Everytime I come close to dying with no ammo or anything, I always manage to scrape by

Everytime I come close to dying with no ammo or anything, I always manage to scrape by.
How did they manage to do this, is the difficulty dynamic?
I always feel stressed out, sometimes the zombies are superhuman other times they just collapse.
There is always just enough ammo and weapons to make you feel on edge.

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Yes, they use a dynamic difficulty system.

IIRC the biggest thing is that the more ammo you have the higher HP the enemies have and vice-versa.

This game is so fucking good holy fuck

adaptive difficulty and lots of testing

>is the difficulty dynamic?

That's what i heard. What difficulty are you playing?

That's so fucking dumb

>Really like Mr. X's gimmick first time playing through the game
>Now he's just annoying

Making him a shitty stalker instead of a series of fixed encounters made him shit.

It's so short it didn't matter

Yeah there's truth in that once you know where to go he's just kinda there.

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How does this faggot compare to nemesis from 3?

t. underage who would be here crying about not having ammo and being unable to finish the game otherwise

t. Shitter that relies on dynamic difficulty to beat the game
RE 2 was already baby tier and because of the dynamic difficulty it makes REmake 2 even more easier.

Around the same but they're differently designed. Nemesis hit harder and moved faster but he can't give chase like Mr X since he can open doors and stuff but as this user said he only chases you around the police station so it's not that long making him only a problem in your first playthroughs where you can end up with a licker, zombie and Mr X all in the same room because you kinda messed up the order for getting items.

he acts more like nemesis in the remake of 2, then he did in original 2. Nemesis would follow you into some rooms, while Mr. X appeared in specific encounters. I'm hoping that for RE3 Remake, they don't just reskin Mr X, and instead expand on it for Nemesis.

Remake 2 on hardcore is about 10 times harder than RE2

well of course
Any horror game (or horror movie) is going to be far less scary if you know what to do / what happens.
Just learning how to get by lickers makes the game far less scary. They are designed to psych you out.
Anyone who didn't play this game blind missed out

Only on your first playthrough, once you figure how the game works, even hardcore is easy.

Even once you figure out how it works and where to go it's still many times harder than the original. The original didn't even have a hard mode

Hardcore is the only way to play it, other easier difficulty modes ruin it.

The game's adaptive difficulty and ALOT of crutches in the general design
>the tyrant can't enter certain rooms if the room's design can't allow an escape ie the stars room is far too small to run around him if he entered
>at the start of the game you quickly learn to "knock" zombies, not until later that you have the weapons and skills like an upgraded shotgun that allows you to "delete" any trouble makers
>lickers can be evaded by sound alone so walking and knowing where they are can make them almost harmless
>if all else fails they can infact be stunlocked with a knife even on hardcore and killed with maybe one hit if they somehow evade a swipe
>boss rooms ALWAYS have enough ammo to kill the boss, JUST enough if nothing else is brought, only a bit of accuracy on your part may mean failure
>the super tyrant can be defeated with almost no attempt to shoot it save the free rocket launcher once the ingame timer hits a certain point in the battle
>final birkin is just a bullet sponge, wait until the eye shows then let loose, can't be failed unless you fire before this point/use your big guns up first
he was always shit, the difference is he forces an unknowing player to think more carefully rather than JUST running, I just flashbang him and go when I can't be fucked playing hide and seek
>Nemesis hit harder and moved faster but he can't give chase like Mr X since he can open doors
nemesis can enter rooms you're in but not on the same screen because of technical limitations, otherwise he'd be teleporting in

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Yea Forums I fucking love this game but they were extremely shy in adding some new street sections so what the fuck is going to happen with 3? how will they do it cause 70% of the game takes place in the streets and they have to do it well.

they can use the tyrant as a template but they need to change the game mechanically or else he would be unfair
>nemesis needs to RUN
also needs hiding places and his sprint must have a limit, for hardcore have it so he can smash said hiding places if you abuse them
>he uses a rocket launcher/minigun depending on accepted headcannon
save this for set scenes or very least add a cooldown so he can't just spray rooms, also a dodge move like re3 (or re4's QTE) needs to be implemented, I know people won't like it but 3 was meant to be an action game so having the ability to dodge incoming fire would not only be handy but would reward skilled players
>he needs to be able to enter rooms
easy right, I just hope they can actually fix how much we can exploit the rooms he can't enter, I'm sick of "trolling mister x" videos

