What am i in for?

What am i in for?

Attached: dauntless---button-fin-1558131592645[1].jpg (1060x1060, 192K)

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shill thread

The $0.05 that was just deposited into your account

Why does this shit get shilled on the daily?

Angry comments from monster hunter fans


Calm down, guys.
Its just because my friends are playing it and told me to check it out.

Played it a while back. Controls are smooth, the art-style is nice. Dunno how the things changed but I'll say it gets boring and repetitive very quickly. Then again I never was into grindy titles so I wouldn't enjoy Monster Hunter either.
You can play it solo or with friends (found it more fun and challenging solo but then again I am a loner)

This artstyle is atrocious. I've never played Monster Hunter but this screams Fortnite.

>my friends are playing it
>instead of asking them, makes a thread on Yea Forums asking about it
nice paper thin reasoning shill

Is this game actually any good?
Is it p2w in any way?

It's like Monster Hunter but like 10 times more fun.

An even more casualized Monster Hunter than World

The axe is fun.

A boring game if you play with random players. Seriously, this shit was meant to be solo'ed
The game came out before fornite

>Fortnite Artstyle
>Extremely basic Monster hunter game with none of the customization, challenge, depth, or variety that its original has

It's super fucking easy to play, to the point that it can be solo'ed with bare minimum equipment. Grindy as hell (but then again so is monhun with mat grinding for gear and weapons).

It's just a cheaper, uglier free-to-play monster hunter. That's it.

>gimmick stolen from longsword
>only one charge level

thats gonna be a no from me senpai

As others have said you are definitely a shill. But here is what you're in for.

You get to choose from one of 6 different kinds of monsters to fight. Then you kill them and make better gear to fight them again.

That is the entire game.

Fuck off with your weeb garbage.

sounds fun I'm in


a bad game that has sjw characters

Repeating same boring levels again and again until you pass out.

Is the War Pike fun? I want to start playing this tomorrow. I love MH4U but it requires so much concentration and prep work, it might be fun to just jump in and kill a cartoony monster

so monster hunter
pay for a blowjob

if you like stabbing stuff with insect glaive and not being in the air then you'll like it

It's ridden with P2W but the game is so easy who even cares.

I care. I don't play p2w/mtx games on principal baka

Thank god for twitch. Watching other cunts play shitty games so I don't have to.

how is it pay to win? I thought the micro-transactions were just cosmetic

Oh I agree with your notion don't think I don't.

I haven't played more than 5 hours of Dauntless. I don't like it, and I don't like MHW either. My main is Dark Souls and I'd rather try The Surge 2 and Code Vein because they're Soulsclones than clones of a game I don't like.

I play MH for the Monster design. This looks like shit to be honest.

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Wait seriously? What's the fucking point of that. The things in that store can be expensive as fuck.

Same as Monster Hunter then.

like path of exile, if you like the game and want to support it / look cool then you can buy stuff. at least I thought that was their model

Being this stupid must hurt physically

well akkactually poe is p2w because you need premium tabs for proper trading

It's always the same kind of big lizards and dragons. The monster design in MH is boring as fuck.

Dark Souls has much cooler monster designs. And also, I much rather hurt an undead human or an anomality than an innocent creature from the wild, so to me MH is wrong.

Monster Hunter for kids and retards. It's shit.

>Dark Souls
Who the fuck mentioned it you retard? Go away and take your stupid opinions with you.

>Says the thread is a shill
>bumps it with pointing it out
>instead of just not replying

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It always amazes me how assblasted people get over free games. STOP LIKING THINGS THAT I DON'T LIKE, MUH SUPERIOR JAP MONSTERS

nobody is saying that this is better than MonHun. It is a fun, free, casual take on the genre. Personally I'll play both, Dauntless when I want to fuck around and MH4U when I want to get assraped by a Pink Rathian again

>asking a the people on are board based on video games about their thought on a game is shilling.

both are shitty children's games compared to dark souls

this, the armor design also looks pretty bland

It's only a bit better than MH:W. That should say a lot

I played last year, you can only buy cosmetics as far as i remember, there's no p2w

I didn't play with the axe much when i played this, but wasn't it more? From what i remember it was more

It actually looks like fortnite.

How the fuck is it better?

Shit look uglier than Fornite

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>Monster Hunter for third worlders

this is the garbage op is shilling
jesus fucking great

this game is really fucking ugly

That is objectively a wrong opinion

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That..... looks way more fun than MH, thank you. I'm going to check this out

>50K people waiting in que to log in
>shit game

you can throw out your axe but what else is there

I agree that it looks like Fortnite, but saying that it looks bad is just another case of hating a thing because it's popular.

