Why did you stop playing siege user?

Why did you stop playing siege user?

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about two hours after I started

>giving money to ubisoft
I ain't that stupid.

My friends stopped playing
; _ ;

I haven’t even started. On that note, is it worth it? I’ve haven’t been in a military FPS since I dropped Bf1

But I didn't, 1300 hours and counting, will beat TF2 for my most played game on Steam quite soon.

Because they started changing all the maps to make them balanced around the eSports faggotry instead of fun to play.

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I didn't, but I suck at the game and Ranked isn't my thing.

Ubisoft gets lazier and lazier with every update.

I seriously can not think of a developer in recent memory so bad at developing that they have to take out a playable character and two commonly used items because they can't fix a bug otherwise. Genuinely retarded.

I still play though.

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Honestly? I just started again, because there's nothing else to stick with atm and it's still fun. It's just Arcade CS:GO, so even with its constantly switching problems it's still fun.

It was never good.

i really like the idea behind r6 but ubisoft lmao

i downloaded escape from tarkov and swtor in the same day and needed to delete a game

siege is 70+ fucking gigabytes

What do you mean? I will admit it's taking an absurd amount of time to fix the bug, but it's exactly what they should be doing in the meantime.


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But I never did!
Right now, the game is the most interesting multiplayer shooter with an active player which is not completely twitch depending.
Fuck the bugs and fuck the netcode though

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wait what happened? haven't followed the game in a while

sprint around qeqeqeqeqeqeqe

The reintroduced a bug and instead of fixing it removed some deployables like the the shield and locked out a character from being chosen.

Moronic woke pandering(that dumb fat bitch) and also a focus on e-sports bullshit like someone else in this thread mentioned. Fuck ubisoft and fuck socjus faggots.

because csgo is the superior game

Justify this

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There was a glitch that made IQ invisible involving claymores, people could wear deployable shields on their heads, and Clash could have her shield and gun out at the same time.

They just removed all three.

whats wrong with ubisoft?

What do you mean what do I mean? Having to disable Clash, claymores, and shields because they can't manage to quickly patch a bug is pathetic. It's been a week now, or maybe even longer. I lose track of time.
One of the newer operators, Clash, has had several exploitable bugs involving being able to shoot through a shield by exploiting movement after/while claymore and shield placement. This has been going on for a month now and they just took out the characters and the equipment all together, regardless of the character you're using.

i want to like it but the bullshit grinding out operators if you dont give all your shekels to ubisoft turn me off everytime i try

Never started bucko, I'm playing arma.

I enjoyed what I played back in year 1 when the BRs came out. What's the game like now? All I've seen of it lately are increasingly ridiculous characters and some ban-happy business with text chat.
Have the shield guys been improved since I last played?

Never started.
Don't really like the idea of getting automatically permabanned.

But that's just what I said. It's absurd that it's taking this long but there's really no other option.

when they added too much women """"operators""""

It became unbearable as a solo player. Every fucking game is filled with premades, casual is more tryhard and sweaty than ranked somehow, the new maps are objectively fucking awful and designed around esports faggots who don't draw big time viewers, people constantly trolling/tk/leaving for no reason, casual games being stuck on 4v5 for some reason the entire match, etc. If they add a solo only queue for ranked, I'd come back. As of now, it's a joke of a competitive game. Not to mention the shitty ass community who deflect any and all criticism. These retards still think ranked, where premades are paired against solos and elo/mmr is so fucking awfully inconsistent, is a competitive game mode. It's pretty fun if you got buddies though.

Yeah but you asked what I meant, which I don't know what you're referring to.

>increasingly ridiculous characters
I mean.. no? Everyone is quite balanced right now.
>text bans
Can't happen anymore, you just can't send a message if it says nigger or something.
Yes, hit boxes were completely reworked which fixed many issues with shields. Blitz and Montagne are both insanely good now.

I enjoyed it for a long time until they released agressive defenders, promoting spawnpeeking and general fuckery which took away from the feeling of a police simulator to a generic deathmatch rooty-tooty

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I still play it but only cause my friends on Xbox play it and we just shoot the shit while in lobbies. I hardly play the game by myself though, everybody just tries too hard even in casual games.

Spawnpeeking was in the first E3 presentation for the game ever, big guy.

So, either noone of you brainlets understand what's happening in both screenshots or you can't criticize your own shitty game.

