How the fuck do I get on this gravy train and make money playing or talking about vidya?

How the fuck do I get on this gravy train and make money playing or talking about vidya?

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U gotta be pewdipew

Genetics mostly. Or find a niche that hasn't been filled and become knowledgeable in that field and hope it catches on.

1) Be funny
2) Be good at least 1 kind of game
3) Be able to be somewhat Original
4) Be determined to make it

99% Yea Forums is incapable of these.

be funny with a good mic and camera

we have this thread everyday.

and we will keep having it until we're all dead

>what games am i good at that could bring me internet fame?
hang on theres a flaw in my plan here.

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It's literally all just luck
Popularity creates a snowballing effect and that's what builds up your channel.

I've interpreted your post two ways and they both make me laugh

Luck is just an excuse poor people tell themselves why they're a failure in life. While luck can happen to make money, the person still needs the right skills to maintain it.

>poor people
My parents are millionaires, I'm not poor I'm just not going to pretend wealth has nothing to do with luck
Look at Donald Trump, Do you think he could have made as much money as he did without his "small loan" of 1 million dollars?
Hard work will definitely get you far in life but to make alot of money you need to take risks, That inherently relies on luck.

you don't unless you hit a niche and get fans

They could raise dev salaries and focus on making better games. But no, gotta whore out on nonsensical marketing to get the attention of a population with the attention span of a goldfish.

>all those monitors

holy shit do you PCfags usually have that many?

I only use 1, Would like to get 2 though but I'm guessing he has so many since there are alot of things to keep tabs on.

Remember when we thought video game QA Testing was the way to get paid to play videogames?

You should always at least have 2

And even those who are, still have to get on the right band wagons at the right time and be lucky too. There are so many factors to it that are impossible to predict, that pretty much only luck determines it.
It's also not as fun as it sounds. Imagine constantly having to put up with the retarded paypigs and having to play the same video game for years.

Wait until a new game comes out that you think will be huge, dedicate yourself to it.

>"Luck is just an excuse poor people tell themselves why they're a failure in life".
>user replies to a post while browsing 4chins in his personal boat, bought by daddy
>Internet isn't a problem because he has the latest satellite internet at 8000mb/s
>user walks up into his boat, goes to his luxury kitchen, opens the fridge and grabs a 300$ beer.
>Suddenly the phone rings, it's his daddy
>"Son I hope you're having a good time in your boat!, hows the study going?
>"It's okay dad I've been working really hard, high school is getting pretty complicated these days and maths make no sense, ugh! Also daddy, my 26th birthday is coming, can you send me some cash?
>"Keep at it son don't worry I know you have it in you, i'll be sending you some small cash, around 50k so you can buy a new laptop, that way you could study eveywhere!
>"Thanks dad but I don't think 50k is enough, I have to donate to some new female streamers I've seen on twitch, they are working really hard and someone has to pay their efforts"
>"Alright son, I'll send you 100k, I hope that's enough, i'll call you in a couple of days, bye!"
>user goes back to his computer
>"Damn, these maths are really hard ... i'm gonna take a break and post in 4chins a little bit more."
>See his post, he didnt press submit yet, and realizes he's doing a really good job at highschool so he adds
>"While luck can happen to make money, the person still needs the right skills to maintain it."
>He then proceeds to monitor the thread while learning how PEMDAS works, expecting for some replies into his incomparable knowledge

You gotta be
>somewhat attractive
>decent at vidya

Dedicate your free time to streaming for a couple of years to a small community and be entertaining and interesting.

Unfortunately it's not as easy of a gig as one of the dumb jobs requiring no skills like working in mcdonalds or a warehouse stacking boxes.

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The amount in the OP is just retarded even for a streamer or some kind of professional graphics artist/video editor.
Having 2 is great since you can juggle between the two without having to switch windows all the time or play a video on one screen while doing something on the other (like watch E3 with Yea Forums open). 3 can also be nice if you want a screen just dedicated for something that is open all the time.


It actually goes more like this
>Pump out content like a machine, either by pumping out videos constantly or streaming constantly
>Make most of your content based on recent trends
>Try to either befriend or start """drama""" with people more popular than you so they shill your channel
>Shill relentlessly
>Be lucky
Ideally you also want to
>Be physically attractive
>Pander to children, since they have more time to watch your videos than anyone else
>Be good at at least 1 game

I always found it weird how more kids watch adults than other kids

The money sounds nice, but be careful what you wish for. Streaming revolves around pleasing 12 year olds and what flavor of the month they're interested in. Can you honestly tell me you would play the same game for 7 hours on end? It's like back when Fortnite or PUBG came out. It's fucking trash but because people wanted to see it, you'd have to play it on stream.

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How does a person gain the right skills to make it? By either being born with them (if you believe people are born skilled, which requires luck) or being taught them. How does someone get taught the right skills? By having the right teachers, the right parents, and going to the right school. All of these are dependent on luck.

I had 4 at one moment but it was too much. 3 is a sweet spot for me. 1 for media, 1 for main workload, 1 for reference materials and such. You hardly need to tab through windows at that point.

Its a winner take all kind of job, its either you're rich as fuck or you win 1000$ a year on good years.

It will all collapse. There is only so much cringe we can all hold.

