Other urls found in this thread:
>it's okay when HUWITES do it
I want to slap my cock across Preset 1's face
>literally ok when japs do it
Why the fuck do AA jap game make a better black woman than every AAA western game.
>he doesn't know bout my nigga Yasuke
the fuck is a huwite
They use real models for reference, not random plebs off the street
>game lets you make custom characters
>the option to have a preset, a PRESET, look like a black person is enough to trigger Yea Forums
i'm not even asking you to have sex, Yea Forums. just go outside for a bit, i think you need it.
Looks like this will be a bigger blunder than Anthem.
Black samurai have existed
Another /pol/ bait thread made by someone who hasn't even seen an LP of Nioh let alone played it
user, I see you're a man of culture as well
>tfw they really wuz
awe ye
They don't have an agenda of lowering the beauty standards in their country
>unironic have sex memery invades seemingly normal posts now
What a weak willed faggot you are, you couldve prevented this shit
You can cite as many as there ever were on one hand, that’s not even close to being significant. Not by a fucking longshot.
do what white boy?
Bitch, it's not like you're playing "average dumb fuck, 4632465th of the name" either. Who cares if it's not significant ? Main character is exceptional by virtue of being the main character anyway.
I'm gonna play as a black samurai and you can't stop me faggot
That was based on a true story though.
The negress is literally just there because people would go wahhh why cant i be a nigger? This is racist!
>White girl and black girl both cuter than the Japanese options.
What did Tecmo Koei mean by this?
>xXx_Nigglerkillergaiden_360xXx invades your game
shit taste. the two jap girls are clearly best. The original is still goat though.
They draw a white girl then paint her black.
Even worse than the first one, good.
It might be the nigga Oda kept around.
Middle class people are ashamed of the superficiality of their lives and indulging in a bunch of beautiful things is hedonistic. So there is an obsession with ugly things because to be ugly is to be 'real' (pic related). This is also why post modern bullshit is so ubiquitous because if X is 'about something' then it's deep and meaningful and not superficial
i hope she gets BLACKEDRAW in nioh 2
Neither were white people, yet Wirriam saves Japan like 3 times.
I refuse to believe anyone bought that.
That literally happened though.
Are you being retarded on purpose?
Black samurai is top aesthetics though
Nah. (You're right about Okatsu tho).
That picture is the single most retarded thing I've ever seen. That's what my shoes look like after I've owned them for 3 years and worn them through multiple storms.
They better have some decent hair options this time around. Love the aesthetic
Yes just as real as Ogres and Oni's and Japanese spirt magic bullshit.
It's just a template character their race will have like 0 bearing on anything.
It's real, collecting ugly ass poverty larp shoes is my side hobby
they made them cute
Looks like a generic gook. I doubt the character is even based on someone at it was sheer coincidence. Actually, I don't think those two actually look anything alike on closer inspection, so let's conclude that Japs all look the same.
>game has niggers
>no one cares
>Yea Forumsros play as nigger character for the lulz
>game has niggers
She looks like she fucks gaijin
But it's ok for the cracker? Kill yourself
Yes it's because championing these causes gets alot of social media cred so people are incentivised to call others racist for their own self promotion. Since you're basically accusing anyone who doesn't share your views as being a racist it has a way of creating a reactionary movement
First game also had a black samurai. They already established you can have samurai of every race.
>Cantha expansion never ever
people are finally waking up
> Hurrrr Nigger hurrr durrrr
Go back to /pol retard...
Holy fuck you retards are pathetic. There's no agenda here. It's just character customization.
If you don't share the views of people who oppose racism then how are they wrong to call you a racist?
Can we go back to when everybody was sleeping? Everything was more fun back then.
These are not for wearing everday, its a limited edition runway outfit collection, made for mentally ill retards who want to smell used clothes that models wore
Begone Mad Queen
I see a shitpost OP and I see you whining
Are you saying Yasuke didn't exist? The only discrepancy is it's a female
>koei models
>improve on the existing beautiful real life model
>everyone else and Crapcom
>are or even uglier than their real life counterpart
yer wot
The negress in OP's image isn't cute dumb faggot.
>say nigger to be edgy
>say nigger to refer to blacks because daddy stormcuck raped your ass until you converted
2016 election
Superior watermelon cutting techniques
Have sex
You're blind then. She's clearly based on her as they look 100% identical and she's the VA.
kek. someone just had to bring that one out.. Of ycourse not knowing that it's based on a story writen around 200 years later that is largley considered to be fiction since there is nothing by any other historian of that time period that in any way even indicates it to be true, but who cares as long as you can push your dgenerated shit down everyones throat, right?
and what if what they're declaring racist isn't actually racist? Is having saying there were no black people in 16th century bohemia racist? This is some kafkaesque logic user where any resistance to the definition is proof that the definition is correct
reminder that Yea Forums is a right wing board
I agree, but even though she's not particularly cute, she at least looks ok, which is more than I can say for the black women in recent western games.
Can you give me some names? And since you're gonna name yasuke anyways can you give me some source on him ever actually becoming a samurai? Couldnt find anything on this thats not fanfic tier.
>real girl has a fat honker, tons of creases, fat chin, and olive skin
>in game character has a small nose, smooth white skin, and a small chin
It clearly a shitpost but that said there are fags who get triggered by retarded shit. I've seen people bitch about presets for cyberpunk 2077 since Yea Forums cares more about shitting on everything else about that game and doesn't say shit about how the gameplay looks bad.
I want 2 to slap her cock across my face.
name 10 white samurai
It's preset 2 for me, lads
Sure, I'm not disagreeing with that. If I want a game with a qt black girl I'd play RE5.
She looks cool af though
>That was based on a true story though.
If it were based on the real william it would be a merchant sucking masamune's cock to try to convince him to kick out the spaniards and portugese from there
>and what if what they're declaring racist isn't actually racist?
I dunno, I've yet to see it.
>Is having saying there were no black people in 16th century bohemia racist?
Not really. But of course you could say it in a racist way.
Of course 2D always looks better but the likeness is still pretty obvious. She's a qt dude.
that particular black samurai also existed
they wouldn't even allow japanese female samurai back then, let alone a female gorilla
Is there a race on earth that likes niggers? I'm not even white but hispanics, chinese, pajeets, arabs, and even injuns all hate them.
But she looks inferior to 1, 2 and 3.
Well, it is just a preset for a character customiser. Shouldn't be too hard to make a cute black girl given the options, we can already see the other 3 look good.
