Footman frenzy...home

Footman frenzy...home...

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reply to my thread you useless fucks

98.2% of Yea Forums is 14 years old bro. not one of these fags played WC3

I never understood this game. Was it about micro managing the footmen?
I preferred tower defense and stronghold defense personally.

honestly i enjoyed tower defense maps more, although what i truly enjoyed was shit like advanced micro challenge in sc1

nah just spamming them out and upgrading properly to counter your opponent

You didn’t start with bait.

i liked it for a while but i eventually i stuck with tower defense

>playing retarded customs instead of competing in 1vs1 ladder

Spamming out footmen just means you give the enemies free gold and have little troops to resist pushes

based frenzyfag. I wonder how it will look when created in reforged

I'm going to make a 24 player footies when reforged releases and nobody can stop me

I miss WC3.
Is it worth it to pirate it to look for downloadable custom maps or is everything good lost forever?

nobody cared about ranked faggot

For me, it's Gem TD.

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Just get the game from cheap cd key site, the custom map scene is still very much alive

the only TD i liked was DBZ TD. was a huge DBZ nerd back then.

for me it's island td or WMW

it's still going on if you want easy maps go to makemehost. com

For me, it's LADDER.

treetag, troll and elves and tom and jerry was my real home. but I hate to admit but my really real home was some super anime map called battle stadium don.
footman frenzy was more dota than dota.
also does anyone know the name of the map in which you had to clear out horde of enemies which were flocking, it was not like traditional towet defence because you could move and attack yourself. I saw my friend playing it in cafe while waiting for all people to arrive for dota.

Patrician taste

enfos? any of the thousand hero x sieges?

>footman frenzy was more dota than dota.
what does this even mean

For me? Its Uther party.

Bretty gud.
I also loved Hero Line War and X Hero Siege.
The Final Fantasy RPG map is probably the better coded map I ever had the pleasure of playing in WC3.

>tfw 6 hour X Hero siege til morning with your internet bros
Those were the good times

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i can tell you're a gigachad

oh shit nigga nice. I can't exactly remember the map but enfos' premise is similar and now I know what are they called.
thanks user

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>no release date for reforged

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>tfw 4.42
>tfw that shaman tactic with stone gaint

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>tfw loved vampirism eske custom maps
>everytime one faggot would fuck up and feed the vamp/whatever the enemy hero was
>we would all inevitable die no matter how good your individual skills were

sometimes it went the other way around and the vamp was so bad it because a shitfest because everybody on the builders side would want to drag the game for as long as possible to make all the stuff and use whatever the strongest shit was to finally win the game was and the vamp was just kinda like a guinea pig and people would talk in chat in order to convince to stay, i didn't like either of these situations but it was one or the other most of the time, the very rare games where everybody knew how to play were really enjoyable unless they started using blatanly OP tactics or exploited glitches/bugs, the incredible rare games where it dragged on to the very last tier of stuff for both the builders team and the vamp team were the best but i only had a few of those in my 12+ years of playing this game online

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>when you could just 3 pick avalanche and 3 shot any hero until everyone left and called your team a bunch of faggot niggers


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>tfw 3 avalanche
>enemy team just tech up

I never liked footman frenzy

My nigger right here.

I hope they give the editor the power of a god so you can make fps, sidescrollers, platformers, racing games, procedural in-game map generation, instances, turn-based games, drop-in servers, yuuuge maps, rpg interfaces and so on with ease

cant wait for dota without valve's shitty art style

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>that Rock Paper Scissor Armor Type update

when nohunters dot c0m died, so did real FF

for me it's Wintermaul and Parasite 2
>tfw you get stuck playing as grey, have no gold all game because no one leaked, then green or pink fucks up his build and you eat shit because of it

the real dota holy shit. we are not prepared for it

Run Kitty Run was clearly the superior custom.

sheep tag > footmen 4.42 > all the other shit custom games

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I remember seeing some guy on their forum called windalewizard coming in and asking how to remove map protection and everyone telling him to eat shit, and then years later seeing footman frenzy by windalewizard in the customs list

Could you actually really the dota maps easily?

sounds based

The kino version gave grey a smaller amount of spawned enemies.

