The hype is real brothers.
Other urls found in this thread:
Have sex
I'm going to marry Y'shtola!
Is it? I'm not really looking forward to it. Alternate dimensions are lame.
with two bunnies? yes
Don't have sex
Did we get any more class info than the benchmark and job action video?
lmao not for summoners
Not from official sources.
Level it now, when you feel like giving up switch to PvP which is basically how 5.0 MCH will look like.
>no tail
Bros, what're the two classes that make you either go 'Oh thank fuck' or 'Oh please no' in party content?
Shed jobs are asleep.
Post MCH glamours.
have kids
Bunch of leaked tooltips, and the summary pastebin from before the LL.
>that feel when a remix of a Stormblood song is better than the new songs
makes me worried about the soundtrack
This look alright?
Also what job should I play?
bend over then
>Also what job should I play?
McDonalds cashier
based contrarian retard
They never had tails idiot.
I know, still looks disgusting though.
get divorced
Oh please no
>White Mage
>liking the unimpactful "WE FALL" borefest
>furfag expansion
>BfA style class homogenization
I miss Heavensward. FFXIV has gone to shit.
The only time I think "Oh please no" is if I'm SCH and the rest of the party is as follows: WAR, DRK, AST
And that's only because I hate healing through living dead.
Questions for ya'll.
>1. Are you not wanting to play XIV now until expansion because of the changes
>2. Hyped for your main?
>3. Do you feel the customization for Hrothgar/Viera was significant
>4. Do you think Viera ears should have motion or remain static.
>still 3 more days under NDA
>leaker is still wild and pure and forever free
Ah yes, the age of blood for blood and raging strikes on every opener. Truly, pressing these two buttons was the pinnacle of depth and job design!
It's okay to admit you have no taste
>if I'm SCH
>I hate healing
DRGs are almost universally awful. Anytime I see one in ex roulette I know the run is going to take an extra 5 minutes because they won't aoe anything.
Yes, SB is boring now
>Having a main in 2019
Motionless look like shit
yes but it was boring before that already
hell yeah machinist looks baller
pathetic outcome
motion, duh
Ran the benchmark for funsies. Haven't played the game since MCH was released and the class blew. Is it better now? I might give it a try again while waiting for Classic WoW in 3 months.
pay alimony
Drk looks really neat.
>More Viera r34
Yoshi P is a god among men
Tried this game ages ago and they wouldnt let me be a dragon girl so I dropped it, can I be a f2p dragon "girl" yet?
I literally can't wait to watch a four hour documentary of Mr.happy detailing all the info from the media tour that could be condensed into a video of 15 minutes or less.
MCH is at 11:30.
its okay to admit that you are an edgy DRK fag who thinks the DRK questline was not shit
Yes, Heavensward is now free, and Au Ra are linked to having HW registered.
been playing since arr release and i'm only worried that the changes might make the game more boring.
Bard seems nice and excited for more leaks for them
it looks decent
i think there should be a bit of a bonce to them,but i personally don't care
t. seething warrior in the cuckshed
I play healers, try again insecure baby.
>15 minutes for 200+ actions
Oh no no no no.
If you're not playing a viera dancer like in the videos, kill yourself
why does he care so much
Hey, looks cool. Love the robot; reminds me of DFO mechanics.
1. I'll get a bit of that last taste before all goes to shit. I did 1 final MSQ roulette too before it became cutscene roulette.
2. I don't even know what I main anymore. I'd say tanks and those are looking fine for now.
3. Ps4 cuck here so no idea if it was enough.
4. I see no reason for it to not be motion.
He stands next to it as if he was part of the team that made it.
is that robot a reference to a older ff?
>it's real
>check twitter to see if it's real
>instead I just get to see larryzaur and brappy jerking each other off
Leakers need to knock these guys down a peg
he won't get SE's fat cock in his ass anymore if he ever stops thanking them for it
Awww, look at MrCrappy, thinking he matters
bros... WoW Chads won again... couldn't even beat the twitch viewer count...
He'll spend over an hour on each of the Jobs. It's going to be awful.
No. Most of his other attacks are stuff Edgar had in ff6 but the robot is unique to ff14.
Oh no not the twitch viewer count...
>caring what a corporate bootlicker thinks
Will there ever be an option to turn off the constant grunts the character makes when attacking
King's honor, friend
>And that's only because I hate healing through living dead.
Use Lustrate and get over it.
In other words:
>Healers adjust.
t. DRK main
absolutely based asmongold poster
I wanna have an orgy with bunny girls while Y'shtola is masturbating :D
>playing the emotionless and motionless viera race
No thank you.
No ear movement, no play.
just play a caster!
There already is. Just turn off voices in the sound options.
>matchmake into a party
>combat begins
>female miqote voice 5
just turn off voices niggy
its in the sound settings
>nah, i still have bits and pieces i can do
>BLM is literally just YOU BUT BETTER so yes
>no, for all their talks they aren't great. I feel real bad for Hroths because they're gonna get turbofucked on this front
>motion for sure
I want to lick through my buns face.
Living Dead is gone in Shadowbringers, so you can look forward to Gunbreakers suiciding themselves instead.
based elemental handgonne
Would've been funny if it was real
You can play them all eventually. So just pick whichever appeals to you most.
Do the Viera ears move with certain emotes like miqote at the very least?
why i cant find this tweet
Is that this voice?
make some good guides first :^)
Would you?
Mr Happy wants to be the official SE mouthpiece for FFXIV because it gets him exclusive content he can use to make videos. He sucks Yoshi's cock relentlessly. He hates leaks because it means he can't make worthless speculation videos where he talks about nothing for 20 minutes for sweet ad revenue.
Will there ever be an option to turn off others glamours for my clients similar to turning off gauss barrel?
That shuts off ALL voices dum dums it's been six years how can there not be a separate option by now.
>basically how 5.0 MCH will look like
What makes you say that? There will be no reload, no ammo, a WF which you can detonate at your will.
Hope there's a dyeable version of this set in SHB.
Post more leaks to thank them for their invaluable input
No, my bunny is sexier.
>being a wagecuck
yikes, where my NEETniggas on autism bux at?
I can already taste the Day 1 clear of the next savage raid tier.
>apply to join a static
>tonight we'll run some O12S to try you out
aren't my logs fucking enough
Because it's fake.
Literally nothing, it's that bad.
How much do I charge a bunny for sex on 1st day of release
No, the ears may as well be made out of plastic. There are hats that have more animation bones than Viera ears.
why has no one made a rotation guide thing since we've seen all the dnc tool tips?
So I started xiv recently and the only problem is that I resent I have to type in my password, hit play, watch the rating and squeenix shit, then hit start, then select my character.
