

Attached: Azshara-Warcraft.jpg (5303x7500, 1.14M)

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bow to your Queen

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lol those heels sorta seem out of place don't you think?

sorry Azshara!

bare feet is patrician taste

based and feetpilled

what about these

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better, but as said, bare feet is true choice

>one of the most hyped villains of Warcraft
>finally get to fight her.. during the lowest point of the game's history
What a shame.


>Only good villain left in WoW
>Throwaway mid-expansion boss

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I didn’t vote for her

That's not how monarchy works. Usually.

wasn't she supposed to be blindingly beautiful?

Does anybody actually care about 8.2? Feels like even the biggest retail cuck gave up and moved to classic.

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pre-tentacle, yes
also that was probably bollocks because she was the Queen and all

didn't they datamine that she doesn't die quite just yet? maybe she can become the new kael

So is she confirmed for dying? Are we really pushing Azshara, fucking Azshara, the strongest Mage on Azeroth, a virtual demigod of the ocean, the bitch that had one of her PETS fetch the Lord of Water because she didn't care enough to do it herself, the bitch who's wipe mechanic in Cata was that she made you throw yourself off the arena, become some mid-boss to make way whatever stupid shit Sylvanas will be doing next patch?
Sorry but fucking what? What the fuck is this progression?
>You just killed the effective goddess of the oceans who was powerful enough to wipe out cities in a whim and duped an Old God into giving her power without her going gibbering insane!
>Now fight this barely held together corpse of a Hunter who once tried to fight a Death Knight in melee
I'm glad I dropped this stupid fucking game before hitting 120. Just wish I dropped it sooner.

i am a retail nigger with 900+ days played and 8.2 is nothing more than another 100 things to farm/grind

She used magic most of the time to charm people when her looks alone wouldn't work. The only person ever to not be charmed by her was Illidan, because of turbo autism.

how do you feel about classic friend?

>turbo autism


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I only didn't get rank 12-14, no 4H-KT kills, only 4k gold. I will just play classic casually to farm gold and pvp.

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>mid-expansion boss
At this point, I'm pretty sure Activision is ready to can WoW entirely...instead of firing Ion and all the friends keeping him in power. Grinding for a gear based resource is retarded. At least with Legion, we could instead focus on a weapon.

8.2 will save BfA

>At this point, I'm pretty sure Activision is ready to can WoW entirely...instead of firing Ion and all the friends keeping him in power
Activision WANTS to shut down WoW. Ti them they can't properly monetize it outside of sub fees, which at this point probably don't cover all the costs that are being thrown into the game. At this point they're fully behind Ion and his friends, because they know he's driving the game into the ground and it's getting closer and closer to a time when they can shut it down for good and move the devs onto something else. Classic won't even last three months, at best.

She doesn't die in her encounter, and her death animation shows her collapsing but still breathing. She probably dies in the cutscene that follows afterwards.

I want to marry and impregnate a Night Elf

>One of the biggest lore figures and fan favorite villains in WoW
>Relegated to a mid-expansion boss at the lowest point in the game's history

She deserved better

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What a brave soul

not based yet redpilled

Deathwing also deserved better than Dragon Soul

What was it?

OP completely nude

At least Dragon Soul was the last Cata raid, and had a three-dungeon build-up to it.

nude version of OP pic

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>Almost caused the destruction of the world through Sundering



>when she sees your dick

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They can't help it, it's in their DNA

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She is also responsible for leading the Burning Legion to Azeroth.

that power slide is so retarded

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gott in himmel

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These are just porn threads.

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But Sargeras did nothing wrong.

She sure is the queen of smug.

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>oh look another villain who wants to conquer Azeroth and will be stopped by the amazing champions of the Horde/Alliance
WoW story is so fucking trash

>oh look another villain who wants to conquer Azeroth
Azshara already did that once, she got bored with it.

that's the story since inception

Fuck WoW and fuck Blizzard.

So bored with it she's at it again. They could have developped a nice story with her alliance with Illidan. But nooooo gotta keep making stories and shitty books about self-insert such as thrall, rhonin, jaina, anduin

>So bored with it she's at it again.
She isn't, there's something fishy (no pun intended) going on with what she's doing, as most of what she says in the raid is hinting at N'zoth actually wanting the adventurers to come to him. Azshara is just playing hostess to make it happen.
There's some rough theories out there that N'zoth has seen everything that will happen and has already happened, and he's the one who directed Azshara to send Vashj to help Illidan and make sure he ends up where he did

I want to make half-elves with her.

My BHC is fully erected for this image. Damn!

imagine a threesome with Aszhara and Tyrande

I'd never want to get out of that bed


Elf women are for Human men. Doesn't matter what fantasy setting you're talking about, it's always the case.

>Ywn turn to serving Azshara and enslave all the retards in the Horde and Alliance before helping her double-cross N'zoth and lock him away forever, while you remain as one of her favored liutenants
Fuck Blizzard, Sylvanas and Anduin can go suck off an Ogre, Azshara's the only true monarch of Azeroth.

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man cant handle such pleasure

I hate Azshara but it angers me that Sylvanas is paid more attention to than her.
Why does Blizzard has such a boner for the banshee? She is a terrible character.

Right now, most Warcraft characters deserve better than being trapped in WoW.

One of the lead writers literally has her as a waifu. He self-inserted himself as Nathanos, then proceeded to make him the only person she fully trusts or cares about, because he does everything she says and believes she can do nothing wrong.
WoW's story has literally turned to fanfiction for writers to prop up their favorite characrers and fellate them. At least there's still porn for it.

user, please don't say fantasies like these. They are TOO much.

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Why are elves, especially Windrunners, so obsessed with human dick
Is human dick that good?

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>was squeezed between them but moved out to do the picture

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>There's a 3D porn game parody of Warcraft being made by some crazy russian guy with a Draenei fetish right now that has more cohesion and continuity than modern WoW
The absolute state of Blizzard.

In making her his waifu, he has Garroshed her harder than Garrosh himself.
Kind of fucking funny how comically evil she is now

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I want to put a baby in Tyrande while Azshara holds her down.

