Welcome Kindred, and thank you for respecting our traditions by announcing your presence in our VTMB thread. I am Ming-Xiao, High Priestess to the people of Chinatown. can I get you anything? Tea, perhaps?
Welcome Kindred, and thank you for respecting our traditions by announcing your presence in our VTMB thread...
Ming-Xiao Long
Fuck off ya splatoon cunt
My empress...
Fuck the chinks, I prefer Japanese schoolgirls with painfully fake accents.
That character was supposed to be a joke, you brainlet.
Oh look it's the stupid meme again where the faggot OP adds "game thread" randomly into a quote with no context and it makes no sense. And as usual, the game name is spoilered even though we all already know what it says. It was the worst with DmC threads, then it spread to other games, now this one. What a shitty meme.
neck yourself
what did he mean by this?
Did I imply otherwise? Of course it's a fucking joke, that's why I liked it.
So uhh how good is the game? Vampire just screams "young adult fiction" to me
>kuei jin
What are other fruity monsters that might make it into the game?
common rookie mistake
The image is somewhat misleading.
VTMB and the setting in general is very much drenched with goth subculture and a layer of not so subtle hipsterism.
It's not bad, it just comes with the territory.
Lately more and more people on Yea Forums are deliberately choosing to "shut off mentally" specific elements from the game, and the setting, to only focus on things that they like about it.
Wich is fine, but giving people the impression that VTMB is entirely free of elements from subcultures you hate/weren't a part of is like creating some sort of tulpa headcanon version of the game that is (even forcefully) compatible with Yea Forums "current stances" on many things.
Essentially, enjoy the game for what it is, in it's entirety and all the elements that seep into it.
The gameplay is absolutely fucked by today's standards (think Morrowind, but even clunkier) but the world building and the story make up for it. It's one of the very few modern pieces of fiction that do vampires justice.
I genuinly love the VTMB thread titles. Who hurt you? Why is there no joy in your life?
>I genuinly love the VTMB thread titles
It's THE vampire game. And pretty up there with being THE hub based early 2000's rpg. Top 20 easily of this type of rpg, top 15
She was so hot
nigga she a slug
Yes, and?
It's shopped
Please, you can get me your yellow pee.
it's not really because of the vampire theme it got popular (though there aren't many supernatural/urban rpgs to this day sadly), but because it was extremely well written
there's not a single character who doesn't pass the plinkett-test, and that includes the most minor shopkeeper too - everyone in the game is fleshed-out really well
which is why i'm worried about the sequel - unless they keep the superb writing, it's gonna be a disappointment
>she wasn't a goth outcast in the late 90s/early 00s
Do you remember that it was the time when nerd culture hasn't been bigbanged yet?
...when i burned her with my flamethrower
>Lacuna Coil
Kuei Jin aren't canon in V5
Good because they're fucking stupid
Based on your current lifestyle, which clan would be most likely to embrace you?
For me Nosferatu, if they can be fat
Gangrel no I'm not a fucking furry
Toreador, hopefully
or god forbid, Tremere
I want to say Toreador but I'm not talented or original enough to warrant it
95% of current anons would be nosferatu
the rest, gymcels or /fa/ oriented probably toreador. maybe some tremere if lucky
Anyone that doesn't answer "nosfie" is completely delusional.
Especially those of you that unironically think they would be a toreador or god forbid, completely deluded to the point of thinking they would unironically be a ventrue.
If you're stuck on Yea Forums, you're a nosfie.
No one else will take you, and you won't even be one of the cool nosfies that known how to hack shit and be a known figure on schrecknet, you'll be a rat sucking faggot sent on some shitty suicide mission somewhere, not expected to return.
>access to all manner of information which is more and more powerful in our digitalized world
>shitposting on shreknet
sign me up famalam
probably either tremere or tzimisce.
Still better fate than being embrace into the Sabbat
Yukie was the shit. Those white panties...oooh
I think Yea Forums is closer to malkavian madness network, SchreckNet seems just like darkweb.
post them
>retarded slob
>anything but a food for some Sabbath-nigger
Wow. I fucked up.
Wishful thinking: Toreador because I'm an artfag, or Tremere because I like the thought of being a powerful reclusive vampire nerd. Reality: probably Nosferatu because NEET.
Brujah, because I'm a communist obsessed with politics
Speak for yourself, I'm beautiful.
Malkavian, because I'm intelligent, nihilistic and have a wicked sense of humour
Well, most of this site's users are pretty much home stay-ins. So it would be the Nossies as they fit this stereotype just fine. But then again, so do the Tzimisce in a way with their love for home.
Judging from my appearance, as well as personality, I'll say a shy Toreador.
>inb4 "get real faggot"
No, I'm actually pretty good looking and I am really attracted from genuine beauty, it's just that I don't bond with people easily and like to keep my own business.
Gary is still a bro for making it tho
Maybe they'd embrace us as a joke? You know, just like Nosferatu have the Cleopatras, then maybe Toreadors enjoy social awkward nerds for the entertainment purpose.
how about you let a noose embrace your neck
>hanging a vampire
Just wow.
we're talking about what clans would embrace us so we're not vampires yet
Probably Malkavian, let's be honest.
I really hope they fix the shitty lighting on the Ventrue model.
>caring about v*ntrue
>Toreador or Ventrue
Lasombra, I'm a creature of the night and shadows and go to the church every Sunday.
Nosfie sires (sometimes) embrace using the spirit of irony.
As in, if you were beautiful and popular in life, they're likely to embrace you to make you understand the bitter irony of it all.
No on here is any of these things.
They'll embrace nerds, yes, but nerds that actually know what the fuck they're doing and can be useful for their information network.
tl;dr: nosfies won't embrace you just because you're a nerd, you also gotta be a really good programmer/hacker to fit that niche for them.
So basically everyone here would be a Sabbat shovelhead?
Maybe some would be nosfies, but mostly be used for scouting missions in sewers and remote locations, mostly sucking on rats all day.
Nothing glamorous for sure.
A bunch of people here would just get very unlucky and become a random thinblood basic bitch.
And not a "oh you're actually the chosen one you'll join any of the clans" VTMB2 bullshit, but something miserable, like pic related.
Mitsoda was quick to point out that his game has little if anything in common with the tabletop RPG. In fact, Hardsuit was pitching Bloodlines 2 to Paradox while the troubled tabletop version was still being written. The process gave Hardsuit Labs more or less free rein to take the lore in whatever direction it wanted.
“It was pretty much a blank slate for us,” Mitsoda says, “to build up and build out our corner of the World of Darkness.”
“We wanted to take the original Bloodlines as the template,” Ellison says. “We want to make a Bloodlines game, so we’re mostly just focused on what that means to us personally. We’ve created the entire world of Seattle from scratch.”
