What am I in for bros?
Enter The Gungeon
a video game, probably
Fun, then anger
Fun but hard
i want to like this game. i should like this game. i just cant like this game. it bores me. i wish i liked this game
Nice I wasn't too sure
I have the same issue with DMC 5, everyone loves it, I loved the other DMC games except 2 and reboot, but I just can't get into 5. And it makes me very miserable.
30+ hours of grinding at it till you actually get good.
A highly skill based Isaac. Also beware of bullet sponges for the first 2 floors.
good core gameplay with levels that are twice the size they need to be and enemies with twice the health they should have so it's super fucking slow
kickass soundtrack though
>skill based
good luck getting to the dragun without being able to properly dodge roll retardo
Just use the super hot watch lmao
good game
Finally got the gunslinger after a week of trying, would have been much sooner if I hadn't forgot to pick up the fucking bullet before the dragun
You can always go back and get the bullet after killing the dragun
this, rng based loot system kills all skill, when you can just restart if you don’t get a good item.
>when you can just restart if you don’t get a good item.
you shouldn't do that in the first place, kills the fun in this game and in isaac, just run with what you got, no matter what
I thought I'd already got it and went to the chest - it was probably one of my best runs too as I had all master shells and some really great weapons
Super Hot Watch needs lead god to be unlocked. Baddies will never unlock it
1st floor should get herder the more time you play or the more you've unlocked
Boring repetitive gameplay and unfunny memes.
this but worse
It's much easier if you have clone because then you can just get master rounds for 1st and 2nd chambers again instead of having to kill the dragun or high priest with no damage
How easy is it to unlock the gunslinger? He’s the only character I still need to get.
You need to kill the lich twice in a row, once with the paradox which then instantly starts a game with the gunslinger who has to fight two liches at the end.
Then you unlock the gunslinger for good.
Shit guns
So impossible then?
black hole gun lmao
The gunslinger's starting equipment is really good. He starts with the lich's eye bullets which makes every gun act like it has its synergy.
Plus the two liches at the end are only the first phase, they don't go further than that.
Nuclear Throne is great, but you have to be fucking delusional to think it's better than Gungeon.
Alright that makes it easier. My only issue is that I can easily get to the Dragun, but I get fucked on ammo pickups and having shit guns drop.
garbage game, refund if you still can
i wanted to like this game, I really did but it sucks
it tries to be like issac but fails at every point
there are many reasons why it sucks but I will give you the biggest and most important:
>the optimal play is to always use your starter weapon
you know why BoI is so fun? you can pick an item on the first floor and you run is going to be more or less unique. most upgrades in BoI are passivs so you can build up a fun and ridiculous combo of items to make your run stand out and make it seem fresh. in this game on the other hand every run is the same. the game is not particularly hard so you don't really need to use the items you pick up. if you wanna play well you better use the starter weapon, the mkost boring gun in the game, for the entire run.
got a cool gun? fuck you, it has limited ammo so unless you wanna waste that you better use the starter gun. there are other things I hate but this is the games biggest problem. I dread starting a new run because I know I won't be allowed to use the fun guns until later when I know I've stocked up enough to be allowed to waste some.
it's also piss easy. the reason for that is probably that is probably because they still want you to be able to beat it when you run out of ammo.
No, the Gunslinger is OP as fuck.
You have to be stupidly unlucky to not easily be able to kill double Lich with him.
>>the optimal play is to always use your starter weapon
stopped reading right there
You're an idiot.
>he is so garbage that he can't clear every floor with the starter weapon in order to preserve resources
alot of garbage guns, most of the time im begging for passive items
but why would I do that when you get ammo drops like every 3rd room?
Or do Boss rush, which can also net you multiple master rounds.
Even more so if you do rainbow run boss rush and get clone from the rainbow chest. Piss easy.
Fun game but gets boring incredibly fast, and takes waaaaaaay too long, activating turbo mode and rainbow run are the only ways to make it more fun but clearly it wasnt designed around that
Oh my bad user, did I miss that you are GUARANTEED an ammo drop every 3rd room(and that you get to decide if it's a full refill or half refill)? If not, unlike you shitter, I will not leave my fate in lady luck's hands and actually play the game in the most optimal way, using the boring starter weapon with infinite ammo.
>Wanting to make an already tedious and boring game even worse.
