Quick! Your favorite game got an upgrade! How does it improve?

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it's now about gay porn, pirated movies and gacha music.


>FFXI gets regular content updates and expansions again

It's finaly bugs free.


Multicore support. I'll let you guess the game

So far I've only got agh's on Razor and SB since yesterday. Both were lackluster and I will never get the razor one again unless you're fighting meepo maybe.

1m@0 2kat

Razor has had his aghs since forever. Same goes for sb.

Played some games of Broodmother and her new aghs. It's fucking broken. Considering you always pick Brood for a favorable lane, you can easily get an aghs and travels in 15 mins. That gives you 20 webs and 650 ms to work with.

yea but they both got buffed. very insignificantly though.

>It finally has an update to end all updates, all classes are balanced better than ever before. Less hats are released in favor of weapons, maps, and a new dedicated deathmatch gamemode.

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I don't fucking care about black dragon form I want permanant blue dragon form ! Fuck you bluepepe !

>Your favorite game got an upgrade!
Ah fuck off, now it's gonna attract tourists and casuals.
Is the upgrade that it wards off tourists and casuals?
Excellent! It's improved because the fanbase is now slightly less of a pile of shit.

all the tourists drop dead, leaving about 1% of the non-braindead population

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his name is BLEPE you newfag

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Icefraud is now the meme developer of the game you last played.

I just played dota 2
Holy shit this guy can read minds or something

>he thinks that most non-tourist Yea Forumsirgins aren't retarded
man, stay gold Yea Forums, you always make me laugh

>patch does not nerf grimstroke, oracle
>valve thinks drows problem was her ult and not how insane her aura is
>literally not even patching heroes like sniper
>just added a lazy agh upgrade to every hero and call it a day

worst patch so far.

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mount and blade? Dwarf fortress?

>Persona 3
>Tartarus gets significant aesthetic changes to the blocks so they stand out and is always unstable
>game is universally praised because that was the only problem people had before Golden dumbed down an already dumbed down series

t. heraldshitter

Drow went down an ancients like she does with black dick.

Chalice dungeons can not be infinitely deep with raid boss tier encounters beyond the 50th or so floor.

cope harder

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I'm 5k this patch is dogshit dotard didn't change the meta at all and all the op hereos are still op.

cope about what? you're the one who appears to be upset out of the two of us

>rune factory 3 with 4s extra dialogue and event mechanics and QoL improvements
yes please


>pods are replaced with live squads, stealth is more important and complex and reusable, alpha striking with all your guys isn't as mandatory