What the fuck are you even talking abot

You could factually accurately and truly the dota maps with extreme simplicity

I am. Last game I played within genre was HoN.
remake? yea there will be no problems, they are even improving the custom game tools

>X hero siege
Absolutely based
>be 11 years old
>defend the nexus like there's no tomorrow
>final battle with an insane horde of enemies
>"is this the end?"
>beat it
>there are like 30 superbosses after
Just insane. I also remember the druid being monstrously overpowered in lategame

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yeah but iirc it wasn't enough to cope with the other players fucking up at high levels unless they'd already been leaking before

map protection is pretty gay though, they should just have verified authorship so you know which map is the "real" one instead, means that maps get better as people can learn how things were implemented, continue work on abandoned maps and maybe even make a better version than the original creator

I like footmen vs grunts
2 team horizontal style of footmen frenzy

it was super fun

fuck my bad, I meant porting them from the old .wc3 file or whatever it was. What about character models? Venomancer was a hydralisk for example.

That's one of the few units that looks good in reforged. It's art syle is fucking ugly

What about Troll vs Elves?
>tfw never understood how to play the Troll correctly

Absolutely based. FvG was my shit.

holy shit I need to make friends quick

Wait, how?

>eras zombie invasion
>orc gladiators
>heroes and empires
>all those orpgs
why were wc3 customs so extremely based?

island troll tribes is the best survival battle royal rpg ever

I think they'll update the joke models like the hydras as well, and it'll probably be easier to just port models from outside (you could port d3 and hots models into sc2)

For me, it's DBZ Tribute.

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Island defense, before they fucked it

>joining and having to download a new patch
>if the host was nice he wouldn't immediately kick you and you'd have to name 20 characters in 5 seconds

hell yeah

i loved all the spin-offs, there was a wintermaul for final fantasy too

For me, its LARP maps.

I remember the equivalent map on starcraft was a lot of fun but I could never really get into footman frenzy for some reason. I was much younger during the SC days though so that might be the reason

Warcraft 3 is truly the best* RTS game ever made, everything about it is just so fucking yummy to look at and hear and play. How does one game nail a visual/audio style so well?
*tied with AoE2

Darwin's Island... home.

I used to play all of the Lord of the Rings maps. The Third Age, The Second Age and War of the Jewels. And that WW1 the road to war one.
Fuck those were good times.

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>The Black Road

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You know what killed Warcraft III custom maps?
>can't reconnect
if it wasn't like this the game would still be thriving today.

Are there any options left for somebody wanting to play Footmen and Pokemaul again?

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Wait for reforged, I guess.

wait for reforged and prey to every god you can that blizzard doesn't completely fuck it up.

kek this but with dotrp
>name 10 commands or kick
>pretend i'm afk

!kick user
nuthin personnel, kid but somebody has to keep the law

Already forgot how Blizzard fucked with the SC2 custom map scene?

Did they do anything bad aside from the initial fuckup?

for me? it's escape gay space

if customs use only pure wc3 assets then it will be very simple to port and should work "out of the box"
if it has custom assets like dota has, it will take some work to
they are probably updating every single unit in the game
nah, only humans look off

i stil play it from time to time

Footmen vs Grunts > Footmen Frenzy

too bad you never won

>paying again for same game


>get a round 2 silver
is there a better feeling in the world?

I remember playing lots of Sotdrpg. You'd have three types of people. The retard who just started and just gives a hero character a bunch of good items and unironically builds a base somewhere like they're playing ladder, the dude who makes a small camp/town and a few roleplay units, and the guy who thinks he's playing sim city. I hated that shit because the first type would leave after ten minutes and the other guy wouldn't be ready to play for two hours. That shit got so fucking boring.

>People are expecting Blizzard to not fuck up the custom games in Reforged

You never learn, do you?

Footman frenzy wasn't even the real footies though. It was footman wars, you noob.

Besides, line tower wars and wintermaul wars were the best games.

>, and the guy who thinks he's playing sim city.
i'm so sorry user but everything needed to be perfect

Uther party or treant vs infernal (forgot the exact name of the map) are both the best "fun" game modes that me and my friends enjoyed playing after a few sessions of 5 v 5 DotA.

Eras was such garbage. The zombies were criminally weak, to the point where a single player could reliably defeat all three of the zombie players just by rushing ballistas, and if the game lasted any longer than that, then it becomes autism defense simulator, where inevitably the humans still win because the zombies have no way of bypassing barricades without making gore crows (you get banned for making these) or attacking over ledges (you get banned for doing this).

