Any games for this feel?
>no fucking wargroove suggestions, souless shit
Any games for this feel?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Implying AW1 wasn't peak AW aestetics
>Those chunky map tiles
>Those animated CO portraits
Gud shit man
As far as games like AW I can't think of anything that scratches the specific itch it manages. I do enjoy XCOM a lot and would argue its the better TBS game but they are a bit apples and oranges.
Cheers i'll give xcom a go, playing mario+rabbids currently which is an xcom clone i think. Enjoyable stuff
Im worried Wargooves shitness killed any chance of new AW
XCOM with the Enemy Within expansion is probably the way to go. Shitton of fun, has lower system requirements and is likely dirt cheap on steam.
I'd definetely recommend 2 afterwards but it's far less easy on newcomers so I'd at least play the first one beforehand just to come to grips with the flow of the game.
On the subject of AW; What game has the best campaign and why is it 2?
>On the subject of AW; What game has the best campaign and why is it 2?
I agree, I didn't mind the emo setting of days of ruin though either
It sold pretty well regardless, didn't it? All it had to do was prove there was a market. Nu-tendo doesn't care exactly about quality.
It's literally never coming.
Was Wargroove shit then? Didn't even bother with it seeing as it was made by Chucklefuck.
just feels shallow. I couldn't get that far in the story before dropping it. Fully mirrored unit attributes & unlikable characters doesn't help either
If youre enjoying Mario & Rabbids, you could try Valkyria Chronicles & Codename Steam. I'd suggest Tiny Metal too but I've never tried it myself
Mario and Rabbids is mostly better than XCom because it focuses on levels with unique level design and objectives over the constant grind of XCom, and it handles RNG much better.
Final battle in AW1 is my jam. Nothing like the feeling of you just fighting for your life the first half and then slowly turning the tide and pushing Sturms shit in. 2 is pretty cool but I feel its too one-sided with how ridiculously OP Sturm is so I always end up cheesing it. DS final battle was bizarre, I wanted a huge map 4 player map where the allied nations would kick Bolts teeth in and got a giant open field with a single enemy base and a couple of easily killed infantry units.
DoR is pretty hype but I've never quite figured out a solid strategy for it; Seems like you have to rush it to stand any chance whatsoever.
Would kill for a spin off with full Olaf campaign
I've seen some of the bs RNG meme gifs before, does put me off starting the game
>Any games like this
>But don't mention literally the only game like this
I replay at least 1 AW each year so I know its not just my nostalgia telling me wargroove is shit
The problem is not quality. The problem is that Wargroove is it.
fair enough, I don't need AW clones/pixelshit as suggestions, just other fun tactics games
i saw this on a 'hidden gems' video, it looked quite awful. played it?
Aw1 has the best and hardest campaigns
AC rivals
maybe for AW fans it was like clone, but for me it was the best TBS on PSP
%%i still play it on emulator%%
And fuck this nigger
Do you really want modern IS to make an Advance Wars game?
>Gameplay and strategy gets watered down in order to be VN waifu simulators
>not wanting to pet Sami
Has anyone played Tiny Metal and if so is it any good? User reviews seem unreliable as it gets negative reviews due to the creators being accused of funding it with money raised for a different game on kickstarter.
where else am I going to get a bomber waifu
Intelligent Systems has basically stated that they will not make more AW unless they figure out how to properly make it into character driven waifubait with loads of character interactions and relationships like Fire Emblem is.
didn't even bother pirating it, looks shit
did wargroove doomed non fire emblem strategy games forever
>They dont choose shitty designs
>Everyone praises the game
>It gets 5 times the sells it got
>Nintendo watches wargroove's success and gives advance wars another chance
>Successful, nintendo continues with the advance wars franchise
>An advance wars character joins smash
I think there is some sort of clone in the development with one difference is that all units are kemonos.
Basically all out war between dogs from different countries and cats being assholes to everyone.
sashachad here
perhaps nin looks at the playtime of people who purchased wargroove and sees everyone dropped it at 2 hours
more tactics games that isn't set in a high fantasy setting would be nice
Check the Famicom War games, they're basically AW predecessors.
Wesnoth comes closest to the feel of it. Don't shout at me just because mechanics are different.