In WoW it's a fucking two step process
Logs don't tell them anything about you. What if you're some tranny who does that awful fake high pitch voice that constantly cracks. I certainly couldn't stand to play with someone like that.
there are like 5 items that dye well, all the other have garbage colour distribution or just get all of the same colour
its more likely we get other coloursets that fit better
Lol goodbye BRD, keep the bench warm.
Wasn't particularly planning to fantasia into one but kinda disappointing still.
We don't have all of them, also you'll have to build DNC rotation around other players not just yourself. Other than that it's extremely simple - main combo > procs off main combo > fan OGDs that proc off the main combo > fan procs, use dances on cooldown, use flourish on cooldown to go into procs faster.
please understand
>resub after 2 years
>still not kicked from guild
>"hey user, long time no see"
>I don't remember any of them
>leave guild to avoid the hassle
>get whisper: "user, why did you leave? :(
>put them on ignore
Did I do the right thing?
Sorry, the technology isn't there yet.
I'm going to blow it.
So i'm not alone. Fuck that voice and the people who pick it.
>Living Dead is gone in Shadowbringers
Please dont spread lies user
>All the stuff that sold prior FF expansions (new races, the promise of the story not grinding to a halt, more job quests, big flashy new moves, quantity of content) looks like shit.
>All the stuff that actually matters (combat rebalancing and adjustment, quality of content, quality of writing, less timesinks, new setting) looks great.
What a weird expansion.
Maybe I'll actually play DRG this time.
You were just a number to inflate the company leaders ego. you did good
No you sperged out
There's quite a few female voices like that.
Nobody ever deals with femroes long enough to notice, but a lot of them have the thing where the voices with good emote sounds have terrible battle cries and the ones with great battle cries have fairly bad emote noises. Never pick "shonen protag seiyuu" femroe voice, ever, or I will break your neck.
None of the jobs themselves make me go "Oh fuck no" but the first pull you can tell who's gona be shit.
>Tanks that pull one pack
>healers that only heal
>DPS that dont AoE
You know, things like that. If I had to pick one I'd say bards. Fuckers always need to attack while Im doing the pull and I swear try to take mobs from me.
However I do really like MNK WHM and NIN. They just always seem the most competent.
I don't often say this, but yikes
Need advice. Is it worth moving servers for better ping or better players? I'm on Tonberry but I'm an americuck, I feel like I have too much latency for raids, but japs play better than NA trannies. Game is unfun with such high ping though, do I just go back to NA? Which is the comfiest server?
That isn't nearly all the tooltips. But basically the rotation works like this:
You have two 2-step combos, one for AoE and one for single target.
The combo steps are guaranteed to link into each other, but they each have a 50% chance of giving you a proc which lets you use a more powerful version of the step right afterwards. These upgraded versions themselves have a 50% chance of giving you a feather on your gauge, which you can spend on OGCD attacks, which also have a 50% chance of upgrading to a more powerful version upon use.
is there a more based primal than susano?
>MCH robot takes 6 seconds to attack the target after using the skill to summon it
>the 20 second counter starts regardless
So the actual duration of the damage being done is 14 seconds, not 20
>Never pick "shonen protag seiyuu" femroe voice
Implying i'm weeb enough to know what this sounds like
Yes because they are now rid of some fucking faggot.
>Devs don't like the bunnies because they want them to look manly, but they end up looking like cats with bunny ears.
>Fans want fucking kid bunnies, which isn't gonna fly.
I'm surprised they didn't compromise by either making a beastly new race that isn't Viera but is also rabbit themed or just keep bunny boys fairly tall but give them "softer" faces than the other races aside from the mandatory old man face.
healers have to focus on heals if tanks do big pulls, especial if they're retarded with mitigation
Same stuff for drk fray summon.
It's the same with bahamut and DRK one
Speaking of big pulls, I really hope DRK's either don't lose or get a suitable replacement for Dark Arts + Abyssal Drain spam
That combo combined with the billions of ways to snap generate mana made AoE tanking as DRK a joy, it'd be super shit if they took it away completely
>unequip my job stone
>find all the old actions that we've lost
I can't believe Kiss of the Viper is gone.
Move to a primal server, don't even get why you're on tonberry
What do the dances do ? I know Sword Dance is Crit and DH but what about the normal buffs those dances give ?
>warrior get a 900 direct hit potency attack
it's over
You don't have to be a weeb to know which voice sounds like a little boy screaming.
Only in leveling dungeons. At 50/60/70 Healers shouldn't even have to use a single healing gcd after the initial regen.
Nah, the ability preview proved how dumb they are when handling the game. Turning it into WoW 2.0
>Busy with work and I'm already caught up on MSQ, though I could use a little more gear for SdB prep
>(SMN) waiting for embargo, but overall both excited and apprehensive
>No, but I don't particularly care for either
>If tails can have motion so can ears
It's ridiculous. Just the animation takes 2 seconds, the robot spawns and does its animation and loses 2 seconds and uses the next 2 to get to the target and actually punches the target for the first time at 12-13 second mark.
And I can already see that in 5.1 they're gonna shorten animation times. I think that did it for dragoon jump animations in SB.
>Viera Dancer can't even wear the best Aiming head piece in the game.
go back
>When there's 2 DRG in team so we Sight each other
I hate Dragon Sight but this feel fun
Looking at the final product, I wish they had shrunken the viera torsos slightly and gave them the longer arms and legs they have in Ivalice games. PS, if you play as a non-brown bunny you're doing it wrong.
impossible mode: you first
Viera face 3 is some uncanny shit.
It looks like a miqote child's face.
Yes and No
dance has an inherent PBAOE nuke and puts up damage buff on you and your partner. Technical dance hits harder and gives damage up to everyone. Technical and Standard buffs stack.
>Woe betide the woman who stands beside the Weapon of Light, for death shall be her reward. Death for her, her kin, and all that she holds dear.
>Doing the post 4.0 quests
>Quetline to "Help the Refugees with the retard potatoe ruler"
>Living Meme Man has to explain why taxing others is wrong
cant wait to date alisae in 5.1
>there's also a version where they look like a sort of young Elezen oh wait no oops
tfw you are trying to make a good MMO but trannies keep invading it
maybe ravana
And that's a good thing.
Too bad it's on an old hag body.
>where there's 2 DRG in the team and they both Sight you
Literally DS's only redeeming quality.
She and her brother got new outfits and are part of the Trust system, they're not going anywhere.
>SMN summons Phoenix
>casuals start screaming Suzaku
Drg jumps already got shortened a few times. Iirc the only made Mirage Dive animation shorter.
Sorry I'm going home to wow classic instead, with all my friends.
>It looks like a miqote child's face
Wow, maybe I will actually roll one after all
But I wanted waifu not grandpa
dem proportions
I dont even have the job crystal for warrior.
Im not as predictable as you, friendo.
try again.
Would you?
umm dont you guys know that wow classic exists?
so why can only 1 of my retainers go on free exploration? the other one can do fishing and waterside shit. should i reset that one?