Future trunks wins the first 3 sagas...

Yeah well while you do that everyone else either left or finished their stories and the only four people left are you, me, and two retards erotically roleplaying as elf girls.

I played it religiously and I never ever fucking saw humans win, ever. Basically it was 90% winrate for zombies. Any map that didnt end with teal or green feeding or something ended with t5s/t3s ruining everybody

Just copy these twenty six charcters on notepad by hand bro

Will reforget really revive custom maps or it will be sc2 and dota 2 again? I had such high hopes with dota but there was only 3-4 maps in the end. Only shitty chink chess are alive now

topjej :D

WC3 literally buried the fantasy RTS and thanks to mouth breathing retards like you, it's literally never coming back

Fuck off

>7 blademasters
>that retard who got Grom and didn't know how to play so insta-loss
>that guy who got teal but didn't heal properly or conserve mana

TREE TAG. Its actually a 24 playermap and is hectic as fuck now

Current wc3 is already revived

>tfw too retarded to maze properly

>thread inspires me to see what custom games are up right now
>all the host sites have their bots mostly banned
>what games are being hosted are empty and the lobbies have been open for weeks

Fifty thousand people used to game here, now its a ghost town.

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tfw played warchasers (the OG wc3 custom map) alone because of cracked version. Any1 ever finished it?

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Don't you have your cd key anymore?

>I had such high hopes with dota but there was only 3-4 maps in the end.
Blame Valve and Source 2 for that one, many of the wc3 maps couldn't be made because Source 2 is a piece of shit with many limitations and is hard as fuck to use.

well, the problem with dota maps is twofold: first the lobby system is basically reddit, it just reinforces the most popular map. Secondly, the editor is fucking ass, being uncessarily complex and having an almost complete lack of documentation and support (functions that don't work anymore without anyone informing you of it).

From what I heard, sc2 also had a bad lobby system and overly complicated map editor, though probably blizzard at least had more support for it than valve.

Reforged will probably have the same map editor but with limitations removed, and hopefully a good lobby system, so it stands more of a chance.

for me, it was that one resident evil map

for me and my friends it was just about throwing as many units as possible against eachother in huge ass brawls until our PCs died

SWAT zombie assault

I think i've given that a try in a party but it's so long that everyone just starts quitting

>no one wants to be teal so let's give it to the last retard to join

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I played it with my friends and I was the only one to die, I saw them completing it.
There's a shitty part where they take your hero away and replace it with a Steam Tank. If the Steam Tank dies it's game over.
You thought you were safe because your hero was built well? Too bad!

Yes, that one. I don't remember ever winning it tho, was it even possible?

farmer vs hunter is objrctively the best tag

those were called Hero defense maps

Yeah there were multiple endings. Most people just speedrun the shit and get the objectives all done in twenty minutes. Umbrella nukes you and covers up their bad acts in most endings. There was one where you lived but I think it involved teleporting to the future.

>he did not make his own custom maps to play with friends
ya´all ogres

I made one to play with randos, they did not understand my glorious vision.

>Yeah there were multiple endings.
Fuck I need to play that again

well tell us about it then

I used to make custom maps in starcraft and warcraft 3 but it was always to make a super defensive base and fight like all the AI like a tower defense game

Good luck, you had to do it on the hardest difficulty with a hidden character that required you to get codes from multiple nightmare difficulty games to unlock.


>X Hero siege

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>hating fun
You do you I guess.

You shut your mouth, Undead Assault II was a gem. I fucking loved holding the hill with coordinated teams while our ghost would be the ammo autist. Now days people just blow each other up with grenades.

