ITT artificial difficulty that people think is fine
ITT artificial difficulty that people think is fine
Other urls found in this thread:
Shouldn't play against cheaters lol.
I hate that shit in fps
had this happen in literally all fps to date
but it is pretty rare to happen
>ancient inferno
>a million bodyshots to an armored target
why don't you aim for the goddamn head you faggot
I will literally never respect CSGO as a competitive game because of cheaters. I think there's skill involved in the game and it's great that it's also casual skill so anyone can play it by just aiming a gun, but when cheating is literally happening at the highest levels then it means nothing.
ITT: people who dont realize its a kliksphilip klip
He did for like a solid 3 seconds and missed every shot while doing so
by the time he switched back to bodyshots his mag was basically empty
>I will literally never respect competitive games because of cheaters.
and yes I'm a mid range skill shitter
he didn't even lock onto him retard, that's just a random mouse movement, it's 14-15 he's nervous
Let me explain, this was before the hitbox revamp like 4~5 years back. Jumping on objects could ocasionally shift your hitbox away from your actual model, this happened only in extremely rare cases and old Inferno was one of the map were it was a little more common with 2 spots where you could actually mechanically force it with enough training.
Lots of people exploited it but it was quickly reworked with additional clipping on said spots.
literally the most suspect fucking shit I've ever seen, even pro players fucking agree he's a cheater, the lock/drag is so fucking obvious it's DISGUSTING
>Just random mouse movement
>Is the only pro constantly "randomly" locking on players
>normal game
>press aim button to slow you to 99% accurate movement speed and adjust visual recoil as needed
>need to manually slow yourself down or strafe back and forth, only firing when stopped, all while accounting for the recoil that has no visual tells whatsoever
Imagine playing a 2012 game with 2000 mechanics and thinking its actually good
>More complex movement mechanic is bad because I'm smallbrain and can't take care of more than 1 thing at a time
how much material is there about flusha online? A few 1000 hours?
Nerds on the internet search through all his video material to find any strange movement from him. You could do the same thing with every other player who is in the scene for 15 years and you'll find the same exact shit. It's just coincidences/random movements
No you literally can't. No other pro is "randomly" locking on players as much as flusha and not nearly as consistently.
True but at the same time one doesn't need to cheat all the time, and if that's also true about material how come there's not as much suspect clips for any other player? Flusha is the exception and it's retarded.
ITT: People will reply not knowing that default CSGO crosshairs become larger to show the current bullet spread of the weapon and most players use a crosshair setting where this is disabled so it looks like the bullet spread is still right in the center
I'm sure these precise movement jerks are just coincedences and random.
High skill =/= good game
Yes and?
What do you mean I can't move faster from place to place without a tradeoff?
FPS games are glorified cookie clickers. Literally the only skill is moving your mouse over a colored pixel and clicking faster than the other guy. This is why we can make hacks so easily. Your genre will be dead within 5 years due to neural network / hardware based aimbots
uh yeah, i dont even have to play CS to know that shit
anyone who plays a lot of videogames will eventually do the same thing
damn dude you must be a major scrub
Not even him but you are retarded if you think a pro is "randomly" checking a wall to the left in underpass on D2 and "randomly" locking precisely on an enemy players head visible tracking it for a split second before visibly snapping away from it.
Now take that pro and record 100 hours worth of time in videoclips where he does exactly this on every other map imaginable.
Is there a vid on youtube? It's too blurry to see if his crosshair on the enemy or not.
Have sex
CSGO is CoD except the game gives you zero visual feedback when you shoot. Why not add breathing as a mechanic where you have to roll the mouse wheel back and forth to use your lungs or else you will die? That's high skill too
>moving backwards and forwards while shooting
his fault
There's always a chance you will lock on someone through the wall just by probability theory. Also on those flusha vids above crosshair is close to enemy silhouette, but not nearly as close for aimlock.
Search "Flusha Cheating" or "Flusha VAC" and you literally have 1000 videos of his cheats in action.
Isn't there hold breathing mechanic in cod? Or it was battlefield?
You literally just came here directly from the csgo reddit, think about it
I can't find this game. Judging by old nuke, it's from 2014 or so.
If you cheat and get away with its for your whole carrier to this day then that's a fucking achievment itself
Yes it happens, a few times maybe. Not in hundreds and hundreds of hours of your footage with absolutely retarded snapping and tracking. Let's not even start of the games where his hack fucked up and he randomly shoots walls just as his crosshair snaps on an enemies head on the other side of the map.
In CoD you can hold breath with scoped weapons to stop sway. I forget about BF but prone helps in both games
You don't have to cheat all the time, you just cheat a bit to build up your reputation/base as a player and you get retards defending you. Then at a certain point once your rep is solidified you don't even have to cheat at all and just become a mediocre/decent player - which isn't hard to do in CS:GO because it's an FPS, a genre with a relatively low skill ceiling that's literally point and click. All these clips of Flusha is the fucking exception of CS:GO, it's not normal and it's absolutely right to be suspicious when CS:GO is mired by cheaters at the top levels.
That specific corner of Banana had a bug/glitch years ago that was fixed a few days after some Youtuber found it.
I would tell you to play RTS if you want multitasking, but CSGO brainlets couldn't handle it
If it's that easy then do it yourself or else you are just being a retard jealous loser
why did Yea Forums go from loving CS to hating it?
god i miss old inferno
Old Hitboxes would dislocate constantly while jumped on certain objects or against clipping brushes. It wasn't just this corner but it was fixed insanely fast and never occured again afterwards on any map.
I am platinum in SC2 and ocasionally play Wargame:RD, RTS is a great genre but there are hardly any RTS alive in a competitive environment and SC2 as the biggest MP title truly isn't the golden goose. It's quite dumb with little strategy aside from timings and macroplay until you get out of gold.
You don't play anything because you're a pussy.
I'm not going to say that flusha isn't suspicious as fuck in general but a webm where he aims at a common camping spot isn't suspicious.
Go here at 0:32
try to argue against THAT
>spends thousands of hours grinding a 7 year old game
>still a virgin
Grow up.
>have sex as an "argument"
Quake's movement mechanics are complex and fun
CSGO's movement mechanics are complex but boring
Lots of demo lag in there as it runs with lower tickrate but yes this is exactly what I meant, randomly snap on someone behind a wall and give of triggerbot/snapbot shots. That crate on D2 is especially suspicious - aimbots usually have a visibility check that is faulty on certain materials and objects in the game. Like the metal doors in Cache or this specific box on D2.
Ofc he's losing a random shot right there on a person behind it. :^)
Dude that just game knowledge. It's normal as fuck to prefire where people like to sit still and at high level its all about prefiring anyway
And yet barely any people play quake.
And what genre do you play, tough guy?
You realize CSGO only got popular due to being on the biggest digital game store and also cheap as fuck? Plus the esports fag latched onto it really quick, so it became the next fad after mobas. No wonder most of CSGO's playerbase are Russians and third world hues..
