FF XIV Shadowbringers

Based leakerbro is still here, what will he post next?

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Other urls found in this thread:


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>900 pot Direct hit crit
That's busted as fuck

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Tanks have 7 role actions now. The confirmed ones are Provoke, Shirk, Low Blow, Interject and Arm's Length. Who knows what the last two will be. I would say Convalescence and Rampart but considering tanks now basically have permanent Rampart through tank mastery trait they might think it's unnecessary.


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Pretty sure Rampart was in the hotbar of Yoship when he was on GNB.

Tanks only have about 2/3rds the attack power of a DPS so it's equivalent to about a 600 potency attack on a DPS. So unbuffed Midare is still stronger although only if it Dcrits.

Orange or blue?

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None of these numbers matter because they specifically said they were reworking how potency and numbers work so what you see has no bearing on what's live.

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You are right. I see Reprisal there too, so I guess that confirms it. Tanks get Rampart, Provoke, Shirk, Low Blow, Interject, Arm's Length and Reprisal. No more Conva, Anticipation or Awareness.

Yeah Rampart was on there.

please give us more leaks

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I wanna know more about SCH and if we are in the shed or not ;_;

>Fell Cleave
>Fell Cleave x2
>Fell Cleave x3
>Fell Cleave x4
Any news on Warrior? Will their progression stay Kaioken forever?

I wanna know if SMN is actually SMN and geared towards your pets. Current live SMN is geared towards you, as the caster, and not your pets. I'm hoping this new one is very pet-focused.

Rage of Halone tooltip for me.
Or the Robot skill for MCH.

That seems kind of underwhelming compared to AST's lv80 skills if you go by the rumors of it letting you have both sects active for 20s

Viera have the best neutral idle stance, straight-backed, no slouch. Gear looks fanatstic on them because of it.

Maybe he's done for the day and just going to give us a couple leaks each day to tease us

i'd be alright with that but only if they fix pet ai/interactivity
because its fucking suffering right now

>wake up

Got one for Hrothgar?

Please leave reddit motherfuckers and go fellate mrhappy, then kys together with him

I'm p. sure they mentioned somewhere that everything is incredibly responsive now and that it's all pretty much instant since your pets don't react or cast anything without you doing it. I mean even Eos doesn't cast Embrace anymore.

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I think it's mostly fluff and visuals that have changed, not core gameplay. Instead of casting, say, Ruin, it's just a command for your pet to attack, and those attacks are now instaneous and your pets can't be targeted or killed. And you can switch between your egis on the fly now, instant cast.


Nice. Darkside isn't the tank stance after all.

So Dark Arts became a proc ?

It's basically Ninja's Huton then isn't it? Activate Dark Arts and keep extending it?

Dark Arts is still here but as a proc then?
That's cool with me.

They have no idea what they're doing with WHM. I am sure of that now. It's been 2 expansions of shit, looks like another one is coming. I hope Yoshida and Mrhappy off themselves

Grit is still there, it's the basic threat stance for DRK now.

Yes. Looks like DRK's gameplay will revolve around proccing TBN to extend Darkside.

Wow, boring.

Gimme some leaks on SCH bro, please.

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Sounds like the same mechanic as war. Which makes sense since the 3 healers are also getting a supersayian mode.


Between Ninja, AST, and BLM what's looking to be the most fun?

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That's not so bad. Looks like Darkside is indeed an upkeep buff like I predicted. I am glad that TBN doesn't affect the blood gauge anymore, I hated that clunky shit. This just means that TBN is now completely DPS neutral as long as the shield breaks.

hey HarkiniansDinner your mother is a whore and you should kill yourself you waste of oxygen

A guaranteed proc from TBN being destroyed, no less
which is great because fuck RNG procs and FUCK MCH

>DRK's main mechanic is based around TBN
>using a shield to either soak the pain yourself or spare an ally from it
>now draw power from this instead of some arbitrary magic surge

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This looks like a good change.

Dark Arts is now a skill-based proc, aka the only kind that should exist on any job that isn't gambler/chance themed.

love you leakbro

It makes no difference. TBN costs 3k MP, Flood/Edge also costs 3k MP. So whether you proc TBN or not, you still spend the same amount of MP maintaining Darkside. However, proccing TBN is basically now just free extra mitigation so it should be used whenever possible.

so drk either mt or is fucking worthless

Checks out.
13:33 Flood of Darkness, activates Darkside
13:44 Edge of Darkness extends it

>local retard doesn't understand TBN

you can cast TBN on other people you retard

Fuck you, I didn't even start that thread and you know half of you browse Reddit too including you.

Can you kys already SMNfag

Yes looks like they kept TBN's gimmick of being a free mitigation tool. That's what I loved the most about it. Looks like we will still be able stand in AoEs.

leave this thread, kill yourself and take mrhappy with you

>he actually has reddit account
I think you should consider suicide.

When is Koji going to give us Viera and Hrothgar naming conventions?


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Dumb user

I haven't played healers since HW, but I would definitely say NIN or AST, depending on if you prefer to dps or heal. Kassatsu being a ninjutsu upgrade button instead of a boring guaranteed crit is fucking awesome, and you get TWO charges of it. Shadow clones seem cool too cause it gives insane ninki gain.

You wouldn't have found the obscure reddit thread someone started about these leaks if you didn't regularly browse and post on the ff14 subreddit yourselves, don't even try to pretend otherwise.

is edge of darkness/shadow a new combo ender? or is it off-gcd?

>look it up

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I'm guessing that one is AoE and the other is single-target, not so much that one starts the timer and the other upkeeps. You want to have Darkside up all the time.

>D speed

I don't have to pretend I do something I can't do, I just googled that name someone posted, you cancerous fuck.

Do any of you actually have HD icons at 80% size? Mine gets all blurry if they're bigger than 60%. Kinda thinking that I might've fucked my HUD scaling years back and now that I'm trying to go for a larger HUD it looks off.

fuck off and kill yourself redditor

>most BLM tooltips have already been shown in YoshiP's demonstration
>overall pretty excited
Not entirely sure about despair, I guess you'd use it at the very end of your astral fire rotation. Blizzard spells costing 0 mp means we don't have to ever cast transpose mid-combat again, and umbral soul lets us stay in umbral ice and build umbral hearts between pulls and during boss downtime. I guess with xenoglossy being an instant cast you could probably throw it in whenever, or just use it like we use foul currently while having to stress less. I guess the two polyglot charges won't actually change much since it's still 30 seconds each, building up both mid-combat probably won't happen much. Kinda glad they made freeze relevant, I hope it's not still a ground target aoe.

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This is your brain on meta stupidity.

Looks oGCD by the job action trailer, comes out too quickly after the previous attack


Don't you have mrhappy to suck off? Back to plebbit nigger and stay there

Hahaha holy shit plebbit sjws are literal human trash

NIN seems fun, but also I have 150ms of ping so I'm probably not allowed to play it outside of dungeons.

>New DRK looks cool as shit
>Gunbreaker though
Fuck. Tank bros I don't know what to do

How many attacks does Dancer have? Post some dancer shit. Fuck off Sasuke Uchiha DoRKs

Keeping two charges of Polyglot is a good idea if you know you have a damage window like Trick Attack coming up.

>press macroed tbn every 15s

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what about war

>hurr durr i do the big hit
>i cant get erect unless i've fell cleaved something in the last 5 seconds

Why would you want him to turn into a whiny bitch ?