Because like 99% of asymmetrical Warcraft 3 maps, it only works as a game because no one knows what the fuck they are doing. Ballistas only take around 3 minutes to tech as Russia or Turkey. If either country does this, the game is over because the zombies cannot kill the other border country before they are eradicated. A few ballistas can hold a neverending stream of tier 1 zombies at bay indefinitely, and the zombies cannot afford to build corpse piles, and hence their economy, if they are just spamming more zombies. So they are forced into the equally pointless choices of either continuing to spam zombies, which fails when the number of ballistas grows higher, or they have to spam corpse piles, which will be destroyed by the ballistas without protection. Zombies are just too slow, and the only real protection they have early on are their heroes, but even the heroes die in a few ballista shots. The only times I've lost doing this is if the zombies somehow manage to rush both Turkey and Russia within minutes guaranteeing immediate near instant tier 2 zombies, or if the host bans me. Almost always, it is the latter case.

my first boobies/full nudity where those screenshot maps

>not doing /random

Battle Tanks... home...
Island Defense... home...


who /4v4RT blame my shit allies here?/

certainly wasn't the case before on versions I've played. I remember cleric cheese being doable, and I absolutely do remember people being retarded and I do remember turkeys hero being a god, but ballista cheese wasn't very viable, atleast alone.

Based and slidepilled
Don't forget to stack those penis pumps

The 40's.... home...

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the list being way too small for the amount of games being hosted
the old bug where people couldn't connect if you didn't refresh the slots
needing to port forward to have your games work at all

4v4 is full of shitters
3v3 is where it's at

I loved to play Run Kitty Run

3v3 has been dead for ages, I did appreciate it more though
>still large scale
>1 less player per side and map design makes it way more skill based and army comp is more important

Ice troll tribes
Dirty deeds
Stronghold td
Ele td
Nintendo td

All I need boys

Even run kitty run was fun back in the day


>only solution is to build something the developer put in to counter that situation
>retarded 14-year old hosts just want to play autistic zombie defense simulator so they ban you from building those
the good ol' days. i liked WWZ more than eras as it felt like the zombies had a better chance at actually winning, though the hosts still frequently banned crows which made the UK impossible to take.

do people still play enfos and shit?
Also if i don't live in europe or us will people kick me for my ping?

Such a shit map.

my cousin had a map on similar line called run gay run.
seeing it we were grossed the fuck out and till that day i haven't even opened it


I'm home bros...

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I've finished it solo once, and maybe in a group once but not sure.
When solo I had to keep the game running while not doing anything for a long time halfway through the tank section to regenerate hp.

>tfw never got to play warcraft 3 in it's prime and i still haven't played it

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probably not unless you play with the few remaining autists who still play ancient versions of dota

Why are all the games with 3 really legendary? Halo 3 and Warcraft 3?

more like basedforged, zoomer faggot

I'm always on the winning side

Run Gay Run is hilarious. Pick slide and have a blast.
Alternatively, play Irish Drinking Game which is also hilarious.

Warcraft 3 was a shit game mechanically, more of a MOBA than an RTS. People only have fond memories of it because of campaign and customs.

You always played Titan? God bless you man, too many games where people would leave since last spot was titan, or its some newb who won't leave the mound and gets rolled by titan hunters.

>Ice troll tribes
I have 30 people let's play trobies.

Of course

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Spyro 3, Mario 3, DMC 3

What was the name of that Vietnam(?) map where you could fight zombies and got a code to save/load your progess.

Explain to me how you are going to kill units that deal 1300 splash siege damage with 1100 range, when all you have are slow moving melee units that are unarmored and have 1000 life. Two ballista shots and the entire splash area of zombies is dead. I went ahead and tested this to make sure, running 0.83, which was pretty much the biggest version of Era's (the later versions expanded the map and made Turkey overpowered, making it far easier for humans to win). On 0.83, the version most balanced in the zombie's favor, it took me 7 minutes to have 3 ballistas at the front, with another 5 or so every minute from then on. This was on my first attempt, where I did not even completely remember the proper building path, nor did I remember to build lumberjacks immediately. It is completely impossible to beat this unless one of the human players goes full retard and feeds the zombies.

when you host bro

By the gods you're annoying

notd aftermath?


was it ever possible to change the terrain ingame in a custom map? Like razing a cliff, or loading a new map layout.


There were some ways but they were really janky, I don't think it was possible to change the tiles, just the height. There was no way to load new map loadouts though, which was kind of bullshit since you see it happen all the time in the Rexxar campaign.

>do you guys not have phones?

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that should be a feature in reforged. Would unlock so much potential.

You'll have to unlock the map editor tools from lootboxes you get from playing matchmaking.