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FUCK ubisoft

played since year 1, i dont like where the game is going anymore, the game was at its peak during year 1 and half of 2 and then ubisoft started to market their paid youtube shills and then the normie influx happened, now all ubisoft does is catering to reddit basedboys and idiots who spam oooo toxic toxxxxxxxxxic shit everywhere

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Fuze is cute!

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I meant ridiculous like off the wall designs or gadgets. Like the hologram character and all that compared to the original characters having more grounded stuff. It's good to know that it's well balanced though.
>Blitz and Montagne are both insanely good now
Very nice. The shield guys were some of my favorites conceptually but they seemed a little too weak back then.

Got bored of it and they released an obese tranny dyke.

Played since release. Have around 2k hours in it. Cant believe how much time wasted on it.

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I really hate what this game becomes at high rank playstyle.
Shit just turns into 3 speed TDM or Docs peeking every round.
I feel like it completely abandons the core gameplay that makes Siege unique.
I just wanna place my traps in peace man

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weird input lag I get on my keyboard and mouse

Why would I understand what's going on there?

The original characters included a guy with a nuclear detonation in his pocket so I don't think a handheld unmoving hologram is that far fetched.

I suck fucking balls at siege.

I dropped down the hatch on 2F bank elevator to first floor and somehow Thermite saw me running upstairs and shot me.

I mean, what do you mean by high rank? Most diamond gameplay I watch is actually quite chill and people actually planning shit. It's usually gold and low plat (where I'm fucking stuck) that I see the kind of shit you mean.

I also played since beta but I'm lucky I don't have as much of an adiction just fuck man the loop is good and it gets my heart racing but every time I take a step back to look at the game its just so bad

Because the shooting sucks

because the game is slow shit and the devs are faggots that cater to pussies

went back to csgo. basics feel better

They stopped improving the game and instead just added a shit load of random operators and other bullshit.

When they added Sasuke and Hinata to the game, looking back it was a good call since it continually got worse.

That's fair. I guess I was thinking along the lines of like the car battery, tripwire bomb, and a hammer.

I'll have to get back into the game sometime. I assume it's much more popular than it was before, with lots of scrubs for me to shake off my rust with.

They should have removed IQ, not claymores.

ops with gadgets fundamentally at odds with game balance like blackbeard's shield and maverick's blowtorch plus gadgets without grace periods before they activate like dokkaebi's phonecalls and ela's mines, plus clown masks and a community of immature weirdos

And how the fuck were we supposed to know that's what happened, you fucking industrial cock inhaler.

I dunno man I barely touch rank and usually play casual, guess that could be my issue since a lot of plats and diamonds just use casual to warm up.
Should I just bite the bullet and play ranked?

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Kinda wish they would remove Vote-Kicking in Casual/Newcomer and make it like it was before
No Team-Gadget being destroyable and no team killing shit.

Well, you all fucking faggots in this thread talk like you invented video games afterall.


>no Team-Gadget being destroyable
Destroying barbed wire at a later stage of the round as a defender, to not be audible for the enemy is absolutely necessary for the gameplay.

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Ranked is so much better gameplay wise, and after enough time you'll be "solidly" There so your matches will probably feel like actual matches

If you don't know you're too young to post here.

bad balance decisions
dull operator gadgets being an excuse to give them godlike guns
lesion being overpowered

funny that you're complaining about ubisoft pandering to redditors, because you obviously are one yourself. now fuck off.

because it suffers from the same syndrome as overwatch. the game is balanced around the top 5% players in top bracket. so fuck the 95% and lets pander the esports niggers and make the game unfun garbage for these ragebabies.

Piece of shit game-engine.
Devs who continuously fuck up regarding map design and game health.
Incorporating map reworks as part of the season pass, so that you are literally paying for them to fix their mistakes.

I never played siege but I hate esports so much for what it did for games I loved to.
And it's always the same, game comes out and it's all fun, then pro players whinning change game into garbage.

When I saw the design of Clash

>hurr durr black bad

My mains were Lesion and Jackal so it's hardly as if I'm racist.

This character is just fucking repulsive on every level.

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I'm not the guy you just replied but
Honestly dude she is ugly as hell


My main was Clash rip

I guess?

the guys are pretty chuddy too, does that keep you from playing them?

When they started banning people for wrongthink.

