Fuck everyone of you dumb cunts that say to skip this

fuck everyone of you dumb cunts that say to skip this
>combat isn't oath tier but still good
>the best world building in the series
>the best internal conflict in the series
>fantastic music as usual

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Did they give reasons as to why you should skip it? I've seen a lot of people here say that it is a very good game and I am of that mindset as well.

>fantastic music as usual

>tfw the PSP version is the best but has constant framerate issues

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that drumwork man

Ys thread?
Is origin really the best one?

Is this set before or after Dana. All I know is that he dies a virgin at age 70 in the fucking north pole.

please stop reminding me that the shitheap called Ys VIII exists.
In my mind celceta was the last one

But I loved Dana and all the characters in it.

Celceta was much worse than VIII in every aspect though

>fuck everyone of you dumb cunts that say to skip this
Dumb cunts really say this? No, it has the Ark engine, of course it's at least mid-tier by default.
The bosses aren't quite as polished, lunge-jumping is dumb (but not required anyway), crits are dumb and you need to grind a few levels here and there to not take ridiculous amounts of damage for the little damage you deal yourself.
But besides playing like Oath and Origin, it also has one of the better soundtracks in the series and the story gives nice closure to the Eldeen arc.
Plus, it has the last great Dogi design.
People probably meant to say to skip V, which is nothing special. But if you are a fan of the series I say there isn't much reason to skip it entirely, only to wait until you went through the other titles.

Attached: Ys_VI_Dogi_1.jpg (500x1200, 81K)

>he prefer celceta to dana
wot mate. Dana is one of the most ADVENTURE-y of the series so far. Its kind of a shame 75% of the bosses are throwaway trash tho
Oath still best

Dash jumping is the worst mechanic in the series.

Shut the fuck up you stupid contrarian bitch. Go back to /fg/


What's the best game to follow up with if you started the series with VIII? I feel like I was spoiled with the party members and level of graphics compared to the glimpses I've had of the other games.

Ernst fight is the single best fight in the series. This is indisputable fact.

celceta is just Ys 7-2, and the setting, story etc is much better than 8.
Not to mention it still has that Ys replayability, fucking 8 drags on for at least 30 hours.

I and II on TG-CD

That's not Kishgal as Toal


Post the timeline. It is time.

downgrade slowly from it is good. Or if you want, upgrade slowly from the bottom
>celceta: pretty much the same sans jumping. Bosses are fun, Karna is hot, establish the 6 party members trope
>seven: only 3 party member, still pretty much the same. iirc it doesnt have the flash guard/evade
>ark engine series: best order is Ark - Origin - Oath. considered the best series of the series. Great combat, music and absolutely fantastic bosses. Plot is tight too
>I and II: most primitive battle system

Is the need to grind not as apparent in the post-Ark games? I've played it immediately after Ys 1 and 2 so I figured some level of grinding is gonna be required in all games. Although that aspect is probably encountered more on the harder difficulties.

>not playing in release order
fuck I hate you stupid cunts
that's like playing MGS3 before 1

in the party based games (7, celceta, 8), there is no real need to grind for level, at least in lower difficulty. in Celceta you do have to grind a bunch of money to fill out the item collection tho
So is Oath and Origin, although i do have to grind a bit in Oath, but it might be because i started with hard setting

Okay okay, whatever you say. Head back over to /fg/ now.


>skipping Ark
Have the Originbabbies become even more retarded while I wasn't looking?

I've only played Ys 8. It's amazing and I'd like to play the others but I don't want to invest in a PSP.

I don't know what /fg/ is, but if it stands for faggot general, shouldn't you be there?

well he alr play 8 1st, and is worry that jumping back too far might take him aback
I - II are fantastic, but lets face it, that battle system is archaic as fuck
and i just list the evolution line anyway. he can play either up or down, or just jump into the best part (Ark engine series)

Play Oath and then Origin

I'd say yes. In Felghana and Origin, which I played before Ark, I only grinded a level or so when I had trouble with a boss (only to feel bad about it after beating a boss and reloading an earlier save file to repeat the fight without that additional level). But in Ark it sorta felt like I had to get some level-ups at times to not take stupid amounts of damage from normal enemies.
Also, the emelas. Felghana and Origin's weapon upgrades didn't require copious amounts of dropped items.