For nemesis, they need to do something special, he needs to be stepped up, not different, but he needs to be fair, like how the tyrant was, once you work him out that is journalist can get fucked

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i found they had more street places in 2remake than what I'm seeing right now in the original, I'm just curious how they would handle the zombie count, and would they be infinite, so many things I want to see but I fear we'll never get the game dead on perfect

On your first playthrough (the one that matters most) you won't learn most of that shit unless you look at a guide, and the game will remain scary and challenging. Someone telling me online that you could stun-lock lickers with the knife and that you could just walk past them (with them only chirping at you to trick you into running / shooting) *immediately* turned them into a joke to deal with. Then a guy said they only take one flame nade to kill on the ground and that made it even worse. So usually I try to let people figure that kinda thing out on their own

If they want to innovate a little they have to add some moments involving hordes of zombies but in a way that it suits with the feeling of the original, like some of the shit that the intro of RE3 shows which is cool and not something ripped off World War Z.

>I know people won't like it but 3
I would. There was already a dodge ability in the original RE3

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I do admit the licker one isn't so easy to learn, hell I had a laugh when streamers would use those tips and the lickers would still slash at them because they *just* touched them or panicked when the licker *reacted* to their presence and fired

What's funny is what I learnt in remake I applied to the original, Ive been able to evade lickers without a single shot because they act the same way, but there is something I need to know because I can't remember if the files reference it.

Do any of them mention the lickers go by sound or was it just expected that they have no eyes that its all hearing?

But otherwise before I played all I saw was japanese twitter down the tyrant and I knew he couldn't be killed, and with a spare save tried to work out his mechanics on my own, the licker stuff is another matter

There is a note in the hallway right outside the C4 room that tells you that they are blind, but that's all. When I first played I was terrified that the ceiling ones would detect you and leap attack you if you walked directly underneath them. I also thought that slow-walking actually made a difference to how close they would be able to detect you from, but it unfortunately doesn't and they can only detect you by touch even if you're walking full speed. Would have been really cool if it did though

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In the original RE2, you learn about them in an operations report but it doesn't mention anything about them being blind.

In RE2 Remake, it's in a surivivor's note, and it specifically mentions them being blind and tells you to sneak around them.

they tell you that lickers are blind and then a moment later the one in the C4 room aggros you even if you're standing still just because you take the medallion

You can walk past that one just like any others. The only thing different is they throw zombies at you at the same time so you're kind of forced to shoot or run.

ah cheers, for some reason it never stuck in my head
yeah that one was fucking stupid, there are exploits around him they're 3rd run kinda strats however

Thought I heard something

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So did I

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There is a dynamic difficulty system that affects enemy damage taken and dealt. Zombie HP is also different per individual zombie, to better tune the play through, which is why some zombies feel like unstoppable machines and some as thin as toilet paper.

It's an interesting design approach but one that often feels really inconsistent. That can be good and bad in a horror game.

So play in hardcore. Hardcore doesn't really have dynamic difficulty. It's always set to the highest setting or the one just bellow.

>Mr X can now follow you into every room
Would this be a good change or a bad change?

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If they made his ability to find you a smidge less sensitive, it'd be good.

it would almost be unfair if not for his attack pause, he can punch you, but he pauses just after in...most cases

its the grab that can be a death sentance

>boss rooms ALWAYS have enough ammo to kill the boss, JUST enough if nothing else is brought, only a bit of accuracy on your part may mean failure

This I disagree with. On hardcore difficulty, first form birkin doesn't have enough ammo to kill him. Usually I run out, have to reload and craft/bring more ammo with me whenever I get to him (on either character playthrough as well).

btw hardcore difficulty is the only way to play this game.

The enemy AI has predetermined health, it is NOT part of the Dynamic Difficulty System.
And the dynamic stuff is not present on Hard.

Were you going for the eye only or trying to go for headshots?

I didn't think anyone used standard as the benchmark still

the eye, and only when it opened. I thought that it was its weak point.

Actually it is, just cranked up to 9 or 10 depending on how you're doing.

