playing comfy shipgirl game on train during commute

> playing comfy shipgirl game on train during commute
> this loading screen shows up
what do?

Attached: Screenshot_20190526-182403.png (1920x1080, 2.31M)

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Continue playing comfy shipgirl game. If anyone asks about it give them a glowing recommendation.

whip your dick out and start jerking it
who gives a shit what other people think

kek I play azur lane at work and sometimes get nervous about the loading screens

I fucking love how shameless these chinks are, it's like they make it with the mindset of how much they can get away with it or something, it's amazing. But for real tho, pic rel always shows up for me whenever I'm in public, the fucking rng in these loading screens, I swear.

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explain to everyone around me the girls are historical ships so they're actually probably older than you are.

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Yeah it would be nice if you could only have select loading screens show up if you enter "public" mode or something. Let players decide.

That way I could hide the CUNNY pics while at work or out in public.

I saw someone playing that shit at work
I reported them to HR that they've got an underage cartoon porn game on their phone
Needless to say that guy doesn't work there anymore lmao

Show everyone, assert dominance


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No you didn't.

>still no Bismarck
>got both subs and destroyer for event
Fuck cunnysubs, I want Bismarck!

>tfw got all of them and only 500 points away from buying King George in the shop
Then I'll grind them all to 70 (ouch my oil, fucking 1.2k commissions) and get the iron blood portrait frame!

Use my loli-onahole with one hand and keep playing.

I unironically have this one, you?

Attached: _229178n.jpg (300x300, 21K)

Post the uncensored.

I don't play chink games with shit art styles

Attached: __emile_bertin_monarch_atago_takao_fiji_and_etc_azur_lane_drawn_by_gorgeous_mushroom__cc559e945bf7d9 (1152x648, 296K)

Not that guy, but I have this one. It was amazing at first but unfortunately after a few weeks it just doesn't satisfy my dead dick as much as my hand anymore.

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wat are their names?

One has her name tattoo'd on her thigh, the other one has a similar name (letter+number) so I can't remember

Stealth fap

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i always play on the lowest contrast setting
people would only see that if they really focused on it
also i'm in auto mode 99,9% of the time, don't even need to have the screen up

got every ship in the pool in 160cubes
pretty usual for me


Q. Why do people care about stuff like this?
You know the only people who'd give a shit are normalfags, right? People who unironically use facebook and shit. Just disregard them.

Funny how cunny pedoshits are also a bunch of chickenshit cowards. Listen here, no one has any reason whatsoever to look at your phone unless they know you, and even then it's a rude thing to do. If someone tries to take a peek, tell them to fuck off and mind their own business.

Turn it around on the nosy cunts, ask them if it would be better for them if you were texting or video-calling someone so they could listen in on your conversation like the creepy voyeurs they are, make a scene if at all possible, so other nosy people focus on them instead of you. It's fucking cake to even watch porn in public if you know what you're doing and how to do it.

i love Nelson

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>Doesn´t know how to unzip pants...

>Funny how cunny pedoshits are also a bunch of chickenshit cowards.
Very much so. Rather than being a bunch of faggots, realise that the 2nd Amendment exists for a reason, such as protecting the 1st, and inform people that your right to cunny shall not be infringed.
I'll tell you why they're such pussies about it. They think they're doing wrong. Somehow.
Do they not notice that the cunny makes the old hag roasties humble, and that's a group that could use a lot more humility than they currently have?
Know your damn rights, know your damn morals, and protect them both with force (if need be).

>sk them if it would be better for them if you were texting or video-calling someone so they could listen in on your conversation like the creepy voyeurs they are,
That could be construed as an invitation; don't do this. Instead ask if you can look at THEIR pornography as well.

>playing this censored garbage
Stop shilling this shit.

Creepy pedo shit. How does anyone play these at all.

It's only creepy to women and womens' allies, so it's fine.

There is nothing creepy.

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Azur Lane is specifically uncensored though.

Ping Hai is best girl.

It's fun

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Who's the big butt girl supposed to be? I can't tell from this shot

Is what you're playing being projected on the train ceiling or something? People have their own phones to browse.

i like this game

Can you get kizuna in the en version?

Nah, just the windows.