It's a romhack of 2, but "2012 War Room Challenge" is really good for scratching that AW itch, adds a shit ton of content without changing the core game
outside of that, all clones/spiritual successors/fan remakes feel soulless, at least to me.
You can always try old games some are OK
I've tried to like it many times, but can't get over how much of a factor luck is in it.
This, I think turn-based modern strategy games are really rare
This is something that always looked strange to me. I wish I discovered Advance Wars when I was a kid in order to avoid noticing the harsh reality behind war. Why don't they show concern for the troops
They do in Days of Ruin but everyone hates it.
It's pretty much "indie Advance Wars" in a bad way.
how does fire emblem compare to AW?
You could easily do this if you just zoomed in the scale a little bit. You know, sorta like Battalion Wars, only not a bastardized 3PS
Adding a "moral" meter would make any more advance war style games more interesting since it would prevent you or your opponent from just blindly sending troops to their death.
You now piqued my interest. I hope it won't be too edgy but at least some acknowledgement. Still compared to the previous entries must have been a bizarre change in tone, especially if they used the same characters.
They are turn based tactics games and similarities pretty much stop there.
I liked Days of Ruin/Dark Conflict
Another thing that bugged me is how Andy seems to "revive" troops, especially infantry, you would think they would talk about it.
Into the breach is great
Instead of having tons of units, you basically have one of each
The perfect AW game would have the following
>AW1's aesthetics and attention to detail (read: SOUL)
>AW2's customization
>AWDS's variety
>AWDoR's balance and well written story
You HAVE to plug the 2 unit dispensers at any cost. Other than that, you just have to play really well and not stand in the line of fire of the stationary guns.
it’s pretty average. a little slow paced for me
aha, I KNEW she was a communist
someone hire aw's composer again
A fine game with decent characters and plot. AI is kinda bad.
If late 80s army tech is modern enough for you then there's the daisenryaku series :
Valkyria Chronicles 1&4. Don't really much care for 2,3 and especially not Revolution.
Honestly it's not very edgy by vidya standards. It's just that they acknowledge that war is rough where old AW was oblivious to that and the artstyle is more serious. Music is great as ever.
anime in a nutshell
Fucking Military Madness, mate. It's on Turbografx.
Lmao, no, everybody likes it. It's just that AW threads have die hard classic fans that shun it for some reason.
Battalion Wars was kino but I hated the control scheme. If they brought BW back as a true strategy game that would be fucking amazing. The artwork and designs are incredible, but I didn't care for the story or the commanders at all.
>whine about Awakening and Fates
>but then circlejerk Echoes which is a literal VN with less gameplay depth than the SNES games
Wargroove was pretty good.
Loved it during my childhood and is the game that introduced me to turn based strategy games.
Why do strategy games get the shaft these days, bros? Do people not like gritty tactics any more? Is that why RTS failed and is in hiding?
Who the fuck are you quoting?
ppl r dum
>AWDoR's [...] well written story
I don't want another generic post-apoc anime war story. Sturm is back from the dead and invaded everyone again is good enough for me.
It's stupidly unfair both due to cheating AI and what you've got to go up against. Hardest doesn't mean best in this case.
Instant gratification culture
I just assume the COs are board game nerds playing a campaign.
>getting pounded by rockets from who the fuck knows where in Fog of War map
Truly the worst
>that shun it for some reason.
Because they wanted more games with a bright, colourful artstyle that trivialises war. That was half the charm of these games.
what does that mean?
It's disingenuous to call DoR grim. It's literally just Gurren Laggan.
Is it worth a play? I have a rom on my hard drive.
>It's disingenuous to call DoR grim.
Well it's a good thing I never called it grim.
>It's literally just Gurren Laggan.
Without the stuff that made TTGL cool. Spirals, bigger and bigger and bigger robots and Kamina, things that DoR contains none of.
they're memes or made by retards. Xcom is about minimising risks.
>Not sure you can hit that shot?
Make sure you have a backup.
>Gonna run up to an enemy and shotgun him in the face but not you're it'll kill or hit?
Make sure you have a flashbang or smoke to cover your soldier.
etc etc
This, AW could actually evolved closer to FE while still retain their originalities by deviating the universe from real life examples.
>New Sci-Fi environment instead of current modern era.
>New modern design of (fictional) troops(weapons), vehicles, planes, ships instead of mimicking the real military arsenal. Means more unrestrained factions.