>that particular black samurai also existed
And for the second game they're going with someone who did not exist. So given the precedents already established by the previous game and by history, it could be anyone.
yeah and? things have changed everywhere outside of Yea Forums too. Quit making these posts, retard.
Most races are fine with blacks. It's usually individuals who want to kiss up to whites so they can creep on white girls who hate blacks.
>Most races are fine with blacks.
most races are unironically more racist against blacks then whites are. You're living under a rock.
>yeah and? things have changed everywhere outside of Yea Forums too. Quit making these posts, retard.
Not really. Shit is the same besides the internet you're just finally noticing it.
niggers dont deserve the rabid hate, it should be directed at trannies
yasuke was just nobunaga's pet nigger
>Most races are fine with blacks.
pfffft ha ha ha ha ha
t. guy who never interacted with non-whites outside of american college campuses
Hairstyles are interchangable in the main game, right?
>black girl with hime cut
And William Adams was just Tokugawa's pet anglo
Doesn't make either of them any less real
Wrong. Whites create shit like stormfront, /pol/, American Renaissance, the KKK, etc. so they can dedicate their lives to exclusively hating on blacks. I don't see other groups doing this shit even in areas with tons of blacks. Seychelles had Asian and blacks and became mostly mixed and most American natives weren't the ones enslaving blacks and beating them. You have Caucasians always obsessed with blacks
Sheeeeeit, niggas really wuz samurai
And the white haired spaniard helping out in the war against demons is historically accurate.
lol no
asians hate blacks
south americans hate blacks
everyone hates blacks
it's just whites who pretend they dont
>he doesn't know even native americans were slaveholders.
see? You're a poor naive child.
>Whites create shit like stormfront, /pol/, American Renaissance, the KKK, etc. so they can dedicate their lives to exclusively hating on blacks. I don't see other groups doing this shit
that's because it's a commonly accepted fact among all of them that they hate negros
they dont need to form groups for it, because they all hate niggers
Lol, China and India are far more rayciss than the US.
Arabs enslaved millions of Africans and castrated them, but African-Americans still think whitey is the devil. They are fucking idiots.
Shit, I just realised, since this is set before the first game, we're not going to find out what shenanigans Maria gets up to after she teleports out of her own boss fight.
Also she's blonde.
Tons of African-Americans teaching in China say they feel safer in China and around Chinese police than they do in America
India is probably the most racist place on Earth, it's also probably the most multicultural place. Hmmm, wonder if they are related
Of course. They don't have to worry about getting killed by other african americans.
So how's the game Yea Forums?
she's uggo. off yourself, no standards scum.
Post cute samurais
If a Western developer did this everyone would be whining and accusing them of being SJWs trying to revise history, but when a Japanese developer does it it's suddenly okay. You're all a bunch of hypocrites
I doubt this, very much. China has more racism then the deep red states in America by far.
shit taste famalam.
Why is this board so obsessed with blacks?
Because white leftists post about them all day every day to win good boy points.
sure maybe, but there are tons of Indian immigrants in Africa that are fine
lol no
>fictional game about fighting demons as samurai
>vs games that are intended to be historical but blatantly include blacks for the sake of virtue signalling no matter how historically inaccurate
That's barely shit and Chinese get the same treatment.
Jews are white
What is it with you people and this word? The reason behind the hate is that 13% of the population commits 50% of all violent crimes.
This. The caste system makes segregation look like a joke.
interesting, new gimmick is yokai skills which is akin to castlevania aria of sorrow's enemy soul system
I wonder how they'll balance this in pvp
Damn the top 3 presets all look amazing. I'll probably end up going with something like 2 or 3.
>poor people with no estate commit crimes
Poor whites have estate, poor blacks don't. This is a pattern you see across the world. People without homes and money are more likely to be criminals.
Because it's retarded to let apes roam in your city streets pretending they're people. It's too funny to talk about, and all the other whites pretending they're people too
For me, it's Preset 2
just watched the gameplay and it literally just looks like a dlc for the first game
>buying into racial wars because youtube intentionally provided you with videos and links.
>waking up
What happened to "jewtube"? Oh, all of a sudden, because they've promoted race war shit they, have no agenda? lmao. You became racially motivated because youtube/google/facebook wanted you to be. If they were really anti, they would've stopped it years ago. You are pawns.
"Waking up" LMAO.
Hispanic here, I completely agree. I also have worked with a lot of Asian and Indian people and I can confirm they hate blacks too. If anything its California whites that tend to cater to them.
If you want to be actually truthful, all races hate each other. Really. Even the term "whites" shouldn't be used as a collective as an Anglo would hate a Pole, who would hate a G*rman and so on. Japs hate Koreans, Chinks hate Japs. Arabs hate Yemenis. Everyone hated anything that isn't from their own race. Most people haven't dealt with blacks long enough to begin hating them.
>literally the cute girl to cute black girl slider meme
>*autistic screeching*
>*posts 8 statistical charts and a 12 page essay on blacks*
You know the hivemind is getting out of hand when faggots start having aneurysms over shit like this.
>(((california whites)))
>ignoring the cracker on the far right
Asian with hime cut > Blonde > Asian with ponytail > Niggurai
Not bad though, she doesn't look ugly to me and I generally don't like black women.
It's a good way to try to disassemble America. Best way to destroy a country is to "other" a small minority around 5-15% of the population. Get groups fighting with one another and usually the smaller side begins to radicalize and starts using guerrilla tactics.
Worked with Iraq and the Kurds, worked with the Rwandan genocide, worked with the Katangese in Congo, etc.
Most people here are just following trending memes. They are too stupid to realize its malevolent nature.
>muh history
was always a shit argument to begin with. Video games, like movies, are works of fiction and will always take liberties with history and realism. The complaints about black people or women being in games being "unrealistic" or "historically inaccurate" are completely arbitrary when you take into consideration that most games will always take liberties with realism.
Take Mordhau, for example. There was a recent controversy where people were whining about the devs considering including female knights. "That's unrealistic!" "That's immersion-hampering!" they all whined. Yet this is the same game with people running around, half-naked punching people in heavy armor, where people customize their characters to be Geralt of Rivia or Steve from Minecraft while a lute-player plays Megalovania and someone else slashes and kills someone in full-plate heavy armor using a bastard sword. These are all perfectly fine, but for some reason there is selective outrage towards a woman being included.
