Bioshock Infinite, 6 years later

Now that the dust has settled, what went wrong?

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huge budget, no game design talent. i'm sure it was a great cinematic experience or whatever

The early builds of bioshock infinite they shows and what they said they had plans for that they talked about in this one interview blow away the final result we got.

Should have been a movie and show it's plot in 2 hours instead of forcing to go through several hours of boring gameplay.

Simplistic gameplay and boring setting for me, I like Elizabeth and enjoyed the dlcs, that's about it.

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It was a lesser Bioshock 2.
Lesser guns, lesser magic, lesser daughter, lesser story that only opens up more plot holes for Bioshock 1, lesser DLC

Only time I preordered a major AAA game. Regret it to this day. Did so with this game because the rail jumping and the rest of it looked amazing from the pre-release footage. The final game was a shallow generic shell of what that footage showed. Beat it anyway, felt too much like everything I don't like about 'modern' (for the time, much of which still applies today) video games with a layer of pretentious on top.
The visual aesthetic wasn't bad, but that doesn't redeem bland gameplay.

elizabeth died

Simple, enjoyable, shallow-fun game. Absolutely terrible neckbeard ending

They turned an exploration based mainstreamed immersive sim into a corridor shooter with arena shooting sequences.

Elizabeth's boobs weren't big enough.

this is the only bioshock game i played. it was enjoyable

Nothing, you are just to unintelligent to understand it

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Nothing, great game, GOTY

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Mainly the linearity of the game. It never really matched it’s promising concept of big scale traversal and combat. It’s still a good game though.

The transition from Booker to Comstock was also a little far fetched I thought. Also needed more focus on Elizabeth’s tits.

absolutely everything.

Bioshock 1 & 2 were fine. Dare I say good. Infinite was a steaming pile of shit that game journos ate up like niggers at a watermelon field. it was inferior to the previous 2 games in every way. Stylistically and mechanically. it was dumbed down 'game awards' bait with a, quite honestly, pretensions and nonsensical plot. the game play loop became a linear arena shooter in an uninteresting setting. on top of that the story was shit, but for some reason everyone was sucking it's dick. it's only in retrospect people are willing to admit it was bad. I remember total cancer made a video about it saying 'finally, and intelligent story for us intellectual gamers'. yeah, about as intelligent as a man ignoring his bleeding rectum for a year lmfao.

Also didn't the DLC literally take you back to Rapture?

So are we getting Bioshock 3 or Infinite 2 because I could not give a single fuck about Infinite 2.

development hell followed by rushed release

Every time Lev had change of heart, they had to rebuild everything to fit new vision. Because of that by time they should be beta-testing, they had only bunch of partially finished assets. When publisher said enough is enough and threatened to kill project AND studio, they had to stitch it all together and release.
There was no time to build assets for storyline to make sense, which is why it relies heavily on plottwists and technobabble. This is also why combat is just generic shooter, it's system that doesn't require testing and tunning to work.

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shrinked tits

Call of Duty Gameplay. Masterpiece for that stupid audience, who loves waves shooters

>Journalists scores

Stop this pathetic argument

it's pretty ironic that best and most replayable game in franchise was the one outsourced to 3rd party developer

Does anyone actually understand the ending?
The one that made even less sense after the DLC came out?

They could have had a coherent satisfying narrative, but instead they tried to shove in all this 2deep4u shit in at the last moment

never understand how one comstock could survive. Makes no sense to me.

This. An early gameplay demo shows a level and assets that never got used in the full game. There's probably a lot more on the cutting room floor.

2 gun limit always sucks, halo and gears of war come to mind, both shit series

Literally everything about the game went wrong.

true, I like bioshock 2. the smooth game play makes for a good time waste here and then. also FATHER!

