>tfw just downloaded 160 gigs worth of vita games
yeah, no games my ass
Tfw just downloaded 160 gigs worth of vita games
Other urls found in this thread:
And how many of those are jrpg's/visual novels?
>160GB of dolphin porn
>Digital hoarding
I bet you won't even play 1/20th of those games. Just download what you need, when you need it and play shit as you go.
I got 480 GB of games. What's a good sd card for it?
8gb official sony memory card
>tfw you got a switch and a vita
i hope you aren't saying you play anything else
I just finished 7scarlet. That was an interesting VN.
I have this problem hacked my wiiu, filled up with 1tb hdd with every good wiiu and anything else just to fill the space.
How do I learn to play games? I've done the same with vita, ps3 also
>yeah, no games my ass
It doesn't.
>160 gigs of games
>1 worth playing
is this a sony tradition or something?
Wait how?
>all that trash
So I'm planning to get a Vita to play PS1/PS2 Jrpgs. Which one should I get, the original with the OLED screen or the new slim one?
I too enjoy hoarding stuff that I'll never actually play. The only actual fun anymore is hacking the systems I get.
slim, the amazingness of the OLED is overblown. You can still get new slims easily and the battery life is great. also usb micro rather than meme connector
The one you can find at the best price. Slim probably. Hack it, do the RGP registry edit and it will look pretty great. Otherwise Slim without that edit look pretty shit desu.
Ikr bro? I love movies like god of war and spiderman!! :DDDD omgomgmog amazeballz!!
Every Time
money's not a problem, heck I'd probably go look for a limited edition of something cool. also the battery life's not a problem since I don't plan to play this thing outside. So the OLED screen/screen quality is what I'm concerned about. So with the RGB hack, it'll look as good as the OLED?
I don't even see a difference in the screens, but im not autistic. Id compare online to see if it bothers you.
But sure the fat vita is 'better' but why not just get a pstv if you want the best picture & you won't go outside
It will be pretty close and might be more to your liking since OLED one might make games after Slim release look oversaturated. I have both and only hacked the Slim with the latest 3.70 hack. I liked playing on Slim but the screen was making me steer towards my Fat one. After the hack and RGB fix I am liking Slim more and more.
Image is from plebbit but it works in showing the difference.
What's THE killer app for your vita?
For me, it's replaying NG 1 every couple of months
Nothing has any games for the last few years. Ps4, xbox, switch, pc. Nothing has games
TxK. Best tube shooter.
>vita games are games
I finally got my hands on Freedom Wars. It's pretty good
Imagine have taste this shit.
What kind of grip do you guys use?
Op one looks comfy
There are grips?
I've been fine with the thing as is
A cheap one like this. I don't really see the point in spending more for more complex ones.
>games aren't games unless I like them
go fuck yourself, homosexual
>vn/jrpgs player
>calls anyone a homo
I use this one as well. It's cheap and it get's the job done. Doesn't get in the way of anything else, comes off super easily when I need it to, but never accidentally
Come back when you have an argument, faggot
YES, 160 gigs of UTTER SHIT. GG
>not in alphabetical order
Pirates wont believe this, but if you spend money on something you are more inclined to actually play it and enjoy it. Easy come easy go
Sold my vita a couple years ago.
All I ever wanted was a handheld PS2.
thats more or less what it is
What PS2 games are available on Vita?
thats bullshit, bought myself secret of mana remake and i still rather play pirated ys8 on my vita.
There's no games if you're not into weebshit
I wish this was true. I stopped buying games altogether after I realized I bought about 20 ps4 games I barely touched beyond installing them.
Downloading and setting things up can be fun in its own way. Like modding Skyrim.
I have a 1000 games library on steam alone, but I still play my PSP and vita dumps more
Does anyone use remote play?
Sly, rachet and some others.
L2R2 grip from ali for like 20 bucks
I bought it for megaman legends 2 and haven't taken my vita out of it since
the real realization here is that you discovered PC games were soulless and console is soul as fuck
What are games to you?
Having 2 gfs
>160 gigs worth of vita games
Well go on, what games did you get?
I hope you got danganronpa and persona 4 at least
The eu store reduced all the based weab games recently so I've got a tonne to play
hacked my vita a week ago, the library is ridiculous huge.
its so easy to find good games.
Hacking my Vita made it go from trash tier to absolute god tier.
For starters
>Torrenting Vita games when you can download straight off Sony's servers with all the DLC without any issue.
