"Gaming Disorder" Now A Recognized Illness According To World Health Organization

>"The World Health Organization has decided to add gaming disorder to its list of recognized illnesses. The 194 members of the group made the decision today at the 72nd World Health Assembly."

>"Gaming addiction has long been a problem for some and has been a highly debated and often discussed topic among health officials, gamers, researchers and politicians. Dr. Douglas Gentile, a psychologist, and the Iowa State University’s Media Research Lab head told Kotaku in an interview in 2017 that, after surveying thousands of subjects, “We found that gaming precedes the depression if they’re damming enough areas of their life where it counts as a disorder.”"

>"This classification and recognization of gaming disorder by The World Health Organization is a big step forward in the debate surrounding gaming addiction. Recently, members of the US Congress began creating legislation to ban addictive loot boxes."

Do you have gaming disorder, Yea Forums?


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Other urls found in this thread:


WHO is corrupt has hell

Can I get free money for this disability?


making fun of gamers is now ableist

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Time for neetbux

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>video games bad

No, it's not. It's the trans fault for thinking that they can pull off their favorite video game girl character and chopping off their own cock and balls.

Gaming is a disorder, but people chopping off their dicks to become «girls» are not

>gay good
>trans good
>pointless surgery good
The only thing I'll take WHO seriously for is actual medicine, their psychology is a fucking joke.

So what even comes from this, do we gamers get benefits now?

Is this another thread where people don't realize that a disorder is something that interferes with your life so much that it negatively affects you? Like, missing a job interview because you're too busy playing WoW would be a disorder. Playing games and eating taco bell isn't.

So is the problem that certain video games are built to be addictive?

It means we get rounded up and put into Korean internet addiction camps.

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No, you get free money if you are a tranny, if you are a g*mer you get sent to the re-education camp.

Being fat is a good sign. Declining health due to sedentary lifestyle is a good sign. Your other hobbies and social lives being lost in the shuffle are good signs.

>say sports aare toxic masculinity
>say talking to a woman is sexual harassment
>can't work because positive discrimination
>play some vidya
Also cutting your own dick is perfectly normal

I’m amazed that gamers started out as these losers and now they’re dangerous enough to be put into internment camps and be considered mentally ill. Kinda interesting huh

Some people will be addicted without addictive videogames, but addictive games definitely get more people on the wagon.

>linking kotaku
fuck off faggot shill


Not particularly.

>wow why are you men so hateful of society and it's diverse and progressive culture
I'm going to stay at home, play games, and fap to big anime tiddies, and until trannies can outlaw that too, I'm going to avoid socializing as best I can.

Trannies aren't categorized as a disorder according to WHO. Explain that one.

Feminists during 2013/2014 had us labelled as literal terrorists that murdered women in the streets. All because a bunch of people sent some mean twitter posts to Anita and Zoe.

have sex, incel

They’re afraid of what they can’t control user. Remember that.

Now maybe they can make having shit taste a mental illness.

have sex

oh wait, you cut your dick off

sex makes babies

you are no fun.

Have babies, tranny

I can't tell if you fucktards are being serious or not.

If someone use of a substance, object, activity or person becomes a problem to the point where the the negatives outweigh the benefits, it's classified as an addiction.

This whole comparison to trannies is dumb. Of course mangling your genitals is a disorder. Only reason WHO don't recognize it as a disorder is so they don't become 'the bad guys' in future, like how when they treated homosexuality as a disorder.

I think in future their haste to remove gender dysphoria as a disorder will bite them in the arse, when it comes to best practice as to helping them.

Oh wait they can’t lol

HI, my name is Bob and I have a gaming disorder.

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>user will remember that
>for the next ten minutes

How do you gauge a video game addiction user? If anything that’s the easiest to fake.


Hello Bob

This, on top of autism I should be getting double the bux

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>I once played a video game for two hours straight without taking a break to do something productive like cursing drumf on twitter or posting a rainbow to spread love

>Post has literally nothing to do with trannies
>50 replies of "Tranny tranny tranny tranny dilate tranny tranny"
If you're that obsessed with trannies you might be one.

If you're spending all your money on it, if you're not going outside because of it, if it's damaging other parts of your life because of it, it's an addiction.

I don't know about what you'd gain from faking a video game addiction. You wouldn't get money from it. The only thing that might be offered is free help to stop.

We just want to kill them.

They don't give gambling addicts money, dumbass

WHO said trannies are mentally healthy. We disagree.

>Dr. Douglas Gentile

People seem to be upset that trannies have attracted a lot of negative attention to video games which makes sense.

Yes, but the government will now have to regulate it, in addition to restricting all sales to minors.

>tfw there's at "least" one cute video game girl that's addicted to video games to talk with

>If you're spending all your money on it, if you're not going outside because of it, if it's damaging other parts of your life because of it, it's an addiction
That has nothing to do with video games though, I hate society. Take away my games and I'll still have my books and my trumpet and french horn, unless they want to outlaw that too.

Addiction almost never gets neetbux because it isn't a disability bros. Sorry.
You'll get treatment and re-education. Alcoholics and addicts don't usually get neetbux unless they're a danger to themselves and to others and in controlled care (aka live-in nut house with no freedom).
t. addictions MHCP at a nut house.

I don't have a problem! I'm a normal, healthy adult who keeps a bottle by his computer to pee in because going to the bathroom takes time away from World of Warcraft!

its because the WSO made videogame addiction a mental disease while removing trannies from that list on the same day.

Why do you need to specify each form of addiction?
It's the same psychology.

I don't think they've ever said that trannies are mentally healthy, they just don't consider it a disorder (even though I would debate that). In pretty much any area regarding physical or mental health, they'll probably note how much worse off trannies would be compared to the norm.

instead of neetbux they just break your computer do not get diagnosed

So basically gamers rise up. Lets say the N word in new York square to pprotest this blatant racism.

Is your gaming effecting other aspects of your life? Are you not able to go about your daily life because of your desire to play games?

No? Then it's not an addiction. Same way we don't classify someone who drinks daily, but is able to live the rest of their life normally.

The point is, does the use of X impact the rest of your life?

I don't have a video game addiction though, I have depression that I barely manage. It just looks like "Gaming Disorder" because it helps me avoid the thought that I have no friends or anyone that wants to see me outside the house and helps me ignore the desire to fucking neck myself. I'm pretty sure most "Gaming Disorder" sufferers just have poorly managed depression.

Go to /pol/ you racist incel shit

in an official capacity, gender dysphoria isn't a mental illness
begs the fucking question

I have an oxygen addiction.

>gaming disorder
Sure. Now lets talk about smartphone/tablet/social media disorders.

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>ban minors on games
The golden age starts

>Same way we don't classify someone who drinks daily, but is able to live the rest of their life normally.
You mean Functional Alcoholics? We do classify them as alcoholics. They still hold a job down, mostly, but do so the entire time drunk.

But what does it mean? How to tell if I have disorder or not? I can happily play 4-6 hours if possible in row but often dont have time for more than 2. Does it qualify already?

At the same time, Im nearly at the end of phd studies and nobody wants somebody with phd and engineer degree in applied physics (at least in my country) so if they would give some sort of monthly financial support, that would be great, otherwise I would need to work as clerk in grocery store, which is higher payment that professor at university.

Don't you see? Everything will be a "disorder" so the daddy NWO comes to clean the mess

No, you don't. Because your use of oxygen isn't fucking up your ability to live. The WHO don't give a fuck about the cunt that spends 5-10 hours a day playing games because he has the money to do so. They're giving a fuck about the guy that doesn't go to work and shits in a bucket because he can't stop playing games.

not gonna lie gaming addiction is real and a lot of people have it

enjoy worsening your health, while your teenage body craves to run outside, stretch those muscles and release energy you are sitting your ass down on a "gaymer" chair playing video games

you dont want to do homework, you dont want to socialize, you don't want to get a job, you don't want to move out of mommy and daddy's basement, you don't get a gf, you post incel speak on Yea Forums and plebbit because of your poor excuse of a life

I'm suprised the jews are going for this, as it just helps them get money from things like medical when you need to get seen for type 2 diabetes and cardiac issues from being a sorry lard ass

Now that would be seismic.

