Why is Breath Of The Wild considered Game Of The Generation by everyone? Its over-rated trash!
Why is Breath Of The Wild considered Game Of The Generation by everyone? Its over-rated trash!
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I STILL don't understand why it's so praised.
It fails as a zelda and open world game.
I'm buying the LA remake just because it's not BOTW thank GOD
translation: "I don't quite like this game as much as literally everyone else!!"
A lot of people other than you liked it a great deal and had a positive opinion of it. Hence why you’d use the term “overrated” when describing your particular views.
There I’ve answered op’s question, no need to get in a faggoty argument about why it’s good or bad, this thread can quietly move to the archive where it belongs
>implying anybody cares about the opinion of a known consolewarring literal nigger with a tiny dick
Get the fuck out
The same can be said for any other game that got GOTY, GOTD or GOTG. Apparently a lot of people liked it and that's why it got that title.
I have a BBC though
>It fails as a zelda and open world game
Sure you do.
That's not me.
To you.
BotW was the first game in probably over a decade where I finished it totally satisfied and not thinking that "I still like it but I can recognize that ____ was off" thought that has become 2nd nature with modern games. Its just good the whole way through.
Does Botw even have backround music it must be boring with complete silence in a big open world
Not an argument and yeah, it's the best game of all time
[laughs in intermittent piano notes]
Post yours
Because normalfags got hooked on traps for the first time through Gerudo Link.
The meme that BotW has no OST or shit music is one of the most obvious pleb filters I've ever seen, it's pretty hilarious.
It isn't, game of the generation would be The Last of Us, it represents the shallow narrative driven, and overall self satisfying nature of the current video game market.
Tbh this game would be great if the damn weapons werent made of glass and paper mache. Why tf does the mastersword,even rhe fully awakened one,god damn motherfucking break? Who thought that was a good idea?
That's a PS3 last gen game
>It fails as a zelda and open world game.
On the contrary. It is AS Zelda as one possibly can be, and literally the most perfect open-world game so far.
Imagine not knowing that Zelda is the greatest video game protagonist of all time that any future installments in the franchise are automatically games of the generation? Snoyboys ignorance never ceases to amaze me.
>it fails as a Zelda and open world game
t. zoomzoom who didn't play The Legend of Zelda.
gee what a daring and bold opinion that no-one on this board has ever had
The music in BOTW is amazing. Easily the best of any Zelda game. There is quite a few silence while you are n the open fields, but the moments the music kicks in are really good.
>my opinions are formulated based not on truth or reason, but on how many people share that opinion
Now that is fucking epic.
>implying I was talking about myself
I'm just pointing out that OP isn't as special as he thinks he is. He can keep his opinion, but he needs to know his place at least.
BOTW could serve as the base for the GOAT Zelda game, if they make some pretty obvious improvements, although knowing Nintendo they probably won't.
>In defense of ______
fuck off
>BotW is already only brought up to "troll" the huge portion of the fanbase who hated it
Gee, sounds like winning to me!
Overrated movies are not games
"most perfect open-world game so far"
Get out of here. You just love the game cause it's Zelda and from Nintendo.
It's an 8/10 game at best.
>pleb filtered
But switch has last gen graphics as well. So what's your point?
You're underrated trash. Who cares.
>switch has last gen graphics as well
That green mound looks like a PS2 type texture
No you are
You haven’t seen a PS2 game in a while then.
Shut the fuck up
Its praise is easily justifiable.
Nah, I think you need to keep your retarded opinions to yourself.
>Its over-rated trash!
Even if that were true, it still has little competition. The game of the gen votes will basically be either BoTW or Witcher 3. Maybe Odyssey will get some votes but that's about it.
Too bad, they are now.
Sound design good, soundtrack meh.
Zelda is full of subliminal messaging that affects people with certain brain patterns, causing them to believe its the greatest video game they have ever played and they must convince everybody they know of this fact
no shit, your insight truly knows no bounds
I wouldn't know, it's artifically exclusive to the Switch even though it would run better on PC - so I've not been able to find out yet.
Why are you a nigger?
>tendies still cling to the only worthwhile game that can be played better on the PC
Overrated? possibly
trash? no
The soundtrack does its job perfectly as a soundtrack. It serves as a part of a greater whole in making the overall atmosphere of a given area of the game come alive. It’s not a soundtrack that is meant to be listened to and judge separated from its context.
A great game can be played better on pc.... Still makes it a great game.
What is your point?
isn't it easier to have reflections in a game if it looks like shit?
botw give you at least 10-20 hours of pure 9/10 fun unless you are a snoy fag who only played it to shit on it.
It is a solid 8/10 for the rest of the game and still better than almost every openworld game in this generation.
Nah it just mean Nintendo are in a different level to most developers. Thats why when anyone makes a 'Best Games Of All Time' list, the Top 20 is always saturated with Nintendo games. Have you ever noticed that?
