
I cannot even begin to tell you how conflicted I am about this game.
>Wanted a Yu-Gi-Oh game for the Switch ever since the moment the Switch was announced
>Finally learn about this
>Fuck yes, over 9000 cards, more than any other Yu-Gi-Oh game to date (obviously besides those simulators on PC which have everything)
>Looks to be adding a good deal of new shit, UI looks solid, what's not to like?
And here's where things go downhill.
>It's already out in Japan, it already has an English language option available in that Japanese version, yet it's not coming out over here until late August.
I know what you're thinking - "The Switch is region free, just make a jap account and get it there then", but that simply isn't worth it for a game with multiplayer that requires Nintendo Online like this one, because if I buy the Jap version that means switching account, which means I'll be unable to play it online and then I'll have to buy it AGAIN when it does finally come out just to fucking get the full experience.
>Apparently it's priced at like £40 here but 20ish for the Jap version
And then by far the WORST thing of all
>If you play in Japanese (as in with the japanese language on, not just the jap version of the game) all of the cards are uncensored, but as soon as you switch to English language the cards all get censored
Fuck. Off.
This wouldn't be an issue if there were only a few cards censored but there's hundreds, look at this shit
Fuck Konami.

Attached: yu-gi-oh-switch.original.jpg (2110x1184, 755K)

Other urls found in this thread:


how can you list off this game's issues and not mention MR4
like holy fuck I try not to be "that guy" that just whines about every little change a game goes under in the 20 years since I first played it, but MR4 is cancer.

I'm too tunnel vision on the fucking censorship, why didn't they just have the jap version of the game be completely censorship free for fuck sake.
The MR4 is something to be pissed off about though as well, no doubt about it.

Didn't even realize how fucking retarded some of these censorship are until I read the wiki. Holy fuck what's wrong with the west being such prunes over the smallest thing now? I thought it was just tits and ass that makes them mad

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This game has been out for years.

No, the inferior version has been out for years. This version has like 3000+ more cards and a bunch of other changes that people disliked about the previous game, like the long drawn out, unskippable animations that play whenever certain monsters are summoned or attack.

baby duck syndrome

Just hack the switch already god damn OP you fucking fag it might even have a unofficial uncensor patch too

The cutscenes are just as bad in this game. In the previous version they came whenever your signature monster attacked. in Link Evolution they come whenever you summon that monster. If you summon 3 odd-eyes dragons you'll get that summoning animation 3 times IN A ROW, I'd say thats even worse and yes they are once again unskippable. Master Rule 4 is also garbage.

>hack Switch

What's the point of a Yugioh game if you can't play it online

Nigga the engine in these games is slow as fuck

I'll wait until August I don't mind desu I'm honestly more interested in the promos than the game itself plus, that said though I can't wait to dab on nintendies with my odd_eyes deck

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It’s a children’s card game user.

>In the previous version they came whenever your signature monster attacked. in Link Evolution they come whenever you summon that monster.
Well that's shit, are you sure about that?
>Nigga the engine in these games is slow as fuck
So I've heard but it's still the better version due to having 3000+ extra cards.

Wait for August then I guess. Welp.

MR4 is cancer though and there’s no reason for it to exist when playing pre-VRAINS scenarios.

at this point, the censorship is there for consistancy's sake

what's so bad about mr4?

Get ready to rage


>not just playing Dueling Network while the Forbidden Memories OST plays in the background

so uhhhhhhhhhh buy the japanese version?

MR3 was eons more cancerous
>lmao you played two pendulum cards? now you can puke out 5 monsters on your turn with no restrictions

Links, first player doesn't draw, pendulums got moved to back row, 2 extra summon zones, you can't summon more than one extra deck monster if you don't have a link monster in those 2 extra zones pointing to the normal monster zone you want to summon said monster, ergo, no more than one synchro/xyz/fusion if you dont have a link out first. FUCK LINKS GOD DAMN IT.


They edited it from a play fight into rape

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That censored version is UNIRONICALLY much better.
It's one of the few though.

>no more than one synchro/xyz/fusion if you dont have a link out first.
based. no more easy modo xyz/synchro summon spam that brings out 5 3k attack monsters on the first turn

It's not the west, it's mainly America being autistic and ruining the fun for everyone like always.

wich yugioh wud u fug?

sounds like you're just a shitter
how's your dark magician deck?

It didn't retroactively ruin other mechanics though - it was just a bad addition on its own.

