How important is character customization is in a game...

How important is character customization is in a game? I talked to people who became suddenly more interested in Nioh 2 after finding out they can make their own character. I dont really see it as a big deal, I find it petty to value character customization over core gameplay mechanics. But most people see it the other way around

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I need my waifu's, man

I like it more than not having it. If it meant sacrificing gameplay than I would look less favorably on it, but I don't think that's really an issue. Character creation would affect the story if anything.

it's based fuck nuFrom

I don't usually mess with too many sliders in these things just pick a preset head and change the hair or nose or something

So you just want the ability to turn any game with character customization into a waifu simulator?

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If you are a grown man and spend THIS amount of time with your little dress up dolls, maybe it would be time to finally neck yourself.

I like it, but I'm going to miss William. He didn't talk much but he was a cheeky prick when he did, and I loved it.

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i dont even care about customization if i can choose between male/female

When does the videogame cone out?

I'm also interested in Nioh 2 because of character customization. I really didn't like playing a weeb game as a fucking Geralt wannabe, give me my samurai girls or go home.

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>can make your own character this time around
Points for that.
>it's literally Nioh 1 again

kill yourself waifu retards

she cute

Character customization is really important for me, Ican't finish Nioh 1 and Sekiro because of that.

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from's new retarded fat rr martin game won't have character creation either fucking dumbass nuFrom

You could play as a samurai girl in Nioh 1 though, just not customizable and it was one of the NPC skins. But better than Geraldo.

Attached: nioh 11.11.2017 - (1920x1080, 3.41M)

Id say its important. Also, depends on type of the game and subsequent type of customisation.
Waifu simulators out of usual games? Yes please. I might not be skilled in slider-fu wizardry, but i very much appreciate it.
>this amount of time dressing up dolls
>dressing up dolls
>dressing up
Yeah, i do that to my gf. She loves it.

>he doesnt know
nuFrom is character customization retard
They had actual games before they turned into souls rehash machine


Found the anime-loving faggot

>he doesn't know about onna-bugeisha and onna-musha
Found the brainlet.

You objectively cannot create a genuinely good character design with face slider, hairstyle selectors, and mix-and-match clothing pieces.

There's literally been more actual white gaijin samurais in Japan than women ones

I like to self insert.

I didn't play it because it was like 400 gigs for some retarded reason, and I'd played too many shitty souls clones to care anymore already.

It's a fucking requirement. The moment Nioh 2 showed that you can play as a cute Miko was the moment I said fuck you Fromsoft for making Sekiro with no CC.
Cute girls>everything

I prefer having an interesting character that I can customize a bit, rather than a fully created character with no personality. Arthur in RDR2A for example.

new from game won't have it either

Bullshit. Onna-bugeisha were rather common (samurai wives were often trained in the art of combat, usually using naginatas), and Tomoe Gozen alone is more famous in Japan than any white dude who was allowed to have a sword back in the shogunate days. Most foreign-born samurais were Chinese and Korean, and only two white samurais are confirmed - Jan Joosten van Lodensteijn from Netherlands, and William Adams from England.

Attached: Onna_bugeisha_Ishi-jo,_wife_of_Oboshi_Yoshio.jpg (722x1006, 816K)

It’s a big deal for some people, and a nice addition for others.
In this case, could well have just been a bunch of people who were on the fence about it, and then chargen tipped them over.

>not going with Tome
Smaller hitboxes is where it's at.

It really depends on the type of game. Games such as DMC or ninja Gaiden having a main protag that drives the story forward with their actions does not need character customisations. Games like nioh, godeater or soulsbourne where the story is practically non-existence needs that customisations

I only like it when it's a good and MC is a blank state. Otherwise fuck it, let me play as a charismatic written character.