>wins by default
Not much fun when there is no competition.
Wins by default
Microsoft will have a great presentation again if they show halo and cyberpunk 2077
No Metroid
No Mario
No Zelda
No F Zero
No Star Fox
Just Fire Emblem and Animal Crossing, the shittiest Nintendo IPs, lol no thanks.
Only if they show Bayonetta 3
>s o y wins by default
yeah no
Mario Maker 2
Link's Awakening
Pokemon Shield/Sword
Astral Chain
Marvel Alliance 3
Luigi Mansion 3
Microsoft dominated everyone last E3, but you're probably right otherwise. Even if Sony were at E3, they've had godawful showings the last four or so years anyway
>only shows games already announced including the announcement of third party games that had been announced for other platforms at least 1 year ago
Nah, it's going to be a fucking joke, I'm not even going to bother watching that shit this year.
Astral Chain and the update on DxM will be there.
There will probably be a
>and it’s playable RIGHT NOW
surprise as well
Only if furshit Banjo isn't Smash DLC.
Remake, who the fuck cares about more footage of it
Game I won't buy new
What do retards who make these posts hope to achieve?
Who mentioned Persona 5?
A reminder that Sony isn't going to E3
>Implying they ever had competition at E3 besides Microsoft
>boohoo he doesn't like my shitty games
Look at the thread topic retard, claiming it will be an interesting E3 when it is obvious won't, just awful IPs no one cares about and shit they've already announced.
Xcucks are gonna be in for another horror week.
I wonder what ps4 and PC games they'll anniunce
Pokemon will be the focus of the E3 I guess.
>fanboys vote for system they fanboy over
wow, meaningless poll is meaningless. You can do the same thing this year and Sony fanboys will vote Sony even though they weren't there.
>console wars
poorfags strike again as usual
I never even owned an xbox, but besides nintendo if you own their console and Bethesda just for Todd playing you like a fiddle, Microsoft is the only presentation worth viewing.
For everything else you just watch the trailer later.
I can't believe E3 is so close, feels good
why isn't sony going to e3?????????
No gaems
you're dilator
spider man came out
>shows only Metroid logo
>W-We won! Our Ninty w-won E3 again!
>2 years later...
>Due to unforeseen circumstances, Metroid dev has to be restarted. Look forward to it on Switch 2, 3 years from now! Please understand.
Nintenbabbies have been disappointed by Ninty's E3 for so many times already, why the fuck are they still delusional?
are you having a stroke?
you must be new to these things, pokemon always got it own thing to reveal shit
most you would get is 5 mins, hell, i bet gf other project town got more time than pokemon
Have sex
you seem upset
like, really upset
>shows only FF7R logo
>W-We won! Our Snoy w-won E3 again!
>4 years later...
>Due to unforeseen circumstances, FF7R dev has to be restarted. Look forward to the first episode (sold at full price) on P55, 3 years from now! Please understand.
They are also Pokemon fans judging by this thread.
And Sony fans go gaga over Kingdom Hearts. You are both losers into easy kiddie shit.
No user, I don't lose my shit over new announcements, I'm not a "fan" of anything.
> I'm not a "fan" of anything.
Oh man, the maturity. I hope one day I can grow up to be dead inside like you Mr user.
then why the fuck are you on Yea Forums
>screenshot your own falselfag
>post it everywhere (we can tell it's all you because the filename never changes, faggot)
>try to convince people xbros are worse
what is wrong with snoys? i think they're actually mentally ill
>Implying I need to convince anyone
Nice projection, Xnog. Fuck off back to /r/XboxOne, you can be cancer there.
Sorry you can't keep your emotions in check, losing your shit over fucking videogames is retarded, grow up little bitches.
Nintendo will have the better showing, but I'm more excited to see Xbox's show.
For the most part, we know what's going to be shown already
>Maybe Prime 4
>Smash DLC
>Probably 1 new IP, maybe 2 if Nintendo is feeling CUHRAYZY this year.
Microsoft, on the other hand, will get ALL the big trailers now that Sony is out of the picture. Every single major new game is getting shown off on their stage. Even if the games are cross-platform on the Switch, we'll see them first at their showing.
Also, is this still stuck in development hell? I really want to see more of it this year.
have sex
>>Implying I need to convince anyone
What do xbox fans actually do to this board to warrant hating them?