Use NoPayStation, user.
>No R2/L2
>Instead a second touchscreen like the 3ds
Heh Sony took the wrong chapter out of that book.
>falling for the freeshop meme
I like keeping my games backed up and archieved for future use
Out of all those games, there's only like 5 I'd be interested in actually playing.
>80% of them are japan only
yes no games
But user, NPS is a program for your PC. All the files stay on your computer.
what am I in for
Not necessarily, I buy physical copies of all my games and most of them I still haven't played yet
yeah in some shitty encrypted format
nonpdrm rips are superior
Are you dumb, user?
It's all encrypted.
nonpdrm "rips" are the exact same shit.
user dont be this basic, the phrase "vita has no games" tacitly means it has no games worth playing
no the actual games are in a properietary format
also you cant get undubs and fan translations off of nopaystation
>he doesn't know what rePatch is
some undubs are old and stuck as vpks. NG sigma for example
Are you two really arguing about the best way to pirate games
You can extract the patched files to use with repatch off those since vpks are essentially zip files.
It's all the same shit anyways like says
Me too
they don't use repatch though
Anyway, relying on a le cloud for shit is asking for trouble, I learned that the hard way when I had to hunt down some cias for less popular games when freeshop died
Nigger use Pkgj
...you can backup your games on your HDD after you download them regardless. Either way you are copying from your PC to your Vita so you are legit retarded.
>using the vita's 2011 wifi card for anything
nah then you have to fuck with licences.
>Vita's wifi takes 5 years to download a 1gb+ game.
>When I can use NPS to download everything at 10mb/s which I guess is the cap with Sony's servers.
Not really, all you do is refresh the LiveArea with VitaShell after putting new games in. You don't have to mess with license files at all with the nonpdrm plugin.
That guy only has like 15 or so Japanese only games. That's more like 10%, go back and learn your common core right
No the OLED screen is great and even with messing with the LCD screen it won't look as good
The only grip that you should get is a L2/R2 grip
no if you copy a game you downloaded on your vita to another vita it doesn't work without fucking with it
>shinobido 2
>finally jailbreaked my vita today
>everything went perfectly, managed to install RetroArch and Adrenaline
>realized my memory is only 8gb
Is SD2Vita legit? I'm thinking about getting it.
Then when you need to download a certain game, nintendo shuts down the places you get them from.
bro I own more than 2000 physical video games that I don't play
who the fuck plays borderlands 2 on a vita
I bought both and gave the OLED one away to a friend so that's my opinion
this, wondering if those adapters are any good
is the vita as easy to hack as the 3ds? im interested
I did some but it's just not worth it to deal with the lag
Ratchet and Sly collections are comfy on the go. Not-busted J&D collection never
>downloading 160 gbs of bloatware
Live your dreams I guess.
everyone in these threads uses one. you will need to install StorageMGR to use it.
also note the SD2Vita uses the game card slot, not the memory card slot
It's essential.
They're obviously legit.
Buy the "v5" sd2vita which is the white plastic one with black text on it.
Installing the driver plugin is very easy, and you can use your current Vita memory card as a bonus on a different partition. The uma0 on pic related is the mem card which I filled with psp/psx games.
>want to get a nice SD2Vita so I can finally have more than 4gb of space
>Shipping is twice the price of the adaptor itself
Am I retarded? I just can't click in buy, the adaptor is cheap as fuck and the shipping is way overpriced for something that could fit inside a letter
Yes, they are pretty much mandatory unless you want to get fucked in the ass by sony memory card prices.
Try to see if there's a local seller in your third world country, user.
it's easier. and if you get one with firmware 3.60 it's the easiest of any system ever, just open the web browser and go to henkaku.xyz and you are done.
Thanks user
>not alphabetically organizing your games
it is literally cheaper to get a 256GB card and SD2Vita than getting a 64GB propietary card.
were you looking on Aliexpress?
Nice, just a question though. I fiddled around with VitaShell and there's option to use sd2vita as USB Device something something, so why do I need storageMgr again?
My nigga
I get the price point, was just wondering about the speed. Seems like they work even better than Sony's, lol
Amazon is 8 bucks
So you pick one and start playing.
Crazy I know.
If you dont like it too bad
Yeah but he had a point to prove.
That option selects what gets mounted as the USB storage device when you select that on your computer.
So the "sd2vita" option would mean that that's what you see on your PC, instead of the Vita's mem card or other partitions.