All Legend Of Zelda games are overrated trash. Don't believe the shills.
what nigga? you're acting like nintendo invented reflections
Not him, but he's simply pointed out that Nintendo are more talented. There's no excuse for that shit on a PS4.
It's a shit zelda game but a good open world game.
>there's no excuse
killing the framerate is not an excuse?
Mfw walking around in the sand and the Molduga theme starts playing
yeah nintendo invented reflection, behavior ai and advanced physics
Since everyone in this generation never used that in their games and pretend that such technology never existed before , i am letting nintendo to get all the fucking credits
How many minutes has it been now?
Snoy fags really have been damaged by this game, huh.
Honestly I feel like most people who dislike this game are fans of what Zelda used to be. I don't like it very much due to its scattershot approach to storytelling. Open worlds just aren't very interesting IMO. Even if this game does it well, it still doesn't sell me on the concept.
name a better adventure simulator
Wind Waker
Nobody with a brain gives a shit about gaming journalism, NPC.
Except plenty of games do that while having actual good music.
>didnt actually prove him wrong
I always thought I didn't like it because I was never a fan of Zelda, got bored really quickly playing it. I wouldn't say it's shit, but I rather play Kirby or Mario Odyssey.
Unironically Skyrim
He posted a bunch of shitty soundtracks, good job.
You asked for it.
>post a bunch of degenerate random piano notes being clunked out by a synthesizer
>"see?! it's such good music!"
Alot of these are too few and far between the overworld piano shit
>shitty tracks
Ok, now I know you’re being contrarian
>Hating on BotWs shitty soundtrack
You drones are absolutely delusional. The only few good BotW soundtracks are remixes of old soundtracks. The tracks you hear most of the time (like the riding theme) are absolute fucking trash.
Post things botw kiddies dont have
Alright then, here's some more
I can keep going if you like
I really dislike the "MORE IS MORE :D" approach Nintendo took. Other than that it's fucking great, next time just put something in the world instead of doggie treats.
>Actually wanting upbeat music playing throughout BotW's overworld
Good job ruining the entire atmosphere of the game, idiot
Memorable characters such as Ghirahim and Linebeck (all of which also have amazing themes)
You can stop posting mediocore to shitty tracks now, no need to embarass yourself even more. Good job on proving me right with recycled tracks being the only decent ones btw.
OoT after the timeskip is post apocalypse yet you don't have random shitty piano notes playing.
It’s absolutely overrated. But apparently it isn’t trash
Literally only the first track posted has piano as the lead instrument
You can shut up now.
Even dragon Quest 1 had better music than this garbage.
Play ten minutes of god of war, then botw and tell me it doesn’t look and feel like absolute shit.
Worse part is I already know I’m gonna get retarded answers from people who doesn’t even own a ps4, no fucking way you actually played both and disagree, and if you do fucking do it, play botw after a couple of god of war fights
>called the greatest open world game of all time
>try it
>it's one of the most linear hallway shit games I've played in a while
Nintendies are retarded, why am I not surprised?
It's not trash, but I 100% agree that it's way over-rated. It's a good game, but not a decent Zelda game.
>linear hallways
Nani. I don't even like the game and that's just straight up false.
It's pretty good but a sequel would really help to improve on the formula
>more areas like Hyrule Castle
>larger dungeons instead of the beasts
>add more tools that you're given gradually over the game, tools that are used for movement or progression in dungeons because Revali's Gale was the only useful one of the learned skills
>fix the weapon/item system so I'm not sitting on a mountain of swords that I use in rotation when one breaks.
>better enemy variety and less recolors
>bosses that aren't all Ganon forms
how much of a faggot you need to be to find linear ,a game where you can fight the last boss whenever you want after the tutorial
More like, it's an open world 80% full of nothingness.
Can someone please tell me why this game is considered god tier by Yea Forums?
The ending singlehandedly ruins any desire for me to play the game when it's literally nothing. You don't even feel like you saved anyone like you would in NES Mario. Also, there's no difficulty once you get decent stamina and the entire game feels more like a slow chore than a game with puzzles that actually make you think.
I really think the only kind of people who deemed it a masterpiece never liked the old Zelda games.
>game starts
>on plateau
>try to leave and killed by instant death wall at the bottom
>fine fuck
>do themn
>get glider and the instant death walls shut off
>fine I go there
>make way to Zora place, get SEVERAL reminders that HEY WOW GOOD JOB YOUR GOING THE RIGHT WAY
>get to Zora area, long twisty hallway full of enemies
>Alright, time to put that much touted open world climbing ability to use
>Cant because it''s raining
>wait by a fireplace several times, still raining
>google it, it's raining for all eternity until you fight the divine beast
>take the game and it goes straight back to Gamestop for a refund
>nearly deck the cunt who recommended it to me in the first place
Because this is Yea ForumstendoGAF and most people here are zoomers who only own a Switch and never played any other good open world game aside from BotW. It's the Skyrim of the Zelda series.