the art direction was fine

Multiverse theory suggest there are infinite universes, each one representing the outcome of a variable at some point. As a result some dimensions are very similar but at time goes on they diverge more and more as the differences caused by the initial split accumulate over time.
Infinite goes with something like that, only some events are always constant (like the baptism or the Lutece inventing plot devices). The baptism has only 2 outcomes, either Booker leaves and fathers Elizabeth or receives the baptism and becomes Comstock.
Later on, Comstock always takes Elizabeth from Booker and that kickstands the story across every multiverse years later.
So after Elizabeth unlocks her powers near the end she decides to travel back in time and kill Booker at the baptism, killing every Comstock in the process. As a result only the Bookers who rejected the baptism and had Elizabeth survived and she is never taken. Although I'm not sure if my interpretation is correct because it's left ambiguous if Elizabeth exists or not in the after credits scene.
Now this is bullshit because it's a grandfather paradox on multiple levels, but also because infinite universes means there's nothing preventing Booker from rejecting the baptism and going back the next day, that's a possibility. It also doesn't account for other events that might have caused a split, which we know exist because there are multiple Elizabeths present during the ending scene.
So either the DLC acknowledges that Elizabeth made a terrible mistake by killing Booker since there's no way to kill every single Comstock or Levine is a hack.
I personally lean towards the latter.

Great piece of art but shit game mechanics

Story is the generic try hard parallel universe, even with time travel crap which leads to huge amount of plot holes

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in the DLC eliz said that this is the last comstock

bullet sponge. boring gameplay. choices didn't matter

The game goes to shit as soon as they go through the first tear. Prove me wrong.

When it REALLY drops the ball is Comstock House, though.

But she killed every Comstock during the end of the base game, oh wait, she didn't.
I already explained my reasoning, either Elizabeth doesn't fully understand the rules of her own Universe or the story is poorly written.
Perhaps Burial at Sea was just a sad attempt by Levine to shoehorn his OC waifu Elizabeth into the original, superior Bioshock.

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the dlcs just dont make any sense. So i guess its just poorly written

Shit game but I love Elizabeth!

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These things are literally meaningless now. Rotten tomatoes even removes bad user reviews

It’s all so tiresome

Levine seems to be sick of working with Infinite (according to interview). It's no surprise he wanted to kill it for good.

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Still can't believe she ate her own pinky. What was Levine thinking?

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Steam reviews are only users who purchased the game. Every Bioshock is somewhere in the 90% range.

To be fair Elizabeth not knowing exactly how her powers work would make sense and be pretty good writing since she is shown learning more about her powers during the course of the game. But committing murder/suicide during the ending destroys everything because that can only mean she is fucking stupid for doing something like that while not being 100% sure what's going to happen.
"You only get 1 shot at killing yourself, nigga."
-Albert Camus, paraphrased.

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Shit game but I'd like to dress up as Elizabeth.

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>establish alternate dimension rules
>almost immediately use them in a way that diminishes the fact that these are separate worlds
>ending twist makes absolutely zero sense once you take infinite universes into account
This game was so far up its own ass, no wonder the fucking game journalists loved it. At least Elizabeth is good for lewds.

The opinions of the majority have no value

The opinions of the minority have no value.

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This. It still hurts.

The minority on the right hand side of the bell curve have plenty of value

>ending twist makes absolutely zero sense once you take infinite universes into account
I seriously can't believe Yea Forumsirgins still don't understand this. You can not like it but you're being obtuse if you don't see what they were going for.
No opinion is valuable. This goes double for an anonymous image board.

That’s wrong, I bet you think a medical opinion is worthless because you don’t know the definition of an opinion


she didnt deserve this shit ending in the second dlc

It's a shame we can't post lewds on this newly sfw imageboard.

Fuck jannies, fuck mods and fuck niggers I say

how does drowning Booker kills every Comstock in every universe?

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Holy based

I'm pretty fucking gay for Noire Elizabeth. Elizabeth is literally the only reason to sit through the mess of a game. Still worth it.

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am I going crazy? is this the exact same thread or a new one... did my comment just get deleted? wtf is going on

the threads run themselves, didn't you know?

BAS Liz has dried my balls the most among all 3 Lizzies. She has the best aesthetics of all. Amazing.

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The hero we need but don't deserve.

they didn't say nigger


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she is so perfect. it hurts

Why do people equate dining at pretentious restaurants as happiness?

its the memory of enjoying a moment of peace with someone you love
you wouldn't understand

You can do that at home


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Somebody free me from my human shell.

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Should have never left Rapture in the first place
>ywn play a Bioshock 3 where the US Navy discovers a dying and decaying rapture in the 70s
>ywn play Bioshock Infinite 2:Civil War

>Elizabeth never found a version of Booker to romance her

>terrible gunplay
>terrible pretentious """deep""" story full of plot holes
>le invincible companion meme

Or you can do it at a restaurant that has really good food to boot. You can't cook as well as the cooks in these restaurants.

They played us like a damn fiddle.