Loap > rest

don't give bobby K ideas

You act like he doesn't have every modern blizzard game to look at for reference

jesus christ

Footman Frenzy is a good example of why having absolutely no comeback mechanics is bad. After the first fight it all comes down to who can feed off the weakest team the most efficiently, and about 95% of matches end up being a one-sided blowout.

Pretty sure there are guides to making effective mazes.

>TFW too brainlet for Terrania

what would be a good comeback mechanic?

Unfortunate that the game was essentially "solved" once everyone started using that toilet maze.

Round 1 silver

Make players with fewer upgrades receive more passive income, make bounty have a multiplier where you get slightly more gold for killing units a higher tech than you/slightly less gold for killing units of a lower tech, etc. Comeback mechanics are mostly cancerous but in something like footman frenzy the snowballing is so extreme that it could definitely use something.

For me, it's Binders.

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is it normal that my only gateway selection is uswest?

the most zoomer type of meme imaginable
kys you nostalgia faggots

The Predator was the best shit
>short, fast and fun rounds
>extremely high skill cap
>need to find a balance between fucking over the predator and your teammates
>tons of intense and fun moments

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The Kingdom of Kaliron as well as Ragos ORPG were my favourite. In general I was a big fan of maps with save/load feature, even better if it's across multiple maps.

>Slide Ninja Slide
>Hungry Hungry Felhounds
>Helms Deep one of the hundred versions
>fucking Kodo Tag with sped up Linkin Park
>That map i can't remember the name, where you play as dwarves with custom guns, you can jump across ledges and it plays kind of like Unreal Tournament.

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i miss vamp fire

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>snowball frenzy
Played it so much. Fast tech rifle instead of hero and simply collect kills during the first massive fight. If you aren't just clicking A move you are 99% better than the rest

vamp beast>all other vamps

I liked zerg infestation custom games.

I've always been a sucker for infestation type maps, I had such high hopes for SC2's custom map scene for those type of maps but we all know how that turned out.

Dude that game was amazing, I could never find anyone hosting it though
>tfw baiting pitlord into the pit then realizing it doesn't actually do anything to him
I learned a harsh lesson that day

The map is a dodecagon, with several circles of power prearranged. Each player starts with one and can conquer others by slowly attacking them. Circles give an income of gold, and can be upgraded to 15 different buildings. Buildings can train a different kind of unit each.

The objective is holding the circle in the middle for 20 minutes.

It's a version of Risk with a ton of different units. The twist is all units have default abilities that can be understood at a glance (Berserk, Frost Arrow, Defend), so you always know what you're facing.

There are other details, but that's the core.
A map that is complex but understandable at a glance the first time you play.

You now the most popular map for reforged will probably be an autochess port

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>tfw there were a multitude of fun tag games like kodo tag and golem tag
>90% of people only wanted to play lame ass sheep tag

Help me bros i downloaded the Arkania custom campaign but don't know which folder to drop the files!

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There was one game mode where 1 guy started out with a huge base in one corner and had to come kill everyone and the rest of you started with nothing and had to build up a population to generate gold to build an army/towers to defend yourself.

I remember one map had a huge hill that mazed all the way up the side but it was risky because if the other guy was good he’d check there first and destroy you early

You shoot him into the waterfall and then trap him with trees, ezpz.

evolution tag was the shit


you should havecustom campaigns in your war3 folder in my documents

Blizzard included a custom campaign with the base game already (the one with Thrall fighting Murlocs).
Just check what that one is called and search for its location in the files.

>every game has to start with the host irately lecturing the lobby on which picks are haram and which are halal
Evolution Tag was the peak of unbalanced kino.

oh nevermind found it, it's in "my documents" now

I had to create the folder for some reason

Really? I just downloaded tft and woc and don't have it for some reason

Try updating to the latest version.

oi mate i just downloaded the game, which i assume gives me the latest version. It's on 1.30.4

It's probably one of those contents you get via the free patch, like Funny Bunny Egg Hunt, and the two extra neutral heroes (Tinker+Alchemist).

However last time I installed the game from my CDs it had me update it a million times, it integrated with nu-Battle.Net in some weird way and now it crashes on startup

Try logging in to battlenet. it will automatically update the game to the latest vers.

Are custom games alive?