>It's the same with bahamut
no it isn't, bahamut starts firing off about a second after he appears, provided you're firing off spells and/or enkindles
the only thing that lags bahamut is if you force him to run around, at which point he has an aneurysm and stands there staring at the sky for 10 seconds before doing anything
Thought that was Raya for a moment.
Waifu is not a primal, just a jacked up bird
desu if I was a WAR main I would be pretty pissed about how fucking bad their job action demonstration was
>Gunbreaker has very slick and stylish moves and has explosive slashes and nice looking support
>Paladin gets some cool looking new swordplay and magic to play with, as well as instacasts
>Dark Knight gets Cecil's Darkside ability and even gets to summon Fray and have him fight by your side
>Warrior gets slightly different animations for existing attacks
it will probably still be good but holy shit does it look like an absolute snorefest compared to the other tanks
Why would any sane person go back to that?
Other angle
>they got outfits that already exist in the game, not new outfits
I'm sorry user. Its over
>half their job preview is just fell cleave spam
fitting, but come on
Basically RDM?
Ali didn't want you bringing up her Grandpappy in the public after Coil anyway. More than happy to pretend it's Nanjou Yoshino's Suzaku
>another FFXIV thread full of obnoxious avatarfags who think anyone gives a shit about their slider settings
I rather be a lean addict than a meth addict.
Looks like a fucking grey. Try again.
Maybe they can? I don't know how many headgears are there in this game, but 540 is a lot.
We'll find out in a month.
if you give it heterochromia you'll have successfully made the shittest looking viera these threads have ever seen
dumb animeposter
>Want to swap to hrothgar
>All the glamours I currently have dont work on males
>Would be swapping from a small female to large male
I'm torn. Will prob be playing DRK or GUN and MCH.
Alright, but where does Gunbreaker fit into all this
because a new race just dropped
GBR? Do we have an official on which it's gonna be?
GNB is the other slave driver.
GNB's off doing some DMC shit somewhere
He's by DRK side just watching, confused.
Konnichiwa bros, queuing to liberate Doma Castle. Looking for a tank and healer.
It's just existing player gear dummy. It's to accommodate the Trust system since the lot of them (the Scions) will be getting job crystals and such. Those aren't new outfits.
Kinda, I guess. Even simpler than RDM, really, but the dancing QTEs are meant to make up for it.
>viera customization is so shit that nobody will ask for bunnyboys now
4d chess
>still can't fight the Twelve.
That would have better a better raid.
What order would they they go in from weakest to strongest if split into 3 raids of 4 fights each?
It's GNB
>its a leak
>all well connected content creators discredit it
How is this not a red flag?
Go away irrelevant old meme character
>not enjoying the fell cleave spam
If you mained it you would have appreciated it.
0.1% of faggots wanted male viera to begin with
Feels like you'd do a sloppy job.
i miss ilberdposting so much
Shotafags should not only be ignored, but usually the exact opposite of what they want should be done instead.
Which you could be forgiven for, because holy shit that face is neotenous.
theres still hope, maybe elidibus can posses his dead body after zenos steals his own body back
If basically said the only thing holding them back from bunny boys at this point is internal workflow problems that prevent them from implementing any new races at all. If they ever get those fixed, they all but confirmed that male viera would happen, but it's a big "if".
They heard the backlash loud and clear. It has been years since Yoshi has had to make an official producer letter post on the forums to deal with fan concerns, but the combination of genderlocks + no new healer essentially forced him.
Be the change you want to see in the world.
When they girl said "we're not... muted"
Fuck Mr.Happy. I'm sure he's the real leaker, because why else would the leaker keep mentioning happy if it wasn't to keep him "relevant"
Has it even been confirmed they wear aiming? I mean, it would make sense, but still.
a man who can't protect his virginity can't protect anything
I liked WAR before the rework in 4.2, the 10s of inner release fell cleave spam honestly gets old rather quickly, chunky fell cleaves used to be really nice, now they just feel so standard and boring.
WAR? more like snore
Confirmed by datamining the benchmark
Wouldn't be surprised. Gotta keep yourself relevant in a way.
Yes, it's confirmed.
I hope it never happens, fuck them
literally fucking this
i dont understand how people can still find fell cleave entertaining
I'll play Viera if I can hide those shit ears.
I'm sorry, little ones.
The more I see about mch the more I think I'll just level drg first instead.
he was obviously saving lvl 60 gear for a new healer, but that isn't happening and if they add a new healer in the next expansion, it will start at lvl 70
>still a month away
How are you guys coping?
>two classes share striking gear
>three share aiming gear
>three (arguably four) share casting gear
>three share healing gear
>four share fending gear
>DRG is still a special snowflake that doesn't have to share with anyone (ninja too)
I will never waste an opportunity to complain about this, because it's fucking bullshit and I'm sick of it.
I feel bad since you wasted tomestones for those
felt almost as bad for me since I farmed Alexandrian gear
Yes, you have two special actions which cause you to start dancing, your weaponskills get replaced by "steps". Your job gauge displays a series of random steps you have to execute, like a QTE. You press the steps in the correct order and get a buff or do a big attack.
someone give me a quick summary of what each of these gods do
The problem is that every part of your character is a model. The head, chest, arms, etc. And every time you equip gear on one of those parts, that's a different model. You have equipment A arms model, equipment B arms model, equipment A head model, equipment B head model, and so on. So when you change gear or glamours, you're not just putting on that armor, the game is literally swapping out a different model chest or arms or legs or what have you. And so the FFXIV team, whenever they implement a new race, have to make models for EVERY PIECE OF GEAR IN THE GAME. And as the game continues to add new gear in over time that's even more gear that would have to be models for any new race in the future.
>When people have to datamine a benchmark to answer basic questions
I hate SE marketing in general for JP titles, but XIV's team in particular is so fucking bad. Shitty interpreters, poor prep, poor timing, refusal to elaborate on basic things.
>This whole fucking thread
Rabbits are gay
Tank: WAR Yes / DRK No
Healer: SCH Yes / AST No
I had these waiting since 3.5, so they had their run.
Ninja being lone melee with DEX is fucking retarded as well.
The Weapon of Light yes. But considering we're about to become the Weapon of Darkness? Who can say.
It's 100% happy, remember he was the one that leaked the discord SB skills. They had an entire shitfit because of him.
>ast no
excuse me?
I'm behind. I still have shit to level. I don't know if I'll even make it on time.
SAM should have been with DRG because it's just not fair that SAM missed out on that Samurai style gear the DRG got and NIN should have just been striking always. FUCK YOSHI
WoWfag here, are there any WoWfags that went to FFXIV that can give me a quick rundown on the game, if it's similar to WoW at all? I'm interested in giving it a shot. I can't stand WoW anymore because of war/titanforging, mythic+ dungeons, and some other design issues.