But alternative not having him, is literally everything being about alliance, and not alliance races, just humans
Did you missed this gem?
>Shani began by saying that Tides of Vengeance gave the team its chance to “tell a little bit of Tyrande’s story” but that the focus in Nazjatar is going to shift to delve into other characters and to see more of what Sylvanas and Anduin are up to.
>“I think she had her moment where we told some of her story and she got her revenge for the Night Elves. I don’t think we’re exploring her story too much more in Nazjatar though.” Shani said.
>Morgan picked up the conversation. “The problem is there is so much to be told. Everyone has characters they want to expand on, but we also want to introduce new ones and to find ways to weave those stories together. With Rise of Azshara, the emphasis is on Jaina and Azshara herself. They are the focus. There’s just so much happening.”
Tyrande isn't part of Azshara in 8.2 because she was in 8.1 warfront, and Jaina needs even more focus and cinematics

Space a thought for those of us who were waifuing her all the way back to Warcraft 3: Frozen Throne, and now have to sit and watch her being flanderised into the character she is now.

It's a truly, uniquely awful kind of feel.

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>In making her his waifu, he has Garroshed her harder than Garrosh himself.
Nah, it was Golden
She wants to push Sylvanas being wrong so much, that she writes how LorThemar screams about Baine being heart of horde, kneels before jaina and orders you to kill sunreavers to protect her

I imagine it's like being a Danyfag, but with less of a slope. She's always been morally ambiguous, but she's never been quite this genocidal

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>Implying she'll be killed off
Mark my words, in the next expansion Sylvanas will have escaped the Horde and Alliance (with Nathanos in tow), before forming a third faction of new-Forsaken made up from undead from all the races, as well as some other seedier organizations lime the Cult of the Damned (Kel'thuzad is back, and Sylvanas tricks/threatens him into serving her) and the remains of Twilight's Hammer (Who, after Sylvanas swoops in and kills N'zoth, worship her as a new Old God). And to top it all off, her new factiom will also get Ogres and Ethereals, just to entice people into playing it.

Part of the reason of why Elven women crave human cock so much, is because human males are willing to do the risky and dirty job and their libido is higher than that of the male elves.
Thus, making them much better lovers in their eyes.

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That sounds fucking retarded
And I actually believe Nu-Blizz would do something like that. Jesus christ, how far they've fallen
>My nigga Kel'thuzad serving this genocidal cunt laden with more plot armor than a Stark
Perish the thought

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TOP KEK. Does ANYONE ever die in that shit game?

Also, male elves tend to be flamboyant faggots
>Varian never took the opportunity to plow Valeera's fresh fields
He must have been saving her for his son

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night elf pusy

>Giving a fuck about anything other than Silvermoon staying safe
Remember that time he told Alleria to shut the fuck up the moment she so much as mentioned the Alliance, and then proceeded to immediately banish her forever when accidentaly got too close to the Sunwell, even after she'd been gone for dozens of years in Azeroth time, and thousands in Argus time?

People die all the time
They just don't stay that way

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She's a sacrifice to break the chains of n'zoth, you bringing the heart of azeroth into the titan facility is the undoing, she guards is the doorway.

Well, this is Golden we talking about, it's not like she cares about characters or something

They aren't. Please stop this cuckshit. The Windrunner sisters were written by dumb self-insert writers and then you get the odd and rare couple here and there. It is overall incredibly rare.
This is your own cuck-fanfiction and nothing more.

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>muh human dick shitposting again
These threads are the worst.

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>Absolutely SEETHING elf fag
Are you mad because your females would rather fuck other races than your skinny ass?

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All Sylvanas is doing right now is making both Horde and Alliance stronger.

1. Jaina is back with all her magical prowess
2. Kul Tiras is back in the Alliance.
3. Tyrande embraced the Night Warrior aspect of the Elune.
4. Baine and Saurfang are making a stand at what they believe in.
5. Thrall is back.
6. Zandalari are allied with the Horde.

>Ours is a cycle of hatred, alliances forged and broken. We have paid the price for sharing this world, and we have forgotten what makes us strong.

Thanks to the war we're getting stronger. It's "just as planned".

>Azshara sacrifices herself to free N'zoth
>N'zoth uses his Old God powers to resurrect her right there anyway

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>can only get the dwarf cock out of his mouth for enough time to utter 1 syllable

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You base your perception of warcraft elves entirely on pornography. Half-elves are rare. Elven and human couples are rare. Deal with it.

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During alliance war campaign, 10000 years old night elf ranger admits that humans have unlimited potential and she'l will never be as good at forest warfare as some 7th legion human archer,
And no, I'm not joking.

Only the Windrunners.

Is that the one where Not-Rambo comes out of retirement (again) and he and Shandris go around shanking a bunch of trolls?



you can't just say that and not tell at least the name to look it up

most elf men are bumbling idiots,
that includes the Quel'dorei, Kaldorei and Shal'dorei. The women are the ones that get things done, whether it be Tyrande, Sylvanas, Thalyssra etc.

It's amazing how easy you can measure the overall writing quality of a fantasy world when you just look at how they write elves. And you can count on the retarded waifufags on being the worst at it.

Chronicles of Alexstrazsa/Tails of Azeroth
I'd advise just looking up videos of the porn, the story is a little better than nu-WoW mostly due to being a parody, but the actual gameplay is long at best and annoying at worst. Be warned it's also made in Unreal, so mileage may vary if you do go ahead with it.
f95zone has most of the newer and better looking 'episodes'.

>talking shit about Illidan, Malfurion, Kael'thas, Anasterian, Lor'themar

you are one dumb shit

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>Illidan "i can't do anything right" Stormrage
>Malfurion "I'm not gonna do fucking anything for my entire life" Stormrage
>Kael'thas "I'm gonna sell everyone out to anyone who is stronger than me" Sunstrider
>Anasterian "Fuck the Alliance lol" Sunstrider
>Lor'themar "I'm the most useless and forgettable racial leader, and i'm going to do nothing but kiss ass" Theron
Nice try, faggot

This what has Lor'themar ever actually done?

Killed his own people for the Jaina in 8.2

hori shit
>female protagonist

I love my wife Jaina

>Led the assault on the Isle of Thunder back in MoP, in which he called Jaina a cunt and told her to get out of his way
>Later brought her along into Y'Shaarj's Vault, called her a cunt again, and then had her teleport them and the players to Orgrimmar for the Siege
>Showed up for Garrosh's trial, in which he called Sylvanas a cunt and laughed when he assassination attempt blew up in her face
>Called Alleria a cunt right after she returned to Silvermoon after years and years of fighting demons elsewhere. Kicked her out of the city within just a few minutes of her arrival.
>Probably fucked Liadrin, and would have put a baby im her if she wasn't bareen from all her pent-up WRATH


If you like Draenei it's worth it. Be warned that early episodes use the older models, and as such look a bit like crap.

