HUGE gameworlds

Does Daggerfall have the biggest gameworld?

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I think Noctis IV beats it but that depends on what you'd count as a game world.

so does elite, no man's sky and Minecraft if you're going to count generated landscapes. which you should since df was.

We don't need worlds this big. You'll end up fast-traveling everywhere and missing the scenery/dungeons/random events, so why bother?


>adding fast travel in the 1st game
Come on user, you're not thinking like a true dev. You wait for until the sequel, remake, port, etc. before you add fast travel. Gotta keep milking those gamers.

And for online games you make them pay for fast travel

Won't it be fun to traverse landscape for some hours with a dungeon here and there and then unlock the fastravel to a destination

Fast travel should be removed from every game. Causes developers to fall back into bad habits.

with the depth of a puddle

Dungeons are pretty dope in Daggerfall
There's some magic travelling for 20-40 minutes of real time to a nearby town after 6 hours of dungeon crawling

>no indie game that works off of daggerfall's formula and improves the issues and adds new features
why the fuck not? is it still to early for this sort of game to be done by an indie studio?

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Better than an actual puddle sized world with the depth of a puddle like Nu Bethesda games to be COMPLETELY FRANK AND HONEST WITH YOU

>Dungeons are pretty dope in Daggerfall

No, they aren't.

Daggerfall dungeons are randomly generated spgaghetti mazes. If you're lucky, the dungeon is small. If you're unlucky, the dungeon is monstrous, and you'll spend half a day fighting joke mobs just to find a smear of blood on the floor of a dark room.

Man I try getting into Daggerfall but I just can't. It's so fucking boring.

>giant empty world
Wow!!! Also if you're comparing shitty RNG worlds then no, Minecraft has a bigger world.

what is this? some kind of remake?

Is that fucking real?

Only the strongest survive

is the music composer from runescape? They sound so similar.

>bigger shit is better than small shit for the sole reason it's bigger
kys famalama

Is this some kind of mod/remake?

Is the game any good? I like the art style and gameplay but the map is pretty barren. Are there any mods to improve on this?

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Unity port.

Daggerfall Unity

It's a matter of taste. They're are mazelike so you need a map, they are generated so you always get something a little new
Boils down if you like rouge-like or not I guess

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If you're really unlucky, the dungeon cannot be finished at all and will trap you in inescapable rooms.

I wish Minecraft had better render distances and had more realistic terrain generation.
I know you can get a mod for the latter, and technically you can increase the former, but to get the results i'm talking about it requires a PC so powerful it hasn't been created yet.

I actually did research on this a few months ago and I believe this is correct.

Biggest video game world is Minecraft (Entirely procedurally generated though).
Biggest video game world that's a mix of procedural generation and handmade is Daggerfall.
Biggest video game world that's made entirely by hand without procedural assistance whatsoever is Xenoblade X.

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>Biggest video game world is Minecraft (Entirely procedurally generated though).
Is it not No Man's Sky?

Xenoblade X is handmade but is only filled with mobs really.
Still nice vistas

Doesn't Minecraft use prefabs for the jew towns and dungeon ruins?

Minecraft has a bigger world and it's more fun to explore

I never played Minecraft, what is the best way to play it nowadays?

>what is the best way to play it nowadays?
By not playing it

Bigger better

Nah bro

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It's funny how the scale goes from twice as large as Earth (Minecraft)
to half the size of the UK (Daggerfall)
to five time the size of San Francisco (Xenoblade X)

Can you climb that mountain?

Minecraft currently does, but it's not like it's that unique or interesting.

How so?

Yes you can

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The size limit of the world in Minecraft is completely arbitrary, since it's generated segment-by-segment on demand.

Goddamn I will kill for a Daggerfall remake that just allows for mod support if anything.

>Biggest video game world that's made entirely by hand without procedural assistance whatsoever is Xenoblade X.
Wait, not the Forza game with an entire country in it?

I was surprised too, but nearly all vidya open worlds in the modern era are partially procedurally generated, but then touched up to be presentable and meet standards.

>Does Daggerfall have the biggest gameworld?
since we are comparing empty worlds then Space Engine.

Daggerfall Unity is exactly that

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It'd be so amazing if you could have this with a world that felt way more alive than Daggerfall.
Dirt roads would go a long way to making this large of a world space feel more alive,

Well have fun holding whatever key you're using to walk toward forever because in Daggerfall some of those travels take days

Honestly it's a shame what state are the open world games, with Ubisoft being the forefront of them.
How is RDR2 anyway? Isn't the world big and alive?

Look for a pirate/no premium launcher. Download the 1.7.10 version and play a bit. When vanilla gets boring, download some mods from the official forums or curseforge. There is an autism general on /vg/.


Daggerfall Unity.

Assassins Creed Odyssey.
It's just too much. Perfect example of quantity>quality.

both are generated but only minetards would put so much time and actually go somewhere and generate the world. no one gives a fuck about nms

Daggerfall literally has a climbing skill that allows you to climb any surface. It's kind of funny how BotW was considered so revolutionary when it was already done by Daggerfall two decades prior