>all of you spawn as UD
I've yet to lose with ghoul rush when that happens

It's already the most popular map on classic (autobattle)

the only thing I want to do with my life right now is make custom maps in a greatly improved map editor

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I did and i think I'm on latest version. Weird but whatever

Ahh... Battle Tanks... Now that is a good game...

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Bots are endlessly hosting the most popular maps over and over again, but that old WC3 era of randoms hosting cool maps you've never seen before is over.

huh never knew there already was one

how is it compared to the dota one?

meh, only a few select

There's no bots, blizzard made it so that it's impossible to bot host

Man W3 custom maps was such a high point in gaming history

Poor zoomers they will never know the feel of being 13, coming home from school and loading up some W3 customs with your mates

Those were the days

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Yeah what if I don't want to play Dota or elemental defense? Is there any variety?

Haven't played neither as I don't really care.

To be honest I haven't played in two years or so but in 2017 the answer would be 'no'.
When? Why?

>no bots
>have to set up port forwarding to host

Jesus blizzard just love killing its own games.

nope, everbody can host, cross region, no forwarding, no bots, all bots commands are now default

here user i took a picture for you this exact moment

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>tfw just getting the suicide tank and loading up on bombs.

What the fuck was up with the "Nordic only" hosts?
What is the point? What is the difference?
They even speak different languages

Oh shit well thats nice.

Just a bunch of tower defense games huh? Nothing special.

Defi4nc3's ORPG, home.

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Your usual nordic ego and smugness. Their lobbies are just them erping and talking shit about americans and for some reason the germans.

>check out my myspace
Christ, its a time capsule.

That map reminds me of videogame RPG

lmao really that’s a thing now? I remember the french doing it for their language

>that chinese WoW RPG map that sported an ungodly amount of WC3 >>>TECHNOLOGY

Shame that people are too tryhard these days, you won't even get your first teleport as enemy has already bought a breaker and you end up as feed with a 2k costing bomb.

did anyone play the original legends RPG Divinity? Not the comfy blizzard one that always crashed at load.
>find secret spot to become a god/goddess
>tax the other players or threaten doom

Yeah there were a lot of "German only", and "FRA only" and even "ITA only". I understood those, I even entered some of my own nation, to take a break from constantly speaking in stilted English.
Those were understandable.

But there were, VERY often "Nordic Only" lobbies.
I think I even managed to enter one at some point, because (I think) they spoke English too in those. But I don't remember.

Think it was called Sniper Wars or something


Less latency among the players

I've been looking for an excuse to post this for years.

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The best Tag was obviously Tree Tag - non-shit version.

Run Gay Run... home...

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Slide Ninja Slide was the most superior
Also who remember's 3_ICE's maze maker or whatever it was called? That was the good shit

Dark Deeds was so comfy bro's, didn't even care much for the vampire side of things.
I just wanted to breed my wife and tend to the chickens.

I've spent months playing solely that game. Too bad it had some serious balance issues, like the fucking werewolf who just got owned by ensnare

the ice one where you slide? good shit

it sucked being on a timer like that, even as vampire you'd get fucked past the 15 minute mark.

This looks like a shittier Legion TD.

Do we know if War3 will be free when Reforged hits? It's the only classic blizz game I lost my cd key

no they'll make you buy reforged to get a key for the original, just like now
you can redeem the key digitally for free if you find it

That's dumb they made vanilla SC/BW free
I've moved twice since I lost it so I'll probably never find it

Where my pyramid niggas at?

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Grab Rock N Roll Racing for free while you still can!

Mein neger.

>when the quiz starts and everyone spams their answer
this game was so much fun back when everyone was young and retarded such based grief fests

Isn't X hero siege the one where you get hilariously inflated stats by the end and only 2 of the heroes are actually viable cause they have critical and multi-projectile attack shit as passives?

>mfw too young to be aboomer, too old to be a zoomer

Whoare we? Who are we, really?

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Generation Y. Millennials.

game radar or some shit bitch nigga

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Yeah, but it doesn't matter. The game is a borderline musou and it's about shooting if your brain while you mow down horses of monsters

That's new, but it makes sense desu.
I only saw french, german and the occasional spanish only on northrend because they couldn't speak english.
I assume the italians didn't have computers yet.

Why is this so popular? It's like one of those idle phone games.