There's already hints of this with Tremere having 'Thaumaturgy' and not 'Blood Sorcery'
It didn't even start with DmC, newfag.
Also Tremere will only have 3 fucking spells, really?
It will be a shitty FPS with minor RPG elements and almost no abilities to choose from.
Combat wise yeah, I'm expecting next to nothing. I'm not playing this game for the combat though. I just hope it's serviceable.
>caring about Brujah, Toreador and Tremere
underrated post
how do i rate a post?
check your dm's
>A bunch of people here would just get very unlucky and become a random thinblood basic bitch.
That's actually exactly what you start as off in Bloodlines 2. They even spoiled the intro to the game, in which you would be executed in the courthouse of the mass embrace but it's interruped by a fire, escape to the pier, meet Anson like on the cover on the ferris wheel and he sets you up to stay with Dale and do jobs for him and other clan heads. You also get the clan powers by diablerizing a Blood Hunt target and not by being embraced.
>And not a "oh you're actually the chosen one you'll join any of the clans" VTMB2 bullshit, but something miserable, like pic related.
If you would actually bother to watch any of their interview videos and read any of the articles that have been released, you wouldn't have posted misinformation and fanfic tier bullshit. But you just had to be retarded, you underage shit head.
I have even less faith in the dialogue and the meat of the game.
Combat being a gimped version of Deus Ex or Dishonored isn’t the main problem I agree.
>Blood Hunt target
Doesn’t this mean we could have had the more Sabbat focused clans as playable?
>I have even less faith in the dialogue and the meat of the game
Why? We've got Mitsoda and Avellone
>No, I'm actually pretty good looking
Is the Ferris Wheel vampire confirmed to be Anson. I remember reading you find another member of the Unsanctioned Seven who gets murdered on the pier and you end up getting their old room
I could be most of them.
I tend to be a loner - Gangrel
I have strong political beliefs - Brujah
I like my ugly Eastern European country - Tzimisce
I appreciate certain forms of art - Toreador
I have more knowledge about the occult than most people - Tremere
I work as a manager now - Ventrue
I like to avoid people - Nosferatu
I have some mental issues - Malkavian
I just don’t think they can carry the whole project.
I like him, he's done more good than bad
Probably Toreador.
I’m vain as fuck, I spend most of my money on clothes and my time on going the gym.
I hope a Lasombra decides to test you faggot
How significant is the asian population in Seattle? That might dictate whether some hottie like Ming will appear in the second game.
Why would you post something like this?
Nah I'm just depressed, nothing too major desu
Whatever user. I don't like you.
Because commies deserve the rope
>Eastern europe
You're a criminal, so you could be Ravnos
You're already plenty fucked by being a thin blood from a mass embrace. It just won't fit in the narrative of the game for the PC to diablerize a Sabbat of all clans. It would only make sense to choose Camarilla clans.
The devs have pretty much confirmed it by not wanting to answer the question. They would have just said no otherwise. Besides, it looks a lot like him and even the rose on his suit is a giveaway that he's supposed to be a Toreador. Seattle is a Toreador city and even the devs have a bias for Toreador above the other clans, hence why he's on the cover too.
Are there any decent clan quiz/test to decide where you belong?
Well, I'm a literal life-long schizophrenic, so clearly anything but Malkavian would be appropriate. Har har.
Why is that?
>employed in the country's national parliament
>involved in politics as a non-partisan activist
>have a small but budding side-business
>above-average knowledge in philosophy and history
>supporter of social stratification and strict hierarchies
>a borderline fetishistic preference for tailored suits
While I'm hardly your typical senator's son, I think I have the makings of a Ventrue. But don't let me stop you from being the judge of that.
VtMB's dialogue was still written by a few others who aren't involved, and just having an original dev involved doesn't guarantee quality either.
Ravnos here
I'm gonna need your credit card number and the three digits on the back for research purposes
Hmm didn’t expect that
A sub-par attempt, at best.
Pretty based.
F*ck the Camarilla.
>involved in politics as a non-partisan activist
You mean a lobbyist?
>tfw that was just a distraction and my partner just pickpocketed your wallet
have a nice day sir
Shoot, a sharp one.
God damn gypsies, I swear.
I pretty much expected this
For me itd be either lasombra or tzimesse or brujah.
Personally id love to be a ravnos but I am not a gypsie or a jew and dont fuck people over with shitty pawn shop deals.
Malkavians are a fucking meme clan for fucking meme people.
Hold your sporks up elsewhere, you walking piles of unresolved daddy issues.
Stop doing the FUCKING "hurr put the (game thread) in spoilers" it's stupid and it pisses me off
I'm playing a Malkavian with max Melee and that visions spell, but every fucking boss after Andrej is a bullet sponge, also sorry, but I'm gonna no-clip the Werewolf fight (where I'm at at the moment), the game feels great because the RPG-elements remind me of my favourite game New Vegas, but the combat is so fucking tedious.
Any tips?
what's this?
LOL. You mad, bro?
Should’ve focused on firearms, the game is terribly balanced
>just having an original dev involved doesn't guarantee quality either.
remember how Mighty no9 came out?
Just a shitty clan selector test, it’s not very indepth at all
hello, fellow malkavian
So, of all characters in VTMB, we can agree that Mitnick was /ourguy/, right?
His life seems really comfy
>people who need tests to make their minds up
I pity these plebs.
Mitnick is absolutely our guy, I'm pretty sure he shitposts on /g/ regularly.
Wasn't that a character designer becoming a director? This is a writer staying as a writer
>implying you would have any say in what clan you actually got to join
>no-clip the Werewolf fight
Literally no excuse for that.
Most people probably already know. It's not hard to figure out which one you relate to. It's just something fun to do.
Get the fuck out of my city, you pai gow whore. Let no gook-vamp pollute the night.
use console commands to refund your stats and invest in fucking firearms and auspex. If you have auspex you go firearms. Melee is for Brujah and Nosferatu only. Or just don't be a min max faggot but don't complain if you can't kill shit fast.
>Melee is for Brujah and Nosferatu only.
Gangrel and even Toreador can still do well with melee. But you don't even need to max out combat stats to use some weapons effectively. Even with just 4-5 points in Melee and Firearms will let you use the shotguns and the knife fairly well, which should get you through most of the game if you use your Disciplines properly. Jack pretty much tells you to learn both in the beginning.
Velociraptor is scarier than the ghost house.
It’s been a while since I played.