BotW is not a great game but this is the most retarded argument I've seen against it
You just described why so many people like it. Because it poses literally no challenge after the tutorial area, is extremely conservative with difficulty even in dungeons, has almost no actual puzzle solving like Zelda normally does, the dungeons are a joke, everything's optional, and the game can be played like a mobile game in 30 minute bursts.
It's just memesters trying to (successfully) rile up idiots
>it's one of the most linear hallway shit games I've played in a while
if you don't like the game, that's fine, but why lie?
It's a great game, held back by badly designed trials and dungeons.
The game lacks even basic mechanics an open world game has. Its combat is super simple and requires very little strategy and rare items are easily breakable with no forging or even an actual storage system.
The game seems mediocre on all fronts. There isn't a single thing about this game that is above average.
Nearly every single Zelda game is overrated because those that are invested in Nintendo don't venture out to other games so sing praises of the latest Nintendo released game. I'm not even joking about that either I've seen enough discussions around Nintendo owners to know that they don't go out of their ecosystem. Really makes you think how well Nintendo would do if they released their Zelda games multiplat.
based zora lead-up hating user
ppl who never played far cry or an open world game before
>game has a tutorial wtf
>game gives me a direction to go in
>I don't have to follow it at all but I'll cry about it anyway
>I could do the Rito thing first and practcally bypass absolute everything on the way to the Zora city, but I won't
>now I want to hit the guy who wanted me to play it
this entire post makes you sound like an unspeakable autist, most open world games give you a direction to go in, but you don't have to follow it if you don't want to, you also made the choice to do the Zora bit first, when you could have done any of the others, hell, if you did the Rito first, you can use the wind power to bypass all of the long path to the zora city, hell you can reach the city even if you don't do the rito or the main path via some exploring, but clearly you didn't know that
its okay, just because you didn't see the option doesn't mean it wasn't there
>Skyrim is a shitty game. You are a faggot if you like it. It have zero depth and most boring empty openworld.
>Why are people praising botw , skyrim is better . It is the openworld game of this decade.
Fucking Yea Forums contrarians in a nutshell
Hm, at time of release I'd likely agree with you, as skyrim was perfection for the first few hundred hours, unfortunately it's become borderline unplayable for me now.
>Strawman argument
Not really faggot. I own every major console and BotW is better than every open world game ever made. In fact, after playing BotW is near impossible to go back to many of them.
This has to be some of the most desperate retarded nonsense I've read on here so far today.
Breath of the Wild is 8/10
Dungeons/Divine Beasts are boring and just takes too long
Copy/Paste world
Lack of interesting areas that aren't quest related
Lost Woods is a terrible homage to OOT Lost Woods
Despite having many tools, they are always worse than just using a sword which makes it boring to try to be creative sometimes
Bosses are pretty easy
Lightning storms and rain bog down the game and just forces you to stand still and not do anything
Weapons break way too quick
Finding Koroks is too much of a bother compared to how important expanding your inventory is
Some hitboxes are questionable
Archery on horseback is useless, joycon aim isn't effective
Some shrine puzzles are too easy and boring
Story is surprisingly generic and classic Zelda, it just gets told uniquely
I felt like all areas after the starting Plateau lacked soul and doesn't come close to OOT/Majora's Mask/Wind Waker or even Twilight Princess
That being said, the gameplay is very fun
New Zelda bad
Old Zelda good
pianist here, what the fuck do you have against pianos?
critics have to agree with each other or else they look stupid. also a lot of them don't enjoy games at all to begin with so review them on the basis of what they think makes a good game which is hard to come up with rules for. this is why big open world + zelda + survival mechanics + cool art style gets 10/10.
basically there's a large amount of casual gamers who only really know "nintendo", and they treat 1st party nintendo games as a gift of christ.
when in reality botw is seen as a 6 out of 10 to normal gamers. think of nintendo fans as apple fans.
honestly botw is a good warning irl if you're talking to someone who doesn't really play games.
I ask new employees what they're into and if switch comes up botw/smash usually gets mentioned. none of them know xenoblade ever.
>critics have to agree with each other or else they look stupid.
Are you fucking 12 years old? You certainly have a 12 year old's view of how the world works.
>normal gamers
>Dungeons/Divine Beasts are boring and just takes too long
How are they too long? If anything they're too short. Maybe it wouldn't be a problem if there were more, 4 short dungeons is way too little.
I agree with most of your other points tho, although I think there's lots of interesting areas outside of the plateau with """soul""".
>Hateno Village
>Satori Mountain
>Mount Lanayru
>Fort Hateno
>Korok Forest
>Thundra Plains
>Seres Scablands
To name a few
>tumblr image
>likes jrpg
I would take a normalfag taste over a degenerate weeb like you anyday
I'm not saying you should always agree with everyone around you even when you have something more to contribute to a discussion. but for an outsider looking in with no idea, the person who disagrees with everyone else is going to look like they're in the wrong
Case in point, the controversy when some publication took a single percentage off of GTAV
>degenerate piano notes
What a beautifully nonsensical phrase