What are your red flags Yea Forums?

What are your red flags Yea Forums?

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Female protagonist
Racial minority protagonist

Yea Forums likes it

>game isn't made in Japan

$60 game with MTX

Red team's flag.

Chinks, muslims and niggers are in the game or developed them

Pandering to "nostalgia"

I hate when people reminiscence about shit they never knew before

Dubious localization teams


Game made in america
Game with a political message
Lots of cutscenes
"Story driven"
Multiplayer focus

I don’t own any red flags or flags for a matter of fact

>the game is SRPG
>is a pl*tinum game
>hackmiya is involved


Open World

Too fucking many at this point. I avoid games with lootboxes and microtransactions on principle. Same with Denuvo. So no EA or Ubisoft. The only Activision game I bought in the last ~5 years was Sekiro because it lacks all that. A more than necessary Twitter presence of the devs is also a big red flag.

get contained in your caveman dungeon
subscription fees
relies on a central server
sexualized anime girls

>Green flag
japanese game
>Red flag
pc port of japanese game

>Game with a political message
so you avoid like 80% of games ever made?

Nice number retard, where did you get it?

are you implying that western ports are better?

-panders to z00mers
-progressive/moralcuckish/censored content
-not turn-based JRPG

I got it from the fact that most things you do in life are political actions. Almost fucking everything you say is political as well, that shit can hardly be avoided.

At least they are not god damn awful.

reminder that the right doesn't care about freedom, it never did, never will, it just coopted leftist talking points and tactics to get more people on their side.

You must be living in a hellhole because I almost never hear about such things. Also, that's no justification for that number you just invented, use anything else or you'll end up looking like a retard.

>the right coopted talking points about freedom
The left has never given a shit about freedom either. Not even anarchists.

whatever fag, you'll might see the irony of calling me a retard soon enough.

Unskippable cutscenes.

It's a videogames.

night is brighter than day
the sea is dryer than the land
sonic never went fast

Numbers will stop mattering or something? Will math crumble to reveal it was never right? Do you even know how to read or you just read whatever your head wants to believe? What the fuck are you even talking about?

games made to just stir controversy like hatred or that rape game people talked about for a weak
and a green flag
Yea Forums hates it

>open world
>story driven
>always online
>pandering to SJWs
>8 bit graphics
And more

Tumblr tier artstyle. All these games are made by trustfunders and all try to be the same woah that's deep philosophical meandering bullshit about modern life. they also usually have no gameplay and are just a vehicle for the ones who made game to write what they think is cool and witty dialog, basically something they would have just said on their twitter or whatever shit they use but couldn't find the context to post it. they are all shit.

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Extreme violence.
Basically anything sexual. (Always used to detract from poor quality elsewhere.)
Real life politics.
Heavy emphasis on fictional politics.
If Yea Forums talks about it in a highly positive or highly negative way, or if it shows up too frequently here.

that game was great, you are more pretentious than what you are trying to criticize. Eat shit.

Main character is white, big turn off

You are just a furfag wanting to fuck the main character and the lizard.

nope, fuck furries with rusty knives, the emotional writing and characterization in that game is perfect.

This is exactly what furfag would say.

>talking about a videogame
>the emotional writing and characterization
So you are just a normal faggot

how long before the thread turns into

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Multiplayer focus is a huge one now. It’s just doublespeak for more microtransactions

Matchmaking always carries with it a votekick system or some centralised banning power, and fuck that.

>unfitting female forcing

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first response already made it 100% certian
>doesn't care about writing in single player games
>doesn't get emotionally involved if there is good writing
are you a mentalist?

so much this

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>game made in Japan
They can't tell a serious story, which I rate above anything else.
>game with a hint of Eastern Europe
Same problem with above though they often try way harder. There are some exceptions but they're rare.
>exclusively multiplayer
I NEVER buy exclusively multiplayer games unless it's on a HEAVY discount or free. Even ones that seem insanely popular I will never buy (Rocket League, etc). Most of the ones I have in my library are from Humble Bundles (Dead by Daylight, Warhammer Vermintide). I don't want to end up with a library full of dead games.
I'm grateful that most of the ones I spent over $10 on are still populated, like Natural Selection 2 and Chivalry (but will probably die to Mordhau soon).

marxist cancer in games

>Racial minority protagonist
Ah shit, here we go again...

user that is not a real term you can't just make shit up

>coloured tint over the screen
>optics have a coloured tint
>hold x to do something
>mods coming out within a week to fix issues, annoyances
>shilled on Yea Forums

any of these are a sign the devs don't give a fuck about quality or standards nor will they fix these issues

Yeah, I am actually, but how is that relevant to anything you or I said? Who cares about characterization in a fucking videogame? Only faggots with nothing else to do, that's who.

Made in China

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>Yea Forums unironically revolves around politics now
>tfw I miss the times when this place was "Yea Forums with video games"

>doesn't get emotionally involved if there is good writing
Lol, you will probably also tell me you cried at fucking video game. What a fag.

>Who cares about characterization in a fucking videogame?
Me, this guy right here.
>Only faggots with nothing else to do, that's who.
>nothing else to do
Whatever nigga, did you remember you were posting on Yea Forums?