Never in my life have I played Fortnite, seen it via proxy, can see clearly that this game is very similar, and I quite like it. This artstyle would even fit better Moster Hunter than Monster Hunter World did, being that all realistic with a ton of noise for no reason.
Dauntless looks stylish, monsters are super easy to read, characters too, armor sets look super colorful and cool and being ironic as it is the p2w skins are the most boring of the game.

slam dunk with it of course

id rather just play hammer desu

So just like every shitty shovelware f2p korea mmo, got it.

Dauntless has better gameplay than MonHun
prove me wrong

.This artstyle would even fit better Moster Hunter than Monster Hunter World did, being that all realistic with a ton of noise for no reason.
Dauntless looks stylish, monsters are super easy to read, characters too, armor sets look super colorful and cool and being ironic as it is the p2w skins are the most boring of the game
What kind of shit are you smoking? i want some of it too.

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can also charge it like a great sword and it also gave it the hammer charge walk kek

Saying it looks like fortnite doesn't mean it looks bad. Though it looks like shit , just look at this, what the fuck.

Anyone know if this is an Epic timed exclusive or permanent exclusive? Can't keep track of this shit man.

Game is fine, don't go in expecting MHW though, it needs more of everything, needs more types of monsters, needs more stuff to do at Ramsgate, needs more weapons or give the current weapons more depth, more environments, more items

Cherrypicking, find a new example and try again.

I think it is timed, but they haven't said anything about it from what i know

lol what a fag

A faster Monster Hunter
Generally faster paced (if you're good)
Faster movement and actions
Snappier animations
Grind feels the sameish atm though

actual 100% samefag, go shill your dead shitty ugly p2w turd elsewhere

>play on PS4
>have to wait 20 minutes in line to log in
>minute long loading screens to do anything
>constante frame drops
>play on pc
>log in immediately
>no performance problems
>the game even looks better

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a shit game, also cheat engine works


should play it with a control bros ?

The fuck is stylish about this shit? every armors look like fucking reject kamen rider suit

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>that weak stance
Looks like he's scared of something


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10 hours of last year alpha and 20 hours of this year OB this is my opinions
>Alpha got shitty netcode people barely can enter ramsgate
>People from other countries sometime got place on other side of the world server, they removed server browser like an idiot they are
>Small numbers of weapon 5 melee and one range
>Weapon animation doesn't improved at all since last year, Axe charging animation feels like made by 12 years old with Paint3D.
>they hates range weapon so there will be no more new range weapon to be implemented
>the current Repeater exist just because people whine about it, its also the same reason why its so shit.
>Behemoth is just a reskin of one monster with different colors, elements and effects.
>More grindier than your average MMO, Monhun can be grindy but the map variety and monster behaviors make them less boring.
>Maps are just similar empty platform with different colors that only exist to confused you and increased your play time.
>They got runes just like Monhun, but this time you are locked behind freemium paywall if you want to get higher level of it faster.

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The whole game is fucking ugly as horse shit, try again

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>This artstyle would even fit better Moster Hunter than Monster Hunter World did, being that all realistic with a ton of noise for no reason.
>Dauntless looks stylish, monsters are super easy to read, characters too, armor sets look super colorful and cool
Care to post some of the examples of these stylish, cool, colorful armor sets and characters

>game on pc looks better than console

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why are you trying this hard?
no one tries this hard

Dauntless is fucking shit. If someone told me why I hated devs falling for i-frame shit, I would point them to this game.


Already 5m in a few days. MH franchise is fucking dead, and no one can deny it.

Why are you compare a f2p game with a fucking franchise with like 20 games and million of copies ? is MH fucked your whole ancestor or something?

I bet Crapcom is rolling on their japanese cubicles right now.

>Already 5m in a few days
That not a few days, that's the whole 4 years and lot of them are already stopped playing

>$60 with 12 million copies vs shitty f2p game released 3 years ago

No only half of my ancestor. Fucking jap shills

Where the concurrent players mate?

So that why you're a retarded, goddamn jap scum

All we know it's around 35 times more concurrent players than what MH:W has during it's peak on steam

Yeah but the rent is more expensive in Japan so you have to take that into account. Plus they already wasted it all developing Iceborn. Good luck selling that now that people traded the game for Dauntless.

>boasting about all time players

lol, I'm sure they counted me, I entered the beta or alpha but never even played it, turned out to be shit.

>19 monsters

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really fucking bad mo-hunt world
i see no reason to play it at all

Whoah... so this is the monhun killer bros.

>game is so shit the thread rather talks about monhun instead of Dauntless gameplay
>Even the shill can't stop talking about monhun
un-bump lol

a repetitive monster hunter copy

>Yeah but the rent is more expensive in Japan so you have to take that into account. Plus they already wasted it all developing Iceborn. Good luck selling that now that people traded the game for Dauntless.
The fuck are you talking about?

the bootleggest of Monster Hunter

Why the hell are people trading a $60 game for a f2p game? what kind of retard shit your mom feeds you? your posts ain't making any sense at all

"its" shows ownership; "...its peak..."
"it's" it is a contraction, it has a contraction, it's a contraction; " See that car? It's red."