Blue is Best or whatever has a BHC protagonist.

looking /fa/ af

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I give you that.

>shitting out random statements about unreal things that can't be proven in any way whatsoever

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Oddly enough, that's the one with Azshara too.

>cuck who let some shitty windchime tell him that he couldn't be together with his waifu

Some human

>Implying you wouldn't fuck her monster form

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Reminder that Anduin is going to marry and impregnate Valeera.

you mean jaina? marry the kul'tiran and stormwind royalty together for a giant co monarchy

I want to put a baby in Jaina so I can't blame him

Why do WoWfags even know she exists? She was only in the Sundering books

best girl

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She's an incel

She's so perfect

Arthas dicked her so hard she never wanted another man

isn't she constantly mentioned since forever?
>statue of azshara
>azshara did this/that
>muh elf queen that called the legion
also part of a dungeon

theres an entire zone named azshara as well

She broke up with Kalec, and she's more focused on fucking the Horde than dick right now
And impregnating herself on Anduin's dick

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>She broke up with Kalec
fuck of Christine
Jaina only ever had Arthas' dick

>Arthas's massive cock ruined her for normal sized people to the point that she has to fuck a magical dragon to feel full again
I miss him

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She was fighting a dude on a horse armed with a sword, theoretically a powerslide should have let her slip beneath his reach but apparently Arthas can stretch his arms like rubber and somehow managed to stab an object 3 feet off the ground from horseback.

You'd die unironically...man is not designed to withstand such temptations.... and Alexstraza is better

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I liked War Crimes

>Barren, stretched out old slut
>The Dreamer
The choice is obvious, really

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>fucked arthas
>fucked a dragon
>fucked an orc
>probably made favors to old kirin tor for good grades

I was with her until she sent assassins after Thrall.
What the fuck.

Thrall was too busy jerking off with the elements to get any kind of pussy until he became literal Jesus

she's dead ;_;

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>gets corrupted
>we never see her in a sexy corrupted Night Elf form
>no good porn of her in said form being bred by Xavius
it's not fucking fair

>implying she didn't do some cultural exchange with others before changing her peace boner for her DISMANTLE boner

the powerslide was to kill 2 random undead without her realizing she ended too close to arthas
dual wielding rangers are still stupidly anime so fuck whoever keeps writing that crap

Bless the HotS devs.

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Jesus Christ!

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TFT Sylvanas was peak Sylvanas but Cata Sylvanas was pretty good too.

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Illidan "I Defeated Warcraft Satan Despite Everyone Who Should Be Helping Me Trying To Kill, Exile or Imprison Me Until The Last Second" Stormrage you mean?

i need a source brother

Where would one even begin to...

I fucking love the HOTS devs and their TONED fethis, even if I never palyed their game
now post tyrande

but he didn't, just trapped himself with it for eternity

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>Well we're doing a whole night elf druid zone so we gotta have Ysera right?
>Ehhhh but then we'd have to redo her model to meet censorship quotas
>Just keep her in dragon form and kill her off in a single questline then

I love my wife Lana!

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i get that the stress of leadership made anasterian age more quickly but goddamn they turned lor'themar into a grandpa overnight, also those earrings look stupid

I take left
dunno, there is something on those open leg dress/skirt whatever they are called that gets me going more than the sexiest lingerie

if you've been genocide crusading for millions of years and suddenly your army is destroyed, and you cannot genocide crusade anymore because you are trapped forever, you have been defeated

now I need one with alduin as the prince and genn as grimsby

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How did he do it?

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and it wasn't even him that trapped it, he just stayed inside

pure alpha Chad

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I wish there was somebody over there in charge of writing that had Greymane as his favourite character then.

>Gilneas has been unused since Cataclysm

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Arthas would have made for a 11/10 Stacie.

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Reminder that Sylvanas is getting the GROM treatment, not GARROSH'd.

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I want to impregnate

yet another comfy warcraft thread

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I heard that they simple seal her inside the palace

My wife on the left

So they just store her away for WoW 2, just like Bolvar and Sargeras?

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>Implying Azshara isn't a self-insert from the books

They need to drop the faction nonsense already so I can have a Blood Elf wife as a Human.

you can be a void elf and communicate with blood elves.

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Yes, what you her to die instead?

The meaning behind the name Chad we all use here on Azeroth reserved for the name Genn.

Elf-on-Elf is fucking boring.

I'd like a Void Elf wife, though.

>we'll never get high quality models in wow
>instead we are stuck with women running the art team giving us bullshit like pic related
kill me

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Don't you guys have fat???

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I've wanted to play an Ethereal Mage ever since TBC

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I-I just wanted Vykrul women...

TBC really was the best expansion

if you keep spewing bullshit like that then I can understand why you want to die.
Ethereal are true neutral

the in game models exist but you don't really want them. You think you do but you don't.

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Big titted knife ears with bedroom eyes. That's all.

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He already Golden's pet, third after Jaina and Anduin

>was squeezed between them but moved out to do the picture
I don't know why that's making me laugh as hard as it is

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I want to marry and impregnate her.

>Focusing on the tits when her hips and thighs are fucking 20/10
It's like you enjoy sucking dick

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Say what you want about WoW writers but them turning Elves into breeding slut for their human/orcs masters is the best thing that happened in the lore.

I can only hope that she will not outright kill him.
I mean she loves to kill characters. She killed off Knaak's characters, he even wrote her on twitter about it

not him.
>posts admiration of female feature
fuck off, furfag.

That's what human girls are for. God, I wish human girls were real.

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>I'm not allowed to post cute Lili's
>I'm not allowed to find other parts of the body attractive, and challenge the poster on his position

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>>I'm not allowed to find other parts of the body attractive, and challenge the poster on his position
Nowhere did I say this, retard.

They didn't. Give me direct quotes if you actually want to say something about the lore. Only quotes, citations and not your own cuck fanfiction.

God I wish I had a tall, muscular, big titty night elf GF lile that

By telling him to fuck off and mocking his post, you are inherently denying his position
Stop being a cunt and just post scantily clad Wow sluts

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>Human females will never exist in our lifetime
It hurts

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I want to impregnate a Human

He started insulting people, he's the cunt.