When the first Omega tier came out I have raided at 180 ping on Ninja before, it's definitely not optimal but I was still able to get purple parses, it's still absolutely fine to use you just have to deal with the fact that once in a while mudras will fuck up or clip badly.

Flood of Darkness is basically this:

So what's the deal with SCH reworked skills? What replacements are we getting?
Also what skills does Seraph have?
please leakerbro I need it

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If you think I'm a SJW you should check out my twitter, you'd probably have an aneurysm.


why are DRK players so cringy retards?
and is that why they like the shitty DRK quest line so much?

Play both, no reason not to. I'm leveling Drk to 80 first then I'll level Gnb after.

Didn't we feel the same way before SB? Be careful with the hype.

I'm hoping TBN's cooldown is extended to 30s or something so you're not just mashing it constantly for free mitigation.

>in before drk still spams souleater forever and all the other things we're seeing are window dressing for the same 123123123 gameplay

I'm going to play DNC and only select healers as my partner.

Fuck dps and tank cucks.

>tfw manlet 157cm

soooooooo...DRK dps is completely reliant on the the fight now? Like if theres a large section of the fight where the MT nor the OT is taking damage DRK's dps will drop now?

>whm level 80 is absolute trash
no... please... I don't want to go back to the shed again

The funny thing is that you have the exact same opinions as reddit, unlike me even though I post there. All my posts on reddit get downvoted because they are just as casual and retarded as you are.

The stand name should be 「The Fray」

DA is basically a way to make TBN not a DPS loss.

You never left it.

Better than nothing, I guess.

If the duration is still short you won't spam TBN because if it doesn't break it's a DPS loss.

>20 potency
Is this a joke?


No, because you can just keep using Edge/Flood to extend Darkside. TBN costs the same amount of MP as Edge/Flood, you still need MP to maintain Darkside no matter what.

At least dragoons and bards will keep you company in the shed.

So did they share enough to know if lower levels are greatly affected by the changes like charges? I stopped playing before SB but if I decided to try again I'd like to know if DRG still feels terrible to play.

>implying you ever left

wtf you talk about its healing buff and party mitigation. if the fight design dont get major change, you can solo heal half of the boss mechanics

Yoshida's bar had the ones you listed aswell as Rampart and Shirk.

That's the Phoenix passive regen... should be good enough.

summoners aren't supposed to be healers

It's current length of 7s is usually enough to get it to break just from autoattacks, and that's with the 20% version you apply to yourself. With the 10% version on party members its even easier.

Good. DRGs and BRDs got way too cocky over the past years.

It's the same thing as both SCH and AST "ultimate" skill.

WHM is probably the best one since it's passive mitigation (no gcds spent) while AST only lets you use both sects at the same time and SCH one depends on fairy skills.

>stop enjoying things

So we can all agree she had the most impressive presentation of any MMO boss fight, right?

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I'm assuming it's a regen that's casted when you summon Phoenix so it's just a bonus. Don't think too hard about it I was hoping it would give the raid Phoenix's Blessing

Well, enjoy being useless, I guess.

Literally a vagina monster

>SMN and DNC get weak but free aoe heals.
>RDM doesn't

Will there be an expansion after Shadowbringers?


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>playing the manlet job

No, dun scaith gate was more impressive. Ultima was surprisingly boring.

All of orbonne is kino especially for a 24man.

it was alright i guess

>playing cuckshed eternal

>all three healers are shit
>tanks and dps can now heal really well
PLD/DRK/GNB/NIN/MNK/MCH/DNC/RDM is going to be THE speedrun comp.

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Please, I'm starved, throw me a bone on SCH

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Kicked for playstyle differences :^)

And if NIN gets cucked I'll be even happier.
Don't samurais and black mages have even higher potency attacks yet they're still in the shed kinda? Bards ticket was raid utility and dancer is gonna shit on it.

Was this your first and only raid in this game so far? It was completely forgettable compared to many other existing raids, especially both the Ultimate fights.

diablos was better

savage exdeath was better

Is it just me or do catgirl shave weirdly long legs compared to their upper body?

This seems pretty interesting desu. You want to have your voice gauge as high as possible to get the maximum potency, but then in burst phases you can just unload 5 apex arrows back to back.

Oh it's only 20 gauge is it gonna be based around spam-
>Potency increases as Soul Voice Gauge exceeds required cost.

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Leave this thread you retard, go away

Neither are dancers or gunbreakers but they've both got party heals.

Diabolos beam clash >>>> glorified cutscene

any MNK leaks yet?

so how are they gonna change job quest since we'll be spending nearly all of our time on the first?

Seems like bard has fell cleaves

yes ankha

>literally fell cleave

only one job specific quest at lv 80, you get a role-specific chain from 70 onwards

>drk is still the only tank that can't heal >sole survivor is gone
s-soul eater won't require grit buff and won't be 50% right

While on the first there's only RP role quests about other characters, and once you're finished with MSQ and return you get ONE job quest at 80

You only get the Quests at level 80 after the MSQ now


Fuck off reddit

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>Still no leak on what Dragon kick does now

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>Black Mage
>ever in the shed
BLM mains are the protagonists of this game, don't get it twisted. We exist above your petty meta squabbles.

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>cant heal
>drk is the only how doesnt have useless ability

>Alexander Prime
>Neo Exdeath
>Unending Coil
>Weapon's Refrain

These are all better in terms of presentation for sure. Might be forgetting some as well.

In the Job trailer using Apex Arrow drains the whole meter. I'm guessing you just bank meter and use it during trick/buffs if it scales linearly.


Cuckshed'd for the foreseeable future.

>no content will ever be tuned around needing this pitiful heal since itll force you to have a smn
>even if it were strong, your summon timings are for dps first and not healing anyway
into the trash it goes

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You will never escape me, I am in every FF14 thread, specifically to torment you

Hmm you are right

Leaker should just watermark picture with big "Fuck Mr.Happy".

>above your petty meta squabbles
in the land of grey logs

Yeah yeah whatever, healers adjust bla bla. The highlight you got in SB was some autist being able to get to 10k dps with the whole party padding him and some other autist showcasing his extra low spell speed in Eureka killing mobs there.

quick rundown?

wait, so I can barrage that? Nice

Can't hear you over the direct crit 900 potency

Do you guys will respect bunny tanks? I am already a DRK/BLM main but I am a male lizard but I dont like it.

>wanting the most abused dps cucked

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it's aoe so no

>tfw no one gives a fuck about BRD leaks

No, since Straight Shot is gone, Barrage now just transforms Heavy Shot into Refulgent Arrow.

Because it was posted yesterday.

>direct crit 900 potency
>will deal the same dmg as a non crit from a dps class

and "reddit go away"

drk is the edgiest tank
blm is the edgiest dps
what's the edgiest healer?

Grit only gives emnity now, and SE still has life leech.

Healers are all soft plump sluts

Only thing I used blackest night for was saving bads from mechanics or mitigating tankbusters.

>muh fell cleave since heavensward
>still in the shead

With piercing debuff removed and the statements regarding wanting to reduce synergy from jobs that aren't Dancer (word on the the street is litany is getting nerfed), the reasons DRG was desired are now gone.


This is just fluff imo, it's an automatic cast that coincides with summoning the Phoenix.

necro when yoshi stops being a faggot

You didn't consider DRG's own DPS would get boosted up, did you?