I still re-install it every now and then whenever I feel like giving it another try.
It's okay for a few days maybe but then I easily find my fun of playing the game getting replaced by that competitive feel and I start getting angry after every death or loss that happens to us, so I just give up on it for a while, I know it's not going to do anything but make me feel worse if i keep playing it at that stage.

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Holy fucking shit. Could you be any more of a passive aggressive little soi guzzing faggot nigger?

so no, huh

I think Clash is still better than edgy or lol so quirky bios and a fat dyke.

Because the free beta ended.
>Giving money to Ubisoft
>Playing a crappy sequel

At least she has some funny lines. Rather have her than gridlock.

Git gud shitter

aww you cant call people niggers anymore, too bad

The game seemed to infested with lootbox and mtx shit for me to enjoy it. Also a lack of a server browser or mods plus being made by ubishit put me off as well. I don't mind the gameplay but it seems to oddly place to quickly git gud.

If you want something more strategy oriented try competitive scrims. Find a team or use Faceit. If you're a brainlet or a bad teammate you're gonna get shit on even harder though.

Terrible balance.

Operators have become garbage, and they’re turning the universe into marvel.

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Because it got boring after 400 hours.Honestly, everything after Operation Health went downhill. I hate it so much, mainly because I know I used to love it.

The balance is better than it has ever been.

This. Game has become Overwatch tier. It's basically another LGBT Hero Shooter now.

the australian season was shit
I'm coming back for the next one

Reminder that R6 died with Ravenshield, R6S is a hero shooter and a disgrace to the franchise. Tom clancy would be turning in his grave to what Ubishit have done to his IPs

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give me a single good example where these things conflict with each other lmao

Imagine unironically thinking eSports faggotry is fun. Kys.

Headshots being an instant kill regardless of weapon, range or penetration combined with awful netcode makes the game terrible at diamond

When would you ever play a game without the intention of winning? Serious question, im trying to understand your loser mindset.

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absolutely not worth it. its not any better than playing call of duty or battlefield

Yea Forums isn't smart enough for this game, that's why these threads never have any real complaints about the gameplay just broad statements and whining about bios and cosmetics.

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This but unironically.
Somehow R6S is so fucking bad it makes Lockdown/Vegas/Vegas2 look good in comparison, and they are complete dogshit and irredeemable trash.

The original rainbow six is probably older than most posters on this board

rainbow six actually died with rogue spear my friend

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The netcode is comparable to every other shooter on the market.

you are probably one of the fags complaining when someone takes fuze for hostage situations

dont remember. wasn't really feeling FPS at the time and needed HDD space so i deleted it. was a little before that ugly shield chick. around that time started the retardation with automated chat filter bans and tk kicks, which is a terrible idea. the game is quite chaotic, FF happens, at least use the forgiveness system.

I prefer games where everyone can speak freely.

>Playing hostage

Most regular swears are not filtered you just can't spam nigger in chat anymore like an edgy retard. Also it's not an automated kick either it's logged and read by ubi.

Spoken like the idiot that fuzed the hostage

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Anyone have a DDL for this? Cant find any torrents with seeders on it. Will backup to /vr/'s mega if you do!

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They wouldn't look and listen.

Because they replaced the original dev team and turned it into fortnite. This is not what I fucking paid for

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>buy the game
>have to grind for shit
>have to keep buying the shit every few months

no ty

too many issues to list. really it would take me 10-20min to write it all out

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1. Shittiest sound system I've ever seen in vidya.
2. I don't like the idea of dying 9000 times before learning all the maps to not die from people who camp in awkward spots. If it had a gamemode with respawns so I could learn the maps more quickly, I'd probably play it.

I think Ubi is considering adding a TDM mode like this according to the last player survey.

It's not really "military FPS" so much as it is a bastard offspring of Counter Strike and Overwatch. It's objective based, usually bomb or capture area, with the very occasional hostage round thrown in. Every character (except the rookie) has a special ability, but it doesn't mean nearly as much as it does in Overwatch. The abilities are gadgets, not driving forces behind your gameplay. There's like four possible spots for an objective to be at on each map, and are randomly chosen each round (or voted for in comp), which is kind neat.

Not all operators are unlocked when you buy the game, and the game has lootboxes for unlocking skins and shit. But you can buy a super cheap version that only gives you like a total of 3 operators if you know you don't plan to use that many, and can ignore the cosmetics. Take it as you will.

Unlocking all the base operators doesn't take that long at all and older DLC ops are discounted. I think the base OPs are included in the standard edition but I can't remember. You also can't buy the starter edition anymore.