Windrunner sisters.
Belves joining the powerful Orcs cauz they are bored of their weak males.
Nelves like Tyrande ("chosen by Elune"), not making any child also means that the Orcs are breeding them. Hence why they are loosing all of their territory so fast.
The rest of them are sluts in the streat of stormwind.

It's called banter, retard
Welcome to Yea Forums, enjoy your stay

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I want to make her a mother

>Grass grows
>Wind blows
>Things will eat other things
>Windrunners will only fuck humans
There are very few constants in life, but that is one of them

>Malf is such a faggot he would rather fuck trees than fuck Tyrande
it's a shame the REAL Night Elf leader died, he wouldn't put up with that kind of faggotry

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>"Tyrande has no idea how to lead our people"
>Turns her into his personal breeding bitch and gets her out of the way by making her too pregnant to lead

>You will never fight the filthy Horde with your human female paladin wife, and then go home and impregnate her
Why even live

We didn't deserve Staghelm, and we lost him because we took him for granted
This is the future we deserve

Faebelina is pure.

user you should have respected these quints more. Aside from the Windrunner sisters wow three! was it all cuck fantasies. I'm disappointed.

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considering they are like 2 miters tall its big for them but still.

Elf shit aside when are we getting buff as fuck troll berserkers dual wielding throwing axes? We got zandalari even though they were "evil" In MoP surely they can asspull some forest trolls joining too.
>new troll here!
>you want axe?

god i love warcraft girls i quite literally cannot stop fapping to them

You will NEVER have your head smashed in between their assess.

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I've been here longer than you, roody poo candy ass nigger. I'm just sick of this stupid "if your fetish for a woman is different to my fetish for a woman you're gay" shit. But keep defending something dumb to try and fit in.
>Welcome to le epic Yea Forums
Final (you), not reading next reply.


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yet another NoFap streak of 2 weeks foiled because of word of warcraft

You seem mad

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Why won't anyone do something about this?
All the waifus are gonna die

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She has no bulge. Is this a dream?


what the fuck is up with that Anduin guy? Didn't he get trained by some rogue elf bitch? Why the fuck is he running in like a fucking warrior?

It's implied user.
There's a reason why the most xenophobic race bows to some young human male.
Shandris for exemple goes on a rant while talking to an other elf about how human male are so great and the ultimate proof that Night Elves are the equals of humans.
She's so much addicted to the human cock, that she abandons darkshore (despite being a general) to follow the human males of the 7th legion.

i don't get why the mods don't let us post some 1950s level playboy cheese in these threads.
outright hardcore porn i understand. but when we are allowed to spam nigger and faggot but one little boobie leads to a 3 day ban it is fucking dumb to adhere to some idea of sfw.

Attached: anduin.png (695x466, 578K)

Can't be helped

>YWN grab her horns and use them for handles as you facefuck her

Attached: 1457095664632.jpg (1000x2999, 763K)

who else just wants a draenei to rest her balls and horsecock on your head while you sleep

Attached: 1552408592512.jpg (800x800, 333K)

Dude his character is weird. He was a priest, then a paladin, then a warroir then a rouge then a battle priest the dudes more than double dipping he needs to fuck off with buying class changes i dont pay fucking taxes in SW for him to keep doing that shit.

>Has a hardon for Draenei
>Had a crush on his dwarf bodyguard before she died
Anduin is going to make Azeroth great again by uniting the Alliance and Horde by fucking literally everything
Starting with Valeera

Attached: 1516925485988.jpg (800x1280, 706K)

I want to make halflings with a Draenei wife.

This is kinda off-topic, but am I the only one who enjoys seeing same-race porn of fantasy races? Maybe it's my autism about world building and lore, but the whole race cuck circle jerk is real tiresome. The exception is canon interracial couples or heavily implied ones, but the old "orc rape human" even if it's fem orc on male human seems so played out to me.

Attached: 1556745794203.jpg (720x732, 92K)

Valeera was practically made for him, and it upsets me that Blizzard doesn't see that.

>when she mind controls the entire party and triggers your fetish at the wrong time

Yeah you're the only one.

If I masturbate to WoW porn I can only get off to Night Elf women being conquered and bred by Orcs. The "they're supposed to be hated enemies" aspect makes it hotter.

never played WoW but I've read a shitload of Jaina/Sylvanas fanfiction. That is all

I like fantasy interracial shit personally, but I won't judge man. I mostly like the rapey stuff

I understand where you are coming from, but I must call you a faggot for ever getting tired of Fem orc on male human

>It's implied user
Nope, it's just your brain on pornography. Please learn to keep porn and actual lore separated.

Yea supposed only : Tyrande is wet for Broxigar and submits to Thrall.

literally the best way to peace.
humans get pickings of every species.

Anduin will marry Taelia Fordragon, heir to the Frozen fucking Throne.

Attached: taelia_06.jpg (3514x4610, 1.94M)

>Varian won't dick her because he think's she is too young, and is still mourning his wife
>Literally the perfect age for his son
There is so much potential for Valeera, and it's going to be wasted for this fucking Fordragon slut

Attached: 1533053410365.jpg (620x624, 82K)

Okay, give me the "canon" reason why Shandris is so impressed by a human male that she abandons one the most prominent aspect of Night Elf's characterization and is even brags about it?
Why does she abandon Darkshore when the Nelves are on the verge of losing Kalimdor forever?

Hetero couples aren't very progressive. The womyn writers at blizzard HQ would like to remind you that everyone in the universe is canonically gay since Legion.

and why the fuck did he not fuck valeera

How can you guys still care about the fiesta that is WoW's "lore"
It had gone to shit as early as BC but at least back then the devs didnt feel confident enough to force it down everyones throat, now it's all just so fucking obvious and shameless, it's lower than fanfiction tier bullshit crammed in every single patch for fucking ever in an embarassingly bad overarching narrative everyone's supposed to care about. Seriously, how.

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Anduin is golden's son. She won't make him gay.

This. With the Void being the next expansion, if we dont ge Pick-A-Side Etherals like Pandas did, I'll rage

why would he? why not yrel instead?