I wonder how much the potency scales. If it's not 450 potency for every 20 gauge, then it's not worth building more than 20 gauge except for Barrage. But if it is 450 potency for every 20 gauge, 100 gauge would be 2250 potency. With Barrage that's 6750 potency. I don't think they'll do that.

meant for

damn, it's a shame they won't buff any of its potencies or give it any new moves to compensate for that, surely its personal dps is going to stay super low even as they remove all rdps from it fucking retard

Barrage is effectively gone and only used to make heavy shot into Refulgent Arrow. Look at the job trailer.

Unless it gets boosted to near SAM/MNK levels, it's into the cuckshed.

You can enter LotD every 30 secs after it ends now, so that would be a dps increase and we don't know if the big jump doesn't have any extra benefits.

WHM because I want to cut myself whenever I look at what SE is doing with it

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Even for fluff its a hella waste of space for a capstone ability. You'd think a phoenix summon buff would be like a raidwide dmg up or something. Heals arent what get dps invited to raids, especially a weak one tied to your 80 skill that you arent just gonna hit on demand like mantra or something.

>SAM/MNK levels
>on the same level
pipe down MNKuck

I don't know why people are complaining so hard about this. People have been wanting mitigation on WHM for years and here it is, along with a healing increase. The only other thing I'd want from this would be to either have it last for 30s, or reduce the cooldown to 90s.

barrage doesn't work on aoe abilities

Will SAM finally get enough potency to make up for the no utility bros?

oh true, they said they are goind to remove debuffs that increase damage of blund/slash/pierce, right?

can someone post or link the other leaks?

Any machinist leaks?

I doubt that, you can't tell that just because he uses Barrage then Refulgent. I think more likely that Straight Shot is gone, and Heavy Shot procs Refulgent. He was just using Barrage on his Refulgent proc.

its literally at that point right already

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> With Barrage that's 6750 potency.

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it's epperson the infamous xivg banevading pedo reposting the leaks there

Well there's no way they'll let you barrage fucking Apex Arrow.

>Necros don't have any heals but have a heap of resurrection skills

oh neat, you don't get cucked by the boss going invuln half a second before you detonate any more

why would it ever not be worth building more you ape
there's no downside lol

Still gonna be top dps tank with shake it off unchanged making it still have the best shield for tanks ;)

This. Just plaster a big NIGGER watermark in the middle of the picture.

That's nice.

Oh hey, I made that back on HW.

Now I wish that comic had more panels.

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Yeah you're right.
Although I find it pretty interesting that Apex arrow has no damage dropoff for additional targets despite being 450 potency. If it scales linearly with an additional 450 potency for every 20 gauge, that's a fucking ridiculously huge attack if you get to 100 gauge.

Yeah, Dragonkick and Bootshine still exist though so they must have given it another function.

If the damage is 450 potency at 20 gauge, but you only get say, 100 extra potency with 40 gauge (550 total), then it's much better DPS to try to use Apex Arrow at 20 every time and not let the gauge build higher than that. If the damage scales linearly (or maybe even slightly less since you're saving GCDs) then it's worth it.

>20 seconds

So looks like SAM plays exactly the same with a couple additional oGCD?

Because if it doesn't scale linearly then it'd be better to fire it off as soon as you get 20 Soul Voice so you can start building back up to another 20, since each point after 20 is worth less. 2 450 pot Apex Arrows > 1 800 pot Apex Arrow.

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Necromancer would be cool if it didn’t have any healing spells and instead healed by doing damage to enemies.

opener-wise? debatable
any other time? literally free potency just by waiting, your argument makes no sense

dont forget

>having fun with the game
>gameplay is fun
>even like doing sidequest
>reach Lv.50
>get told to learn some autistic rotations
>instantly lose interest in the game
Sucks. Here I was enjoying myself and wanting to continue to play too.

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Realistically how many attacks can you be expected to pull off in the 10s for Wildfire?

Are we not going to Garlemald?

oh I get it now sorry I'm retarded

shut the fuck up

It's not that important at 50. There's barely anything to learn, just do the skills that follow each other and use the off global cooldown ones when you want.

5 or 6

DRK has the edgiest look but honestly has the most level headed tank philosophy. DRK quest represents the value of justice, sacrifice, and forgiveness.

WAR is Manderville tier (and that's a good thing, it was a lighthearted break from the constant tragedies of the MSQ.)

PLD, I stopped at 50 but mostly what I can tell is that they enjoy protecting rich people.

>Play levelling content and enjoy it
>Reach group content
>Have to at least try pull my weight
>Call it autistic and stop playing
Stop being a leech.

so autistic

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bootshine is just a guaranteed crit when you punch their ass so it wont change
generally 5, potentially 6 if you are fast

not until 7.0

>implying any job has a complete rotation at level 50

sorry they're busy trying to figure out how to get players to not sympathize with garleans still

>autistic rotations
Your basic rotation isn't autistic and if you don't want to learn how to press 1 2 3 and occasionally do your job's gimmick, just play another game.

4 gcds and 3-4 ogcds.

You don't have to follow them exactly to the letter with pots and all, that's for min-max. Just learn the general priority and you should do at least good DPS so long as you don't die or position yourself terribly

based contrarian retard

>tfw love playing the game
>tfw love lewds
>tfw always stuck between choosing to be lewd or do content with my FC friends

Phoenix giving something on summon is still one more effect over Bahamut giving you nothing on summon. Phoenix also has an additional spell in the form of the recycled Dreadflare animation. Those two already put it ahead of Bahamut. A raid-wide damage buff is just about as pointless as well since you can't hardstop your rotation to wait and trigger it on demand to line it up with the rest of the group. In reality, the fact that the regen is such low potency and auto-triggered on summons means it's like just tacked on for the sake of thematics

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Where have you been?

What if it scales exponentially like Pitch Perfect stacks?

>get off 2 450 potency moves or 1 550 potency move
>but the 2nd number is bigger

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Mime limited job when???

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Six GCDs and whatever OCDs you have. It just looks like you can just use the GCDs now with it and detonate when the boss goes into it's invul phase.

if its anything like bahamut, you'll absolutely be summoning it in sync with raid buffs


It doesn't consume the entire gauge, though, it just says that having more gauge increases the potency. It would be better to build to 100, use it, go down to 80, then build back to 100 again.

I kind of liked the build up to a buffed single Midare, it gave the skill a satisfying feel. Specially when you often have to use those 3 orbs to fill meter and spam shinten instead.

Allowing for double Midare will just feel like Fell Cleave spamming, it kind of loses it's luster if you do it too often, but that might just be me.

Maybe stop making Eorzeans such hypocritical idiots

thankfully it still detonates on its own so you don't need to try detonating at the very last second before it falls off or something

Rotations aren't a concern until level-cap anyway. But you still have to learn them eventually, this is non-debatable. You can't be a walking liability forever, especially at endgame.

It does consume the entire gauge, rewatch the job actions video.

people are going off the fact that in the job actions video, using it used up all the gauge

>necromancer in ff game :/

I finally got the heavensward, jesus christ why do they make you do 70 quests to start this expansion

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>*Uncontrollable sobbing*
>Muh 99%

Get a life, Pan-Handlin' Joe.

Loving Every Laugh

Batman sucks and so does your edgy bullshit berserk fanwanking.

Just for the sake of example, if the gauge scales at a rate of 50 potency for every 10 gauge over 20 then:
40 Gauge AA = 550 potency
20 Gauge AA + 20 Gauge AA = 900 potency
You're losing out on damage bigtime by not using AA at 20 if this is how it scales.
It all depends on how the damage scales. I doubt it will be perfectly linear because that would make a fully-charged AA ridiculously strong, but I imagine it will scale just sharply enough so that it is a DPS increase to let the gauge build as much as possible. To do that you only need to make it so the difference in potency between multiple AAs and one super-AA is less than the potency you would deal with the extra GCD you save.