>Oh randomly give of one shot on the crate that is known for fucking with aimbots as the visibility check doesn't work on that specific pixel.
>Game knowledge
>Sure was knowledge to shot an unpenetrable wall and give away your position in a clutch situation
CS:GO's gunplay look and feel like such shit. I really regret buying it.
>play CSGO
>already lose interest in the first 20 minutes
>play CS. Source
>4 hours pass by like it's nothing
I still don't know how this shit heap CSGO got this popular
Cheaters... Cheaters everywhere
>play source
>shoot someone in the leg
>I'm bad so there are hackers everywhere.
Translating: I randomly sprayed at a guy for 5 seconds and he 1 hit me cause i don't know how to control my recoil.
he's checking the corner you dumb fuck
>all while accounting for the recoil that has no visual tells whatsoever
There is a consistent pattern to it that pretty much everyone picks up on without even thinking about it.
> weapons are affected by spraying
> can't ADS
> you could correct spraying by correcting recoil, but guns are not affected by recoil
> all shots have a 50% chance to headshot regardless of where are you aiming, same for enemies
> sniper rifles are point-and-click
I'm unsure what game you are describing
Whereas in any other FPS you can ADS and see the pattern while shooting in real time instead of spraying from the hip. The recoil mechanically is not much different from most other games except that in CSGO it looks fucking stupid
t. wroom wroom entusiast
Why don't you play all those homogenous ADS shooters then? Not every game must pander to you. CS is popular because it's true to its roots.
It's like complain about street fighter that you have to link hits in combos instead of just chaining them.
This was actually a problem for a long time and I think similar issues can still happen. The gap that the CT is standing on allows you to slightly fall through and then be adjusted back up by the game constantly causing problems with the hit box essentially flickering and causing all those missed shots.
Old inferno also means its likely the old csgo hitboxes which have a huge discrepancy between player model and hitbox thanks to all the details that csgo models added and the fact that they are just not very accurate anyway.
>gun animation stays the same
>crosshair stays the same
>bullet comes out sideways
It's just lazy design.
Imagine being 3cuckphilip, has to spend the rest of his days making useless trivia videos on a dead game and its battleroyale mode. Truly a fate worse than dead.
CSGO is only popular because it's the last FPS game that the worlds largest PC game publisher ever released, not to mention relaunching as F2P.
1.6 was fun for its time being only real fleshed out tactical military shooter which in turn was replaced by Source which was replaced by any game in the past 15-ish years
Source was laid back and relatively chill. NTM the huge missing scene it attracted.
GO was a buggy POS console port to PC from day 1 with awful shitreg/shitboxes, unbalanced weapons, an eventual dogshit matchmaking, and a cheater problem that was (and still is) the worst anyone has ever scene in a popular game with only PUBG taking its place recently
the huge modding scene*
How is this old ass clip allowed to exist in current year?
Happens when you're a yuromed.
Time to show inventories, Yea Forums
I know I'm missing pots, but I'm playing very afk so it's just a waste
Forgot this wasn't a runescape thread, oops
Name a single major sport/video game/event that has been 100% legit clean from cheating/matchfixing
>Literally complaining that the game doesn't hold your hand and do everything for you
so honestly all these people showing "blatant cheating" and such
why would you do that when yuo know youre in one of the most autistic groups of autists of gaming WITH access to DEMOS
everybody knows their shit is going to be scrutinized into oblivion why even risk it
yeah to win and because maybe you're losing your edge and shit but reEALLY
though i suppose cheating is in every sport so
like really fucking blatant shit on television too..idk
TF2 autists never fail to make me laugh
he's not checking the wall, he's hugging the right wall and moving through smoke, he's aiming slightly to the left to get his aim at the centre of the room, that's literally standard, I agree with the guy you're replying too, you must be a scrub.
yeah all of these webms this dude is posting is just standard csgo behaviour any average player would do, he's just a salty retard.
what said makes a lot of sense, when you have thousands of hours in a certain game online, there's a good chance some salty faggot will scour through them to find a dozen clips that look suspect.
How many shekels is he paying you?
>tv show where you can larp as the terminator
man japanese television is based
looks like latency issues.
They should watch their own games with the same bias OMG am I CHEATING?
Yea Forums hates CSGO because Yea Forums is full of casuals. That's not to say that you're a casual if you hate CSGO, not at all. I'm saying that 95% of the posts in CS threads are people crying about cheaters and a modern FPS actually requiring a modicum of practice to git gud at. It's pretty clear what segment of the population hates CSGO enough to bitch about it so regularly.
t. masterguardian
I don't even know what that is nor play the game, the other guys argument is that this is standard gaming tactics in any fucking game, and you're a scrub in any game, not just csgo.
He literally shot him in the head like 5 times retard
Opinion Discarded
It was explained multiple times in the thread that he didn't, the hitbox was missaligned because of a 6 years old bug on that specific spot on the map.
>refusing to use intuitive, extremely basic mechanics because muh skill
Please explain?
Just gonna ignore the shitty rng system the game employs for its recoil, on top of shitty hitboxes? Mmmkay sweetie.
RNG sprays try harder.
I can't understand why anyone defends using this system when better alternatives exist.
How is
>Memorise a bunch of spray patterns, so you can shoot the man in the head
any better than
>Shoot the man in the head
Its not mechanically harder, its literally pointless memorisation
Iron sights. Your game is running on 20 year old mechanics and is only relevant because Valve made it. If made by any other dev it would have been DOA
CSGO Goes F2P and Profile getting private is a big mistake. We cant tell who is smurfing anymore.
Why do people have the need to smurf, anyways? Do they feel so insecure playing on their ranks? Why don't they drop to Silver with their main accounts and that's it?
Winning is fun, imagine.
>We cant tell who is smurfing anymore.
every other game has a cheater so it doesn't matter anyway
playing with lower ranked friends & not needing to take the game too seriously while still being able to win
Just because it has a semi consistent pattern doesn't mean that pattern is intuitive. If the gun shook and tilted slightly on your screen in the direction of the recoil it would be much better.
Why do people care if someone is "smurfing" or not? Just get better at the game, it's not like they are cheating or anything like that.
I have 6k+ hours in CSGO, top 30 in my country, level 10 faceit about 4k elo, and I still see people in my level complaining about smurfing. I don't get it, that's literally how I got better, by training against people who are better than me.
it's not semi-consistent, it's consistent
League of legends scene is probably 100% clean cheating wise. All the players are riot employees and play on company provided PCs at the venue to make sure nobody can script or maphack.
There's a degree of randomness right? Even in terms of first shot accuracy. Its hard to tell if its just unlucky reg though.
Smurfing makes ranked games superfluous.
The whole reason for a ranking system is to put you against players of comparable skill so that its not just a game of stomp or be stomped, neither of which are particularly fun in anything but the short term.
