Game takes place in egypt

>game takes place in egypt
>it's always ancient egypt
everytime. are devs unaware of egypt's nearly 2000 years of history after the pharaohs?

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Yeah but nobody gives a fuck about that.


>he says, posting a game from after Egypt was ruled by fucking Greeks, and would soon become a Roman territory that would become Christian

Also it’s a lot harder to pitch a game about medieval Muslims, because Western culture is predisposed to see them as the enemies of the “good guy” Crusaders, and then after that is just Colonialism Times.

Ancient Egyptian culture is the one and only time that Egypt was relevant in all of human history. It didn't even see any good action in ww1 or 2.

and by uninteresting I mean interesting

>Everything after Ancient Eygpt is Muzzie shit

Yeah no thanks

the Muslim dude who took Jerusalem from the crusaders was egyptian but okay

That of being constantly bullied by someone else?
>Roman Empire
>The Black Death
>All Europeans at once

it was at least still ruled by pharaohs. greeks basically acted as egyptians.

The first game of the series was literally about this.


People who play Ubisoft games today were 8 when the first AC came out so it's not surprise they don't remember, or didnt get to play it

yes, and everyone but me shit on it even though it was historical Hitman with fun shallow philosophical arguments, then they made a terrible action game about a “””charming””” Italia superhero and killed the franchise

Look I'm not a huge Ass Creed fan don't make me defend it but that game is set like 2000 years AFTER the pyramids were built, how the fuck you gonna call that ancient?

most of them literally didn’t even speak egyptian and worshiped greek or new invented gods, what the fuck are you talking about

saladin was born in (what we know as) iraq though.

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Medieval Egypt was totally irrelevant to the Crusades and during the middle ages in general, beyond being a staging point for the fatimids and the rest. Culturally, political and military absolutely nothing of note happened IN egypt for nearly 1000 years.

Nobody gives even the slightest fuck about Napoleon curbstomping the turks.

>the last native ruler before nasser died 342 BC
jesus christ.

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in what fucking world is a staging point irrelevant to a war

if the place the soldiers come from doesn’t exist there’s no war, dummy

egypt had a hard life

I know that but ptolemaic egypt was the last period where egypt somewhat resembled it's bronze age counterpart.
>worshiped greek or new invented gods
there was some syncretism but I believe mostly native gods were worshipped

>are devs unaware
No, but most consumers are and the devs know this.

>Culturally, political and military absolutely nothing of note happened IN egypt for nearly 1000 years.
What? Cairo was literally one of the biggest cities in the world and eventually took baghdad's position as most important islamic city

Ancient Egypt was 3000 years of one of the greatest civilizations that have ever existed. Nothing afterwards can compare.

user you are aware the entire premise of the franchise in op is about fighting crusaders.

Ancient Egypt is the only cool Egypt. I've been there and i can assure you it's a fucking shit hole.

they were under foreign rule for massive chunks of that, what the hell are you talking about

The Templars in AC have nothing to do with crusaders outside of the original game other than borrowing some of their aesthetics.

Alright but the assasians are based on a Muslim organisation.

>no game set in 50s egypt
>no fps during Suez crisis

Because all the important conflicts of the crusades happened in the holy land. Egypt is relevant to the crusades in the same sense that the mongolian steppes are relevant to the mongol invasion of Europe i.e. a far away land where nothing important happens.

>Cairo was literally one of the biggest cities in the world and eventually took baghdad's position as most important islamic city
Being the capital of a caliphate is not the same thing as being relevant in a historical context. Damascus and Baghdad were consistently the centers of cultural, technological and political importance throughout Islamic history.

That’s why they date back to... before Alexander in the game’s lore.


2000 years of fucking boring history

Didn't Napoleon lose and flee back to France, leaving his army to die?

Napoleon was such a little bitch.
Good bless the British for taking out that angry manlet.

Are you idiots so fucking up your own asses that you wouldn't want to explore Arabian settings AT ALL?

Fuck arabs and fuck religion

Fuck you, too, asshole. Oh no, heaven forbid we get excited for some originality, but here we go again with the vikings.

>tiny brain: games set in muslim north africa and the middle east
>galaxy brain: games set in moorish spain

Vikings are white and kill christards and so are based and Odinpilled

>why do you care so much about our society's peak?
>don't you know there are thousands of years of our civilization languishing in mediocrity that no one cares about?

Fuck off faggot.

>Didn't Napoleon lose and flee back to France
He utterly massacred the Ottomans for two years straight despite being heavily outnumbered and his only major loss being a (disastrous) naval battle against the British.
However, losing his navy near the start of the campaign meant that he couldn't properly reinforce his army and he ended up giving up and withdrawing. However, once he had left, the Ottomans and British broke the terms of the withdrawal agreement and attacked the remaining troops, defeating them and then letting them withdraw anyway.
The moral of the story being that Arabs can't fight for shit, but you should never trust them or Anglos.


an Egyptian living in Khufu’s timeline has nothing in common with one living under Saladin, why are you acting like that’s one continuous civilization

might as well say “the Opium Wars were the height of Pictish civilization” except add several thousand more years onto it

I mean it's no ancient egypt but really. that's like saying medieval greece isn't worth visiting


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buh buh but egypt is part of his empire so it counts!