NIN still has scouting exclusively too. Unless they are removing Scouting and Maiming, they should have just given Scouting to Dancer. It doesn't make sense to have 2 entire sets of gear for every tier when only 1 job can use each of them. Either give DNC Scouting and then add a Maiming DPS in 6.0, or remove Scouting and Maiming altogether and just have DRG use Striking and NIN use Aiming.
Not him but as an AST myself I hate AST/AST lineups. When I queue into 24-mans or 8-mans without a co-healer I never queue as AST.
It's not improbable, he created a leaker boogeyman to fight and get good boy points with Yoshida that way.
But wouldn't he post them elsewhere? Since we fucking hate his guts.
preparing by leveling desynth.
When CUL desynth becomes lucrative profits I will be laughing while everyone else is stuck unlocking and leveling fisher, then reeeing about the class quest as merlins go for 1 mil on the mb
>using Halone, Rhalgr and Azeyma as the final tiers
I like you
got any sources on this?
I keep forgetting about Hrothgar and everytime I see a picture of them my hype dies a little more.
imagine having a tattoo on your character
I thought it was pretty rad that we got to see WAR use it's Deliverance and Defiance abilities together, it clued us in on the loss of dps stance before the other tanks too.
sounds like you will be happier over here >>>/xivg/
I still got 2 classes I want to level before then. MCH is so fucking boring at lower levels, but I enjoy the end game playstyle. I keep thinking maybe I'll just buy the autolevel but I'm not that dumb, not yet.
In this case it's all just to give the media/"influencers" something to talk about. It sucks for users because there's zero reason why SE can't just release all the information themselves, they do it solely to maintain a network of shills. They give certain people exclusive information which they can use to make monetized videos/articles, and in exchange those people shill the new expansion. It's a very efficient system for SE but boy it sucks for us.
>Nald'thals fight will be full of orb mechanics
AST/AST is the worse feel, sincr you have to keep an eye on both your and the other AST’s cards at the same time
13yr Mythic Raodong WoWfag here, swapped in December.
Think of literally content in WoW and how it always feelings lacking in some aspect. FFXIC has everything WoW has but actually fleshed out and well presented.
There is genuinely far too much to cover.
WAR is getting a 900 potency attack, more AOE, and some sort of interesting looking buff.
I still don't understand how it is in the shed.
Free trial up to level 35. Free heavensward expansion with base game until June 27th. Free heavensward and stormblood expansion with Shadowbringers, but they don't unlock until July 2nd when Shadowbringers launches.
every tank has aoe combos now
No one is in the Shed, and if people try to put jobs there they can go fuck themselves.
Byregot should be 12, he's clearly the strongest. Ask any crafter.
The fact that Dancer doesn't use Scouting is weird as hell. Scout gear fits their aesthetic better and is basically the same stats anyway, and both are support jobs.
You're biggest possible hurdle will be the mandatory Main Story Quests. But if you like FF animu plots then you'll enjoy it (mostly).
We know from modding though that that's not entirely true. Most of the races share body models which are just slightly modified using algorithmic scaling and changes to animation posture on the rigs. When they make a new piece of gear for female Midlanders, it automatically works on all female races except Lalafell. All they have to do is check for any obvious errors caused by stretching and the like, then modify the base model accordingly. It doesn't add that much extra work. The only real extra work is caused if they need to modify gear specifically to work with a new race's features, e.g. changing a helmet so Viera ears don't clip. That is when they are forced to make new models, and that's also why the majority of headgear won't be functional for Viera/Hrothgar at launch.
AST are usually abysmal in random duty finder groups, but amazing in statics and such. In roulettes and such they rarely use any cards or use them right, rarely AoE and often just stand there overwhelmed.
>Main NIN and like DRG
You think I like having to get gear that I can't share with my other jobs?
I've stopped caring about jobs for the most part and just check everyone's gear before the content starts.
Red flags are:
>gear below the current crafted/normal raid gear on an odd-numbered patch
>no materia slotted
For the most part, at least, because there's one job that gets me wary whenever I see its icon, especially when they outnumber more useful/damaging jobs by 2 to 1 or even 3 to 1. At least on Crystal, for some unknown fucking reason, 80% of the people who play this job are total shit.
literally who
I intend to get to level 35 on all DoH classes before paying for ARR.
I've already did it for Culinarian and Goldsmith, and I'm working on Carpenter now.
He's not wrong. He should have just got to 50 before doing the review.
Every tank is getting a big new potency skill, a new AoE combo and some kind of buff or group buff. It just looks boring thats all.
Because at the end of the day, it's still just Fell Cleave: The Job, while every other tank gets something cool
What DNC and GNB weapons might look good of the ones we can currently pre-farm for?
the endgame is trash and unrewarding, but everything up to that point has very good production values. You'll still unsub after you finish all the relevant content, but until that point, the game feels amazing.
People always complain about the 2.5s gcd but it's only an issue at first. You barely feel it later on due to all of the oGCDs you have to hit, especially on DPS.
That part's frustrating for sure, but it's more than that. The LL was an absolute shitshow, from the sound issues, to horrible interpreting, to fuckups like AST cards having the wrong names in the job actions trailer. It's doubly frustrating because it feels like there are legitimately good things to get hype about in ShB but it's presented in a really shitty way.
>join a seiryu clear party for kicks
>3 rdms and a sam
>none were over 5k before the cutscene on any pull
>no materia slotted
That's usually not a "huge" detriment in normal content as long as the person can still play their job correctly. Of course it's always better, but I've done Ex trails and raids with Tanks/Healers that don't have all their shit slotted and they can still get through it fine. I think it's more about people not realizing the boost they get from materia rather than outright being bad.
yeah, I want to see some sch tooltips. whats that crit buff it got do?
If you're a raider, it's great, because it guarantees you any loot drops for your class.
And that's why it sucks for everyone else: your exclusive garbage dilutes the pool. On the chance healing gear drops, a healer has to roll against their cohealer- meanwhile you never share.
>tfw you're going to spend the first few hours of Shadowbringers launch making sure your Viera doesn't have a weird in-combat voice
*fell cleaves you*
me too bro, me too...
why wouldn't you post on Yea Forums with the anonymity?
Bard tool tips
I need to know...
The endgame is great and feels amazing
This. Fucking this.Why can't we preview combat voice and all emotes in the CC?
job's too hard, especially the for the kind of people that like the aesthetic of the class
It just makes your next heal crit. You can see them use it and then immediately crit aldo after in the job trailer.
You could post on some Discord from a throwaway account and they'd stroke your ego much more there.
>to fuckups like AST cards having the wrong names in the job actions trailer
Huh. I was wondering what the deal with that was.
I thought it was a preview, telling you what the next card will be (like in Tetris).
Imagine if it made the next spell cast a crit. Bruh.
I might have mained DRG if they gave us a dragon buddy in combat
I might have mained MNK if they removed positionals
I guess I'm forever stuck as a tank.
