Why do people do this? How can you be so dedicated to a game you spend 130 days playing/idling it?
Why do people do this? How can you be so dedicated to a game you spend 130 days playing/idling it?
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what is idling steam hours.
debilitating autism
learn to read you stupid nigger
>buy a 50 cent VPN
>use a lower power JS script and idle for a month
damn that was hard
You idle with the game minimized and don't close it. Nobody's actually played the game more than 2 or 3 playthroughs retard.
Yes but WHY? My question isn't how, it's why would you even do that in the first place?
For what purpose?
That's not what I'm asking. Is this entire board fucking retarded?
The question is WHY, not how.
Your question is being answered. You don't need to be dedicated to a game to idle on it to get meme levels of hours played on it. Because it's not a hard thing to do.
The reading comprehension on this board is hilarious
speedrunning it probably
his obsession with this fucking goat is just a little unnerving
Okay so at this point it's not shit reading comprehension it's actually trolling.
I'm guilty. I have around 1700 hours on Undertale from idling when Toriel's reading near the fireplace, idk it's just really comfy and helps me sleep
are you dumb or just pretending?
underfags are autistically obsessed with their game grass is green what else is new
I can't see many other reasons to play Undertale for so long. maybe idling and using the game as background noise.
>all these retards explaining how to do it as if nobody knew but them instead of actually answer the question
autism is real
How much did he pay for this?
Because they can show of their hours to other as a meme, "haha look at me i played X for 3000 hours, aren't I quirky?". This isn't hard to comprehend and he pretty much answered you right there you retard.
That's sweet, user. You're sweet.
I gave my friends my steam login to play it
Because it's the only explanation we have other than a mental disorder. Yea Forums doesn't want to acknowledge that some people who play video games have mental disorders because of the DSM-VI
They probably left it on to take multiple naps. Quite reasonable for such a sleep inducing game.
Does it only bug me that people keep calling them goats? It's like when people kept referring to the legendary Johto beasts as dogs.
wtf are they if they aren't goats
Serious answer: people rack up insane hours on games like this just to make a user review on the store page that always says something to the effect of "it's okay I guess"
reminds of that one time someone linked the steam account of a guy who had like 3 years on undertale and was still playing it
Monsters. That, or discount Mimigas.
I mean you HAVE seen a goat before, right user?
yes and they are very clearly anthropomorphic goat people
are you gay or something bc i don't know a single straight guy that would do that
you are like a baby
watch this
Not him but I'm gay and just want a Toriel mommy because I grew up with a shitty abusive family and she's really therapeutic.
idk why people bother, I have a friend with 18k hours in nekopara
You mean the same Toriel who only takes in the child to replace her dead ones and will go so far to attack the same child for rightfully wanting to go back to their real home? The same Toriel that basically set up Asgore to do what he does?
Sorry, but even I wouldn't wish a mother like her on my worst enemy.
More like Mimiga ripoffs with horns.
I think he just means her comfy surface demeanor friend, not actually living in the UT universe and replicating all of it in full.
Then that makes them a bad judge of character...
Looking cuddly doesn't mean it's cuddly. Even a cobra looks peaceful....right before it strikes.
I have about 200 hours in Ys Origin because even though I thought I closed the game steam still considered me in-game and I didn't notice for a few days.
I never understood this until I got DMC HD Collection
I just leave it open minimized all day every day and jump in to do a mission or two every once in a while.
They're probably doing something similar.
OP, it seems you do not understand how powerful actual autism is.
There are guys with 1x thousand hours in Euro Truck.
maybe they like the music but don't want to fuck up their youtube recommendations or pirate the songs?
it's definitely just autism
>mfw i have more on dota and at best a good 1k is using it as a chat room
who else here move away from friends and family
There is an unconfirmed theory that Steam has algorithms like Youtube, where the longer you watch a video (or in this case play a game) the higher the video/game appears and the more often it appears as recommended to other people.
I have 12k hours on CSGO with a $16k inventory from investments and all I do anymore is play arms race or casual hostage. I wish I tried getting on a pro team back when I was better.
How does the realization that you wasted over a year of your life playing a game feel? My highest is around 1700 hours.
I genuinely don't regret it. I met some amazing people during that time and had a lot of fun, like I said my only regret is not trying to get into the pro scene. $1,000,000 sounds really nice.
How is that relevant though?
>You mean the same Toriel who only takes in the child to replace her dead ones
She takes in children that have fallen down into the underground where the only way out of through monsters that want to kill them.
>will go so far to attack the same child for rightfully wanting to go back to their real home?
Whether or not you agree with her using force, it's to keep them from getting themselves killed. She states flat out that everyone who's left her ends up getting killed; I'd say any parental figure has reasonable justification for using extreme measures to prevent a child from getting themselves killed.
>The same Toriel that basically set up Asgore to do what he does?
The only one who set up anyone was asgore himself for being too much of a pussy to take the first soul he got and go outside to collect more, which he could've done at anytime, but was perfectly willing to make everyone sit around for years and wait for humans to stumble into the underground as long as it made him feel less guilty.
god i wanna fuck that goat
Please see a therapist.
There is nothing wrong with liking cute goats ... sexually
Cute goats are for hugs not sexploitation
Ralsei admits that his entire existence involves serving Kris. That includes his sexual needs. Blame the dog's writing, not me
kris is a bitch i'll kill him
>tfw will never use his horns as handlebars
wtf does that even mean
for "funny" steam reviews mostly. it's not like it requires any effort.
He doesn't have a review for it
Imagine that this goat is sucking your dick. That should help you know what it means.
It's kinda old so probably tumblr or another Yea Forums thread. No idea who the artist is.
Well then just for the sake of it. Something like "hurr durr i really like X game so i want to have million hours on record"
Dunno not everything needs or can have really good logical reason behind it.
mental illness, the kind that attempts physical violence on other members of their fandom that disagree with their ships