So why didn't you get into PC98 RPGs?

So why didn't you get into PC98 RPGs?

Good old JRPG or dungeon crawling gameplay, but with cute girls in peak anime aesthetic.

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because I can't read Japanese
none of these games have fan translations so I'd rather look at the pretty pictures

Because I can't speak moon, and because 99.9% of the art looks like ass when it's on anything but a CRT monitor, so emulation wouldn't be the same

Why would I play Japshit if western RPGs are superior?

Why not learn Japanese?

You're on the other hand, are hopeless.

You obviously wouldn’t if that were the case.
But it’s not, so play JRPGs.

I ain't got the time, man. I wish I could, though. They are A E S T H E T I C as fuck.

Slightly unrelated, but I'm looking at PC-98 screenshots now.
I would murder my own mother in cold blood for a movie adaptation of Snow Crash or Neuromancer, but with an art style kinda like Spider-Man Into The Spider-Verse, except instead of comic book print dots, it's pixelated to look like a PC-98 game.

Attached: 594674-possessioner-pc-98-screenshot-fancy-area-of-the-city.gif (640x400, 47K)

But user you get to look at the same repeated faces with different colored wigs over and over. What's not to enjoy?

>you are only allowed to learn Japanese for shitty vidya and anime
The absolute state of weebs

Where did I say that? I also used it to get accepted to a Japanese uni and move here.

But the wealth of content if offers is nice too.

Mostly because I already failed learning Mandarin but also because of the time. I might someday, I used to go to the Yea Forums threads on it but they suddenly stopped appearing. I no longer browse Yea Forums though.
I'll just keep looking at the pictures. If I do learn though, the first thing I'll play is Garage: Bad Dream Adventure, before I try any JRPGs.

what the fuck are these file names

The beginnings of the games' names + some random letters.

Attached: ten.gif (640x400, 42K)

Attached: tenn.gif (640x400, 32K)

PC98 also has some action games, but scrolling wasn't the hardware strong suit.

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I'd love to play these honestly but yeah, can't into japanese. I think a translation group would do really well.

Attached: 72634385_p0.jpg (1076x1522, 280K)

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Attached: romm.gif (640x400, 32K)

We need this kind of aesthetics back, as far as I know there aren't good PC98 emulators and the games don't have english localization. What was the last game like this anyway? Va11halla? It's good but I NEED MORE

still playing/translating Metajo

it's really good but I'm at a part where the enemy is making a bunch of cute girls do suicide bomb attacks and it's sad

There are good PC98 emulators. Like 4 of them.

Attached: romelf.gif (640x400, 46K)

From the thumbnail I thought her shoulder pauldron things were hamburgers

Glad I wasn't the only one

same bro

Attached: romm.gif (640x400, 42K)

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This is America.

Attached: gunb.gif (640x400, 16K)

Play Shin Megami Tensei.

I wish people actually appreciated old school JRPGs instead of just posting screenshots from games they don't play., you can tell vaporwave/futurefunk ironic weebs apart from the real deal if they use buzzwords like aesthetic.

How do I get into obscure Japanese games when I don't read moon?

You don't, I guess.

Well you're in luck because one of them actually is getting a translation.

Attached: Possessioner 085.png (1280x300, 93K)

By some N4?


Attached: 1539089565699.png (640x400, 49K)

The hacker isn't the one doing the translation. We've got no idea just how qualified his translator is, but if it ends up being shit then it's just another reason for EOPs to learn. And if it's good it's still just one game. There are many others out there that remain without a translation.

Attached: Guardian Recall 136.png (608x288, 49K)

I am of the belief that once someone gets good at Japanese, they lose desire to translate for EOPs.

So the ones doing it aren't likely to be good.

>work hard
>don't share the fruits of your labor with lazy shits who didn't work hard
WTF I'm a republican now!

I'm not American, so I don't know what those labels like Republican mean.

>just learn another language bro
>just buy a retro monitor bro
>just setup your fucking dosbox bro
Its a goddamn 90s anime girl. Why do I need to go through effort, why does her being pixelated "add" to it? Why does it look like literally the same fucking art from all anime of the time? Are the devs really that lazy?

I mean, you just download the preset PC98 pack, select the game's HDI and go.

Va11halla was a pale imitation.

Because I already played them when they came out.

Wasn't Cecil a guy's name?