There was another "controversy" related to a TV show called Troy: Fall of a City, where Achilles is played by a black actor. Again the same complaints show up, that it isn't historically accurate or accurate to the source material or whatever. But fictional Greek media is seldom accurate at all, neither to history nor the source material - we see this in movies like Clash of the Titans (1981) and Jason and the Argonauts (1963), famous for the involvement of Ray Harryhausen, which included elements that were nonexistent in the Greek myths (such as a Kraken, which isn't even Greek, skeletal warriors that never existed, a completely fictional villain, a mechanical owl named Bubo, and so on). Yet no one whined about any of these changes and accepted them as merely fiction. We also see this in Troy (2004), which not only completely removed the involvement of Greek gods, but also made several changes to the original myth as well (such as killing off Agamemnon (cont)
Are you retarded? Do you realize America doesn't account for estate? Do you understand what estate is or why it's important for a proper lifestyle?
Not him but
>people who were more likely to be stopped and searched are also more likely to go to prison
Wow... damn...
that's not what a precedent is, you mongoloid.
Not him but
>people who were more likely to commit a crime are also more likely to go to prison
Wow... damn....
>why are they stopped and searched more?
A black woman in a white samurai robe is pretty aesthetic, not gonna lie.
I'm sure it has nothing to do with repeat offenders.
They are more akin to act out violently (for no reason see the knockout game) and more dangerous to society as a whole so this is okay.
If the poorest Whites are less likely to go prison than the richest Blacks your argument doesn't make sense. I bet poor Asians commit even less crime than poor Whites.
13% of the population, 50% of all violent crime. Of course they get stopped and searched more often.
Why don't black people just stop committing crimes and turning literally every place they go into a ghetto if they want people to like them?
wealthy blacks commit more violent crimes than poor whites
t. not American
That's unironically racist. Not all blacks are hoodrat niggers.
Black areas are policed more for a reason.
I can't stop myself.
lmfao, okay
People tolerate niggers because they have to, that's all there's to it.
as well as historical inaccuracies (a bronze sword would not pierce bronze armor to begin with). Yet once again, these are all brushed aside because the audience accepts it merely as fiction. 300 does the same shit, Xerxes was not an 8 foot tall giant who wore nothing called the "God-King". All of these are dismissed and seen as acceptable breaks from reality, but for some reason there is selective outrage when it involves a woman or a black person
You can't whine whenever a black guy or a woman shows up in fiction, then claim to hide behind "realism" without denouncing all fiction altogether. It's a disingenuous argument, the reality is black people and women just make you butthurt because you are an actual, genuine racist or misogynist (meaning Anita Sarkeesian was unironically right) but you try to hide that by claiming you just care about history or realism.
*assumes the Hikari no Bukkake sword stance*
*strikes him down in a single stroke*
Once again 'dis nigga cut down a useless object...
That's because whites in general are less likely to be accused of a crime, less likely to be stopped on the curb, less likely to be searched for drugs etc.
This nigger culture which is propagated by the American Media is the real cause behind this, along with the introduction of crack in black neighbourhoods to destabilise black families. This was further backed by multiple presidents including Reagan.
The nigger culture has become so prevalent that people like you blame the symptom and not the cause.
Sure thing Ivan
Why do blacks commit more crime in Canada as well? We never enslaved them.
>vs games that are intended to be historical but blatantly include blacks for the sake of virtue signalling no matter how historically inaccurate
Like what? What games claim to be historically accurate?
She doesn't look white at all...? Even if you recolored her skin, you'd have to make the lips thinner and less voluptuous, the jawline more fragile and v-shaped, and the cheekbones much lower and less-defined.
Pick up a book once in a while you unredacted donkey
hey, at least she's pretty
Getting obvious it's ruskis posting this shit
>That's because whites in general are less likely to be accused of a crime, less likely to be stopped on the curb, less likely to be searched for drugs etc.
Because Whites commit much less crime.
>This nigger culture which is propagated by the American Media is the real cause behind this, along with the introduction of crack in black neighbourhoods to destabilise black families. This was further backed by multiple presidents including Reagan.
Blacks are 13% of Londons population and commit 50% of all violent crime in the city. The African-American murderrate is similar to Sub-Saharan Africas murderrate.
How? This thread existing proves it's not.
you don't understand
it's the white man keeping them down that's at fault
if only there were some massive continent where the population is 99% or higher blacks we could see what they're truly capable of
Are you stupid, yes they did. Fuck off to whatever AMD heated room you're in, Igor.
Oh yes, it's Russian boogeyman all over again. Ridiculous.
>DICE is about to change that, but the question remains, how the hell do you make a great action shooter out of one of the most brutal conflicts in human history? How do you make World War I fun?
>"That's a good question," Aleksander Grondal, Senior Producer at DICE, told me when I asked him. For Grondal and his team, Battlefield 1 is a Battlefield game first and a World War I game second. "It would be a little bit pretentious of us to claim that we somehow will make World War I fun," he said.
>"It's just an interesting era. We're not trying to create a documentary about that era. We're trying to make a game, it's supposed to be fun first so, of course, we're going to take some creative liberties where we can."
So the devs literally said it isn't historically accurate, you just pretended otherwise because your headcanon told you so
>any other historian of that time period that in any way even indicates it to be true
Except contemporary accounts from both Japanese and Jesuit accounts.
Except the Japanese made that game.
>Blacks are 13% of Londons population and commit 50% of all violent crime in the city
source? All I see is a report on them being suspects. Learn English before you type.
I just want everyone in this thread to know one thing:
I like cute brown girls in video games
This is pretty much what I expected npc-posters to look like.
post your driver's licence or Smith & Wesson to prove you're American
She's an okay level of brown, any browner and it turns to poop.
>browse Yea Forums
>everyone reveals themselves to be blatant hypocrites
as usual
What is your point? Why do you think they are suspects in the first place?
When did Canada enslave niggers you absolute tool?
oda nobunaga had his own nigga samurai though, when it comes out i'll make my own nigga samurai, please tell me the game has decent customization, i wanna make jimi
For being around the area of the crime and having a motive like bad blood you dumbass
Do you really think the knockout game is popular?
Counter point: Mostly white betas shoot up schools trying to get "high scores". Where do we go from here?
During the trans-Atlantic slave trade.
>it's a /pol/ thread
Of course
What's going on in this thread?
