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Orc Warlock masterrace
Never played with Orc nor Warlock, nor caster, it's time to try it out

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Cant wait to play a blood elf death knight!

Ah… ClassicPvPRealm17... Shard39... Layer13... Asmongold group 7... Home.

Hey buddy, I think you got the wrong thread, the retail thread is 9 pages down.

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I really want to relive that shit but ain't nobody got time to level to 60

>Donated 77 dollars
Holy shit, how can you be this mentally ill?


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give me a rundown on asmongold

In short, he's WoW's DSP.
He's not very good at the game, he's a mount farmer primarily.
He's fairly popular and people hate him because he's popular and not a pro PvE or PvP player.

Also for some reason his face infests your Youtube recommended videos no matter how much you say you aren't interested in that shit fuck.

That's because he doesn't use Youtube himself, 50 different other people clip his Twitch stream and upload it to Youtube.

People hate him because he’s an ugly annoying faggot who cries all the time cause he sucks at WoW. No idea what his fans see in him

Layer 3... Home

How do you ignore everything I said and reply like this?
He's a mount farmer, why are you expecting him to be good?

>Wow eats years of my life
>Finally free
>No temptation to play it anymore
>Wow classic is drawing me in
>Fond memories of vanilla and raiding bwl
>This game is going to eat even more of my life
There is no escape but death

And he’s an ugly annoying cunt. Why watch him do anything? He is vile