I didn't start, and I never will. Especially since Ubisoft tried to pander to the Chinese hordes, and failed (thankfully). Never mind what they've done to every good Tom Clancy game they had. What a complete disgrace of a company.

Best post in the thread

>60 FPS lock
>most likely vsync
What a fucking casual

The other shooters arent 100% centered around twisting your hitbox around in ridiculous ways.
Or have they fixed QEQE + crouch spam?

Crouch and lean spam both got nerfed recently. You slow down if you spam crouch multiple times and leaning doesn't move your hitbox around as much as it used too.

>You also can't buy the starter edition anymore.
Aw, that's bullshit.

Unlocking operators isn't hard, no, but it is worth mentioning. It's not like Overwatch where they just give you everyone forever. Not that missing operators is a super big deal anyway; I have a total of like six and I can get by fine.

>Aw, that's bullshit.
Starter edition was a scam why the fuck would you want it?

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I'm the sort of person that finds the one or two characters that really click for me, and then play them and nothing else. So buying a cheaper edition where the caveat is that not playing that style is harder is a pretty good deal.

I didn't
I wish I could I've been playing since the beta and no game is competing with Siege thanks to the Battle Royale meme.
The community went to shit in year 2 and the devs started fucking it all up after White Noise and I'm the only one stupid enough to come back so I just solo queue now.

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I feel like the majority of the hate she creates is down to that shitty render. They really should of used the render in her bio. I'd take her design over Dokk or Gridlock.

every map since villa has been super overdesigned with like 8 callouts per room, it's like playing siege on citadel station
Outback did a good job of at least making the rooms distinctive but in shit like fortress every room looks the same

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I just didn't enjoy the core gameplay of slowly crouch walking around the corner and then dying instantly because I got shot through a tiny deathhole.
Plus the whole having to grind for characters isn't appealing to me.

Fortress needs to go, god what were they thinking?

>The community went to shit in year 2
actually in year 1 with skull rain.
in vanilla and Black Ice people where friendly as fuck and didn't mind fuckups.
With Border it was just radio silence and with skull rain you could feel how all the csgo fags flooded in.

>and then dying instantly because I got shot through a tiny deathhole.
if only there was some kind of gadget you could scout with...

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Assuming it's not destroyed in the set up it, then it makes the game even slower and even then it can still be destroyed. If you enjoy that good for you but it's not for me.

>Assuming it's not destroyed in the set up
If you just drive straight into the objective every round for spotting points instead of saving it you're a retarded copper.

Yeah. I think we were overflowing around the introduction of global abilities/Tower/Vigil where the average player didn't give a fuck about anything that made Siege unique.
I was hopeful during the SAT/GEO/Health period though.

I don't play games where I can't call other players nigger faggots

I'm not sure what you expect me to reply with, I'm not going to play the game again just because you insult me. Actually, that's another problem I had with the game. Competitive ragers flooding unranked games and either leaving because your team is losing or frothing at the mouth because you "play the game wrong".
I'm here to have fun, thanks.

Anyway, game isn't that fun for me. I'll wait for Ready Or Not and hope it's something like SWAT.

Because I refuse to pay for unlocking additional characters, it's a matter of principle.

And unlocking the characters without paying requires way too much grinding, it's way out of proportion.

Insistence on putting more dyed hair college girl operators in with the navy seal copypasta as their bio. If anything was needed it was maps really

Clash should be removed, that's good news. Ugly bitch

>better be stealthy by launching a fucking impact grenade on barbed wire revealing my position

Fucking retard. Nobody in pro league has ever purposefully taken out wire for footsteps.

s2 when the game went into hero brawler territory.
had a lot of fun when game was weird, buggy wtf csgo with a destruction twist. remember when people used breaching charges unironically and guarding the objective was the only strat for defenders? i do. fuck ubijew and "we want league of legends with guns" attitude.

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>a fucking impact
nigga punch twice

I'm just bad at it.

>and guarding the objective was the only strat for defenders
yeah because sitting around for 3 minutes while the attackers breach open every wall and ceiling is lots of fun

I didn't though


Either way the barbed wire is more valuable where it is instead of some 3 speed retard worrying about steps

once i hit diamond every season i stop playing until then next, game is ruined by faggots crashing the servers when they are losing on xbox

because the gameplay is shit


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>console wars in 2019

>shooters with a controller

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it's not a war my dude, consoles are objectively shit for fps games. let alone the xbox

Because they removed operator outfits from past seasons. I was working on farming White Noise outfits for the characters I want, but poof you could suddenly no longer purchase them. So I quit.

who cares?