So for example if a 20 Gauge AA is 450 but a 40 Gauge AA is 800, then you should still let the gauge build, because:
20AA + 20AA = 900 but
40AA + Heavy Shot = 950

This is all just speculation of course.

There's a Necromancer in the Palace of the dead

Have fun doing another 70 when you reach Stormblood

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because they hate fun
dont worry you're past the shit bit now, its all kino from here on

Oi lads what's going on with Bloodspiller? In the trailer it doesn't use any bloodgauge, and he spams it twice. I notice they use delirium before it, does delirium give free blood spends?

Leave and never return then, shitter.

>Wildfire can now be detonated manually
Oh fuck yeah.

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to be fair he's based on tactics ogre necromancers but even still I'm pretty sure necromancers exist canonically

As much as I want it,

Unless they do what they should have done, and just give them a smattering of other Job weapons and half-ass a rotation out of it.

I mean yeah, but also I hate how TCJ works. It's like it's specifically designed to fuck with people that have suboptimal ping.

How does it feel to know your circlet cuck job is responsible for ruining all fending sets? Bet it feels great.

Yeah Delirium seems to function kind of like Inner Release now and lets you use Bloodspiller for free. It's probably not that simple though.

Unless I'm looking at the wrong site, which is certainly possible, Lv.70 rotations have a 30 key combo.

Why does that guy instantly post everything here over to Reddit? What's the thought process?

internet points and attention

Any news on Dragoon besides 1 cool new jump animation?

I hope there's a better way to manage their gauge. It's fine in raids when you got near 100% uptime on the boss, but running anything else and losing eyes, or having your meter so low on the next pull that you can only fit in 2 instead of 3 red Gayskogul feels bad man.

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Oh wowee!!!

Time to dust off my spurs.

What is the best glam gun and why is it STILL revolver of the wanderer?

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At least the quest rewards make a good slutglam

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And you're nowhere near 70 and have almost none of those actions so who cares?

Only rotations I can think of that have thirty keys are probably SMN and MCH.

You're level 50 and you're clearly not going to be doing any hardcore raiding, a perfect rotation does not matter for you in the least bit.

You can see that both BotD and LotD start at 30 seconds now, not 20, so maintaining uptime is going to be easier than ever.

Predictions on what Tanks will exceed at what?Mine are
Personal Cooldowns: DRK (if Magic)>WAR>PLD>GNB(their invuln has way too long of a CD)
Shielding 1 person: GNB (Based on the tooltip)>PLD>DRK>WAR
Spread Shield: WAR>PLD>DRK>GNB

From what I understand about reddit system is that people use real money to get a currency to upvote and reward other people post that also give them some form of currency
So the more funny/informative/useful your post are, the more internet points you get from people.
It's an awful system, for awful people.

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Leakbro please give us more

PLD stuff please

PLD is the only pure tank, why should care what scraps ungabungas and cutters cry about?

Buddy, pal, friend. Just push buttons in a slightly cohesive order. You're level 50. No one is gonna push you off a cliff for just sticking to your 123 combo.

tfw i'd ask for NIN leaks but we really only get like 2 skills afaik

Because it's an underwhelming addle on 2 minutes CD, while AST and SCH will keep their mitigation stuff and get new better ultimates.

Leaks said something about freezing eyes.

>not the pre-imperial/ghost barque

GNB's invuln has the exact same CD as Hallowed Ground, actually. It's still long, but not too long.

Most of that is your bog standard combo's, which is pretty easy to get. The pictures you're looking at probably make it look more complicated than it is

only 2 eyes needed to enter life

Where can I find basic rotations for my level/class then since all the site's only seem to have endgame.

WAR/DRK seem to have more personal self mitigation.
Gun and PLD, from first impressions PLD continues to be a good OT support, and Gunbreaker following that pattern.

This and you dont have memes like heavy thrust/impulse drive.

the Epperson guy? he's honestly mentally ill, as far as i know xivg is very tired of him too, to the point of reporting him, but he just evades bans. he was also kicked out of discord community for doing literally the same thing, he only comes here to copy things and post them on plebbit

>better new ultimates
You do realize WHM one is passive right when AST ultimate is just being able to use both sects and that requires aspected gcds being used right?

Thank you for your service in understanding that. It sounds retarded and pointless as hell. People pay real money for it? God damn.

Yes its a strictly worse Hallowed Ground since you need to be healed up after it and it doesnt last as long as Hallowed. It's the worst invuln of any tank right now.

mr. Leaker pls leak summoner's aetherflow skill shit

thats a weird way to pronounce makai handgun or Armageddon

PD haven't tanked since 2.5

Attached: 1447157436165.png (1050x670, 744K)

GNN has skills that scale inversely with HP, so superbolide is a DPS cooldown of sorts

Removing Heavy Thrust makes the upkeep easier but you still have to start the Chaos Thrust combo with True Thrust so all that does is save a hotbar slot.

>we're an inclusive, diverse and welcoming community!
>but we also have an upvote/downvote system so comment ranking is determined by either popularity or hivemind-mentality!
Tis a funny place

Viera’s shoes looks really uncomfortable

living dead is worse

ANywhere... youtube has tons o rotation guides. You shouldn't even need one though.. just read the skill descriptions as you level up. Its basic as fuck.

3 + a new hyoton

This is all great news. A big turnoff for me in SB dragoon is that stupid meter.
Running against the clock feels bad on DRG and MNK. At least with NIN you get a huge 40 second window to reaply Huton from just a simple 1-2-3 combo.
The 'charges' mechanics to certain skills is gonna be huge for some jobs.

they were actually pretty ok for midas, lots of physical damage there + divine veil was useful for a8s

There's no way the other 3 invulns are going to keep their effects/cooldowns compared to Superbolide. Expect big changes to them.

Have fun, use what works for you, and practice on fighting dummies. You're in a good spot to really enjoy learning your class. After you hot cap hammer out the kinks and look stuff up.

My favourites are Makai Pistol, Armageddon, Outsider and the Elemental Handgonne.

I'm raising all the based tanks. So in other words, I'll be playing them all in ShB apart from WAR.

>new hyoton

Attached: 1513580159341.jpg (1280x1440, 946K)

>GNN has skills that scale inversely with HP, so superbolide is a DPS cooldown of sorts
Source? I haven't seen that in any of the GNB tooltips.

>Removing Heavy Thrust makes the upkeep easier

but that's what I said.

Normal Jump is fast as fuck now

You do realize you're considering them in a vacuum?
AST is gonna be great when they use it, which is when they would be forced to cast GCD either way.
WHM on the other hand has an Addle on a longer cooldown, which is something half the jobs already have in one way or another.
We already know for sure ranged dps still have a similar skill, and most jobs got more shields to make a single 10% mitigation less worthy.

You only need 2 but it seems like Spineshatter doesn't proc Mirage Dive anymore, only Jump does.

Anything before 70lvl is very basic, so you don't really need any guide and tooltips should be more than enough.

Go name drop your boogeyman on /vg/

Living Dead has the best potential duration.

We don't even have the full AST and SCH tooltips yet, stop being so pessimistic.

I know, I'm agreeing with you. I'm just saying that removing Impulse Drive doesn't make the DRG rotation any shorter because you just use True Thrust in its place.