Celceta is literal dumpster fire. Go play Dawn instead.

Attached: Dawn of Ys.jpg (1400x1400, 512K)

Good lie. As expected of the schizophrenic posters of /fg/

Have a vita? awesome
Have a pc? PPSSPP for psp exclusive games. The rest are up on steam

You can get the entire canonical saga on PC. Everything bar VIII will run on a potato.

I have been trying to combat this narrative since I played Napishtim years ago. I still played it after Oath, it's not as good, but you have to remind people the trilogy is Napishtim, Oath, Origin in that order.
Playing the games chronologically (except leaving Origin for after Felghana) is fun but they should honestly be played
1&2 -> Napishtim -> Oath -> Origin
And from there it's whatever. Probably 7, Celceta and 8.

>tfw getting all the weapons at max level
Many hours were spent.

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Based virgin hero adventurer.

Yeah, I noticed the emelas cost does get very high fast. I never take off the hammer so I can get as much as possible

You just know Adol and Dogi are sucking eachother's dicks on those boat rides man don't even bullshit.

There is literally no point in doing that unless you insisted on fighting the stupid shmup bonus boss for some reason.

I know, I realized it after I steamrolled through the last few bosses.

Still a virgin. A man is a virgin until he penetrates a woman's vagina. Fucking your bro's ass doesn't count.

>1&2 -> Napishtim
Eh, should play Dawn of Ys after 1&2 to get the complete Eldeen arc in there.
Though in hindsight I have to agree playing Napishtim before Felghana and Origin is a good idea, since doing it the other way around is like going a step down instead of up.
Though I went full retard and played I & II -> Origin -> Felghana -> V -> Ark, anyway. Not sure why I skipped the IVs. Celceta was yet to be released on PC and I guess I didn't want to play Dawn or Mask of the sun since they're not considered canonical with Celceta existing.

I feel sorry for people who fought Ernst their first time while over-leveled and over equipped, they spoiled the single best fight in the series for themselves.

Fair enough.

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>implying the people publishing adols diaries aren't censoring his incredibly lewd descriptions of sex with his many lovers

Don't think I've seen anyone say that you should skip this. Although I was kinda disappointed in the bosses. They weren't that good

Adol died a virgin user. A gay virgin.

fucking novita shitters

>adol died
Please, he just found the secret dimensional portal in Antarctica.

the man is married to ADVENTURE, my friend, and he is faithful to her
still, didnt the opening monologue canonically state that he does have grandchildren? cant really rmb which game tho

I platinumed it twice on two different PSN accounts. Get fucked.

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he makes fucking deities lust after his fire red cock user

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you have to grind in Nightmare mode ?

prove it

Asexual then.

>Adol explored all there was to explore on his world and thus decided to visit others
Makes sense.

>you have to grind in Nightmare mode ?
No need if you don't wanna upgrade all the equipment to max level.

Is this that port where they removed a bunch of shit like fast travel making back tracking a real pain.

I can't get over the fact it's non-canon, though I have a ton of conflicting feelings. Overall the character designs from Dawn beat the shit out of every other version of 4, I hate what everyone looks like in the Celceta re-imagining. But I don't really like Adol returning to Esteria at all so soon, Fact returning, don't like him hooking up with Lilia, that's way too definitive for someone who's supposed to be adventuring forever. It just doesn't make sense anymore but the aesthetics are still fantastic.
I'd recommend it for hardcore fans.

>going from I&II to Origin
goddamn that's cranking shit up from 1 to 100. It's the strongest way to absorb the early story I suppose though.

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Falcom says that mask of the sun is actually the canon retro version of IV

7 has 7 party members and flash guard. No flash dodge though.

I had read reviews of Felghana recommending it for beginners of the Ys series, but at the same time I didn't wanna pussy out by avoiding the bump combat games. So I played I & II, and knowing Origin is a prequel, I thought it best to play that instead of Felghana first.
Didn't they even change their mind about that at some point before Celceta, too?

so thats just my memory fucking with me then. always only rmb Adol, Dogi and Aisha
or maybe because those others just fucked off after their arc and only returned at the end

But Aisha fucked off for a whole arc in favor of her bodyguard.

