Gonna start Prey soon. The only immersive sim I played was System Shock 2, and I enjoyed it a lot. What I'm in for...

Gonna start Prey soon. The only immersive sim I played was System Shock 2, and I enjoyed it a lot. What I'm in for? I heard it's pretty similar to SS2.

Attached: IMG_1162.jpg (1280x720, 127K)

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System Shock > Prey > System Shock 2

Play Thief TDP and Thief TMA next.

system shock>system shock 2>>>>>bioshock 2>>>>bioshock=prey>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>shit>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>biocuck cuckfinite

Its really good. The station they build is just filled with little details and really feels like an actual place where people mightve lived and worked..

I recommend playing it on the highest difficulty setting. This forces you to think about the way you engage enemies more.

>Being this wrong
The thinking man agrees

>unga rock one better than rock two! But rock two better than marble three

System Shock ~ System Shock 2>>>Bioshock 1>>>>>>>>Bioshock 2>>>>>Bioshock infinite>= Prey.

>being THIS wrong
SS2 > PREY > bioshock > infinite
haven’t played SS1 or BS2

Actual canon ranking:

System Shock > System Shock 2 > Prey > Bioshock 2 > Bioshock > Bioshock infinite

Listen to this guy The best parts of the game are when you need to macgyver an attack plan with a wrench, two shotguns shell and a toy crossbow

Second this.

Patrician taste

What the fuck is immersive sim you retard

It's shit.

It's how people call the genre of game based on a play-it-your-way approach, usually based on choosing between stealth/attack and technology/magic in a room-per-room basis

you talking about game or your life ?


>infinite being this high
what a faggot i bet you thought the ending was mind blowing and deep or same retarded shit

>thread immediately turns into rank faggotry

Duly noted. How's the Mooncrash expansion?

Attached: IMG_1163.jpg (1920x1080, 498K)

Pretty good. Start on the nightmare or very hard difficulty. It might seem unfair at first, but it makes you actually survive and think for the first half of the game, and rewards you with overcoming difficult enemies as you level up instead of steamrolling enemies throughout the game.

Attached: Morgan Yu.jpg (400x553, 89K)

moon crash is great because you can play different playstyles without having to replay the entire main game. it's a rogue lite so you play through the same 'level' multiple times but things change and you get further each time.

>rating Bioshock above anything
The game that didn't even have an inventory.

It's modern SS2 with extremely boring enemies and mediocre plot.

>play mooncrash
>every time there's a godray on screen the framerate dips from 50ish to 10-20
I bet Nvidia did this.

Bioshock > Bioshock Infinite

the pilot's treat and if you're gonna praise ss2 you don't get to shit on other games for bad endings.

Go play on nightmare and you are gonna have a great time. Prey is allows you to be really creative in terms of soultions.

>if you're gonna praise ss2 you don't get to shit on other games for bad endings

>typhons are boring
>muh plot
Didn't play it and came from Reddit.

All "immersive sim" style games have had barebones plots because that's not the fucking focus in them. It's more about the backstory and how you find it out during the gameplay while surviving in the setting. In such aspect, Prey is on the better side with stuff like Thief, and certainly better than hot garbage like Bioshock.

The pilot's great* fuck autocorrect

The plot's great* oh my god


If you enjoyed SS 2, you're in for a good time. While some people thought the story was weak, I thought it was pretty interesting with loveable characters like the Yu brothers. The atmosphere is great and at points breathtaking, and while the enemy variety is lacking, they make up for it with their surprise / creepy factor. Aside from that the gameplay is fun with lots of ways to explore and interact with the environment, fight your enemies and solve problems. Also the OST is amazing. Have fun OP

i miss cavemen Yea Forums

Yea, I really liked SS2, so anything that's more of the same would be a nice fix. Cheers user.

Fuck high difficulty, the biggest enemies are already a pain in the ass.

Prey>>>dogshit>>>vomit>>>cancer>>>everything else

>Yu brothers

>boring fluid enemy design
>only two actual guns
Besides that the rest is kino, setting, theme and gameplay is awesome.

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Or if you engage at all.

T: cheesed my way into the machine shop in Neuromod Division very early in game

Attached: dx shame.jpg (603x393, 43K)

absolutely based


Who cares about guns when you have the compression grenades

Male is the way it's ment to be played. Also better voice acting.

Is the first System Shock that good? I haven't played both SS games and I wonder if I should start with the first or 2.

Should have said Yu siblings yeah.

Interesting aesthetics, story and levels but poor gunplay.

It hasn't aged well at all.

it's ok but the real reason why u should play prey is the mooncrush dlc

System Shock < Prey > System Shock 2

It's not very good and it's not an immersive sim either. It's a FPP dungeon crawler. There's no immersive sim aspect to it.

Damn I wish Prey was still fresh to me. Played it like 3 times through and getting too full.