>Running against the clock feels bad on DRG and MNK.

I like it tbqh because it's satisfying when you do everything perfectly but I'm glad it's getting streamlined.

Attached: ffxiv_05212019_015333_682 - Copy.png (1920x1080, 2.54M)

why would oGCDs matter?

it literally the best

The makai pistol is by far the best gun glam for aspiring a Lala MCH.
Tiny gun for tiny folks, it's cute, it's deadly, and it looks damn good.

Attached: 847556d9f63385b5445a00e581368ff1c140e218.png (128x128, 23K)

Makai for secret agent shenanigans, wanderer's for DMC/Trigun cosplay.

what i want to know is what did they do to the normal hyoton

Satisfying in raid bosses for sure, absolutely annoying in dungeons or anywhere with over a minute of downtime forcing you to do your whole setup again.

Removed it, hopefully.

not just lalas, but its actual conventional and plain and simple handgun, all you need

I liked it for Lala until I realized their fat potato fingers can't possibly pull the trigger.

Attached: ruhroh.png (840x458, 515K)

Who else here is farming syrcus tower for Amon's outfit for dancer?

summoning it should bring any dead party members back to life with 1hp

Where have you been for the previous two expansions?
How can you even be optimistic?

Just read your fucking tooltips, there's not really a significant difference.


it used to look retarded as fuck with gauss barrel, so i'm glad thats gone
even if you hid the GB just the knowledge that everyone else could see the dumb fuckin thing pissed me off

What part of not using gcds for your mitigation to take effect do you not understand?

AST has to pop their ultimate and use aspected helios to place the barrier on everyone, WHM pops temperance and the mitigation is active straight away and stays active for 20 seconds while the AST one is gone after the first damage source going off and needs to be reapplied like every barrier.

DRK quest is more about being an edgy selfrightous asshole and how to convince yourself you are the good guy still.

Looks like that staypuft marshmallow monster reveal scene from ghost Buster's.

based ruhrohposter

Undyeable sets may as well not even exist in terms of glamour.


Don't post this image ever again. Don't remind me.

>I'm glad it's getting streamlined.
I just want HW DRG back

Last two expacs have been fucking great mate.

They really hate WHM don't they

Other anons covered all the good ones, but shoutouts to Ferdinand for being a double barrel shotgun with the break action reload animation.

Attached: 1532268931404.png (463x778, 283K)

No, they hate SCH and WAR.

>victim complex

Too busy farming Baelsar's wall for gunbreaker gear.

what took them so long to buff sacred soil

Speaking of MCH glam.

Is there any way to either dye or hide this huge Xbox 360 hip attachment?
Shit clashes with a lot of things, if I could at least change its color that would be great.

Attached: 3.png (202x201, 107K)

What part of "when they are forced to" do you not understand?
People are gonna heal through gcd as well during progression, and again, game is full of damage reduction to make whm's skill less impactful.

Nigga when you're fabulous as Amon, dyeing is dying.

>getting autistic with Geirskogul, trying to use as many as you can
>they all hit like a wet noodle
Concept interesting but Geirskogul was absolute shit and didn't reward enough

Bad taste


Attached: 1530647079347.png (616x375, 402K)


This is like #1 on the list of trivial things commonly requested by players.

but the lad in the job video only used 1 attack before full thrust making chaos a 5 step with the new skill and full a 4 with the new finish?

>No more leaks
Did SE kill leakbro?

Filling up your timer above x number of seconds so you can fit in 3 red gerskoguls that also hit like wet noodles isn't really fun either, tbqh.

You could as well post the actual vocalist singing this

Attached: jason charles miller.jpg (1200x802, 162K)

That's a bit worrying desu. Requiescat, Inner release and now delirium potentially all function the same with giving free casts or spamming your strongest ability inside it. But as you say it's probably not that simple so i'll reserve judgement. The tanks are just starting to sound very similar now like the healers.

no reason to buff an op job


Attached: le_asssault_rifle.jpg (640x640, 49K)

Now that Gauss Barrel is gone, I'd rather they give us unique lunchboxes instead of every gun having the same one.

Lenny has become too much of a meme at this point

Well they went through all that trouble of allowing carbuncles to be glammed over ifrit/garuda eggies.
It's the least they could do, let me hide the Xbox.

you can clear it now

weapons that dye also dye box and barrel
but both are gone in shb anyway

He uses Wheeling/Fang then does a new attack, then Vorpal Thrust into Full Thrust. My assumption was that the new attack replaces True Thrust under certain conditions.

modded it out ages ago

Given what their racial gear already looks like, what do you want Viera's Hempen Camise to look like?

Attached: pqt1VeU.jpg (949x636, 193K)

Wait the lunchbox is gone? I don't believe you.

wrong lmfao what the fuck are you on about

oh no I agree with you, I hate that fucking thing so much. It made glamouring for MCH a nightmare. I wanted this item for my MCH glamour but it clips the bags.

Attached: fillibusters.png (500x1000, 266K)


Attached: 1545911512095.png (276x183, 83K)

It is a bit silly, but honestly I would take just about anything over current Delirium.

Why not both?

Attached: 1558791573727.jpg (1541x799, 243K)

How do I monk? This greased lightning shit is stupid.

Don't buy skip potions for jobs you don't know... Lesson learned I guess.

He's in.

Attached: ss+(2019-05-26+at+01.42.27).jpg (100x150, 7K)

slingshot bikini

It looks like not only heavy thrust is gone, but also impulse drive.
Since both chains will start from true thurst, the second one is probably buffed under the condition that chaos dot is applied, or something along those lines.

blue or tone the orange down a bit imo

Why haven't they added anymore egi glamours? I refuse to use carbuncle and there's so many different egi models in game already yet they haven't budged a finger since 3.5

Attached: 532543575.gif (128x128, 22K)

>don't buy skip potions
end of story

>DWT and Summon Bahamut are both still around
>Benchmark confirms a Phoenix Trance entirely separate from Summon Phoenix.

It's going to fucking suck if you die and:

>Lose AetherTrail
>Lose Dreadwyrm Aether
>Lose Phoenix Aether

All at once. That's always been SMN's problem, you lose so much by dying compared to a RDM. I was hoping that Trance's would be removed and you'd be using AetherTrail stacks to Summon Bahamut and then Phoenix. Tie Deathflare and the new Phoenix version to their respective Summon states.

Attached: smn.jpg (324x1274, 158K)

because that shit is stupid


GL is very easy to keep going, just read your tooltips and fuck around with a target dummy for abit.

Attached: 1497568903848.jpg (1204x1074, 181K)

>no more stinky gauss barrel to ruin good gun glams


>trusting benchmark animations

Playing all three healers instead of being overly concerned about one job being slightly behind.

The emperors new fists, makai, or hellfire from idyllshire?

That top is so good shame those canisters and bags clip through literally everyone's weapons.

Better shot from Benchmark.

Attached: ss+(2019-05-26+at+01.44.09).jpg (514x918, 135K)

>promise egi glamours after they do carrbuncles
>haven't done it
>haven't even implemented different carbuncle colors when a billion of them are in the files

You're right, hope that the super dive they gave to DRG is satisfying enough

mod for it

Yes and while WHM mitigates damage the moment they pop temperance so they only have to heal the damage while ast has to pop the ultimate, precast the mitigation and then heal the damage that comes aftewards.
In a situation where multiple waves of aoe dmg comes off WHM will just need to do ultimate > heal > heal while AST will need to do ultimate > precast mitigation > heal > precast mitigation > heal.

