Who are the lewd girls in Three Houses?

Who are the lewd girls in Three Houses?

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Dorothea and Hilda are the school sluts.

Bernadetta's a closet pervert

Attached: Dorothea.png (526x691, 405K)

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why dis yellow nigga upside down?

He's australian XD

Which one is Hilda?

This slut. She's a typical spoiled noble brat and her Personal Skill requires a male unit to be around her.

Attached: FETH_Hilda.png (1200x1059, 805K)

Sounds like a slut indeed.

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I will never not laugh at the upside-down Deer man. What were they thinking?

Black Eagles

Blue Lions

Golden Queers

Black Eagles are looking the best so far, unless one of the other houses significantly impresses in the next 6 week, I'll be going with them.

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I want to cum inside of Bernadetta!

Probably the one on the cover wearing latex pants.

The MU and Unfortunately the shitty art style makes them less appealing than previous sex goddesses.

The teachers

Chances of the leak being real?

Mercedes, Manuella, the silver haired girl Lysithea, and...that's it. The rest are soulless as fucking eyes and horrible fujoshi art. 3 Houses is severely lacking in good looking people on the female side, Edgelgard's a vampire with those dead eyes.

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The leak addresses every popular critisism of Fates and then throws in the "maps are sub-par but better than Awakening". I don't buy it.

>The leak addresses every popular critisism of Fates

It addresses the fact the women aren't like Tharja and Camilla. It has tons of bisexuals and mental health awareness backstory bait. The things trannies in Resetera wanna hear about the most. I don't really buy the leak at all. The bit about the anime high school being a front for a much darker story, then Nintendo of UK leaks THE CHURCH IS THE ENEMY I'm spoiling out of decency but yeah its not very exciting spoiler so not like it was hard to guess that one. When the substantial amount of information comes out at E3 we'll know for sure about the leak being fake or real, I am still miffed about the game's quality assurance being as bad as Dragon Ball Super season 1 and 2.

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Mercedes and Lysithea both have the same "soulless as fucking eyes" as everyone else. That really applies to the whole cast, but I think Manuela, Petra and Anna show it the least somehow. Maybe because their eyes being brown means being darker makes it less noticeable.

And Edelgard is proof that 'first girl syndrome' exists She really doesn't look that great even compared to a number of others, but is the most popular since she was the first girl shown. Or most popular aside from Sothis anyway, since lolifags will eat up any slop that's thrown at them.

Golden Deer > Black Eagles > Blue Lions

>kumiko seiyuu
You take that back.

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I like Petra!

Attached: look at all these NUMBERS.webm (852x480, 2.03M)

I really hope this game isn't an overwhelming clusterfuck of STATS STATS STATS like Xenoblade 2 was.

>100% crit
Fucking what

I wanna introduce her to the mating press

>Lvl 2
>Iron sword
>100% crit

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Obviously rigged stat to show off the critical for the trailer user.

Dorothea doesn't look and act that way in the game.

By far the dumbest post you will read today on Yea Forums

>what is debug
They edited the crit value to 100 to show off the animation


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Which house are you picking and which girl are you stealing from others?

Was it really confirmed you get to take one unit from each house?

I hope. I want to go eagles and save Mercedes from her shit house.

so this could be made

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If that is true I'm probably inclined to agree with

>Xeno 2
oh boy if only you knew how bad things really are

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>still believing these shitty text dump plebbit leaks
They cant fuck up the maps after how conquest was right

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echoes came after conquest bro

Echoes was also a 1:1 remake of a game with shit maps.

Didn't Birthright sell more? Also Fates was mostly negatively received.

Most of the points have been accurate so far. Having shitty level design wouldn't be wrong, no 3D console FE has good level design.

>oh man I put a sword used on axe user range I'm such a master tactician lololz

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how have you not killed yourself yet AWtranny

>using the weapon triangle
(lol it literally doesn't matter.

The WT doesn't even matter in FE. Only Fates has it matter due to cap ranks on enemies. It's really sad how a mobile game manages to make the WT be important.

that's because in FEH the WT affects attack/defense, and not just something as mundane as accuracy.

Beagles, stealing Felix and Leonie

It also does in mainline games, but the modifier is so small with 1/2 points.

It's had effects on damage in the main games since SD. Problem being that the effects are so minor that you'd never notice.

AW is better than FE. But there's no implication of him being a tranny because he stats facts.