For me, it's Ehren

Attached: Ehren Lightsworn Monk.jpg (1253x1259, 381K)

It's not worth it, and besides, you can shit out links even easier than synchros/xyz/pendulums and they help you set your board up even more than the previous monster types.

what is this face trying to convey?

That's definitely the face you make when you're getting dicked in the ass for the first time. Hot.

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Tag Force and World Championship are dead. Play Duel Links.

Feelio when I play these games just to make shitter themed decks
Feelio when I don't even play online because I try to stick to the theme as much as possible, even if it means sacrificing staples that should be in every deck.
What are you gonna do about it, lads? You'll never know the joys of making a spider deck, a blaze deck or a cyberdark deck.
Enjoy playing the 1-2 busted flavour of the year decks while I can play with Elemental Heros, The Fabled, Steelswarm and Koa'ki Meiru decks to my hearts content lmao

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Just play YGO pro or something, this subseries has never been worth it.

>That's definitely the face you make when you're getting dicked in the ass for the first time. Hot.
What the fuck, it actually is. Seriously look at that image, how the fuck did they get away with that?
Look at her hand position, it's like she's got her hand on some guys chest while her leg is leaning on him while he pounds that ass.
Seriously, just fucking look at it, it's blatant, they're not even trying to hide it.

>game balanced around the fact you can normal summon once
>add a mechanic that circumvents that and lets any monster be summoned for free
it broke the fucking summoning mechanic and was also a terrible addition on its own

Shut up shut up shut uuuuuuuuup linkfag

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Been out of the loop for a while, someone can tell me roughly how pendulum and link works?

>it's not the west
>it's mainly America
Sweetie, those two are the same thing.

>Meklords have the coolest gimmick ever of being 5 monster that takes up 5 slots on the field, each of those parts can be upgraded, if you kill 1 part it doesn't kill the entire monster, each part has some special effect or buffs the main monster
>Can't wait to try build a deck around them
>'lol let's just make it a single monster card'
Yugioh was a mistake.

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of being 1 monster*

yeah exodia but on the field would've been cool, wisel ended up being the only useful meklord though

Why are amerilards so afraid of thighs, shoulders and tummies? What the fuck is wrong with you?

Is there OG ONLY matchmaking in this new one? I hated the old LoTD because it matched you up with synchro and pendulumfags.

Highly highly doubt it, unfortunately.
That would be a dream though, having each new time the games changed significantly/added a new summon type to a catagory you could choose to play in or something.

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Why is she banned again?

Too much sex appeal

but she's covered from the neck down

Friendly reminder that yugioh cards are not for fucking.

I'll take all this censorship as long as porn isnt censored like in japan

Just play in Japanese you fucking retard, don't tell you're an EOP

because it was stupid good back in the day and is basically monster reborn for spells. Only reason that card got taken off the banned list was for marketing.

GX > 5Ds > DM >>>>>>> VRAINS >>> Arc V =/= Zexal

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>it's another "I REMEMBER THE OLD DAYS" thread
>it's another "unga bunga me summon summoned skull unga bunga me equip axe of despair" thread
>it's another "well when /I/ play I [long list of backwards house rules that ruin the game]" thread
>it's another "I Solemn Exodia!" thread
>it's another "my 60 card deck of one-ofs beat peep!" thread
>it's another "why do I need a magnifying glass for a card, and I'm not talking about Reinquished, TER, or Last Turn!" thread
>it's another "archetypes (anything non-generic) killed the game but Pot of Greed, Graceful Charity, HFD, Heavy Storm, and the rest of Chaos/Goat staples are totally ok" thread
>it's another "is mirror force banned????" thread
>it's another "monster reborn needs to stay banned" thread
>it's another "Synchros/Xyzs/Pendulums killed the game (forgets Airblade Turbo and DAD Return)" thread
>it's another "holds up summoned skull let me have fun the wrong way" thread
>it's another "any card thats black or white is sin!" thread
>it's another "pls mak dark majishiun gud" thread
>it's another "unga bunga me hate speed and combos" thread
>it's another "unga bunga we need no white" thread
>it's another "I hate extra links" thread
>it's another "I hate settingu scales" thread
>it's another "solemn is negated by jinzo" thread
>it's another "lol remember when he attacked le mooooon" thread
>it's another thread full of anime-only secondaries who miss le "golden" days
>it's another "why do you keep slaughtering my gate guardian deck with these 'ritual beasts', they arent even blue!" thread
>its another "muh kozaky lock" thread
>unga bunga another beatdown only unga thread
>its another "g-guys why can't I use my Stardust Dragon from Starlight Road again???" thread
>its another "Ring of Destruction on Peten!" "w-what do you mean it missed timing???" thread
>its another "flips Despell you activated my trap card!" thread

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>Seething tranny pasta


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Unironically based and redpilled.

