I just want to say im going to fucking cry if Timesplitters 4 or Trilogy remakes get anounced this E3

I just want to say im going to fucking cry if Timesplitters 4 or Trilogy remakes get anounced this E3
dont dissapoint nordiq

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Other urls found in this thread:


Why the FUCK would you want another Timesplitters game in the current market?

Everything you love about the game would be missing, just based off of the amount of characters alone, no modern dev studio could handle a game of this scale and still have it turn out as anything other than a tech demo parading around in a Timesplitters costume because the devs had to make sure the GRAFIX look HELLA LIT and that at least 50% of the cast is minorities with some kind of gender dysphoria. The days of making games for people who love games is long gone. There hasn't been a single game in the last 10 years with secrets worth exploring, and even if there was it'd all just get datamined and leaked.

You don't want this user, trust me. Not now, not like this...

Attached: 1553789615821.png (750x730, 560K)

>That guy who didn't play Sheriff Skullface

Attached: AndreLookingAtShit.jpg (562x530, 69K)

>they'll end up censoring slut
Not sure if I want

Undead monk was my jam.

>he doesn't always play Monkey

>not sewer zombie
>not chinese chef

Timesplitters mind

All those characters that were nehind challenges would be behind a paywall these days. Charging you like 5 bucks a pop.

I played through Future Perfect a couple days ago, do the other games also have a story mode?

Yeah, they do. They're not as fleshed out as future perfect's story but they're fun.
The real fun comes from the Challenge modes though

Theyre not as flushed out as Future Perfect but yes 1 and 2 have a story mode. 2 is superior.

TS2 has a story mode and TS is just arcade style levels

what are your favorite levels?

Attached: timesplitters-2-notre-dame.jpg (418x293, 32K)

It's Fleshed-Out you turd.


I-its a regional dialect I swear

Attached: 1558828786228.jpg (250x226, 21K)

give me Timesplitters trilogy on Switch pleeeeeeeease

Chingy Chong restaurant

I kinda like NeoTokyo

>Was about to reply to a pre-existing Timesplitters on the catalog with Cortez in the OP
>Suddenly an actual 404

What in the actual fuck?

Attached: Dolphin 2015-10-02 01-18-45-32.png (1920x1080, 1.22M)

the mission with harry tipper in future perfect

vin diesel seems like the kind of guy to MSpaint a press photo of himself with a game character he likes and post it on Yea Forums

obviously not OP though, cause his image has a Yea Forums filename


>FP has the most ambitious campaign
>Despite having time travel as a central part of the plot 80% of its missions are in different parts of the future or some variation of bland sci-fi themes

I wanted more stuff like Scotland the brave, wild west missions or pre-historic times, why the fuck am I constantly zipping around in the future?

Attached: MiddleEasternMusicInTheBackground.gif (192x108, 965K)



Probably two of the most defining pieces of vidya music for me.

> sticks and stones, they are my bones!

I loved the variety the game had for this kind of thing.
>One song/level is about dancing like monkey/robot
>Next is wild west
>Next is spooky horror
>Next is a disco

Wish Graeme Norgate got to make music like this again.

For me it's Scrapyard