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Get a legion of zoomers to think you're their friend.

Some people climb inside the sewers to unclog them for a living.
I'm not sure which is worse.

Whats so weird about that. Thats how evolution designed it. Kids have a general drive to imitate adults, try out things adults are doing and such. Obviously we're far away from survival instincts being very relevant where
younglings needed to pick up on things quick to not die and start contributing to the tribe, so now this natural power is used on what we have most prominent in our society, social stuff and the like.

>Kids have a general drive to imitate adults
DOn't forget to like, subscribe and comment. HHEhehehehehehehehehehehheeee


This. You have to be attractive and from a niche region of the Earth.

Write a book, user.

Do it on this character.


The two main things are personality and the gift of gab. These also help

Exactly. Thats a good proof of that. Sometimes i check out the dumbest comments i find, what kind of brain damaged adult could've wrote it, just to find it's a 7 - 14 year old kid who doesnt know any better.

You look through their videos and they do this vlogging imitation where they parrot the buzzwords of the idols of the craft but they don't have any substance. So you have a 2 minute video of "hello guys ( as if theres an audience), new videos are coming soon", then followed by distracted "umm, uhhh" and ends with "like comment and subscribe".

Usually i have a cynical side to this sort of thing, but really it's just natural part of growth and they'll grow out of it. Atleast most will.

Don't forget that playing videogames like you are now is fun because you aren't forced to play them.

When you are a streamer you are literally playing because you have to or else your channel dies. You are generally stuck playing one game or at least whatever new game is most popular at that time.

That means playing fortnite for 8 hours a day so you can get paid or whatever game your fanbase wants you to play. You also have to pretend to be energetic and wacky and zany because that's what your fanbase likes.

Grass is always greener on the other side

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>playing fortnite for 8 hrs a day

That's what caused summit1g to burn out. IIRC he got better after not giving a shit and just play what he wants.

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You don't have to do that, variety streamers exist. I think one has to adopt a balanced philosophy and treat it atleast partly as your job instead of a "im just streaming games so EZ" or "i have to bend over and say everything to please the masses to maximise profit". Or else you'll have a situation you describe where you'll be walked all over by your community. Like that ice poseidon retard. You may not be the biggest streamer at that point but atleast the quality of life and self esteem would be much better.

explain asmongold
none of what you listed applies to him

If we're talking about streaming specifically this is true if you were famous because you were good at a game (like Fortnite). There comes a point where if you're famous enough or if you're liked for an entirely different reason you can play whatever you want and still get tons of views. But you still have to deal with the fact that you have to stream basically every day, all day and constantly have to try to find ways to keep yourself relevant or your material interesting to your viewers (at least until you have enough money to retire)

He got away with it because he continued to stream WoW when most other streamers didn't want to bother with it and so people who just wanted to watch WoW ended up grouping on his channel. Then Classic came about and since he was known as the WoW streamer even more people went to his channel.

I look like an ogre, I'm not funny, I'm not skilled and I have crippling social anxiety. Should've gotten on the Let's Play train early on youtube and then switched to streaming when it became lucrative. Too late now.

Asmon has his friend be the funny guy and carry his stream

Be part of the tens of thousands that who spend years broadcasting to no one

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He got people to make several reaction channels centered around him. So each time you search anything about WoW or even Twitch on youtube, you'll so his dumbass face in a thumbnail. They kept pumping out shitty reactions on different channel which made more people familiar with the guy before ever watching his stream. Whenever theres a big event in WoW like classic people are going to flood in his channel just to see his reaction live.This is the reason why he never updates his official youtube channel, no need to. XQC a popular overwatch streamer is doing the same reaction channel setup and its working like a charm.

>There comes a point where if you're famous enough or if you're liked for an entirely different reason you can play whatever you want and still get tons of views

If you are in any way involved with the competitive scene of your main game or affiliated with an organization that focuses on your main game, it is very likely that they made you sign a contract that prevents you from streaming other games. If you do this, you will be gangraped in court. All games are not like this, but some are.

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>stream on youtube & the views on my main videos tank because only 5% of my subscribers clicked the stream which makes youtube not recommend my shit anymore because "lol, nobody clicked that stream, they must hate your videos bro."
>Can't make a video saying "hey I just started a twitch account where I'll be streaming now" because that's advertising another site & you get a community strike for it
>zero followers on twitch because of this
I fucking hate streaming. There's no practical way to start from zero with it. Either you've got 20 social media site you can tell people about your stream with or you get no people watching. Shit's fucked.

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good id rather be a neet than profiting about my hobbies.

just make another account and add a coment on your videos "hey I didnt know you streamed at"

>playing popular video game hard

What about imaqtpie? Tyler1 is a lot of things, attractive isn't one of them.

>By having the right teachers, the right parents, and going to the right school.

The best teacher is failure with the willpower to learn.

Getting a "small loan" of one million dollars doesn't always guarantee success. Take a look at how many lottery winners end up broke.

Wanting to be an e-celeb is pretty cringe.

>7 screens to stream and play Fortnite
Jesus christ

That what you have to be to make money playing games.