Last I checked, they practically don't exist.
Man, you seriously are fucked in the head. I get excited over things I like, this is normal. The morons in reaction videos you no doubt watch are ACTING, it's fake over the top shit to get views. Nobody acts like that.
I doubt Bayo 3 will be there, it's in dev hell. MP4 will definitely NOT be there.
Surprise SMTV would make me orgasm, but it is unlikely.
Why would you even buy a Switch if that was your genuine opinion? Is it just a Mario/Zelda machine to you?
Gee, I wonder
>b-but Sony!
Fuck off and grow up, Tendies. I'm a PChad, and I don't give a fuck about JRPG turds. And I know to give credit when it's due. Microsoft completely BTFO everyone's E3 with great multiplats like Sekiro, Metro Exodus, DMC5, and Dying Light 2. What did your Nintendo reveal last year? 40 minutes of Smashfaggotry and some shovelwares like TSA:NMH and Sushi Striker. Stop sucking off Nintendo out of blind loyalty and think using your brain for once.
>nobody I was totally unimpressed with E3 this year
Gotta love those malcontents.
>Microsoft, on the other hand, will get ALL the big trailers now that Sony is out of the picture. Every single major new game is getting shown off on their stage.
I appreciate MS' sole reason for existence now: to show everyone games everyone will be playing everywhere else.
Are you okay?
Mario, Zelda, and forgotten Metroid, F-Zero and dead Star Fox, also Pikmin, maybe others, but thanks to newfag faggots blooming like rats Nintendo is pandering to their shitty tastes like SMM, Pomemon, AC and FE.
Good thing the Switch has third parties,
>mario good
>mario where you can build your won stages bad
>pokemon and FE are for newfags
Nintendo fan here.
Looking forward to only Nintendo & Microsofts shows. Sony is irrelevant as per usual. Did you see that state of play lmao? state of play? more like the absolute STATE of snoy LMAO
Good luck xbros, hopefully you announce some good shit, I'm pretty confident Nintendos got a killer showing this year.
Real Mario, not DIY shit, and yes, Pokemon is being driven by newfags, no one(aside from loud autists) still play Pokemon after so many gens, and fire emblem is liked by new weeb faggots, go ahead and try to prove me wrong, it must be easy.
Last relevant Nintendo console was the SNES, must be fun to be underage and/or retarded.
Doesn't stop Uncle Phil showing up to bore everyone.
This but unironically.
>Real Mario, not DIY shit
MM2 has a story mode.
Yep. And they do it the best.
Aside from the occasional "whoa look at this REAL LIFE car!" moments, MS keeps things to the point.
Sony shows:
>10 minutes of showing off their orchestra
>Here's some artsy stage performance
>Okay here's a guy you don't care about telling you how successful they've been Yada yada
>here's a guy with a banjo
>Okay we're gonna pause the show for 15 minutes cause we're doing it in 2 buildings for some reason; here's 3 random people you don't care about in the meantime
>doo doo doo flute man doo doo doo
Like goddamn, it's pulling teeth waiting until a hype exclusive finally shows up.
SMM2 has a shitload of Nintendo-made stages.
>hurr prove me wrong
You’re a fat faggot raised by two nigger faggots that make you eat out the cum from their asses for breakfast. Prove me wrong, it must be easy.
don't even make me laugh user
>story mode
lol no thanks
>insulting a person over a videogame
lol got you so hard
>Aside from the occasional "whoa look at this REAL LIFE car!" moments, MS keeps things to the point.
Other than the 30 minutes of wasted time last year with bullshit chatter, but hey, Uncle Phil is so awesome.
>he plays mario for the story
Everybody skipped it the last time leading to a slew of garbage levels. Maybe dangling Toadettes flat chest as a reward will make people actually pay attention to the level design tips.
I’m insulting you over a fallacy, eat my shit and show it to your nigger fathers.
>Aside from the occasional "whoa look at this REAL LIFE car!" moments, MS keeps things to the point.
I agree last year MS probably had the best E3 presentation of all the companies there but let's not pretend like they've always been so game focused. I think it was the year of the XBone announcement that they spent forever talking about watching real TV and real sports instead of games and spent too much time talking about the studios they acquired without any games to show for it. Sony's piss poor presentation was at least 'games' but far too fucking artsy and full of bullshit. Also only 4 games.