>this nigger cares about speed
bitch, it's about the size of the cards, not the fucking speed. if any of us could get an SSD for our Vita, that'd be golden.
>everything on screen is garbage japshit
>b-but if i don't like it, it's not a g-game!
suck my cock and seethe more, PS4fag.
You might as well buy one, user.
The adapter is 5 bucks and microSD cards are dirt cheap nowadays, 128gb ones are like 20 bucks if you don't wanna go for 256gb or higher.
Just fucking look at this shit.
When people say "no games", they mean "no good games", you retard.
What's the best GBA emulator on Vita? I tried mGba from homebrew site and it was shite.
Tried out retroarch and VBA next worked fine in most case except for some sound problem. gpsp won't even start up.
I am looking on local sellers in my third world country it's all 5 USD for the adapter and another 10 for the shipping
Either go to the seller's store yourself to save on the shipping or pay up I guess, not that high of a price anyways.
alright boys, been planning to do this for a while, but now I'm finally going back
I miss the days of playing Persona until 3 am
Japanese games, anime games does not count.
Not gonna be enough bro.
Should've bought a 1TB sd card.
VBA on retroarch is the best you will get.
>go to the seller's store yourself
I don't wanna get shot user
and I would waste much more than 10usd in fuel to do that
Guess I'll just buy it
Jesus user, where do you even live?
Yes, sometimes. It's fun but faster games get difficult and can be annoying depending on how the buttons are mapped.
>le ad hominem
What the fuck are you doing?
Nigga, back up the fucking files, then.
Brazil and the seller is in Rio
>buying anything that's worth less than 20 bucks on Amazon
Should have gone to ebay.
t. nintendo cock gobbler. shut up scrub
Oh well, at least it works fine I guess.
still have my vita thats probably filled with dust is it even worth hacking into? i own like 7 psps and all of them are hacked and its a bliss but i dunno about the vita hard thonk
You can get a case that adds triggers for both
>installing driver is very easy
autoplug in installs it for you so yes
Don't fucking use autoplugin.
I'm retarded and I downgraded my 3.70 vita
downgraded to 3.60 and installed enso in 20 minutes.
autoplugin is perfectly safe
at worst you hold L at boot anyway
why nig?
It can fuck up your config.txt sometimes.
I help out people on this vita hacking discord and half the time people say "I can't boot" they were using autoplugin and it bugged out.
Don't play P3P it's shit play FES, use moonlight to stream it to your Vita
Look up Gbsp kai. it runs off of adrenaline but is apparently the closest to running gba games at100%
It has never bugged out for me that it breaks shit. At worse I'd had to manually add 2 plug ins since it wouldn't install them proper. reF00D and ???
I meant P4G, I'll keep it in mind though
Only play P3P after FES
>20-40 usd is for 128-256gb SD is legit nowadays
I can't believe this at all, is it an Amazon sepcial?
That's just the normal price of microSD cards nowadays, user.
at least it automatically makes a backup, which retards who can't write two lines won't do
What's the difference? P3p is actually a sequel?
fucking fes monkeys need to fuck off
P3P is better in every way
>le chibi models have so much emoshun!!!!11!
>muh poorly compressed anime cutscenes!
how do you even downgrade? im pretty sure my vita is up to date
>buy vita for 99€
>download P4G undub
>play for 20min
thanks vita
shit is just cheap now, I don't like selling out to big shops but sometimes the price is too good to beat
you can go cheaper
mod it with whatever
or better yet don't add plug ins
download an old firmware from googleitnigger
use modoru and it does everything for you
afterwards enso your vita nigga.
No stop having fun those games don't exist
Borderlands 2 has a fucking Android port, people are retarded enough to play them
yes, its legit.
i wouldnt recomend it since it can fuck up your vita is you have no clue on what you're doing. also you need extra configurations for each shit
should I just delete all the plugins ive added through auto plugin and install them manually? also what about my sd2vita plugin?
>those salty as fuck replies
I hate weebs. My only regret is that you people aren't bullied well into adulthood.
don't worry they are
the work is never done
handy info thanks buster
>Hacking your Vita
I hope Sony permabans all of you fucks.
if it's already working then there's no reason, just leave it.
whats wrong with it?
used autoplugin to install refood, and get nonpdrm on my ur0 to make refood work.
it works perfect
I wish they would, like most Vita owners I fucking hate Sony.
imagine sony would release all the features themselve, maybee the vita wouldnt be dead.