For me, it's Deskbots
They have a cool design and I just really like watching that ATK go from 500 to 10,000 in a heartbeat

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She's still exposing her whore face.

Unexpectedly good taste, anonymous.

Who cares, You-gay-ho has been shit since synchros and broken ass archetypes became a thing.

Now it have like 10 more things worse than synchros, also what the fuck is that thing behind Yugi? looks like a flaming faggot on spandex suit.

>x of faith archetype
What would be the gimmick?

>Protags in Yugioh during the golden age -
Judai (So badass that he has normal hair and has his first name begin with J instead of Y like all the others)
>Protags in Yugioh during the time the series turned to irredeemable shit
>Yuya (waah i have daddy issues time to put my goggles on to have a big ol cry about it again)

Refute this. I'll wait.

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I think only the Switch version is getting links. Unless that changed.

Was it kino?

Attached: Joey.jpg (480x360, 22K)

>I think only the Switch version is getting links.
Switch is the only thing getting this updated version of the game to my knowledge.

That image only ever accompanies extremely based posts in my experience

Can you name your favourite duels from each series?
Actually having a hard time choosing already, Yugi vs Strings, Marik vs Joey, Kaiba vs Lector, fuck.
Zane vs Jesse (Yubel)
Zane vs anyone t b h
Jack Atlas vs Doppelganger Jack Atlas
Yusei vs Kalin
Yuma vs Tron
??? vs Quattro (Can't remember if it was Yuma or Shark who went against him but one of the duels was decent)
>Arc V
Yuya vs Reiji


my first instinct to called it fake is blue eyes before i recognize the girafee

what the fuck is even going on in this image

>Zexal as bad as Arc-V
I am not even mad that you put Zexal so low, I am actually mad that you didn't put that absolute disgrace Arc-V lower.

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>Dub names post GX.

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>Jack Atlas vs Doppelganger Jack Atlas
Jack is unironically a better Kaiba. Call the cops, I don't give a fuck.
Listen to his theme too, this guy is the fucking King.

who the fuck cares about censorship in yugioh cards oh my god

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Yeah, but did he made DeathT because some nerd beat him in children card game?
I dont think so

I hate censorship like anyone else, but it's just yu gi oh. Sure it sucks but it's really not a big deal

Sometimes I forget just how hilarious this series is.

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Has anything EVER topped this yet?

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Wait are they STILL censoring new cards?

>defeat random duelist in Tag Force game
>get ~600 DP
>can buy 5-10 packs, each with 5 cards inside

>defeat a legendary duelist in Duel Links (since regular ones don't drop shit)
>get 5 gems IF I'm lucky
>a 3-card pack in store costs 50 gems

wow what the fuck I didn't know that either.
fucking everything from religious to violence to sex to
>removed horns to make look less vicious

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I'm not reading your fucking paragraph but for me powercreep fucking killed yugioh. It just changed way too quickly and things got so convoluted it wasn't worth following anymore.

Just get the game goy. Yugioh is best played on portables.
Only downside to legacy of the duelist is its a little too slow for card animations. If they add a fast forward for mode, then it'd be perfect.

Yeah getting the censored version is a downer but it has been like that for years and i really doubt is going to change since they need to keep their rating as low as possible.

I watched the gameplay, why is the battle phase got no cool animations for attack cards etc?

So what’s the meta now? I kinda lost interest before link monsters were introduced.

because literally nobody likes watching animations during every attack.
wtf is wrong with you?

Hold my beer.

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I've been playing the original Legacy of the Duelist and it's a lot more enjoyable to be able to have multiple Synchros/Xyz out. MR4 ruins any duel from before VRAINS, of which I think there are like 1 or 2 during VRAINS in Link Evolution. Nice job calling it that when you have barely any Link Summons available.

It was pure bullshit.
>b-but he wasn't even supposed to get past the quarter finals
Is Rishid didn't cheated with Ra he would've won, yes but he didn't. What happened to Jo was pure bullshit.

goddamn it man

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GX is no way better than 5Ds.

Does this game have the same story mode as that last one that came out on ps4?

It is.

