Valve doesn't make videog-

>Valve doesn't make videog-

Attached: artifact-dota-card-game.jpg (1500x1000, 93K)

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Richard Garfield is a fucking hack
This game fucking sucks. It is cheap, but it sucks.

I enjoyed watching the movie streams on the Artifact secton on twitch, shit's fun.

would it have survived if it was f2p?

can someone please make a good digital card game

Valve has a pretty good track record of reviving dumpster fires. Expect a resurgence in like 5 years when it becomes cool to play artifat

>I enjoyed watching the movie streams on the Artifact secton on twitch, shit's fun.
How long has this been going on?

The two biggest flaws of this game:
>awful monetization model
>no open beta. Closed beta filled with yesman who offered no criticism
For what it's worth, i enjoyed playing phantom draft mode while the game was still alive.

artifact is unironically based now
the twitch streams are pretty much kino movies back to back


>artifact is de-

Attached: Capture.png (1417x839, 1.22M)

Meanwhile this is the top Artifact stream on Twitch

>>no open beta. Closed beta filled with yesman who offered no criticism


>Launch game
>Immediately flip-flop on the no nerfing rule, nerf a card that had counters
>This removes a hard counter to another OP card
>Oh god everything is even worse now fuck how do we fix this
>6 month silence from devs

-ames, they didn't make a videogame, they were far more worried with making another avenue for monetization

it's all they've been doing since tf2, they're just experimenting with economics, psychology and business models

>got game free from marketer on Yea Forums
>opened axe and several expensive cards
>love card games I play hearthstone, yugioh, and magic
>knew the game was shit the first 5 days
>sold everything for around 30 bucks

Please reply to me something more based

It would have a chance at least.
But the greed was too great.

What I never understand with Artifact is how did they let this happen?

Doesn't Valva have like an economics department and a deparment of people who actually browse forums? How could they not see that even Blizzard had to backpaddel with Hearthstone and make the quests easier/give a few more rewards to appease the fanboys? How did they think paying for everything and a 100% random game would be fun?

I can understand with Lawbreakers and Cliffy B. ignoring the warning, but Valve is far larger.


Is Artifact, dare I say, back?

truly the half life 2 of card games

I honestly think someone there just really liked Richard Garfield. That's all there is to it probably.

You are a 70IQ brainlette if you think the game died due to its pay model. If thr game was good people would pay anything.


Based on leaks over the past few years it's possible they just got too arrogant.

>v*lvedrones spend months bragging about how Artifact has revolutionary gameplay that's never been done before
>it's actually just playing 3 Hearthstone chess games at once

>Prison School
>The Shining
>Made in Abyss
>Shield Hero
>Captain America

didn't they say they were "still in it for the long haul"? that was like 4 months ago, what happened with that

you can already play MTG Arena

they lied

>Wish for a dota card game with modding capabilities to make custom card games

Monkey's paw wish

Look at the market idiot.
Unless your card game is the second coming of christ, no one will give a shit if you charge them for just have a look.

Attached: artifacttwitch.png (1868x958, 1.21M)

I dunno. Look MTGO and MTG Arena. Before arena everyone thought 'MTGO is healthy and this model works' but the moment Arena comes out it blows MTGO right out of the water - even with no features and just overall being a huge piece of shit. MTGO appeared to work because everyone greatly underestimated how much of a market there was for online magic. If Arena taught us one thing it's that people really the cancerous freemium grind to grind model.

If Artifact had been free to play it would have survived long enough to die because it wasn't fun instead

>What I never understand with Artifact is how did they let this happen?
Richard Garfield and their cocksucking shills like Slacks and Lumi.

The artifact twitch section is a blessing from god
I love this shit

you are delusional

I really wish ill upon slacks

No I want a game that's good and a client that isn't atrocious.

Let's make a card game where every turn feels like a game of Dota, where the heroes are all fighting each other on a board,

Oh wait Auto Chess did that a hundred times better than Artifact did, while also being complete free.

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wtf I love artifact now Yea Forums

well good news, valve is making their own DAC ripoff while probably shutting down the free one on dota custom games

auto chess is probably more boring than even artifact

We'll see if they've learned their lesson and go back to how they made good F2P games like Dota 2 when it was new, or if they've completely succumbed to their jew tactics as seen in how they monetise Dota now.

No, Valve is.

I'm thankful for Artifact.

Because Valve definitely needed a massive flop to humble those fucks.
Now they'll actually think about all of their new game dev endeavors properly. I have no doubt in my mind their Autochess is going to be f2p.

they're genuinely just that out of touch and their "horizontal" company structure has resulted in an informal hierarchy based on manipulation and power games if the VNN videos are anything to go by, they're completely crippled creatively thanks to the rigidity of the old garde

Comparing it to hearthstone is insulting. Hearthstone has way more engaging gameplay, an actual meta and way more complexity.

You morons really don't understand why artifact failed. It had nothing to do 2ith the pay model. The design of the game is horse shit and way too simple.

>Comparing it to hearthstone is insulting.
Hearthstone chess m8, not Hearthstone itself, as in the gimmick game mode that you only needed to play once and then never touch again. Valve thought they could make an entire game out of it

Hearthstone does a lot of things better but having "more engaging gameplay" is not one of them.

we all know valve is a fucked company but let's not use VNN videos as proof for anything considering that's just a complete meme channel

The game has more RNG than any other card game. Least complex. And really fucking simple.

>RNG wins you 1 lane, losses you 1 lane, and you fight for 1 lane 90% of games.

The game fucking failed well beyond the pay model. It's fucking valve for fuck sake.

autochess is pretty shite.

Try playing it moron. I currently play all the card games at the moment including duel links. Hearthstone by far is in the best place at the moment. And actually the least expensive unless you use a ancient gear deck in duel links which is cheap.

fact: artifact should have been a collectible tactics game instead of a card game. Although I guess that would have never happened because why make cool and labor-intensive 3d models when you can just hire a random chink to draw up a jpg for you instead?

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Hearthstone is literally autopilot the game. Scripted games until 3/4ths of the way through and then you just play to maximise your outs. The game sucks.

Confirmed never playing it...


it's not just a complete meme channel though and the leaks make perfect sense given valve's behavior

lmao at thinking the "decisions" you're making in hs are actual decisions

artifact is just further proof that richard cuckfield is a complete hack that was lucky with magic

I hope that old fuck never gets an idea out there again

There is only 1bdexk I agree with you moron.

Rogue, warrior and mage are far from auto pilot.

It's problems are not mutually exclusive.
Talking about the model doesnt mean it doesnt have gameplay issues.

There is morons that it failed based on the pay model alone. Probably because 90% of them didn't even fucking play it.

That think it*

The Artifact ideas are good. Execution was shit.

Bruno is much better at being a commentator than he is at making games

Attached: s2Su4.png (852x794, 652K)

What's good about it?

Did skeleton king died for this?

Attached: Angry finn.png (342x461, 139K)

No, he dead because of chink subhumans.

>>no open beta. Closed beta filled with yesman who offered no criticism
But that's a lie, the beta was filled with people explaining precisely what was wrong with the game and Valve outright ignored them.

pre 7.00 dota was pretty good

Was streaming evangelion but got nuked right at the end of episode 9

Fuck no.
The main sling point of having 3 boards fucking failed. RNG always fucks you one board. Rng wins you one board and you only fight for board on one board which negates the whole purpose of 3 boards. The 2 boards have no fucking purpose than bloat. It doesn't work.