Yes, I get that, but if you get matched against a "smurf" (aka just somebody better than you), just deal with it and learn how to play. Bitching about it is pathetic as fuck.
no. the recoil is based on seeds, which means that they're the same each time for each gun. moving and crouching modifies the pattern but that is a constant multiplier for each action as well.
This works to a certain extent, but some skill gaps are too wide for you to learn anything, you're just getting dabbed on with no ability to even understand what is happening. There is no value to be had there, just frustration.
It is perfectly reasonable to be annoyed that you turned up for a (reasonably) fair fight only to run into someone so much better than you that its not even funny.
Maybe you should just fucking get good, fucking faggot.
that second shot was nasty
>ye old CSGO
I am good at siege, it doesn't mean that smurfing isn't both annoying for those getting stomped and pathetic for those doing the smurfing.
Playing with pro player simply isnt fun.
Pro players dedicated their life for CSGO only, play 24/7 so they dont forget their skills.
Casual players have a life and other games to play.
This is why i hate matchmaking in CSGO. I miss casual only dedicated servers
Nobody thinks extreme lag is fine, user
in your webm, why does a nintendo laboo website flash up twice for single frames about 8 seconds in?
>casual skill so anyone can play it by just aiming a gun
lolno. Even the best of pros aren't perfect at recoil control. People new to the game will miss almost every single shot while spraying because they don't even know about spray patterns.
You do realize CSGO has a "casual" mode too, right? Also no pro player will smurf, that shit is just sad. Most smurfs are bottom-tier globals who just want to troll, and those are bad as fuck at the game.
Source: I'm a pro player.
>zero visual feedback when you shoot
There's recoil, blood coming from enemies, and sparks plus a "dink" sound when you hit a headshot on a helmeted enemy. You're retarded.
>I am [low rank] in game
>I am also an expert and declare that this game requires little to no skill
like clockwork
That's the Nintendo Switch's official reddit page.
Counter-Strike: Global Offensoi.
If you need external sources to understand the basic mechanics of the game then it is a shitty game
I like how everyone ignored this point
It has casual, retard. Not to mention you'll be paired with people of your skill level if you play a ranked game, so seeing as you're a noob you'll be playing with other noobs. How is that bad?
Gameplay on CSGO is very much established, it has numerous of ripoff games etc, ADS is only going to destroy established gameplay to just pander "muh COD" babies
how the fuck do you sneak an aimbot into a LAN tournament
>Its not mechanically harder
lmao how can one even be this retarded
you can put cheats in mice, keyboards.
Pros used to plug their phones into their pcs but idk if they do that anymore
mouse drivers and steam workshop are two of the methods that were discovered so far
Im not talking about Casual game mode, its about Casual players.
You also realise theres a casual competitive player, right ? (silver to nova 2)
Global Elite smurfers are obviously bring the game down to the shitters.
Also CSGO isnt "Pro Players Only" game, you dumbass. The game is dead if theres no new players, you fucking retard. Thank the casual players for sponsoring your shit. Literally only less than 1% of CSGO players are pro players. Other 99% has life and other games to play. Without newbies, you are fucking nothing. Period.
He doesn't even kill him, if it was an aimbot he would have shot him in the head and killed him instantly. Only retards look at this and think he's using hacks. So many people don't understand directional sound in this game. With a good set of headphones you can pinpoint the location of enemies almost exactly. I've had people report me for "hacks" because they made a sound and I knew exactly what angle to hold to headshot them instantly.
>BR cheating
>I want casual players
>I'm not talking about casual though
Jesus Christ you're beyond help. Fuck off retard
If you hit them. If you miss then you likely have no fucking idea where the bullet went. Either add iron sights or make the cursor move to where the next bullet will go. Kys
It's because CSGO fags can't cope with the idea that they've spent thousands of hours mastering a shit game
If they aren't pro and they are casual, then they should just enjoy the game and play at their rank. Who gives a fuck if they lose one game? Worst case they learn how to get better, it's a win/win situation. Stop crying.
You are such a fucking scrub if you think this is cheating. This place is worse than reddit with the gossip ladies. Fucking get good
So you want competitive mode where you can stomp enemy team?
Having set recoil patterns is not any different from many other games. Even COD has those kinds of patterns though at a much smaller and subtler scale that is usually only felt on large maps (ie battle royale).
The difference is that with CS the user interface (your crosshair) doesn't tell you the truth. As you're firing the invisible "true" crosshair starts to wander off the center of the screen, whereas most every modern FPS will lock the weapon to the center of the screen and drag the player's view around with the recoil ("viewkick") instead.
It's not pointless memorization but the way CS does it is very dumb, but a sizeable portion of players has taken to being skilled in doing something dumb really well as a mark of pride.
Let me go through your incorrect points in order.
>He doesn't even kill him, if it was an aimbot he would have shot him in the head and killed him instantly.
1) You can set an aimbot to have a miss probability, or you can set an aimbot to only "assist" you (in which case your mouse movements can make it miss.) These features are omnipresent among all expensive aimbots, and any professional player would use them.
2) He was moving when he (accidentally) aimlocked the guy. In CSGO, moving causes your gun to become inaccurate.
>Only retards look at this and think he's using hacks.
Actually, professional players called him out afterwards!
>So many people don't understand directional sound in this game.
He was walking. His play was to sneak behind the players rushing mid. Check the demo, he walked the whole way. Did you really think he randomly started running, blowing the entire play for no reason when he can hear all of them coming mid, both footsteps and coms?
>Cant read
And Smurfers ruins their casual experience. Smurfers need to be IP or Machine ID banned. Trollers need to be punished. If you defending smurfers, you are the trolls that killing CSGO.
>Shroud: "It was just the normal thing to do. You cheated. It's not like you were aimbotting, you were just, you know, throwing a little bit of walls here and there... a lot of pros cheat."
source based shooters are garbage in general
>Gambling scandal
>Match fixing scandal
>Cheating on big match
This game is worse than real sports like football.
Someone should murder gabe for this
Are you literally fucked up in the head? Why do you even defend situations like that. Seriously what the fuck?
>If you miss then you likely have no fucking idea where the bullet went
There are bullet holes, you know. But you're supposed to practice spray patterns in a private server anyway. It doesn't take too long until you start realizing where you're fucking up. A lot of people take CS very seriously so if you're just looking for a casual shooter experience, CS isn't the right game for you. It requires a lot of dedication to get even remotely good. I say that as someone who's half way between bad and good and knows he won't be investing 2 thousand more hours into it to become good.
You're right. Other games have much harder recoil mechanics
So glad these threads are making a comeback
Someone post the looney tunes recoil pattern. This game is a fucking joke
>And Smurfers ruins their casual experience
Maybe if they wanted a casual experience they shouldn't play on competitive ranked.