>4th thread in a row for the 4th day in a row
please stop

I'd do it until I had enough to just stop, wouldn't take long at 50k an hour LOL

There are millions of streamers and youtubers who never made it. Did they just not have the right skills? Maybe some of them didn't. But ultimately the ability to take off is complete luck in a sea of thousands. Also
>Luck is a bad excuse
>Luck can happen to make money

I would happily play fortnite for 8 hours a day if it made me more than my regular boring ass job.
Hell even if it made the same amount I'd do it because it's not as bad as actually working. Yeah you'd get burnt out on it, but you get burnt out on work too

still a pretty good deal, most people work harder at something they hate more for far less money and often for more hours

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I like the money, but I don't like the attention. I'm focusing on trying to become rich without a soul knowing who I am.

Can you at least add your twitch link in your description? I see people do it all the time with patreon links

Be knowledgeable about vidya and/or be funny/charismatic and/or be really, really good at a game and/or have nice big tiddies.

Get noticed pretty much, look it at from a viewers perspective, how are they going to know about you if they can't find you and know your personality. I'm sure you think you know alot about games and it's probably true but how do you convey that to an audience?

alternatively, if you're a half-attractive chick or just have huge tits. betas will throw money at you

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You need to appeal to the 20-30 year old male demographic. That's where the money is.
The way I made myself stand out while doing Chaturbate was through studying the popular girls (Lana rain mostly) and figuring out what made them popular. Ended up paying off all the equipment I needed (cam, mic, wigs, a few costumes and toys) within a few days.
You gotta understand that if you half-ass this endeavour you will fail. You need to learn from the successful and see what makes them popular beyond their current popularity. This means being consistent and having a schedule and sticking to it. Growing a fanbase requires interacting with regulars. Don't spend all day talking to chat though, be sure to engage them in the game.

I'm genuinely jealous of how easy girls have it. All they have to do is look pretty. That's fucking it, but if they go the extra mile and cosplay and are into anime (or pretend to be) they're guaranteed to get a following

>1) Be funny
Maybe is because I'm not american/european, but I don't find any of those streams or even youtube people really funny

Im glad we have this in our culture. We both get great lewd pics for free, thots get paid doing what they like without needing to slave away in some shitty no-skill job, thirsty betas feel like theyre part of something spending their hard earned cash and incels are getting upset over everything about it.

Well not that I'm defending their 'jobs' but the world is filled with pretty women who don't make 154,000 a month for looking good. That tells me that those women who made it either got incredibly lucky (on top of being pretty) or had to work their asses off somehow to get there.

>We both get great lewd pics for free
the problem is some of the twitch thots don't really go "all the way" they're just literally sitting around wearing tight shirts and jiggling em around and they get to roll in cash. I actually sort of respect actual cam whores on actual cam sites like mfc or chaturbate since they actually have to work for tips. twitch thots literally do nothing but waste oxygen

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Oh most women definitely aren't making as much as her. But they can easily get a decent amount of money, or even just e-fame for looking pretty easily if they try.

Thats what you think. Theres still a social stigma over erotica, so you have to take a risky plunge into photography. We can see these thots get doxxed and their lifes crippled just because some incel loser got offended by their existence. Stalker creeps go too far etc.

All in all their making a business out of themselves which is a much more engaging job than slaving away at a warehouse somewhere. Power to these sluts.

I feel the opposite way. I can respect twitch thots for getting paid without having to completely degrade themselves like camgirls do

I used to think the only ones willing to throw around that kind of money for e-thots are the sons of oil sheiks, but clearly it grown way past that.

Oh I don't think using Trump in terms of making money is a valid point.

how do men who are so pathetic they donate to titty streamers even have that kind of money to give away

Well clearly someone is in fact getting something out of it. It may not be you or me. Much like watching br shitters is a low effort entertainment so are these t&a streamers. If i had to take it out on someone it wouldn't be a thot sitting on her ass, it would be thirsty fucks enabling that. Same reason mobile gaming is this big, because the lowest common denominator has cash to spend.

I mean turning 1 million into hundreds of millions is not as easy as you'd think

betas are to blame. also the Findom fetishists are supposedly a thing nowadays

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>6 monitors to play Fortnite

"Small loan of a million dollars" and access to daddy's jews you mean.

you are incredibly ignorant. You get no insurance, no sick time, any time off is money lost, you have to network when your not streaming, you always have to be in a good mood, always have to be 100% energy, if you visit relatives for holidays you're losing money, at any point a fortnite could lose popularity and you have nothing to fall back on, your resume is shit, you don't get to eat lunch because you need to stream 8 hours straight, you don't get up and walk around and your health suffers.

the day that widespread use of sentient sexbots and global legalization of prostitution is a thing is the day that thots lose their power

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developers should be assassinating these people to get that money moved back into game sales

a few of those are monitoring stream chats and shit

Your assumption that you need 6 monitors to play fortnite is inherently stupid that's why.

You need 6 monitors and optimally 2 computers to run your live entertainment parlor as smoothly as possible though.

Like I said retard, I'd happily do it if I was making an actual living doing it rather than work.

> I slave 12 hours per day at wallmart for 8 bucks an hour while these THOTS have the AUDACITY to """"work"""" playing videogames!

