.
De-emphasizing the importance of what political side you lean on would probably be the best alternative to what we have now. Guaranteed, it'd fix half the problems with a lot of people being on edge and angry all the time in American society.
I can't tell if this is 10/10 bait or if you're genuinely retarded, but look at the fighting game community and stats for chicks and gay people that like vidya outside of mobileshit, and you'll be flabbergasted by the results.
>you can only stay truly user by not giving personal details away
congrats, you figured it out.
What you continue to fail in is the assumption white guys somehow all fit into a stereotype white guy cliche and don't have to adapt likewise.
Why do you stormfaggs still come here and try to astroturf Yea Forums? Trans rights have always been apart of chan culture and identity, just see the " lol traps aren't gay XD"
>cutting your dick off is okay
>grinding for an attack jewel in monhan warudo isn't
>Do you actually believe that liking video games and anime necessarily entails that you're a racist and a sexist?
Most videogames and anime come from racist and sexist countries, yes.
It's not my assumption, it's my observation. You can talk about dicks all day long but mention your boobs once and people will be tripping over themselves to say "no girls on the internet, now tits or GTFO" (a phrase that, if you think about it, itself reinforces heteronormative patriarchy). Apparently there are men on the internet, and only men.
you people still don't get the point. We're separating the loaded label "gamers" from people who just play games. The whole point is that "gamers" who built their identity around playing video games had fostered a community of racism and sexism and homophobia, but that you are only a vocal minority of the consumerbase that was given undue preferential treatment. So fuck you, you don't represent the consumers, you represent the worst aspects of "gamer" culture. I hope one day you will realise that enjoying video games and being a reactionary cunt are two entirely unrelated things.
traps were a joke. Trans are the victims who fell for it.
keep seething whitey, your country is becoming Catholic.
>I can't tell if this is 10/10 bait or if you're genuinely retarded, but look at the fighting game community and stats for chicks and gay people that like vidya outside of mobileshit, and you'll be flabbergasted by the results.
What, are they actually all white and male too? Because otherwise you're agreeing with me, that the assumption of the anonymous default is baseless.
I mean very. there are people that like to flash their expensive goods in public to make people jealous to complain about it getting stolen moments later. Or people arguing their religious views, opinions on shows or movies or things, etc. In public, just be invisible and there would not be conflict. But many people just do not understand to separate their public life and their private ones.
>lol traps aren't gay XD
Those are just shitty jokes but apparently they attract mentally ill idiots like you.
Seething tranny lol
>you can only stay truly user by not giving personal details away
Unless you're a straight white cis man. I explicitly told you this already. I can talk about my dick for days without raising an eyebrow. Everyone here knows tfwngf. Aren't those revealing? Yes, but they don't matter.
You are so unbelievably delusional that you're beyond saving.
I'd hoped that my insight and facts about this place might help you come to terms with the culture here but i can't help you if you're just gonna plug your ears and cry whenever someone tells you how things are, i guess.
There is no reason to ever take off your anonymous mask, man. It is your own fault if you can't deal for a single second without people knowing who you are or what your sexual orientation is, so you can't come crying to us when it is you who choses to come here and make posts "pretending" to be a cis white male.
Also, for the record, how do i become officially non-cis? Where did you register your smug certificate?
And what do you propose as an alternative then, miss beeg brain?
That's not even a logical connection.
Did you skipped your morning dilatation, user?
>Someone was pissed off enough by my post to turn it into copypasta
Serious quest, does this mean I can be on sick leave and be granted grants and handouts until I've cured my addiction?
>website is made up of mostly one kind of person
>people start to treat website like it is made up of one kind of person as the standard
Try to imagine my shock.
Also, you are the one assuming that ALL anonymous "straight white" men are sexist and racist.
And suddenly you're the biggot, you dip
>I'd hoped that my insight and facts about this place might help you come to terms with the culture here
Yeah, well, the thing is I have more insight into the culture of this place than you do, because you're blinded by ideology.
>There is no reason to ever take off your anonymous mask, man.
But there is. You don't even notice when straight white cis men do it, because they conform to your expectations. They just talk about whatever aspect of their personal lives they feel comfortable discussing. THAT is the real culture of this place. Not this pipe dream of anonymous idealism you've bought into.
>Also, for the record, how do i become officially non-cis?
Talk to your therapist.
I don't see why not.
I thought the "kind of person" was supposed to be a person who likes anime and video games, regardless of race or sex or sexual preference or whatever.
>if I say something dumb and people lazily repost it as bait it means they're upset
I don't get it
I obviously left an impression.
Then you a fool
Isn't there a tranny board already? why aren't all of you eunuchs there?
Came here to post this.
Of being a retard with an inflated sense of ego?
Isn't there a tranny hating board already?
That's called real life
They're not welcome there because they bring video games into all of the child grooming threads and it's really annoying
It's called being a man lol
Of knowing just what to say to piss off the troglodytes who make up the majority of this board (hint: it's the truth)
>gamergate was so traumatic for sjws that they had to do this
>i have more insight
t. Delusion
You are the fuckhole who is desperate to bring your idealism into everything.
I am actually taking a more conservative stance, everything you are upset about is absolutely benign and is only an issue in your ill brain.
Did you ask YOUR therapist about this website and what he thinks about how unfair it is that people don't assume anonymous means a somewhat sentient grey blob?
I just don't know what you even want here
>tfw I can finally receive bucks from the state without working because I'm having a "mental illness" which makes me unable to work
>watch chinese cartoons
>be joking with your pals about "wanting to be the little girl"
>suddenly a fat bald mutilated faggot comes to ask for dilatation tips
Why we didn't listen?
>the troglodytes who make up the majority of this board
hint: you're one of them
and you can add this video game illness to it too.