I don't think FFXIV has changed his life for the better.
get some Alex books in case they get stuff from there
It clearly shows in his review that he knows shit. He played Ice Mage, after all. Though while he is free not like XIV and make a negative review of it, his (general) behaviour after that is just hilariously sad.
Seemed like it was telling you what the next card is to me as well, user
But RDM is the easiest job.
I dunno. I'd love to be able to play video games for a living. At least for a few years. Not sure why I haven't tried it. Maybe charisma?
that's just what a SE-Semen overdose does to a person
Few companies are as professional as they try to appear. Blizzard is (or was) one of the biggest development studios in the west and yet even after 14 years of WoW, it still feels like it's being developed by total amateurs. Most players of ongoing games WISH they could get poorly translated dev streams with botched audio. Instead they get nothing or even get told to just stop whining.
my score is 5700~
how to kys myself and my 11 year old toaster quickly and painlessly?
I hate what Eureka did to the RDM mentality, where people think a good RDM is one who raises people.
He looks so much sadder.
It looks that way at first but you can see he draws The Spear and it says "The Arrow", but the next card he draws is another Spear.
so no ones gonna reply? alright
The AST at one point draws Bole, Spear, Spear. The text reads, Spear, Arrow, Arrow. It's not a "your next card" mechanic.
the whole rotation is juggling rng, they might as well rename the job to jester
It was right every time before the last card though. It could be that they have a new draw that gives you the opposite of whatever you would have got. Ewer to Spire, Spear to Arrow, Bole to Balance.
>are there any WoWfags that went to FFXIV
I'm pretty sure we have more WoWfugees than actual Final Fantasy fans now.
2000 is "average" by the way.
Fair enough.
I only watched the trailer once, and I was just musing on a reason why that might have been the case.
quantity of content is much less than WoW but overall quality of the content is better. (as in visual/aesthetic/sound/music/QA)
Classes are more difficult to play than in WoW so learning curve/time is much greater. Raid designs bend towards mechanic execution with a lot of one hit/insta-death or wipe mechanics, rather than DPS/gear checks like in WoW
I play both WoW/FFXIV and alternate between the two when each game gets a content patch.
good taste in tops
Not him but seriously? Is that
Is that some joke that I don't get or is there a legit reason why he spams blizzard 1?
When he stops making hour long videos "speculating" about shit he already knows but can't talk about.
But there's no decision to make. RDM is literally press 1 then 2. If 3 lights up press it instead of 1.
Never played the game so I don't know how to interpret these scores. It says "very high", but I had screentearing out the ass during the benchmark and I was literally watching a slideshow during the scene where there was a large battle with fucktons of shit going on. Can I realistically expect this game to be playable with that score?
>rather than DPS/gear checks like in WoW
But there are plenty dps/gear checks in XIV, some fights have many at the same time like seiryu, it might be a joke but it's true.
Least fun class to play with by far would be BLM. When they aren't killing me from spread mechanics, they're off in narnia missing heals. Every so often I find myself fighting them off from melee positions in pug strats. Most of their mains are some combo of primadonna and autistic, so they're content to make you fight their job in addition to the boss.
Limited sample size but I don't think I've ever seen a truly awful AST. The shitter healers gravitate to WHM and SCH.
By average I meant "medium". It'd be 30fps probably.
Lower some of the effects then.
I have 2,6k what's the problem?
I've been playing the game on high without problems and there's no reason this expansion should change that. XIV is hardly the game that justifies a hardware upgrade.
and if it doesn't light up then you have to change the rotation, every time, the difference between a high dps rdm and a low dps rdm is how much rng procs they got
Not sure what DC you are playing, but awful ASTs are a dime dozen over here. Even, I rather see a WHM over an AST in pugs.
Are you offering?
whats the most effective way to level up tanks and healers? I'm planning to level up a WHM and PLD but I'm still lvl 10 and 40.
do daily roulettes, spam highest level dungeon
DAMN, HE USED TO LOOK THAT THIN?! Why hasn't he just shaved his hair off.
You would probably have to turn down a few things like shadows and water effects but you could still play just fine. FF14 is actually optimized pretty well and is super toaster friendly.
What is your other retainer, is it properly geared/leveled and do you have enough coins?
Vampire Bunny
DPS checks in FF14 are shitter filters rather than real DPS checks. If you can execute your rotation while doing mechanics, you pass. There's always tons of leeway even when everyone has outdated gear.
Heavensward had real DPS checks but everyone hated it so they haven't done that since, not even in Ultimate.
In addition:
Aetheryte Earring (shadowniggas preorder bouns)
Joining a Free Company for that 10% exp up (heat of the battle)
Clear your hunting log
post the tooltip
He guzzled up several thousand gallons of SE-semen and ballooned in weight since then.
If you were able to play SB you can play SHB. I went back and tested the SB benchmark and the scores were nearly identical.
I meant on this thread fampay. And I got plenty of replies, thank you guys for the input. Only thing that keeps me from giving it a shot is that being free from MMORPGs feels good. I have so much spare time now to play so many games.
looks nothing like a vampire, but reminded me of some ugly negress from high school who claimed to be into goth
Yes. The only variant in RDM damage is rng because the job is so simple that player skill is irrelevant.
Or the simpler explanation is they got it wrong. When you use Minor Arcana the text slot is reserved for telling you what you have at present, and it makes sense that they continue to tell you what you have drawn in text form in addition to the visual. If it were a new draw, it'd have a new animation, and frankly a new draw would add bloat and compete with redraw, which is confirmed to still be in.
Isn't his asian girlfriend a feeder?
He's a fucking retard who used to play F2P korean MMOS all day for his channel and has an actual rule for his twitch chat that forbids chat from helping him.
SAM shitters ruin everything
This statement might not be too far from reality. Most XIV players i've met never played other MMO or FF before.
Some specific settings like tessellation can tank your fps at times, you'll have to do some tweaking.
In most content there's only 8 players though so it's no big deal if large crowds aren't smooth.
i don't know where i got free from.
my first retainer is a botanist, lvl 12. doesn't have any gear on.
it can do botany, woodland explore, and quick explore.
my second retainer is a fisher, lvl 3.
no gear. can do fishing and waterside explore.
my goal here is to have them bring back rare things for lots of gil. i have enough coins.
Ah yes, I too am literally obsessed with black people that seeing a pale goth girl makes me think of them.
A new draw would take the place of Spread or Royal Road which are both gone.
>lacking elementary grade reading comprehension
Depression is hell of a thing
the whole class is rng, with other classes you learn your rotation and do them, with rdm you always have to work off whatever procs you get
manipulating the rng with micro managing is what's hard and is never properly explained
Is it true that Bane is gone and were just getting an AoE DoT or two itself?
It makes me sad how much your character in the benchmark moves yet we all know that in game cutscenes will never have our characters move this much.
