Her feet are so tiny haha

Her feet are so tiny haha

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Other urls found in this thread:


I'm more interested in her C




you are a man of integrity, just like me.

Ewww! Don't you know butts are smelly?

also good


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I'll have to double check.

Bring Sayaka back

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Which is why lolis are shit

puffy PUFFY!

You know, I support the struggle of MAP folk against nazi fascism, but this is kinda messed up

I have no idea what you're talking about, but holy shit, Yumi is so fucking cute

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What's the deal with lolis and band-aids?

puffy vulva

i should really stop browsing boorus for hours every day

she's gets a lot of action, probably just cut her leg during the adventure

clumsy bitches

nice ballsack bulge haha :)

their lovable, bashful nature

go away pedophiles and quit sexualising everything

first tile guy now bandaid fuckers

Haha great joke OP

MAP - Minor Attracted Person
It's the new sjw term for pedophile

puffy vulva

no kinkshaming

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sorry. tileguy was pretty cool.

Are you guys attracted to lolis because of the body type ? Sometimes I wonder if I just don't have a sexual attraction toward cute things

no, no!
the lovable, bashful nature of the lolis

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I thought it meant "Minor Aggression Pact"


too late, plaster porker. we're onto you.

I prefer cute over sexy.

For me yes I guess, I have a height gap fetish, so I like stuff like minigirls and small fantasy races as well. Loli is always great, though.

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Cute and clumsy.

You played her game right?

It's fun.

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I hate this guy's art because it tempts me so

Loli=depiction of children, these pedos will tell you elsewise but they themselves are pedos. Genuine filth.

Yea Forums is a lolicon website.

I'm probably the only guy in the board to think this, but do like the outfit she has. Why can't more vidya females have more poofed out clothes/dresses/ect.? Sure, 9 gorillion females can be shown as skimpy, barely wearing anything or showing tons of cleavage if titty monsters. But I wanna see more females in big dresses, huge gowns. Shit so massive and poofy that it takes up a whole hallway because fuck you. Hell, you can still have huge tits and curves, or be DFC, so long as the outfit is THICC as well.

>webm not even a second long that's over 1MB
you fucked up somewhere along the line user, just letting you know

I have and it kills me every time I realize Sony will never make an Ape Escape 4. I guess cute shotas and lolis catching monkeys isn't artsy enough for them.

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it's god tier

I love it, Om's art is great for vidya lolis.

Size difference and body type. Oppai loli a shit.

>size difference
My nigger

>Size difference
this but opposite

Size difference, I agree, but oppai loli is great too

Oppai is shit when she has tits more than 3/4th her body size each and likely is 5 seconds from being immobile due to them. But it can work with the right size. About between half head size and a bit larger than head size at max is ideal small titty monster proportions if you have to make your loli bustier than most of the cast. It also lets it be easier to imagine the end result once a full-grown adult free to be massive titty monster after.

Is this

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Absolutely pedestrian tastes

"The Last Uncharted Ape in the Horizon Dreams Of Us and the Tsushima God Of War from Days Gone"

Make it happen, user.

Cuteness is defiantly a bigger turn on for me than sexiness, at least when it comes to girls. Women however (40+) should still be sexy.

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Actually it's Mutually Assured Paedophilia

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I recently discovered that I actually have a cuteness fetish, Loli is just a consequence. I can fap to anything that I consider cute. Kekitopu (artist) is a good example of the shit I like.

I have a fetish for attractive females. It's an odd thing to have nowadays.

Is this /l/'s version of "I'm not racist, but..."

I'm not a lolicon, but I'd really like to fuck a child like Sayaka

what game is this?

stinky feets!


Ape Escape 3


Primate Vacate

Come on guys, which is it? It looks cute and funny

You should just chek all those games, or stop being a dumdum

Germany Simulator 3

Sick fucks. God will punish you for this. Enjoy getting ravaged by satan.

Petite is the best body type, and women with it can keep their good looks for most of their lives, unlike flabby sacks of potatos and rotten meat who are repulsive by age 20
But cute and innocent things are nice too

They're actually not stinky but fresh and clean! That's what makes them good!

Lost Life

there's nothing wrong with saying "I'm not racist but.."

She just needs a fat creampie and let her go on her way

Based and correctpilled.

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But she might get pregnant.

And that's a good thing

that would be a real miracle at her age.