But wasn’t Gangrel getting weaker if you upgraded Protean too much? I remember it becoming shit to use.
go back to your sewer ratsucker
war form animations suck ass.
user, you are not supposed to fight the werewolf...
brujah because I'm a skinhead
Posting best clans
Fucking absolutely. Shit poster who don't care about the politics, don't care about Gehenna, just care about that hacking
>just care about that hacking
If that's all they care about shouldn't they be better at it? Fucking lazy Nossies letting Schrecknet get cracked is the reason Tremere got cucked AGAIN.
>tfw no Kuei-jin gf
>fighting the Werewolf
More like they're racist
her hotness peaked when i unleashed my raging flamethrower on her.
>can I get you anything? Tea, perhaps?
was she joking or what?
vamps can't drink shit or they vomit it.
are the kuei-jin different?
yes, the chinks can eat and drink.
I don't care what reason they've got. They're dumb as shit, whatever gets them out of there.
yo homies, so here's the `sitch. been up all night smoking the Devils Lettuce and playing only the finest of video gaming - no sleep for this hombre. only a lil bit before the pizza joint opens... should i try to stay away and order a nice 'za, or just accept my fate and pass out?
thanks for the input gamers.
what's the deal with chink-pires?
why are they spooky and why do kindred hate them?
They are literally demons from hell. I don't know much but that sounds pretty spooky to me.
Yes that was her point. That she is superior and can still enjoy things while you are a cursed lowlife.
They're 'not-vampires' who drink blood for the magical yin yang essence inside of it and can't go in the sun. They can still do things like eat or drink. They're spirits returning to dead bodies with a purpose in life and so ancient that they're older than Cain and thus throw that whole myth into a whole different mess. Look at Kindred of the Ebony Kingdom where you can make logical assumptions on Clans adapting to a completely different social and geographical environment (such as Toreador becoming the Ishtrarri) by having their Clan weaknesses change and have them adopt different myths. Why "vampires" from Asia had to not be vampires and have to instead be shitty diet vampires with worse flavour is beyond me.
I'm currently on the final stretch of this game, for the first time. It was alright i guess
Who would ever side with her.
They're just wraiths that have similarities with vampires though. You could describe Gangrels as being not-werewolves with the same logic.
>Tremere got cucked AGAIN.
That was the nossies' plan all along
VTMB2 is a sequel set in the same world, so as far as we know, unless Paradox (or WhiteWolf under Pararox) says it isn't cannon, it is.
Which would be great if they were marketed as that. But they weren't, they were Kindred of the East.
Lol, imagine not liking RPGs ahahaha
Get ready for nonstop combat
Fair point. Though didn't the first game specify that that description was inaccurate?
well i am a veteran Gothic player, finished those 2 games dozens of times, so Vampire is kinda meh in comparison. Still alright though, i guess it was great at its time
nah i actually enjoy this part, melee combat is ok.
I'm talking more from a marketing/lore standpoint now. Kuei Jin themselves like to think they're above vampires. My main issue is that there's zero lore for any Asian vampires and the reason for that being is that there are Asian 'demons that drink blood, frenzy and can't go into sunlight but aren't vampires'. I just think they're an all round stupid idea.
>Gothic fag
m8 you can't even come close to successfully shitting on Gothic, no matter how hard you try. Those games are in a league of their own, above most single players, so please.
Desire to inbreed is a mental ilness after all
Imagine actually thinking this
>this is what Gothicfags actually believe
I got to be the worst clan. Fuck this test.
With all my heart and soul
Your ass now belongs the inner circle, neonate.
Why is he so smug?
Calling it now, playable werewolf 14.99 DLC
Because he knows gothicfags woud defend him no matter what
That's funny way to spell THE BEST.
Gothic 1 and 2 were pretty good IMO. I wouldn't consider them better than the likes of VTMB or FalloutNV but I wouldn't shit on them either, I enjoyed the Gothic series before it shat the bed.
Boo I joined the FREAKS
Praise Haqim.
Figured the (((Tremere))), but Malk genuinly surprised me
>I want more "Trannies are ruing video games"
No doubt you should consider killing yourself.
Not the clan I thought I'd be, but I have no complaints.
Didn't see that coming
What is this
you're an asscreed motherfucker, air assassinating people left and right
convertion to islam is optional
based user
That's old Yea Forums. Post-election Yea Forums is just a neverending political Jyhad between literal shills.
That's not how the embrace works fren.
It is ordered alphabetically
Notice how many clans are 100%
Really liking the OP's recently.
Knowing my luck, probably a feral Malk
>literally doesn't need a name to make a name for himself
>starts from zero, almost dead - becomes the most based man on the land
>his game is old af, but he still got a sex cinematic for when he fucks a hoe
>picks flowers but also kills scum with equal passion
Plenty of reasons
>thonking it started with DMC threads
Fuck off, newfag.
That just means you're an alphabetical motherfucker
Conversion to Islam optional
user, one of the former Toreador methuselah was infamous for being ugly as fuck.
Beauty isn't as required for Toreador to embrace you as you may think. Plenty of them are average or even ugly.
Should I go melee or firearms for Malkavian?
stop pointing a laser pointer at that poor girl
Ready for wednesday, Malk bros?
I stay in my room all fuckin day, have a fucked life, fucked sleep schedule and am aspiring to be a very competent code slave. Definitely Nosferatu then dying in the process because I'm that big of a loser.
Fingers crossed by I get the feeling they'll go with Nosferatu.
>stop pointing a laser pointer at that poor girl
Ben Shapiro is the prince of LA? Does he dominate with FACTS?
>tfw Toreador with Malk bf
>be a V5 thinblood
>get super strength, super speed and immortality
>also get access to telekinesis or mist powers
>also can go out into the sun without turning into bacon
>have no inherent clan curse
>clanned vampires fear my very existence as a sign of the apocalypse, don't have to worry about getting involved in vamp politics
>if I ever get bored I can just murder my sire and go back to being human
Thinblood is the apex of vampire existence
I am fine with either of them desu. If its neither I'm gonna be slightly disappointed
Keep cool
>>if I ever get bored I can just murder my sire and go back to being human
Is this actually true? In vtmb 1 it seemed like some bullshit one of the thin bloods on the beach believed.
Yikes the delusion
No chance. It has to be Malk
The /vtmb/ Chantry rises with each post
No one seems to know in-universe, just rumors which people both in- and out of the universe dismiss as bullshit.
>inb4 it's caitiff
Tzimisce blocks your path and says he'll fix your ugly mug with Vicissitude into whatever you wish.
Do you accept the offer?
It's a rumor/myth in V5. Up to the ST if it's true.
>waltz into an elysium during daytime
>wreck the guards with your chad thinblood powers
>open the windows and grill the sleeping cuck vamps
pshhh... nothing personnel... kid...
