When does it get good?

when does it get good?

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When you stop being a faggot

also wondering

False. I've played it and it was good.


yeah dude i'm totally into these SUPER DEEP anime games like monster hunter, nier automata, persona 5 etc etc. uwu! xD


As soon as it begins.

When you uninstall the game and download the soundtrack

Shortly after the opening cutscene

After the second playthrough

Routes aren't playthroughs

>this nigga doesn't think playing the same content over again as 9S which was only done to lazily pad out the "content" of the game isn't another playthrough.

>>this nigga
You have to go back

Am I the only one that dropped this game after 2B's route? Be honest.

I'd argue after ending B

When you finally stop getting the Broken [W]ings ending.

>same content
I bet you think that playing as Leon and Claire in RE2 are totally the same thing as well?

I wish I did, but I ended up playing to get ending E another 12 hours later. What a disappointing surprise when it turns out to not be worth the hype.

>dude mmo tier questing lmao

>he thinks quests make up a big part of the game

A new perspective through the eyes of another character playing through roughly the same content for a few short new cutscenes and small 10-20 minutes of new areas is a sad way to pad out your games content. I'll admit that RE:2 gets a pass for this in my opinion because the original was made this way back when this was the only way to lengthen their ps1 game and not go over budget. Nier Automata obviously does this for budgetary reasons too, however this completely ruins the pace of the game for me. Instead it's more of a blockage before we get to the actual 2nd half of the story. The story of 9S and the additional tidbits of information could of easily just been told during 2B's playthrough by jumping to segments where we play as 9S. The game even does this in the later parts of the game and it works fine.

>could of

It doesn't. You play it for the awful writing and the plastic ass. Platinum hasn't made a good game since Devastation.

user I think there's an inconsistency here . Most of the time I see people talk about Automata they're saying gay shit like how they wanna get pegged while crossdressing as 9S. Seems to me this game gets good when you BECOME a faggot.


If you didn't like the feel of the demo just stop.

I thought this game was good, but then I busted a nut to some 2B porn and quickly realized I was just horny.

with 2B's intro and the music
>mfw it took me 7 hours to get past the first boss on hard

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It doesn't unless you're a brainlet cringe weebfag.

i quit halfway through 9s. still i think the game is pretty good. gameplay and music are great

It's good for the first route, after that you're only in it for the story. I suppose if it's your first philosophical piece of medium it could be worth it and really inspiring. I'm not judging really, we all had a game at one point we thought was a philosophical masterpiece.

>a few short new cutscenes and small 10-20 minutes of new areas
you're really belittling the amount of new content and the completely different play style.

>b-but RE2 is old! There was no other way to make long games back then!!!
Way to prove that you're also an ignorant, bullshit spewing zoom zoom.

Automata's design is fucking brilliant, clearly working pleb-filter.

Only Nier Automata even attempts to be deep amongst your list.

People like you don't even know what makes this game a masterpiece of the century.

That's all wrong.

The ending sequence with the credits, that's the only good part. And only if are playing online.

Only correct post in the thread.

I agree that route B's rehash is boring and poorly integrated.
You're strong enough at this point to completely rush it in a few hours, however (which is still too long).

>we all had a game at one point we thought was a philosophical masterpiece.
wtf I'm a huge Nier:A fan but never thought it was close to masterpiece.

It's a masterpiece from beginning to end. If you didn't realize it yet, you're too stupid for games that require more than 2 braincells. Just go back to enjoying the simple games.

>dude it gets good 50 hours in
I've liked Taro's silly "true" endings since DOD1 but it's always an absolute slog to play the games to reach them. Then again, you could argue that only adds to them. oh well.

>this game a masterpiece of the century.

ending D made me depressed for a whole 2 days

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when you play the entire drakengard series and the first nier game first

already did

>filthy phoneposter is a fag who typed "crossdressing" instead of "dressing"
at this point you can just admit you're projecting your own fetishes

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> youtu.be/f5TSpEDSzac

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It was never good.
I watched it on youtube and had a better time watching a playthrough with the cutscenes rather than actually playing it.

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>wow a character that makes you use the gimmicky hacking mechanic that gets old extremely quickly when you realize that you've already played through all the hacking scenarios already


i hate bayonetta/dmc type games but this one was good somehow

cope, weeb.

this will always get me

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when you pan the camera up

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Ending B was a fraud and could have been half as long and still covers all interesting plot points
I still love the game

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Imagine being the singers for this game... Being given all that gibberish to sing. Probably texting your husband or boyfriend about these odd Japs that keep bowing and giving you the thumbs up and odd grins every time you sing their baby talk.

>dude it gets good 50 hours in
no, it's good from the very first second.
it gets fucking AMAZING after B route.

>Ive liked Taro's silly "true" endings since DOD1 but it's always an absolute slog to play the games to reach them.
N:A is the most straight forward and easy game to "100%" he has done so far. You pretty much just need to play the game.

>Then again, you could argue that only adds to them
that is true as well.

>gimmicky hacking mechanic that gets old extremely quickl
Never got old.
I literally prefer the hacking over the generic hack-n-slash combat.

Emi worked on the language

I'm playing it right now, i'm now at half of the third route and i want to say this game is probably one of the most overrated games so far

>mfw it took me 7 hours to get past the first boss on hard
Literally mash the dodge button while holding the shoot button.

Since this is a NieR thread, can someone explain to me
What happened to the 9S who transferred his consciousness into a robot and why does the 9S from everything after ending A&B care so much about 2B when he isn't the same 9S as the one who was friends with 2B?