Because we all cracker jacks niggaaaa
Don't try with those bullshit excuses. The trend is clear:
In June 2010, through a Freedom of Information Act request, The Sunday Telegraph obtained statistics on accusations of crime broken down by race from the Metropolitan Police Service.[n 2] The figures showed that the majority of males who were accused of violent crimes in 2009–10 were black. Of the recorded 18,091 such accusations against males, 54 percent accused of street crimes were black; for robbery, 58 percent; and for gun crimes, 67 percent.[27] Robbery, drug use, and gang violence have been associated with black people since the 1960s.[28] In the 1980s and 1990s, the police associated robbery with black people. In 1995, the Metropolitan Police commissioner Paul Condon said that the majority of robberies in London were committed by black people.
It's the same in the US, London and elsewhere in Europe.
most mass shootings are committed by blacks and arabs
Is that the one that got made into a Samurai by Nobunaga just to piss off the nobility and then died in his first battle?
As far as I remember, his entire job was to be a squire, not a fighter.
>talking about niggers and american politics when you could be discussing why Preset 2 is the best preset
> disenfranchised and poor groups commit crime more often
> unbalanced justice systems jails black people more often
> told you!!!!! see!???
Critical thinking is a rare thing to come by today huh. It's so crazy I'm starting to believe the "Ivan" meme
>and then died in his first battle
Good shit making up crap that never happened
Alright, I genuinely don't remember. I read about him years ago.
Interesting that you didn't try denying any other part of that post.
>disenfranchised and poor groups commit crime more often
Already proven wrong above.
>unbalanced justice systems jails black people more often
Ridiculous. Blacks commit tons of crime everywhere, including Africa:
Screaming "RACISM!!!" is stupid.
>Critical thinking is a rare thing to come by today huh.
It really is, isn't it?
Good shit on source
Proves my point about the lack or income and estate though. Congrats you played yourself.
Because I'm not a history expert on him you retard faggot. I just know he didn't die in battle. I'm not going to correct every fucking bullshit lie you make you fucking worthless piece of shit.
B-b-but user, there's a BLACK option!! There's a white option too but that's different, the real issue here is the BLACK option! Stop politicizing games!
Yeah so what? You can't write laws based on race. I don't know what you're trying to get at.
>Proves my point about the lack or income and estate though.
It really doesn't though.
Im black and I have mostly Hispanic friends. Where I live Hispanics and blacks love each other and mate frequently.
You actually can, if you want to. Many such cases.
>the country the was colonized, mined until land became unusable, land scorched, and leaders assassinated
>to this day it still has NA and EU countries mining the fuck out of it while aiding corrupt governments so they can mine
Next you'll tell me Iraq is in shambles because of their culture.
You know most immigrants are actually rich, right? Even illegals since most simply overstay a visa.
You motherfuckers were obsessed with us as soon as we got access to freedom. We tried to get away from you psychos but all you did was follow us and burn our communities down. There's no reason to firebomb churches but white folks did it anyway.
>Already proven wrong above.
>Ridiculous. Blacks commit tons of crime everywhere, including Africa
Uh... the average person in Africa is how well off exactly? What's the demographic of the average African?
You alright man?
Calm down, retard. Some accounts say he did die in his first battle.
I haven't found anything in recorded history that properly verify how he died, but the other stuff I said is pretty accurate.
b-but that's different! Whites have stopped being a terrorist group in America! (except for the weekly mass shootings happening more often than in the middle east... but that's not terrorism!! they're white!)
This doesn't mean blacks commit more crimes. It's a known fact that blacks are more likely to be harassed by police and receive harsher punishments for crimes than white people do. That picture proves it.
You didn't even address my point about nigger culture.
Iraw had to be invaded, they had WMDs!!!!!!
>Some accounts say he did die in his first battle.
Ivan the Cletus? /pol/ expert?
Lmao! So before European colonialism Africa was peaceful, wealthy and technologically advanced?
Plenty of poor places on this planet and most of them have lower crimerates than Africa. I honestly don't know if you are trolling or not.
I don't think undocumneted immigrants tend to be rich.
From what I've read Blacks want to live in White nation because we are richer and create good societies.
See: Black are violent and dysfunctional wherever they go.
Maybe you should go back to watching some blacked porn to calm down.
It doesn't prove it at all. Blacks are violent everywhere and therefore are more likely to go to prison.
Does it really matter if they were advanced or not? Really should have just left them alone to chuck spears. Chucking spears is unironically better than the situation they are in.
The habitable part of Africa was yes.
I'm starting to think this thread isn't about Nioh.
Because you are blaming their current state on colonialism. In order for that to be the case, then you have to point to their pre-colonial stage as being better off compared to their post-colonial stage.
American blacks weren't dysfunctional before the introduction of rap and rap culture by jews. They had stable families.
It doesn't lmao. You don't think they'd control for a factor like that? If you actually read, you'd see that your retarded assumption is invalid. Racists are fucking idiots I swear.
You mean the Arab countries? Lol!
It was way more advanced than mud huts and spears you faggot. They were coming off the collapse of multiple empires when Europeans began intervening. It's like Germany coming off of WWII and getting fucked by communism except this communism is China.
See: So during the Civil Rights era where blacks were considered less than human by the government, they weren't a disenfranchised group pushing them toward the edge of society?
You did look at the date right? You know that goes from the Civil Rights era to the Drug Wars, which predominately targeted black neighborhoods?
I really think I'm being trolled here. Ya fuckin' got me /pol/, nobody's this dense.
>From what I've read Blacks want to live in White nation because we are richer and create good societies
Well from what my ancestors lived, we didn't WANT to live here.
I was mostly thinking of Egypt.
Yes, colonialism fucked them up. Arbitrary lines were drawn on land that belonged to different tribes and clans, causing further disarray and turbulence. After getting independence, they weren't given support, and warlords took advantage of the power vacuums. This leads us to this situation. Chucking spears without a worry in the world is certainly better than constant war, poverty, famine and disease.
Why are you strawmanning me, you subhuman?
Their "empires" were just slave farms created by Arabs anyway.
So Arab or Coptic then...
So Africa had a higher HDI before colonialism? They had less war and less crime?
Give some evidence for this.
He doesn't understand that blacks had stable families before the introduction of cocaine.
Somehow poor undocumented Hispanics commit less crime than Blacks, but that must be because they're somehow better off, right? It's all so ridiculous.