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>get on twitch
>Play Tera
>Make buzzword meme title #HOW2B PRO AT *CLASS KTHX
after a few hours of informing and advising how to play, I got around 50 people watching me asking me questions about pvp and such. It was fun.
Honestly what I should have done was made a guild just for people who wanted help and to train but only members from my twitch. That way I could have locked my playerbase in by playing with them. And people looked up to you back in the day if you could beat the non nerfed Manaya's Core Hard Mode.
And are also more inclined to pay you for interacting with them.

And i will welcome my robo waifu with open hands. Until then it will have to be like this i guess. I wonder if these people just lack a womanly social aspect in their lives and conversation and attention from twitch thots fills that gap. It's a scientific fact that just a short conversation in a day with a female has positive effects on a male brain, and its mental health and chemical balance. I can see people who have long isolated working hours without attention from the opposite sex would leave them searching for an alternative subconsciously. Perhaps streamer thots are providing a health benefit. Unless it gets out of hand and you go bankrupt like that idiot.

>his friend
McConnell pretends to be his foil just to give the zoomer incel followers someone to cheer for. He's even dumber than Asmongold.

I can get two PCs - one for playing and one for encoding - but you don't need 6 monitors to stream. Two on main and one on secondary at most.

>I wonder if these people just lack a womanly social aspect in their lives and conversation and attention from twitch thots fills that gap.
this and some of them are socially inept. they literally think that being a "nice guy" and whiteknighting will get them puss.

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Why limit yourself when you can afford not to?

1 for game.
1 for twitch chat, and alerts
1 for other media
1 for some custom shit you use for your stream like custom controlers for effects and such.
Add more the more stuff you use. How is this even surprising. The more monitors you have the less switching through tabs you need to do.

>mod doesn't even learn his lesson
that's the saddest part of all

Please tell me there's some collection, album, or subreddit where I can read an endless stream of these.

This could have been me
>livestream forklift simulator on Yea Forums eons ago before was even a thing
>everyone watching loved it
>got 200 viewers for a solid hour way back when the top streamers peaked at 2k viewers
>just stopped streaming and ever perused to continue, throwing it all away

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i'm saying you'd hate it

you can usually see them on pol not sure about reddit

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Yeah, thats unhealthy manifestation for sure. Just the delusion that they deserve something for giving money away. On one hand some streamers enable that by overly exaggerating their enthusiasm and bait for donations, then teach their community to expect a certain result from them, but still the person at fault is the one with the unhealthy mindset. Good thing although shocking its not too common to see these dumbassess break down in public forums because their delusions didn't meet reality.

fuck YOU asshole!
then why isn't THEIR lives shit?

huh faggot?
i guess getting stupid amounts of money DOESNT SUCK for an easy job...

you're too late. Just like youtube you can't be reactionary to this shit, you have to pioneer it. You can get in on the ground floor of a new game and find success, but it's unlikely it will explode anywhere near how big as fortnite made streaming explode. League and fortnite account for like 70% of all viewership on twitch, it's absolutely bonkers.


fuck off, it was or nothing back in the day, PRE 2010 FAGGOT!

If you have the expendable income it can be very useful.
>monitor 1 for game
>monitor 2 for OBS/stream analytics
>monitor 3, vertical monitor for chat/discord
>monitor 4 for additional notes/content
That's my setup anyway.

remember when pubg was huge, then died off because FURTNOFTH HURRR showed up out of nowhere and was shit for like 6 months before SOMEHOW it because fun and popular?

Some are shit. I remember a new game came out and some low level streamer that used to be a pro at that type of game quit his job dedicating his full time streaming this new game saying it will be the next big esports and strategy games are coming back! He had a wife and a child too, but obviously he was completely delusional and overrated the matters at hand. The game flopped. He was the equivelant of a britbong trailer trash so not surprising he didn't have the foresight.

He invested it in Manhattan property just before the boom, it's not rocket science

your living paycheck to paycheck, everyone on this fucking site is

no one is really rich, cept for notch, but that was because he stole an idea and it was popular with autism.

It takes me a year to make 50k...
Can't wait to get out of college so I can get a halfway decent paying job.
Imagine being to buy a house with a days wage...
It takes me two years just to save up for the 20% down payment on a house.

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what game?
you don't be pro and not see the writing on the wall with a game when its shown off.

this guy must have been a shit tier player and the game must have not been an FPS, fighter or fucking sports game.

Monitors are cheap. You don't need a 144hz 1440p monitor to browse web. Buy a used monitor for $30.

Man I love this streaming shit because of how buttmad all the incels on here get.

>attractive girls
>getting tons of attention from guys
>hiding the fact that they already have a bf
>they make tons of money playing videogames

You couldn't make an incel seeth harder. This thread proves it.

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shit just got expensive, idiot.

cars used to cost like 3-6k back in the 80s, houses were like under 100k. my mom got our house for about 75k in 1984.

everything is BS expensive and the news and shit are wondering "why millennials can't buy X"?

>fortnite showed up out of nowhere
it's not like it was teased for 4 years or anything and had numerous betas and revisions before they finally launched a real early access version.
They were also ignoring paragon (Their other game) and gave all the paragon streamers free keys for the $200 version of save the world, which came with like 4 keys to give away, so literally anyone could get the game just by watching a stream.
A month after release, everyone who wanted a key had one and the game was revealed for being a shitty lootbox mess, and it died, it was down to under 500 unique players globally per day. But they released a battle royale mode that they were w orking on, on the side, hoping it would bring players to the main game.