It was terrible. You played the first one. If you found it enjoyable you should find 1 and 2 more enjoyable.
Bioshock 2 > Bioshock 1 > Biochock Infinite
Bioshock 1 > Bioshock 2 > Bioshock Infinite

Bland gameplay and dumb story pretending to be smart.

>first one
worst* I'm too tired for this shit

nothin i still want to fuck her brains out

She was trash though, and deserved to die by that point. They should have stuck to the original plan for Elizabeth anyway, and not gone for this shit Shamalan twist.

They called it "Bioshock". Shit makes no sense, "bio" means water yet the game takes place in the sky. It should've been called Skyshock

Ok Rick & Morty.

>"bio" means water

Every thread there's one of you niggers even though nobody even takes the bait anymore.

He is still kinda right.
Bio means life and that made sense in Bioshock 1 and 2 because of the genetic manipulation, but there's none of that in Infinite.

Prey is the Bioshock sequel we deserved. It would have made more sense for Prey to be called Bioshock than Infinite.

Aiming too high and shooting too low.

Prey was a bad name to begin with and they only chose it because Bethesda owns the trademark.

How the fuck does all of the Elizabeth's killing ONE, SINGULAR, Booker, actually do anything?

True, and I wish it was sold under a different name because a lot of people who really wanted Prey 2 to happen are now mad at nuPrey because they think it's responsible for that. Prey is one of the best games I've played in recent years but Bethesda mishandled the marketing for it. Not only did they just slap the name Prey on it because it was their trademark, but it was marketed as a first person shooter horror game and not only is it not an FPS, it's not a horror game either. It was one of those games that requires a 30 minute gameplay video instead of a 2 minute trailer to really show you what it's all about. It's difficult to market immersive sims using traditional marketing methods.

>Does anyone actually understand the ending?

There isn't a lot to understand. The game wants you to think that Elizabeth killed ALL the versions of Booker during the baptism, killing herself in the process too. However, this is a giant plot hole and simply doesn't make sense within the framework the game itself sets up

>killed ALL the versions of Booker
not all, only the ones who became comstock otherwise the ending would make no sense at all

The ending makes no sense anyway. -

It wasn't 1 or 2.

Many things went wrong but one thing went Right, Elizabeth. The porn she inspired, and the "annnngh!" vibe she had, trailed a forgettable game to be remembered clearly even today. No joking here.

without her the game would be soulless

She was a terrible addition to the game though. You can't award the game extra points just because it gave your sorry ass material to fap to.

Abandoned the infinitely more interesting concepts that were in the vertical slice and playable E3 demo.

Won dozens of awards for the above shit that never even ended up in the final game, and they dared to use that in advertisements, up to and even after release.

Infinitely(No pun intended) more linear than the prior two games. Abandoned the more explore based and customizable aspects of Bioshock.

Ultimately wasted setting.

Abandoned most of the creepy elements of the series.

Admittedly turned combat into dumbed down Call of Duty clone arena shootouts
Brain dead AI.
Shit story that has nothing to say, muddied by time fuckery, which tends to usually fuck up stories, when not played for laughs.

No point to Vigors in Infinite's universe.

Game full of retarded NPCs doing retarded things that don't ever make sense, lazily written off as "constants and variables".

Elizabeth becoming deus ex machina god is really immersion breaking, much less the Lutece twins, even for the fictional "science" on display. She is basically a magic being, and for the most minimalist of reason, to boot.

Retroactively fucks with Bioshock 1 story.

Red herring Songbird. Don't even get to do anything interesting like fighting the creature.

Infact I don't award the game for her, but I award her for remembering the game after years.

I have masturbated to Elizabeth more times than there are atoms in the universe.

Her game was rubbish though

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Ken Levine deleted two completed games and they cobbled together what they had because the studio went broke from it. The result we got was literally made with what little they had left.

They fixed it in SFM

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Can you source that?

I worked at 2K Boston in 09 and was working on a game called Deep Cover. Project was canceled and I had to take a contract break.

I'd like to go deep inside Elizabeth's cover if you know what I mean.

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Do you know of any particularly stand-out concepts that were left on the cutting room floor during Infinite's production? Gameplay or story-wise.

For me this was the moment I knew I wanted to __be Elizabeth. Hard.

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Sure you did bud

Leftist propaganda.

Bioshock is probably one of the greatest games every made but fuck me the communist agenda makes it not worthy of this title.