>objective flaws in UI
>flaws in UI being intentional
I play way too many shitty games

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I did, more than once. 1v1 me fag

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I was kind of interested in this game after playing Lost Constellation. The godawful characters, shit dialog and total lack of gameplay put me off on ever getting this game.

>open world
>game advertises itself as a metroidvania or other buzzword

>weeb game is full of shameless fanservice

Same, but they slipped one by me a while back.
I didn't look too closely and only realized when I started playing. But at least it was decent.

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Yo, that was an invitation to a gay sex. Tho if you want I can make you cry.

I am confused. Who invited who?

This game is so boring, i really don't see the appeal

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I'm disappointed, I thought this was a joke about blood color censorship in the 90s


>green robot flag
german game
>red soldier flag
american game

I can''t wait to keep on posting here for no goddamn reason, I'm looking forward to finding out what new shittier depth this place reaches in another 5 years.

Ugly characters

that's the stuff

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mutt-made AAA shit

I get concerned if I see newer games, I rarely have faith in a game if I see it has been released in the last decade or so.

>Modern games with overpixelated art style
There is this point'n'click game. I don't remember how it's called. "Last doorknob", "Last resort", it has a raven on the title card. Anyway, I heard it's a great game, but beside that I love point'n'click I will never play it just because of the pixelated art style. I just can't stand how the people in that game look.

It's already gotten to the point where people on here literally just spam buzzwords at each other, like "based", "cringe", "incel", "have sex", etc.

What's going on in this thread?

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>Game with a political message
Man, you just fucking hate Deus Ex then huh.

PlayStation exclusive.

>spam buzzwords

It's mostly ironic
At least when it's a long chain of nothing but Yea Forums cancer.

I do remember being on here when stuff like Costanza and Jimmies were big things on here, but I still feel like things have gotten worse these days, compared to back then.

gamer gate politics ruined this place.
I actually blame the anti Anita crowd

>gg started out as innocent shitting on subhuman feminists
>grew into cancer
>reinforced feminists
>ruined Yea Forums forever
Road to hell is paved with good intentions

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>implying philosophy is politics
>everything is politics
through the lens of a zealot everything is either good or evil too if you take everything to it's extreme absolute and disregard all motivation.

>Yea Forums cancer.

I miss the 2012 Yea Forums cancer like Ruse Cruise.

this is why everyone warned that mainstreaming games was a terrible idea

yeah I was gonna say, this has been true forever

she deserved and still deserves to be shit on because she's just terrible, but the way that she played GG into becoming a hatefest was excellent. Gave herself permanent dicksuckers in the industry and gave people an easy out to dismiss anyone with actual complains/criticisms of the industry. Really, anyone who likes games should hate anita, IN ADDITION to the retards that played into it and turned GG into the retarded cancer that it is now. An actual, almost-good thing, ruined by retarded spergs, what a shocker.

I think you are either missing when A) there wasn't really any motivation behind it beyond 'lol i trol u' and B) your bygone youth which was wasted on this place

whatever happened to semen demon posting? I still have never found a better pair of words than "boner condoner"

It will never happen again
Nowadays it's all literal normies bringing their normie cancer
Soon we'll have cliques of tards who know each other from IRL and force each others' memes

>implying Yea Forums never hated anything before that
v was always mad about shit, and it was right to be annoyed at some unheard of cow slamming the likes of Hitman because you could shoot the strippers if you wanted to.
>ruined Yea Forums
once male feminists and nu males found their way into gaming it was all over, and even before that everyone warned that casualizing/mainstreaming gaming was going to be the end of it.

hi r*ddit

Japanese game without the option for Japanese audio and English Subtitles

>A) there wasn't really any motivation behind it beyond 'lol i trol u' and B) your bygone youth which was wasted on this place

I think it's both. I miss the times when politics weren't a big thing on Yea Forums either way, and I also miss when I was a 19 year old, instead being nearly 27.

>Early Access
>Muh depression
>Simplistic pixel art
>Less than 4 hours long
>"The story says this but in reality it's about this"

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Positive review by Polygon&co.

You say that as if the angry tards which now define /r9k/'s population are a better asset. Personally, I think the only thing that ruined this place was overexposure. Doesn't matter who it is, too many people ruined this place by making it pointless to post anything of substance and for giving an unending supply of retard bait-eaters to be exploited for (you)s.

The real core of it points to the rise of more common internet access, so if you want to blame anything, blame internet devices becoming commonplace among the general population.

>Conflict between groups of different interest

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instant exit, delete and destroy computer

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CJ was fine because he was a nigger being a nigger around niggers. The cringe nigger from Watch_Dogs2 on the other hand was unbearable.

I have not met a single fucking normal person who plays this game.

If somebody online tells me they play splatoon 2 I will assume they are either a pedophile, underage or some kind of low functioning autist who will cause drama sooner or later.

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EA, Activision or Ubisoft as the publisher.

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your mom

>endless grind multiplayer games

These hamster wheels are worse than browsing imageboards all day.

Open world
"game as a service"
Multiplayer focused
SJW pandering
Always online
Season pass 1