No thanks.
that's my fucking point
it's just shit gamedesign when you have to decide between having fun and playing 'properly'
compare it to binding of isaac
>finds brimstone
oh boy, this item completely put a new spin on this run, how fun
>finds new weapon in EtG
great, better not use this fun weapon since my starter gun can take care of the enemies just fine
on top of that, the most fun weapons have the least ammo
wow you're a TRULY serious gamer... my apologies
>ad hominem
you need to be 18 to use this site
Your argument is literally "I don't like it because I think it's too hard"
You get what you give.
isaac... yes I remember that game, they made it impossible to enjoy with afterbirth since you get useless garbage in everyroom and go into womb with base stats which makes the game a boring trudge, if you refuse to use better guns when you can ato make the game faster because of your personal weird reason then blame yourself for being such a retard
stop embarrassing yourself further user
not only do you have no idea of how to make an argument without resorting to personal attacks, now you also show that you have no reading comprehension
one of my central points was that the game is too easy, you know, since you can beat it with the starter gun
"I don't like it because I think it's too easy"
I see, you are a true gamer then. Only Dark Souls blindfolded for you.
nice critical thinking, this must be 100% me right?
The Gunslinger is cool but I wish he weren't so grossly overpowered, I was hoping for some kind of high risk/high reward challenge mode character
Also, is there ever a reason to max out curse with the shrine at the beginning? It seems like the increased casing drops are in no way balanced out by the fact that you have to fight a ton of Jammed enemies with early game guns/items, you lose out on the ability to pick up some great items, and most everything you're likely to see in the shops isn't worth buying in the first place
can someone give me some tips on unlocking another character? I've only been three floors down, can't seem to find anything. Sometimes I find new npcs but that's about it.
Might be helpful for the elevator shortcut unlocks that require tons of shells.
High curse does lower the chance of item drops after rooms, so that might hinder on the key portion, but you can buy those from the shop.
1. Did you know you can fall into empty elevator shafts without getting hurt?
2. Bullets with red capes aren't hostile.
look for space warps on the floor
when you enter the first floor go down the elevator hole, you have to bring that thing to a lady on the 5th floor
only partially, games of this type are supposed to be hard, you are supposed to die and try again until you are either good enough or get lucky with drops
a game being easy is alright if it has a good story to carry it
this game's whole point is to do the same thing again and again, where is the point when it's just an easy but tedious task?
with BoI it's very hard later on without upgrades because the game expects you to have picked up power over the run, this game on the other hand seemingly wants you to be able to beat it even when you run out of ammo, that's why the starter weapon is still the best choice on the last floor
not my fault when all of you act equally retarded, not one of you has adressed my point only attacked me as a person, to me you might aswell be the same person
>not my fault when all of you act equally retarded, not one of you has adressed my point only attacked me as a person, to me you might aswell be the same person
You have to be 18 to post here.
user you just found once of the best games.
bummed they said no more content updates. Pretty fuckin retarded of the company imo.
My complaints
Artificial limitations on items - basically there's limits to how many items of certain tiers you can get.
Spice is life.
A shitload of frustration, mostly based on acquired weapons only lasting until they run out of ammo. Base gun being complete ass, and half the weapons not being useful.
the enemies turn into bullet sponges in the later stages and if you dont lucksack a good synergy/weapon you are straight up fucked.
can be fun in small doses tho.
have sex
You have a ways to go before most of the character unlocks user. Right now just worry about consistently getting to floor 5 and making the bullet that can kill the past
About 30% of your runs are unwinnable because you only get bad guns. If you ever find yourself in a situation where you're using your starter pistol on the 2nd or 3rd floor, just restart and hope for better RNG. Also it'll make your GPU run at 80 degrees despite being a 2d game because fucking Unity lmao.
Other than that, it's alright.
>30% of runs unwinnable
Just dodge the bullets user
>just spend 10 minutes plinking away at an endgame boss with a starter pistol
No thanks I play videogames for fun.
>i wanted to like this game, I really did
stopped reading right there.
gunslinger with a blessing is really all the fun you are going to have. the rest is a boring slog.
>Find Gunther on first floor
>every criticism in this thread is either outdated or coming from a newbie
gotta love Yea Forums, remind me of that couple of shitposters who admitted that they shit on games they've never played
I knew NL posted here