I don't really mind the imbalance of the map.
The games are quick and it's still fun even though there's a cultist that is gonna win 99% of the time unless he's super new and doesn't know he needs to pray. Fighting the unstoppable cultist is fun even if you don't beat him.
Compared to other maps dark deeds imbalance doesn't even stand out.

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Is troll tribes and it's many variants the og survival crafting game? I honestly can't think of anything that came before it.

gl hope you have a ghatherer

based and island troll survival pilled

You answered your own question

Despite the similarities, you're thinking of another map. This one indeed allowed you to reach ridiculous stats since you could literally buy them by typing -bt but the only viable character was Lich because he has a %-based skill that could overcome the ridiculous regen of the last boss.

>all these mikefags posting screenshots i'm in

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I'm just mad that the werewolf, for example, had lots of cool ideas like you could turn random critters into werewolf versions, your followers turned werewolf didn't have "hero" levels but they could also level up by killing peasants and critters, and it was nice seeing all the little guys evolving. But then as soon as someone had like 2 javelineers with ensnare it was gg, your wolf couldn't even run. And you could get javelineers from day 2..
The werewolf also sucked at getting past barns without help from your troops, but then you'd be giving your identity away. That thing was seriously very weak.

But yeah it was very fun anyway

Fuck you
*chipmunk rock starts playing*

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Will they remove the mandatory 500 ms input delay with reforged?

>brimstone was the undisputed best predator player
>no mikefag screenshots on google images show brimstone on the leaderboard

This was top comfy when no one knew what the fuck they were doing, then suddenly some fag comes along and one-shots all of you.

god damn why did they deviate from this custom maps list in SC2?

I miss Angel Arena.

Attached: Angel Arena.jpg (1280x720, 137K)

Not likely since Valve is gonna release full fledged game of it.

I think there was some initial plan to monetize custom maps so they wanted to streamline the custom map scene in order to funnel people towards the big maps.

>That one map where the invisible killer has to kill the peasants
>When he gets close to you Barbie Girl starts blaring

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> walk around and farm some stuff
> suddenly you're interrupted by the duel time
> two guys start attacking each other so fast their animations are frozen, eventually one wins
> go back to killing 3 creeps a minute

I've seen a couple SC2 maps that you can pay to have premium shit. It is fucking retarded

i hope reforged is good since i never got to play the original but i won't put my hopes too high


Minmaxers are truly the bane of comfyfags

yea but those are different games
wc3 and wc3r will be able to play together, so why would they give it for free

>wc3 and wc3r will be able to play together,
How? Reforged won't be running on a newer engine?

Legendary Gladiators... Home...

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because sc/bw can play together with remaster people

Where my Fight of Characters weeb bros @?

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>play Angel Arena Allstars
>host bans rockets/fists
>convince them otherwise or just get them anyway
>they get their own rockets/fists
>buy anti magic potion to stop their rockets/fists
>get kicked
I really wish people figured out anti-magic potion was fucking busted. Playing the game without rockets/fists just ends up like

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I miss playing all those weeb as fuck games on wc3. I learned everything I know about the big 3 from playing those games.

no, just updated (they also updated wc3)
can they? idk then, probably didn't get much traction so they won't bother with same strategy

I miss AOS and all the anime versions of it.

the point of them being able to play together is so they don't split the already small community

Eyo real question is Wc3 Reforged compatible with original Wc3 maps? That's the only reason im going to buy it, i still have ALL the wc3 SCUMS, like ALL of them motherfuckrs
>darkest deeds
>footman frenzy
>all those weird lord of the rings wackadoo RTSs
>the entire Wanderers of Arcadia campaign with liek 500 super high quality levels and shit
>all sorts of custom maps
i have like 30GB of custom wc3 maps still saved over here

>maps with hidden porn

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I played some DBZ map where you would pick character and go level in jungle, then every few minutes there would be a tournament.
Goku had special leveling area for himself only, you had to run on that stone snake in dead realm to get to it.
Fun times

I don't know about all of them. There was a huge patch that broke like every single custom map made before 2009.


They claimed when the game was first announced that you could port over most custom maps with no problems, and the only issue that could come up would be if your game was full of custom models. We'll have to see if that's still true.

It still uses the original engine so I would assume so.

I knew those existed but never got to play them myself.

