What was the last time/game you truly felt like a gamer, Yea Forums?
What was the last time/game you truly felt like a gamer, Yea Forums?
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You just KNOW.
Did she take the knot that night?
when i helped my bro through darksouls and showed him all the cool secret stuff.
White women love dog dick
When I decided that I hated women for the first time and that all women are inferior to men.
more than tiny nigger dick for sure
>guy just trying to play videogames
>purposely shoves her hand into his, interrupting him doing the one thing he enjoys, making him incapable of doing so
I know this a joke video, but the fact that people do shit like this and genuinely believe the man is at fault angers me.
mad spic
>dog feeding that whore attention so the man can carry on having fun
Truly mans best friend.
>I know this a joke video, but
seething over nothing
incel alert
rent free
kill yourself you faggot
hehe just like grow up and have sex and watch marvel movies and orbit women bro!
For me, it's playing COD4 until stupid o'clock in the morning.
alll me
i'm ... me?
I don't remember the last time I felt anything. I just go through the motions with all my hobbies.
have sex dude
Have sex
They think that because men have a habit of letting them do that without punishment.
Chances are most of them don't realise what they're doing is wrong because, for them, it's NOT wrong. They've suffered no harm, no setbacks. Why would they stop?
The only gaming you can rely on is the gaming you secure with your own force. Free speech doesn't matter to private companies, voting with your wallet does fuckall when there are gullible retarded whales. If you can't even secure your gaming against the companies whose (alleged) purpose is to supply you with gaming, then what chance do you have against some meatspace 3d construct?
Stop whining and get enough power to protect yourself and your games!
I love how two words can make ppl so angry.
>I don't remember the last time I felt anything. I just go through the motions with all my hobbies.
You just know.
I'm glad man domesticated them, They are good frens
That's some shitty looking weed my man
>12 hours a day
Who the fuck made this?
i like how the usual responses to this image are WHY WOULD YOU POST THAT or THATS NOT TRUE I DONT EAT FAST FOOD HAMBURGERS
I mean it's not all internet, but I am on my computer for at least 10-12 daily.
Probably around 80% vidya and 20% Yea Forums during the loadscreens. Any time not spent playing video games is a fucking waste of time
I'd wish I knew what you're talking about .
white women love anything that isn't white dick honestly
i'm trying to say that people will try and say ah-ha! that doesn't apply to me! because actually i go to bed at 3:30 am, which means i'm totally fine and normal and healthy in every other aspect of my life and personality
All of those could contribute to depression, either through chemical imbalances or a learned helplessness.
Mindset matters too though, so don't neglect the basic mindset of making improvements rather than excuses, or gitting gud rather than staying bad and staying mad.
When I got my gf to agree to play wow classic when it comes out.
i dont trust this website to argue in good faith desu. you're (probably) not depressed you're just a lazy sack of shit who's terrified of changing anything. not you specifically just a generic 'you'.
absolutely based autism user. keep doing god's work.
I don't watch pornhub
I don't consume drugs of any kind
I very rarely eat fast food since I very rarely go out with my friends
I don't drink alcohol
I go to sleep at a normal hour
Rarely do exercise to be fair
But I do spend more than 12 hours per day on my computer
What now?
i'm not a lazy sack of shit, i have a chemical imbalance. yes, the chemical imbalance is caused by drinking so much Monster energy drink that my kidneys rattle, why do you ask
When I rose up
You sound like me. I really should exercise more.
Well I disagree with the gaming being a contributing factor, as long as it's gaming that's challenging and rewards you pushing your boundaries.
If it's gachashit / skinnerboxing or it's some form of escapism or easymoding so you can "switch your brain off" then yeah it'll affect you negatively. But just stop using """fun""" as an excuse for enjoying trash and vidya can teach you how to persevere through tough times.
i dont even know what you're trying to say. please stop talking at me i dont have anything to contribute to the conversation you appear to think we're having
Thanks for your input, it has been disregarded.
You can tell it's staged because if it wasn't, he'd have smacked her wrist and shoved it away like you would if someone tried to steal your food.