People who don't have downs

The anti-cheat system they have doesn't like my "not so genuine" copy of Windows 7

i guess i have downs, have a good day sir.

Beacuse it went from being SWAT to Blops 4. If I wanted to play Blops I'd play Blops. Since I want to play SWAT, I'll be playing Ready or Not when it releases.

Its fucking shit.

Hit detection has gotten worse and worse
Blitz faggots need to fuck off too.
Shield fags are the fucking worst.
Rubber bullets.
Takes you forever to kill someone but somehow everyone 1 shots you.
New Operators are fucking shite
Catering to the fucking SJWs
>say bad word people don't like get banned
Stupid event lootboxes etc

>ever remotely resembling SWAT

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played since beta, knew the game had potential and glad ubi stuck with it. but then they added all this social justice crap, banning you if you say certain things, new ops suck dick and its got boring as fuck.

I have it installed and play it with friends, but right now I'm playing hades and liking it a lot

it's even better when you realise just how much that deployable shield glitch has been fixed only to appear again in the next patch

where can I find this image?

1 co-op mission
no recruit only mode
literal children team killing you because you did 1 thing they didn't like
accidentally injure a teammate and there's a 70% chance they will kill you right there and once you spawn next round

They added a Rank 50 and under mode with a limited selection of maps. Good place to get your bearings.

I play on Asian servers, it seems significantly less toxic. But lots of loud ass Chinese.

only bronze/copper niggers hate this game

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Have 115 hours in the game and haven't played since august of last year, I just want to go back to beta/first few months of release where you could easily join a game with milsim dads fucking around

Played for an hour on a free weekend and it was shit

>retard about video games also posts literally who thots alongside his posts
Epic bait my based nigger

>"ok, shields where a bad move and have been a mess since release"
>"probably won't do that again"
>"besides this one time, but what could go wrong?"

unironically stopped playing when they started to add a female character every update waifuincels killed the game
Give me a mode where you can only play the original ops and ill come back to the game in a heartbeat.

Well, 115 hours is a respectable amount of hours played in any game. You probably got your money's worth and then some. If you don't enjoy it move on.

its not the games you fault you get grouped with coppers, you just suck and now you blame the game

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Yeah, when they added Clash, I lost a lot of interest in the game.
I'm British, it just felt like a personal insult.

a lot of it was grinding for new ops so not really

Never played it because I knew the community would be saturated with faggots like most "competitive" games. Wait a few years and laugh at them while they eat each other and bitch about their own community. Never fails. Enjoy your aids.

>Back when ela came out
>Really hyped because i loved the SAS and wanted to get a new character
joking with friend i say shes going to be a black female
>tfw a year later i was right

How do you grind for ops? It's pretty easy to get new ones and the gameplay is already pretty fun with the standard operators.

casual and terrorist hunt, 75% of those hours were during the period of the community being what it is. It took awhile but I gave up

Terrorist hunt is pretty shit, but casual's not so bad. I've got about the same time as you played but it's all been in casual. I get the feeling ranked is gonna be full of tryhard spawnkilling assholes

Got to Diamond in ranked with a team like a year or two ago then quit because it was boring and every new operators gimmick just made the game more and more unfun

Becuase Ubisoft don't understand what made the game great, they should have focused entirely on quality of life after they released Jackal and Mira because those were the last operators they made before the game started going downhill.
Lets take a look at some of Ubisofts great Ideas.
>Operator that can see you through walls if you move at absolutly no risk to himself
>Operator that can stun you, fuck your sensitivity, and has a high RoF weapon with 50 rounds.
>Operator that can silently cut through walls with no way of stopping him and kill you beofre you notice the tiny hole he's cut.
>Operator that can tank more than one headshot in a game built around a single bullet heatshot system.
Not to mention some of the awful map design seen in
>Hereford #2
>Bartlett U.

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and I forgot to mention
>Operator than can sprint at you full speed, flash you, and proceed to oneshot you and who is bulletproof from the front.

played a lot for a couple years
can't just keep playing the same game forever
fun game would recommend. I won't play with you though.