You're using more gcds to do the same shit since AST mitigation is locked behind noct shields.

Just don't die, brainlet lmao

I don't have the pent up sexual frustration to get into modding just for the lunchbox.

Just don't die then.

Stop being a fucking poorfag, get the Sephirot Fists.

Whichever matches your glamour more.

Makai gloves are dope if you go with a chink glam aesthetic, pic unrelated.

Attached: ffxiv_20170120_0255262.png (800x450, 566K)

Re-roll as NIN becasue Tanks won't stop moving mobs around every second so it fucks your positionals

There are few games easier to mod than XIV desu

oh wtf
but it stilly dyes with weapon

It's you again.

Attached: 1486313127423.png (120x120, 10K)

>We're aiming for one Egi-Glamour per patch.

One of the biggest lies in XIV

If SAMs and ASTs can get unique sheaths and card decks for each weapon, why can't MCH get a unique aetherbox or whatever?

Are you dumb? You think they'll remove trances? Fucking l o l

>tfw you missed out on Brute Justice savage when it was relevant and will never punch people with train engines.

Attached: midan-metal-knuckles.png (128x128, 26K)

>Raid Roulette
>It's another "other tanks stay in tank stance the whole fight and spin the boss with provoke" episode
What goes through their minds while this is happening?

Good, I love the do or die nature of SMN

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can't be that fuckin hard to literally copy paste shit like the ramuh adds

Is it worth it to even try and play MCH at this point pre-expansion? I loved it in HW but dropped it in SB because the heat gauge stuff felt needlessly convoluted and annoying to manage/line up with wildfire.

It was my favorite job. i miss it so much and literally nothing else feels like it did back then. they're keeping the fucking heat mechanic too it seems like so looks like its still gonna suck fat cock in ShB too

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has there been anything shown of the gunbreakers LB3?

Cause mch has been completely ignored and in the dumpster since it's introduction in HW.
They didn't give a shit about making mch glam changes cause really, no one plays that shit class. Maybe now with it being a popular class we'll see it happen.

Not excusing how long they've taken but I do remember someone saying the reason they haven't done egi glamours is because they want to implement proper quests to unlock them as well as a better system for applying them instead of just text commands.

>AST will need to do ultimate > precast mitigation > heal > precast mitigation > heal.
Not hiim, but what?
Why would you heal an extra time when you allready have another healer with you aswell as your migitation also healing aswell as dropping a shield?

heat is way different in shb

Has there been any AST leaks? I wanna know what the card changes are & that AoE ability which used 3 cards.

Nothing yet, maybe on wednesday

They're fucking liars, man. Like literally what the fuck. It won't be even that hard to make primal glamours like that dumb mod does. They're always crying about muh dev resources and then wasting them on the dumbest fucking shit. Fuck em. Then summoners getting shit for "whining" despite the fact that's it's all on square, they promised this shit, never delivered, but also never said they won't do it. fuckers

How so? Can't find any info on it.

We're only 1 month away, there's literally no point so just wait.
Unless you want to experience the nightmare that is SB MCH, so you can one day look back and compare and laugh at it.

what's the status on the healer's cuck shed?

bullshit excuse just as every other excuse they pull for everything else they promised but never delivered

Sephirot Egi and Ramuh Egi are pratically done in the files as well. They got special effects and everything, just need attack animations outside of the auto attack. It's infuriating they refuse to give a straight answer on if Egi glamours are still happening or not.

It wouldn't make sense to dump the trances to begin with. The rotation will likely retain the same length and punishment for dying. Only difference is that you only need 1 round of each trance to ready the Demi summon rather than 2.

watch the job actions video
you trigger overheat with a button now, heated shots are permanent
also this

currently solely occupied by WHM

Overheat consumes a set amount of heat (not all) and you can activate it at will, assuming you have enough heat.

Looks like SCH is tucked inside

Ignore him, he's probably a WHM in denial who has to spout nonsense and provided an example without even defining the context, or considering the rest of the party: what if WAR uses shake it off, instead of letting AST heal? You made a stupid example to prove your stupid point.

Probably something like, shoots the shy or does a squall rough divide move, then blue circle shields are applied on everyone.
Tank LB3 are so awkward since they are defensive in nature.

>WAR smashes up a fucking mountain
>does no damage, applies shield
>DRK cuts through the sky, exposing a black pool
>does no damage, applies shield

>said they would look into elezens animations
>don't have to wait because you know they will never fix anything

Attached: 1547073774433.jpg (680x965, 116K)

That's a shitty example to get the point through.

My point is that AST stance only allows both sects to be used at the same time. If you're sitting on diurnal then you'll want to pop the ultimate to use mitigation for something so no matter what you'll be using 1 gcd to get the mitigation off, thing that WHM does not have to do since it's passive with temperance.

fuck me, i'm rolling AST this expansion

So for DNC what does espirit do as a buff?

If they did anything different somebody would make it the meta to favor one over the other and you'd have a dead on arrival tank in endgame

>Using LB

Pick none

The fuck do you want to use your ultimate as AST if not to apply your barriers? Are you retarded?

heat seems to function different, it's like a resource you spend instead of a buildup to a tiny burst window

Blue Steel (looks like a Gunblade)
Shouryu Cannon (pic related)
Darksteel Blunderbuss, Nightsteel Blunderbuss, and High Steel-barreled Snaphance
Suzaku Revolver

It's super easy, I farmed it back in 4.0, and now it's much easier at i400.

Attached: Model-Shoryu_Handgonne.png (463x778, 283K)

>ARR Bahamut

Here it is.

Attached: GUB LB3.webm (640x480, 2.83M)

the DRK one makes sense, he cuts open into the void or something and has darkness pool out over the field and uses that to shield everyone instead of only himself

The guy who worked on Egi glamours was pushed to work on BLU after the carbuncles. They pushed it to bottom priority. I think a few months ago they started working on them again based on comments by Yoshi.

Do we have a list of all leaked skills etc AFTER the Live Letter?


To grant both a shield and the regen perhaps?
Do you know some fights have multiple aoe damage happening in a row?

isnt espirit just the job gauge? or is it the buff that you get after a dance? anyways after doing the 2 step dance you seem to get a minute long damage up buff on you and your partner, the 4 step dance gives a 15 sec damage up buff or so it seems. we don't know the values yet i think. but both buffs from both steps seem to stack with eachother

Tanks currently use their limit break twice during o11s and a popular NA strat uses tank LB in o12s first phase

One of these probably.

Attached: 0d482aa97b00d8fd88fe6c9b1fa51c19.jpg (550x1150, 78K)

Doesn't it have 5 wipe mechanics that most dotards can't handle?

You can skip most of them.

FUCK THEM. They added a FUCKTON of motherfucking bard instruments with animations and systems. And they can't give us a fucking glamour for half a decade? fuck

I fucking hate vieras' nigger faces

>LB3 ever doing damage

get real

I think the DRK one is supposed to be that dark attack from tactics

3 more days until our eternal superiority is solidified, Scholarbros.

Attached: 1551052151282.jpg (176x186, 10K)

>Gunbreaker casts massive blasting zone
>applies a shield to the team
I mean it's cool and I hope you're right, but damn.

Wrong. You will fall.

Attached: 1557706597899.png (1561x1589, 1.39M)

The oversized huge barreled guns look like shit. Suzaku, Sophia and Tsukuyomi guns are the best.

3 more days..?

your English is terrible? Are you intentionally type like that?