P3P removes the entire overworld and cutscenes and replaces with them pictures of FES and barely descriptive text boxes. It's a terrible port
>jrpgs/vns/movie games are the only things that exist
Branch out snoy sucking dumbass.
Why the fuck is shiren the wanderer so addictive? I keep losing and keep coming back
there are thousands of websites, nintendo wont find them all, user.
I just want to point out that Sony and Nintendo have created the most uncomfortable, ergonomic dumpsterfires that the gaming hardware world has ever seen. The only way to make them even remotely acceptable is to strap on third-party grips.
Lose some weight and maybe your fatty fingers would have an easier time.
>brainlets have perpetuated the "Vita has no games" meme for years
>gets hacked. People on low enough firmware are able to discover how great the Vita's library is. Plus, they can add full PSP backwards compatibility.
>only barriers to entry is being on low enough firmware, and proprietary memory card prices
>Vita gets a microSD card adapter, so you don't need to remortgage your house for a memory card anymore
>gets an exploit for the latest firmware, so latefags can hack it now
>PSTVs, at one point, were being sold for as low as $30, brand new
No excuses. No more sour grapes. If you still say "Vita has no games", you're just a shitposter.
>removed sd2vita with vita powered on
>launch game
>this file is corrupt
happens for every game. goddamn it. GODDAMN TI TO HELL
Are you retarded?
You had a backup right user?
i come to Yea Forums...
its working fine now :) did another cold boot and am playing metal slug
Serves you right for buying that garbage
>those games i don't approve of are not games reeeeeeeeee
I wish Shiren 5 (and other Vita exclusives, honestly) would get ported elsewhere. I can't imagine any of these games having much success on a platform that half of everyone claims has no games whatsoever, and the other half pirates everything under the sun. I like playing Shiren on my Vita, but I wouldn't mind paying for a PC or Switch port.
>Always had urge to do this
>see this post
Thanks user im cured. Hopefully you can redownload them.
second cold boot fixed it
>P3P is better in every way
I don't see how. You can play as a girl, I guess, but who really wants that?
If you have baseless opinions but you speak anyway, you're a shitposter.
What do I play?
>not wanting to play as the superior MC
Man I really wish smaller handhelds were still a thing. I got myself a Switch but most of the time I don't feel like bringing it with me as it's so XBOXHUEG. Probably should have gotten a Vita or 3DS.
>Vita got no games
>manlet detected.
Thing fits in my pocket case and all
Nice cargo shorts, user.
now were talking
>Wanting to play the worst MC that's story literally doesn't make any sense at all since they didn't bother to change anything in the main story to accommodate her so now for some reason people think Yukari is a lesbian for hanging out with you, akihiko and Ken's second persona makes no sense and Ryoji makes zero sense as well
A majority of P3P's fanbase is people from Tumblr or people who don't care about story just that you play as a cute girl
user what's that grip?
its why im waiting for a switch mini
Nigger put your games in bubbles and by genre.
my switch is basically a smash machine. the joycon button placement is retarded as fuck
I have like 8TB of PC games.
I have 64gb of 3DS games and 8GB of DS games on a custom firmware 3DS.
And on my PSP I have 64GB of games.
>fat with cargo shorts
im 29x34, the switch doesnt fit in my poickets
Is Akiba's Beat any good? Akiba Strip was pretty good, but I hear that Beat is watered down version of it.
Also, why can't I buy Stardew Valley from store anymore?
I wish there was a concise list of Vita games that run at 60FPS. I can't fucking handle the 23FPS life anymore boys.
>but I hear that Beat is watered down version of it.
They're not even similar. They just take place in the same city.
Stop playing on handhelds.
How many of those are you actually gonna play, bitch boy?
>I-i'll play them
>plays for 5 mins and never touches the game again
Lmao justify your purchase, cuck buy.
I wanted to but the input delay and visual artifacts are too much.
Nothing. Even with overclock I don't think any Vita game runs at 60. It is ALMOST a 9 year old handheld ffs.
Welcome to Yea Forums. When the incentive to get system is piracy, this tends to be the case.
>yukari is a lesbian
She fucking clam shut you from getting on with Aegis in the FeMC route
Almost every single Slink is rewritten to fit the new MC, and she is a much better character than the depressed ass male MC
You can also keep shinji alive or fuck Ken if you want to
It's a L2/R2 grip for the Vita, it adds triggers that press the back touchpad to simulate having actual triggers. It's a must have if you do a lot of PS1 games on your Vita or remote play. They make them for both the Vita 1000 and Vita 2000
besides indie shit and old ass games ports like Jet Set Radio, I don't think anything runs at 60
So what was that outlet at the top of the Vita meant for, anyway?