>You are the fuckhole who is desperate to bring your idealism into everything.
No, you retard, this whole narrative about anonymity that you're selling, that's the ideal, it's not reality.
>I just don't know what you even want here
You could admit that your default assumptions are biased and that your misguided insistence on "anonymity" in reality only reinforces the perception that everyone here is a straight white cis man. Breaches of "anonymity" are actually just deviations from the standard assumption. If people just stopped caring then everyone would be equally free to express themselves.
Literally who cares?
Nobody in the medical industry takes seriously what these idiots say.
It's the medical equivalent of the UN.
Alright where do I send my /played wow screen shots for free money?
Really, you think the majority of the board is on my side? Well, get the fuck off of my site, then, and find something more your speed.
Exactly. So don't bring your fucking race or orientation into it. It has nothing to do with anything. If you like a cute girl someone posted, cool. If you like a cute boy someone posted, cool. Nobody gives a fuck why you like them or what brought you to this point in your life.
If you want to take part in this website, check that shit at the door and hide any posts that don't. It's simple as that.
Is this statement true btw?
>Nobody gives a fuck why you like them or what brought you to this point in your life.
They shouldn't, but they do, and it has to stop.
The WHO's analysis are often very biased and have influence from a lot of companies who make way too much money from medicine, and they don't even have the shame to hide it.
How would any self-respecting organization like this ever try to clasify an addiction that has no specific symptoms and might not even happen?
You can easily be addicted to videogames playing plenty of hours a day, and still have a job and hang out with your friends.
This isn't comparable at all to, say, cocaine addiction where the symptoms are inevitable.
Imagine falling for the eunuch meme, like you are losing your penis and you aren't winning anything at all, you just ruinned your sexual life forever because you thought memes were real life, lmao.
>unironcal usage of "cis"
Oh boy, a millennial activist.
How about you go back to Twitter to pretend you are saving the world by discussing the racial diversity of the latest shitty superhero movie?
I literally already explained why the defaults are your version of "biased" but you didn't want to accept it and started crying about how its unfair and im misunderstanding you.
This website/board is NOT for expressing yourself, god damn. There is /soc/, /pol/, a large amount of porn boards, reddit, Facebook, tumbler or instagram for that.
You seriously need to get over yourself if you want to be here.
>get the fuck off of my site, then, and find something more your speed.
But everyone is equally free to express themselves here? Not even the mods do much to prevent you from expressing yourself on this board, for better or worse. Or is being disrespected by other anons somehow inhibiting your freedom of expression?
Nope, they don't. You're the one who takes everything posted on this website seriously and as fact. I promise you that not a single person here personally gives a fuck what you put in your ass.
Again, you're very self-absorbed and delusional if you think everyone here cares about you, or if you think you're any different from a straight white man on the inside.
>trannies keep pushing the WE LIVE IN A SOCIETY memes
>when they are the ones SEETHING over it and demanding change 24/7
Very interesting
counterpoint - don't use Yea Forums or any of those other social media sites either
what is this, reddit? have a (you), my sir! epic style!
>turn off part of your brain
>Become atheist
You must have turned off part of your brain user
>/pol/ thread
>USA becoming Catholic
>Europe becoming Muslim
born just time for the 2nd reconquista
and yet you're here
I'm ok with this, i have a neet friend, he is smart (good memory and silber tongue) but spends too much time playing videogames and the internet, can't study and any work that involves a computer he simply can't do'it. I hope this helps.
>Americans discusing nonesenses again.
Quintisentially boomer.
Back in your glory days of 2004 to 2011 you had 90s nostalgia faggots. Now YOU are the boomer faggot reminiscing about the good old days.
Here’s the truth.
1. Your website is just as shit but less elementary esque
2. Yea Forums is one of the few boards to have not changed at all
Man I hate nostalgiafags
dumb phone poster
>2.Yea Forums is one of the few boards to have not changed at all
It hasnt.
>threads disguised as video game discussions are actually just shitposting bait threads in disguise
That’s all that v has ever been. A video game themed shit posting board.
You are acting like i didn't reply to a guy who was saying something that is completely opposite of my memories. It wasn't just randomly reminiscing you shit. Yeah I'm from the video game "boomer" generation, what of it.
You can try to cope with being a newfag however you like but you'll understand in ten years when you're 25 and all the things you liked when you were are now being shit up by whatever the current version of "zoomer" is.
actually this
You cant call someone a retarded faggot elsewhere because they will report you and you will get a slight ban
>2. Yea Forums is one of the few boards to have not changed at all
I'm newfag cancer from 2011 myself, but I do feel that Yea Forums these days is much different to how Yea Forums was when I first started coming here.
When someone past stupid shit in Yea Forums i can mostly assume it's bait to get (you), even low quality ones.
This is not the case in other web pages.
All you "explained" is the situation as I already described it. You're not adding anything to the discussion.
>hey maybe there is something wrong with spending over 8 hours a day playing video games
Time to cash in those NEET bucks lmao
>flash their expensive goods
Yep, that's fucking retarded, agreed.
>arguing their religious views
Also agreed. Too many people get screwed over by that.
>opinions on shows or movies or things etc.
That's over the top. Polite debate over stuff you like is perfectly fine. It's all fine until people get angry enough to ruin you or beat the shit out of you, and most of the time that doesn't happen.
its dial8
>gaming is an illness
>being gay or tranny isn't
at this point I just laugh
Holy fuck. This is why everyone hates you people.
I started out being fully okay with the idea that you're sane and a tranny, but at this point it shouldn't be a surprise that you're actually an insufferable faggot.
Congrats. You've done nothing but enforce your awful stereotype after outting yourself.
Any self-aware person would see the irony, but that's asking a bit much from a man who wants desperately wants to erp as a girl