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no shit but it was my first playthorugh and I didn't know till later

How did you not figure it out immediately? I figured it out in the demo ffs. As soon as I realized you could shoot through all actions and there was no limit on your dodge count, I instantly realized you could be permanently invincible while shitting out damage as long as you were patient and could aim.

he got transfered back, they literally have multiple bodies
9S can't remember 2E after she kills him all the time but still grows on her over time cause love and shit

>transferred his consciousness into a robot
did you even play the C chapter?

>why does the 9S from everything after ending A&B care so much about 2B
because it is the same personality and "soul" as the old 9S. Yet another back up, of a back up, ^x. That's the whole central theme of the game; there's no "one true person X", just empty shells and carbon copies of digital souls being transferred around.
Not even 2B is the same as in the beginning, and you swap bodies each time you fast travel.

While I'm at it, I'm going to throw constructive advice in here (any user here who liked the game can confirm or deny this).
Don't do all of the sidequests in the first route, it makes the second one even more boring. If something takes ages to kill, just leave it for later.

Is it me, or did the Terminals have a little too much fun when destroying the Bunker?

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>Don't do all of the sidequests in the first route
Shit advice since route B adds new sidequests

I merely forgot in the moment because 9S looks like a crossdresser.

Why do the faggot brothers Adam and Eve get hardly any explanation, why am I supposed to suddenly feel for the two red headed characters and their cliche anime sacrifice at the end of the game? Why does A2 get hardly any explanation of her backstory? Why do we climb this big ass tower just to have a 9S Vs A2 fight and then nothing else gets explained about the machine network afterwards and it doesn't actually feel like an ending?

>why am I supposed to suddenly feel for the two red headed characters and their cliche anime sacrifice at the end of the game?
Because Taro assumes that there's also people playing the game who aren't secondary niggers

because, like, philosophy, man.

the fact that people think this game has good combat is tragic

self destruct

Nobody thinks that, though. People excuse the combat despite it being really, really bad, but only because it's marginally less atrocious than the combat in the first Nier.

Automata is Yea Forums's favorite movie game, nobody who likes it gives a fuck about the gameplay.

Oh were they in the first Nier game? That game that looks like a ps2 game in the ps3 era? That game that has very subtle ties to the 2nd game that suddenly changes it target audience to the weeb demographic? That game I don't care enough to play?

>Oh were they in the first Nier game
Yes and no.

You samefagging morons need to neck yourselves already.
Automata's combat is GREAT and fucking FUN. There's also way more things to the "gameplay" than just the "combat".

Yes son, there indeed was a Nier game before Automata, and like three games related to the same universe and lore besides that too.

Because you're ADHD and potentially missed majority of the optional side content that would dig deeper into the subject matter, such as the whole history terminal explaining the background of A2 and the resistance leader. Not to mention you did not play NieR 1.

>Automata's combat is GREAT
don't kid yourself
dodge is broken and takes out all the skill

No, I do not "kid myself".
(You) did not play the game. You are also an ADHD action-fag.

>(You) did not play the game
I actually did and it is up in my top 5 favourite games, yet I can spam dodge for hours in a corner and nothing will hit me.
you faggot with rose tinted glasses

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>That game that looks like a ps2 game in the ps3 era
just like how Automata looks like a PS3 game in the PS4 era

Good luck hitting anything when you're dodging 24/7. And again, you're talking of nothing but the on the ground combat, ignoring everything else.
Not only that, but you never ever provide any arguments WHY the combat would be so "terrible". The controls are tight, animations fluid, attacks have oomph and satisfying audio design... it's all like a beautiful dance.

>rose tinted glasses
I don't think you even know what that phrase means.

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>Good luck hitting anything
>dodge and attack is countering without repurcussions
>can dodge out of everything without thinking
>not broken

A major character gets some slight development and explanation under some obscure sub content that is basically MMO-tier fetch quests through the same small 6 areas of the game, and I'm supposed to have ADHD for not having the patience to play through that shit? Wow this story really was well put together.

>I'm supposed to have ADHD for not having the patience to play through that shit?
Yes, you are indeed an impatient zoom zoom that is ruining everyone else's fun and games, by demanding things to be linear and spoonfeeding. Please end your existence and make sure your genepool ceases with you.

Falling for the optional side-content meme that constantly has you talk to a lesser character, get told to walk over to a far distant place and fight shit you already fought 500 times for a key-item to take back so you can get a little exposition or character development. This shit is filler bullshit and you know it, the devs of games love adding this kind of crap to their games because they know it costs very little to produce this content and it pads out the play time for austimals like you so you feel like you got your moneys worth.

My Asian wife love-me-long-time on the daily and gladly takes my penis milk. So sorry my genes won't end buddy.

Bwuhbweweubbbee7 bbpoop poo pee pop eherhgehhehe plop

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it doesn't

After the 3rd play through

>mediocre combat and fetch quests galore
>shitty tired existentianlism story done to death in anime
>pretentious philosopher namedrops
Were it not from the waifus, nobody would give a shit about this game.

sure you did

post pictures of your feet

Play Nier 1.

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There's nothing broken with the combat.

That's all bullshit though.
Seething incel's are just enraged by the fact that one of the MCs of the "Silent Hill 2" or "MGS2" of the 2010s happens to be a fair maiden with a butt.

Maybe it's a good thing you didn't play the first Nier because that game would give you an aneurysm

>make trash basedgame
>add hot character