Its in one of the source books, if you have decent humanity and can actually manage to kill your sire you can revert back
The beach thin blood thinks that if he kills the "head vampire" everyone will go back which is untrue, considering that Caine isnt allowed to die and killing the prince is ultimately meaningless
No because I don't want to have a dick on my forehead.
>just rumors which people both in- and out of the universe dismiss as bullshit
Seems about right. I still like I can sell my stake for top dollar.
It says every Thin Blood knows somebody who knows somebody that it's happened to. That's a way of saying it's only a rumour.
I said that Tzimisce blocked your path in here, not degenerate Zantosa's Toreador.
Caine isn't just not allowed to die but if you try to murder the sob God fuckin yeets you.
And who was the master of said Zantosa before their embrace? Exactly. You aren't planting dick on my forehead.
>t. hasn't defeated the first scavangers so he dropped it
I actually know someone like this
I'd sooner give my arms to Gimble than that.
What does God find so funny about Caine?
Youd think after 5000 years+ God would become bored with a butthurt undead farmer turned taxi driver
>"I'm not one to predicate a decision based on conjecture"
>is in the process of crashing the city with no survivors due to predicating all his decisions on conjecture
It's not like he needs my permission to fuck me up so what's the harm, if he wanted to he would anyway
A group of well-equipped ghouls could kill an elder, let alone a th*n-blood with no disciplines
But I'm not ugly!
No, it's a way to say it's a rumor that the book isn't confirming or denying. Basically up to interpretation by players. A thin-blood managing to keep their humanity in check and kill their sire is difficult enough that I can see some GM/STs allowing it. Having such a revenge themed motive is a good way to do some reprehensible shit in the process if you're a vamp.
and I made her hotter
No thank you.
>VtMB threads were a Trem*re ploy all along
t. failed abortion thinking he's pretty
Fuck that. I'm not joining Discord.
Already cute faggot, have sex
Malkav was basically too smart and Caine was so jealous he fucked shim up. Also he was the only moral Antediluvian
Then why did your mother sent me this photo of you?
of course
I'm playing for the first time right now and I'm loving it. The dialogue is amazingly written, it's very funny and sorta self aware, it has Deus Ex tier level design that accommodates different builds really well, and there's tits everywhere. It's graphically/technologically dated, but not to the point it's too distracting from its strengths.
>what is Saulot
Sure you are, you failed abortion.
That would be shocking tbqh, i'd be very surprised
If its neither, I'm going to be pretty disappointed yeah.
>his mom doesn't shitpost to retarded foreigners
>can't actually play as a bloodline
Ventrue with Gangrel bf or Nosie with Torie bf would be better combination
Didn’t God fuck off and left the world to fend for itself?
watching a streamer play it for the first time, is it implied that the whole game takes place in a single night? Or do days pass in load screens or some shit
All the off topic shit in the catalog and this is what bothers you
Just play it yourself you faggot. Also no, there's dialogue implying nights pass and some missions take place close to dawn/dusk if you look at the skybox
I don’t have a PC
From left to right:???>Toreador>Malkavian>Gangrel>Ventrue>Brujah>Assamites maybe>Nosferatu
Not really sure for 1, 4,5 and 6 desu
Nothing? It'll run on anything
First one is old Tzimisce, represented by Draculchad
An ironic brujah sounds fitting for me.
>calling Dracula a chad
Its an understatement
Since I work in the medical field and I'm a guy that usually minds his own shit and stays away from drama a cappadocian would be the most likely to embrace me I guess (fortunately the only cappadocians alive don't really embrace new plebs and I don't want to look like a corpse).
What the difference between old and new Tiramisu?
>Old Tazs - don't look fucked up
>New Tazs - look fucked up
There you go.
One's a tranny and the other one's still in the closet
The reason why I think they'll go with Nosferatu is because they're the main stealth option from a gameplay perspective. Yes, Malks had Obfuscate too but it's a completely different thing when you're a walking Masquerade violation waiting to happen.
A Malkavian doesn't provide such an immediate switch in gameplay although IMO they provide a much more interesting experience than just skulking in the shadows.
>If its neither, I'm going to be pretty disappointed yeah.
Agreed. But I doubt it'll happen to be honest.
>"Aren't humans lowly bugs that need to be squashed?"
>I chose "Yes and High Priority"
>all the other options I chose "No Preference"
>got Brujah as 100% and Tzimisce 65%
This test is terribly innacurate.
Malkavian is too much of a talking point from the first game to not be in. It's that simple.
Can you imagine being embraced while you are overweight? You wouldn't be able to shed the pounds for whole eternity. Better get /fit/ before you get vamped.
So they have the same powers but the new ones choose to warp their own flesh?
At the same time, Nos isn't just 'stealth', they require the game to have serious redesigns. Like they can't do the 'hunting' mechanic, they require special treatment. As such, they are probably the best suited for DLC, because they are going to need alot of additional time to get right.
Yeah let's talk about dolphin rape gangs instead
>Look mom, I'm projecting again!
can I breed with a kuei-jin?
I fixed it for you, boss.
I'll take it
Saulot seems like the writers did what Games Workshop did the Tau. Had one good guy but then decided to add a bunch of edge to fit the status quo. Now it's ambiguous whether or not Saulot was any good at all.
>Zao-lat the liar
I really like the version where Malkav just asked Caine why he didn't just apologize when the angels offered him forgiveness and Caine got mad and cursed him
Lasombra or Gangrel as the final clan or riot
I'm doing a Tremere run after my Toreador. I miss the seducing everything
Didn't expect that, I used to get Gangrel on tests when I was younger
Damn, he almost did it.
who the fuck was that?
i never seen it before
Thin Blood on the beach. You can talk him into thinking if he kills LaCroix, Nines or the President of the United States that all the vampires will turn human again like in the Lost Boys. His corpse being there is a Plus Patch thing I'll bet.
Thinblood kid, you can tell him that if he kills LaCroix he'll become human again. This is how it ends up..
How did he make it so far? LaCroix's security sucks.
it's just that one guard lmao
Because it's a Plus Patch addition and like many later Plus Patch editions it's a change for the sake of a change.
based all noschads rise up
I'll take it
Tea is fine. I am here on behalf of the Ventrue clan to discuss the Camarilla business... UNLIKE THOSE FAGGOTS TOREADORS AND NOSFERATU BOTTOMS
It's a nice little touch.
It would be far more plausible to find his corpse around Chunk's post though.
I’m playing through it for the first time right now. The writing is pretty good and the levels are well designed. I like a very small niche of games that don’t treat the player like a child and still have some modern day comforts like full voice acting and serviceable graphics. This is one of those games that fills that niche. The worst parts of this game are the combat only sections, the combat isn’t amazing and I had to abuse a bug in order to have enough ammo to fight a boss in a level. There’s some shit that makes zero sense and is frustrating too. In the game, vampires and some other supernatural people are resistant to bullets, but random humans who are supposed to be “bosses” will also randomly have this ability and it makes fighting them a pain.