Renzokuken is their burst combo on 30s now, and Blasting Zone is oGCD damage skill.

>He is still in denial

Nope, you're in for the shed and even less DPS.

That's actually their 35s cooldown combo that consists of 6, maybe 7 parts.

LB3 should be pic related, given all the other Seifer abilities that were put in. Obviously no damage, but essentially a raid-wide parry with the GNB taking the Seifer stance and the kanji appearing.

Attached: 1554145634195.gif (240x180, 497K)

What's happening in 3 days?
Also all 3 healers are homogenized to a point that it won't matter who you bring anymore.

The second half of blasting zone is already in as the final attach shown in the job actions trailer. I imagine the Limit Break will be similar to the first half of Blasting zones animation.

gonna lmao irl hard @ all schucks and estros

>Benchmark confirms a Phoenix Trance entirely separate from Summon Phoenix.

Blasting zone is a regular ability

That gun looks pretty fucking dumb. Your finger is a mile away from the trigger.

I hope they do away with tank LB3 and just give us a DPS one, either aoe or single target it doesn't matter to me. We get to use the tank one so rarely that some people didn't even know what the DRK lb3 looked like when they saw it.

Oh the irony.

I love it, the ignorant quizzical eyes, dick sucking lips, mocha skin, and round cheeks+upturned nose ignites the fires of my inner lolicon

Can't wait for chain strat buff.

Attached: 13.jpg (1280x1812, 492K)

Media embargo lifts on Wednesday and all details on the jobs get released.

Don't we usually get a trailer with the new expansion theme around this time?


We still don't know what damage buff they're going to have.

Google is your friend.

Can you even make that face in XIV's benchmark?

I expect that to drop first week of June.

A3S, A8S, O8S, ucoil, ucob... anyways we don't know what kind of damage we'll have in 5.0

Also even for a single instance of raidwide damage,
>WHM pops temperance
>temperance is mitigating damage passively
>raidwide goes off
>WHM heals

>AST pops ultimate
>casts a.helios to put shields on everyone
>raidwide goes off
>insert remaining heal here

It's 2 gcds vs 1 for the same thing.

What's your favorite LB3?

Attached: AST LB3.jpg (1920x1080, 451K)

In 3 days... Who's the one source that will provide all the information on job changes, that is not Mr.crappy?


That's not Blasting Zone though, Blasting Zone is 0:45.
0:55 is some finisher to the Continuation (Renzokuken) combo we don't have a tooltip for yet.

Vermillion Flashbang

Red Mage wins.

Most likely gamerscape.

I'll tell you which one I hate the most, and that's RDM.
It's ugly, it blinds the whole screen, and just not very aesthetic to the job.

While in search for the perfect looking gun I was temporarily using the antiquated Outsider. Big fucker grew on me over time.

Attached: Model-Outsider.png (256x626, 233K)

If potency is only increased by weapon skills not ogcd, why not make it say duration "MAX of 5 Weaponskills" instead of 10 seconds? Fuck this shit.

Most of the time a 10% mitigation alone is not enough.
Besides, your example does not consider multiple aoe hitting in a row, so why would AST even use their ultimate in that case?

0:55 IS Blasting Zone, go watch Yoshi's gameplay section again.

vanilla dwt has been changed completely into the phoenix skinned one (probably via a trait). That's also the reason the gameplay vid opened with bahamut ready to summon straightaway - if they had built it up to it manually via dwt, it wouldve given away the phoenix reveal later.

So we can logically deduce that dwt is now completely phoenix themed, and bahamut summoning is still gated by dwt granting bahamut aether

>Man, this is fucking easy, might as well fuck around a bit to stay awake

I wish the Stormblood AF weapons had dyeable versions WITHOUT the gay Anemos glow effect.

when they sumonn metoer

Attached: tenor.gif (220x190, 56K)

because you can cheese it to get more and that's fun, even if sub-optimal

"Mother Fucking" Dragonsong Dive.

Because there are situations where you can fit more than 5 weaponskills into a 10s period. Like when you use Rapid Fire.

I see it coming at e3 at this point

rapid fire is gone

>like when you use rapid fire
Yea about rapid fire m8, red box means it doesn't exist in 5.0.

Attached: MCH abilities.png (331x691, 22K)


I wonder how trance will work now. We didn't see stacks charging trance during job video. I hope idiots won't make us charge bahamut with 2 DWTs again lol

>lose dismantle
>brd keep everything

You're right, I checked. I wonder what the 0:45 is then. Demon Slice?

No they don't, all their synergy is gone.

they get a new dismantle

>So we can logically deduce that dwt is now completely phoenix themed
Nope. It goes dwt (which doesn't need aetherflow stacks anymore) > Bahamut > Phoenix trance (which summons Phoenix and changes ruin 3 into another spell)

Hm, I don't know how the WF system works without rapid fire. I can't imagine doing the WF window on normal gcd speed lol.

Every ranged has the same 10% mitigation on 2m cooldown that don't stack. Troubadour on BRD, Tactician on MCH, Shield Samba on DNC but they all do the same thing and do not stack.

MCH is getting an equivalent of Troubador which is as good if not better than Dismantle. Also Bard is losing crit on songs and Foe Requiem.

phoenix after bahamut seems stupid because bahamut is stronger

>so why would AST even use their ultimate in that case?
Damage over hp limit for example. That was common during ARR.

WF is completely unaffected by oGCD's so it will be quite easy damage no matter what they do.

MCH, BRD and DNC will have a troubadour equivalent (10% dmg reduction for x sec duration)

No idea, but it sure doesn't look like low level AoE move.
I wanted to say Fated Circle but it doesn't consume ammo and it shouldn't look like that either.

The same Phoenix that destroyed Bahamut and turned it into a decapitated head?

I am Neo Exdeath.

Attached: Neo Exdeath.png (1200x675, 1.03M)

You seem stupid because claiming that when you don't know the potencies of either and bot noticing that off gcds won't trigger wyrmwave anymore makes you look retarded

Yeah, I was about to say that WF will be free damage and turn into just another damage boost ogcd. I don't know how I feel about that. Seems like they're slowing down the class. On the other hand, maybe they want the class to be consistently busy instead of having 50 seconds of downtime each minute.

thats.. what i said? also what you call phoenix trance was just the phoenix summoning animation in the ability video similar to summon bahamut.
In the benchmark you also see the summoner doing the dwt windup where they jump and rear back, except its phoenix's head instead of bahamuts popping up.

You failed to see my point.
If a single 10% mitigation is enough, and there's no more damage coming after that, why would AST waste their ultimate to shield once, when a single reprisal is enough?
That example was stupid because it assumes AST using their skill when it made no sense at all.

>slowing down
To the contrary, MCH is now an Arrowslut and will be melding SkS.

That's bullshit tho. In job video he just summoned phoenix after bahamut . And in benchmark video something like trance is used but with phoenix instead of bahamut head, and moment after ruin 4 is fired. Why are you assuming that shit?

Attached: Neo Exdeath.png (640x800, 164K)

It might still be affected by the new Overheat. You may need to time it so WF goes off during the Overheat window.

really? idk story stuff, just figured it's weaker cause it's not the final fight
i wasn't talking about potencies you idiot

Defintiely isn't Fated Circle, Yoshida uses it in the LL and it looks like you'd expect Fated Circle to look like.
It looks like an AoE so it should be Demon Slice, because it doesn't give gauge like Demon Slaughter would.

That, or it's a yet unknown ability.