Taimou, a guy evicted from the Dirty Bomb scene for cheating allegations, did this in one of the first Overwatch tournaments, in front of 100K viewers including 12 Activision-Blizzard staff.
The next day they released this statement, following community uproar:
>Some players are just really good at first-person shooters. Through practice and years of experience, these players’ movements and reaction times can occasionally appear unnatural (if not physically impossible) to those who may not have been exposed to that particular level of play before.
competitive ranked has best set of rules and most fun.
Any recoil mechanic is much harder than just aligning your crosshair with an enemy's head and holding down the mouse button until they're dead, retard. I never said the recoil in CS is harder than any other game. Learn to read.
Because CSGO will always be a shit game
Reminder that the Counterstrike mod was LITERALLY marketed as "easier than quake! Getting owned? Come play CS!"
Competitive gaming is the biggest joke to ever exist
It's not for casual game though. They can go to community servers if they just want to have fun, there's plenty of them with similar rulesets.
Learn context
>He doesn't even kill him, if it was an aimbot he would have shot him in the head and killed him instantly
If it was some retard cheater he would have sprayed through the smoke. But a pro should know when doing that would be too suspicious even if his aim assist is aimlocking on someone and to play it safe
But that doesn't mean all situations like this could be cheating, it could happen randomly as pros know every angle were people might be, its just that sometimes it seems way too suspicious
Do recoil mechanics really need to be "harder" with random mechanics if even the best pros in Quake can't breakout of 50% LG accuracy?
I seriously don't understand why this is allowed. Are Valve just too scared to lose players if they ban hackers?
t. silver league
its natural he just flicked idioet
there is literally no alternative to competitive ranked other than 3rd party competitive ranked, but they are less casual if anything
>It's not for casual game though
Silver to Nova is considered casual. Beyond that, you dedicated your life to CSGO. If you smurfing by creating a steam account and join a silver to nova ranked match, then you are pathetic troll.
Community servers is basically dead. This isnt 1.6 or Source anymore.
So we know he cheats, but why isn't he being banned? Are the game developers in on it? Do we have proof?
Doesn't overwatch has some "tracking" skills for some of the heroes?
I know the stereotype is that lower-skill players make all the hackusations, but I've been playing FPS for over 15 years, I'm a leaderboard player in most games, and my experience is that the higher skill players are the only ones who are able to recognize cheats. People who aren't good literally don't know what a wallhack or an aimbot looks like, and they will fanatically defend cheaters even while veteran players are telling them it's a cheat.
rpgs. you know, games with an end so i can go back to my life
If you don't play for a while, your rank expires and you'll drop down. This is how I ended up on gold nova.
>shooter in 2019
>still using hitscan
no wonder the game is full of cheaters
this is actually his fault though
It has a literal aimbot mode for one characters ultimate but that's it.
That guy is blind and stupid, though.
>Starts getting shot
With glock, if you can't three round burst kill, you're shit.
There is no skill in Overwatch that does what's in that webm. He's aimbotting.
Most of the people who defend csgo are addicts suffering from Stockholm syndrome/ sunk cost fallacy
cheaters in cs aren't even fun anymore, in css they would speedhack and view shit upside down and at least it was funny.
now it's just tryhards with b1g pasted garbage cheats trying to rank up.
Yeah, this thread is surely full of global elites.
The worst thing about CSGO, like all low effort barebones competitive games, is that the only thing that matters is the amount of hours you put into the game.
>200 hours
Mastered the guns that matter
>500 hours
Mastered all the guns, can use nades effectively
>1000 hours
Mastered most of the maps
>2000 hours
Realize that everybody's just prefiring spots without knowing anybody's there. Also realize you're playing people with 10,000+ hours
Could you post your FPS rankings? I'll post mine after.
That's your rebuttal to being called out on being a plat? "WELL AT LEAST I'M NOT SILVER"
Neck yourself
it's clear that hitbox of the player and player model weren't in the same place, this is something that happens loads in source engine. in L4D for example, hunters hitbox was always in front of the model
here is an example
>Community servers is basically dead.
There are a shitload of community servers, I spend about 70% of my time practicing in those, and the 30% rest at lan tourneys.
>no one posted it yet
The hit boxes are fucked.
>You get better with experience and after training your muscle memory and map knowledge
>Its not mechanically harder
yes it is?
>literally pointless memorisation
its an alternative to the random spray inside the reticle that most other games have, and if you ask me i prefer a semi-random spray pattern you can sorta control and git gud with over a completely random spray.
This could've just been him realizing they were invul
Post your rank, screenshot in windowed mode with your post in the background.
>1000's of hours is nothing
Fuck off back to /r/eddit meme faggot
But you said you are pro players ? Pro players played this game almost everyday and they have almost 10000 hours in this game. If you not, then you are casual just like us.
Like said, Its anything but casual.
So he decided to jerk his crosshair away from the invulnerable player three times, returning to the exact same spot, as if fighting against his aimbot?
No, I'm far from pro, I'm just saying that no wonder some matches are uneven without having any cheaters.
Lootboxes happened. Plenty of people miss the time when you fired up 1.6, went to THAT server and just had fun blasting people. Then Source happened and fun was still had with B-hopping on sauna servers. Then GO came out with it's "e-sports" server shit and worse still, lootboxes and the skins that seem to make 50% of the game.
do people not flick when they snipe?
this is infuriating
For playing such a shitty game, I agree.
Please post your Overwatch rank
The International.
is a flick.
Taimou is using a program to lock onto characters heads and he doesn't toggle it off when it locks onto an invuln player. He tries to move it off the invuln player three times before it re-locks to Genji.
why are you defending this garbage 'mechanic'
none, I didn't play OW since season 3 but my rank was diamond
Maybe you're just shit at FPS in general.
WTF, I love labo now
You've already exposed yourself for being a platinum scrub. Your opinion on balance is virtually irrelevant, regardless of what other people's ranks are. Do you understand this? Or do you honestly believe being plat is some sort of achievement? You could reach it literally within an hour by just cheesing nonstop.
>steam workshop
lmao what?
>login into your account
>steam downloads all the mods from workshop
>mod it downloaded was actually aimbot
1.6 and CS:S had private servers as the norm and a healthy modding community, no microtransactions. CS:GO is their antithesis.
so at tournaments not all players have to use the same mods? Mods at all are allowed?
that's just fucking retarded.
Thing you have to remember is that almost everyone at the pro level cheats, it's just a matter of people who are really good at hiding it.
>No Screenshot
Opinion discarded unless you show me your Diamond/Master 1v1 rank
This is not really true. There are a lot of natural players.
Which makes it really tragic: these guys could shine if they weren't competing against programs.
You're an idiot.
He doesn't make the aimbot instantly look at shoot at the guy because then he would get found out. Instead it just locks onto the player's head so he can then 'attack' him normally so he has plausible deniability when someone asks why his rifle locked onto his head.