No they don't you piece of shit MURDERER. Fucking murderer. Spreading your shit.
Which old franchise will EA dig up just to butcher on stage?
I play Mario for the levels retard, learn to read.
They skipped it because it's a tutorial regardless of it being called different, this time won't be any different.
lol seething
don't forget the bullshit "gameplay" trailers that contain no actual gameplay and if, then its heavily scripted/pre rendered shit that is not representative of the actual game
>the Microsoft forza “live” “gameplay” “demo” from 2018
Why do they even bother, nobody actually believes that shit do they?
Looking forward to another Halo 6 CGI trailer?
Hey, maybe Battletoads will have some actual footage this year of any kind as long as it isn't another disaster that's been shitbinned.
seething cope
I'm looking forward to another bullshit xCloud demo just like in that derelict episode of Inside Xbox. Based Phil would never lie to me!
>Watching all of last years shows
this is nice.
I just want my forza horizon 4 expansion 2 to be shown off
>this time won't be any different
This has more meat to it than the it did on Wii U which was a bare bones marathon mode. This isn't just a DIY Mario level editor. It has a single player and multiplayer modes. There's something for everyone this time round.
Call me a fucking retard if you will, but i love watching reactions after the presentation. Not the clearly acting faggots who shout at every little thing, but genuine reactions from someone like Vinny. I'd never watch the actual thing through someone else's stream, but it's nice to hear their commentary on it.
>calling people retarded for being normal human beings with different tastes and opinions
first day on Yea Forums?
>genuine reactions from someone like Vinny
vinny doesnt give a singular shit about anyone but nintendo, why would you go to him for E3
>online with randoms or local but needs more switches
>not a barebones marathon mode
>instead a bunch of tutorial levels with a shitty story stapled to it
The game itself is bad, no amount of tutorial levels can fix it.
Daily reminder that console war faggots are lower than the shit that cockroaches wallow in and idort is the one true masterrace.
that's what makes it fun
at the very least you can give him credit for knowing when nintendo releases garbage
he's not completely entranced like a lot of people
>it's ok when papa phil does it
seething as fuck
enjoy the Snoy conference, oh wait
deep breaths there, eric
They have local multiplayer building on a single switch, what makes you think you can’t play the actual game in local multiplayer on a single switch?
top kek is this how you cope?
>so mad he clicked the post number twice
keep sucking ass like a bitch
Nice reddit gap
Again, first, we are talking about the E3 conference, SMM2 is in no way anything to get excited about since it just had a Direct, second, the game is shit, just adding a few more tools won't change it, and lastly, why the fuck are you trying to convince me? It's obvious I don't like it.
Ew, get away from me memetard.
E3 is now Epic Games exclusive
I replied to a post mentioning literally nothing but SMM2, what the fuck are you even saying, you butthurt imbecile?
Yep, I can't wait to watch E3 this year and win....AGAIN. Good luck Snoyboys, with your (absolute) state of play
Says the scumbag that most likely pirates.
>doesn't know how this place works
Read the reply chain retard, lurk more, you'll end up wasting your time if you don't learn how this shithole works.
>pirate bad!
arrg me maties sounds like we got ourselves a landlubber
Now this is quite based, i tip my hat to you fine sir!
Wins what? They dropped out of E3 over 6 years ago.
>There are still people who think a tradeshow is a contest or the olympics for vidya
Speak for yourself, they have just been having shitty directs. They dropped the stage ages ago because people stopped caring about them. You can watch the entire E3 and not see a single Nintendo show.
What does what I said have to do with Sony at all? Insecure much?
>It's just a glorified Steambox with some Atari IPs farmed out to 3rd parties and indies as contractors.
matthewmatosis's E3 videos are max comfy
Partially because of situations like when they showed off AC:Origins and everyone in the chat started WE WUZing and the precious little angel tried his best not to laugh
not him, but how is this better than what anyone else does? Nintendo just shows off one game or a port and Microsoft is just ports. Both announce games early as fuck too, look at the Switch library, it's still a no games machine.
Amico will blow its games out of the water.
>thinking an atariposter is serious
I don't.
I'm just pointing out that the console has good intentions and poor execution.