But obviously killing the directors of the WHO would be difficult, so better to take it out on trannies, right? They make easy targets.

>Gaming disorder

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I would debate that too, especially with the genital mutilation being a part of their practices

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>not gonna lie gaming addiction is real and a lot of people have it
Well, yes, but it still makes me want to gamers rise up when they SAY it.

What about a fucking tranny disorder? Fuck them, fuck trannys and fuck niggers

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>Because your use of oxygen isn't fucking up your ability to live
It is when you realize I'm talking about oxygen and not air.

It's possible to balance of all of these by organizing all the things to do on a week schedule.

>check leddit out of curiosity
>"my wife's boyfriend has gaming addiction"
Ah, so this is the WHO target audience.

This. There was a scandal recently around WHO officers abusing funds for flying first class and taking unnecessary trips.

>WHO: "It is clear that there are some individuals who experience clear and life-destroying addiction symptoms related to their gaming behavior, such as kids in China going into liver failure because they won't shit because they're farming gold on WoW"
>WHO: "That's not what we-"

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I don't really know what to say about functional alcoholics. Probably not the best comparison to use. I'm just trying to explain the difference between someone who engages in something frequently, but doesn't effect their capacity to live a normal life, and those that can't stop a behavior.

>oy vey goyim, get a girlfriend and a loan on a house

gay ming

And yes, that is true

But we are talking about gaming addiction disorder where these people can't do that

hurr hurr hurr.

I think that recently got taken off

Kill yourself, niggerfrog.

It's not like most of the fat cunts on Yea Forums can even stand at this point.

Nah, killing trannies is faster because they do 40% of the work for us.

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You forgot "fuck trannies" (but not in the literal sense).

>Implying Yea Forums wasn't an illness already.

>Trannies are suicidal, thereby making us harass them.
Yes, that's definitely how cause and effect works.

>the WHO

more like the literally who

>you: *cuts off own dick*
>WHO: that's perfectly normal and healthy

Why getting a job?
Why having gf?
Why starting family?
Why socialize?

Life doesn't have meaning, the only goal is what you create yourself, the only purpose in life is to live for yourself. Job means wasting 12 hours per day (8 +2x2 for transport) for money to pay bills and prolong your existence but if you start family, it only goes to wife and kids. You no longer gave time or money for what you enjoy. You might work for entire life to get money for big home or that amazing camera or trip across the world only that when you finally gather it, you will be too old to actually enjoy it. Only kids can enjoy life, using money of their parents.

Starting family is pointless and doesn't give you anything but chores and more work. Socializing is pointless as internet give you the same and in safer form. Job is just suffering since everybody wants to pay you minimal or never pay at all, citing how wonderful China is.

Open your eyes, sheep.

>self destruct sequence activated

>cutting off your 7 year old sons penis and putting him on an aggressive hormone change therapy, good
>playing video games, bad
What did WHO mean by this

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Its more of an announcement of "okay, this set of behavior is now recognized". its more for governments than you or me.

This would be correct

Everyone needs to learn the difference between deviation and disorder.
>Deviation/Deviance: your behavior is atypical relative to the norm.
>Disorder: your behavior is maladaptive and harmful to yourself/others and may keep you from participating in society.

Being gay is not a disorder, even if it is different from the norm. it doesnt stop you from writing checks, going to a job, or going to the grocery. Schizophrenia is a disorder because it can shut down your entire life and leave you a jobless outcast.

hahaha, holy shit, it only took 3 minutes

you fags have become completely and utterly predictable

Not necessarily true, there is a major leap in difference between relaxing after work with a beer or two daily, and being drunk at work. Regular consumption doesn't make you an alcoholic even by the standard of the denotation, alcoholism is marked by the physical or mental need for alcohol at all times.

If you have never had to live with, or have any of your friends ruin their lives with alcohol it is very plain the difference between over consumption of alcohol, and those that literally cannot stop themselves from it even as it destroys their body.

I just wish we moved past blaming the disorder entirely on the object in which it forms around instead of the source, because in both cases it has a lot more to do with depression and disaffection with their lives.

>tfw you lived long enough to see multiplayer games become 18+
I can't wait to get some squeaky 12 year old taken away from his parents when I call up parent services and let them know his parents are letting him play vidya.

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I never cared for gays and trannies until they started harassing me though for not being one.

Addiction is not disability.
Additionally, even in the crazy clown world where you'd get any money out of this, obviously the VERY FIRST THING THEY WOULD DO is make sure you wouldn't spend it on video games.
That's sorta the entire point.

well they are somewhat right. i have a friend whos addicted to gaming. sometimes i really want to beat the retard up. it takes him up to whole day to make coffe or shit like that.

It means they're more knowledgable on this matter and trans people arent mentally ill? truth hurts

I don't understand what you are trying to aay

>Do you have gaming disorder?
no I hate video games. Only sick people play this shit

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This is the end result of over a decade of game developers refining their skinner boxes to a killing edge.
Daily Quests.
Weekly Quests.
First Win of the Day bonus.
Limited Time Boosts.
Limited Time Event Rewards.
And always ALWAYS that little e-shop button to bring up a screen where you can enter your mom's credit card to make that endorphin pellet come out a little faster.

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Who the fuck is "they", nigga?
That blue haired faggot on twitter saying "yikes" at you?
Wake the fuck up, trannies have always been rejects and they're NEET playing weebshit and slavshit in their room using the internet to shitpost all day, just as you.

Saying all of them are activists because you see a couple of them harassing you on twitter is the equivalent of saying that everyone on Yea Forums is Ben Shapiro or Sargon of Akkad.
Stop drinking the /pol/aid, seriously.

>taking seriously some leftists propaganda corporation who say trans are normal people and we should teach kids how to masturbate and being gay

>participating in society

Fuck society.

I guess that you don't know that games tries to narrate their own stories, like books and television series.

>Gaming communities such as online forums, cons, speedrunning and tournaments all becoming increasingly overrun with trannies
>WHO 'suddenly' claims gaming is a mental health issue

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Teaching about masturbation is actually good idea so they won't harm themselves and/or learn how to make themselves feel better during this. After all, everyone masturbates, at some point of life.

>while posting a tiktok whore doing some omega cringe shit
Dude look in a fucking mirror. You don’t even post in the correct board. Check yourself in at Yea Forums you fucking tool.

Mental illness is a social construct used by society to control behavior and thought of it members. Just take Mallēus Maleficārum and read it, then take some modern psyhiatric training manual and read it... you will see.

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Well Kazcinsky, theres nothing stopping you from moving into a camper in a desert or swamp or 1000 acre plot of land and starting your own off-grid life depending on your country

Yea Forums is just Yea Forums mixed with /pol/.
I'm actually not even joking, what people consider "Yea Forums board culture" didn't exist before a specific group of people migrated here from Yea Forums back in the day.
Then post GG /pol/ got mixed in and here we are.

No, they're saying that the evidence shows a small group of people developing maladaptive addictive behaviors in relation to video games. People literally dying of dehydration while playing MMO's for 60+ hours without a break.
Gender Dysphoria was recognized as a disorder by the WHO in the fucking 70's and while the ICD-11 changed the classification from a mental disorder to a sexual disorder it's still a recognized disorder.

God damn you people are fucking stupid

>direct link to kotaku

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We must all stop living in a society

>That blue haired faggot on twitter saying "yikes" at you?
And do you think we actually do anything but the equivalent of that? Trannies flip out about normal people on Twitter, we mock them back through the same channels. What, did you think anyone here has the courage to go outside, let alone go outside, find a real life tranny and beat them into a coma with a two by four?

The only difference is that we don't do the KYS when we're mocked on Twitter.

t. seething tranny

Any activity that intefere's with your life is a mental illness. Chronic masturbation is a mental illness.

>God damn you people are fucking stupid
These are the same people that unironically think trannies dilate for 50 years every day and that nofap will help them grow their hair back and get bitches.
The average IQ here is 5.

>here comes the mentally disturbed """gamers"""
Seek medical help please.

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>anyone on Yea Forums
>doing nofap
Literally, unequivocally impossible. We're all masturbation addicts.