>hardcore difficulty is the only way to play this game
I couldn't disagree more. The game has a learning curve. You have to learn how you're meant to play. It's incredibly unforgiving if you're new to the series.

It's the brutal scaling running in the background.

When you bring too much to G5 it's literally unbeatable, goes to show how terrible it actually is.

It is, I'm kinda confused but if I recalled I may have brought a knife with me, defensive use causes damage but I may have raked him a few times since it really works, during my hardcore speed run I knifed him flawlessly (after 3 reloads because hand cramps from circling him)

>Once you figure out how a game works it gets easier
Literally how any game works. I guess all games suck now.

Anyone ever tell you that failure is the best way to truly learn from?

it's present, but there are only two levels of it (instead of 4 like on assisted and standard modes). If you die to the first gas station zombie on hardcore, you'll notice that the next time his zombie bite will only take you down to Caution instead of Danger.
But because there are only two ranks and you will often go quite far without taking damage on hardcore, your "score" tends to be higher and you tend to stay on the harder of the two difficulties even if you die a few times to some fast bullshit.
Also I think maybe the game remembering the adaptive difficulty is why your game timer keeps going even after you load a save from the continue screen. You have to quit to the main menu and load to really reset it to the time it was at the savegame

>during my hardcore speed run I knifed him flawlessly

I didn't even think this was possible. It's hard enough to have enough room to turn around and shoot him before he swipes your ass.

Yeah, but failure doesn't always mean getting a game over. You can still fuck up and learn from you're mistakes in Standard, but in Hardcore you're looking at a game over after two zombie grabs.

>People say Dark Souls is hard, but I've done 25 runs and now I can beat it with only dying a couple times. Shitty game, very easy.

the trick is to inife his pipe arm and pulling away during one of his attacks, its possible to keep knifing him with his basic pipe attack but there is another you need to just back off from

when you go to knife him its best to start asap and not run from him, shit gets hard to start again if you stray too far, only pull back once he starts what I THINK is when he swings horizontally, mind you he can still grab you but multiple knives can keep the knife assault going

I've read there are 4 ranks for hardcore and 12 ranks total.

You can use cheat engine on PC to view, change and/or freeze your current adaptive difficulty rank as well as your exact HP (out of 1200)

Still the best game released this year.

You can learn from game overs too

that's not saying much

So it's better to just waste your ammo instead of conserving it? This really triggers my "minimum resources required to progress" autism.

No, if you waste your ammo, the game will give you more than normal, but even that will still only be enough to just barely scrape by by the skin of your teeth since you wasted your stores of it. At least on hardcore

>nemesis needs to RUN
I'm gonna shit my self if there's no set range of where he can chase you

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one way is handle his sprint like the tyrant's attacks, he sprints, does an attack, and after a "pause" he walks for a few seconds, and if the attack is always from the one side that sprint attack can be evaded provided you can move in said direction

Maybe keeping the run to "oh I found you" moments in larger rooms say like the opposite end of the room and for smaller rooms a power walk much like the tyrant and then replace those later on with weapon use, infact a gattling gun would be a better options than the rocket launcher because the wind up would give a player a big ass warning rather than silly slow moving rockets with AOE

It scales how much damage you take and deal depending on an invisible scoring system, which raises when you land shots and lowers when you miss shots and take damage.

Duh, but you don't have to.

I wish there was something like The Mercenaries for RE2R. The convenience store minigame is fun but it's not the same. I want something like it that's not survival and where I'm not stuck in one little room

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Well it must be good. It's nearly been six months and it hasn't dropped below the $40 price tag.


Its sorta the same but in a small space and no difficulty tiers

I honestly think they spent too much time with the RPD and the sewers and threw everything else out as last minute thoughts

people say this shit on Yea Forums all the time and don't recognize the flaw in their reasoning

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Claire is a great mother.

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You just need to keep away from him when his eye on his arm opens up. That's when he is dangerous. When the eye is closed and he's yelling about Sherry he is in "human" form and is very slow and easy to stun lock w/ the knife

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I didn't really have a problem with this until I tried doing Claire B on Hardcore.