Red means its gone or is being changed. impact is red and clearly seen in job trailer

You and me both. What's worse is that swords and whatnot CAN look okay with glow but a gun that's glowing will never not look stupid for me. There are some exceptions like ifrit's gun that just partially has glow effect but Outsider Anemos/Hydatos look like shit.

only won due to being a glass cannon and plot armor, not to mention right after that happened bahamut turns it into a fucking minion and you have to beat the sense into it back in t12.

>fully geared my tank to 380
>too afraid to tank anything besides 4man dungeons
>dont want to fuck up
how do i overcome this burden?

Attached: 1492416203902.jpg (678x716, 68K)

by doing it, pussy

>d-doesn't count

By stopping being autistic or stopped caring, since it's just a game.

Attached: 1478265572851.jpg (245x245, 61K)

>sounds like they're slowing down the class
Good, the job was effectively unplayable with >130 ping with how clunky trying to even single weave during rapid fire (which is crucial) was.

Considering wildfire just adds potency to its detonation and doesn't bank damage all you would need to make sure is Wildfire detonates during overheat (unless the debuff snapshots damage when you cast it, in which case all you need to do is apply wildfire during the overheat window at some point).

Also it seems that new aetherflow skill has 30-35 sec cd so SMNs will basically have 4 aetherflow stacks

It's probably their unrevealed equivalent of Circle of Scorn.

In the benchmark you also see drk jumping off his mount and landing on a fate boss, is that a new drk skill???

Look at guides for the stuff you wanna do and don't be afraid of fucking up since everytime starts the same way

Congrats making it though the 100. Welcome to good content.

1. He never intended to remain as a primal, that would be counter to his wishes for the world.
2. The only reason Bahamut was even capable of doing that after was because the Allagans had machines in place that worked on restoring him, they absolutely did not want Bahamut to die. If those hadn't been in place then Bahamut would hav been completely gone after phoenix.

by not being a fuckiung phaggot

is yoshi p a chad

wildfire doesn't benefit from damage, only gcds

ogcd are not weapon skills, they are abilities. New Wildfire is Weapon Skills only.

>he doesn't know

Fucking idiot

So glad the ninki cost on TCJ is gone, was my biggest problem with it, made some fights like o12s really annoying because you lost a lot of uptime.

Attached: 48px-Ten_Chi_Jin_Icon.png (48x48, 6K)

i autistically studied raid guides and rotations to the point where i'd write them down in a journal multiple times for repetition
but i still had to shit up my first few PF savage raid attempts before i was competent

Level MCH now or wait for the rework?

>"ecks deee im an anxious anime girl fufufu so scared"
stop trying to bait ERP in video game discussion threads, stop taking HRT, and just tank.

Attached: 1530049823698.gif (320x320, 2.46M)

What does each of the Enhanced Mudra do?

you have to level it regardless.

Level it now so you can properly appreciate the changes

Yeah but I doubt we'll get to gcd levels of monks and samurais so it will still feel slow I'd imagine.
Who even has a 140 ping nowadays? I'm in the southeastern Europe and northern Germany isn't really that close and I still have a 40 ping.
Wait for the rework.

Wildfire itself still does potency damage, and potency is affected by damage buffs applied to yourself.

Are the leaks compiled somewhere? I think I missed a few.

>took a photo with mtq
>no hoverhanding, clear dominance


Attached: file.png (573x409, 423K)

by realizing that 8man normal modes and 24mans are even easier to tank


but potency is based off your damage

say you deal 5 GCD's during wildfire window, that's 750 potency. 750 potency of what? Your base state? Your state when you apply the debuff (like other DoT effects) which means have Balance/Damage up buffs on you when you cast it will amp it. Or does it calculate the potency damage when it detonates which means you want to be under damage amps when it explodes?

Could be any of these three, could even function as a separate source of damage aka Earthly Star which is treated like a pet.

Australia gets ~120-140 ping when playing to JP servers, much higher anywhere else.

>blank is gone

Attached: 1552546740320.png (505x639, 60K)

unironically this but also neck yourself before the "just tank" part

EU playing on NA
because it owns

If you're gonna level it now, hope you'll like pressing 123 and getting basic class mechanics such as heat management when you're near max level.

all the healer attacks got changed

whm's are now light based and sch's follow their aesthetic

Be sure to be back when it turns out you're wrong and retarded.
Benchmark had legit moments and cinematic moments. Just when SMN used phoenix trance WHM used dumb wings right near him. You'll say wings are also benchmark lies? Fuck off brainlet.

>of all the tracks from the job trailer only the shittiest was ripped yet


I assume like earthly star
If not then it'd be really cool, especially if it can crit now

140 ping to na and I'm na

Attached: DGvu0UiUwAAMrx-.png (710x1024, 326K)

I can hear you farting from here, please get help.

earthly star can crit

>EU playing on NA
I don't think that class design should be influenced by being specially considerate to people who choose to play on a data center that's on a different continent.
Do you live in Vermont or Miami?

Start with nm raids/primals and 24man raids.
Also stop being a bitch

Because it doesn't exist in benchmark files.

>Who even has a 140 ping nowadays?
east coast players because they relocated the us servers to california like cunts

Fellas i've just come back to the game after I quit during the first eureka thing. Literally EVERYTHING i'm trying to do requires me to have ilvl360. How do I get it quickly?

I know, I meant WF.
It shouldn't but you asked

You are stupid, the only damage from Wildfire how many weaponskills you use.
1 ws = 150
2 ws = 300
3 ws = 450
4 ws = 600
5 ws = 750
6 ws = 900

And probably will never get more than 6 ws in 10 sec duration.

I smell that you are a DRK main from here. please shower.

Jerk off a fat cocked futanari queen for gil in Ul'dah.

Those are all the ones I've seen, think it's all of them imgur.com/a/bDaQIkn

buy crafted gear from MB

>dying as the most mobile caster

Buy it off the mb. Instant 380.

I do that for free so he'll never be able to catch up.

Cheers user

Does an ability with 150 potency do more damage if you have the Balance applied to you? Yes or no?

>show a character jumping off a mount and cutaway before you have to actually animate anything difficult
>make bespoke vfx for a alternate dwt for no reason whatsoever, not like its spoiling anything to show the current dwt is still there
you dummy

Attached: 06a.png (510x346, 209K)

You can screencap these posts if you want to look retarded in a few days, it's up to you.

Btw the new skill that grants aetherflow stacks is called energy siphon and you need to use it on a target so no more waiting 30sec after each wipe.

You're the fucking idiot here who doesn't understand what he means.
>900 potency
Of what? Your stats when completely unbuffed? Your stats when buffed? If it functions like every single other potency based debuff then it should deal damage based on your snapshot buffs when you apply it.

Or maybe it's unique in that it doesn't do that, but saying it deals it's damage in potency is an argument in favour of buffs applying to it.

900 or even 750 potency once every 1min isnt that bad

mendacity, ridorana gear, alphascape normal gear

dragoons skills all look really cool


it's better than current wf

1 minute. Aetherflow CD was 60 sec

centurio seals can buy gear too in reach

Anyone else wanking it to their Viera?

So what's the deal with Ten Chi Jin?
Are you meant to save it to use to apply trick attack? Is it not worth it otherwise?

pull timers are 20 sec
af cd is 45 sec because 3 stacks = 15 sec reduction
therefore 25 sec

Just wait till it comes out.

It varies, depending on how soon your trick attack will be off cooldown. If it's not ready to use soon you can throw out doton. Even if it's single target the double potency makes it a dps gain.