>Go from a boring mary sue in WOD to purging orc filth from Draenor
I hope she fucking nuked Grommash from orbit

Attached: 1501886412289.png (500x750, 372K)

No more milkies when classic rolls around, but it's still worth it

Attached: Spring19Com07XL.png (2636x1942, 3.73M)

Well, there are cow tits

Attached: 1520465808080.png (566x653, 136K)

Probably because she is written by some dumb self-insert writer that deliberately writes elves as shit as possible to waifu them easier.
She is one person. The "most promonent aspect of Night Elf's characterization" is still there and proving you wrong. Just masturbate to the porn, get over it and stop talking dumb shit.

sylvanas barely shows up you retard. jaina is the one in every cutscene and area including the azshara fight


Attached: draeneidairy.jpg (1044x528, 92K)

Draenei are furry adjacent, user, they have hooves and everything

Attached: 1523202226489.png (900x1273, 1.21M)

The writers are the one who make the lore. Not you and your shitty headcanon.
I already provided plenty of arguments while all you did was deny even saying that the writers were in the wrong.
Get rekt.
Shandris is wet at the sight of Keeshan and even joins the SI : 7 for him while leaving her sisters getting raped by powerful Orcs.

Strange women in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government.
>you thought me beautiful once
>honey, you got real ugly

the line between furries and aliens like the draenei are so thin i just follow whatever makes my cock rock hard.
if that make me a furry i don't care.

>sudenly it turns into those porn games where you have to lose to get to the action

Attached: 155896723217.jpg (478x478, 69K)

>The writers are the one who make the lore
Yes, and it's not happening. The fact that you have to use conjecture and your own smutfics prove you wrong. This is your logic on porn:
>elves all do this
>one elf doesn't
>that means all elves don't do it
It's not a proof in the slightest. If your interracial breeding camps or whatever other disgusting shit you masturbate to would actually happen, then they would let you know.
Pornography ruins you

Still forsaken territory
>Someone's pet

Elves must be purged.

Attached: 1zandalaripaladin.png (811x900, 818K)

Magatha's a bitch

She's either gonna die by willingly sacrificing herself to free N'zoth, or being sacrificed against her will to free N'zoth.
Either way blizzard have set the narrative so that literally every single thing Azshara and the naga have ever done since she made the deal with N'zoth has been, whether she knew it or not, all done for the sole purpose of powering whatever contraption is holding N'zoth with azerite so he can get out.
10,000 years of waiting, plotting, scheming, warring, and being a living reminder of your own failure as a leader just so you could eventually bait a few dickheads with magical necklaces into your house so they can unwittingly free a squid.
Thanks you blizzard, very cool!

>heart around anduin
fuck this dried up hobbit and her surrogate son self insert


Attached: Dreadlord Jaina.jpg (455x658, 307K)

I didn't vote for her

Attached: 1584959832.jpg (500x440, 44K)

What a piece of stretched out garbage
Imagine some perma virgin is actually fapping to this shit lmao

>Forsaken Territory
Sylvanas fuckin bailed out of the eastern kingdoms when she bombed Lordaeron. All it would take is a few crusaders and BAM, Gilneas is good


Attached: D7gTIvmXkAA0vOf.jpg (800x732, 93K)

because every other aspect fo the game sucks even more than the lore

Yeah I don't get it. Most of WoW mods are this hyperinflated garbage, I understand some of the mods but not this garbage.

God dammit, you plebs have no appreciation for the finer points of erotic romance and the pure storylines same-race relations can offer.
>orc couple whose bloodlust on the battlefield turns into regular lust on the battlefield
>night elf couple reunited after years of him being gone in the emerald dream, the two reigniting the flames of passion that have kept them together for centuries
>undead couple hate fucking each other every day, their twisted nature reflected in the degenerate acts they perform on one another
>tauren couple just recently united in marriage by the rights of their tribe spending their first night together out on the plains
>dwarven couple whose been married for years enjoying a night together after another routine day at the forge, their bond as strong as the steel they smelt
>troll couple getting it on like Woodstock hippies, high on voodoo and the feeling of the moment
>Worgen couple that get overcome by the curse when near each other and literally fuck like animals
>human couple where one is a noble of Stormwind and the other is a scrappy defias traitor, their forbidden love complicated by the politics of the realm
The whole world could tell me I'm wrong but I won't stop believing my taste is superior to the casuals who lack vision and get off to simplistic cuck shit.

Attached: 1522929530488.png (308x319, 163K)

She also may be a daughter of Calia Menethil, which would make her an heir to the throne of Lordaeron.

Attached: Yoga.jpg (698x739, 36K)

I want a Panda wife

God I really hope that wasn't what was being set up with her husband and kid. Just let Calia be undead in peace, Golden

now that you put it that way it does sound pretty hot.

>Areiel : "t's a shame you're fighting alongside this filthy human, Shandris! Such short, insignificant lives. I am destined to live for eternity, I will not die here!"
>Shandris : "You should have died a long time ago, Areiel. We're here to see that happens. Even in your final moments, you fail to see the true potential of humans."

Your post is exactly how I felt about the Lich King and long before they began digging up lore to make it into the newest skinnerbox boss lewt fest I had told buddies back in BC it would eventually become. Heroes into villains, figures who killed unfathomable quantities of combatants into the latest 5 man raid.

>Shandris Feathermoon says: Elf, human, we are all equal, Keeshan. No one of us is more valuable than the other.


>undead couple hate fucking
Not only do the undead have zero sex drive but having relationships with one another thats more than just "we are the same race so I supposed I shouldn't kill you and eat you" is too far fetched.

Yeah, what a horrible piece of writing. But it doesn't object to anything I said. One character. It's not happening.

Literally the commander of the sentinels user.
If it wasn't for the Humans the Night Elves would have been slaughtered by the Orcs right before vanilla.

This has nothing to do with what I said. Nothing. You don't know how to argue. One character. It's not happening.

Attached: Tyrande.jpg (841x951, 125K)

Then give exemples of current female Nelves attracted to a Nelf male?

I wish she was real

Attached: 1556202144526.gif (294x318, 2.58M)

I want to impregnate

>The rest of Blizz is laden with social justice
>HOTS remains wholesome, and obsessed with tits, ass, hips and thighs
We don't deserve them

Attached: 1457279929468.jpg (1852x1774, 539K)

Elves are obsessed with all dick. They're a race of sluts. They just love dicks of all kinds.

no ain't gonna work, warcraft 3 made me immune to this bitch.

Attached: tyrande.webm (439x376, 830K)

No one likes Tyrande. She's just good as a breeding bitch.

The old guard are on HOTS and it shows

nelves had the largest army of all the playable factions in vanilla. Remember that the other factions had been decimated, especially the orcs with their grand total of a handful of ships worth of population

t. haven't played WoW.

Night Elf women are for breeding with non-Elves.