It was free, and ran extremely well (since the game it's based on had a good 6-7 months of optimization work on a HUGE range of pcs) and had crossplay, at the time, for xbox+pc, and ps4+pc. Meaning consolekids could play with their pc playing friends.

And again, just to emphasize, it was FREE. PUBG cost 40 fucking dollars. What d o you think kids are going to play? Which one do you think parents are more likely to turn a blind eye to? It was a stroke of luck that they made the battle royale mode at all, but everything since then has been pretty well calculated.
I'm just sad that mode that teams spent 5+ years working on basically got shafted.
>your living paycheck to paycheck
speak for yourself, retard. I'm not rich but i'm far from living paycheck to paycheck. Try not buying vidya whenever you see it and you might find you can save money pretty fucking easily.

As i said it was a strategy game. It was Grey Goo, and this dude was C&C pro of some sorts, he thought Grey Goo is gonna be bigger than Starcraft 2 that was on the decline at the time and that C&C style of strategy would making a come back. Honestly he might have been dumb on his career choice but i felt bad for him still.

>It takes me a year to make 50k...
>Can't wait to get out of college so I can get a halfway decent paying job.
How is $50k a year not decent

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And I already said it would beat working. I have no doubt I'd hate fortnite after playing 8 hours a day, but it's better than having to wake up early and drive to work to deal with shitty customers all day long

you didn't say you were using old, 2010 or less monitors faggot!

its top of the line shit, FOR STREAMING, or fuck off!!!!!!!!!

I stream what ever the fuck I want.... I have like 15 followers on twitch. I think that's decent for not giving a fuck considering I see try hards with less than me.

Im not that guy user. I was just saying that it would be retarded to assume used monitors for viewing media are somehow unreasonable to use in a streaming setup. Hell you can even buy a $5 pcie gpu like 9800 and have it run 2 monitors if you're missing ports. I did that.

50k a year is alright. It's not great though, considering you can get some 50k a year jobs with no college

>considering you can get some 50k a year jobs with no college
Can I ask what you do?

You have to take inflation into account 75k in the early 1980s was over 200k in today's dollar value.

The thing that did happen is wage's stagnated starting around the 1980s while productivity went up greatly.
My dad worked a warehouse job in the early 1980s and made around 40k a year.
That same job pays around the same wage even after almost 40 years.

Electronics did become a lot cheaper though.

start speedrunning a game that no one else does then once you build up a base of regular viewers switch to variety streams

Oh I make shit doing retail, but there are some jobs with 50k a year no college required. Mostly jobs with your city. I have an interview to become a police dispatcher, and that pays between 50-60k a year

this is sad

Hey man you new to 4channel? Stick around, it gets pretty wild.

shitty monitors aren't that expensive you can easily get a couple if you're not an absolute hobo

It is. To think that this Poki person could be starving right this moment and all it would take is a few bucks from all of us to fix that.

I live in California, 50k is not even middle class tier here.
I am currently in college so I am working a job that doesn't require a degree.

I drive forklift and am a machine operator at my job.
Only reason I took the job was because of the great medical/dental/vision package along with great 401k options and a steady 8 hour/5 day a week/ Mon-Fri job with the same shift.
If I have to work Saturday it is all overtime and free food is provided like pizza, chinese, burgers etc. etc.

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I envy them so much, but I'm lazy and old so there's nothing I can do about it.

I'm not new at all. Been here since 2018.

Nah they really are not funny.
Instead of funny it should be mildly entertaining for decent amount of people. The only actually funny streamer on twitch is avoidingthepuddle.

From what I've seen you can stream full time if you reach around 300 constant viewers. I know somebody that does this but they put in a shit ton of effort.

Fucking newf-
oh you cheeky

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Yes, good goyim, the American Dream is real, everyone can make it! Just keep on going! We worked hard for our riches as well!

>wow you're forced to play a popular game for 6-8 hours how terrible!

You wouldn't be talking like this if you ever had a real job.

your talking about streaming not a gateway career path for most. If you want to pick up a camera that's easy, if you want to be a full time streamer that whole another problem

it goes even further beyond that. No one gave a fuck about pubg or fortnites gameplay, its the "le wacky autism man" part of having a face cam that zoomers are attracted to. So you hook people on this and than they start paying more attention to the game then having their names just called out for donating.
Its a self mutilating machine thats kind of pathetic but hilarious at the same time and it also will probably cease to exist once if that lootbox bill passes.
that stupid MTV show TRL was a stepping stone to this crap. Its all about attention whoring and has nothing to do with actually knowing game mechanics. MORTY MORTY LOOK AT ME

My life savings is a fraction of a combination of those donations.

>these kinds of donations for someone who averages sub-1000 viewers.


because AMERICA!

if you aren't making 80k a year, GO FUCK YOURSELF!

like this

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i fucking couldn't imagine how insane it must be to have 1k to 10k viewers

like, chat may as well be disabled at that point, anything meaningful is gone within a second of posting.

That's why retards donate, to get their message read out loud

banned, i hope?

I can't help but laugh.