Tl;dr It’s an “old style” game (different approaches to situations, your skill build matters, no minimap, no compass, no babified shit) that still has things you may have come to expect from a videogame(full voice acting, serviceable graphics). The combat is subpar and certain sections highlight this issue. Just pirate it, the tutorial is hella short and the game picks up ~1 hour(?) in, so you won’t really waste much time if you hate it.
it is weird. vtmb is one of those games i played through for 10 hours each day for a week and loved every second but i remember nothing about it now except for a spooky house and an uptight suit man always yelling at me.
don't you remember the night clubs?
>uptight suit man always yelling at me
Should've tried different approach.
why the fuck is tzimisce so popular?
i once joined a discuck server (dont judge me i was desperate to do a campaign because the one where i live had to shut down) and legit 70% of everyone there chose tzimisce
turbo nerds desu. twisted cycle path tier losers think their shtick is too cool to pass up.
People are edgy. That and their Discipline is incredibly unique and pretty cool. But also very edgy.
The original writers are on board, alongside as some other familiar faces. I wouldn't be worried -- even Mitsoda is dressed like he was embraced in the 2000's.
They appeal to overly edgy faggots. Trannies. Gore fetishists. Power gamers. And people who see Vampire but think Alien.
there's like 2 dudes who worked on the first game user.
The sole redemption for Tzimisce is Andrei and Dracula, that's about it. Every other Kindred in that bloodline is a meme, or a literal tranny.
Plebs: "OMG! Weird alien looking bad guys that can flesh craft themselves and others into anything. Also... muh Andrei."
If they maintain Ying chi for the full pregnancy then yes.
Dracula is the answer when it comes to lorefags.
Andrei is the answer when it comes to players.
These two are literally only good Tzimisce characters, by the way. And Dracula isn't even meme-Tzimisce clan, but old Tzimisce clan.
Meaning: Andrei is basically only good Tzimisce character and he's game's OC.
Meaning: There isn't single good Tzimisce character even worth mentioning when it comes to WOD.
replaying right now as tremere
jesus christ, is thaumaturgy broken or what? I was planning on using some guns/auspex, but turns out all I need is blood theft
Because they are cool as fuck?
I feel like they made up the Old Clan solely to justify Drac being a tzimisce instead of Ventrue or Gangrel.
They really fucked up making the Eastern European vampires some body horror freaks.
Name one good Tzimisce character in the entire WOD. Just one.
By this I'm referring to: no old clan Tzimisce (Dracula) shit or OC Andrei shit. Just actual Tzimisce character that is stereotypical Tzimisce and that's cool. Name me fucking one.
It's nice to have guns to fall back on but yeah Thaumaturgy is your main damage dealer
If wednesday is ANYTHING other then malks, I will be very, very surprised.
Aha. Except they're all worst types of edgelords or literal trannies. Only decent Tzimisce that exists isn't even counted among "usual Tzimisce." Instead they made special snowflake tier of Tzimisce called old clan just so Dracula can be Tzimisce, but really a TZIMISCE. Wonder why.
Malkavian fits, but part of me thinks Assamite might be coming
>but not really*
What are your circles meant to tell me?
>The Tzimisce Clan Founder, known simply as "The Eldest" was never destroyed in his secret haven in the Carpathian Mountains in the 1500s. His own rebellious descendants tried to cannibalize him. He survived and now Lambach Ruthven, the only other witness to the event, looked into his companion's eyes and saw only the eldest looking back. Before sloughing back to sleep, he simply said "Be a good lad"
>Legend says that the Eldest turned Demdemeh inside out, with his eyes staring inside his head. When the Eldest asked Demdemeh what he thought of the view, Demdemeh answered that it was nothing special, as all wise people could see inside themselves. Impressed, the Eldest granted the African the Embrace and the two parted ways.
The Eldest himself.
Dunno I’m not a fucking nerd who read the books or whatever
I think it'll be Malk because they'd need to redo literally ALL of the game's dialogue to facilitate your character being a maniac; they're not going to bring all the game's VAs back just for DLC.
But Nossies had the same deal in 1. Everyone reacted to you differently.
>there's zero lore for any Asian vampires
they have an entire series of sourcebooks you fucking illiterate
Outside of founder as well. Antediluvians are in their own category.
Fair point.
Also fair point but I'd expect them to have that kind of stuff in the base game because it's easier to get that in pre-release than adding it post-release. It's easier to make environments nosferatu gameplay friendly when you're designing them first time around than having to go back and changing them later.
By comparison Malkavians are mainly dialog.
They're edgy faggots that want to twist people into misshapen blobs.
Could be. But, isn't Ur-Shulgi reforming Assamite, and what would justify Assamite being in Seattle, aren't they exclusively MENA?
How is that not cool though?
Man where the fuck is your reading comprehension
I'm guessing you like the SAW films?
Eh maybe the first couple but they quickly turned to shit.
It's just a little too far down the edge path for me. But I prefer vamps who only kill/harm when they absolutely need to and shit anyways.
There aren't that many Tzimisce worthy of mentioning desu. It either comes down to their Antediluvian, monstrosities, mini-villains, Dracula and Sascha who is epitome of everything that is shit with most of Tzimisce.
The Vizier, sorcerer, and a few of the warrior caste of Assamites fled the Alamut and joined the Camarilla. They're worldwide now.
I don't think they'll be playable though, but I think a assamite be a good candidate for the game's sheriff.
source:my ass but i remember reading in some source book that people tend to underestimate asian vampires because they assume it's a modern occurrence and they must be fledgelings.
i mean i know thats still next to nothing but i thought id bring it up
There is a difference between being intimidating monster and trying way too hard at it. Majority of Tzimisce are the latter.
Not him but i think they are door locks typically found in an insane asylum or some shit.
Well there's these guys
>I believe in the Camarilla. Camarilla has made my fortune. And I raised my childe in the Camarilla fashion. I gave her Masquerade, but -- I taught her never to dishonor her family. She found a boyfriend; not a Giovanni. She went to the Elysium with him; she stayed out early. I didn't protest. Two months ago, he took her for a drive, with another boyfriend. They made her drink their blood. And then they tried to take advantage of her. She resisted. She kept her honor. So they beat her, like a ghoul. When I went to the haven, her nose was a'broken. Her jaw was a'shattered, held together by fortitude. She couldn't even weep because of the pain. But I wept. Why did I weep? She was the light of my unlife -- beautiful girl. She was beautiful again next night.
