I have $30 left in the vidya budget this month and it does not roll over to June, what game should I get? Hand of Fate's card system looks like a lot of fun but the actual combat looks so basic.
Steam Wishlist Thread
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>I have $30 left in the vidya budget this month and it does not roll over to June
Also double check the current sales just in case
is shadow of war dlcs worth it or should i just pirate the vanilla version
i heard the definitive version is broken
hand of fate 2 is really great and i recommend it. however, all the games on your list have been out for a while and regularly go on sale. i'd recommend waiting a bit for the summer sale since they'll all undoubtedly be 50% or more off
Frostpunk is meh. It gets pretty repetitive and underwhelming after 6 or so hours.
I dont know but the base vanilla version is a lot of fun. also buy the game you pathetic pirate
Just wait.
June is literally a week away, what you can't wait a week? And even then you'd want to wait until the end of June for the Summer Sale.
Anyone else autistically refuse to buy anything till it's 75% off
This, don’t fall for it. I thought it would be a comfy challenging city builder, but instead it’s just an incredibly tedious puzzle game where you MUST build things and MUST assign jobs in a very particular manner or you just fucking lose. I refunded it and never looked back.
hand of fate 2 is great and a lot of fun
Of course. I have a big enough backlog I'll never get to anything before it goes 75 percent off anyway
lol i saw right trough it after less than a minute of gameplay.
vikings still has some game breaking bugs (quest giver won't go to a particular spot for a main quest)
HoF 2 is pretty meh
frostpunk has better strategy game feel than northgard both are still good
drop walking simulator
>battle brothers
i already bought battle bros and it is too hard. i even watched 2 hours of filthyrobot's tutorials and i can't figure out wtf im supposed to do and i normally like tactics games. wtf is the point of archers? how do i shield wall? why are my guys dying?
>battle of brothers
>most of your men can't even survive 2 fights
should have been battle of mercenaries
Oddly enough the wishlist has overtaken the library at this point. I've started being very cutthroat about how long I'm willing to suffer a game I'm not enjoying
the game was designed for your men to die and find better hires
>the game was designed for your men to die and find better hires
wait a minute, this sounds like shades of Darkest Dungeon and i hate that game cause i don't want to see my beloved soldiers die :(
it's worse than darkest dungeon because you can't really enhance your men.
think of it as a dumb down go game
They don't die if you are good enough user.
Ugh I'd hate playing this game legitimately. Having to wait all those turns to move once.
Just you adrenaline and berserk and you can dick black monolith as much as you want
>buying games
just pirate all of them
fuck man nu-Yea Forums is so fucking casual holy fuck
Northgard is great, play it someday. But maybe not for $30. Unless it includes the Dragon clan who are a 10/10 people with no flaws.