>get a job
>make only 17k a year because in live in a shit area with shit jobs that only hire part time
>2000 over the limit for free insurance
>can't afford insurance for both myself and my car
>don't make enough money to relocate

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At the VERY LEAST, as a male, I want free Steam games, what are some god tier voice changers so I can pretend to be a girl on mic and ask for free Steam games?

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What will donating lots of money do for them? What do they get in return?

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a small "shoutout" which will be forgotten in 30secs

How about you just pirate without degrading yourself and wasting time doing stupid shit?

>$8412 for streaming fag of legends for 1 hour with a click of a button
the rich get richer

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>that w/l ratio

can you pass as a trap?

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>sitting in a chair for 12+ hours a day playing the same game for weeks at a time while also being your best at all times associating with troglodytes that watch streamers
It's good money, sure, but there's a reason it pays well.

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I said mic only

Pirating isn't a thing anymore, they shut down pirate bay years ago

80k is still poor tier.

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More like
>such is the magic of photoshop

Yeah, i saw evidence for something similar on a couple of channels that show some numbers. I imagine the tough thing is getting these 300 viewers to stick over choosing the big fish. So building dedicated community around something, either your persona or a specific thing that you do or the way you do it. Honestly i would love to see real numbers. I see situations where streamers have as much subs as much as they have average viewers. So it's an interesting conundrum. I asume out of my ass atleast 50% are non-subs all the time, that means theres alot of people that don't have time to watch but don't have an issue with being the supporter of sorts. It's an interesting thing. So engagement with payments involved through subbing seems to actually be impressively high. That's not even accounting for donation money. But these might be outliers, seeing a bunch of X average viewer incomes side by side would be really interesting.

>real job

Is a 'real job' a job that you dont enjoy doing?

Women deserve our money and attention on the sole basis of being beautiful. They are like a work of art. You won'tm ind throwing a coupld bucks at Picasso or Da Vinci, would you?

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The brain releases chemicals that make them feel better because a female gave them attention. Nothings wrong with that user. Its part of your nature.

I found welfare shit and food stamps, free insurance are only given to people who barely work at all.

It actually encourages people to not work because once they start putting in some hours all their free money is taken away and they actually end up making less.

too flat

He only got popular because he was decent at the game and was carried by his guild of elite raiders cause they wanted the views. His guild actually got sick of his shit and left for actual skilled guild that doesn’t carry a bald man child cause his mom played vanilla

>they shut down pirate bay years ago

I think youve been a victim of a joke of some sorts user.

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charisma and years of hard work trying to git gud/popular, i guess. also bit of rng

i don't envy them for some reason. i imagine it generates ridiculous amounts of stress, imagine being so exposed, any hate goes viral, you're out. living and dying on a whim of some angry kids. then again, i'm not charismatic so i probably approach the problem from the wrong way

>I live in one of the most expensive places to be of course your wages wont be enough

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Being attractive has a lot more to do with not being a mouthbreather during your teenage years than genetics.

she looks like she fucks small dicks for humiliation

Keep in mind, these are *attractive* girls. There's nothing worse in life than being a female who isn't attractive. Regarding being a dude, you can get away with the same shit being an attractive dude.

Im not a mutt but im really flabbergasted by the living prices in LA and San Fran over in the states. Or even new york. I imagine high living costs means the average income is higher there as well though, but still it's ridiculous.

>There's nothing worse in life than being a female who isn't attractive
You don't seem to realize how thirsty men are. Even fat monstrous creatures have suitors.

>Be gud at vidya
>Be interesting
>Be lucky

>Be hot

I think it's really hard to get specifics as some of these streamers hat go full time with 300 probably only 100 are full time subs. Some of those are super dedicated whales that gift out subs out the ass and basically inflate your numbers. I think 300 is a good median though.

True dat. We should be thankful they grace their womanly charms and beauty bits to our peasant eyes and ears.

what is THIS SHIT?

Random chance. But you have to make an attempt to get lucky so why not try it?

Landlords jewing the shit out of everyone cause they were lucky enough to own property when the rich people came into town.

You have to be likable. Nobody here would cut it.

I know some people who live in Silicon Valley and they started out at 90k once they got out of college with a computer science degree.

They were struggling to survive on 90k a year.
But I never asked what they spend their money on so they could just be bad at managing their finances.

I know a dinky apartment is over 3000 USD a month in that area.

My uncle also lives in Silicon Valley and works for Facebook but he actually makes decent money since he has lived there since the 1980s and has been working in the tech industry every since.

He doesn't even have a degree he just learned on his own and got a job at a tech company in the 1980s because of a friend's dad who worked there.
He eventually became the head computer science engineer there without any college.

College is only good if you have no prior knowledge and don't have connections to get your foot in the door.

Yes, but you're still beholden to that desperation. As a male, hard work and a successful career can take you a lot farther than anything most women are born with.

I imagine some internal system contract work for promotions aproved by twitch's board. You still have to disclose it im sure. Like a system that makes it easier without getting into the legal matters for the streamer, like having back and forth emails to discuss contract details. You either take it or leave it here. Atleast thats how i would do it if i would be running the place. It was obvious twitch has some sort of internal connections reguarding promotions, most obvious is league of shitters and overwatch.

i dont give two SHITS

i want to play FF14 for fucking 1 hour and get STUPID AMOUNTS OF FUCKING MONEY


>As a male, hard work and a successful career can take you a lot farther than anything most women are born with.
You can get somebody who wants to live off your success and hard work, is that meaningfully different than somebody who just wants to be with you because they're thirsty for pussy?

