Vita + 3ds + ps4 is the ultimate Shin Megami Tensei machines set
Vita + 3ds + ps4 is the ultimate Shin Megami Tensei machines set
>ultimate shin megami tensei machine
joking aside, the ps3 is more of an ultimate machine since it can play ps2 and psp as well as p5
it wont be able to play Persona 5 R
What SMT games are on those? There should be a PS2 here.
Its ps2+ps3+3ds+switch
>literally 0 smt games
There are no SMT games on either of these.
PC and Vita are the only ultimate SMT machines because rest can be emulated.
It's not even out yet.
neither is p5r but op included ps4
OP is a fag, more news at eleven.
We know the release date for p5r
we know literally nothing about SMT5
And P5 can be played on the ps4
Toy tablet has literally 0 smt games
Yeah but its not even out so ps4 has no smt games
>still being this mad about smtV being a switch exclusive
wew lad, imagine being a snoyboy in 2019
>1 game
Backwards compatible PS3 is much better
If the vita had l2, r2 instead of that gay touchscreen, it would've dominated. Gd it's so underrated.
3ds+ps4 right now, going to buy a Vita in a week or two and a Switch when SMTV is close so in a few years.
PC emulates literally everything
imagine begging for Persona 5 for 6 years
W-wait for E3!
2020 still isn't here, it exists but for now it doesn't count.
Devil Survivor didn't release until January 15, 2009 on the DS which was released at 2004. We're still a few months away before it's finally 2 years without any news about SMT V. Mind you, P5 got delayed so it's a no brainer the Switch (3 years old) would still have no SMT games until after a few years.
>Cannot play censored persona 5
Good riddance then Faggot. Fuck off