Attached: nothingwrong.png (480x360, 356K)

why the fuck would I do that? It turned to shit after TFT

Attached: Maiev_The_Warden.jpg (1082x1644, 1.11M)


Why are the HotS versions of WoW songs so fantastic?

Attached: white boy dance.gif (371x470, 1.9M)

I don't know why you talked about vanilla then.
In vanilla nelf submits to the humans cauz they can't do shit against the orcs who invaded Ashenvale.

Why is night elf woman (female) x draenei woman (female) the combo that makes my peepee the hardest?

You like women? I'm sorry to tell you this...but you might be straight.

Because Night Elves are stereotyped as xenophobic and Draenei are walking embodiments of purity.

It's like if a sexy Asian girl had sex with very hot member of the Church.

because the factually had the largest army back then, them joining the alliance is purely for gameplay purposes and the lore bends over backwards to accommodate that

>night elves

Haven't been that way for years.

>HOTS remains wholesome, and obsessed with tits, ass, hips and thighs
So does Overwatch

No. He's a priest who's had to start leading armies so he wears armour and carries a sword now. He might be considered a holy paladin, but seeing as he's still got some shadow priest stuff up his sleeve I'd say it's best to just treat him as a priest in plate.

Remember, NPCs don't have to fit perfectly into PC classes.

elves have been designed over many years now to be sexually attractive to us

Draenei is a bit more specific, for me personally they're basically a blue tint succubus with a qt accent

Yeah but imagine if they let a draenei into the sentinels. Imagine all the pent up energy they would release into the draenei hahaha maybe blizzard should animate something about it hahaha.

We even got a night elf paladin now

I need to breed with a Draenei while being leglocked and holding hands.

If only there weren't so many ugly niggers like Doomfist and Baptiste. Briggite is prime breeding material

Attached: 1523058602255.jpg (650x950, 422K)

>Strange women in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government.
king arthur would like to have a word with you.
then again he was cucked by his own knight so you might be right.

Is this a real tweet? Can you link it?

The next expansion should've been themed around her, but Blizzard didn't have the balls after the backlash tryhards who play on mute while listening to Slipknot gave Vashj'ir.

Attached: 01.jpg (1280x720, 114K)

Is there ANY pre-World of Warcraft character that got a decent sendoff in WoW?

more draenei pls

People in general did not like the underwater zone of Catalysm, and you want an entire expansion around that?
Maiev, Illidan?

No. I can only think of Maiev but it's because she didn't have a lot of exposure.
Illidan was ruined by the retcon of Legion.

>tfw no big-tittie draenei gf to give you a handjob while you suck her milkies

Attached: goat_titty_suk2.png (1360x537, 898K)


>beauty mark on her breast
God DAMNIT now I have to fucking fap

>Illidan was ruined by the retcon of Legion.

> tfw nofap

Attached: 1460362573323.png (450x443, 102K)



good luck :^)

Dreanei girls can be over 8" tall, are you sure you could handle that?

Attached: 1533062757913.jpg (724x1024, 86K)

God Draenei women were literally built from the ground up for breeding.


Attached: c7bf9c47-7bf4-4900-b49a-01950408b2a5.png (700x1096, 333K)

you can't break me user, I'm saving myself for that girl that might date me

I have a tall girl fetish, actually, that's the main thing I like about them.

Yes. Vengeance for Rhastakhan.

who does these anyway?

Attached: 1555185288142.png (878x695, 329K)

I wanted to ask for full pic, but expected that there is none
very nice

>Dreanei girls can be over 8" tall
I should hope so, otherwise they'd be really fucking small.

That fujoshi who won't finish the TF2 comics because of toxic masculinity.

I like a tall woman who can make me feel safe and protected.

but if you nofap you'll insta-nut inside her

You are both brain dead

Yrel and Genn would make a great genocide team.

Attached: 1557948782598.jpg (1024x1629, 145K)

I would do anything for my Draenei wife.

gotta heal my dick of death grip syndrome

>Illidan was ruined by the retcon of Legion.
Yes, but what was the alternative? Do you even know why we fought him in BC?

They are not that tall. They are more like 6 and a half. The men are around 7.

Why the fuck would Thrall's Horde invade Ashenvale.

Golden "redeemed" Genn though, he doesn't hate forsaken at all anymore and only has problem with Sylvanas, and generally ready to forgive her if he will see that she's really regrets her actions in Gilneas


Attached: tumblr_inline_po71t68lQZ1qikdr9_500.png (500x451, 116K)

Where did i praise TBC?
Retcons are always bad, especially in this case.
It felt like Illidan was an entirely different character.

Average dreanei girls are clearly over 7 feet since Nightelf girls are 7 feet on average and Dreanei are taller.
And some are taller than average.

Attached: 1528186499204.jpg (778x1100, 186K)

official valve artist

Attached: j76.jpg (694x729, 141K)

i feel you bro

What the fuck is that.....

Attached: kGTo4Fj.png (2198x641, 1.35M)

Joke characters shouldn't be a big part of a campaigns

So how fat is your ass that you manage to pull that much shit from it?
I didn't say you praised TBC, all I said was that the alternative was to end Illidan's story with TBC.

You don't know.....but she's about to GUARANTEE you find out.

Attached: DZeoUaFWkAAzRAC.jpg (1036x1200, 83K)

remember when Blizzard turned Uldum into one big Indiana Johns joke

The average Draenei girl is literal perfection.

But you're not allowed to hate a character that's been in the game since Vanilla.

Attached: 3123123123.jpg (1000x1024, 100K)

Look at those fucking thighs.

Attached: 1554145824826.jpg (365x340, 35K)

I don't get it : How does bringing Illidan back mean that he had to be retconned?

WoW heights are not to scale or are you telling me the average Lordearon human is way over 6 feet?
If you read some of the books you'd know that some of the other heights they use for the game are wrong aswell.


Attached: 1550074546291.jpg (266x190, 7K)

Then what about the girls who are above average?
The way I see it, it was either
>let Illidan's story end with TBC
>Bring him back in Legion but some retcons will have to occur
I mean him being alive in itself is a retcon

You're goddamn right.

Attached: 1557018959547.gif (226x326, 1.98M)

So what references do you have for saying that the average draenei female is 8 feet? As for humans, they are descendants of vrykul.

They already brought back plenty of characters w/o retconning them like Gul'dan. Again i don't get why a retcon was necessary.

This is your new Warchief. Ugh, what was his name again?