Most you'll get is solid 30
Lmao dumbass. In the o
Marvel vs Capcom is pretty good, several fightan games are actually. I haven't noticed the frames in Demon Gaze either. I have a musou that's not too bad most of the time either. I don't mind some dips into 50 but when I'm playing at 23 with dips into the 10s it's a nightmare.
Demon Gaze is a fucking dungeon crawler than could run on the DS user...
Lmao dumbass in the original game there's a rumor that you and Yukari are dating because she showed up with a new boy to school, how do they handle this in P3P? "Hurr there's a rumor she's lesbian because she showed up with the new girl and we couldn't just delete this conversation"
Oh yeah and now Junpei is sexist for some reason
Odin Sphere and Muramasa have good framerates as well. I forgot to add that.
>console game has a Vita port
>it has a subtutle that implies that it's the definitive version
yeah haht the fuck was up with that? The XCOM port even had "Plus" as the subtitle despite being worse than even the console versions and having no new content
Nothing. It was just a remnant from the devkit that they forgot to remove.
shame dragons crown doesn
DOA on the Vita is ironically better than 6.
user I didn't ask for modern mindblowing AAA PC graphics on a handheld I asked for good framerates.
It was originally gonna be an hdmi out. You know like the flip screen Vita with the native micro sd support. But yeah Sony.
Thanks for the info.
Sony had some weird rule about there being a difference or something between versions
But there was no difference? Unless you count 5 minute loading times as a difference
It contains Enemy Within and Enemy Unknown content all in one package.
Demon Gaze is 31fps but it doesn't fucking matter since barely anything happens in screen. I couldn't even get into it. 2 seems way better outside the shit dungeons.
>all those salty (You)s
Top fucking kek VNbabbies truly are insecure holy shit.
What are some games that have active online communities on the Vita? How is Phantasy Star Online?
Anything larger than this is too big for my manlet hands
>Jumpei is sexist
stop, just stop
stop fucking listening to Pat when it comes to P3P
Jumpei is not sexist, Jumpei is just a dick in the first chapter just like he is a dick in the male route
In the male route, Jumpei goes "I can't believe they picked the new emo ass kid to be the leader, I could be a better leader" and when you show him how good you are he becomes your bro
In the female route Jumpei goes "I can't believe they picked the new girl to be the leader, I could be a better leader" and when you show him how good you are, he becomes your bro
It's not sexism, it's just accounting to the new character being a fucking girl, you complain they don't change shit, yet when they change you bitch about it? fuck off.
Also how come is Jumpei a sexist twat when he becomes your best bro, even if you are a girl, hell you are given options to hit on him and he shuts you down, friendzoning you HARD, and in the in dungeon dialog, when you have become the town bike and fucked everything with a dick and Akihiko and Ken are bitching in Tartarus about who eats your bush better he even goes "Dude, even Ken? wtf"
Fuck you, and fuck Pat for meming that Jumpei is sexist
I don't give a fuck about hacking my Vita for Vita games, but how does it do with emulation? Is it pretty much relegated to being a GBA/SNES machine at best?
>that type of Casio watch
>uses an mp3 player
Are you 59?
I've played P3P user, it's fucking terrible. Who's Pat? Typical of a P3Pfag to enjoy some (what I assume) eceleb cancer.
Who the fuck is Pat and why are you replying to that retard.
Built in PS1/PSP emulator. Why the fuck would you play GBA/SNES games on it? Waste of space, that is what the 3DS is for.
there's only 12 hours in the day and 12 hours at night. why does your watch say 22?
>"I can't believe they picked the new girl to be the leader, I could be a better leader"
But Junpei makes it very clear that his issue isn't that she's "new" like with the male route, his issue is that a girl was chosen over him, Mitsuru even gets mad at him for implying a girl would be a worse leader
more like 5'9''
Fuck off, if you had played P3P you would have known that Jumpei is not sexist
>Why the fuck would you play GBA/SNES games on it?
Because its capable of doing so.
Vita is good for
>Dungeon Travelers 2
>Soul Sacrifice
>Steins Gate
and replaying PS/PSP games.
It was my first non nintendo console, so It was good to play FFT, Tactics Ogre and the FFs on it, but it's port machine desu senpai.
Is DT2 really that good? Should I play DT first?