Afraid to drop something on my keyboard in chat and get banned

The entire operator shit is fucking awful. I want my own loadout with the weapons and gear I enjoy and not get stuck with whats left because everyone picked faster. The operators themselves are all shitty fanfic selfinserts that are cringey at best. It sucks dick waiting forever for the slow ass matchmaking to do its thing only to get TK'd at the start of the match and have everyone quit.

Too many characters, not enough maps. I don't care how unique or interesting their new character from whatever country their finger landed on when they spun a globe is. It doesn't mean anything if I'm still gonna end up playing against them on the same maps I was playing 3 years ago

>play wrong
>spout misinformation

>get told what to properly do
>ignore all advice
you have two drones by the way retard.
stop posting till your older

My main reason to quit was how long it takes to unlock the different ops even with the normal edition of the game. I even did pay to unlock the Y1 ops and I still feel dirty about it.

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Couldn't be bothered to memorize all the cameras and spawn spots to avoid getting gunned down in three seconds.

It stopped going for intense realism and started going for overwatch

I don't play games where banter and trash talk lead to an effective revocation of my ability to play the game.

They reworked pricing, older operators are now cheaper, and base game ops are free for everyone.
No refunds on your purchase goy

Because it's yet another low TTK crouchwalking shooter.
I'd rather play fast-paced shooters than these corridor monitoring ones.
I don't find these fun in the slightest. Maybe with friends when you're actually being tactical but I'm 30 and all my friends are either wasting lives with wagecucking or drugs.

The game started getting weird after operation health and the next season didn’t help so I took a break. Tried it again last year but they fucked the sound completely and I asked my friends what the fuck happened and they just said yeah, it’s trash now. So I gave up and won’t bother trying again.

There's so much waiting and not enough having fun. MM takes years. Operator selection takes decades. Niggers with toaster PC's loading takes milleniums. The fucking prep phase is completely disinteresting. Then you die from one bullet within a minute because some guy was sitting in a corner watching the exact door you peeked through and you have to sit there doing nothing the rest of the round.

It's tedious as hell to play.

Around the time they introduced Clash and whathisface. Had around 500h on it.
Being temp-banned for calling something I did "autistic" was the cherry on top.

I uninstalled it 'cause I haven't played it in months.

i wish i could
but what other good fps are out there right now?

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Yeah, I'm going to have to agree here. Even if Siege doesn't end up being shit I can't support them in good conscience.

too much autism for my taste
I like shooting at people but not the tactical part

I agree with you on most of that, but Plane, House, and Favela are enjoyable simply because they aren't the same boring box shaped commercial building\ that like half the maps are.

I couldn't handle console toys.

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Hitreg looks better than when I last played

>base game ops are free for everyone.
Not anymore. They changed the unlock system again back to the original system so base operators cost 500, 1000, 1500, and 2000 renown for an operator in a base CTU

A lot of little things, but two big things:
First they unlocked every attachment and basic op for everyone, for free, but didn't refund the points to everyone who already bought them. It felt like we were being punished for having played the game for so long while new players were getting everything without having to grind for it.

Then they decided they were going to force you to give them your phone number if you wanted to play ranked. So I uninstalled and never looked back.

Single handedly because of shields.
>lol you have a turrent that's spewing out bullets that easily destroy walls?
>well this dude holding a thin plastic shield with 1 hand can tank all your bullets without issue

How about every map that they are redesigning.
Nu-Hereford is the most obvious example

I have mouth, and I scream

It's on your stat page on the official Siege site.
R6stats is better I think but the official one is alright.

the beta ended

>E3 presentation
If thats the basis for stuff in the game then where's my helicopter insertion, slower gameplay, and graphics?
Also where are all my custom operators?

this is like a completely new meta! I have to guess consoletards use shotguns and shields a lot more.

do you prefer the operators elite skins or tthe operators being faceless nobodies. Like wearing masks and all that.

Attached: 1550819918652.gif (280x224, 842K)

they're not faceless nobodies though, they have names and voices and you're supposed to like the characters.

This, before op health the game was buggy, but it was never too horrible. You would occasionally see a foot through a wall or something, but then OP health hit, fixed these minor issues, while still keeping the same shitty servers. Then add broken ass ops like ela and don't fix them for a full year. Me and all of my friends have quit right now. But my Hispanic friend is going to want to play again when the Mexican op comes out, unless they make it a woman

>Yea Forumsirgins still seething over operators like Clash and Gridlock
>they say nothing about Nѳkk

Attached: r6-operator-nokk_conceptart5.jpg (1920x1065, 663K)

I meant in the sense of characters not having their face revealed

Clash is just shit all the way around
>shield on defense
>shield that slows and damages you
just fuck her.