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>Cheerful loss

She lost something and she was very cheerful while it happened

>Lina Marcela Medina de Jurado (Spanish pronunciation: [ˈlina meˈðina]; born 23 September 1933) is a Peruvian woman who became the youngest confirmed mother in history, giving birth at age five years, seven months, and 21 days.
>five years, seven months, and 21 days.

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she cheers up at dumb loss comics

Holy fuck that nails it
I wanna fuck anything that's cute, sexy characteristics are fine as long as they don't get in the way of cuteness, that's why big tits are such a turn off.

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Wait, isn't her name Yumi in the English version of the game?

>Fucking at 5

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I've seen that video.

>five years, seven months, and 21 days.
That's when she gave birth. Meaning she was 4 when she got pregnant.

She gave birth when she was 5. She fucked at 4.


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How do you guys deal with PhotoDNA?

She got fucked. I doubt she did much fucking herself

Isn't that physically impossible?

It's the UK version

I'll never forget the first year I visited Yea Forums. You'd best believe...

Obviously not, since it actually fucking happened.

Is that why they changed her age to 9?

Isn't that her original age? Is she older in the American version?

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all the better for her to sit on my face

cute lesbian

giant lolis are the best

You don't tell me what to do, Atelier Girl #311!

Yes it's fucking dame you dumb brat.


love that, what are some cute giant lolis?

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whats going on here?

Adorable and humorous things

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Red Hair Grill finna yeet

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Only 4?

What were these posts? Fireden is literally useless today and not archiving anything, not even threads.

Are you so stupid you can't find out based on what the replies were?

Saved because I have a sock fetish.

Cute thread inspires funny feelings

absolutely akaipilled

They use them as underwear so they always have some on hand.

Me too i FAP to everything,meanwhile it get me hard.


But where is her diaper?

She is a big girl noe, she doesn't soil herself unless asked

on my face


god i love sayaka

Probably the cute part + fat asses and hips

>tfw recognize that reference

cute girls posting on Yea Forums

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Cute is part of the appeal, it makes them more loveable and somewhere in my mind the link between the desire to display love and the intimacy of sex gets crossed.

The body type is the main driver though. I like flat chests, hairless *unnies, short height, minimal breasts that compliment their tummies and when artists draw them with wide hips or fat thighs it's the icing on top for me. The fact that Oppai lolis ruins it for more people than adult hips also suggests that flat/small chests is one of the most important factors.

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I love Azur Lane devs. Its like they choose the lewdest art they can find as loading screens.

oppai loli is a true scourge

i just like cute little girls. fake lolis disgust me.

lolicons should be detained so they don't end up hurting real children
>inb4 thought police
thought policing is alright if it prevents a child from being hurt

Very cute.. Very funny

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You have to go back.

I don't mind oppai loli


while real lolis are better, I wouldn't say the fake ones disgust me

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You don't need to be a lolicon to appreciate spats

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go on..

These types of post arent worthy of even one reply

true. even young boys look good in spats.

These types of post arent worthy of even one reply

wtf is map, you commie nigger?

I hate you so much anti-cunn

I want to hug little girls in frilly dresses

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map is sfw speak for pedo. "minor attracted person."

death to the sjws

What's your opinion on loli butts?

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What is the most cute & funny non-porn game? My vote goes to Azur Lane

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>young boys

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>minor attracted person
You are and idiot.

Soft and tight.

how did sony get away with this?

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drives anons nuts because those butts are stuffed

they are squishy. good for kneading with both hands.


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So the word pedo is nsfw now?


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Fact: all games can be improved by starring a cute girl that you can dress up.

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With what?

i guess so. but ive started seeing some "anti-MAP / pedo" in artist's bios. im not sure what the difference is. maybe its just like saying "no niggers or blacks allowed"

What is this hat in time ripoff?

forgot to post the evidence

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Maybe that's why they've locked the series away.

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How puffy is too puffy?

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I hate that we can't discuss that here anymore because it was actually fun even if you weren't jacking off

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Post the images of her scowling at the viewer while she shows off her legs and spat covered c word


maybe the point it starts to look like balls instead? but a small shota cock and balls trapped in tight clothes is good too so i dunno.

imagine the taste

it wouldnt taste like much of anything, silly user. they wouldnt yet have the same bacteria and other such things an adult one would. it would probably just taste like sweat and pee if anything.


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Haha imagine climbing up after her

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be careful poking lolis. they are very ticklish all over their bodies and that doesnt go away until they get a lot older.


I want sleep between her legs every single night my god those are perfect

me on the right