>game doesn't have a 64-bit executable
Game doesn't have a 64-bit executable
i feel like a brainlet because whenever i have the choice between 32 or 64 bit i still have to think what my PC actually is.
Why would it need to? Easier to go 32 bit so that both newer 64 bit and older 32 bit systems can run it with the same executable.
I guess the preteen Yea Forums East Coast USA posters are awake because there's a sudden influx of these "i'm a sad tween so depression lmao" reddit frog threads.
>mac is perfectly homogenised and everything just works, due to superior Linux based operating system
>microshit still forces you to switch between 32 and 64 bit because they can’t get their shit together
How, after all this time, have developers not said fuck off to Microsoft and forced users to switch to Linux. Every Windows OS is pure shit, all their native programs suck ass, and there are so many updates because of so many bugs
Why are we still putting up with Microsoft? Just because they bought up server license shit back in the day? Is that the only reason?
apu is not reddit frog
for proper ram management
Stop being so obsessed over shit that doesn't even matter
>apu apustaja
>reddit frog
get the fuck back to discord, tranny
Just download more RAM bro. Seriously though who has less than 16 GB these days? It’s so cheap
>enter frog's home
>complain about frog being there
kys frogtranny
that's not the same frog
It's a family home
holy shit nigga get some braincells
FUCK the men of war dev and their new piece of shit call to arms or whatever its called
>hey dev give us a 64bit mow
>nag them for years on end
>no fuck you faggots have this new game instead
>it sucks ass
>people start porting Mow content in the Call to arms engine
>presto its basically MOW but singleplayer only and finally 64 bit!! yayyyy
>the devs delete all MOW related content from the CTA workshop
faggots. total and complete faggots every last one of them
Someone pls respond
MacOS is based on Unix, not Linux, you fucking retard. It's also a toyOS for HIV patients.
But Windows is somehow better? It’s complete shit
>game save get corrupted when game uses more than 3.5GB ram
>game crashes if saving fails
>playing with a certain mod has the game start at 3GB and slowly creep up until the inevitable crash
>each save increases ram use a bit
>technology discussion on Yea Forums
This is pantsu on head levels of retardation
/g/ would tell you to install gentoo and go back to Yea Forumseddit
What do they even talk about all day