>Using cringe pictures.
>Spamming the same post to bait.
Guess you are that needs help.

Don’t ignore me fucker, you don’t even play video games so leave the board.
>durrr this board is already fucked cuz of people like me so why leave?
Eat shit and die slowly.

Holy freaking based

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Should add TV addiction to that list as well, retarded fucking boomers

Get pregnant.

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>Trannies flip out about normal people on Twitter
Again, they don't.
Most trannies just used to be nerds, and most of them stay nerds.
They play video games, in fact a vast majority of them plays japanese games especially and don't give a fuck about censoring titties because they literally self-insert as cute anime girls, it helps them alleviate their dysphoria.

Yea Forums genuinely thinks trannies wants japanese games to be censored, when the greatest irony of them all is that trannies want anime tiddies more than anyone else playing those games, because they desperately want to self insert.
It makes no sense whatsoever for them to want such censorship.
What you see online are a vocal minority of hons that don't pass, are constantly bitter, so they want to break your toys.
That kind of person doesn't really play video games past AAA or basic nintendo titles and their goal in life is to get fucked by chad.
They can't, so they take it out on you.
That's all that's happening here.

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That's the one that get me. Homosexuality and men thinking they're women is seen as normal now.

>You will never be an underage bullied american 56% teenager shitskin who can't get laid blaming mentally ill trannies for everything because /pol/ influences the worldview from your tendies machine
>Getting longdicked by republican governments in the process

now that's a good fucking feel, MFW I'm not a fucking retarded americlap

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you will never be able to have sex because you cut off your dick, dumb tranny

This person is correct.
T. Tranny

I'm not that user, i was just pointing out the "recent" history of the board.
I was here pre-maddox Yea Forums migration and i do prefer when Yea Forums stays on topic, with video game threads.

some of them are the worst fiends of all because they think they're above it and don't understand what's being done to them

>It makes no sense whatsoever for them to want such censorship.
It doesn't matter, the political group that wants games censored is using them as a shield (as well as biological women, minorities, and such), so they naturally get caught in the cross-fire. They're collateral damage. And let's not pretend there's a shortage of mad as fuck trannies flipping out on Twitter. Because that's demonstrably not true. It's almost like the stereotypical pastime for them.

So yeah, if you want to complain about trannies coming under fire, blame them for letting other, toxic groups steer their narrative.

>everyone who makes fun of vidya addicted incels is a tranny
pathetic cope

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Why the fuck would I need to move into camper? I just don't want to interact with people outside my home, that's it. I don't want to give up on internet, medicine and such. And I don't give a fuck what society thinks about it or about me. And definitely don't want to be forced to interact with anybody above bare minimum.

I ride everyday to work with 4 line switching and I fucking hate almost everybody Im forced to travel with.

>blame them for letting other, toxic groups steer their narrative.

you mean like right wingers let drooling /r/the_donald users control theirs?

When playing video games is considered mental illness but mutilating yourself into a twisted parody of the other sex due to mental illness is not, something is very wrong.

I just want to kill all gays and trannies. We get along in terms of liking the same anime/video games yet I wish nothing but the worst for them.


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So nothing's wrong then?

You realize that's not what's happening here, right?

Yeah? I mean, is there a difference?

now that's what I call edgy

You are a fool, as they're not your enemy.
You should aim to take down the groups that are exploiting them and using them as a scarecrow to hide behind.
Your rage towards them is calculated and induced, it's planned and expected.
If you actually talk to trannies and gays you'll realize they have no interest in making your life miserable whatsoever.
There's bigger groups out there that actually do, and then hide.
Attacking them will not solve anything.

> blame them for letting other, toxic groups steer their narrative.

The entirety of the "gameing community" failed to keep SJW shit out of thier hobby and you expect Trannys to stop them? Don't forget, a lot of us do try to speak out against the BS but get shunned, silenced and called shit like "internalized transphobic".

>everyone who makes fun of incels looks like an incel
more cope

I'll be reasonable instead of just shoutting for you to kill yourself. I have really bad experiences with trannies and gays. On dating sites, I get tons of
>can we meet up? i'll suck your dick
despite it clearly saying i'm straight. For some reason, gays are literally all sexual deviants that harass people whom aren't interested. Let alone even wanting to suck a stranger's cock.

Why are there so many of these threads when they're months behind?

unironically based and neetpilled

Listen to these anons.
You know what happens when a tranny tries to speak against this shit?
They get called TERF sympathizers.
They get called transcum.
I mean i understand what you're getting at here, but going against the grain is easier said than done.
And it promotes political extremization to the opposite end, with trannies going full alt-right circlejerk just to prove "see? i'm not like all the other trannies, i'm unique, i'm right-wing friendly, buy my nudes silly nazis~".
It's a shitshow all around, it's a complicated situation that has no clear answer because it's hard to build "unity" in such an environment.

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I dont mind fags, but dont tell me trannies dont push their tranny shit on everyone. They arent mentally stable enough to hold a conversation with, fuck them.

>"leftists propaganda corporation"
>a political org older than you
>signed by people who fought WW2

Are you mentally ill?

>"The World Health Organization (WHO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations that is concerned with international public health. It was established on 7 April 1948, and is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland. The WHO is a member of the United Nations Development Group. Its predecessor, the Health Organisation, was an agency of the League of Nations."

>"The constitution of the World Health Organization had been signed by 61 countries on 22 July 1946, with the first meeting of the World Health Assembly finishing on 22 July 1946. It incorporated the Office International d'Hygiène Publique and the League of Nations Health Organization. Since its establishment, it has played a leading role in the eradication of smallpox. Its current priorities include communicable diseases, in particular HIV/AIDS, Ebola, malaria and tuberculosis; the mitigation of the effects of non-communicable diseases such as sexual and reproductive health, development, and aging; nutrition, food security and healthy eating; occupational health; substance abuse; and driving the development of reporting, publications, and networking."

we live in a clown world


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This. You only live what you choose to live for, but normalfags keep insisting that their way is the only correct way. At least as long as it's not harming anyone but yourself, there is no problem.

>dating sites
Dating sites attract people that are whorish by nature, it's sort how it works.
What you are experiencing is what cis girls experience when they open a dating profile, they're flooded with hundreds of requests from men wanting to fuck them, regardless if they put "lesbian" on there or not.
It's probable you just happen to be attractive so you attract them like honey.
And since it's a dating site they've got no inhibitions they would otherwise have irl.

>The average IQ here is 5.

This board has been like this for ages. Remember when people on here actually downloaded lostboy.exe?

When it was founded means literally nothing, its what it is now. Are you mentally ill tranny?

It’s true, Tranny’s that just want to speak their mind or give a personal opinion on something completely unrelated to their dick-chopping, usually have that opinion instantly politicized by others.

Im addicted to eating, drinking soda and playing vidya.

Im mentelly ill

But chopping off my penis and pretending a flesh woond is a vagina is normal

Give me money

>Trans sexuality which is often combined with schizofreni and has a suicide rate of 40% is no longer classified as a mental illness.
>Playing video games is
I want off this planet.exe


The new buzzwords on here suck.

I heard bleach is a good way to go to a new world.

>is normal
It's just as normal as your illness and if you apply for disability and undergo psychological examination, you can get money too. You're just too lazy to do it.

>if you don't socialize with trannies and political retards you are a liability to society
Nigger I pay my taxes, if I have to be forced to socialize with lefties and trannies I want tax deductions.

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Homosexuality and transgenderism are by definition not normal. You can't just lobotomize or electro-torture it away anymore. Especially homosexuality doesn't need to be inherently detrimental to your life. Think of how many gay actors, scientists, businessmen, etc. lead rich, fulfilling lives compared to straight neckbeards on neetbux who have never even touched a pussy.

>Go to /pol/ you racist incel shit
>nutbags who chop their own cocks off are a race now
>furthermore, implying that said nutbags aren't "incels" themselves
Go dilate and then go the way of all trannythings.

>if I have to be forced to socialize
That's literally how society works tho.
You don't pick and choose, they LIVE IN A SOCIETY BOTTOM TEXT just like you do.
So if you have some sort of allergy to them just live somewhere rural.

have sex xd

>all the mentally unstable faggots and trannies itt instantly wishing death on people who dare question their choices
Fucking degenerates with literally no morals.

