Dragalia Lost

How many pulls do you have saved for Mym?

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Like 4800 wrymite, 19 single pull tickets and a 10 pull ticket
I'm fucked aren't i

Around 50 pulls

>Always transform into brunhilda no matter what

More like mehym

your game flopped

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25+k wyrmite, 3 singles, 1 10-pull, 6100 diamantium

Who here /F2P/ chad

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I already have Marth, Mikoto and Naveed

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>people STILL play this game
It's like you guys enjoy the taste of shit.

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I have 6k wyrm, 25 singles and the tenfold ticket, but I'm going to save them for more water adventurers.

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Bro where’s your fire emblem

I got 5 Marths, 4 Veros, Albert, Gilgamesh, Liger, Long Long and a lot of dupes. If there's no rerun or something like all limiteds in the anniversary suptix, I'll be very sad.

It’ll be back
With 5 star fire emblem dragons

3000 wyrmites+1 ten shot ticket
so yeah it's nt looking so good


Quite a few, but I doubt I'll roll considering summer is so close. Fire adventurers aren't really worth it right now considering HMS is still their hardest content.

I have about 9000k Wyrmite, 17 summon tickets, and 1 10-pull.

All I really want is Gala Randal but Mym seems good too. I can already beat HMS easily though but maybe I can use her for the new mode.

holy shit i forgot this game existed

I don't fucking need more adventurers with no content left worth doing, give me fucking dragons

fuck this dragon to win game

There's no high dragon you can't do with 4* dragons.

really? I was under the impression that HMC and HBH entry requirements are really strict compared to HMS

so I can just make a 5*t3 wand for Maribelle and 5*t3 for Elly, equip Roc and Vodyanoy and start joining rooms?

unfortunately yes, they will be back with more FEshit

The entry requirements were kinda strict for HBH before the double prints, now it's extremely easy. For HMC you will most likely need to MUB the weapon, but Roc is more than fine.