>good for a bunch of JRPGs nobody cares about
>and playing games you can easily emulate
I rarely leave my apartment anyway so I'm probably best off just using PPSSPP/whatever the best PS1 emulator is nowadays.
She also gets mad at him from implying that the male MC would be a worse pick
also the whole point of the first chapter is to make the MC prove him/her self to the rest of the cast, Jumpei acts as a dick to the main character regardless of gender, Yukari also acts distant and pedantic until you show them you can do it
There's a demo. Also, no.
Visual novels aren't video games
Waste of space desu. Plus the resolution on them hurts my eyes. Ok on the 3DS though. I wish the Vita played SOME MAME Arcade games though. inb4 it does.
lmao I don't even have a PSN account
There is no To Heart is part 1 and I don't remember it even though I played it. SHAME we never got anybody to translate 2-2 I heard it is based off you fucking up and not saving your chief or something.
Think there could be a way to make PS1 games play online in the future? I would like to kick your guys' ass in Digimon World 1 with my Numemon.
No. PS1 didn't even have online. Are you a baka?
>not knowing what netplay is.
You are the baka, baka.
Is it just me, or is Hearts R better than any modern Tales? Especially vesperia
I really need to organize them, yeah.
Are any of the Vita models better than others? Are there any I should avoid when looking for one?
I've a question.
Does SD2VITA work on 1000 series models as well?
I've a hacked OLED system that's on 3.68. I need to instal Henkaku every time I boot up theVITA but that's not an issue.
Would it be as simple as copying my memory card's contents to the sd card?
16 GBs really doesn't fucking cut it anymore
It has games, but not any exclusives that will entice you to buy the system.
Besides Persona 4 Golden, but that's only one game. Compare that to Switch, PS4, and 3DS.
Only use my vita for emerald and yu gi oh tag force 5. No use other than that.
The 1000 model is what you want, it has an OLED instead of an LCD screen and it's built much better.
It is. But nobody played it cause it was on the Vita. Story is still shit though.
Yes, why wouldn't it? And yes, you just copy the contents.
Why wouldn't it?
The 1k and 2k models are the exact same, same goes for Vita TV
Also don't be fucking retarded and look up a guide to downgrading to 3.60 and installing Enso.
But as a FeMC, Mitsuru is mad at him specifically because he implied that a girl would be a worse leader
>White 1000 Vita
God damnit, I already have a slim why do feel tempted to own another one?
>Also don't be fucking retarded and look up a guide to downgrading to 3.60 and installing Enso.
There's no reason to do this except to save 10 seconds at start up, especially since you don't have to use the browser to install henkaku anymore.
Imagine falling for the 3.65 enso meme.
>No reason to do this.
There's all the fucking reason if you're gonna use sd2vita.
>there is no reason to do this
>never have to rely on wifi anymore
>games just start and work
I was thinking it maybe used the 2000 series model's internal memory for something, to install a plugin to read SD2VITA or something.
Thanks for the info.
t. have an Vita 1000, with an SD2Vita using a 128GB microSD, and a proprietary Vita memory card for PSP/PS1 shit.
Just downgrade back to 3.60 and install enso henkaku.
>Would it be as simple as copying my memory card's contents to the SD card?
Yes, but you first have to set Windows to not only view hidden files/folders, but also to view hidden operating system files. Otherwise, you're not going to copy/paste all the required files.
Yeah, again, to save you ten whole seconds. What a big inconvenience.
>never have to rely on wifi anymore
You don't have to rely on it with hencore either, what do you mean? My vita hasn't been off airplane mode in forever.
What's wrong with 3.65 enso? Now since reF00d and compatibility patches exists, there's no functional difference between 3.60 and 3.65. I only upgraded to 3.65 enso because reF00d and compatibility patches didn't exist yet, and I wanted to play 3.65 games.
Disgaea 3 or 4?
Never played any
Bought and hacked a vita on friday.
First thing I did afterward was download estival versus and the “nipples exist” patch.
It’s bretty gud
So how easy is it to get banned from PSN? I hacked my vita and am worried my account will be useless afterward.
3 was the one people loved to tear down because of its academy setting. 4 is better from what I heard even if the prinny girl is hated by the fanbase. Valvatorez is a good MC.
Literally no one has been banned for a hacked Vita. The only real reasons I would think someone would get banned would be if they used a trophy unlocker, or if they cheated in online multiplayer.
How much should I charge a potential buyer for a PSTV running 3.60?