Actually opting OUT voluntarily is not regarded the same as being literally incapable.

>mentally unstable faggots and trannies itt instantly wishing death
I'm mostly seeing the opposite, tho.

WHO also recommended cutting off part of dick to avoid HIV, so I tend not to follow their advice.

>m-muh trannies

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>harass people who aren’t interested
Kinda like what nearly all girls experience when they’re on the internet?
>be 14 year old girl
>log onto instagram
>’luv sharing pics w/ frens’
>oh look the dopamine-activating heart icon is lit
>I wonder who’s messaged me!
>2,476 swarthy, repulsive arabs and indians in their 30’s requesting nudes in broken english
>log out of instagram


We rising up or what?

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Those neckbeards are still more valuable though for humanity. Those gays will most likely harm children, get aids, spread diseases, etc. I'm not saying to torture gays btw retard, i'm suggesting we find a humane cure.

>muh russians

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Mentally unstable faggots and trannies like xler, tends to only ever see the negatives.

If you're a woman, just know I don't do that. I send compliment to something of them I like, if i'm ignored, that's the end of it.

Can't. Gotta play vidya.

The same organisation does not consider gender dysphoria a mental disorder. WHO is a literal-who organisation that can go fuck off back to helping starving Africans or something.

Fucking trannies mentally ill
We need to rise

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a reminder most of the idiots on social media that lead censorship mobs have pronouns in their bio

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>muh Kremlin
Give it a rest Dems, no one outside of your pals at WaPo gives a flying fuck about le ebuhl ruhshun boogeyman.

>trying to deconstruct Yea Forumss backwards logic.

>me me me
Retard nigger, just look at the post chain before posting.
They're specifically saying it to a specific post. The point of the exchange is that it's not "gay men", it's that it's just men in general being sexually aggressive.
Nobody gives a fuck about one fedora tipper who is born in wrong sex.


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>I pay my taxes
Imagine throwing your money away to kikes, welfare niggers and poorfags for (((collage)))

Gamers, we need a plan.
A plan to kill batman rise up.

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See, that's exactly it. Hating gays is just a way for straight virgin neets to cope. They convince themselves that at least they have more value than gays - despite having never even seen a pussy in real life - because they're straight. They're an objective drain on society. Even a tranny with a minimum wage job is infinitely more valuable to society than a neet. They really need a wake up call to man up and become productive members of society.


Is there movie/tv/media disorder as well?

>i'm suggesting we find a humane cure.
Why do you people think docs/therapists/whatever havent tried finding a cure? The sad reality is these things cant be cured and the best that can be done is make them feel comfortable until they off themselves.

its a sexual disorder. It is still a disorder

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>that's how society works though
No, that's how post-2012 liberals want society to work. There is no law yet that demands I go socialize with people I dislike. I still have the freedom to spend my free time with people I like instead. Until they pass a law that demands I go fraternize with gays and trannies, I won't.

>all that seething after Atuls straight up translated P5 instead of (((localizing))) it
It was so beautiful.

I get it, some of these faggots just want to be girls. But why in the fuck do they keep a beard? Really does boggle the brain.

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t. tranny

where do I apply for gibs?

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It's true gaymers are FAGGOTS. You seen twitch chat?? Fuck me, it's gay circlejerk, 14 year old kiddie crack.

I'm not blaming women for not sleeping with me though lol. I donno man, i'd rather be a jobless loser than a successful gay. You can call it cope all you want but that's just the way it is. I find homosexuality disgusting beyond words and no i'm not even religious.

One of these people are mentally ill. Can you work out which one?

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Some people just have an instinct for compounding their own problems, huh?

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>My gf and me dressed my penis as a pirate and hung it
What in the world...

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lol yeah it's the russians not these freakazoids appearing all the time in public, on streams etc.

the guy playing starcraft

I check out 85% of autism symptoms, should I go to a psychiatrist and get diagnosed or should I just let it rest? should I chase neet bux?


I've been rising up continuously

only based japanese games with huge boobs for me

boots with the fur...

You have to be mentally ill to play tardcraft. Just look at all the koreans dying inside internet cafes.

the guy play SC2 unironically.

>absolutely fucking nothing happens
What the fuck happened to this place
Why are you new kids so goddamned fucking stupid

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For as often as y'all act like this happens constantly I sure do see only this same one over and over.

If you don't have a job, having 'tism sounds like a free win.
>tfw have tons of mental illnesses that make my life hell, but nothing that qualifies for bux

Came here to ask this. Give me my disability check. I have tendies and red bull to buy.

This is how propaganda works.
Repeat same lie million times and now it's "many such cases".

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>wanting to cut your dick of at age 6
mental disorder


Don't defend it you fucking idiot.

That's actually kind of funny. Now every time someone says "gamers are so fucking evil and deserve to die" you can just say that's ableist and you're shaming addicts who need help.

Who cares. Psychology is an absolute pseudoscience, I couldn't care less if they claimed the earth is flat because of freudian incest fantasies

Smartphones don't allow you to write long thoughtful shitposts.

based and redpilled!

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How many of those trannies do actually cut their dicks off?

I want get out of this mad reality. Let me out of this clown world.

>thing that isn't real
>"ugh I can't believe this is real get me out of clown world"
All it takes to leave the clown world is to open your eyes, user.

Psychiatry is not psychology, mong.
You don't even know what a mental illness is, but you call everything you dislike a mental illness.

>society praises faggots and trannies
>they choose to come here

Pic related is becoming more and more true with every passing day

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>when someone wrongly suggests you might be addicted to playing vidya
>tell them Im not
>they say youre in denial
how do you respond?

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Tell them about your other hobbies, it should be pretty easy.

I tell the figments of my imagination that care about what I do alone in my own home to go away

"no i'm not"
that'll shut him up

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I tell everyone that it's my life to do whatever I want to it.

>enjoying video games is a mental disorder
>trannies mutilating themselves is perfectly fine and should be treated as a normal and good thing
What is wrong with this world.

I am not saying we need to rise up or anything but... This really is a clown world.

If it wasn't for the people working you wouldn't have a place to sleep, no welfare checks and no grocery store to buy food at. You'd be foraging for mushrooms to survive.

Have sex

>well I certainly am not as you can surely say from this infographic that proves my game time is well below the required value and furthermore
At this point he has left and I don't need to defend myself

He cute

Attached: tranny4.jpg (615x867, 63K)

Anyone wants to come out or something?
The subject has nothing to do with traps - you're mentally trapped.

The looming recession will wake people up

This. We can't kill society without killing Batman. We should all find a way to kill Batman first.

>try to have degenerate sex with a man from Grindr
>"he" has a vagina
That's the moment where I don't wear a condom and pozz her up, fujos must be punished.

>The subject has nothing to do with traps

then its a good thing no one is talking about traps in this thread

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traps know theyre dudes, trannies are a different beast

There's a certain something the WHO doesn't consider a "mental illness"...
Really makes you think, doesn't it?

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>trannies calling people incels
Ironic seeing as how all of them were incels so hardcore that they decided to change teams. Now stuck being a mentally ill incel without a dick.

I am not a retard, I don't want to be a retard

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And both are equally bad and should definitely kill themselves.

Three hours of tv a day: (the worldwide norm) perfectly okay.
Three hours of gaming a day: You're sick and need help.

If you drink too much alcohol it’s called alcoholism. If you do too much drugs it’s called drug addiction. What’s the problem here?


Nigga it's here. It's BEEN here. Have you not noticed the people in their mid-30's making fucking

This is why I've been telling you guys to have sex. I don't want my bros to snap their minds and become trannies.

Except unlike alcohol, video games aren't hurting people or getting people killed.

China bought WHO? What a fucking waste. Should have bought Disney instead.

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Every day I wake up and I'm so happy my brain isn't all fucked up.

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>literally lying about what the WHO constitutes addiction
For what purpose

Yes they are. The existence of gaming addiction in the ISD is because there are people dying of things like dehydration and renal failure while on multi-day no-break gaming marathons.