>traded the game for Dauntless

Because that f2p game is simply better in every way. Also, if you want to talk about MH go to MH thread. Oh right, there is no such thing because MH is fucking dead.


>it looks like Fortnite
I fucking wish, the artstyle is nowhere near as good as Fortnite.
also shill thread

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>Because that f2p game is simply better in every way
Can you please answer my question?

Play Monster Hunter

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>Crapcom game

Why do you chinks have an inferiority complex to Japan?

Hunt Pass Elite is p2w. Me and my buddy are console kiddies and we're playing alongside each other. He paid for the season pass, I didn't.

He gets the season loot waaaaaaay faster than I do, and a fair amount of it aids in gameplay.


>tfw haven't been able to complete a single hunt the entire weekend.
>tfw everyone plays as guns or the stupid god of war blades.

>force to use guns for a quest

I dont see dual chainiggers a lot actually, just dual gunfags and tiny sword sticks

>What am i in for?
A game made by people trying to copy Monster Hunter without realising what makes Monster Hunter work, with Fortnite artstyle.
It's basically MMO bosses without the rest of a game.


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there was a weekly quest for the chain blades, which is why they were so prevalent
repeaters are just common because of their low risk/high damage, best for completing quests fast if you don't need any parts


>aids in gameplay
The Dauntless Experience™

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no it doesn't, you just get more cores which you'll already get plenty of

everything is cosmetic
you probably just aren't as good as your friend, at best he gets the elite bonus drops which are the same as normal drops but doubled

>gets double my loot
>not p2w

God damn I thought shills were just a meme

alright so, the only parts you would farm are gonna be the break parts which do NOT get doubled by the elite status, they get doubled through a passive ability you gain at level 20

break parts are pieces of the monster which can only be obtained by breaking that piece of a monster in a fight, everyone gets it once it breaks

these are not granted through any pay to win means
the loot that gets doubled is gonna be crap you don't need anyway and which you will acquire ina bundance trying to farm that one specific break part

also, there is a passive ability to get a chance to double the normal drops as well as one for the break parts
both of which you gain through normal gameplay


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Easy? Fuck off, the tier 6+ are a nightmare for me, and getting orbs to upgrade my shit is a massive grind from the noob behemoths.
Can't get any from daily patrols cause that throws 6s 7s etc at me in pugs.
I dropped 4.99 for elite season pass so I can't quit now either.

Slayer 20? I'm 22 and I didn't get any passive ability

Focus only on one weapon. Prioritize armor over your weapon. Check your Perks, Sharpened, Energized, Tough, Fortress, Cunning(very super rare), Predator, Aetheric Attunement(forget the name, the one that charges lantern on hit, not Frenzy) and Assassin/Stunning Vigour are all very good and you should equip them if you can.

If you're still fighting Threat Level 6-10 then it might be hard to get the appropriate gear together but generally a good rule to follow is to equip cells that have the abilities that your armor does so you get a more amplified effect

oh shit i got mixed up, it is behemoth mastery 12, so it might be a little harder to get

>trusting random faggots on a fucking Yea Forums over your own fucking 'friend'

A shittier monster hunter.

Weird, that was very helpful, and there was me all ready to have a shitflinging contest.

Monster Hunter 4U / GU / FU / 3U > MHW >> Toukiden 1/2 > Dauntless > God Eater

Only play dauntless if you are sick of all the games above it.
It's still better than God Eater, which isn't such an achievement.

Hey fuck you. God Eater 2 is at the very least better than Dauntless.

Hell no.
God Eater Resurrection maybe.

Dauntless > Monster Hunter 4U / GU / FU / 3U > God Eater > Toukiden 1/2 > MHW


God Eater Res is infinitely better than Daubtless. God Eater 2 is shit tho


wait... that makes a lot of sense

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fuck off retard

Just played it with a controller and when I turn the left stick left or right the camera turns with the character as if this is some sort of pre-dual stick PS1 game, the characters also look like fortnite knockoffs and the combat moveset is embarrassingly hollow. Dropped the game shortly after killing a few behemoths, game feels like a chinese mobile 'MH'.

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>4U FU GU 3U all in the same tier

absolute garbage list FU is at the undisputed top

on* Yea Forums

Just tell me if the female models look alright, or if there are any lewd female cosmetics.

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>I play MH for the Monster design. This looks like shit to be honest.
I love MH but MH is 90% wyverns. Japs seem to love dragons, just look at the generic Iceborne flagship; generic flying wyvern#329. I like shit like nerscylla, gammoth, electro pup and ss monkey because it's refreshing and fucking cool.

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The fuck do you think it look like you fucking retard piece of shit

see you in the maelstrom

Monster Hunter with less autism

nice ass post more

I don't think they are trying to appeal to incels. You can play as a tranny tho