Attached: who.png (300x415, 220K)

They're perfection squared.

>brainwash dissenting citizens into supporting you in BC
>get upset when sylvanas does it to an enemy
is he jewish?

Kael'thas is the one who had the brainwashing thing going on, you're getting that confused with the fact that when Lor'themar was compelled to speak his mind at a public meeting he said he wanted to go back to the Alliance.

kys hes a non character that has no value dont forgot hes the biggest sue His body hurts when he does something wrong, Velen bows to him, and he communicates with the spirits and sees the future.

>grow half a foot

Underrated understanding.

The average dreanei female isn't 8 feet.
A tall one could be that height though.

Attached: 1550959758351.jpg (2480x3507, 1.42M)


>for fantasy monsters

Dont post again you moron

Attached: 1554925501196.gif (300x169, 2.67M)

I just want a Draenei wife, why can't they be real

>inb4 he becomes a god-tier character that has powers of all classes in the game and saves/cleanses Azeroth through asspulls bnha Deku style
screenshot this just in case, you niggers

Attached: 1558461829946.jpg (931x529, 87K)

We could be playing Buff Amazonians but instead we're playing Margret the Store Rep.

Attached: 1558281471556m.jpg (1024x810, 183K)

To all those pointing at Forsaken being taller than Stormwind Humans.
Maybe Lordaeron were taller? Maybe some different genes, something similar to Kul Tiran being bigger.

Attached: 1552484292332.png (600x483, 223K)

kael wasn't even there

I got you cowered

Attached: World_of_Warcraft_-_Player_Model_Height_Chart.jpg (3840x1267, 591K)

>Make a race of monster hunters with the men being ripped as fuck
>For some reason the women are obese

Attached: 1516092413263.jpg (249x249, 13K)

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>people trying to force the manduin meme when he's a basedboy

This entire thread must be purged

Attached: arthas.gif (186x134, 1.59M)

So does Azshara lay eggs or what?

Attached: 19C73E85-D3FE-4144-A5A1-E5BAAC77907C.jpg (1620x1080, 334K)

Post more cute/sexy draenei

Attached: 1522225322898.jpg (752x1063, 137K)

So any female Draenei?

There is some lore discussion, but yeah, primarily it's always an attempt at a porn thread.

Male Kul Tirans are kino aesthetics

Attached: 1534575958420.png (625x555, 619K)

Pretty much

Attached: 1517938092126.png (1024x843, 634K)

>Kul Tiran males

Purge those toenails first, filthy zandalari nigger

is this an in-game model?
that armor looks fucking sick for a priest

They are, though, they're very much strongfat

Why stop at elves?

Attached: 1553545607552.jpg (541x123, 24K)

Arent a shitload of those undead just dead high elves?

>mfw Vrykul join the Horde

We'd be the winners of every single allied race

Attached: MedicalAngelicJavalina-size_restricted[1].gif (336x252, 1.51M)

You will never get any of the shit you actually asked for. Enjoy your fat people and tiny furries.

Playable undead are from Lordaeron

Attached: 1525551948477.png (800x1400, 1000K)

I'm really sick of the Wakanda Forever thing, and Zandalari were some pretty villanous fucks in MOP. Kill them all

>Lichking:haha I wanted you to face me all along so I could turn you into my own undead champions!
>Lichking: O no! I am defeated by the champions I helped get stronger!
>N'zoth:haha I wanted you to face me all along so I could turn you into my own Corrupted champions!
>N'zoth: O no! I am defeated by the champions I helped get stronger!

same shit over and over again

C'thun will assimilate N'zoth at the end of the BfA.

Cool, no one cares bout "oLd GoDz"

>tfw thinking of resubbing just for some low effort activity
>been sitting here for over a week just refreshing the same websites with nothing to do
>want to level a dark iron female
>would have to rep grind first
>all friends are horde
>classic in 3 months

Im conflicted

Agreed, we should also kill all humans because of the Scarlet Crusade.

there's nothing left

>NE, Draenei and Orcs are shorter than Kul'Tiran Humans
Only in WoW.
This chart just proves again how these models don't really represent how tall the races actually should be on average.

Attached: 1526919630823.png (514x803, 1.58M)

>shopped jack daniels photo

absolutely yikes artist

Attached: 21476235359339.png (800x1015, 1M)

And then next expansion we revive Garrosh so he can help us fight the old Gods and in the end he will become their eternal jailer.

i hope you're prepared for "the old gods kingdom" in the next xpac

Attached: D2yQJokUwAE6XE5.jpg (720x720, 49K)

Yeah, all the evidence points to Stormwind humans actually being the manlets of their species.

Malganis, Kelthuzad, AU EK.

Maybe they have some dwarven genes?

No no no, it's gonna be Azeroth and Yogg'Saron that will help us to get rid of C'thun.

It's Anduin in HotS.

It might be they're just farthest removed from the Vrykul and their admixture.

wow its fucking nothing

I love them so much it hurts

The difference is we have nothing to bail us out against N'zoth
Kul'Tiran humans are mongrels

Or maybe the scale is just off. The undead are hunched so Blizz made them a bit bigger for balance of whatever.

Look how tall are Darkspear Trolls. They're taller than Zandalari and Zandalari supposed to be the biggest of dem trolls.

Shouldn't he be a good boy now? Just like his master the Orange Lich King.