How much did you pay for it originally?
3 is ok gameplay wise
Mao is a shitty MC and the whole baby mao arc is horrible
Bell is the only good thing about that
The school setting is ok and makes sense on its own
D4 is D3 gameplaywise with a few new tweaks and an ok story like it's pretty simple and it serves its purpose but don't expect anything amazing from it
Fuuka is not as bad as everyone says too, though boost her hit as soon as possible otherwise you will have a unit that can do decent damage but will miss almost every single time
I bought a fucking Vita. Biggest waste of money in my life.
I had two types of games on it: Persona games and Square games. Both of which I could play on other platforms, better.
Fucking hate that piece of shit console. Waste of money.
Are Atelier games good?
I'm not a big fan of weeb trash, but Atelier games seem like they have some substence to them unlike Neptunia, Senran Kagura or Danganronpa.
$20, but that shouldn’t matter. All that matters is what it’s worth now.
They’re fun but easy. Your time limit to complete tasks is always super achievable and you never really feel any pressure because of it. You never have to grind either. The battle system may as well not exist because of how easy fights are.
Though I’ve only played Annie and Rorona
No more than $60. You're still making a profit, and you're not exactly fucking over the buyer. The buyer actually doesn't have any incentive to buy from you anyway, since the latest firmware is hackable.
jrpgs are games, and the vita got the cream of the crop for shovelware tier ones. VNs are not games, and they never will be
VNs like Danganronpa, Zero Escape, and Steins;Gate are most definitely games though.
True, but it is more convenient and removes the downgrade step.
It’s much more convenient to just go to a URL than using an annoying FTP program to transfer everything cause the PSTV can’t connect to USB.
$60 seems decent. I’ll probably throw in my Dualshock 4 and charge $80
Just the fact that it’s a PSTV is incentive. Those things are going for more than a hundred on ebay. Not that user, but $60 is way too low
>requires player input
>has a fail state
VNs are games and there's nothing you can do about it.
If I’m on henkaku enso does formatting the vita and memory card restore it to official firmware?
literally a choose your own adventure book. sorry you bought a 250 dollar kindle and another 100 bucks on a memeory card
>DS4 + PSTV for $80
That is an extreme, almost inadvisable level of fair. Expect that to go in a blink.
Is a choose your own adventure book a game?
The exorbitant pricing was due to the scarcity of hackable firmware. Now since any firmware is hackable, we'll soon see saner pricing.
what is the gameplay aspect? pressing x to move on is not different than turning a page
>those physical copies
Based and beautiful
Did you mean to reply to me? Cause I agree with you. Choose your own adventure books are the same as VNs and they’re both not games.
I like your grip case OP. Which one is it?
which sly should I start first ?
Plenty of VNs have gameplay other than pressing x. The need to make a contrived comparison with a different medium just shows how little you know about this one.
What everyone isn't telling you is that OLED screens tend to slowly looks shittier over time and the OG vita is years old at this point.
Don’t remind me... all I could get my hands on was a 1000 and I really wish it was a slim.
here. Also, if you're like me, you had a lot of stuff on your Vita memory card. I had my Vita mode set up and my Adrenaline (PSP mode) isos. Upon getting my SD2Vita and copy-pasting everything over from my Vita memory card to the microSD, I decided I wanted to maximize my storage by dedicating the microSD to strictly Vita mode stuff, and the Vita memory card to strictly PSP isos and PS1 eboots. I was always reluctant to do it because it was an arduous, time consuming task, but I spent nearly all of yesterday reorganizing my Vita memory card and my microSD. I deleted all the installed Vita games from the Vita memory card by going into Vitashell, going into uma0:/app, and deleting every single folder with an actual gameID. (you can't just delete the bubbles from the main home page, because that also deletes the bubbles from the SD2Vita, even if you chose to boot into the Vita memory card). This takes forever because sometimes you can't delete the folder if it has a ton of subfolders, so you have to go into each individual subfolder, and delete the contents from there first. Then, I copied my ux0:/pspemu folder with all my PSP isos to my computer, then pasted them into uma0:/pspemu. Since this was nearly 50GB worth of isos, it took like three hours just for this part.
Finally got it done, and now I have like 50GB free space on the microSD, and 10GB free space on the Vita card.
Are there any grips that make remote play via the back touchpad actually usable?
And now Vitas and TV versions are getting expensive.
Mostly due to the scarcity of hackable firmware. Now since all firmware is hackable, prices should be dropping.