No, you aren't addicted to games. The vast majority of people aren't. Some are, and the condition exists, and it's useful to have it classified in the ISD.

Surprise: the WHO doesn't give a fuck about you personally and isn't trying to attack you, you fucking moronic narcissistic child

Yeah, that's some pretty hard cope. I'd take bing successful over a NEET any day. So I would maturbate to cocks occasionally instead of tits. Big whoop. I already don't care about finding a woman even if they turn me on.

Nigger, you're already a retard
Mental illness doesn't imply irrational, it only says "it makes you feel bad lmao".

Yeah, too much

Holy fuck you're a literal retard
Probably from a third world shithole too, otherwise you'd be more ashamed of being retarded

Trannies are now perfectly normal. Playing video games on the other hand makes you mentally ill.

>"youre in denial"
>"no im in my room"

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>So I would maturbate to cocks occasionally instead of tits. Big whoop
That's fucking disgusting. Are you being serious or literally just trying to disagree with me? I understand not wanting to be a neet but nothing is worse than being gay. It isn't cope, it's fact.

>tell them Im not

I'm a h'white American.

why would you need to respond. the fact is if you spend several hours a day playing games you have a problem. think of all the shit you could accomplish instead...

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>Cut off dick, inject silicone, be batshit lunatics
>You're perfectly fine don't let bigots tell you otherwise!

>Spend some time on PC, less than average normie on TV/Smartphone
>Off to psych ward you go, it's for your own good!

Attached: 1554584704276.jpg (1074x1584, 419K)

>disfigured and hot
>disabled and cute

We have 24 hours in the day. 8 for working, 8 for sleeping so you have a spare 8. People can do whatever they want in those and it doesn't have to be productive controlling faggot.


gachafags need to be locked up t b h

We can't...
We're disabled now...

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Ask them what the fuck they're going to do about it. You ARE a grown-ass man who is living on their own terms, right?

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Can we start banning resetera threads in these faggots now? This is a stone's throw away from "GAMERS BOTTOM TEXT" shitposting, and all of you need to go back to the shitholes you came from.

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Addiction doesn't get you money. You think they give money to people addicted to heroine and meth? Come the fuck on anons

In the future homos, trannies, bisex and etc. wil be regular people, hard work will be the only hobby, also with brainwashing media television while heteros, gaming, reading books, playing sports and other sane things will be all considered mental illness.

Addiction is involuntary,gaming is voluntary and not an addiction
Notice how WHO never made a fucking reading addiction or a radio addiction?

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Rise the fuck back to where you came from

They do literally have programs where heroin addicts can sign up to get clean drugs in a controlled environment for free

no shit. the fact that you're getting defensive about it means you should think twice about your lifestyle. it has nothing to do with being controlling, this is a reality check, nigger. leisure doesn't have to be killing pixels on a screen

Literally nothing will change until "tranny" buzzword is consistently banned..
Absolutely nothing you or any mod can do about it.

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it also doesnt equate to addiction

>all these tranny advocates posting on this thread
You degenerates need to kill yourselves.

Attached: rare.jpg (335x865, 188K)

Yes, they actually do. In fact, you get suboxone, adderall, and klonazepam.

Gee, I wonder why people like to fuck with you?

What about gender dysphoria?

Gender dysphoria is real and trans people can take hormones
But cutting off there dick is where i draw the line as they cant replace it wih a vagina using modern technology making it pointless and giving them a fucking wound

Im bi and homosexuality isnt a mental illness,its natural.
Also gaming is as much as an addiction as reading,this is fucking stupid.

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if you're not addicted, you can go without it for a week without caving. if you start rationalizing then you're making excuses and are just protecting yourself from realizing the addiction. browsing the net is no different from playing vidya, btw.

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Not only will they not get banned, it's going to increase in intensity because it's clear that it makes you feel absolutely fucking miserable.
You are literally a tourist from a site that does everything it can to cater itself to you, and you come to Yea Forums without knowing rule #3: "Don't feed the troll". It's a shame Rules 1 and 2 are dead, then maybe you wouldn't have come here in the first place.

This is literally that comic where you have every fucking site on the internet to go to which will suck your mutilated penis for being a tranny, but you pack up and come here.

>Dr. Douglas Gentile, a psychologist

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>If you're spending all your money on it, if you're not going outside because of it, if it's damaging other parts of your life because of it, it's an addiction.

This can apply to almost quite literally anything a person can do though. Why is there specifically a "video game disorder"? If the person weren't playing video games they'd most likely pick up some other activity to become addictive over.

So this article isn't true? This is clickbait? We don't have government founded sex change "operations" for kids?


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My body my rules. :^)

Okay, bend over.

we really DO live in a society huh..........

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Only horrid states like california fund that shit with state income tax

But both arent mental disorders?

fuck off, tranny.
you are not welcome here.

dont mess wtih gamers, WHO..........
or ppl will b calling u WAS

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bend over

how the hell do you get all that from a post on an anonymous imageboard?

why not say good person tranny
what's with your decent human being bugman phrase

and it's about whether they are mentally ill, which they clearly are. they kill themselves all the time and lead to social problems with others


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>tfw get my gamer adderal and videogamer bux for new games each month

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It look like my grandmother's friend. It's uncanny.

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So Jim Sterling finally get out of closet?

I don't know, dude. The Jews maybe?

its harder to be a gamer than it is to be a woman or a minority

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I feel like oppressing some minorities, but I'm afraid that (((WHO))) will turn me into a minority soon.

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>8 months old is "new"

Grandpas on the Dell again

>the rise up gamer meme was practically dead
fuck you WHO

seems more like youre rationalizing how someone is addicted

Post discarded.

Their choice, not mine.

>sign up for gaming disorder program
>get clean room with 2500$ pc
>Monster ultra mini fridge
>freshly made sandwiches
>safespace junkiewranglers attending to my disability

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dont you realize chad?
gamers never die..............
we just respawn

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cutting off your penis = ok
playing call of duty = not

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Thank you for reminding me, I suppose I lost my way somewhere.

The chin and the brow don't lie.

Safe access does not mean support. They do that because most of those people are homeless and will spread disease and resort to crime to feed the addiction. The best you can hope for is SDI while you attend some sort of addiction and CBT course that you would need health insurance and do a daily co pay for.

t. addict that knows the term normie originated in AA circles.

>gaming is a disorder when cutting your dick off isn't

WHO cares?
let me know when they put it in the DSM

>la criatura

google sexchange regret.

Imagine saving all of these pictures of trannies on your computer/phone
Imagine talking about trannies all the time because you're so obsessed with them.

Just admit you have a fetish for trannies already. This way of life is unhealthy.

Nope. 110% male and proud of it. I would kill myself before I cut off my dick.

>The only thing I'll take WHO seriously for is actual medicine
They literally tell you to become a vegan, they're a fucking joke in every single regard

I was studying 16 hours a day for a long stretch of time and legitimately thought about killing myself for a while.
Now that that's all behind me I just look at trannies and realize how blessed I was for my whole life and feel like I just needed some perspective.
Thank you tranny posters, for giving me said perspective.

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>if you make excuses you are addicted
>*makes excuses*

quit trying to fit in tranny

>time for neetbux
more like time for being locked away from the world in a detox facility alongside druggies and alcoholics

Fine. Can I get free adderall to support my gaming habit?

I'm all for it as long as it can be used as a tool to push digital consumer rights and perhaps be used as impetus to push something more. Businesses should be held to a higher standard and using practices that exploit and influence the psyche should be addressed not just the loot boxes. Many games weigh encounters now to annoy or influence people into making decisions and it's wrong. If it's wrong in games it should be wrong in daily life. If I can be addicted to games I can be addicted to any type of goods or entertainment because they all use similar methodology to sell.

it means pharmaceutical companies can take advantage of you by tricking you into thinking your behaviour is a "disease" that can be managed with antidepressants

>my hard drive is riddled with trannies IRONICALLY so that makes it okay

d i a l a t e

now i dont just have autism and agoraphobia, good to know

I've got a fever. And the only cure is more undertale

Attached: chaotic screeching.png (1920x1080, 748K)

>slicing off your cock and dressing as a woman because "your brain told you to" is fine
>playing a little more vidya than you should is a crippling addiction
and people said clown world isn't real, fuck

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keep fuming

Painfully correct with that statement. All doctors have a financial interest in pushing meds. The only way I got them to stop was finding a doc after going through many that could hear me say that and affirm it without bullshit or avoiding it or trying to write me another script. You would think someone who just wants to talk to someone as an outlet would be seen as positive but nope. Have high blood pressure one day and they try to push beta blockers etc.

reading is still widely considered a hobby that improves one's self, unlike videogames which are still widely considered children's toys
>radio addiction
since when the fuck is listening to radio a hobby?

