Holy fuck, the grind in this event is fucking painful for latelets. It’s not impossible, since you don’t have to win the fight to get the points, but my god, how are new players supposed to get into this game when they keep missing all the events?

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i'm sorry OP but you posted something about oni sluts and that is way more interesting that what you want to talk about.

Stay in your containment board, low IQ retard.

Literally just get the CEs out the shop and bring a friend.

bring a raikou with the 200% dmg ce
buff her
smack the fuck out of the boss

>get whale friend
>use their memelin/jeanne alter/cu alter

Saberlot is fucking OP, doing way more damage with him than any other servant, including the likes of alter jeanne or shisou in comparison.

Support Raikou + Shakesphere + Hans should bully the banana easily enough.

user, this is a vidya board. Why would I talk about something non-vidya related?

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You deserve this, gachafaggot. Fuck off back to your containment board.

Back to your containment nigger.

Seriously? Whats your team?

>how are new players supposed to get into this game when they keep missing all the events?
what do you think?

Just unga bunga press the big red button dude

A strong support can easily carry you. If you’re new, you’re obviously going to struggle with high-difficulty stuff.

That’s because he sustains himself really well, while the other two you mentioned require a lot more support. Specifically 2030 and other such CE, which you can’t equip in this event without missing out on damage.

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boring thred man, gibe pics of asses

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by reading this text you are cursed
you will read the op image in the voice of gilbert gottfried
you will then begin to read all other erotic text in his voice

I'm thinking the word but not saying the word.

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Does word start with a C and end with Y?


I too was thinking of canary.

>Make a character
>Give them shitty looking horns
>Give them shit make up that makes them look like they have gills cut into their face


Her swimsuit form is definitely superior.

get out and take your garbage taste with you


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>Comment on a characters look
>FGOpedo gets mad

My wife is a noob casual latelet and she literally has no problems with this event whatsoever. She devotes maybe 30 mins to an hour max each day and is now clearing 6m just fine.

I can neither confirm nor deny that statement
What's the point of making an oni if she just looks like a normal girl? ask yourself that get back to me

post her setup because I kinda doubt that she's actually clearing 6m without a strong meme comp

Arjuna NP1, Memelin NP1 Jack NP1 Mash somelolrandom1star, NP3 Herk, all decked out in Carps and borrows NP4 Gil w. MLB Shanaoh from a whale friend.

Just do 3mil. Unless you're three turning 6mil, it's way more efficient to do that.

well no fuckin wonder she can clear it

supposed to be an "or" between Mash and the 1star but you get it. She basically hits her until she dies and doesnt give many shits about time efficiency.

big steppy

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Post more banana, you faggot

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