Yea well you do get all of them for the entirety of the second half of the game and the game expects you to level up and gear up all of them for the final boss.

Which it doesn’t actually spell out anywhere.

well fuck, gotta play seven again then

>game expects you to level up and gear up all of them
>Which it doesn’t actually spell out anywhere
Damn it, Elk and Cruxie, I don't wanna level you!
Mishera was kind of cool even though I didn't user her much.

Shit like this make me appreciate VIII's teamwide leveling
you can just pull out any characters you want, at anytime, without having to level them up 1st

>teamwide leveling
Seven had that, too. I believe the problem was that you still had some catching up to do in terms of levels because the share inactive party members got was lower than in VIII. But it was mostly skills that were the problem. Equipment for all of them was pretty expensive, too.

Celceta is worse than VIII in every aspect dude.

Honestly I think I is a little too old for a random person to play first and be interested in the series. I'd much rather get someone hooked on something like the partype games or Oath to get them curious about the roots of Ys.

>he forgot the most important one, Geis

>not liking cute girls smashing things with a big hammer

Eh, I had Mustafa for some time before you get her and I wasn't interested in his gameplay.
His petite sister coming along to take his role didn't win me over.

Why do they keep making this party system when you can perfectly change/perfect the bump system or do the same with the Oath fighting system


fuck partyshit

To have more character diversity and skills to pick from.

It’s not a bad system at its core. The more divisive gameplay impact is in healing items and gratuitous invulnerability frames in flash guarding and dodging. The “extra lives” of letting your party members die are pretty minor in comparison.

It's not the partyshit killing the games, it's flash guard negating all meaningful positioning and abundant healing item spam in boss fights

This, everything boils down to
>initiate I-frame mode
>spam powerful attacks until I-frames wear off

Hot opinion incoming:
Napishtim is the best and most well realized final boss in the series.

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Having "three lives" during boss fights can be accounted for, I guess. Having my favorite character to play die during a boss fight usually makes me go "nope" and reset, though.
As for flash guarding, at the very least they shouldn't reward you with guaranteed criticals. If guarding has any place in the game at all, it should be to avoid an attack as an entirely defensive option, not
>deliberately let the boss attack so you can guard it, spamming your attacks during the generous amounts of invincibility frames

I would personally keep the flash guarding working roughly as it does now, but make the timing windows narrower on higher difficulties, so you can’t rely on them unless you’re a god of vidya.

Ys is great because everything is so aggressive. Even when you defend, you get bonuses to hitting back.

I actually really like Rul Ende. Fighting with ever party member only to end the game with solo Adol was kino. The other party game final bosses just feel like random boss fights compared to seven's.

We're never getting 5 are we?

I think fewer i-frames are necessary so you actually need to keep guarding/dodging subsequent attacks, but at the same time chaining guards together shouldn't be easy.
Anyway, the cool thing is actually learning the patterns and how to dodge them, e.g. "jump and use your wind-magic to stay in the air for a bit", "run in a circle around the boss when he does this" or "jump alternating from left to right" or somesuch.
Flash guarding can devolve into "press guard, but with slightly different timings".

You're still missing one user.

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>Visit elemental shrines to prove your worth to the dragons
>OK, now visit the elemental shrines behind the previous elemental shrines and hit the dragons a bunch to prove your worth to the dragons. Also we turned off fast travel points so have fun dodge rolling across areas filled with mostly worthless enemies.

But why

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For sake of having more gameplay. And that's all Ys needs.

Shut up and listen to the new field theme faggot.

Ys VIII was a bit longer than it needed to be. Though you could argue that was because of too much story and too little gameplay, I guess.
Should've been about "Adol and castaways on Dinosaur Island" with maybe an entity (that isn't a bigger and better version of Rul-Ende) that caused the appearance of primordials as a final boss, or the Eternia stuff, but not both.

The best Ys game is nayuta no kiseki

I liked the castaways/eternia stuff, I felt like the plot transitioned smoothly between the two.