>WHO: Some people are addicted to video games, especially in places like China and South Korea. This is a problem that needs to be addressed.

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>gender dysmorphia is not a mental illness

>gender dysmorphia should get free mental healthcare and they need it

Just wait, I bet they will come up with a tax for "gaming disorder"

cute argument if not for the fact gaming addiction is defined as spending more than 4 (or some other low number) hours a day gaming

>entire thread is /pol/cels crying about something

How paranoid are you guys? You are afraid of black people, jews, chinese, transgender, democrats, clowns. How do you even live in this society?
The funny thing is you literally won't change with this impotent rage. No matter how many times you spam green frogs. Compared to "them" (see above) become teachers, video game designers, politicians and your future boss.

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How many posts you going to make bro?

How many people stop eating and sleeping because of too much reading for days on end? How many books trick addictive people into spending their savings on dumb shit. Of course, this shouldn't be "Game addiction" it should be "Addictive Personality Disorder" and have subsets of being addicted to things like gambling, gaming, sex, etc.

>How do you even live in this society?
The society lives around us

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There are countless of studies that show that having a job correlates with having a higher sense of purpose in life and fulfillment. It might not be true for the minimum wage single mom or the average blue collar doing back breaking work 10 hours a day obviously but any time you feel your skills or intellectual is put to use at a job, it naturally makes you happier.

Surely you wanted to do SOMETHING with your life when you were a kid, maybe work in IT or creating video games even. You might view working as some kind of soft slavery but it's obvious that for the vast majority of people it goes beyond just earning a salary so the whole "dude just create your own meaning in life lol" shtick doesn't fly. Work IS meaning sometimes, why do you think unemployed people who are not in immediate financial crisis or retirees feel so depressed?

At the very least it's hypocritical if you're not spending your free time doing something creative and challenging your brain; indulging in the daily primitive pleasures of eating, sleeping, masturbating and playing vidya is not "creating meaning in your life." It's a life not that dissimilar to that of an animal.

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>"enjoying life" literally compared to being an animal
You took too many bluepills, user.

How do you live in society when you think every other white person is a sekrit Nazi who wants to blood and soil everyone despite bending over backwards and allowing their own demographic annihilation. If you want to bitch about some real Nazi's why don't you hold Israel to account for Palestine.

>Compared to "them" (see above) become teachers, video game designers, politicians and your future boss.
Why do you think I hate society and shut myself in my house outside of work? You guys can cry and beg for me to talk to you all you want, at best I will acknowledge your existence and work with you, that's the maximum I will do.

Free Palestine
Zonists waving their dick around publicly with advertisements over there, its sick

they recognize whatever gives them more money
trannies? they don't want the stigma, so they can transition happily, which is very lucrative for their whole industry (pharma, mental health professionals, surgeons...)
with playing games? the thing that gives money is creating a disorder, so parents can enroll kids into rehab programs
you won't rehab a trans, but you will rehab some kid playing too much wow

>There are countless of studies that show that having a job correlates with having a higher sense of purpose in life and fulfillment.
Come again when you find studies that correlate long term NEETs getting a job vs sense of purpose.
Because just raw wageslave->purpose can be explained with "having sense of purpose means you will slave for it" rather than "being a slave gives you purpose".

where do I go to study 16 hours a day alone and still have a place to sleep and eat? Sounds like bliss t b h

No it doesn't.

Just go to any university with good graduate schools and get started with a doctorate program and get a scholarship. Worked fine for me.

at least in Canada, medical professionals are actually taught non-pharmacological approaches to treating their meds, but in practice, there's rarely an opportunity to discuss these with most patients on both sides.
When patients go to a doctor, they're often adamant to get a prescription for a drug so there's already a bias there even if the doctor believes that it's better to manage it with lifestyle choices. Then when they go to pick up the medication from a pharmacist, the pharmacist also knows it's better to change your lifestyle since the drugs just manages the symptoms, but they only have 2 minutes at most to counsel you on your meds since they're the only pharmacist on duty and there's a line up of 10 people waiting for their prescriptions.

How will I pay for it? Also I'll be stuck a slave to debt and I'm debt-free with almost 20k saved

Is this how they call alcoholism a disease? They just sort of make shit up as they go along. We already have a word for this shit: "Addiction." What a bunch of drama queeens.

>all the trannies in this thread throwing a fit over people pointing out how the WHO removed them from mental illness list.

I hope they stop, then society will collapse and I can die

If you do any hobby for more than 4 hours a day -- woodcarving, sewing, working on cars, etc -- that's perfectly fine. But 4 hours of gaming OH MY GOD WON'T SOMEONE THINK OF THE CHILDREN.

These people are so full of shit. They just want to crusade against something and gaming has always been a whipping boy.

You never hear of someone so obsessed with
>woodcarving, sewing, working on cars, etc
that it takes over their life and destroy their relationships. You hear kids locking themselves in their rooms to play for 12 hours and ignore friends and school work all the time. How many lives has WoW destroyed? hundreds of thousands, maybe more?


both good and bad

Hello Yea Forums, jew here

How the fuck do I stop this or will I just be outcasted for the mere thought of going against the hivemind

>Im bi and homosexuality isnt a mental illness,its natural.
It's a fetish. "This one time back in '88, a lion humped another male lion" doesn't automatically mean fucking the same sex is natural. There's clearly a stick and a hole and a natural way to make them go to together with a distinct natural purpose. Assfucking your roommate is not natural. You just have a fetish for dick. That's what gay and bisexual means. There's millions of men that can't get hard unless the situation is just right, but that doesn't automatically change their sexual identity. They're called "fetishes".


Burn 1000 foreskins for YHWH to send you an army of golems.
Crush the goyim who stand against you.

You are genuinely fucking retarded

This is a stupid comparison because woodcarving isn't clickbait. The media doesn't give a fuck because readers don't give a fuck about woodcarving. Of course you'd never hear about the guy dedicating his life to his craft and shutting out the rest of the world. Because he'd be praised for diligence and commitment. But the second you change that hobby to gaming, everything goes up flames and he has a "mental disorder". It's horse shit.

I know this thread is a dumpster fire and I'm not going to bother reading other posts either but I hope with this all the people I've seen ruin their life thanks to gacha shit can get some real help
mobages were a mistake

Finally us oppressed gamers have a way to fight back against feminist oppression.


Sure, princess. But you know what I said is going to hover in the back of your mind for a long time because deep down you know it's right. Eventually you're denial will lose the battle. Enjoy your dick fetish, straight dude.

Can we just answer the elephant in the room here? Can we get gibs for this shit?

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>You think they give money to people addicted to heroine and meth?
They do in California.

Lmao sounds like there's more than one Epstein-esque shithead inside (((WHO)))

Honestly, I think I have a gaming addiction despite the fact I almost never play games anymore. I played games so damn much though that once I finally really slowed down by 25 it was already largely too late for me. Now I obsessively am on Yea Forums or /vr/ all day. So my gaming addiction got replaced from playing them all day to reading and discussing them all day. Gaming addiction is real.

>go to gamer camp
>get put on anti-aggression drugs and see a therapist
>therapist suggests the real issue is gender disphoria
>leave camp with no dick and a plane ticket to tour glorious china


ludopathy is worse,get over it.

Holy shit I love the gubment now

If it's the same case as drug or alcohol addiction then no.