>I -- I went to the sheriff, like a good kindred. These two brujah were brought to trial. The Prince sentenced them to three years in exile -- but favors owed. Favors owed! They went free that very day! I stood in Elysium like a fool. And those two bastards, they smiled at me. Then I said to the spirit of my wife, "for justice, we must go to Don Giovanni."
Cool is...
>Tzimisce who beat up his own future Sire and other vampires when he was just a ghoul.
>Tzimisce who forced his own future Sire to sire him and then proceeded to his Sire's Sire.
>Tzimisce who plays 4D chess with everyone. From starting Sabbat/Camarilla war and letting them kill each other. To manipulating a writer to publish story about his life and make public aware of him, breaking the Masquerade more than anyone else, and not giving a single shit.
Now that is cool Tzimisce and funny enough... this is literally just one character. You can guess which one.
The other Tzimisce go like...
>Gender change.
>Trying to mimic pregnancy.
>Have I mentioned gender change?
>A group of well-equipped ghouls could kill an elder
That seems pretty unbelievable unless they were all top of the line Navy seals or something, and in perfect locations.
Gender change is scary desu.
>Ventrue anons can only resort to petty insult against the superior Tzimisce clan because they know that they are inferior in every way
You just have to mention the first 2 letter, to send them into a frenzy while they post
Yeah, this sort of shit is fine. We need more of this and less Kuei-Jin.
Ignore it. It's V5. It had Jalan-Ajaav, 5th generation Gangrel Sabbat general and one of the settings best fighters, die to fucking Homeland Security.
Both of those are correct though.
but what does this mean
>so-called "Tzimisce" anons go "b-b-but..." when other anons ask them to name one not-old clan Tzimisce that is good in canon world
How are these inaccurate again?
>tfw you'll never have a cute gothic gf
I feel isolated.
I see it like this; they reflect their rotten nature on the outside and don’t try to hide it. While other clans try to look as human as possible even though they are soulless monsters inside.
They are also artists and have a lot in common with Toreador, except they have transcended far beyond humanity and don’t cling to it at all.
Basically they aren’t afraid to show their true nature, on the contrary they revel and celebrate it by being complete opposites of those honoring the masquerade.
0 - Nosferatu
1 - Ventrue
2- Gangrel
3 - Brujah
4 - Malk
5 - Toreador
6 - Tremere
7 - Tzimisce
8 - Giovanni
9 - Lasombra
Roll for which clan you are embraced into.
>I see it like this; they reflect their rotten nature on the outside and don’t try to hide it. While other clans try to look as human as possible even though they are soulless monsters inside.
That's literally Gangrel except they aren't pretentious faggots about it. Fuck you Rudi posters, v5 Gangrel don't exist.
another useless spamming post
>implying humanity is a bad thing
A ruler must be firm yet generous. Tzimisce are degenerate monsters with the extra of being somehow as pretentious as the Toreador.
Nothing wrong with either, flesh is just a flesh and who wouldn't want to be a cute girl?
That’s why I like Gangrels a lot too.
The whole embracing the beast within is my jam.
give me what i want
But most of the clans cling to humanity out of necessity and fear, not because they want to.
It's not about them choosing to be monsters (that concept is actually cool about them), it's the rest. They remind me too much on that guy that is trying to sound smarter than he's by using unknown words on purpose.
Everyone fucking gets it! They give no shit about masquerade. They like to be monsters. How about chilling on "2edy 4u" bullshit? I find antitribu Toreador way more scarier than guess-what-my-gender-is alien things. They're trying way too hard to appear as ultimate monsters that it's honestly very cringy. It's same like fishmalk (that we had in vtmb1), that was trying way too hard to be "le crazy epic random XDDDD" bs. That's what I meant by how they're trying way too hard. Majority of Tzimisce is basically fishmalk, but Tzimisce version when it comes to whole "embrace the beast" thing. Huge try-hards.
>tfw I like Lasombra and Tzimisce
Ventrue here,
the developers said that because of modern times mental ilness should be approached differently, thus hinting that VTMB 2 won't have malkavians. That being, considering that the trailer already showed us a nosferatu, then the next clan to be revealed is certainly nosferatu.
Yeah. Because it makes sense to not paint a giant bullseye on your back for hunters and the government.
The tzimisce is like hat kid in 1st grade who, while all the other kids are having fun on the playground, he has a dead frog on a stick and is running around like a maniac trying to gross people out before the teachers come punish him.
Its not smart or clever. Its failing to see the difference between fame and infamy. Between positive and negative attention
That doesn't hint towards that at all. It just means they won't say shit like 'Leopold is a good name for a turtle!'
Toreadors are creepy, in general.
On the other hand you could say that the other vampires are trying way too hard to be humans. “Look at me I wear normal clothes and live in a normal apartment, I’m totally a real person I swear!” They are trying their hardest to deny their true nature
Do remember that the Malk in Bloodlines didnt have an actual mental illness unlike actual Malk. The BLoodlines Malk was a fish-malk. Just a "lulzrandomxd" Joker character.
Malks generally do have an actual true mental illness with varying degrees of debilitation. Whether thats paranoia, intense anxiety, kleptomania, Bulimia or OCD.
Maybe you'll be able to choose your malks mental illness.
Nah. They wont put that much work in.
What were WW thinking?
>They are trying their hardest to deny their true nature
They're trying to fucking survive. You think snow leopards turned white as a fashion statement?
>tfw no crazy Toreador business bf who ruins your life so you have to cling to him
Give me Final Death
Bateman would be Ventrue, wouldn't he?
Perhaps, but that's a marketing strategy to make people get used to the idea that malkavians won't be portrayed in the game.
Wedneday we'll know what I already know.
Screencap this for I am the ventrue chad. Nosferatu will be the next clan.
When you are embraced you lose weight due to, you know. Being dead and also not needing food to live anymore
lolno. 100% malk.
Nope. Either antitribu toreador or a malk.
>Nah. They wont put that much work in.
maybe in dlcs or in bonus content
Why did they make him so hot in the trailer? He's going to look like dogshit in the game. Fuck.
Of course it’s smart to hide and avoid danger. It’s comparable to the animal kingdom where in some predators use deception to lure in prey and others use brute force while being in plain sight.
But I guarantee that almost all vampires would want to rule the world officially while having the humans as cattle in blood farms if they could.
Toreador pls
>who's Sascha Vykos
>When you are embraced you lose weight
can you give some sauce? because the curse is literally to "look as you did on your embrace." there's no science to it so ascribing real world shit is dumb without a source.
he kinda looks like jaime lannister
The worst character. You're welcome.
What's stopping Kindred from uniting, at least temporarily, and ruling over human cattle with an iron fist? Sure, you have the sunlight, but you could rely off of subterranean facilities, or ghouls.