>Maiev "demon destroyer" Shadowsong
>Maiev "terror of Teldrassil" Shadowsong
>Maiev "blugeon the blood elf" Shadowsong
>Maiev "nuke the naga" Shadowsong
>Maiev "satyr slasher" Shadowsong
>Maiev "hang the highborn" Shadowsong
>Maiev "teldrassil's reckoning" Shadowsong
>Maiev "avatar of vengeance" Shadowsong
>Maiev "Putting the War in Warden" Shadowsong
>Maiev "If He's Fel Send Him To Hell" Shadowsong
>Maiev "Using my Glaive to Fill a Mass Grave" Shadowsong
>Maiev "Killdorei Kaldorei" Shadowsong
>Maiev "Send an Owl to kill the Wildfowl" Shadowsong
>Maiev "Race War for the Falcosaur" Shadowsong
>Maiev "If They've Got Horns Their Ass Gets Torn" Shadowsong
>Maiev "Berserker Rage at Every Mage" Shadowsong
>Maiev "Illidari Get a Helicopter Party" Shadowsong
>Maiev "the mage murdering maniac" Shadowsong
>Maiev "naga 'nihilator" Shadowsong
>Maiev "the Suramar strangler" Shadowsong
>Maiev "gotta catch them all" Shadowsong
>Maiev "furnaces for forsaken" Shadowsong
>Maiev "glaive the goblin" Shadowsong
>Maiev "shank the shal'dorei" Shadowsong
>Maiev "harass the human" Shadowsong
>Maiev "indict Tyrande for treason" Shadowsong
>Maiev "Malfurions manslaughterer " Shadowsong
>Maiev "holocaust the horde" Shadowsong
>Maiev "abolish the alliance" Shadowsong
>Maiev "Ten Thousand More Years" Shadowsong
>Maiev "One Woman Warden" Shadowsong
>Maiev "One Glaive Two Glaive Three Glaive Floor" Shadowsong
>Maiev "The Breaker" Shadowsong
>Maiev "The Old God Whisperer" Shadowsong
>Maiev "Bane of the Burning Legion" Shadowsong
>Maiev "The Sunderer" Shadowsong
>Maiev "Draenor Exterminator" Shadowsong
>Maiev "Mass Barrow Denier" Shadowsong
>Maiev "Drown Orgrimmar Along with Lor'themar" Shadowsong
>Maiev "Imprisoner" Shadowsong
>Maiev "Digging Mass Graves For Mages" Shadowsong
>Maiev "Paving My Personal Path of Glory for the Kaldorei" Shadowsong

Attached: Maiev.jpg (1596x864, 157K)

>Zandalari supposed to be the biggest of dem trolls
No that would be the Drakkari

Reminder that averages are averages, and there's absolutely nothing stopping a Night Elf or Draenei woman being as tall as or shorter than a Human

>Illidan didn't bone her to give us the maddest Night Elf to ever live
missed opportunity

No, KTZ is malevolent. Always has been. He was cast out of the Kirin Tor for being a dick and doing necromancy. Even without the LK's influence, he's evil.

>The Windrunner sisters were written by dumb self-insert writers
You're not wrong about Knaak

Attached: wannahearaboutmymageselfinsertwhomarriesthesisterofoneoftheonlynamedfemaleswhosanelfandthentravelsba (250x358, 78K)

>Maiev "hey, remember when I went insane and started murdering people to make Jarod look good" Shadowsong


With my dick

Fuck that, bring him back with a designated Necromancer class. It's time for a new cloth user.

He wasn't being a dick, and necromancy isn't inherently evil. He was just fucking around with bodies before Antonidas gave him the boot. It was after that that he went evil and shit

>willing to kill people to make her brother look good
That's supposed to be a flaw?

>WoW heights are not to scale or are you telling me the average Lordearon human is way over 6 feet?

>Average Male Human Height by Kingdom
>Stromgarde: 6'3
>Azeroth: 6'2
>Lordaeron: 6'1
>Alterac: 5'6
>Kul Tiras 5'5
>Gilneas: 5'5
>Dalaran: No Data

No, she was murdering people because the AUTHOR wanted Jarod to look good by comparison when he spent the last 10k years doing nothing

The location of Kel'Thuzad's phylactery is still a mystery. Not sure if he wants to go crawling back to Bolich Forking.

Death / Chill / Bones
Cloth tank

I'm pretty sick of seeing human men drawn taller than Draenei or NE while there is propably only 1% overlap.

What's your source on this? Also this would just confirm that the heights we see in WoW are just wrong.

How can you even..
nevermind go ahead Arthas

Attached: uther.jpg (210x240, 6K)

imagine the elves having trouble repopulating and being forced to make the decision of opening their gates to the other races in an attempt to save themselves from extinction

imagine all the sniffling and humiliated elven women assuming their positions in reproduction as hairy sweaty humans and orcs smelling of aftershave and musk mounting them en mass

would tyrande fulfill her duty to her people and reproduce with a half-dozen of these stinking barbarians, mournfully greeting them, taking each fat index finger in her dainty hands and leading the men to her feminine little bedroom that has never been defiled by the humidity of men, or the rhythmic grunting of orcs until tonight

Then say so

A thinking man's ship

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yes the Illidan/Maiev romantic angel is a huge missed opportunity. I'd accept that she got pregnant after one of her customary 12hr rape sessions of Illidan in prison too

it's a bit bullshit but Jarod is definitly /ourguy/

>Maiellidan Stormrage
>"ah... you think edgyness is your ally.. You merely adopted it; I was born in it - molded by it. I didn't see a healed wound until I was already a man. By that time it was nothing to me but blinding. "

Nightelves pair bond so hooking up with strangers is not happening.

Attached: 1551728118712.jpg (500x1000, 77K)

>Coldsteel Stormrage

I made them up.
I outrank blizzard & even metzen when it comes to canon though, so you might as well take it as fact.

None of the fucking characters got a decent sendoff. I'm still sad about Anub'arak becoming a literal loot pinata.

>Implying she doesn't have hundreds of children that she's raising in secret, all born from molesting Illidan in jail

Attached: 1456677705051.jpg (2559x1440, 785K)

>leaving him with cum on belly
jesus fucking christ

>I'd accept that she got pregnant after one of her customary 12hr rape sessions of Illidan in prison too
Ironwill illidan keeps himself from cumming for 12 straight hours of Maiev riding and choking him

some days he can even keep himself from getting hard to deny her

>hates demons AND druids

Stay mad, human male paladin.

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No shoes wearing horde nigger


It's different for elves

>Killed off because Magatha is an angry nigger and Garrosh is a hothead who fell for her manipulations because CAIRNE challenged him to a fight to the death

Imagine having belly covered in smegma for 10 thousand years

I don't think her prison would pass inspections from elf rights groups, if those existed

Varian got a pretty good sendoff even if setting up the circumstances of it happening were contrived as all fuck.

Yeah all of that is a nice fit for a good ending of a character.

What part of
>It's different for elves
What don't you understand?

>killed in a shitty book no one read after doing absolutely nothing


Attached: 1496321445392.jpg (3649x3544, 520K)

is this greenmarine?

Im already an eternal manlet so regular sized girls to towering space goats migh as well be the same

What if that was Jaina and Alexstrasza? Haha

it would be a worse image

underage zoomer detected

t. Sylvanas

lifelets, when will they ever learn



>7'9 humans
What the fuck

i know she's not even that old but the white hair and frigid attitude likens her to a granny, and no amount of skin can make me get it up.

Dwarf reskin > orc reskin