>SAA is neutered to begin with, once the scaling sets in it just cannot fucking kill anything or even sever legs effectively
>GL ammo is scarcer than shotgun so I can't rely on it when there's a zombie I absolutely have to kill
>can't fall back on the SNS because I'd have to pour all my gunpowder into making regular handgun ammo

$40 is the most I would pay for this game in retrospect. Very good game, but you can squeeze maybe 30 hours out of it max.

SAA is still way way stronger than any of the other handguns if you let it focus, which it does quite fast. It also penetrates through zombies in a line.
Leon's 1911 does less damage and doesn't penetrate, that gun is pure shit.

If you aren't speedrunning you can just sever a zombie's leg then knife it to death. Saved me tons of ammo on Hardcore.

It depends if there's another way to lose him without expending resources. It would be ideal if: you can easily outrun him and throw off his tracking if you encounter no other enemies, but he can catch up to you if you get bogged down fighting enemies.
Right now you can shoot-stun him or flashbang him and run away for the cost of the ammo or grenade. I think if you tuned his walk speed and/or tracking to the number of enemies in the area then it would work fine - he pursues slower if the player is surrounded by enemies, but faster if the coast is clear. This fits in with their adaptive difficulty system just fine, and I reckon it's what I'd do.

I want a hardcore + mode.

Remix item locations
No map
Safe rooms are no longer safe (IE Mr X and Zombie can enter)

Or any DLC., really.

>Remix item locations
There is a randomizer mod for PC

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Nemesis will have a stealth system. You'll walk into a room and see his boots poking out from behind a curtain.

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tbqhfam they might have more luck reimagining nemesis as a more slippery, stealthy character than just 'Mr X but he runs and guns'. Maybe make him a chameleon type thing with camouflage, so you enter a room and you have to really observe your surroundings to spot him lying in wait.

I love Claire.

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Such a "hard" game, the only difficulty is when you don't realize they don't stop the timer with the tab window.

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Every game is easy once you've mastered it. Were you able to do all that so easily and so fast on your first blind run? You did do it blind right

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>but if you did it blind it would be hard!
yeah, its soo hard picking up everything that's shining in your face.
>b-but it should have been hard to figure out the puzzle where you have a picture showing you exactly what to do and what the combination is!
>How could you have ever guess you were supposed to put the book in the arm and shove it on the statue, you couldn't have just seen the picture that showed you to do exactly that!

Its literally a game that consists of 2 buildings and a few hallways. There's nothing hard or complex about it.

I couldn't beat this game because it stressed me too much. I'm not that good with horror in general but zombies particularly scare me. Lickers were easy to deal with but hearing the zombies patter at the boarded up windows in a hallway just made me quit.

The game does has combat you know. There are monsters that will kill you

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>shoot in face
>walk around
Wow, such hard.

it would actually be far easier if you were expected to just shoot them all until they perma-died as soon as you saw them, like in every other game. The zombies are still huge threats when you're just stunning them and running by, and you can only really do it to one zombie at a time

>get zombies in group
>shoot legs with acid bomb

>walk up to zombie
>shoot in face with shotgun
plenty of work arounds.

I always have ammo and this was my first RE game. You just fucking suck.

Probably around half of players who've beaten the game as Leon think the shotgun sucks and is worthless because they got by on Standard and never figured out how to use it for reliably popping zombies heads. And the idea of shooting acid nades at zombies legs is far less intuitive than that. At first glance, acid nades appear to be pure shit against zombies.
Again, every game is easy once you've mastered it

>shoot acid bomb at zombie
>notice it doesn't die
>notice whatever i shoot falls off though
>notice it has a big aoe
you're just a literal brainlet if you didn't figure that out. same with leon's shotgun.

Really dumb fucking post if im being quite honest


it seems quite inconsistent which of their limbs will degrade enough to fall off from an acid grenade. The acid seems to splash around randomly like actual flying liquid to land on different limbs, and not always the limbs you aim at. Also the AOE range for this splashing is extremely small. I can only ever hit like 2 zombies max with one acid nade, and when I do it it seems to weaken the limb-burning potential vs if I had aimed it just directly at one zombie's legs instead of splitting the distance between them

the knife does more damage the longer it cuts through the enemy, so make big long cuts from the zombie's neck, down its back and coming out at its legs

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RE Engine has such delicious girl bodies. It's like Uncharted 4 or HZD quality models and graphics, but the characters are way curvier and show much more skin