1,2,3 and you can skip 4 since it was very bland and worse physics than 2 and 3
just pop the sd card into your computer and manually copy the games over
sd cards on ebay is a 50/50 you get some fake chinkshit
>tfw 8gb sony card
They are not being made anymore either.
Unless you bought some suspiciously cheap micro SD card, that isn't the case. Even if you do, you get your money back almost instantly if the thing is defective or counterfeit.
Always buy a trusted brand, and if the price sounds too good to be true, it’s because it is.
Even Amazon has a ton of fakes. I just go to a brick and mortar store to get mine now. No risk even if it’s not quite as cheap as online.
>tfw you got a PC,Switch,Vita, and N3DSXL
>the sigma version
It is a travesty that they can never port the Xbox version of these NG games to other systems. If Microsoft ever did a handheld it should be ported for it in addition to NG2 being fixed and at 60fps.
Neither of those things are the issue. It's hidden partitions or better yet something actually soldered on the board.
Never buy any card/flash drive that isn't a major brand even if they are from a store/Amazon.
Im set for life
I wish Sony would make a handheld that plagiarizes the Switch’s tv and handheld gimmick.
Then we’d enter a new handheld golden age.
>Neither of those things are the issue
>implying that $14 512Gb micro sd is actually going to work
>implying that there aren't defective or counterfeit brand name micro SD card being sold
Yeah, with the counterfeit cards, they're made to read as a larger size than they actually are.
So it can have 16 gig internal memory and you need to buy duo sticks 3.0?
>tfw got all that plus a PS4
I mostly play my VITA because it feels so good to hold and I love handhelds.
My Switch feels weird so I'm not super into it.
I just wish my internet wasn't conplete shit so I could make use of remote play and Moonlight.
That would actually motivate me to finish Persona 5 and check some of the PS2 Atlus games off the list.
Thats true. Switch isnt comfortable to play outdoors like the Vita. All handhelds are comfy though. They beat the experience on playing on PC
They did have a prototype trademarked
and the vita kinda could do that but they preferred to make them separated devices
To actually make a switch clone they would need to make a portable PS5 that could run the same games as the PS5 but in super low fidelity mode so the hardware could deal with it
and its just not worth it for them now, the PS4 printed money for them and the vita died hard in the west
Does this work with 2000?
Based user. I got a 100mbps connection yet there are some glitches while I stream RE HD on my vita through moonlight idk why
Does the vita's OLED degrade over time?
OLED screens do that by default.
>mfw i have a gpd win 2 and i can enjoy most of games and all indie games
>also most emulators till gamecube and all handhelds
gpd win masterrace
>"game" literally called "Moe Chronicle"
You can't make this shit up
They do. You can see strange patches when the screen is dark.
PC is for power, but handheld is for comfort. Some buttons might be small for others but if you want to lie in bed then handheld is good
The OLED screen is better but it doesnt matter as long as you dont compare the old and phat versions side by side. And yes the screens do degrade over a period of time
That's the mura effect, retard.
It's a product of early OLED manufacturing, not degradation or burn-in
I said that to highlight the issues i said being BIGGER issues that yours because they exist in many non-brand name drives you see everywhere even in stores.
Basically anything that isn't the big three is not fool proof. Counterfeits are only a problem for idiots on ebay and that guy selling stuff out of his trunk, my issues are all over the place.
you touch and massage monster gils to recruit them. It's a nice dumb dungeon crawler.
it's a pretty good dungeon crawler.
Playing Animal Crossing in bed with a blanket is the comfiest thing ever
played through a few games with it and a bit of red dead. Really isnt made for big games like that one though.
Got a problem faggot?
For the most part, nothing. It's virtually the same as 3.60 enso. There's just a recovery option that isn't available to you in case you try to uninstall enso. This won't even be a problem for the vast majority of people. You can downgrade if you want or stay on 3.65.
I don't have a PS4, and it's shit on PS3.
It's a product of poor manufacturing in general, and usually gets worse over time. Almost as if its degrading.
tfw your 2013 Vita's OLED still looks great but now you're worried about degradation
It was a response to your ad hominem implying that vn players are gay.
I bought mine for $4
Are you saving it for the after life?
How long would it take to noticeably degrade?
Why would anyone even want to uninstall enso?
I don't really know. I guess if you want to go back to having a stock Vita.
user, that would imply anyone here takes their handhelds outside or has a girlfriend.
>playing Clash of Clans
I know. I'm asking what the brand is.