I've got like half a dozen of my boys in TDS mapping clan gonna be pumping out custom lobbies the moment that shit launches of all the old custom map classics
you boys got any particular favorites?
we have the archive from war3m.aps still and literally all those old customs, all the AOS maps, survival maps, Cat vs Mouse maps, Tower Defenses and shit, all the Roleplaying maps


That map where Archimonde has a massive cock and fucks the twin towers

Liked X Hero Siege and Wintermaul Wars, though Wars always broke my computer.

>Life Of A Peasant ... Home.

At least it was, until the mafia fucked it up.

Why yes my favorite game was Shopping Maul USA, how could you tell?

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reminder reforged customs are going to be heavily moderated and no fun allowed

For weeb stuff, Fate Another is my favorite.

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there as some version that threw a huge porn pic on screen when you won I think

>he doesn't play the grocery store rpg in starcraft 1 where you rampage across a gigantic grocery store as angry probes and steal their shit to become different units

Just don't play the rape simulators you fucking degenerates.

Not even talking about those you fucking retard, people insulting each other is literally part of the experience and one of the reason why it was fun.

Can't be worse than the normal ending where you get to the gay bar and your lover rams you infront of everyone.

What was your favorite map, Yea Forums?

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>DBZ maps that let you type stuff like "ss" to go Super saiyan
>LOTR maps where everyone played as each faction and I always hated playing Gondor because a bad Gondor meant bad game.
>Life of the Peasant
>Archer Tag
>Yu-gi-oh TD
>Starship Troopers Defense
>Uther Party

Bros, I could go on. WC3 was one probably the best time for custom content

if they moderate the chat it will be dead on arrival

are custom games still alive for a newfag that never played wc3?

read the thread zoom zoom

>no dark deeds

What the fuck is this game even?

im 23

>finish downloading map
>gay porn shows up on thumbnail

>That custom map where they turned War3 into a fucking 2D platformer
Jesus this game was great.

it's there

yep I literally play it every few weeks, when an update drops for my still in development favorite maps and shit

Who Sheeps vs Rabbits here? Alternatively, 3v3 Castle Fight was the some of the most fun I had playing with 2 friends.

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Dota 2 auto chess.
It's shit compared to what we used to have in wc3 but I guess people take what they have.

It was fun until you learned how the game actually worked and how easy you could abuse stuff in it.

Battle Tanks with a shoutout to Castle Fight pre-elemental patch

loap, sheep tag, predator, vuen, ice/island trolls and ninja vs samurai
metastasis was ok too

Goddamn I miss Real Life (for Morons). Are there any indie games like it?
>Sims/Harvest Moon gameplay
>but with combat added
>plus an overarching plot with increasingly difficult boss fights
>shittons of Easter eggs and dumb jokes optional
Dark Lineage?

oh wait not sheep tag, but this mixed up the two

>Warlocks in Wc3
>Magecraft in Sc2

Speaking of, is Magecraft still bugged to shit in Sc2? Shit was cash.

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Sheep vs Rabbits was pretty legit. Having to rotate between the shop and the fountain really added to the intensity.

Sunken City any good?

>not caring about muh toxicity
It will be moderated and you will like it.

I stopped playing it when they changed the map from that grid to something else. I think it just kinda fell off around HotS.

Best fun we ever had at a LAN was that SWAT something map. Does anyone remember it? It was a city map with an increasing horde of zombies following your team, and you had to do some objectives like save civilians or something. Eventually the giant butcher zombies would show up and fuck up your team.

Any advice for someone thinking of making a campaign? Any do's and don'ts?

I used to play this all the time and yes, back when I stopped a few years ago it was permanently bugged for months, with no fix in sight. A shame, since that was one of my favorite custom maps in SC2. That, and whatshisface, where there were four players in two lanes, and you gained income passively and had to spawn units that would attack the enemy in your lane automatically. I was getting really good at that.

try to play one game of uther party without griefing

World of Warcraft Arena
White TD
The Black Road

Hosting Battle tanks 10k starting money, game name: battle tanks 10k

Where my Dark Ages of Warcraft/Azeroth Wars niggas at?

just loaded in another game dammit

And cba as someone instantly left because he "didn't know" it's 10k even though it says it in the lobby name

there is literally nothing MOBAlike with warcraft 3's melee
if you think otherwise, you are a retard that didn't play melee