>first game was a british sailor with blonde hair samurai
>second game I will play as a rastafari samurai and shit
Sounds good
But it was better. They had mostly level civilizations, a few advanced ones. They had access to natural resources, they were respected by and traded with people of Europe and Asia and other Africans. Then Europeans come and group warring nations all under one country, introduce apartheid and racial hierarchies, slavery, destroy culture and language, erase religion. Europeans stole African art and artifacts, put them in European museums and refuse to give them back. It's only been a few decades since African countries have been independent and they're still mostly being controlled by Europe. No African leader is allowed to lead if they don't suck European (mostly French) dick first.
Haiti isn't Africa but it's almost an African country. Haiti had to pay reparations to France after their revolution. They finished paying in the 2000s.
Colonialism absolutely wrecked Africa.
>HDI of a historical society
Are you retarded?
In any case, you can't possibly say their state now is better than when they were tribal hunters. Literally anything is better than the shithole Africa is now.
You can go back anytime, but I don't think you will. Not even Africans want to live in Africa.
>Cocaine was invented to control black people the same way Opium to introduced to China
Your tinfoil hat sir
I was never okay with it and I'm Huwite.
Yes I know, its a fantasy universe, but the samurai is a well of eastern masculinity. It's wrong to soil the image with outsiders.
Oddly enough, I'm okay with the way Nioh 2 is handling it. The devs aren't perverting history, instead they let the player do that if they wish. They avoid making a historical statement this way.
Because we disagree on the definition of racism, sweetie. For some, it means acting on prejudice based on someone's ethnicity.
For others, it's a get-out clause if you happen to have minority characteristics or your family has a history of being oppressed.
>Whites create shit like stormfront, /pol/
What advanced ones?
And what art did Europeans take?
>Then Europeans come and group warring nations all under one country, introduce apartheid and racial hierarchies, slavery, destroy culture and language, erase religion
Yeah, you're a fucking retard. You have this image of some peaceful African utopia that knew no war or slavery or genocide until the 1700's.
Learn history you mutt.
I can say that and I just did.
If I had to pick between living in Africa now or living in Africa 1,000 years ago, then I'd pick the present 10/10 times.
Really shows that nobody really gives a shit about historical accuracy when nobody here complains about the white samurao.
fine downplay and another lie
Arabs even traveled to the Mali Empire to study
>game has a black person in it
>/pol/ gets hysterical
It's like pottery.
Pre European Africa was like Wakanda. DIdn't you even see Black Panther?
A lot of African Americans are actually going back to Africa. Ghana offers citizenship to all people of African descent. There's a YouTube video about blacks going back to Africa. And the comments are full of white people saying we shouldn't go back.
There was always a disparity. It is interesting though how fast things can change.
everyone on earth is racist except white libtards living in a bubble and everyone on earth especially does not want to be around blacks.
Where did I say it was invented you retard? I said it was introduced into black neighbourhoods. There's nothing tinfoil about that.
Crack was introduced to black communities by the CIA. It's pretty much known at this point.
Because you're a weeb with a huge bias towards eastern games
Is it eastern Africans who are the cute ones? I know Kenyans can be. God I want to colonise one.
That's a conspiracy theory dude.
Sorry, I'd rather not have Aids and Malaria. I'd rather chuck a spear, have children and die without any disease or issue.
literally 9/11 inside job/moon landing faked tier shit
Meanwhile millions of Africans want leave for greener pastures.
Study what? Chucking spears?
Human beings are always looking for more ways to get fucked up. Crack is no different.
Am I right?
>Blacks = criminals/drug dealers
>Whites = school shooters/country destroyers
>Chinks = dog eaters/ uncompassionate for fellow humans
>Russians = Drunks/generally fucked up
>Arabs = terrorists/rapists
>Indians = dirty/also rapists
Did I miss anything?
Dude Japan was fucking nuked.
There are like 10 Russians alive today who never never had a family member (or multiple) in Gulag.
Germany was bombed to ruins.
Spain was under Muslim occupation for hundreds of years.
Korea hosted a devastating mix of foreign proxy war and internal civil war.
The majority of Chinese were either killed or starving, just a few decades ago.
There are chunks of Palestine that are much better off than pretty much any sub-Saharan African country.
No, you'd rather be captured by some enemy tribe and then be sold and castrated by Arabs and then die on the frontlines.
>comfy nioh threads turned to this
are you faggots serious?
>South Americans = lazy and constantly putting dictators in charge
>What advanced ones
Mali, Abyssinia, Kush, Zimbabwe, Benin
>what art did Europeans take
Can't say specifically since they took so much
>Yeah, you're a fucking retard. You have this image of some peaceful African utopia that knew no war or slavery or genocide until the 1700's.
Reread my post you fucking dipshit. I said that colonizers put warring nations all under one country. That implies Africa had war, does it not? I never said Africa was a peaceful utopia but I did say it wasn't the punished shithole it is now. reading comprehension.
Yeah, now imagine if there was a (((group of people))) that combined all of these traits...
heh, nigger
my pee pee is hard. They need to bring back Sheva my baby. Best RE waifu
It's also interesting how poverty rates in married black families were in the single digits when compared to single parent families.
medicine and surgery, anatomy, botany, evolution, physiology and zoology, astronomy, anthropology, cartography, geodesy, geology, mathematics, physics, chemistry, philosophy, language and linguistics, geography, history, as well as art
>Mali, Abyssinia, Kush, Zimbabwe, Benin
What were the scientific discoveries of these civilizations? What lasting legacy did they leave?
>Most races are fine with blacks.
/vpol/ chimps out at the mere sight of a black pixel
It'll clean up when a more substantial beta comes along and gameplay discussion drowns out everything else.
>Mali, Abyssinia, Kush, Zimbabwe, Benin
What were they advanced in?
>Can't say specifically since they took so much
Give some examples
> said that colonizers put warring nations all under one country.
Fuck does that mean? That African countries were now multi-ethnical? Who forced them to kill one another for no reason?
In Mali? Did they get lost?
>everyone on earth especially does not want to be around blacks.
Speak for yourself.
Dude after Japan was fucking nuked were they watched over by america/Europe to control elections and overthrow any leader that didn't suck their dicks and promise to give up natural resources?
Dude, does japan ever have to deal with regime change invasions from western powers every time they elect someone that wants to fight for them, the way Latin America and Africa have to deal with regime change invasions?
Dude was Japan ever roped into a contract after it got its independence that said that half of their natural resources belong to the west?
Dude it's pretty hard to have a stable country or continent when another country or continent owns your land and only looks out for their own best interest and couldn't give a fuck less about you or your people.
who knows since most of their manuscripts were fucking destroyed
Also who knows how to read local languages like Fulfulde, Songhai, Soninke and Bambara. Most of you faggots will claim Africa never had their own written language
Shit nigga everybody wuz samurai
Nah, the actual actress is too imperfect to look anything like the character.