No aimbot made past 2008 instantly looks at and kills someone by default because that's how the game knows you're cheating.
rules have changed since, now most tournies don't let players change their accounts and everything is done by IT team in the background. It's something that happened when CSGO started as esport.
pls respond
>all these fucking retards who can't deal with CSGO cause it's too hard for them
hey hey now, no need to get so salty about some cheaters! Just toss me a decoy and we'll call a truce
I see. I thought was referring to lately discovered cheats
It's because Valve has zero community management and interaction whatsoever. None.
Valve for better or worse has some of the most hands-off moderation policies ever. They're among the first developers to use start using automatic moderators for games just so they didn't have to hire anyone to do it themselves.
If you go to TF2, one of the things you notice is that there is zero moderation of anything TF2 related, and this goes from hacking to people who exploit the trading system.
I liked CS for a long time, and honestly I still like it in concept but
>RNG weapons lol
Recoil is fine, but the guns are completely static. The recoil is literally just RNG throwing bullets anywhere as opposed to something you can actually compensate for. Every FPS has random recoil, only CS makes it a bitch to deal with. Only in CS can you be standing literally on top of someone with your gun inside their head and still miss because "recoil"
>hackers everywhere
especially when you start to get the the higher levels, you can safely assume there's at least 1 waller in every match. To the point its a valid strat to just report everyone and you'll probably get the loss forgiven.
>literally just the same 4 strats reused every map (inb4 well do something different! other players are too stupid to do anything except "rush B" or "delay in spawn then rush B!")
Its just boring and its always the same shit with people holding the same exact angles. Its not fun playing awp roulette in mid every round to see if you can get to B safely. Especially when you get shot before you even cross their vision.
>constant bullshit
Just constant bullshit in the game.
>lol you're standing within touching distance of someone? too bad your trained soldier character has the aim of a dead raccoon
>you meant to bounce that grenade? well it hit the crack in the wall and is bouncing backwards now
>What do you mean you didn't watch 1000 videos to know you can smoke that doorway by bouncing it off the billboard and having it roll off the roof in this very tutorial manner
I've moved on to siege, which is shit for a whole different set of reasons. But as a game it feels much more consistent and reliable than CS. When I die in siege 90% of the time I feel like it was my fault and I did something wrong. In CS 99% of the time I die it feels sketchy as fuck, someone was just running through a door and 1 shot you with an AK, or you spent 10 seconds shooting someone and did 10 damage.
CoD generation.
CSGO is like the discord of video games; rife with autistic zoomers, trannies, fat e-girls tricking betas out of their shit, retarded inner circle elitists, everybody has some smart ass quip or rebuttal they saw earlier on reddit they're primed to shout into the mic, they have their entire numpad wired up with binds to spew memes that stopped being funny even ironically years ago - the list goes on
absolute cesspool of degeneracy and pissbabies, also a shitload of hacking spics, chinks, and russians, AND fucking jewcrates, jewkeys, and supa epic $3k skins
what do you absolute mongrels get out of CSGO? just play CSS or just any better shooter in general
Because then you'd have a scene where you banned almost all the big names.
Even CoD has a higher skill ceiling than CS, it also has way more in common with arena shooters than CS. Really makes you think.
So? The cheaters would be replaced with the best legit players and they would become the big names.
Codbabies really believe this?
>Even CoD has a higher skill ceiling than CS
Unlike you, I wouldn't know.
alright, very cool, thanks for letting us know
This is just not true. Competitive CoD is basically just ADS prefiring.
Imagine dumping 2k+ hours in the lowest skill ceiling FPS on the market; CS:GO
Literally can't relate lmao
>literally played "competitively" with a controller on a 30FPS console
CSGO is a mess that is riddled with problems but you retards who bitch about the gunplay without taking a second to understand the basic mechanics of the game need to commit suicide
Name one single CoD besides the handheld ones that runs at 30fps.
extreme casual cope
The gunplay is the point of the game, when the gunplay is based on an absolutely shit mechanic it becomes obvious.
Is it really hard to understand why a low-movement no-shooting-while-moving FPS with automatic 1hit hitscan weapons is casual?
that really misallings my QPUs
I can't even begin to imagine how terrible you are at this game. At a pro level, getting shot through smoke because you were heard or holding a common position is an everyday thing. Nothing weird about that. Git gud and stop thinking everyone is cheating just because you suck absolute shit at the game
ADS is a shitty mechanic that was designed for handicapped gamepad users.
>CoD has a higher skill ceiling than CS
There's literally only one competitive FPS with a higher skill ceiling than CSGO right now. I'll let you try and guess which one.
It wouldn't even need to be ADS, most games have a decent hip fire mechanic that actually makes sense while still being somewhat random.
Take siege for example, if I'm hip firing, I know the exact area the bullet will go, and it typically makes sense.
In CSGO if I'm shooting, there's a literal chance that even though I'm pointing straight forward it will hit the ground in front of me. That's just stupid.
And if we're talking "realistic" I can walk or even run with a gun, and I will generally hit the area I'm pointing at. I'm not going to miss a literal barn door because I was walking.
Where can I get my prize?
Sorry, I didn't realize I was trying to talk to some incel tryhard
Quake Champions.
What's the appeal of FPS games anyway?
>Click on the screen to win
>Whoever clicks more is the winner
>be bad at game
>lol noob
>be good at game
>lol tryhard
Every time. Try not to show your butthurt so much
Wrong. But CoD was objectively a better game.
I like them because its very in the moment immersive.
With RTS or strategy games there's too much open time that my mind starts to wander. With FPS games you have to be focused at all times and it pushes your reactions to the limit. There's no time for you to lose focus.
>CoD was objectively a better game
>FPS games are about who can click the most
Don't reply to obvious bait, user
Bait is still food.
even though the recoil patterns are mostly in the same area there is still RNG for every single bullet (minus the first 2 or 3) in that shot, so it will land somewhere in that radius. this absolutely makes a difference at range. fuck rng and fuck this shitty game. when a bolt action sniper that kills in 1 hit is the most skill-based gun in the game, you know your game has fucking issues
Retarded video made by a retard, look in the comments for in-depth explaination
>Source was laid back and relatively chill.
You call mass envoys of fanboys collectively losing their shit and threatening to murder Valve employees over the Orangebox engine update 'chill'?
I wouldn't say the AWP is the most skill based, it's just the biggest risk vs reward weapon. If you miss a shot while dueling with someone who has basically any assault rifle or SMG you're dead. There's a bigger punishment for making mistakes with the AWP but I wouldn't say it's mechanically the hardest to use. I agree about the RNG though. I hate tapping RIGHT on an anamy's head and having the shots miss because of RNG before the recoil is even kicking in.
The aimlock toggling to determine position without fully locking on sounds like a smarter way to do it but wow, it honestly makes sense and seen it happen on stream and it looks exactly like this.