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I played senran kagura reflexions at work, I don't give a single fuck, well except the motion controls, that's a little too far for me

A reasonable adult can explain themselves out of anything, anyone that is insecure should not engage in playing games of this nature if you feel guilty that some woman is watching over your shoulder.

That said if your workplace is mostly sjw's I would not even bother because they're vicious, I just got vegan school girls who stay clear of me because I do all the heavy lifting at work and no deodorant can rid of of my stench

Sure can my man of taste, but the event is over so no idea how you can get her right now

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The queen

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Bitch needs a retrofit and an L2D skin.

Fuck i cant believe i missed her. Are there event reruns in al?

I like the one where the girls are guns or something

You're playing shitty fapbait anime gatcha game. You should be used to everyone knowing you're a disappointment with no redeeming qualities.

What games are you playing big boy

I'm not sure, I only just started playing BECAUSE of the event, I don't frequent the general in /vg/ but from a quick google they *might* come back or might come randomly anyway

Just keep throwing away to the wisedom cubes and don't spend a cent until she comes user

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Certainly not anything close to that. When I want to look at hentai I'm gonna go find some on some of the million websites that offer whichever ones I want, not throw neetbux at a lazy "game" for a chance to get a jpg of your waifu.

That sucks. I started 3 days ago and was hoping she's still in the pool. At least we'll get prinz for free

>tfw I was at an anime shop while the attendant and his cute asian girlfriend was playing this game rather than working and from what I saw he clearly spent alot of money and time into this game and having fun while I'm getting salty that I can't find the cute keyrings

The real disappointment isn't the games we play, but its actually the person itself at fault, coudln't bring myself to interrupt them having fun so I just walked out empty handed, I'll just wait for the balding store manager to come back tomorrow

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Who cares, i was hentai on the bus regularly

Prinz is a goddess, she was carrying my b team formations, I just hope she gets a L2D skin although the bikini one is nice, just don't fuck up like I did and burn the gems on an expansion you didn't mean too

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>playing outside

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you don't even need to throw cash at the game, that said this game inspires me to search pivix to find some amazing fanart

nelson truly needs more love and pixiv does more than the shitty Halloween skin can ever do

>what do?

>this is what german ships look like
wtf I'm /pol/ now


Play traingirl game

Remember to give headpats to your lolis


>I liek trainz

>Making HMS fleet even more busted than they already are
Yes please

>when shit like NagaN, Akaga, Amagi and torpedo autists exist

It's all about that hot new Israeli gacha Raid Shadow Legends with my wife Tallia.

>western gacha

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Torpedo ragequitters are one thing, but Leander and Belfast chainsmoke fucks over Akaga rushes, and Warspite / Hood combination will just decimate one the main fleet ship before it can fire/deploy planes more than once.
Queen Elizabeth is ironically the least impactful thing about HMS aside from being a stat distributing stick, but give her any kind of other utility beyond that and that'd be hella good.

I'm not even gonna bring PVE where you can field Unicorn and Suffolk "Why does this CA hit like a BC?" Retrofit.

>trying to get the event ships in one sitting instead of doing three rolls per day
Why, man?

wth I thought op was just fanart, but the game is full of pedo smut

I want to show her off at work.

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Chinese have nothing to do with it. All the art is censored in China. Japanese does the majority of the art and it's all uncensored there.

Too many cubes / gold whatever.


This is what I do so I can make the most of the daily point quest for building 3 ships. I already got Bismark lmao.

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apparently this new skin was so boderline originally they had to delay it to "add" some things

that looks terrible

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i always get everything on the first day
that way i can level the new ships while farming event currency
i don't partake in the daily 3xbuild once i got every event ship

apologize to my fellow commuters for the lack of BIG BATTLESHIP TIDDIES

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small indie company prease understandu

Cringy weeb retards

you do realize termination by defamation is not legal


I wouldnt blame you if you did, some of these games are over the top pedobait.

Most trannys and mentally sick people are also weebs, delusional simpleton

how the fuck are you posting from prison, amirox?

Attached: amirox.jpg (662x677, 73K)

most trannies breathe air delusional air breather

Comparing Chinese cartoons to oxygen, that’s how retarded weebs are


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No, it's the one where girls are daughterwifes.