No need. How sad are you that you spam the new buzzword word of the mouth, it's not even clever. You just seem obsessed.

cope some more

You just proved me right

Those big tits on feMU, Dorothea, Manuela better be put to good use.

Choose your waifu

Attached: FETH girls.png (900x878, 1007K)

As long as there are varied win conditions and the game isn't another routefest, it'll be okay. The game is already guaranteed to be better than echoes from the scant prerelease images alone

there 2 girls from the golden deers who have only appear in famitsu screenchots that lot better than most of the other females.

I love AW butthurt because they deserve it.
>best game in the franchise is the most hated
>endlessly whine about FEfags getting Awakening when they got the Advance Wars equivalent of fucking Path of Radiance/ Radiant Dawn and whined about it

The game could have been piles of trash on a stick and still manage to be better than Echoes


Ingrid looks so cute, hoping she has a nice personality too.

Here's my personal list

Attached: three houses girls.png (848x1936, 999K)

DoR is actually good unlike Tellius. Why did FEfags switch from Smash to AW as their boogeyman. What happen?

>that top tier

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Meh. Probably Bernadetta, but she looks like she'll be the annoyingly depressed one since every character since Awakening has been a cardboard cutout of personality.

>Why did FEfags switch from Smash to AW as their boogeyman
It's been a thing since like 2013 though.

Bernadetta, easy

It was only minor

Ed's outfit is what makes her top tier, gaylord

Waiting on Ingrid and the other two Deer girls, bit right now Mercedes.

Are people really now pretending to be excited about this garbage?


Yes? It's looking pretty promising outside of the ugly graphics. If the visuals are bad but the maps, music, and world building are top notch, it will still be a great game.

>literally all of them have the same face

What's the Bloom Into You lesbian doing there?

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is fe now a musou?

she wants to bang femByleth

it already was

Going completely off looks without having watched or read anything about this game
I like her. Soke user called her a vampire earlier but I think her pale eyes make her look cool
if Sully from FE:A was merged with an Overwatch character
take off the tiny hat and she looks great
is this a man or a woman? Honest question
kinda generic looking. In a vacuum she looks like one of the generic art for something you'd expect out of a self insert main character.
She's hot but I'm getting the feeling like this is the type of character they'll give a boring personality to
ugly but I get the feeling this is a character they'll give an interesting personality to
Cute but a bit generic looking
Is this a man or woman?
I don't like twintails or pink hair. She will always be compared to Junko Enoshima.
>the two others
need to see art
>crotch Loli
Lolis need to be excluded from games

>if Sully from FE:A was merged with an Overwatch character
In what way do you get Sully from her at all?

short hair, butch lesbian look

She's like some foreign lord, not from the place of other characters. If anything all her supports will be about her people and how she misses that lifestyle or being discrimentated against.

I think you're confusing Petra with someone else then, because neither of those things apply to her.


I think that sounds interesting, but watch out because that sounds like a character Yea Forums could anoint as the "SJW character"

well ever since I read it's admittedly harder to see, because now when I look at her I see "foreign"

Yeah I can see Yea Forums not liking her. The only actual information we had shown was from some japanese dialogue were she spoke in a different accent then the other characters and in somewhat bad speech (Similar to gregor).

I think she'll be cool people just lose their head over dumb shit because they think it's political when it really isn't

Sure but she has long hair going into a ponytail.

Do people dislike Athena?

>MC is a prof so boning students is already weird
>Design makes MC always look horribly out of place next to other characters
>armor looks worse than Corrin's skintight armor
>rumors of not being able to customize them
Nintendo wtf are you doing?

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Male Byleth's outfit looks much better than Corrin's mess

You mean ISIS since they're just as incompetent as Gamefreak

>Lolis need to be excluded from games
begone, normal

What is Upside Down Man's endgame?

Fair enough. Can't wait for them to dedicate most of their staff to trying to be more than "just the Fire Emblem guys."

>the army mechanic is also a test run for using the technology in another Wars game

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>as incompetent as Gamefreak
you don't know what you're saying, nothing can be worse

It’s like 2 damage, crit reduction and accuracy but honestly the 20% in heroes is just too much, especially with garbage like surtr shitting the game up.

Male Byleth looks great though, a bit of a chuuni but still nice Female Byleth is pants on head retarded though.

nothing is as retarded as barefoot armor, fuck off.

What's down her chest?

More like its IS taking the piss at Langrisser.

Mercedes is love.

I want to 's' rank the archbishop.

A dildo ready to have some pleasure with female Byleth.