No you stupid nigger. For everyone of these that makes it there's a dozen people with the same quality who didn't get a break.

Better start your OBS user and start streaming then.

What is considered likable, though? Some of these so called 'top streamers' pulling thousands of viewers are bland, boring, just your typical normie variety streamer, while a lot of genuinely entertaining streamers only have a couple hundred viewers max.

lots of people get loans for their degree and make that 200k into -500k :D

Agreed. Full time min wage in some areas doesn't outweigh the benefits you get from barely working or not at all which is fucked. Specially if you have some health issues.
>why don't you have a full time job?
>because if I did they would take my insurance which is covering 500-1000 in monthly prescriptions
Seriously even moderate asthma costs around 300-500 to maintain monthly if you need anything not than an inhaler.

>2) Be good at least 1 kind of game

I got all except this one
What if I am hilariously bad and drunk and high all the time?

>you don't get to eat lunch because you need to stream 8 hours straight, you don't get up and walk around and your health suffers.

only if you are retarded.

>Look at Twitch's Top Streaming
>Some guy called Greekgodx, fat faggot playing another gay Survival Multiplayer game
>Some guy named fextralife, playing Elder Scrolls Online. He has a decent mic/voice at least.
>Some guy named Symfuhny, playing Fartnight. He's a prettyboy so I can see why girls like him but boring

Yeah I think being a Steamer is a total crapshoot. I think only a few of them have some actual good charisma like Critikal or Pewds.


>Luck is just an excuse poor people tell themselves why they're a failure in life. While luck can happen to make money, the person still needs the right skills to maintain it.
Consider for example 90% of twitch streamers. Most of them you wouldn't want to know in real life or even try to befriend because they're incredible spergs and the other 10% or so should be on chaturbate.

Thats very true. Honestly i know personally plenty of examples of people working outside their degree expertise or finding themselves into a positive job situation just because they had connections and friends from highschool or college that offered them an opportunity. (And being competent enough at it to keep it). Its kind of reassuring in a way, that opportunities are always there, but you need to move around to hook as many as you can. A degree isnt a life long commitment. Honestly college should be free for this reason. Its insane to pay $100 000k and trap yourself into debt and life of unhapiness like that.

How the fuck would this be any worse than a normal job desu? Just treat it as such. Have dedicated time off where you do what YOU want to do. Hell the major streamers make so much money after even just a year of doing it you could quit and be set for life. But im willing to bet most streamers actually enjoy the games they play, which is why they got so good at them in the first place.

How do I raise my charisma stat

just have some confidence bro

>got a job in the 1980s without a college degree because he was self taught
Yeah. Times were different back then. I wish it was this easy, but that sort of shit is not happening these days unless your the CEOs son or some shit. You basically have to have a college degree and have connections. And even then it isnt a guarantee

Just be yourself user :)

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Obviously that isn't work, n words! Why do you think I'm asking?!

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Basically you are better off getting a trade job or something short term certified like medical coding unless you have connections. If you are some shut in introvert college is a waste of time.

No, but that pussy you'll be getting as a rich man will be one of those attractive girls we talked about. That's really all I'm getting at. Unattractive girls don't really have anything except a rotten pussy that some nignog or indian will thirst after.

There is no amount of hard work or proper procedure you can take to guarantee having a successful channel.

More like
>be friendly
>(be half-decent at vidya or funny)

There's a reason people watch (or used to watch) people with the personality of a wooden plank like Dyrus. You gotta stream every day in an established time frame, and try appropriating that time frame.

I wonder what changed where everything needs a 4 year degree now at a minimum. I got a buddy whose an MRI tech, the college program he got into was extremely competitive and only took 15 people of over 600 applicants. All he does is inject dyes, direct people towards the machine and then stares at monitors all day and for this he makes six digits.

If you teach yourself computer programming you can write your own code and sell it.
No need for a degree.

Years back I knew student in business class who wrote some code that made some adjustments to a bidding system and sold it to Ebay for a few hundred thousand.

He got ripped off but still some nice cash.

I barely stream and average about 10 viewers, honestly I was thinking of making a video series playing games with no mic/camera that takes wide shots of areas and links to other cideos when I discover an audio log or lore piece.

I think giving viewers the option of looking into optional stuff while not forcing it on them would be appealing. What game series would be good for that?

I was thinking of starting with Metroid Prime or Bioshock

Raw determination is a big part of it. Ninja was a complete shitty nobody streamer for the longest time, like people actively made fun of him for being an annoying shitty prick
But he just kept pushing on and then popped off when fortnite got big

Right. I mean to a certain extent the industry in your area matters as well (along with the type of connections you have). I graduated college with my engineering degree in an area that is big with the O&G industry, so i figured thats where i would land an engineering role. I did everything right, had connections, good grades, did internships. Still couldnt get anything decent. I mean i have had job offers but they sounded miserable.

>twitch takes half the donations

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Not as many jobs to go around added with the fact that more and more people are going to college. Think about it. Even in the 90s going to college and graduating was something special. Nowadays it almost feels like a requirement.

