Should i play the previous DMC games before start the new one, or at least watch the anime? I don't know shit about it..

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The only thing you'll miss if you don't know anything about the DMC franchise is the significance of The Big Reveal Moment when you learn who Urizen is. Basically all of the rest is given to you in the game in a way that makes decent sense.

Play 3 and 4 before 5. You'll enjoy 5 a lot more as a result.

Play 3 first, it's great but it'll be harder going back to it after 5

Get the HD Collection and play 1, 3, and 4. 2 isn't great at all. Playing the others will make you appreciate 5 much more.

Attached: Virgin falling.gif (600x338, 2.04M)

Also, the game has a "History of DMC" option in the main menu which summarises the story for you. You should still play 3 and 4 first though


Get the HD collection, play 1 and 3 (absolutely skip 2), then get DMC4SE, play it, then play 5.

also don't watch the anime, it sucks shit, weebs will try to convince you otherwise because (surprise surprise) there's a cute little girl in it

But Patty is in 5

yes but she's not the reason I recommend 5

It's worse if you play all the previous stuff, play it standalone first. That way you're improving on a story you don't know much about, rather than being disappointed by it after a build-up

Except OP isn't going to have a 10-year buildup

I know. If he did, I'd simply recommend that he didn't play DMC5

ok... OP if you're reading this, don't wait 10 years to play DMC5

Basically what everyone else is saying, OP. 5 can totally be played standalone, but you'll miss out on some of the references if you do so. I'd recommend going in release order, skipping 2 and DmC, maybe watching the anime too if you really want.

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"Weebs" recommend the anime because it's a chill slice of life anime going about Dante's daily life, the loli is an extra.

You don't HAVE to OP. There's a recap video at the beginning that summarizes the previous stories. But 3 and 4 are great games in their own right so you may as well. They're short games too if you just want to beat them once.

1 is great too but is a lot clunkier and has a really barebones plot. You could skip it.

You do know that it's pretty retarded to recommend any DMC game for the story (apart from 3), rather than the gameplay, right?

which is fine for anything else but not DMC
DMC is about CUHRAZY action
"hey buddy check this out it's Devil May Cry but with hardly any action!"
yawn, no thanks

I honestly think it could've worked way better if there were more of a balance between Dante chilling out and fighting. Problem is, any time a fight scene happens, it either cuts away and then we cut back to Dante winning without seeing any of the action, or Dante just BTFOs the monster of the week with one shot. That's why the episode where Trish and Lady met was the best one; we actually got to see the action.

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not my fault your ADHD prevents you from enjoying anything

Play 3, watch summaries of the rest on Youtube, then play 5.
1&2 have very dated gameplay
4 is basically just an inferior version of 5

play 2 for the ultimate DMC experience

also, sakaki uploaded a new video