The eternia stuff felt underdeveloped. It was a nice dose of hopelessness though.

>Claims to be an Adventurer
>Hasn't even gone to space

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The way they tried to find a way to fight Oceanos with Dana was nice, but when the four wardens showed up near the end to explain the plot to you it was pretty iffy.
It's not like I didn't have fun with the game playing for sixty hours, but it somewhat overstayed its welcome.
And I thought Ys Seven was pushing it when I first played it with is 30-something hours!

Sorry guys I woke up

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>and he is faithful to her
Only because a literal goddess stiffed him on his first adventure.

why didn't adol just, like, dry hump maia into submission?

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>No actual trailer for IX yet
Come the fuck ooooooooooooon

If Ark wasn't a phenomenal game we wouldn't even have a series right now.
It's the game that revived the series after years of hiatus.

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Yeah, V almost killed it, Ark revitalized it.

surely you're not talking about the shitty PSP version though

The series had some tough times even before Ys V. Ys III was the first big shakeup in the series - and for Falcom in general. That game was originally meant to be a spinoff title called Wanderer from Ys, but Masayuki Kato, the founder and president of Falcom at the time, rebranded it as a mainline game for marketing purposes. The game was a critical flop and a lot of developers were really unhappy with his decision. Then to make matters worse, he doubled down on the PC market and forbade his staff from working on console titles, which caused almost all of Falcom's senior developers and artists to quit. By the time Ys V happened, it was developed by people who had next to no direct development experience with the franchise.

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>By the time Ys V happened, it was developed by people who had next to no direct development experience with the franchise
The situation was that bad?
I know that Ys III's reception was lukewarm at best, but I thought "guess they bounced back after that" for some reason. Though neither of the Ys IV titles were developed by Falcom so no idea why I thought so.
Either way, Ys V comes along and players are so underwhelmed they demand a hard mode which Falcom felt the need to deliver. And then nothing after that for years.

Ark is great and a tremendous leap from V's utter mediocrity but it's obviously a rough prototype of Oath/Origin gameplay.

At least that gave us Quintet.

Far too easy, unless you're talking about Ernst then a very hard no, he's the worst human fight out of the 3 Napishtim engine games.

Ys VI difficulty is
>You grinded so your swords actually recharge magic at a decent rate
Easy as piss
>You didn't grind and now it takes a minute to get a spell off
Ball buster

Falcom never really bounced back from that mass resignation. You gotta understand that in the 80s, Falcom had the potential to become on par with successful third-party publishers and developers like Namco, Capcom, Tecmo, etc. Unfortunately, the 90s first saw them reduced to an otaku-centric developer making games for NEC platforms, then to a bunch of nobodies developing games for Japan's tiny Windows market. They had a small creative resurgence in the 00s, but at that point, their company's business dealings were at an all-time low and they nearly went under after Zwei 2 bombed in 2008. Falcom's first major bounce-back happened with Trails of Cold Steel's release in 2013.

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>You gotta understand that in the 80s, Falcom had the potential to become on par with successful third-party publishers and developers like Namco, Capcom, Tecmo, etc
You know, I wondered how that actually never came to pass, considering they were around during that time and sort of pioneers in ARPGs. Guess that explains it.
>Falcom's first major bounce-back happened with Trails of Cold Steel's release in 2013
Meh, guess I dislike that series a bit less now. Unless its existence leads to Ys becoming more like it.
True. Hearing that Miyazaki worked on Ys is actually what got me interested in the series.

Yeah, a lot of the folks that walked out of Falcom during the 88-90 time window had some pretty success careers for a while. Yuzo Koshiro went freelance and became of the most prolific composers in the business. Masaya Hashimoto and Tomoyoshi Miyazaki formed Quintet. Tetsuya Takahashi went to Square. Et cetera, et cetera. On the flip side, though, that had to have been a massive blow to Falcom's newer staff and management.

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I thought Zero and Ao did monster JP preorder numbers. Wouldn't that be their bounce back point?

Well, by that point, Falcom wasn't making most of its money from game sales, but rather licensing and merchandise. Ao was the first noteworthy boost in sales for them back in the early 10s. CS was when their sales and stock value really blew up, though.