Can't wait for my future as a eunuch in a chinese nike factory, taking tiny dick in my ass on the daily while my passport is forever seized

I reckon gay is just a sexual fetish due to humans evolving to feel pleasure from sex and people giving that priority over the purpose of procreation.
I feel sexual deviants are more likely to be gay because they're more open to trying different things for the sake of pleasure, that along with preferences and fetishes can in turn make people prefer only having sex with people of their own gender, or liking both

They do here in Norway.
My brother gets the equivalent of 2800 USD a month, plus free drugs and a cheap apartment.
It's fucking retarded.

just do anal

>oh yes I go to gaming therapy to get chicks, what about it?

>It's fucking retarded.
It's effective, so it's not retarded.
Better than doing shit like what poland does and ending up with smelly bums shitting up the place and stealing shit worth thousands to sell as scrap.

Phily does this by giving addicts clean needles and spots to shoot up safely and it's still a shithole.

>Your opinion doesn't mean anything to me
Always works for me, especially to my parents.

Getting diagnosed for autism is a very expensive and lengthy process. It's like 200 hours of cumulative psychiatrist therapy, and psychiatrists are expensive. Like 200 dollars per visit expensive for 1 hour.

Maybe they need to give them some better replacement then.
Small doses of long lasting shit with less effect.
Though shit like opiates may be hard to get rid of due to how opiate tolerance works.

Scandinavian countries give bums small amounts of alcohol if they regularly show up at checkpoints. It works well.

Based and redpilled
Cringe and bluepilled

>forcing people to play shitty games until they are cured
alternatively it could be used to start a ((rehabilitation camp)) that farms cash as a therapy like the chinese and their prisoners

Opiate tolerance isn't hard to deal with, addicts are just pathetic and using excuses to keep doing drugs. I used to be addicted to opiates and constantly used the withdrawals as an excuse to keep doing drugs, but the reality is, you can easily manage the withdrawals with controlled doses until the withdrawals have barely an effect on you. The thing is, people want to get high, and doing just enough drugs to stave off the withdrawals doesn't get them high because their tolerance is so high. They want that dose that kills their withdrawals and also gets them messed up, which is why a lot of OD's happen considering how high addicts tolerances are.
Drug addicts are scum and the worst people you can interact with. They lie, cheat, steal, and manipulate themselves and others to get what they want. They're complete losers that let a fucking pill ruin their lives.

>Opiate tolerance isn't hard to deal with, addicts are just pathetic and using excuses to keep doing drugs.
A proper program has to take that into account.
No amount of finger pointing will fix that.
If the program requires strong willpower, no one needs it because with strong willpower you can just stop.

Just like with bums, criminals, women, you have to assume that the subject will act like a dumb animals and fuck everything up.
The treatment has to account for this animal bullshit and somehow reward not acting like a retard.

That's all correct, I just hate fucking druggies with a passion after having to deal with them for so long. The shit they do and think you wouldn't believe. Personally, they should all be corralled together and gassed. They're a blight unto themselves and everyone else.

This is true for me I'm over being depressed
meds are shit tier though, I think people just need to actually commit to being productive and challenging/improving themselves and they'll get more energy and find joy in things again

That's the contradiction with that method as depression zaps all your energy and joy in doing things. It all goes full circle.

>We do not consider a claimant disabled if drug addiction or alcoholism (DAA) is a contributing factor material to the determination that the claimant is disabled. For more information on the definition of DAA, see Section 105 of Public Law 104-121 and Sections 223(d)(2)(C) and 1614(a)(3)(J) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. §§ 423(d)(2)(C) and 1382c(a)(3)(J).
PSA, steer way clear of this "gaming disorder" shit if you're eligible for or already receiving autismbux. Lots of the homeless got there because their substance abuse earned them an SS(D)I revocation and eviction from section 8 housing.

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That is what happened here.

Genuinely impressed at the level of diapershitting from trannies itt

>after having to deal with them for so long

>The shit they do and think you wouldn't believe.
I heard some from actual druggies who kept stealing shit from their own family.

Hi mitch jones

>trying to kill autismbux by making gamers into non-autist bums instead
I want to get off the clown ride

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>Phone distraction is the result of many outdoor accidents and lost of tons of work hours on a yearly basis.

>Rich people that work in tech are well are of the effects, and of all people, tend to not have their children exposed to phones at all.

>But videogames


The less shit you do the lazier you get, the main reason I feel depressed is because growing up I constantly had a don't care and can't bother attitude towards everything, but it goes the other way as well, if you be more productive you feel more productive and energetic.
I was being a lazy fuck like usual recently and let the dishes build up for 3 days, I was dreading doing it but after I was done I felt really productive and ended up cleaning the whole kitchen and taking the trash out. I think people can overcome depression if they change their shitty attitude and outlook on everything and actually have a solid go at getting better

Yeah I have a few
>be walking down street
>crack dealer pulls up
>dude walking in front of me looks nervous
>crack dealer jumps out with brass knuckles
>beats this guy half to death right on the otherside of the gas station on the sidewalk
>blood everywhere
>yelling shit about money
>dude is laying in a pool of his own blood
>just standing there since the fight is in front of me and my destination is forwards
>crack dealer jumps in car follow by an addict coming out of nowhere to get a ride back to his place for some crack
>everyone walks past the dude on the ground and carries about their day

>there was this couple angie and cliff who were notorious drug addicts
>even the drug addicts hated them
>they both went to the doctors and got scripts for oxy and xanax
>angie, the wife, would always steal from cliff, the husband
>cliff would constantly OD on xanax
>not kidding it was a normal occurrence and the medics knew them they came so often
>family went homeless and they offered us a place to stay
>oh man the shit I've seen there
>angie shot me up in my sleep once
>some young crack dealer trying to make his way up in the crack world stayed there for some time
>mom tried to get me into selling crack through him
>angie once stole a bunch of oxy from cliff and blamed it on me
>proceed to get my ass beat by a 6"7 dude who was built like a tank

>walking down the street with my mom's bf at night
>he randomly walks into a yard and starts to steal an ATV
>the dudes in the house come out and beat us both with bats
>get arrested and mom's bf blames it all on me
>end up on probation and moving back in with my grandma
>got off drugs and am clean to this day
>still get calls from my mom asking to move back in with her

Keep in mind I was 15-17. We were a family of addicts and my family normalized drugs in the house and got me addicted to a bunch of shit. Doesn't help I had a broken home life prior so I was looking for a family I never had. Mistakes were made

you can get gibs just for existing if your country is liberal enough

Holy fuck, I can't even imagine it. It sounds surreal, like a movie.
Did you manage to get out of all of this? As in, moved somewhere else?

>boomers will vote for it to protect Social Security from young NEETs
Two can play at that game, time to vote for big pharma shills who'll jack up the prices of insulin and ARBs even more.

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Saying the nigger word decreases my stress and lets me live an extra hour granting me $7. I make $7 every time I say nigger.

that's not being depressed that's just being lazy

so is heterosexual sex

I wish I was born in Norway.

>tfw repeating "nigger" in my mind genuinely helps me with anxiety
>tfw have a nigger mantra

It's not bad if you still have daddy's insurance

Yeah I did, by force really. Best thing that happened to me. I didn't even get into the crazy parts of the story either
>mom and her bf "C" were part of a drug operation
>C worked at a car lot
>the owner used the cars to travel from florida to kentucky to sell pills
>mom and C got scripts to do this

>C's mom was a psychoanalyst
>C used to sit in on her sessions learning how to manipulate people
>C was a straight up sociopath
>used what he learned to manipulate me into thinking he was the father I never had
>can't stress how close we were and how brainwashed I was
>then used drug addiction to brainwash me further
>basically gaslit for years

That's the context for my stupidity. Not a good excuse, but it's fucked up.

A kid literally can't know better, it's parents' job to teach them.
Did your mother not notice that something is up?

>Did your mother not notice that something is up?

>mom ... part of a drug operation
>mom tried to get me into selling crack through him

She did but she was a raging alcoholic that used to bang the local homeless behind dumpsters, and C basically turned me against her. It was mainly just me and C running around, getting into bad shit, doing drugs, and breaking into houses and other bad shit. Looking back my mother's behavior was because of all the shit that was going on and I should have done something more to make her feel better. Still, she's in and out of jail to this very day, still homeless, and still banging dudes behind dumpsters.

absolutely not, if anything they'll know you're just going to spend your gibs feeding your addiction and either slash it or cut it off entirely until you're been through rehab.
and rehab will be managed by people who grew up before the internet trying to convince you that you can live a normal life without any electronics whatsoever. all while nobody, not even your "fellow addicts" takes you seriously.
t. speaking from experience

Also this. She was just as much a part of it as anyone else.