Literally any FPS has a higher skill ceiling than CSGO.
Better game and higher skill ceiling, correct.
... and yet you're shit at it.
Are you ever going to explain this claim
>CSGO is a bad game because x, y, z, etc.
>"Ur just bad at the shit mechanics lmao, git gud"
A peak inside the brain of a CSGO player... fascinating
I don't play low skill ceiling games like CSGO
>be bad at game
>get mad at game
>"game has low skill ceiling!"
Yeah, I'm absolutely seething that CSGO has a low skill ceiling lmao
What are those Xs, Ys and Zs? I don't see shit user.
To claim this means one of two things:
1. you are baiting
2. you know almost nothing about CS
I'm not even a huge fan of CS, I played it back in the day and eventually got tired of it, but facts are facts - it has one of the highest skill ceilings of any FPS game out there. It's very easy to play 2 hours of it and think it's just a simple shooter. Anyone with more than a coupld dozen hours in this game comes to realize the mountain he has to climb in order to actually be good. This is actually the reason I stopped playing. You have to play CS almost exclusively to actually put enough hours into it to start becoming truly good. Not "best among your mates" good, I'm talking actual good.
>1. you are baiting
>2. you know almost nothing about CS
>3. facts are facts
True. The fact that CS has always been one of the lowest skill ceiling FPS series will remain true no matter how much fanboys sling their cope.
Baiting it is.
Read the thread. Inb4 you need charts and graphs to show why they're "good". Requires skill =/= good
So, you can't actually name a reason why CSGO is bad? I was expecting at least one, this is just pathetic.
CSGO has one of the heighest skill ceilings out there. Your denial does not change this. I don't know where CSGO touched you to make you this butthurt, but your anal pain doesn't change the truth.
this was fixed like 3 years ago good thread op
Read the thread or kys
>CSGO has one of the highest skill ceilings out there.
Cheaters have been the only remotely valid argument in the entire thread. Almost every online game has cheaters. Try another argument
>cherry picked examples of bugs and lag
Wow, convincing. It has an incredibly low skill ceiling, you're right. lmao
No visual recoil indication. "Remember the pattern" is not a good game mechanic
>can't read the description
How do you illiterate people even use pc?
>having to actually git gud at a game mechanic isn't good
lol. You do realize there's a ton of casual games out there, right? Not everyone has to play highly competitive games with a high skill ceiling and mechanics to learn. Just because a game is too hard for you doesn't mean it's bad.
>description says it took 3 years to scrape together 4 minutes worth of these bugs
Keep sucking off shit gamedevs. You get what you deserve
>You get what you deserve
A good, balanced, fun game? Woe is me!
And people have been playing this game for money since...,?
What are you trying to say? Every game has bugs, user. Do a search for bug compilations in other games that are played at a pro level and behold. Weren't we discussing the skill ceiling? Now it's about bugs? Way to move the goal posts retard.
in soloq sure but the reason it's the hardest is because there's less luck involved. and not the good kind of luck like poker where you can choose what to do with it, the bad kind of luck like "well i aimed in the correct place but RNG fucked me anyway"
Thank god I play games with battleeye.
RNG fucks your shots and the game itself is boring as fuck. it's literally "who can get to this pixel on the screen faster, the game." the peak level of "complex thinking" in this game is "throw a smoke down and wait in this spot where the enemy wont expect you"
More like zero new games for the rest of time
Stop being such a disingenuous cunt and use a clip from at least the last 3 years.
How is that an argument against CSGO?
>CSGO is bad because Valve haven't released a new game in a while!
Sometimes I truly wish I was stupid enough for arguments like this to make sense to me.
Why are so many people who have never played CSGO so butthurt about it? Can someone please explain?
>he thinks the aimbot would snap to a target further away
So many people in here haven't even played CS and know nothing about common positions, wallbanging, etc. They also don't know how hacks work.
i have 2500 hours that's how i know it's shit idiot
1.6 had it too and it was literally unnoticeable, people discovered about it only after csgo was examined under the microscope.
You Yea Forumsirgins are a joke and should stick to your nintendoshit and jrpgs.
Why is it shit, user?
>why though?
Nope, CS was always baby's first shooter from the perspective of arena players. It's no surprise that you kids who were raised on that garbage couldn't tell but we did.
Artificial difficulty is a legitimate thing, which is tied to RNG based games, especially ones where hax alone can decide a win or loss, and random elements take away the ability of the player's skill to decide the outcome.
RNG can't be manipulated with skill so the difficulty is contrived from trying to fight the RNG instead of fighting the enemy. Hence "artificial" difficulty: the difficulty comes from a source that can't be outplayed and thus isn't a fair challenge, it's just a stand-in that simulates a challenge by fucking with the player and forcing them to mitigate bad things. You can argue that's a skill in itself, but that's not a real challenge because there's no way to overcome it. You just have to keep rerolling the dice until you get a favorable outcome.
The RNG can never be defeated. It's an artificial stand-in that introduces hardship to the player, used to substitute for other things that would introduce difficulty while also being fair challenges, such as smarter AI. The reason it's so common is because it's far simpler to code and can be applied to practically anything.
Example: No one would say a slot machine is difficult to beat. It's hard to win, sure, but it's not "difficult to beat", because the fact is, you can't "beat" a slot machine. You can't learn a pattern or become more skilled in a certain cognitive area that would help you win. You can't figure out a better strategy or even improve your odds. It's purely up to chance. Games with elements like that, which leave the win/lose outcome ip to chance, are artificially difficult.
You cannot refute this.
>1.6 had it too
CSGO comes right after Quake and similar arena shooters in terms of the skill required. To call it baby's first shooter is retarded when games like Overwatch, CoD, Paladins and a myriad others exist. Nobody ITT is claiming that CS is more skill based than arena shooters, but somehow a lot of people are utterly assblasted about CS.
It's the epitome of everything wrong with modern video games
>extremely low effort game design
>very prevalent micro-transactions
>forced battle royale mode to ride a fad wave
>toxic fanbase that loves high skill(luck), low quality games. Reflect all criticism of game as being bad at game
>bare minimum dev support required to maintain braindead playerbase
ITT retards who dont know how to read a thread.
as if nobody was giving reasons why it was bad lmao
>CSGO comes right after Quake and similar arena shooters in terms of the skill required
>pretty rare to happen
CSGO has a problem. It happens every game. Hitboxes with shitty netcode should only be a thing in fighting games but somehow Valve managed to pull it off.
So, "muh cheaters" is your only argument? Just as I said in an earlier post? kek, the cope is unreal
because neo-Yea Forums is shit at games
Tell us, oh wise user, what FPS game comes at the #2 spot when it comes to the skill required?
Why would anybody waste time to get good at a bad game?
you literally cannot read holy fuck
cheaters is one of a myriad of problems and you're a blind illiterate retard
Bugs exist, yes.