>Dark skin on Kunoichi clothes
I'm rock hard now
That's because most other countries deal with African blacks, you know, the 5'5 weedy looking fuckers. Not Americanised pitbull style bred niggers.
America literally created the race that is destroying their country. They don't even look African anymore.
They got looted and/or destroyed. First by war, then by European conquest, and some of the last by Al Qaeda
>this thread
Your minds are literally blacked with niggers. Who gives a shit kek. It's too funny to imagine a pasty white skinnyfat discussing and obsessing over niggers for hours on end.
t. lives in a bubble with two black boys bussed in to your school for a special magnet program
>What were they advanced in?
Education, architecture, religion, etc
>Give some examples
The pic I posted was an example. Bronze sculptures from West Africa that were stolen and put in European museums.
>That African countries were now multi-ethnical?
Yes, they were and still are. Multiple ethnic groups living in one place. 4 different races who had 4 different territories and went to war with one another now all have to call themselves Nigerian.
Oh wait--- oh sweetie. Are you one of those idiots that think "ethnicity" means black, white, etc? Do you not realize that you can be the same skin color but a different ethnicity? Did you not realize that Africa is the most diverse continent on the planet? Oh honey.
That's weird, because I'm black and generally get along with everyone. I even have right leaning friends and one guy who's a complete naziboo.
There are Sudanese and Rwandan ethnic groups that are taller than the average African Americans
Where did they learn any of those things, though?
As far as I know the only universities anywhere in Africa were built in the 1900's.
>really wanted to get the shrine maiden outfit
>second kill of the snake boss gets me the smithing text
I dunno about you but I saw some nigs on holiday in my country and they were all 6'3. They were dark as fuck too.
vidya and 2D brown girls are cute
You yourself pointed out that all of this is also happening in large parts of South America. So why are, by comparison, South American countries still far better off than sub-Saharan African countries?
>Education, architecture, religion, etc
How exactly were they advanced in "religion"? And give some examples cause you're way too vague.
>The pic I posted was an example.
Now post a link.
>Yes, they were and still are.
And? So is every European country but you don't see them constantly killing each other over it.
It's also retarded to let a retard like you live and pretend that's he's a human being.
>That's weird, because I'm black
lol no you aren't
White people?
Probably from the rest of the world and themselves to an extent. Are you going to say that getting knowledge from other races invalidates the fact that Africa had a university that people from all over the Arab world would attend? Should people only use knowledge from their specific ethnic group and ignore the knowledge of everyone else, or else that means they're actually stupid?
> It was not a university in the modern sense, but a loosely organized scholastic community that endured for many centuries during the medieval period.
It was a madrasa, basically. That's like calling churches universities.
In 2007 the prevailing wisdom was saying that you are "color blind" and race doesn't matter to you.
Then the media started racebaiting hard with BLM, oscarssowhite, etc.
It's really not surprising that people started to notice, (((they))) accidentally invented the White Identity.
>most diverse continent
>also the shittiest
What makes you think I'm not?
t. retarded shitposter who has to strawman everyone who disagrees with him
Must be why everybody stays away from White countries. Oh wait...
The answer to your riddle is Mexicans.
Nioh 2 is set in 1555 so she isn't even born yet senpai.
No, I'm asking through what mechanism did they learn those things? Schools? Universities?
>Getting dick damaged by a character creator
>this thread
Cant we just talk about cute dark gals
>invade countries and take shit
>advertise you have all this shit
>surprised people chase you down
lol really smart
People do stay away from white countries though. Nobody wants to live in some slavic 3rd world shithole. The first world countries such as USA, England and Germany aren't white.
>Did you not realize that Africa is the most diverse continent on the planet?
Wouldn't that be Asia
stop being racist and retarded
through schools and scholars
Proximity to the United States and the fact that leaders of Latin American countries suck American dick. And when they don't, you get countries like Cuba or Venezuela, where people are floating on doors to escape or eating rats to survive.
What schools? As far as I know Mali only had some madrasas where they mostly learned about Islam.
What has that got to do with anything? If were as awful as you people say then nobody in their right mind would want to live near us. Obviously not the case.
>The first world countries such as USA, England and Germany aren't white.
You might be right about the US, but Europe is still White, even England.
Ghana is fairly okay when it comes to an African state. I doubt they'll be able to take all Black Americans.
>say nigger and make racist jokes too many times
>genuine racists think they found a place with people just like them
>can't start banning actual racists without even more normalfags coming
They didn't even give him a burial? lol they mummified his ass and put him in a museum. That's cold.
they took a beautiful VA and made her even more perfect. How the fuck did they do it?
>How exactly were they advanced in "religion"?
They had a huge hand in the creation of Judaism and Christianity, East Africans specifically
>Now post a link
Fuck off. Look up "African art stolen", that'll show you whatever it is you want to see. I posted proof that Europeans stole African art, im not going to write a whole fucking thesis for you
>you don't see them constantly killing each other over it.
Well you did until very recently. And if European countries were regularly left without leaders or had leaders installed by, say, China, you'd probably see a lot more. But a lot of Europeans also have this unified white/western/European identity, something Africans lack. The concept of blackness or African-ness is almost meaningless there since they never really accepted the western idea that everyone with your skin color is your friend.
Yeah I'm sure that no one in Africa has ever eaten a rodent before.
t. reddit newfag
No it's Africa.
So you're being vague and refusing to say in what way they were actually advanced, you're refusing to provide a link and you're using faulty logic to explain why Europeans have less ethnic war in general.
>all N-word posts getting deleted
ruh roh
been in this hole since 2008
But I want to
Never said they didn't. My point is that when Latin America defies the west, they go into Africa tier shit, like eating rats and burning money to stay warm.
felt good killing that black monkey, Anjin-sama did the right thing
Based janitors.
I'm sure.
That's a pretty badass loadout.
Will I be able to make her look cute? That's all I care about. Not enough games let me make cute/sexy brown/black girls
You're like the kid who says "why? Why? Why?" I know African history but I'm not a fucking scholar for Christ's sake. Look some shit up yourself if you want to, you have internet access just like I do. Asking me to post a link, google is a click/tap away user.
nice begging the question assuming "anti-racists" are the arbiters of what is and isn't racism.
shit nigga you need an n-word pass
All I'm asking for is some concrete examples and some links to support your claim.