>Major new Mario and Zelda already came
>Mario Maker already had a direct
>People who worked on DKCR are working on Metroid
>Also no Metroid news
>Bayo is vaporware
>Most of their other IPs are dead
>All that's left is Poke rehash shovelware and DLC for Smash
>The one actual game will be AC, which we'll have to pray doesn't have a bunch of jewery in it like Amiibo Festival and Pocket Camp
I mean, I'm sure delusional people will pretend one(1) character being announced for one mediocre game will singlehandedly win Nintendo E3 (like last year), but Microsoft has all the game announcements under their belts thanks to having an actual third party support presence. I'm sure they'll win next year though when Prime 4 is actually on the table.
considering it's atari I don't think there was much good intention other than to make a quick buck off of nostalgia
I think the original creator of the vcs/ataribox actually wanted to make a good product but he got canned iicr
Banjo and flute performances aren't competition. Last year has got to have been Sony's worst E3 ever, if not the worst E3 conferences ever in general.
while it was horrible, is it really as bad as sony 2006 or nintendo 2008?
No one gives a shit about AC except facebook tier gamers and woman. The 'games' are hardly actual games, they are a more gutted sims. I don't see how its even something to mention, Nintendo fans have shit taste.
If prime 4 is good. Literal development hell, chink developers, and running off of a mediocre 3rd game.
>Pokémon is the only Nintendo IP that's a rehash
>have sex
Okay, bend over.
they won 2017. last year xbox won tho
Nintendo will have something special. They always have something special.
Lmao, you sound like a kid talking about Disneyland. I don't think it takes much to impress an audience that literally gets the same franchises every 4 years.
>barely get any games shown in E3
Yeah nice try, you would be dumb enough to believe switch will get games like RE3 and the new fromsoft game and probably many more from the show. I don't even like MS but even then they'll win just from the third party games alone.
>is it really as bad as sony 2006
>or nintendo 2008
This is closer, but I'd still say so by a small margin.
>no games
Think again
Switch exclusives:
>Mario Odyssey
>Smash Ultimate
>Splatoon 2
>Xenoblade Chronicles 2
>Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna the Golden Country
>Snipperclips Plus
>Fast RMX
>Mario+Rabbids Kingdom Battle
>Gal Metal
>Kirby Star Allies
>Mario Tennis Aces
>TWEWY ~Final Remix~
>Super Mario Party
>Pokémon Let's Go
>Travis Strikes Again: NMH
>Dragon: Marked For Death
>Yoshi's Crafted World
>Pokémon Sword & Shield
>Animal Crossing
>Fire Emblem Three Houses
>Luigi's Mansion 3
>Daemon X Machina
>Yokai Watch 4
>Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3
>Super Mario Maker 2
>The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening
>Astral Chain
>Box Boy! + Boy Girl!
>Tetris 99
>Rune Factory 5
>Cadence of Hyrule
>Mario & Sonic at the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games
>Bayonetta 3
>Metroid Prime 4
>Shin Megami Tensei V
>Gunvolt Chronicles: Luminous Avenger iX
>Steamworld Quest
>Blaster Master Zero 2
>Mary Skelter 2
Nintendo exclusive multiplats/ports:
>The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
>Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
>Pokken Tournament DX
>Fire Emblem Warriors
>Bayonetta 2
>Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
>Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition
>Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker
>Code of Princess EX
>Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate
>New Super Mario Bros U Deluxe
>Rune Factory 4 Special
And more to be announced
The most annoying thing for sure is when they act like they won because of a single character reveal and focusing 30 min on a single game
Ridley was still hype as hell though
Where them third party games bro, where's sekiro, dmc 5 and re2?
inb4 these are all shit and don't count
We're talking about exclusives here, the only reason why anybody would buy a console. You have a pc for multiplats
here you go!
I like how you list:
>known shit games like Mario Party
>List literal ports like Tweny and no more heroes as exclusive
>Shitty indie games that end up on Steam
>Unreleased games assuming they will be good
Fucking hilarious. It really has fuck all, these lists just summarize the shitty library of pulling from literally anything to pad out a list,
t. switch owner.
Last year was such colossal fucking disappointment from Nintendo and Sony.
>Sony full of padding garbage and the same shit we've seen before
>Nintendo do like 20+ minutes of fucking Smash changes
>Ohh look guys this animation is different!
That Nintendo direct was honestly the first time I've stopped watching an E3 stream out of sheer boredom. I just could not care less about Smash.
Why do you have so many ports listed then?