Because they got their shit rekt by people who have been playing the game for longer than most of Yea Forums has been alive and now think every time they die it's because of cheaters.
>it has extremely rare bugs too!
This is sad lol
There are plenty of reasons why CSGO is a bad game. Recoil patterns are one of the only things "good" about CSGO, without it it would be complete garbage. The only reason why it's popular is because of a f2p mod. Just like dota. Valve makes trash games and includes a loot box gambling sim to make sure low iq half breeds like yourself never escapes.
>random spread is a bug
If only!
No it's not, it's a balancing mechanic to not make the AK and other rifles unbeatable railguns. Snipers exist for that exact reason and are priced at 200% the money.
quit playing csgo years ago because of shit like this and cheaters
Two people hitting the ground at the same exact time is not something accounted for in most video games
>extremely rare
didn't watch the vids huh? the cope is real
>playing awp roulette in mid every round to see if you can get to B safely.
Stop playing dust II.
I was talking more about the genre and my experience as a whole, not just cs.
I haven't played csgo in 5 years
Post the Italy one
So you quit 5 years ago? Because that's roughly when this bug was fixed on 2 spots in Inferno that displaced the hitbox from the model.
Otherwise you are just shit and didn't hit your enemy, git gud.
>stop playing one of the best FPS maps ever
How back can you be, prefire maps give you muscle memory like that. It's a game full of hackers and you chose to show that
>if you spend more gold you can reduce your chance of missing due to RNG
Pretty sweet low skill RPG you've got here, bros.
This, ppl dont watch streamers for their ability alone.
unironically because v is a lot more casual now, which is mainly because most games are more casual nowadays, i mean look at the amount of people that say dark souls is extremely hard and that should give you a good indicator of modern games, most of v is just mobile waifu games and talking about AAA stuff not that there's anything wrong with that
What do they watch them for? Their lifeless personalities?
thats just you being bad, the webm is clearly shitty netcode
t. Silver
Let me clear up some of this bullshit.
>RNG weapons lol
Recoil follows a clear pattern that will always be the same for a weapon. Each shot has minimal spread (random) alteration which is a factor of the accuracy rating of the gun and balances stuff like smg's, rifles and sniper. This spread is a mechanic virtually every modern shooter be it Battlefield, COD and yes even Rainbow Six.
>hackers everywhere
You are most likely just shit and throwing accusations at every person that kills you.
>literally just the same 4 strats reused every map
Absolutely retarded, factually not true in the slightest and a completely ridiculous claim that oversimplifies microstrats like timed peaks, buy strats, push strats, first frag strats.
>constant bullshit
Very good argument 50 IQ.
>lol you're standing within touching distance of someone? too bad your trained soldier character has the aim of a dead raccoon
No it's you, you are retarded if you can't kill someone in touching range. The spread isn't 180°, your aim is shit. Learn to play, that's the skillfloor.
>you meant to bounce that grenade? well it hit the crack in the wall and is bouncing backwards now
And this is bad why? Should your grenade noclip through the edge because you are too retarded to throw it correctly?
>What do you mean you didn't watch 1000 videos to know you can smoke that doorway by bouncing it off the billboard and having it roll off the roof in this very tutorial manner
Refuses to learn the strategy and then complains because the game offers tactical options like this if the player is willing to learn and memorize them - amazing. A true silver player in mind and heart.
>thats just you being bad
>R6 doesn't have that problem
>Apex Legends didn't have it
ok lad
nice argumenst
>stop playing CSGO in 2015
>decide I want to get back into it for some reason
>at least 3 people per game in Silver are snapping headshots off and have fantastic react times
>I'm still struggling to remember how to shoot without my shots exiting out at a 180 degree angle
>Different weapons for different jobs
>"RNG" as in spread literally never plays a role unless you go for sniper duells in extreme distances
Sorry to tell you, you are just garbage at this game and no amount of whining and blaming "rng" will change that.
>not quake hampions
No it's not, it was stated so often in this thread I'm tired of explaining it again. It was a bug in an EXTREMELY old version of the game (about 4~5 years ago) where jumping in certain positions would desync the hitbox from your actual model. It was fixed and the hitboxes since then revamped.
Your shots never shit out at a 180° degree angle you simply lost most of your skill due to the long break and became absolute garbage at the game. You are now touching the skillfloor.
I don't play garbage low skill ceiling games like CSGO
>Follow a preset online guide or not be able to do anything whatsoever
>Put arbitrary points into "skills" that only lock you out of content and weapons
The genre.
Yeah I notice because your points are retarded.
Is this pre-revamp
t. Virgin
Let me clear up some of this bullshit.
You wasted your life getting "pro" at the worst Valve shooter ever released and now you have to defend said game because otherwise you would be suicidal for wasting thousands of hours when you could have been getting real skills.
>cl_lw 0 is not legal unfortunately
the only retarded person is here.
Stay mad silver scrub.
What are you talking about?
CSGO is a bad game. I've never played it. Stay cucked
i'm not even the guy you're replying to and I fucking hate CS:GO but you're the most retarded person currently browsing Yea Forums for making snide comments about a game you've never even played.
In that case it's even worse you're autistic and do not even understand what you are criticizing.
>literally haven't played the game
>People defending cheaters cause they are playing their favorite game
Gotta love all the people defending CSGO cheaters, when people don't even understand how the cheats work and why it's so hard to actually "detect" even from a view. Cheats haven't been INSTAKILL HEADSHOT ON A BUTTON in a long time and fucking retards that post keep implying this.
>virgin thinks ranks matter
I think people who defend CSGO get the recoil mechanics and the definition of skill confused. This game is just fucking terrible as a competitive shooter because some basic gunplay elements aren't totally in your control.
>CS thread
>nobody knows what they're talking about
>posting old bugs that were fixed literally years ago
Funny how all the "DUDE CSGO SUCKS LOL CHEATERS EVERYWHERE" shitters never want to play 1.6, quake, UT, or any other FPS
i get accused of cheating literally every time i fucking play. it's pathetic
Battlefield Vietnam
Not gonna lie this is very suspicious. But vac is an automatic thing, you can't bribe it.
Just that CSGO does have floods of cheaters. MM is practically unplayable. If you have any actual interest in a good match you NEED to play ESEA or FACEIT.
>Hitboxes with shitty netcode
That isn't shit hitboxes and netcode, he's cheating you mong.
came back to the game recently after years of absence and rank was "degraded" to gn1 from not playing, haven't run across any cheaters in any of the 4-5 matches i played this month. got accused of being one every match and plenty of casual matches as well tho
This is why we need community servers, the same people go to them every day and everybody knows each other
this is some nice retard feed.
>it's another CSGO webm bait thread
you guys are getting baited ironically, right?
It's know that CSGO is full of cheaters, I can't belive people still play this
Valve doesn't give a fuck about the scene, Dota is their baby.
>he thinks it's bait
Summer is out, user
You mean eternal summer.