Speaking of retainers, now that Squadrons and Trusts exist, it's only a matter of time before we can play with our waifu retainers, right?
Again, the animation was of Draw. The only card manipulating skills without unique animations (or any at all) are undraw ones. And again, it would compete with the shuffle mechanic since you'd essentially have 2 shuffles which is not how this game's design works.
And then fanta if it is fucked.
Unlikely because of retainers being able to play as Gatherers.
Here is a chart of the supposed skills being pruned for 5.0
>unsheathe weapon
Thinking of starting with the new expansion, how's my dragon dude?
>my first retainer is a botanist, lvl 12
>my second retainer is a fisher, lvl 3
>not max level
See, there's the problem. You get access to higher explorations and better rewards when your retainers (i)LV is higher.
Also each gatherer is different from each other in rewards from ---side Exploration and quick ventures. War/Magic retainers are different from gatherers too, obviously.
>slowly turns around
>walks off in straight line
cant believe people actually watch this shit instead of mashing ESC
>your character will never do more than nod, tilt their head, and run in front of people
I noticed he'd legit be handsome if not for the horns and scales.
>npc walks away
>fades away as if snapped by thanos before they exit the camera scene
The camera is under utilised in everything but Hildibrand stuff it seems.
the only real world situations you are going to be in like shown in the benchmark are during large scale fates and eureka and maybe during launch when areas are packed but even then you can run the game perfect. You can lower the amount of things shown on screen in the settings in game.
>A face only a monster could love.
>SCH and AST ruined
>No new healers
Bad times ahead friends
Are you meant to be able to see the top of his scalp through his hair?
>"I made this!"
>AST ruined
What? It's the one healer that wasn't dumped on
Red skills are removed OR reworked so dont lose all hope yet user
You guys dont understand. Not every red skill is removed without a replacement. We have already seen them. The card system is getting overhauled. The SCH skills are getting changed into SCH themed skills like Art of War to separate it from SMN.
Same hair as that fucker that announced Diablo Immortal.
My name is in the credits of ARR, of course I made this :^)
The benchmark is designed to stress your system, it won't ever require so much power in actual gameplay.
I wanna be a dragon dude though. I've played standard human every single damn game I've played, MMO or not in my life. Let me go wild and play a human with horns for a change.
I wasn't going for it but the resemblance is kinda there.
no u
Unironically brilliant purely because you're not using anime hair
>Card system is getting overhauled
Why? It was engaging and made AST fun to play. It doesn't fucking need an overhaul.
>Rescue is still here
Thank god. I was worried I wouldn't be able to bully people in pugs anymore.
>Pagos still a pain after those nerfs
Honestly getting light wasn't the problem. It's the number of light/crystals you need to finish one Pagos relic and that you have to go so many fucking times to the forge to get them. Should have been 15 total for a Pagos weapon.
>be DRK main
>literally never use living dead, so little that i am considering taking it off the hotbar
I dont understand bros, by the time i realise i should use it, ive already been killed, but i rarely ever need it
Yea but it was also annoying to wait 3 years for ast draw cards before fight
I have no idea how people can tell me "XIV Has good quests"
So far post 4.0 I've been teleporting and talking to people. The only "fighting" i did was doing that primal fight.
okay i checked it out and it says quick exploration gives the pure white dye randomly and other things, which is what i want, and you only need to be level 10 to get quick explore.
So did they split SMN/SCH or was that nothing but a bunch of hot air?
With Royal Road gone (thank fuck) there's less need for Time Dilation or Celestial Opposition, since you'd save those primarily for optimal card setups. I'll miss that angle a little, but I'd rather have other toys to play with.
Probably because they don't want a AST + DNC combo to be busted
they seriously cant stop trying to ruin the fun of DRK.
I fucking give up on DRK.
I knew I shouldnt have placed any hopes in DRK.
People didnt like the feeling of half the cards being useless and sitting around for 30-60 seconds hoping it doesnt screw you again, so all cards give DPS increases now and are assigned to entire roles or something.
Within a few weeks of Shadowbringers dropping, there better be a shortening mod for Veena Viera. They're far too tall for the look most people want to go for.
I use it when I want to do a turbo pull on dungeons but if the healer is shit and dont realize that he needs to pop his cd I die.
What I heard was that the whole system being "fishing for AoE Balance" wasn't something the devs wanted. Especially with AoE Ewer/Spire being a possible result. The new system seems to be mostly single target cards with the attached symbols feeding into a party buff effect.
>Kinda, I only just got to Heavensward and really want to try DNC and GNB so I'm tempted to just wait where I am (since I have RDM at 60) and grab them so I can get some dungeon experience AND level them to 70 via Stormblood's story rather than having to rush to level them to 70 and having no idea of how their kit works even in a simple environment
>no because I mained WHM, i made that mistake with STB already
>no because of 4.
>they should bobb wtf even Fran's have jiggle bones
>Finally got the 6 weapons I wanted through Anemos, Pagos, and Pyros
>hate the look of Hydatos weapons, so not bothering
>MCH rebuild looks amazing after I had already resigned to never playing it again
>Elemental Handgonne looks based as fuck
>Haven't even gotten Outsider Anemos
I didn't even get that far because I stopped at level 25. I fucking hate that place.
They kinda did. They changed most of the name/effects of the skill that SCH shared with SMN. Like, SCH got Miasma II renamed into Arts of War
So DA is just a passive that procs afterward? That seems fine. I hope the icon changes or something to let us know that Flood/Edge is free.
Insecure manlet detected
And what looks is that? Not-viera?
It looks like they still have a buff extender in the trailer judging from the clock sound effect. It just has a much larger range than CO and doesn't stun.
cute tummy
Had sex, still want sex.
>what is name change?
so did the benchmark come with the naming conventions for viera? what are they?
Eureka being locked into instances was a bad idea. They should have been open world but connected for all the data center with multiple versions like at the start of Expansions to alleviate stress on zones. It needs to be open world so it's something to do whilst killing time waiting for other things in Party Finder etc. That's what made old relic quests more enjoyable instead of being trapped in an instance.
>adventurer in need (Tank)
>takes 2+ mins
>change to healer
>get insta q
>but adventurer in need doesn't change
Actually cute and not freakishly tall like giraffes.
Whoever says that isn't in their right mind. The actual, gameplay, content of XIV quests is abysmal. While some do have interesting dialogue and stories all of them are just killing enemies that barely fight back, picking stuff off the ground or talking to NPCs.
Yeah, I started doing UWU and I want to finish it before ShB is released.
SCH, I guess I'm curious to see how much it's being gutted and retooled.
No. Maybe they're witholding hair styles, but right now it's pretty awful. They look good though.
A little jiggle never hurt.
There has never been a mod that changed height for any race. That would require completely remodeling the body and animations, beyond the skill of any regular modder.
It doesn't update unless you close the duty finder window and re-open.