Tremere as I live the wizard lifestyle
Total Toreador
You slim down a bit but if you're fat, you're still fat
Emberrassment that embodies the worst things that people shit on Tzimisce for.
>Gothic King Cobra
my sides
The last time mortals caught wind of vampires they almost drove them to extinction. World ending disciplines are great and all, but there's just too many humans.
This has to be ironic... right?
He's a far superior character to the fucking trasheap that's WoD Dracula.
Because don't even pretend him being Tzimisce or anything in his backstory makes sense. And afterwards he's just a generic semi-inconnu badass.
Fucking Ruthven is far superior to him
Why can't White Wolf make a cool Tzimisce? (old clan doesn't count)
If I was one I would be content in making everyone I meet a manlet, no need for any of that edgy shit.
They literally fall into a state of torpor while the sun is up
I hope we get more story diversity outside of just changed dialog when playing different races.
>Movie is called American Psycho
>old clan
But he isn't.
He's a normal Tzimisce, just one that hasn't shaped himself.
He fucking has Vicissitude 5
Xer Sue literal faggot who turned himself into a literal tranny. Tried to make him-- ITSELF pregnant. And only serves to show the worst aspects about Tzimisce clan aka Rudi's long lost brother in terms of: "Wtf were they smoking when they created this shit character?"
but any clan can have derangements
You're wrong in your first word and the reason you're wrong is the reason Sascha is fucking stupid.
Why am I even trying to argue with /pol/fags that have never even heard about The Dream or even just the Dracon
>Vampires change considerably after the Embrace. Physically, they are incapable of eating food, vomiting it up almost instantly. As a result of these processes, the vampire is paler and generally thinner than they were before the Embrace.
But Malkavian are characterised by theirs
Reminder to pirate the game, do not pay
It's unironically one of the poster Tzimisce. Don't get salty because your clan is held up by trannies and other degenerates.
Mostly bullshit plot reasons. If they really wanted I see no reason why they couldn’t unite and take over
>no book source
>info for both Masquerade and Requiem
ima need a smidge more than a half assed wiki page user.
But, user... it's your clan that is held up by a literal tranny. You just said it yourself, the worst Tzimisce is also your poster Tzimisce.
>tells him not to get salty because his clan is held up by trannies
>Tzimisce are literally represented by a LITERAL TRANNY
t. absolute state
the difference is, monsters are fictional, humans are real, and you're just a fucking autist
Vamps would get annihilated lmao
Everyone does realize humans outnumbers vamps by like 100000:1, right and are comatose for 2/3 of a day? And they share the setting with mages, werewolves, changlings, and shit too.
Spaghetti and corpses, Boss.
not sure what you're getting at
do you think it's abominable that they have 2 DLC and xpack in plans?
>faggot doesn't even know anything about a character he was trying to defend
not that user, but needing a spreadsheet for dlc and different edition content before we've even seen finalized gameplay is not a good sign.
Eh how many cool notable characters do the other clans have? Most of them are a bunch of cringy fags too
Malk unironically
>weapon skins
>weapons are rumoured to have limited durability
>Damsel's Beret
>game is first person only with maybe a few cutscenes giving glimplses of your character
user, you might actually be retarded.
This entire bullshit started with user asking why do discord trannies love Tzimisce so much. Why are you surprised to find out that said Tzimisce fags will try to defend said trannies.
Why the fuck would "tranny" be a valid insult to a clan that doesn't give a fuck about human sensibilities and actively shits on them? That's like crying because aliens don't like hamburgers.
99% of all vampires would be classified as psychopaths or sociopaths
I only found that out from reading that page.
Go ask the autists at WOD general on /tg/ if you really want to know.
Considering he posted that bait-kun's image with that same filename, it's pretty clear that he isn't even Tzimisce fag. Just a faggot who wants yous.
Whites - Ventrue
Jews - Nosferatu and Tzimisce
Niggers - Brujah
Japs/Gooks = Tremere
Chinks and Indians = Ravnos
Liberals = Malks
Mutts = Gangrel
vtmb2 will be trash
troika captured lighting in a bottle back in 2004 and it aint happening again.
People seem to forget that they don’t have to look like crazy aliens. Some of them are very beautiful or choose to use their powers on making weird looking ghouls rather than shaping themselves.
Like I went to school with a guy who is a tattoo artist now, but he isn’t covered in tattoos at all. Likewise there are sport coaches who are fat and completely out of shape while training other people.
are discord trannies the out group we use to determine our tastes now? Or is that still reddit?
I miss theorist fags. At least they had type of autism one could somewhat talk about. This current crap is just pure autism.
Toreadors will never embrace the mundane and the awkward
Only gonna pay if the game has playable Lasombra, Gangrel or Tzimisce
Shame they likely wont return in 2.
Giovanni are mostly cool. I mean on the one hand you have incest. But the other hand is carrying a bunch of shit like necromancy, control of global finances and high-class culture.
There isn't anything to theorize at this point that hasn't been repeated countless of times. If you have some idea, then shoot. My head can't think of anything that wasn't already mentioned/suggested in some way.
only gonna play if there's communist qts to bang
Can I be his Cersei?
He's Ventrue not Giovanni so no
I kind of love that there's even an option to do so just to bait those gullible enough to fall for it with a purely bad ending. It's so obvious that she'd betray you if you take the time to learn more about her and see that she was blatantly funding the men who kidnapped you and the nos in the first place.
I like that you can screw yourself over if you didn't bother to read the signs.
Well, fuck.
Antediluvians and ancient vampires in general are literal gods among men. They can’t win over the humans because “REEEEE I hate all other vampires and refuse to cooperate, also I would rather sleep for a thousand years just because!”
Incest is isn’t even that bad considering you are aiming to be an immortal necromancer anyways, so who cares
> programmer
> spend all my free time in my room or with my other autistic friends
> love pets
Nosferatu, almost nothing changes and theres even a few improvements.
Just wish I could live outside of the sewers (or at least a really well maintained part of one), because I fucking hate rats.
Y'know I get the feeling the Antediluvians arent the world-ending threat they are played up to be.
Yeah I know thats how it went in gehenna but look. In the middle ages you had. Lasombra chilling in his castle studying the Abyss, Tzimisce hiding away somewhere, Cappadocian leading his clan, Saulot. A good third of the Antediluvians all awake and the world wasnt ending, fuck 3 of them died. And thats from a time most Elders can remember. I think the antediluvians are just the laziest bastards that exist. Absimilliard is the only one making moves and its entirely directed against only his own clan
Yeah I dont get how people can fall for it. From the moment she starts talking to you she is giving thinly-veiled insults
Brujah, sad to say. I'd love it to be Gangrel, but I'm not out in the wilds kind of guy, despite enjoying nature every now and again. And though the Lasombra are my favorite clan in VtM it's very unlikely any of them would look to embrace me, unless it a shovel-head kind of circumstances.