I hate summerfags so fucking much
>CS:GO is mired by cheaters at the top levels.
then tell me how they cheat on LAN. or are you simply lowering the bar so low for a "cheater" that anyone could be one at some point in time and thus everyone who is good at the game is "suspicious" because they automatically check spots they have been checking for over a decade.
pretty sure it was marketed as a more realistic, tactical version of action quake 2
also cpma is shit
They bring their own sponsored hardware that can also include any cheats they want eg. Mouse, Headsets, Keyboards, Screens...
They would have been VACated years ago if it were true.
>csgo would be better if it didn't have distinctive gameplay in any way and was like other existing games
are you retarded? go play those games. the point of CS is the mechanics. they don't need major revision and never have, which is why they've been relatively unchanged for all these years.
No why would they? Only if Valve somehow were to detect the cheats they use that are often incredible expensive private hacks like the nigger who had wallhacks on a LAN but enemies were only marked by a single white pixel so it didn't look obvious.
So how was he exposed?
>Why do people care if someone is "smurfing" or not? Just get better at the game
do you not realize the irony in this post? the person smurfing is doing it because they can't get better, or they are playing with rankless zoomers and other smurfs. of course you can just try harder as an honest player, but there is no denying it fucks game balance, and plenty of times you will have no chance since smurfs rarely solo. remember this is a mode you can't just back out of. prime helped for a bit but there really does need to be segregated competitive.
Yeah that's a pretty obvious lock. I'd ban him from my server if I saw that shit, no appeal. I'm like the most spineless guy in the world when it comes to punishing people and making them feel bad, but it's just that bleeding obvious.
>the flick on the second kill
Nice one, user
>but why isn't he being banned?
because all this shit is ancient. shroud is a streamer and has been for years, he isn't a pro anymore. also you can't use any of these on LAN which is where everything matters, the most you can do is cheat online but since those are regulated with official accounts etc. most wouldn't risk it because they can be banned from the scene. there are also a lot more LANs than back in the day, even qualifiers are LAN these days.
ok retard
>be zoomer
>hear about this CS thing, decide to try it out
>empty ak mag towards enemy without thought
>50 damage in 3 hits
>he instantly headshots you with a glock
>don't understand, and don't want to
>immediately start coming up with cope IE hacker, RNG, no skill, or "shit game" (last resort because you don't have to defend it with anything)
>instead of simply getting gud or playing a more approachable FPS, suggest that CSGO should change all it's mechanics so it's exactly like other games
just play the game. if it's not your thing after a while play something else. there is nothing wrong with disliking it on personal taste, but it is the last competitive shooter that people actually play.
VAC isn't perfect
Steam workshop, mouse drivers, personal equipment, tampering with gear before it arrives on the stage - organizers have to lock up rigs in a cage, lock and key so no one can get to it now.
you sir, are a retard.
it's a competitive shooter with hackers
Suuuure, Flusha...
this. i really don't understand how most of the posts in this thread are basically "i don't like the mechanics so they're shit", i don't enjoy doing micro shit in starcraft but that doesn't make the game shit
if you want to play a shooter with sprint and ADS, go ahead and play one. zoomer fucks
95% of hackusations are raw cope and people who have zero situational awareness who are blown away by the fact that other players actually check corners and pay attention to where their teammates were killed on the map
play FACEIT/ESEA if you really think hacking is what's keeping you back
t. played since 1.6 and get accused of hacking regularly by retards
locking onto heads isn't checking corners
i lock onto heads by hand. some people have been playing FPS for literally 15 or 20+ years. unless you are watching demos of matches afterward, you have no idea if they are hacking unless it's blatant
>locking onto heads through walls is normal
Reddit held a fucking $100 contest to see if anyone could replicate honestly Flusha's double headshot retard stroke OR produce as many suspect clips for any player. He's the fucking exception you mouth breathing retard.
explain this at 00:13
literally no explanation, no one would point there for any reason, if you can't validate psychologically or reasonably why he looks at walls randomly like this then he's a fucking hack you dipshit
fires a single headshot through a wall
then does a fucking mouse wiggle lol
Why does he pull the slide back every time he pulls out his handgun?
very normal behavior!!
>He think aimbots lock onto the air next to an enemy
Didn't he just describe what happened in the vid?
cope, cs was massively popular before steam
i agree that there are very suspect clips for several pros that are likely cheats. players have been caught with cheats at LANs as well, hacks are much more sophisticated than they were back in the 1.6/source days.
i'm just talking about my personal experience playing the fucking game and getting accused of hacking all the time. there are a ton of people who accuse others of hacking at lower levels of play - i'd be willing to bet most people ITT complaining about hackers in the game are just butthurt. in all my comp matches over the last 5 years, i've only encountered a hacker ~10-15 times. however, there is an accusation of hacks ALMOST EVERY GAME. i'm not talking about these clips because nobody here is playing with fucking high level players. fuck cheaters, i agree valve needs to lock down the pro scene.
butthurt over what exactly, we're not in a fucking match with flusha, stop pretending like there's not a difference between a ranked 12y/o kiddie cheater vs literally defaming the competitive scene with an insane amount of suspicious clips compared to any other player
pure coincedence!!!
my point is that there are not nearly as many hackers as people would like to believe. this thread is about the game, not the fucking pro scene. like i said, i get accused of hacks almost every fucking time i play the game. most people complaining about cheats are full of shit. that's all
how do you explain this? just "fast and random" CSGO RNG spray? with him not even noticing he killed the first fucking guy?
Because retards will always reply to it. Genuine autism.
>If the gun shook and tilted slightly on your screen in the direction of the recoil it would be much better.
it does though
ITT: Buttmad Blizzdrones Overwatch is dead
>it's a competative game with hackers
wow sounds like literally every competitive game.
other than zoomers the only other group that hates CS so much are seething arenafags
>seething arenafags
It's larpers, real arenafags are busy with playing in qc.
>multiplayer game
>artificial difficulty
>tf2 autists
first of all I'm sure its b8, and if not, its prolly just some battlefield/cod kiddie
i am so fucking angry they turned quake into a FUCKING "champion" game
git gud silver
quakefags are made to suffer
>qc has a ton of bad design decisions
>still play because it's the only hope you have
it hurts
If you think about it they couldn't really just remake the game and expect people to buy it again, so they had to change something.
I'm not very good at quake and neither are my friends and at the very least it's interesting, but some gamemodes rely on you buying heros which is incredibly stupid
reflex and quake live are both mostly dead or i would be playing them fuckhead
people who defend this game have legit brain damage
Have you ever played dust 2?
CSGO just brings in too much money to ban all these "pros" that are hacking.
They're dead precisely because of people in the picture, user.
>gear treadmills
>more hp and damage instead of more formidable mechanics
>any OHKO or pseudo-OHKO in any genre ever
How do they cheat live at the tournament itself though?