What do you mean defy? Latin America doesn't follow the West like a puppy.
I'd love to play this game desu
>thread hating on Persona or Overwatch gets autosaged or deleted
>MK11 thread gets deleted
>offtopic thread hating on blacks stays up
I just want to talk about fucking video games
It's a honeypot. The racists are getting banned if you haven't noticed yet.
It's well known that European museums have African art in them that were stolen during colonialism. You're acting as if this is some kind of conspiracy theory. Stop being such a difficult fucking brainlet.
Edward Kelley did not fight Ogres using flaming spirit monkeys.
The character being based on a true character doesn't make the entirety of the game true to history.
The fucking irony of you telling someone else to pick up a book.
Unironically end yourself, you're too dumb for video games.
Why exactly do you find it easier to post a pic to links than the links themselves?
Venezuela's current situation has a lot to do with the fact that they have their own oil and don't want to include America in on it.
>Guy the protag was based on was English
>Game makes him Irish
When are we going to take a stand against this paddy washing of history?
>london is a very decent place for centuries
>the same decade blacks start to flow in, crime rate is exploding
what's your fucking point, they're not your "family", just drop them fuck, defending them just show all of you have something to hide
that's why blacks can't even use the redneck argument, because it's universaly accepted they are fucking white inbreed trash
Says anglo-irish, Anjin was a mutt
But they do. They export oil to the US.
Never heard of Nation of Islam? BLM?
They wont stop until all trace of bongland is removed from history
Good. Hopefully mods start doing their mother fucking job. You guys took the "Yea Forums doesn't play vidya hehehe" meme too far
Weirdly not many games with this theme, certainly not anything recent.
Also anglos didn't have good mythology like the irish so it wouldn't work, that's why anjin had a mermaid spirit.
that's right incest teeth bongs btfo, potato midgets swinging their cock around
>london is a very decent place for centuries
Did you miss the hooker killings, open sewage, and rampant muggings?
>still in EU without becoming irelanstann
HA I fucking wish, we are completely fucked. Home town looks like Mogadishu these days.
>game has black people
>Yea Forums throws a bitch fit, regardless of the game's context
>devs haven't said a peep about said black people
Yeah, wherever do people get the idea that you're racist.
Dope. Is it fun?
unless you start to walk alone, at night, in a very known shitty block, you risked nothing, because that's how crime operates, even today.
but at least you wouldn't take an acid spray in your face in main street in broad daylight, while listening the cops to say sorry to the criminal who will walk free
>open sewage
>had the most advanced sewer systems of its time
>also had the first professional police force
What did he mean by this?
It's flat and boring and the Jap hooks up with the white girl while the white males act like cucks.
>also had the first professional police force
A lot of good they did.
>"fuck gooks i hate those slant eyed japs so much"
that's pretty racist
why are liberals always like this
Crime rates dropped so much after their introduction that every other major city in the world made their own police forces. Are you fucking retarded or something?
What a retarded post.
love when newfags like you pretend there werent serious racial discussion threads since day 1 on all fucking boards. kys tranny
Do you think London was built with a proper sewage system? It was made after the Great Stink and cholera outbreaks. You faggots never realize it can take centuries to get a city running proper.
>had the most advanced sewer systems of its time
>a ton of people just straight up die from drinking water from a public well in London
Yeah, sure.
Yasuke was never a samurai, just a servant of Nobunaga. He came to Japan once samurai were gone. He was given a ceremonial tanto. He is incorrectly used as a political tool by every leftie game dev who wants to make a WE WUZ SAMURAI game.
>London was filled with rampant open crime and covered in shit
>no they had the first police force and best sewers of the time
>no I mean before London was developed haha fucking owned
What a pointless exchange.
>by every leftie game dev who wants to make a WE WUZ SAMURAI game
That event led to many sewer building breakthroughs at the time actually.
Here's a secret
Whites valued that art more than the locals. A lot of that art was made at the time of colonization. Most of it is plebian art even among the local tribes. When Africans found out that Europeans were placing them in their museums and treating it with the same respect they do their own works, then Blacks became outraged about """theft""", but not before.
>I watched an extra credits video and they said white people suck!
Man this board has fallen lower than I ever thought possible.
>theft isn't theft until the stolen item is valued
You really are retarded, aren't you.
It didn't have the best sewage system for a long time and even after it was fucking built houses would fucking flood with shit since they were built on top of existing shit holes. Mesoamerica had them beat centuries before and even New York had better plumbing.
go back
>conquest of a lesser people
Only mistake was not wiping them out for uncontested rights to the natural resources. Now China will show us how it should have been done and get their hands on it all.
>lord unga bunga
>Haha look at these SJWs getting upset that a game has yet another white man as a protag. Imagine getting upset that a video game isn't pandering to your political views.
>Game has a black option
When will you idiots start realizing you're no better than people you obsess over in this board?
How did you figure this
Most issues were caused by the introduction of the flushing toilet actually, the advancments made to accommodate them are still used to this day around the world on a base level. I know far too much about this shit now that I think about it. It is interesting though.
Nice fake stats, retard
two questions
>can you prove it was ever stolen and not just given?
>and if so, do you get racially outraged when someone steals your pen?
who are you quoting?
Uh oh, is that a nigger? Roll out the troops boys, we got us another one..
It's true
who are you quoting?
>When will you idiots start realizing you're no better than people you obsess over in this board?
Most of the people complaining about white protags don't hate white people.
All of the people who hate black characters in video games hate black people.
>A game allows me to make character that offends me
>the JEWS did this
neither of those statements are correct
>black person
what a faggot
aw man, those black samurai games are flooding the market nowadays.
He served Nobunaga. Samurai were still around before, during and after his life.
>Samurai were still around before, during and after his life.
People wore armor and swords for traditional purposes, these were not samurai like we think of them. Guns were all over Japan at this time. Yasuke was also not a samurai under ANY definition. He did not even own a sword besides a ceremonial wall-hanging tanto.
>not a samurai
u wot
Are you ESL?
pretty strange how all of those advanced civilizations left so little evidence behind of their advancements. especially since they aren't even a thousand years old.
"Yasuke came to Japan once samurai were gone" implies Nobunaga was not a samurai.
he was a fucking lord
That would be correct, Nobunaga was not a samurai. Where in the world did you get that idea?
>like we think of them
Samurai are just nobility like knights and they were abolished in the 19th century, doesn't really matter how they dressed or what weapons they used.