I guess this is a case of "You think you do but you don't." since you obviously don't want a viera.
Pretty strong
Imagine that paired with AST/SCH skills
It looks like you give 3 cards in a cycle to players, and then at the end you use it to provide some group buff too.
Seems kind of based. WHM is starting to skirt that line of viability.
All I want for Viera is better hair options. All the current ones for them look like dogshit.
I played AST since 3.0, and the two things that always bothered me most about it was the AoE RR and RNG padding. The ideal AST design is to have fewer but more meaningful choices that you have to decide on the fly. Choosing between 2 good options to fit the immediate situation is the better design than choosing between good and bad, because the latter's easier.
1. Yes. My sub ran out yesterday and I'll renew it ~ a week before Shadowbringers
2. Yes. WHM.
3. It's fine. I never cared about spending hours in character creation screen.
4. Floppy ears should have motion, erect ears should be static. Both should sway a bit to the sides while moving.
Please understand.
My hope is that with everyone getting additional healing+ skills and tanks and dps even getting healing abilities, that the raids are actually going to start hitting harder this time.
be glad that at least you arent mch. They lost pic related for some thing that zoomers will only recognize as an overwatch meme.
disturbingly similar to mine
and since i have impeccable taste, yours is pretty good
nigga what the fuck is a yalm
Just play a miqo'te with bunny ear item from GS retard
i did, and even saw DPS in need
Darkside is now activated and extended by a single target or AoE (Edge/Flood) that cost 3000 MP.
If you use TBN and the shield is fully consumed, you get Dark Arts, meaning the next Edge/Flood you cast has no MP cost.
It's basically a way to ensure using TBN doesn't cause threat/dps loss.
He had to close it to change class.
suzaku is cute, phoenix is a stinky old man
go away rtype-kun, no one likes gauss barrel
Something Koji is obsessed with. He needs to get fired already.
what are the naming conventions for viera?
eorzea is so backwards they use the imperial system.
No he didn't.
1. Kinda. I'll probably just clean up the remaining EX/savage stuff I never did.
2. PLD: Fuck yes. A little sad we didn't get a res but oh well.
3. Mostly. Hrothgar hairstyles on facetype sucks, but it's fairly easy to make good-looking, unique hrothgar so I don't mind as much. Don't give a shit about viera.
4. Couldn't care less.
I'm in the same boat except my MCH is still level 60. I'm just going to hope that they change Eureka to be near-soloable in Shadowbringers.
Shame about it all being so high level. I would love TBN to be lower. Either way all tanks and healers are looking up.
Swahili names, so for females you'd go for things like Mchumba or Chausiku.
we don't know
at all
hopefully there will be a post about it on the forums like they did with au ra
>fake ears with no fluff or definition
>have to take up the headgear slot for glamour
No thanks. I'll just have to wait for SE to get it right in the next game.
a bit less than a meter
Both sides are arguing over the wrong shit.
It's not an argument of difficulty.
Anyoen who tries to reach 95 percentile on RDM knows the RNG is technically 1 of the 2 difficult parts of RDM.
But the reason its not "difficult" is because its not punishing.
people who "lol just balance the bars" dont know when they are fucking up, because they dont get punished for the small things they do wrong. the difference in DPS when played wrong can be at little as 1%, where as other jobs, even slightly being wrong, by the tiniest bit, is usually at LEAST a 10% loss, if not greater.
Also, most RDMs start off with a GCD, rather than an oGCD, which actually tends to be a loss of 1 GCD by the end of most fights. (idk why, but it is.) most RDMs dont know this. This is an example of little things people dont actually know, but arent really punished for.
Ilm = Inch
Fulm = Foot
Yalm = Yard
Malm = Mile
Tranny detected, get the fuck off my amazonian race
Probably a week before launch on the official forums, that's how it was with Au Ra.
I must commend you on your stellar taste my friend, that is indeed scarily similar.
yalm = yard
malm = mile
ilm = inch
you get the idea
>burger units
I don't get it
The races rava and veena are indian words. But the name Fran is spanish so who knows.
>burger measurments
What gear is this?
Americlap education
the fact that you even have to ask is tragic
same reason we get fire 1 2 3 4
>wants the race who one of their defining characteristic is their tall stature to be shorter
why? just play something else
Viera were never "amazonian". And Feol exist.
i named my character Veis, in preparation of viera. veis is a viera from FFTA. i just can't figure out how to pronounce it.
It makes the world feel more primitive, like medieval times.
Fran also has a fake Icelandic accent, is voiced by an Austrian, and the other names sound noridc with weird pronunciations, Mjrn, Kjtn.
How do you make yourself to pay monthly for this shit?
thats my guess at least
they should be taller
i'm disappointed that they seem to have pussed out solely due to them being "taller" than every race if you count their ears as height
probably were worried about them clipping doors
you dont use the "cant die" buttons as a reaction.
you use them pre-emptively, before the boss uses the tank buster, knowing you're better off saving CDs for other tank buster/phases.
example, in Alexander O12S, the boss makes u swap tanks, and hits you with a tank buster you CAN NOT survive with stacking CDs. You can stack every CD DRK has, and not live. You MUST use living dead.
You know when the attack is coming up, so you use it pre-emptively.
(WARs have to time it mid animation, due to how short Holmgang is)
If you have a PLD they can only invuln once.
WAR can holmgang, then DRK can LD, and then WAR can holmgang again.
due to short recast, DRK can use LD for another tank buster (punishing heat) earlier, to save another CD, to stack for another punishing heat, w/o having to go into tank stance.
PLD cant do that.
So WAR and DRK were great for extending the soft enrage. (This insta kill tank buster is the soft enrage. cant survive more than 2, unless you bring a WAR, which u can survive 3, extending the fight a bit longer.)
Reminder that the Japanese just straight up uses "meters" ingame/in-universe. is just something Koji came up with using his autism.
How is using Fleche/Contre instead of Veraero/thunder a dps increase?
In FFXII all the viera has spanish names.
Except the Feol don't exist because Feolthanos doesn't. Fucking retard.
yes it was vice or vase. vice sounds good.
It's just Koji's way of saying "meters", that stupid hack.
Nigga, this game wouldn't even be around if it wasn't for Koji. Yoshi needs to give someone else producer and director.
if you're not doing extreme/savage/ultimate then invulns don't serve a purpose. In such content they're used as a typical cooldown (like Sentinel) to just survive a hit or to survive through unsurvivable strategies/mechanics such as taking two mechanics worth of damage instead of one.
Doesn't matter, it sounds cooler.
I'm playing a fantasy game, i don't want to see the international system units on my fucking fantasy game.
to my larboard side we have original lorebook and to my starboard side we have the new lorebook part II
is that really how its pronounced or is it your take? it's either vice or vase.