>Aliens (if dragon is nonexistant)
>FE got magics, Put new things, Information Warfare, Electrical Warfare, Psionics, other (((Science))).
>Multiple faction campaigns with multiple endings.
>Moar futuristic Waifus possible.
Jesus fuck, please tell me his face is shopped.
the FoW missions are bullshit i agree but it still has the best campaign out of all of them. awds's was a joke and only fun because of force ranks and tag powers being retardedly broken. aw2s was fine but its way too easy. didnt play too much dor because i didnt really like it so i cant speak for that
Sami is probably a slut that takes gangbangs from the soldiers she commands.
which is probably why her soldiers are so motivated to capture stuff faster and are just better overall
what does sensei do to his soldiers to make them stronger then
Sami is not. The real slut is Rachel
Also Jess is confirmed dyke.
A morale system could certainly work. I like how DoR gave you a reason to keep units alive with the level up system instead of just chucking them into the grinder.
Why aren't there porn version of AW?
It will be easier to make than some 2D flash game
Someone needs to make a gif of Sturm's rave when he destroys an enemy unit in AW1.
Well they killed off 2 of the best COs in the first game but other than Admiral Akira and Brigadier Betty I think they're great.
Ubel is one of the best Arnold parodies ever.
>AW the better waifus
>For some reason IS pushes FE as their Waifu series of choice
I dont understand
who are you quoting?
>She sees your dick
For me, it's Lash's belly button and armpits.
>Caulder is actually not even the original Caulder but rather the latest in a series of clones who keep continiously murdering their predecessor and replacing them
DoR was pretty kino desu, only thing missing would had been the meteors being caused by Sturm
>You will never be Tabitha's slave
Why even live?
As much as I hate FE, I would play the shit out of an AW with optional waifu stuff
Sometimes the war gets heavy, I could just some comfort from my other COs.
If IS have to introduce social mechanics in the style of FE in AW, they could use it to develop the Tag system from Dual Strike. Pairing up different COs causes them to rank up their relationship which in turn unlock higher boosts or new D2D stuff unique to their pairing, perhaps?
Idk, I could think of worse ways to implement it. Might make for a fun way to see the COs interact outside of the plot and maybe justify some otherwise bonkers and/or otherwise unpractical CO pair-ups.
>Not posting superior belly button
Gadget trial
>Tag system from Dual Strike. Pairing up different COs causes them to rank up their relationship which in turn unlock higher boosts
That actually would be cool.
Tag System is certainly the way to make it work if it MUST have it for a new game to be made.
Is this bitch any good?
I've been wanting both an AW and a classic Fire Emblem style game, but it seems that indie devs who make games in this genre are more likely to make X-Com clones than FE or AW ones.
Same situation as people wanting Tactics Ogre / Final Fantasy Tactics style games - People are more likely to make XCOM style games, or even games more like Fire Emblem, than games like TO or FFT.
Really not far from the truth. COs don’t give a shit about Joes
t. Army infantryman
If you do that people will just call it a clone of those games, while something inspired by XCOM are easier to put your own twist for a unique game.
Game magazines used to compare this game to advance wars back when it came out.
Can't say for sure, I've never played it.
Nobody remembers front mission SNES classics =(
I always assumed it was one of the following:
1) Officers don't care about grunts. This is actually true. You distance yourself from the men you command because to do otherwise would be psychologically scarring, so you have to dehumanize them.
2) They're actually playing some sort of war game and the units aren't real. It's either literally a game or they're over the strategy table moving pieces around and dissociated from the actual war.
3) The units aren't real people. War has become fully robotic. This is why your unit producing bases are factories.
This game was underrated
Back in the day, watching the low res portraits, I used to think she was a boy.
You guys should check out Faselei, its insanely detailed and really good for a NGP game. A hidden gem and underrated.
I actually hope she comes back for the next AW.
Surprised Into the Breach hasn't been mentioned more. It feels like the designers of it were really into AW.
If they release advance wars with the waifu shit it will ruin it. I think all the waifufags in this thread prove it
other than gameboy wars, are there any tbs games for the gameboy dmg?
Into the Breach lacks the generic unit production and is really more of a puzzle game than anything else.
the game has no tutorial or instructions
Famicom Wars doesn't have CO powers right? Id probably enjoy that more than Advance Wars