Gridlock is just ugly but most people consider her fun to play at least. she's just the newest one so its easy to bitch about when she's always on the home screen.

nokk is just a recycled useless subpar op with shit guns.

>shield that slows AND damages
That's probably my biggest problem with the op. Aside from simply being cancer in a 1v1, I'd much rather her having either a slow or something that damages. Both seems a bit much.

>Rainbow is the absolute elite individuals of special branch military around the world
>And a british beatcop that beat up racists in south London
Fair enough they want to make a screeching nigress, but it was so hamfisted on every level.

Rainbow isn't really consistent with what they grab to be fair.
>fbi swat
>navy seals
like I get that its supposed to be elites from different sections, but none of these ops mesh well with each other from an operation stand point. the way SAS handles incidents is far different than how FBI would ever conduct their handling. It might give you different views, but whatever route you take results in a bunch of operators who suck at that specific field.

Because all the good operators are OP pay to win pieces of shit. Game is unbalanced. I’d maybe get into it if comp required everyone to play as recruit or something, and actually made the game fair and balanced

Its said in (whatever remains of it) lore that this current version of Rainbow had to grab people fast when they reactivated. They just started grabbing the 'best' from different parts of the globe to react to the terrorist threat. They were allowing some people in despite their psych profiles (like Caveira who is a flatout sociopath).

Alot of this shit wouldn't fly if Ding was still in charge.

yeah this is the first time im legitimately disappointed with the ops
no new guns, shitty boring skills
at least the aesthetics are cool
i dig both daddy and edgy froggirl

I didn't, It's so much better now and I can finally ban Monty and Echo every match next season
>posting clips from Y1 and Y2

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I like the aesthetics, I'm even okay with nokk's ability, its something I'm probably going to use a lot even with her shit weapons.

But 100% recycled abilities and weapons, jesus fucking christ.

that looks like the bathroom from facility in goldeneye

I went from bronze to gold over the last season and nothing fucking changed when queuing solo.
TK/ragequits/no communication/retards in every game and still getting matched against 5stacks and smurfs all the time.
Fuck you. This game is literally unplayable solo, you have less a 20% chance to get a decent team.

This. I have it because a mate bought it for me because he wanted me to play it.
I quit because im a normalfag who doesnt have time to learn 5000 peak angles per map. The gunplay is bland, the fun in that game is in the strategy and skills, which also need learning
That and lol 55GB update bro

spbp why do triple-a shooters nowadays have to be hero-based and have abilities is it really just because overwatch?

was going to buy it but then i saw theres a tranny character. not supporting degenerate mental illness shit

Attached: nigerr.gif (540x304, 2.58M)

Fortress is like the 2nd or 3rd best map in the game. Put effort into actually learning it, retard.

Looks like a nigger Thinman from xcom.

I built a new pc and I couldn't ass myself to install the game again. The new operators were aids though
>hehe if you don't stare at a reinforced wall for the entire game I can make a small hole and instant kill you
>early Grim Sky clash instantly switching to her gun
>Stuns in a fps Nomad
>Kaid's 80 damage pistol with no recoil
Maverick was fun to play as but aids to play against. Speaking of Siege, did they add the Thatcher rework already?

Didn't start and from watching gameplay or reading discussion I'm glad I didn't

Still no TDM or Attack and Defend with respawns like in Vegas.

>25 years old
Can't match the reflexes of 16-20 year old zoomers anymore. They are just faster.

>You and enemy peek around the same corner and see each other at the same time
>zoom zoom has faster reflexes because of age so he gets the kill
This game is anti boomer.


>replaced the original team

what tranny character?

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>>Operator that can silently cut through walls with no way of stopping him and kill you beofre you notice the tiny hole he's cut.
maverick is shit

The second i got banned for saying fucking shit.

I'd say ubishit's incompetence has a silver lining, now you don't have to watch out for claymores and deal with the annoying anchors behind shields.

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interested when it was about down-to-earth realistic operators vs operators
lost interest when they added bunch of bullshit

They killed it last year, the game is garbage now and only getting worse.

Because it's shit and Ubisoft are the worst fucking devs on the planet.