>Y'know I get the feeling the Antediluvians arent the world-ending threat they are played up to be.
I mean, Ravnos kinda shows you up here.
you mean the dude that got btfo?
>I have to be a fag Toreador
Final Death me Pete.
> Assamite
I dont want to be coldsteel: muslim edition
>killed most of his clan
>ravaged India
>fought 3 days and nights with 3 Bodhisattva
>took most of the Technocratics Union orbital bombardment ammo (which caused a fucking superstorm in the underworld and broke the abyss open)
Even after they used the mirrors to stop him there was an excerpt about a few Kuei-Jin finding his body and getting drained.
You'll notice that he's very much an outlier here.
>Absimilliard is the only one making moves and its entirely directed against only his own clan
You just can't see Malkav's moves because he's playing checkers while everyone else is playing chess
Taking him out (if a vamp with complete control over illusions to an almost reality altering level) nearly destroyed the afterlife because of the spirit nuke used and could lead to the ruin of existence because of Grandmother getting free
If that was a win against one Anti then humanity is FUCKED
It is bad though. Only a portion of the Giovanni family become Vampires and the rest are susceptible to the genetic defects of Inbreeding. Hence the need to adopt all these minor families. Even though, yeah many Giovanni are morally lacking.
I dunno. I dont think I can label all these psychopathic monsters as world-ending apocalypse bringers just because 1 of them went on a rampage.
>which caused a fucking superstorm in the underworld and broke the abyss open
That's wrong.
What caused the Avatar Storm and the cracking of the abyss were the relic nukes that the wraiths used to nuke the TMR roughly around the same time.
>You'll notice that he's very much an outlier here.
We literally can't know that since there's no other canon ante attacks in the modern nights.
Now imagine if they all worked together while giving a fuck, including Caine who is the most whiny faggot of them all
Is there a list somewhere that shows all social checks "Persuasion,Seduction and Intimidation) in the game, and how much points are needed for it? Trying to do a MIN/MAX build
But they used those to stop Ravnos didn't they? They were just bombing from both sides of the plane.
Is Captain Planet werewolf propaganda?
They'd still get fucked by the sun.
>including Caine
Just checking but you realise that Caine hates his grandchilder, right?
What clan would they be from?
>Be was a socially awkward, genius programmer who can hack Schrecknet
>embraced by a ventrue
Who knows user, sometimes kindred embrace people just for utility they give
Either Malk or Brujah, due to my professional choices I'm more likely to encounter a Malk and have to deal with them. Brujah mostly due to my shoddy opinions and pseudo-intellectual efforts.
Although in the end we all know if we get embraced it'll be to become a shovelhead to fight as cannon fodder.
The wraiths didn't give a fuck about Ravnos.
They besieged and nuked the Underworld city of Enoch which was the HQ of the Tal'Mahe'Ra because reasons that I forgot.
This also accidentally fucked the entire underworld because they exploded too close to the labyrinth which ended Wraith as a gameline and created Orpheus.
pretty sure there's character planners somewhere. if all else fails just save then ~giftxp 999 and plan it in game.
Yeah that’s why I wrote if they worked together and gave a fuck. If they wanted to they could BTFO the humans
Faggots. So... Toreadors?
Either Tremere cus I've been collecting and reading a wide variety of occult books or Followers of Set cus half Egyptian
mea culpa then. they definitely credit the attack on Ravnos with helping cause that storm though.
What would their clans be other than the ghoul on the right?
Bunch of retarded Malks
They canonically couldn't.
They lost in the fucking middle ages.
They'd lose even harder in the modern nights.
The entire raison d'etre of the masquerade is to protect the vampires from humans.
Oh no! People are talking about vidya and not twitter/trannies/[insert some drama here]!
And why did they lose in the middle ages?
Probably the malkavians desu since I have BPD, but aside from that I'm very much into philosophy, beauty in stuff like the trees' leaves and how they all flutter in the wind, or how certain textures look. I've also read a lot of psychology books because I'm interested in how humans work, and the truth is I am capable of true love. I don't mean bias towards certain things or people, I mean love that is without bias; Love that would mean being able to save another life when you're faced with saving your girlfriend, close friend, or whatever because you value both the stranger and those you love closely.
So dunno, maybe Malkavian, maybe Toreador, or maybe Nosferatu even tho I go crazy without human interaction for too long
The Antis were not involved in the inquisition, by then they were mostly asleep or absorbed in their own projects. They have fucking ten dot Disciplines that can do almost anything, the gangrel Anti merges herself with the earth and opens us cracks in the tectonic plates to devour entire cities, Lasombra covers the entire planet in darkness and blots out the sun causing a month of all plants dying. Some fucking peasants with torches and pitch forks couldn't do shit to Antis back then.
Numbers and fire.
Fire, Sun and numbers
The antes do exactly as much or as little as the fucking plot demands.
They only exist to further the plot.
When will powerlevelfags fucking realize this?
So you agree that if the plot demanded it, the vampires would easily win?
Digital distribution should not be paid for
DLC shouldn't exist
Expansions shouldn't exist
>Expansions shouldn't exist
Fuck off
>Expansions shouldn't exist
are you the 40 year old version of being anti-lootbox
Sure, but that will never happen as it completly misses the point of VtM or the WoD in general
hard to say since wwdits vampires have traits from all the clans.. i would say laszlo is toreador, nadja malkavian (kind of a stretch) and middle whose name i forget ventrue
>tfw nadja will never be your sire and call you a stupid baby vampire
Probably Tremere, but Nosferatu would be a close second.
Yeah I completely agree about that.
Nadja could also be a Ravnos considering she is a gypsie, but she did turn into a swarm of rats in an episode.
Laszlo is definitely a Toreador considering his love for his craft(making vaginas out of bushes in the garden)
Who is this? I never saw her when I played it.
demon hunter. she cute, but they go full weeb on her dialogue. you can take her as a follower or even embrace her with some mods.
in the ramen shop in chinatown
Shit I forgot that Ravnos have animalism, she is 100% a Ravnos then.
Imagine having this haircut for eternity
Fucking blood vomit is the strongest spell there, just have enemies vomit for free hits and you win
i thought they were little hairties, maybe if he took them out and used some gel it would be salvageable
Nandor. I had to look it up. Colin would be Tremere I guess.
Why do idiots care about a sample character that’s not in the game? It’s not a pc either because we make our own you idiot
Because it looks like absolute shit and people don’t want the game to look that bad?