So I've been reading about the heritability not just of IQ but even of general behaviours like political predispositions or lifestyle choices. Just read one random twin study article about the heritability of OWNING A DOG. Apparently, it's very high.

It's starting to honestly make me think eugenics makes sense in a non-edgy way.

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You absolutely can live with electronics, the real problem is how dependent everything else is on them. You can get by without a smartphone and social media, but jobs and interacting with most people require all that shit. And giving an addict access to their addiction isn't going to help. You can't treat and addiction that everyone else is addicted to, and that addiction being so normalized with everyone else.

Weren't the same guys who classified a being unable to get a partner to reproduce a disability?

>It's effective, so it's not retarded.
It's effective at getting them off the streets in the short-term. In the long term, it's effective at replacing your entire society with drug addicts. Though obviously that won't happen since it'll collapse economically before it can.

It all sounds so extreme that I genuinely can't believe it. It sounds possible, but like something that doesn't happen to actual people.
Still, if it's real, you have managed to win the hardest part of life on one of the hardest modes possible and probably without guidance.
Or at least managed to get through it without losing anything permanent.

Though I'm ultra sheltered and have one of the tamest possible social circles, so even stories from people who were literally my neighbors sound like magic to me.

what are you fucking talking about man

I would guarantee the majority of people under 30 who are depressed are people who got stuck in a cycle of laziness but grew up with a pretty easy life, and I think too much time spent on social media and phones/technology along with generally having everything be convenient and life being easier to live is contributing greatly to depression in younger people in these times

>In the long term, it's effective at replacing your entire society with drug addicts.
A large part of controlling alcohol addiction is removing the binge drinking.
By providing the bum with just enough alcohol to stop the craving, he is prevented from having cravings, prevented from fixing them by drinking too much, forced to have at least some routine, incentivized to not be jailed.

Forcing bums to manage their own addictions is the best way to keep them addicted forever.

Yep, it sounds like a bad movie. Wish it didn't happen but it did and now I'm dealing with the side effects from it. I've managed to get past the majority of it, but it still fucked me up good. Trust issues and shit, plus a plethora of other problems. Almost went crazy from the realization of it all after I moved back in with my grandma without all the influences on my perception like that. The funny thing is, before all of that, I was incredibly sheltered and suffering from really bad anxiety. I'd cry talking to someone.

It all started off well enough. I learned to talk to people without crying, got my anxiety under control because C forced me to talk to people. Basically shock therapy. Then shit hit the fan and the rest is history. He basically lied about everything he was and his mom actually flew down to tell me everything he told me about his life was a lie. He was never in the navy, never was a cook, all those stories of him banging his gf's, etc. The only part that was true was him sitting in on her therapy sessions. That's when everything hit me like a brick, and that's when I almost snapped.

But thanks for support man. It's been tough but I'm slowly getting my mental act back together. One piece at a time.

Why do I get the feeling that the only "treatment" for this "illness" will be condescension and shaming language?

Of course not. This is a mostly male problem. Male problems don't get you money, because society doesn't believe in taking care of men.

>Surely you wanted to do SOMETHING with your life when you were a kid
Yeah, I wanted to stay inside all day and play videogames and browse the internet.

>44.3 hours past 2 weeks
Am I addicted?

I'm saying that everyone else is addicted to electronics, so treating an electronic addict isn't going to do shit when he's surrounded by other addicts and his addiction 24/7.

Not that I have any experience with rehab or its process but I expect gaming addiction rehab to be treated similarly to food abuse (anorexia, etc), in that it's a necessity to learn how to live with it constantly around you, but without abusing it.
>You absolutely can live with electronics
>but jobs [...] require all that shit.
What the fuck are you trying to say, my dude?

> Hating Gays
> Trying to help someone with a mental illness = Hate
I don't know if you're gay, user, but you definitely have autism.

I wish I was in Norway.
I think I can call myself an alcoholic since on my weekends off from work I can drink most of a 750ml bottle of vodka in a day.

I used to drink during the week every day but the heartburn was annoying and I felt sluggish at work so now I only drink on the weekends but it still an excessive amount.

People who say they hate living at home have the extreme option of leaving the house, and start walking. But most won't take that option because they can't do it. They're weak.
It's the same for electronics. You can take the extreme option and cut it all out entirely. It's just hard, and most people are weak.

we're talking about giving them an apartment and no-effort money they can all spend on drugs.
I love in Norway too. We have tons of these guys around here. They remain ruined for life, until they stumble into the ocean, or get hit by traffic, or are eaten by their own fucking 15 dogs that they kept locked up in their free government-built hut erected for them as far away from the city center as can be justified.

These initiatives are 1% about helping these people and 99% about getting them out of sight and out of mind.

Nobody's addicted to electronics, any more than they are addicted to houses or clothes.

So just like alcoholics? Do you think a recovering alcoholic just stops going out and quits having a normal social life because everyone else drinks at social situations?

>Nobody's addicted to electronics
So these 15 hours I spend on my computer every day isn't real? The feeling of just wanting to go home and get on the computer when I'm doing errands isn't real? Me only leaving my room for the bathroom and getting a snack isn't real?

Gays are alright.
Trannies are not.

Electronics are ingrained more in this society than alcohol is, I think. Or at least it's getting there. At least people understand drinking isn't good for you, but with electronics, no one bats and eye and that's where the problems stem.

>Those neckbeards are still more valuable though for humanity.

You really think that sitting at your computer complaining about gay people and trannies is valuable for our society?

Maybe WHO was on to something, ya'll faggots are delusional.

it's the exact same thing, the logical continuation

I don't see any problem with this. People who play games too much almost always fuck up their lives as a result.

>Nobody's addicted to electronics
are you just pretending to be retarded?

That's not "electronics" doing that to you you retard, that's you sitting inside in the dark in the same room all day - telling your brain that it's time to enter low-energy mode because you're making it think it's the dead of fucking winter and there's nothing to do but sleep, eat, and shit. The electronics are just an enabler of your underlying problem.

I bet you believe in porn addiction too you faggot. Hint: Your girl ain't doing it for you because you're gay so you can only cum when you're completely pent-up.

_ ____ __ ____ ____ _____

>That's not "[insert substance here]" doing that to you you retard, that's you sitting inside in the dark in the same room all day - telling your brain that it's time to enter low-energy mode because you're making it think it's the dead of fucking winter and there's nothing to do but sleep, eat, and shit. The [insert substance here] are just an enabler of your underlying problem.

No fucking shit retard. That's what addiction does to you. Are you retarded or just pretending?

>The electronics are just an enabler of your underlying problem.
wow, if only there was a term to describe the condition in which you use external stimuli to an excessive and detrimental extent to cope with an underlying problem.

when are social media addiction and smartphone addiction going to be recognized as mental illnesses

>sheltered kid on a video games imageboard gives his opinion on what addiction is

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But in the same sense literally anything can become an addiction. Like television or the internet. It's pointless to set it apart from any other diversionary activity.

fgender dysphoria is recognized in the DSM, but the listed treatments are therapy or gender changing

My high functioning autism isn't officially diagnosed, but I don't think having an official diagnosis will make much of a difference.

>but I don't think having an official diagnosis will make much of a difference
If you want gibsmedat then it will. You can't just apply for tism bux without a piece of paper from a psychiatrist.

No, they're not, you dumb tranny.

The point, retards, is that if you didn't have "electronics addiction" you'd have "porn magazine addiction" or "book addiction" or "lego addiction" or whatever else makes your eyes glaze over and your brain stop ticking. Or just drug addiction. Problem isn't the electronics, it's that you're able to get away with giving in to your social anxiety or whatever the fuck your problem is and just sitting inside doing nothing all day due to whatever fucked-up social bullshit is going on around you to enable this self-destructive behaviour.
Your problem isn't the electronics, but that people don't care about you and are fine with you wasting away outside of their sight and outside of their mind