Yep, they have no presence at E3 at all.
>t-t-those don't count
Predictable & pathetic, opinion worthless and discarded
Nintendo exclusives. You need to own a Nintendo console to play them
I didn't know Assassin's Creed came to Switch?
Quite a shame since it seems a number of them are coming to pc.
No more heroes is not exclusive, nor is twewy, not steamworld games
I have a Shitch and own the entire fucking library retard. Your entire list is unreleased shit or just plain shit games. The fact that you need to copy and paste a list is hilarious and shows it clearly isn't a good library if you feel the need to justify it.
What a no games piece of shit. Pic related, just downloaded a few ports and realized that look and run like shit on portable mode, and I can play them on any other platform with a better experience.
Its astral chain bro not ads creed
Animal Crossing, but AC3 is on it and it runs like shit, as do most shitch games.
They don't, they dropped out ages ago. Its just a direct and floor space they rent out, which any indie company can do. Even EA shows up on stage, Nintendo dropped out 6 years ago because they are pathetic.
is it finally time bros?
This list is just fucking sad.
>hate the console
>"I own every game"
Every fucking time
Struck a nerve
Yes, its called piracy after realizing the console you purchased is not going to provide. Pretty easy to download the entire store and pick as I please.
Maybe you should stop being a retarded fuck and get some taste instead of listing plain garbage and assuming games are good before they release.
>anime reaction images having an opinion
Super Monkeyball
Microsoft E3 2019
>Xbox Scarlet, two new consoles in same style of Xbox One S and Xbox One X.
>Xbox Scarlet games playing natively on PC
>Many BC titles on PC including Xbox One, Xbox 360, and OG Xbox, expected to launch October 2019
>Xbox Scarlet game development will allow games to be sold on Xbox One/PC at discretion of publishers
>Xbox Game Pass expanded - day 1 first party/second party games, third party AAA games a couple months after launch, indie games all the time
>More studios acquired, expect at least 3 announcements
>Xcloud detailed, stream from your xbox console to your PC/iOS/Android/Windows devices, will eventually offer streaming from Microsoft Azure servers.
>Play Anywhere now applies to everything. If you own it digitally, download it to your Xbox or PC, or stream it to your Windows, iOS, Android device.
>New Xbox controller variations. Standard, Elite, and Hybrid
New games being shown off:
>Halo Infinite
>Gears 5
>Fable RPG
>Ori and the Will of the Wisps
>Cyberpunk 2077
>Rocksteady DC game
>Harry Potter RPG
>Killer Instinct
>The Outer Worlds
>Ninja Theory's Bleeding Edge
>More than 30 games shown off
I also want Nintendo to succeed but theres no way they will be able to match the awe of what Microsoft is gonna unveil.
>Nintendo leaves E3 six years ago and starts doing directs
>Everyone loves this new model of announcements
>Sony decides to drop out of E3
>"lol snoy has no gaems to show"
literally it's okay when Nintendo does
Nintendo wins by default every year
That stupid Mario party gif has pretty much immortalized the outcome of every past e3 and every future e3 to come.
Which face it - it will probably be dead in another few years. Microsoft is pretty much dead in the gaming industry, Nintendo abandoned ship long ago because they want to appeal to their audience instead of the slimey press, and Sony just copies Nintendo's homework by doing State of Play
nintendo didnt leave E3. they just cant rely on themselves to have a live announcement stream since they all speak moonrune. they still attend e3 and have nearly half of a convention hall dedicated to their lineup
Please name a single press conference that was actually at E3.
Nintendo hasnt been in the race for years, no one watches treehouse garbage.
>State of Play
I still can't get over this name. ABSOLUTE STATE OF SONY.
Thats not true at all, they have an american head. E3 showfllor is not E3 unless you attend, fucking idiot. You cannwatch any other feed and not see any Nintendo games being shown off.
Majority market share and the most games? Its a good place to be when the PS5 is going to dominate.
>Responding to blatant bait
Halo haven't been good since 3. Gears was never good. All those multiplats are best played on PC
Pretty much. Sure PS is gone but this means people are just gonna see more multiplat announcments at Microsoft's Conference. PC Gaming Expo thing is being sponsored by Epic so just expect tons of EGS exclusives.
Really what I'm looking forward to is Devolver showing more stuff of My Friend Pedro, the original flash game was pretty fun.