Their class was dismantled by then are you just playing dumb?
lmao nigga imagine getting triggered over the news
Lets get some facts right incels.
1) Yes yasuke WAS a black samurai
2) Jesus WAS black
3) Whyte "people" was made by us
They weren't dismantled until the Meiji reformations 300 years later
>reee fucking white people!
>time to rape and kill kids!!!1
Not all black people follow the cult of Megamind user
Faggot there is a link to read the manuscript crude summaries yourself. Just because historians avoid the subject doesn't mean it doesn't exist
You're really going to claim all blacks follow an extremist cult? Do all whites follow Scientology?
At last I can truly see
>not wanting to be afro samurai
>changing the definition of poverty
haha u said zimbabwe
>Lou Ting
this. I think I am starting to like trannies more than everyone on Yea Forums
>Blacks LOVE Lou Ting
>guys believe me the people who built shit like the dome of the rock 600 years before our empire even existed definitely came to our shitty mud hut to study
There was litterally a black former slave in the first game
do you understand that advanced civilizations that are less than a thousand years old typically left a lot more shit behind them than some fucking manuscript lol.
>it's a Yea Forums proves they don't play vidya
>cute black woman
>with an actual african hairstyle
Most asian games have an afro and cornrows as hair options and that's it.
As a pasty faced white boi with jungle fever, this is pleasing to me.
>japan designs better look black characters than murrica
why is this allowed?
That made me happy. My black friends are always sad that the only black hair games have is shaved or an afro. Which is true.
Do you guys really give a shit about this?
You literal idiot. You do know Mexicans even still show racist shows on TV and it's perfectly fine there. Most Brazilians don't even like their lower class black and mixed population. Hence most Brazilian models are straight up Europeans, and their most coveted sperm donors are white males with blue eyes LOL
Nagi has to take viagra to even get his dick up.
Because japs are less likely to virtue signal and instead try to go for what is appealing most of the time. Also they don't design characters after someone that looks at least pretty good then turn them into goblins.
Japan isn't as racist as Yea Forums leads you to believe
if it wasn't for caucasians deciding to end slavery for everyone your people would still be sold on open markets in zanzibar
asian girls love white cock :)
>try to convince him to kick out the spaniards and portugese from there
He didn't have to try hard, actually.
>You do know Mexicans even still show racist shows on TV and it's perfectly fine there.
because they are dumb cartoons and BR huehues have a ton of white people
>falling for bait
also, don't you dare saying anything bad about Daddy Yakub.
>doesn't make the entirety of the game true to history.
and where did he claim that?
You can be a girl in this game? That might actually make me get it.
>Yasuke denial
wow /pol/ really did a number on you huh
I don't think so, the USA isn't a third world country, a civil war is imposible because people have too much to lose
>Taken from "The Color of Crime"
Sounds like a scientific journal to me with no agenda at all.
>a civil war is imposible because people have too much to lose
Do you realize the poorer nations generally are more likely to have civil wars?
all of this has been debunked
nice try
That was his argument.
Imagine having that pasta ready to go, what an absolute triggered shut in.
There is nothing, not one single subject, more studied in all of anthropology than IQ. It is universally, scientifically regarded as an accurate measure of intelligence. It is genetically transmissible with a coefficient of 80% or higher. It is correlated strongly with reaction time. It predicts success in life.
This new groundswell of "IQ is fake" horse shit is literal flat earth-tier denial of the overwhelming scientific facts of life. It is worse than climate change denial.
>Wow you sure do have a lot of evidence for your views huh faggot? F-fuck off
>Yea Forums never watched Afro Samurai
Stay retarded
>I-it's been dubunked guys
>no sources provided
This thread is just sad
IQ is a subject of psychology, not anthropology.
He links "studies" from a legitimate nutcase who spams race bait reports.
>race bait reports
Rushton chose to research human intelligence for most of his career. What exactly is wrong with this? None of his work has ever been disputed on any grounds besides "it's racist." Literally, if you google his work, that's what you will find: other (lesser) academics saying "his studies are racist." Not that HE is racist, that his findings are racist. The facts are racist.
>Have two asian presets
>a blonde girl preset
>a black girl preset
Where is the latina preset? The middle eastern preset? The pacific islander preset? The eskimo preset?
am I on /pol/ right now? I thought we were going to discuss the character creator.
keep coping lmao
So you're against the concept of being able to create a character, right? That's the only way your argument can make any sense, you can't just be against making a nigger character because "They didn't exist" but then turn a blind eye to being able to make a white / asian character.
the real girl is hotter, strong jawline and sexy hair
First, they did not explain why natural selection would have favored different reproductive strategies for different races. Second, their data on race differences are of questionable validity because their literature review was selective and their original analyses were based on self-reports. Third, they provided no evidence that these race differences had significant effects on reproduction or that sexual restraint is a K characteristic. Finally, they did not adequately rule out environmental explanations for their data.
>leader of their field
>no bro he's just crazy
Compelling argument that refutes every statistic flawlessly. Bravo.
Yea Forums gets irrationally upset when they find out that the Japanese, or anyone for that matter, see blacks as normal people.
>they did not explain why natural selection would have favored different reproductive strategies for different races
Yes he did, it's called "r-K evolution theory". It states that some organisms choose a "quality over quantity" approach to offspring, while others make less offspring of higher quality. Like most of Rushton's studies, it has been independently replicated:
>Rushton’s (1985, 2000) r–K life history theory states that Mongoloids are the most K evolved, Caucasoids somewhat less K evolved, and Negroids the least K evolved. (...) The results (of our study) generally confirm and extend Rushton’s r–K life history theory.
I didn't read the rest of your post since the first sentence was wrong and you will just ignore me whenever I correct you anyway. You are delusional. Scientific consensus is that africans are roughly 15-20% less intelligent than whites and asians.
I'm more offended that it's only bantoid. Where are my khoisan, my pygmy, my afro-hamitic, and my maghrebi models? Pure skin-hatred
Why would he need to explain the origin of the differences? He just recorded the differences.
>Muh /pol/
When will you faggots stop fucking crying, it’s so boring, you act like a little bitch
>their original analyses were based on self-reports
There is no IQ study that uses self reporting. you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.
>leader of their field
Of sperging out?
Rushton did because he's a fraud
(human) psychology is a subject of anthropology
lad it's a soft science at best
milk chocolate like that doesn't count as negress
There is basically nothing more thoroughly studied than IQ. You're delusional.