Yeah but thats a pretty special case. And id imagine its hard to just actually make a living that way. Id imagine shit like CompSci is probably a better degree to get anyways. Since its literally needed in every industry, so no shortage of jobs. And its not one of those degrees parents have been telling children to get into for fucking decades, like Engineering.

The simple answer is talk like you mean it, even if you dont know what you're talking about. People like the smell of confidence, it makes them feel reassured they're following someone who knows where theyre going and can piggy back along and something will rub off. Fake it till you make it as they say.

Although i don't like it and its a bit over simplified people are more attracted to people who are committed, even though they're committed to a dead end, than listening to someone who is indecisive, even though indecisiveness comes from being reasonable. See politicians for example. Just don't get carried away.

obviously it's just one part of many, humans are complicated, despite the image the internet/media/USvsThem culture tries to paint.

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Gotta find popular discord with self advertisement channels and post your stream there.

Back in 2015 people thought the same because no one cracked denuvo.

It varies based on your internal status. If youre a shitter it's 50%, if you're a bigger streamer you get something up to like 75% for every sub.

I'm a web developer making 100k + health insurance and this post made me realize I used to live off 50k and think it was decent. :{ Yikes, lifestyle inflation.

Depends where you live. I make 50k in the midwest where my house mortgage only costs $750 a month. In some parts of California that is basically being poor.

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I was thinking about moving out to the midwest and buying a house there but I have only ever lived in California so I don't want to move somewhere with horrid weather like tornadoes.

Also needs to be a place where there are jobs for a computer science major.

fuck, maybe if I breathed with my mouth then my hair wouldn't fall out

hey im autistic i dont get jokes well
what are the two ways?
is it because the games hes good at are obscure
or hes just shit at all games?
or is there other ways
god i hate having AUTISM

didn't breathe, I mean

>comp sci jobs
user come on now literally everywhere has those jobs.
>horrid weather
Dont you cali niggers have earthquakes? Regardless. Depends where in the midwest you live. If its in the more northern states, the worst you will probably get is thunderstorms and maybe a bit (alot) of snow. The more south in the midwest you go is when you start bumping into tornadoes

You're supposed to breathe through your nose exclusively, while maintaining a solid oral posture ( your jaw should NOT hang low with the tongue resting in it, rather it should be closed with the tongue pushing the palate )
If this doesn't feel natural or you physically can't do it, you might have a malocclusion

I live in Johnson County which is a relatively wealthy tech hub with companies such as Sprint and Garmin. Downtown has plenty of other boring tech companies that mostly deal with insurance and taxes.

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Honestly, the worst comments are those that makes you think that the person who typed the comment was a child, only for it to be a 16-22 year old

oh yea and Cerner which is pretty big.

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Is this one of those /fit/ psuedoscience things? Cause it really sounds like their sort of thing.

the breathing through nose part is scientifically proven, but I didn't hear anything about that second thing

It's not, mouthbreathing regularly has an effect on facial development. It's actually common knowledge, but if you didn't know about it you should do some research.

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I've lived in California my whole life and the only notable Earthquake felt was the 1989 one in San Fran.
And there was no damage to where I lived.

30 years and nothing else noticeable.
I'd take that compared to living in Tornado Alley.
Plus the weather is great. Not too cold and not too hot and the rain is pretty mild.
Also humidity is not high and it doesn't snow so no worrying about shoveling your driveway.

Plus Amazon delivers my packages usually within a day and sometimes on the same day.

I've never seen a Tornado in my 20 years living in Kansas. There's also Amazon warehouses that can deliver next day.

Weather on the other hand.. that will change from day to day. More fun that way anyway.

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Your tongue is supposed to push up against the maxilla. If you don't do it, the palate will get narrower and it'll grow downwards making it even more difficult to keep good posture. It's a vicious cycle: bad posture creates a bad palate which makes it hard to keep good posture

It's essentially how all malocclusions are born: not enough space due to palate getting narrower. Some people get crowding, others get overbites or underbites.

20 years without seeing a tornado in Kansas...I find that hard to believe.

Yeah and ive lived in tornado alley for 25 years now and have maybe experienced 1 or 2 tornadoes that were actually somewhat near me. For the most part they land in the middle of nowhere far away from most people. Weather is more unpredictable. Summers can be hot and winters really cold. Depending on the state you can get a bit of rain and snow. No humidity though for the most part. But i like the different weathers. Rain and snow are relaxing and id hate to live in an area that had neither

It's absurd, but at the same time, it's... not really that absurd.

Popular streams are basically commercials now. Companies pay significant money just for 30 seconds of TV airtime, especially if they know there are lots of people watching. Targeted advertisement is even more valuable. So are advertisements which people are actually willing to watch instead of just muting the TV. So of course game companies will pay significant money for a multiple-hour-long advertisement that will be willingly watched by tens of thousands of people who buy games.

kinggothalion is a good example why Twitch is all about luck
>not funny
>casual retard
and he's just one of the many.

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Which is why it is hilarious how people who watch streamers are basically just tools watching ads.

You're a fucking retard dude. What personality does Ninja have? What personality does Asmongold have? fuck off.

kids love it.

And yet all the time these fucking guys whine about 'it's harder than it look, waaah' to their fans/patreons who work a fucking soulless 9-5.