Starting a new character
What will be the optimal way to level a GNB at launch/EA?
jesus christ, end this meme, feol were a cross breed between aegyl and a viera in FFXII Revenent Wings, they had shorter ears but were otherwise the exact same size as regular viera
Seiryu trial almost gave me a stroke
doesn't HoH give garbage EXP? I plan to just do daily roulettes and spam dungeons
>tanks doing hoh
*Laughs in instant queue pop for dungeons*
You need to get to 61 first to unlock HoH.
But it depends on dungeon queues. There will likely be a healer shortage in the first few weeks of 5.0, so even tanks might have difficulty getting into 60-70 dungeons. In that case just to HoH.
>people going on about what jobs they will play and what races they will fanta into
>still playing cat nin since the end of ARR
I guess it gets less fancy stuff with ShB, but I am content.
>tfw when they weren't just this plus bunny ears
Muh tol fags ruin everything.
The easiest way to show this w/o parsers, is to go into Leviathan EX.
start off with a hard cast/swift/dual cast. Before he becomes untargetable, see how many GCDs you get off, while trying to put fleche/contra on CD.
Also remember fleche being the higher potency option you have.
Now, start off with fleche, and make sure u had dual cast ready prior to pull.
you'll notice you get an additional GCD off, and have fleche on CD sooner.
>he thinks tanks are going to get instant queues at the start of ShB
yeah you and every other gunbreaker, buddy
Saw someone mention Living Dead might be gone in ShB. Any chance this is true?
They did say they were wanting to eliminate synergies between jobs that made them seem mandatory. Bene + LD seem like a strong candidate.
>he thinks he will be getting instant queues as a tank in shb
Someone didn't play HW on release.
That won't be the case if everyone's levelling GNB and going full retard over the healer changes
>There will likely be a healer shortage in the first few weeks of 5.0
I don't think you have any idea how bad things will be. Healer will be way more in demand than Tanks for DF content through the whole of ShB.
If there was ever a game's localization that reeks of "trying too hard", it's definitely this one.
dude, they were just tall and slender, that's not amazonian you retard, unless you just consider tall girls to be amazons in which case lmao @ ur life
>using Deep Dungeons to level tanks and healers
Why do so many people do this? You're not gonna learn anything about your job in there where everything dies in 2 secs. Just do Roulettes and Dungeons ffs.
I think healers will be fine
I doubt it. People said the same shit about tanks/healers in SB and it ended up being fine after the initial rush was over.
And you have play tank or dps yourself to avoid dnctrannies and squall fanboy tanks
>no new healer
>hundreds of other lvl 60 GNB's in the queue
Good luck doing dungeons to level.
Oh sorry let me add 10 or 20 seconds to the queue
I think they'll be fine too, but that doesn't matter if 80% of healers go full retard over the changes. Either way they'll be in demand.
Badly informed since dps cucks spread everywhere potd is the fastest way to level or scared to play the role.
Since there's no new healer and everyone and their mother will be playing dancer or gunbreaker, healers should have the fastest queues
Good luck finding those healers that will levelling from 70-80 instead.
They go full pants on head retarded with healer. Little to no changes to the classes, taking away even more of the DPS and have them 'focus on healing'. That literally means you have no way of speeding shit up anymore.
I got bored of dungeons ages ago, deep dungeons might not be much better but it still is.
Tank is the easiest role. As a tank main I found it harder to do dps stuff
>there are players who literally won't tank because it makes them anxious
ffs if you guys can't even play a video game, how the fuck do you function in day to day life?
How are they planning on balancing that shit? Its either going to be complete mandatory or completely shit.
How can you say this when you haven’t seen any of the changes to healers?
It is but some people claim to have tankxiety.
The changes are being overblown by autists such as yourself, who mistake your own opinions for the opinions of the entire playerbase. 90% of healers in this game don't even touch their DPS skills to begin with.
Please respond
1. I'm still subbed both because I have my virtual drunkard's mancave to protect, and because I'm leveling crafters (and a few other jobs) for once. I also feel like I should get even more playtime in as SB SCH before their entire skillset gets changed up in ShB.
2. Both hyped and scared for the aforementioned SCH.
3. Only attempted to make a bunny so far, but I'm not seriously considering switching from my catgirl so I didn't really pay that much attention to how much variety they have compared to other races
4. I care less about how much they move and more about having the option to have one straight and one floppy ear. Perfect symmetry is boring.
100% true. you can just run in tank stance get shit done
Then why would they level a tank?
It's how it's pronounced. But it's your name and character, it's entirely up to you.
All three healers still have aoe (see Art of War). That's enough to keep dungeons moving along quickly.
then that's how i'll say it.
deep dungeon teaches you jobs better than roulettes do. The former actually teaches you how to improvise cause pulls happen randomly at unpredictable parts of your rotation. The latter just breeds people with a very rote and shallow understanding of their job. The kind that jump off the arena if the pull happens 1s early cause now they dont know how to do their 'opener' anymore.
Looks like the set from arboretum hard.
its faster to level dps in deep dungeons so they're not wrong, for tanks duty finder is faster though
Completionism. Had no intention of playing tank when I took all three tanks through PoTD and HoH to get the associated achievements.
Turn on fucking darkside you potd drk shitter
having more responsabilities doesnt mean its hard to smash your aggro combo properly every other minute
Dungeons don't teach you shit for Raids anyway, user. Dungeons are basically their own thing.
I highly doubt that. Most things in deep dugeons (leveling, not the higher/lower floors die in a handful of GCDs and there's a bunch of walking between rooms. There's no room for getting a handle on any kind of rotation.
This is some bullshit. I've done a lot of potd/hoh and all it does is teach people to spam a basic attack combo or aoe since nothing has a lot of hp in the farmable areas.
>claim to have tankxiety
not a thing, they just don't want to play tanks because they would rather play dps or healers
Tanking is like being the executive of a large company. Your actual daily work is easy, but the decisions you make are critical. Making one bad call or choice can get your whole party killed, or put your entire company in the red for a year.
. Are you not wanting to play XIV now until expansion because of the changes
Nah I still want to clear stuff and obtain someglamours
. Hyped for your main?
FUCKING YES but worried SMN got dumbed down badly
. Do you feel the customization for Hrothgar/Viera was significant
Can't say, haven't bothered with benchmark since I don't plan to fanta
. Do you think Viera ears should have motion or remain static.
They're wrong because leveling through dungeons is the fastest. What makes potd so appealing to dps is the queues since they don't have to wait 15~30mins to get into a dungeon run so in the end it's faster for them.
If a dps queues for dungeons with a tank/healer they'll level way faster than by doing potd.
Tell that to them, not to me. I'm a healer/tank main. Tanking is a fucking joke but people confuse grabbing the next pack of mobs in a dungeon to leading a group and tank cucks who try to feel special by overblowing their role.
>not a thing
Google it then, you'll see a fuckton of people who are afraid of tanking because they get anxious when playing the role.