Yes, but neutered because you don't have access to Link Summons in most duels so you can only have one extra deck monster out at a time.
Why they didn't update the decks to use new summoning mechanics in some version of the story is beyond me.


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the new rules are unironically better. being able to swarm the field with 5 3000+ attack monsters, all with retardedly strong effects on your first turn is dumb.

>Yusei doesn't lose a single duel in the entire series
Name a bigger mary sue

Yes, it's dumb for the actual meta in the actual card game.
In Link Evolutions, though, it makes it so you physically can not pull off some of the moves that the characters did in the anime.

true, i can accept that as being a valid complaint
in an ideal world you'd be able to choose to use the new rules or not.

This. I was very excited for this game, but I refuse to play with linkshit. I was fine with synchro, xyz, and even pendulums, but they took it too far this time. Fuck konami

What would his deck be?

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The dealbreaker for me was seeing how damm little VRAINS content there actually was.
>No story
>Only 4 characters
>One of them is a generic mook

harpie lady sisters

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That is a shame, yes. I'm personally going to pick it up because of the sheer amount of extra cards this game has. It cannot be understated how huge having an extra 3k cards on top of the old games is, the deck building opportunities have been greatly increased, so having a lackluster amount of VRAINs characters is a small price to pay.
This version definitely has some annoying downsides though.

So is the new version still asscheecks with 80 dollars of on-disk DLC and the worst way to unlock cards?

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>there will never be a Yu-Gi-Oh game where you start with the first releases and Duel your way through TCG history one new booster set at a time with the Forbidden/Limited list evolving as you play.

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>what is this face trying to convey?
I know you said it as a meme, but can you or anybody else give me a non meme answer as to how you'd describe that face? I want to look find some similar looks to go masturbate to.

Goddamn that sounds FUN

I'm just hoping for the 1/10000000 chance they update the game and do VRAINS justice. Maybe then I'll buy it.

sounds about the same as what the original LOTD did, literally the only Arc-V content was a tutorial to learn pendulums. odds are they'll sell a shitload of VRAINS content as DLC like they did there with Arc-V

It's Konami, bro. The best we can hope for is that they don't do anything to make the version we're actually getting worse.
Did you see what they did to the western version of the last 3DS Yugioh game we got? They fucking butchered it. I don't mean they modified it a tiny bit either, I mean full on butchered it.

Yah! They are ruining the cards with censorship!

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But she isn't

I know, but it still bothers me.

You mean the speed dueling one? Yeah I remember it.
The also fucked over World Duel Carnival SO DAMM HARD.
>Original has over 40 playabale characters
>Cut down to 8 in the west
>"Pay up full price goy"

You're not wrong, but Yusaku has been alright so far.

This seems fun, but theres only a few decks that are competitively viable

Excellent fucking taste. For me it's her sister Lumina.

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Multiple decks ranging from burn to decking out.

I was thinking specifically of world duel carnival.
As well as what you said about the characters being cut, there's this -
>For the English release, the device and database modes have been removed. There are additionally no duelist profiles, photos, ending pictures, and you can’t play music when you wish.
>Finally, all mats, cards and sleeves are automatically unlocked in the game from the get go.

What the FUCK were they thinking?

What’s stopping you from playing in Japanese

Once you read a card you never have to read it again so after a while you can just play on Japanese

Plus online will tunnel to a few meta decks so you’ll get to know them real fast.

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Hasn’t let us down so far

I am addicted to making new decks, regardless of what you might think I can't realistically keep checking the internet to read what each and every new card does.
I have thought about it though, it's just far too tedious to go through with

only the cutest girl

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pic related and Spygal Misty.

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How often are you going to be able to summon all three copies of a character's cutscene monster(s) at once? Seems like a needle in a haystack occurrence. MR4 means face-up extra deck Pendulum monsters can only occupy the extra monster zone or linked main monster zones.

it's a card game for little kids lmao

Still better than the old games which had that + animations for monster attacks.
This game removed the monster attacks due to complaining.

For me, it's Magi Magi Magician Gal.
English version of her card never, because they can't censor her.

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Yeah, Konami is really fucking dense with this shit.

I agree with that decision wholeheartedly since the attack animations did get annoying. This way, the ace's still get some spotlight and its much less frequent and irritating on summon than on attack.

I'm like 100% sure if you buy the jap version you can just play online on your main english account.

Best scene is vrains.

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Just buy the English version when it's out silly.
I plan to get it.