"Generic sandy muslim country that has been invaded occasionally" isn't as exciting or culturally unique as the time of the pharaohs.

Saladin was born in Iraq.

>Damascus and Baghdad
they were apart of the caliphates too.

Damascus and baghdad aren't in Egypt though, are they, moron?

they aren't but what's your point in saying cairo wasn't historically relevant just because it was in a caliphate? read up on the islamic golden age. guys like al haythem went to cairo to study.

they have to cater to the WE WUZ KANGS crowd

>AC Origins
>"ancient Egypt'"

Cleopatra lived closer in time to us than to the building of the Great Pyramids.

>they aren't but what's your point in saying cairo wasn't historically relevant just because it was in a caliphate?

The fuck are you even talking about retard? My point was that Cairo's status the ostensible capital of a few caliphates was irrelevant, because it remained a dead zone for cultural, military, technological and political events for the duration of the middle ages, regardless of its wealth and size.

> read up on the islamic golden age. guys like al haythem went to cairo to study.
Lol... jesus christ. Absolutely everything important that happened during the Islamic golden age, happened in Baghdad. Congrats on having a sub-highschool understanding of the top you're trying to lecture people on.

It's not even ancient Egypt in that one OP, unless you consider the late Roman Empire as ancient

What was he even doing on top of that pyramid and he does realise he now has to slide 300 feet of rough stone downwards, right? And its not as if he is invisible while doing so

>remained a dead zone for cultural, military, technological and political events for the duration of the middle ages, regardless of its wealth and size.
but that's wrong retard. it wasn't as relevant as it was during ancient times but saying it was a "dead zone" is very disengenious.
>Absolutely everything important that happened during the Islamic golden age, happened in Baghdad.
so I was right, you don't know about cairo's role in the islamic golden age. I already mentiomed al haythem but there was also Abu Kamil Shuja ibn Aslam

He was a Kurd.

Wait do you actually think we're having a discussion about this or something? The golden age centered around the House of wisdom and virtually all important scholars and works came out of Bagdad during that era, the university of Egypt was a backwater by comparison and produced only a handful of noteworthy individuals. This is a fact, regardless of whether you agree or not.

user, I don't know what reality you live in but that's verifiably not true.
>Meanwhile, Cairo flourished as a centre ofIslamic scholarshipand a crossroads on thespice traderoute among the civilisations inAfro-Eurasia. By 1340, Cairo had a population of close to half a million, making it the largest city west ofChina.
under the ayyubids and mamluks they BTFO crusaders and mongols, a feat few can claim.
baghdad/iraq indeed produced more scientists but to say egypt was a backwater by comparison is simply not true.

Same reason why you'll never see Germans as good guys in games.

he means the real ones


>when your country peaks in the bronze age

>Roman backwater
>Islamic backwater
>Islamic backwater part two, now it's personal
>Colonial backwater
>Pan Arabian vanguard seeking to unite the people of the Middle East
>Nope, back to being an islamic backwater

>Islamic backwater
Implying Egypt wasn't at its peak during the Islamic golden era

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are you kidding? everybody thinks the crusades were wars of aggression and consider them proof that christians are just as bad as muslims

you mean greece under ottoman rule? it really isn't, until you get you get to the war of independence

>Also it’s a lot harder to pitch a game about medieval Muslims
This, especially if the game is aiming towards getting into the Chink market. With Chinkna's current political climate, where you go to forsake being a Mudslime or gulag, a Mud-inspired game would not only tank but be banned or heavily censored that anything Mud-related is removed that it loses all meaning. Trying to tap into the Mud market it stupid because: 1) Majority of Muds are poorfags that there is little profit to be had and risks alienating other more profitable markets (esp. Chink), 2) It's gonna be most likely haram that either it's just straight-up banned or heavily censored.

>everybody thinks the crusades were wars of aggression and consider them proof that christians are just as bad as muslims
Sounds Jewish.

assassin’s creed sucks now

fucking RPG-style action bullshit

Cucked by Arabs, cucked by Persians, cucked by Moors, cucked by Ottoturks. It never ends.

The Jojo anime, and by extension fighting games, takes place in 90s egypt though. To be frank, it could've taken place anywhere else, and it wouldn't make a difference. That's why people use ancient Egypt, not the modern one.

Not in the AC lore. They were either based on some persians (First Blade storyline) or some egyptians (Origins end).

funnily enough the only really black dude in the origins story turned out to be a bad guy