Two questions
>What's your wildest hope for AC Switch?
>What do you expect to see at E3 from AC Switch?
Two questions
>Release Date
>What's your wildest hope for AC Switch?
No censorship.
when has animal crossing had to censor anything?
>What's your wildest hope for AC Switch?
The game looks like the Mario Kart 8 track, writing is good again, all the features that were missing since Wild World, you aren't the mayor anymore, Isabelle shilling kept to the absolute minimum
>What do you expect to see at E3 from AC Switch?
Worst timeline: New Leaf HD featuring Isabelle mode
Best timeline: At least some semblance of my hopes and dreams
Resetti was made optional in New Leaf. Also, Mabel is a bit weirded out whenever male characters try on dresses and skirts, and you already know that's gonna make the trannies go nuclear if it's kept in. A lot of female players disliked Kapp'n's "creepy" comments so expect his balls to get chopped off too.
hopefully Nintendo does the right thing and ignores requests/criticisms from outside Japan
I can appreciate you're desire to have Isabelle less featured, but why would you want to get rid of the mayor aspect? Getting rid of the mayoral choices would feel like a pretty big step back.
there's nothing wrong with Isabelle shilling
But how's that going to change anything when Treehouse is localizing the script? Optional Resetti was an actual game-changing decision made by the Japanese developers, but everything else I mentioned is simply a rewrite away.
>What's your wildest hope for AC Switch?
No Isabelle
Making the player the mayor was a mistake and completely disregards the theme of the original games about being just another guy living on their own in favor of giving the player more control. Instead of meeting a new resident, you introduce yourself as some kind of superior. The dialogue is written around your position as town mayor so you can't just ignore this even if you aren't forced to do anything.
Public Works Projects can easily still exist without the player being an important figure at all, because it was already done in Animal Forest e+ and City Folk. In AFe+ you requested Nook to build PWPs very similar to the ones in NL, and CF had the town fund which let you add a fountain and windmill/lighthouse to your town.
>What's your wildest hope for AC Switch?
Any kind of relationship. I don't know, like best friends or something
I don't know man
Stop scaring me
I've waited years for AC Switch, if it turns out to be a kid friends SJW safe-space simulator with cutesy mascot characters in your face all the time, I will be sad. I just want a comfy village life.
And handholding
repostan for the nth time:
>more personality types, I want grumpy villagers to go back to being assholes
>quirks that act like 'sub-personality types' so that two villagers with the both type will still have some small differences
>more complex personalities and 'settings': a tsundere that acts like a jerk but slowly opens up, a chuuni whose character breaks every now and then, a shy one that follows you around hiding, someone who changes personality during the night, etc
>a LOT more dialog lines
>being able to choose where new villagers will build their houses
>best friends that will never leave your town
>room mates, both in your house and between villagers
>villagers related to each other (brothers, cousins, childhood friends etc)
>more interaction with them, like being able to invite them to fish, catch bugs, shop, play soccer etc
>villagers can do the same things you can, so you can see them actually catch bugs and fish, dig holes, plant trees, eat fruit etc
>villagers can expand their own homes, buy clothes and furniture from the shops
>houses for Nook, Able Sisters etc
>more varied zones like mountains, marshes, jungles, etc
>caves: like fossils, are generated at random places every day
>inside them you can find fossils, minerals, different types of bugs and fish, maybe a bat NPC
>more and more interactive PWPs, like being able to build soccer fields or something that add new things to do
>bring back NES games, they could put those short VC demos or let you play your own VC games
>more minigames like the ones on holidays
>jobs: just like when you had to work for Nook or when you work at the coffee shop, you could work for the Able Sisters to design clothes on commission, or at the Postal Office and deliver mail to the villagers
>an online hub where you can meet with other players, like a mall or something, kind of like the island from NL
We can only hope they don't fuck this up, bro. I don't want AC to be irreversibly ruined. I want it to be saved.
>The town is alot bigger
>MK8 style
>First person view available to zoom into
>bigger house, more options
>No amiibo shit (yeah right...)
>Achieving certain objectives gives you bigger inventory as reward
>Mail items to other players online
>Allow animals to live with you once you upgrade house
>No ungettable items due to region locking or amiibo shit
>Good and diverse dialogue
I expect the same rehashed new leaf shit with a fresh coat of paint with amiibo and pocket camp force feeding though.
have sex
>>an online hub where you can meet with other players, like a mall or something, kind of like the island from NL
This, I want to meet cute japanese housewives again.
You know, I'd unironically like options like a VN.
Not in a sexual or romantic sense, but stuff like calling villagers and invite them to my house. If I call someone at 3 am and they're sleeping they'll get mad at me and won't talk to me for days, I don't know. Like a slow progress in making friends and gradually opening to you (or closing is you fuck up).
Kass as a villager
Being able to marry villagers
More activities with villagers
Kass personality in the game
Kass music in the game
More things to do in general
I love Kass!
idk about the second one though
>What's your wildest hope for AC Switch?
Larger towns, more distinct geography between towns, extra natural areas with bugs/fish/fossils, ability to place paths and roads, finer control over the town's style/architecture. A huge game full of things that nobody expects.
>What do you expect to see at E3 from AC Switch?
The biggest AC yet, but with samey villagers and Isabelle returning for a major role in town. A good game with some polarizing elements.
>Title reveal
Animal Crossing: Newer Leaf